#okay im sane again
coldresolve · 4 months
are you a torture apologist, or are you just dumb
... said with all the due diligence this subject warrants, etc etc. i’ve written posts about this before, it’s fallen on deaf ears, people either aggressively ignore it, or they go out of their way to take me in bad faith, and when the latter doesn’t work, they fall back on ye olde reliable: tone policing. but we’ve had that conversation too, haven’t we? it’s my culturally determined value of blunt honesty versus your culturally determined value of politeness. i express my opinions in a way that’s admittedly harsh and hyperbolic, and in so doing, my intention is to treat you like someone who is mature enough to distinguish my point from its delivery, and emotionally well-adjusted enough to deal with whatever the fuck some rando on the internet has to say about what you wrote. i also do it because its more fun this way. are we still cool? ffs lol
the thing is, right, it’s fucking easy not to write torture apologia. very straight-forward and simple, in my humble little opinion. you learn what the usual arguments are, and then you try to avoid accidentally making them – a bit like how, when you learn that white supremacy is a thing, you typically then go on to try and not write some wildly racist shit. same principle.
and i genuinely don’t understand why people are so opposed to this, specifically. they don’t know they’re doing it, which is fine, but then when you try to let them know they’re doing it, on the off-chance they even acknowledge that you said anything, they’ll hit you with an “its just for entertainment,” or “it’s not that deep.” so you tell them they sure seem to spend an awful lot of time weaving torture apologia into their vapid, shallow entertainment. and they don’t like that, jesus. but what else are you supposed to say?
i figure i just havent bullied people hard enough about it, honestly. and by bullied i mean pointing out the mindless use of torture apologia as plot points in the slop everybody writes. i would happily tell all of this directly to the writers of 24’s jack bauer, but those guys aren’t here, so.
you probably won’t be surprised to learn that the majority of the myths surrounding torture are rooted in facistic, reactionary thinking. might makes right is big among people who endorse corporal punishment; the ends justify the means is in play when governments try to excuse the use of t-, ahem, enhanced interrogation tactics. allegedly.
and among a much, much longer laundry list of bullshit i’ve seen spewed – oh, not by shady governments, but by you:
torture as an interrogation method yields reliable information
some forms of torture are more sophisticated than others
torture makes people obedient
torture used as a punishment deters unwanted behavior in others
brainwashing is a thing that is possible (usually through torture)
it’s not torture unless it leaves a physical mark on the body
see to me, it’s fucking easy to rework that scene in your story where torture results in the perpetrator gaining trustworthy intel. fucking easy to reconsider that arc where a character gets rewired by torture into passive obedience. fucking easy, when writing a story, to not accidentally send the message that torture is a tool that works. but hey, allow me to really dig my teeth in.
you drumming up your torturer as “skilled” in the “art” of torture feeds real nicely into the myth that torture works as an interrogation method, here under the condition that you should at least do it properly. is that what you believe? or do just believe that there’s an extra special way to cause extreme physical or emotional destress in a person which, for vague unspecified reasons, superceeds all the other, more amateurish ways one could go about it? the former would make you an direct torture apologist – the latter, a fucking twat. ask yourself why “some torture methods are more sophisticated than others” is an idea that needs to be perpetuated. who benefits from that idea? who would feel really validated by that idea? which government on this green earth of ours, hypothetically speaking, could use this idea as a way to paint their own acts of torture as more cultured or civilized than, say, hypothetically speaking, the torture used by those other nations where the brown people live? allegedly.
alternatively, your little good boy slave fantasy seems to imply that being subjected to torture will make a person obedient. is that what you believe? is it true that might makes right? say, wouldn’t state-sanctioned corporal punishment be justified as a tool to make people obey the law, then? no? okay, hear me out then, cause this is really out there, but. could the idea that violence is a tool that makes people more compliant with the demands of their aggressors, possibly maybe perhaps, be something you only find it acceptable to greenlight as the result decades of war propaganda? naaaaah. fiction isn’t reality, and it means nothing, and victims of torture are weak and malleable and broken, and also what they say can’t be trusted cause they have no real fucking agency anyway. fuck me.
“but elias,” i hear you say, “how am i supposed to write an interesting story that features torture in a way that’s in accordance with scientific consensus on its effectiveness and/or consequences? realism and compelling storytelling are diametrically opposed to one another!”
here’s my take: you just straight up lack creativity. cope and seethe.
if you’re interested in writing about torture, read up on what it is, instead of assuming everything you’ve been told by military-sponsored action movies is true and valid. we’re talking about some pretty extreme facets of human behavior and psychology here, but ones that none the less exist in reality. the bare minimun is to not buy in to the myths and propaganda surrounding it. the next step is to write what it can look like in reality. the big boy galaxy brain move is to write torture in a way that challenges the status quo on how we culturally view torture, and how all these false myths affect victims and perpetrators alike. you just have to fucking think about it.
torture for information doesn’t work – but your perpetrator might be convinced that it does. so instead of going the easy route and proving them right – explore how they're wrong. show torture failing. show your perpetrator’s desperation as they gain nothing. they conceptualize their actions as the lesser of two evils, but whoops, there is no second evil. hows that for a change?
is there such a thing as “torture lite?” does it make any real difference whether it leaves a physical mark behind or not? where do we draw the line between interrogation and torture? is that question not interesting enough for you?
is complying with demands under threat of torture the same as genuine obedience? maybe your victim is forced to pretend in certain ways, through feelings of absolute powerlessness. their survival is pitted against the guilt that comes from following the demands of their perpetrator/s. the sense that they’re betraying themselves, the hatred they feel against their aggressor for making them obey, which is otherwise completely uncharacteristic of them. they’re never reduced to a blank slate, there’s always an internal conflict. what if they reach a point where they have nothing left to lose? real torture makes people more defiant. human beings are amazing at adapting to impossible situations. how is that not a wicked fucking cool thing to explore?
brainwashing isn’t real, but your victim’s loved ones believe that it might be. this means that their attempts to talk about their complex feelings toward the more humane sides of their torturer, or recount moments of a strenuous mutual understanding, are met with vehement denial from the people who are supposed to facilitate their recovery. “don’t talk about him like that, he hurt you.” and a desperation to get people to understand that it’s just not that simple. they’re not just saying it because they’ve been brainwashed – people just aren’t black and white, torturers included. the way they feel compelled by the pressure of their loved ones to just… keep quiet about that aspect of their trauma.
here's a fun fact: not only is torture absolutely useless at everything it sets out to do, but rates of PTSD are equally high among victims and perpetrators. the latter is something called participation-induced post-traumatic stress, or perpetrator trauma. you see it in murderers, too. nobody talks about that. and i get it, it’s a touchy subject, we wouldn’t want to portray torture as something human beings do. but, and here’s my counter-argument: maybe reality is just messy and complicated. and maybe exploring that messy complicated reality in fiction can serve as something interesting and worthwhile. emotionally cathartic. no?
if you read up on torture in psychological studies, regarding the psychology of both victims and perpetrators – and possibly also read some sociological studies about how governments have used a lot of the myths i’ve mentioned about torture to excuse their own actions (allegedly) – you start to get an idea for just how comprehensibly it fucks with people, and how effective that propaganda machine has been. real life torture is not rare. torture will continue to not be rare as long as people believe in the idea that it is useful. so maybe it’s a good idea to approach the subject with a little bit of thought beforehand, you know? we could approach fictional depictions of torture with the same amount due diligence we take with the topic of rape or child abuse, instead of, you know, literally affirming all the myths that justify its use and then brushing off criticism like mine in that aggressively uncritical fiction-isnt-reality,-depiction-isn’t-endorsement,-zero-further-introspection way.
or whatever. maybe im just a big meanie, i must be fun at parties, etc
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calamitys-child · 2 months
How to take a rest day bc of brain fog and physical exhaustion without feeling the most emotionally wretched it's possible to ever be
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seashell-telephone · 5 months
just finished the burning god and the end of the poppy war trilogy and… i was so sure i knew what would happen but i did NOT and now im crying… again…
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megabuild · 6 months
i realised why this is getting me so badly btw it's because. i made a post a while ago saying that last life was painful as fuck for me to think about but it was manageable because etho doesnt get too hard into the roleplay and just sort of chills and laughs and doesnt show much signs of distress when bdubs is very clearly manipulating and dragging him into this toxic ass relationship. okay well now imagine me making that post and ethoslab seeing that and going im gonna fucking kill this guy
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roughentumble · 19 days
so obsessed with taylor swift's fame being a feminist acheivement when her career was bought for her by her daddy btw. she grew up on a christmas tree farm and got all the music tutors she ever asked for and when she wanted to make an album as a teen her dad pulled some strings and used his money to buy her an album, but that was definitely an Acheivement For Feminism that she got to record where thousands of other talented but disadvantaged girls did not
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poisonouspastels · 9 months
actually im kind of thinking abt how all the main players in the AU are probably way more mentally Not Great than it may appear at first
#like Alex is constantly worrying she isn't doing enough for her family and pushes herself way too hard physically and mentally bc of it#no one expects it out of her but she kind of just got herself into that mindset and ends up hurting herself by pushing too hard usually#(Rana is working with her to help break the habit)#Herobrine lived in caves for like 7 (I think. im too lazy to go check the rough timeline rn) years straight#like i already dont have to explain why thats bad on its own but hyperfixating on a dead civilization that long#to the point where you almost entirely forgot your first language is Worse.#he's had so many spider bites and eaten parts of spiders that he's literally just immune to the venom now#Rana you'd think would be better off since she's like the traditional happy cheery character but I guess that's also why she's Not#being happy is a choice to her. she's lived through some of the worst shit but she keeps persisting because the world needs more love in it#she's going to be happy out of spite despite all the odds and she wants to give that to others as much as she can#this girl walks in and out of the Nether every other month for potion ingredients like how 'okay' can she actually be really#Steve is probably like the most normal by comparison#but im not really sure how sane you can realistically qualify yourself to be when you've previously done DIY top surgery with a sword#that was not a fun day for neither Steve nor (pre transition) Rana but it worked! please dont do that again#no one else do it either neither of them would recommend it#he's not traumatized from that or anything but ill be damned if the gender dysphoria didnt win that day#but at the same time so did he. via the use of like 20 healing potions#thanks Rana#minecraft au mastertag
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gothhyrax · 7 months
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lombaxfloof · 8 months
No one follows me here but I don't think I'll ever go back to twitter again. I've been working on a super long alister/ratchet fanfic for the past two years and forgot to draw in the meantime so i never got around to updating anything there ever again and now im too ashamed to show my face lmao... I may just use this acocunt if I continue posting art and just hope for the best 👍
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metagalacticx · 1 year
#it’s really fucking cold rn#also i’ve been sad for like a week and it’s got better sometimes but things keep happening so every time i think#im okay it’s fine… something else happens and it’s like well fuck now i have to deal with this exhausting ordeal again why do i have#to suffer so much#but it’s okay because everything happens for a reason and maybe this is the universe trying to tell me something#like keep taking your fucking meds#but also stop being so emotional and stop wearing your heart on your sleeve#but i refuse to regret thinking i was ready to be a real person again#I wasn’t ready but i refuse i simply refuse to regret believing that i was okay?#anyway it’s kind of unfair how i tried my best and january still turned out awful#like i just wanted one nice thing#but anyway this month has always been for life-changing decisions and i made one today as i do every year#so everything’s fine now#i can’t believe i’m saying this but i can’t wait to go back to work lmaooo#if i’m busy i won’t have time to cry right?? i won’t have time to dwell on stupid inconsequential things i can’t help but notice#sometimes i wish i couldn’t read wish i was illiterate i’d be so sane rn if that were the case <333#i would feel so secure and everything would be fine <333#anyway i’m thinking about morey because they are the only thing worth thinking about atm and they’re everything to me also 💖💖#morey supremacy i wish the teen wolf movie weren’t real skdjdjdj#STAND BEHIND ME COREY 💖💖 i won’t let them hurt youuu 💖💖
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veloriium · 1 year
do i really want to go by the name damien or am i just autistic
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mieltelecheycrema · 5 months
its insane how good and bad my luck is head in hands
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shararan · 7 months
Pretty sure hades 2020 is partly to blame for destroying my thumbs. I spent soooo many hours playing it like obsessed its one of my fondest gaming experiences for sure... but man last time i played it i couldnt fight at all 😔😔😔
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bees-dont-like-me · 7 months
My dad trying to be a jerk and say I look like a girl and thought he thought he was looking at twins while I sat next to my mom will always be hilarious to me and I will ride the high of him saying I look more like his daughter than his son even though he was trying to be a jerk about it.
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pixie-but-unscripted · 11 months
do i do it. do i put my lego problem (emmet) on main. from the priv. so that the artists can see theres at least one person out there who loves their work casue they cant write any shit i write on priv. god help me i am TERRIFIED but i also want them to know i appreciate what they do immensely.
theres this one wordgirl person that posts a lot of cool art on it and even tho wordgirl is edutainment i still feel unbelievably cringe abt my emmet problem (i love him too much)
like he (and consequentially, rex) are like the one part abt these movies i care abt!! some others too yea but its mostly them!! its not like its the paw patrol movie its just got a small fandom why am i so scared GRAHH
anyways ahah. do i put it on main or do i remain silent, on one hand i rlly wanna reblog it on main, on the other im very scared to
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t4rt4gl14 · 1 year
Genshin men x reader drink among us potion at three am (not clickbait) (gone sexual)
AMONG US POTION. AT 3AM [ 100% REAL!!! ][ 18+ ]
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★ [ fem!reader. dom!reader. handjob. blowjob. edging. overstimulation. praise. degradation. bondage. blindfolding. cockslapping. toys. nipple play. dacryphilia. aphrodisiac. ]
A/N: it been a month :( BUT IM BACKK >:) i got the juice and personally i LOVEEEE this one defo one of my favs <3
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for god knows what reason, you had ordered an ‘among us potion’ which in reality was just a red drink laced with aphrodisiac labelled ‘IMPOSTER’. LETS TRY IT AT 3AM!!
“alright 3AM among us potion challenge!! drink up childe!”, and with that he swallows the aphrodisiac in one go. unbeknownst to him the funny feeling in his pants begin to swell to the point where it’s just obvious he’s horny. cheeks red, breathe heavy whilst his hips are unable to remain still and to make matters worse your teasing doesn’t help either. sliding your palm under his shirt and down his toned body, rubbing the fabric over his hard cock; he whines out however he moans even louder when your hand dips into his sweatpants and slowly jerk his shaft, “mm a-ah hold on! m’sensitive, feels..o-ohhnn!~”, back slowly arching out as your pace increases.
he closes his eyes and basks in the pleasure, while you bend down to suck on his tip and stroke the rest of his thick length, “m’gonna cum! cumminggg! oohh nghhn c-cumming!~”, childe grabs onto your locks pushing your head down further- forcing the rest of his length down your throat as his cum paints the insides of your mouth a gooey white. poor childe he looks so debauched from a single blowjob </333.
kaveh stayed up all night just so he could participate in this ‘3AM’ challenge with you! such a sweet s/o, even sweeter when the tears of pleasure stream down his pretty face, the tip of his cock a fuzzy red as the cockring continues to vibrate— i mean he has already orgasmed but the aphrodisiac makes him so sensitive!! why not play with him for a while??, “good boy! it’s okay you can cum for me again, shh shh it’s okayy”, your praise is the only thing keeping him sane; whilst he mewls and cries with his body shaking vigorously, “nonono! c-can’t cum again! mmnghh!~ oh my a-archons t-too sensitive p-please!~”
and so, his second orgasm causes him to scream, hips bucking as the cum shoots from his tip, splattering onto his stomach. chest heaving up and down as a means of catching his breathe; kavehs sure he’s just had the best orgasm he’s ever had in his life. he definitely won’t be opposed to this ‘among us potion’ again ;)
now i’m pretty sure dilucs just playing along for your sake of course but at 3AM he desperately wants to sleep however! it all changes when you pass him a mysterious glittery potion, “trust me, it tastes great!”, so he happily drinks until after a few minutes he starts to feel a familiar feeling his abdomen, burning and needy, cock hard and twitching, nipples yearning for touch. being the lovely s/o that you are you immediately begin unbuttoning his pyjamas and pulling down his trousers. pushing him onto the bed; biting hickeys into his skin whilst stroking his cock, soon snaking your tongue to his nipples, you never expected them to be that sensitive! one lick and diluc whines out, “aah!~ h-hey that’s..!~ mmngh! oohhnn.”
diluc cant help but near to the edge when as you continue lapping at nipples although just as he’s about to cum you stop all movement completely! “gonna c-cum..cummi- huh? hey! i-i was so close y/n…”, you simply told him if he wanted his release he would have to beg. this is embarrassing to diluc however he’s too horny to care. “p-please! let me cum! wanna cum so badly please please!!”, since he begged so nicely you stroked his cock till diluc finally spilt his cum all over your hand, whining and mewling all the while. what a sight to behold <333
oh poor thoma, so innocent :( there should be no reason as to why he’s getting punished right now! his cock an angry red as you continuously slap the tip, and with each slap his entire body twitches with a hoarse mewl, pre cum smearing your fingers and substituting as lube whilst stroking his cute dick. he can barely recall previous events all he remembers is a challenge to do with among us at late night?? his back pressed against your chest, you continuously kiss his forehead as he throws his head back onto your shoulder in ecstasy, hips unable to remain still as he spasms from each slap.
and it’s not long before thoma let’s out a guttural moan, eyes widening, back arching and the tight knot in his abdomen snapping loose; “gonna cum gonna cum! cummingcumming cu-MMING ANNGH AA!! ohmnghh!~”, he’s never ever felt so good, that sweet honey pleasure completely washing over him, who knew slapping his cock would deem such a reaction out of him?
alhaitham took your challenge lightly as he sat there with his book; casually reading about quantum physics whilst you explain the ‘spooky 3AM imposter challenge’, as you can see he is extremely interested in his book so you quickly gave him the potion and watched him read, observing how he slowly lost focus, how his breathing quickened, a tent forming in his pants; suddenly he shut the book and shyly asked for help whilst looking away and who were you to deny?~ alhaitham lies on his back as you gently tie the blindfold and rope around his wrists, slowly stroking his cock, “what a whore, could barely focus on that book of yours..tied up and toyed with like a slut”, a smile creeps onto your face as your degradation causes his cock to twitch. it’s arousing to see the stoic alhaitham moan and mewl out like a bitch in heat.
you decided to tease him with an onahole, lubing the toy up before plunging his cock inside, the squelches that resonate eggs you on to go faster whilst alhaithams lost in the moment, “feels so good! mngh oh please please please!! wa-nna cum!..g-gonna cum!”, and he finally felt bliss; ejaculating into the onahole as his hips buck up. “mmngh cumming! s-so tight..g-god~..”
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hyewka · 5 months
imagine dominating a yandere soobin
warnings. dubcon/NC, sub soobin
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yan!soobin who has you pinned down to his bed his hold unrelenting against your wrists, no doubt creating red marks around them, the intensity of his ramblings increasing and increasing by the second that it scares you shitless, frozen under his looming figure. “you know im doing all of this because i love you right? i love you for fucksakes. i love you.”
you shake your head timidly because this wasnt love, any sane person knows that—no, everyone knows that, even soobin. he knows it isnt love.
when he leans down closer to your face, trying to kiss you, you kick him again, still attempting to struggle out of his hold but that only serves to press against the tent in his pants, soobins breathing hitching—suddenly getting heavier to your horror. “soobin. let…me…go.” you try to keep your breathing in control, not letting your voice break, pleading.
he shakes his head, eyes crazed and desperate. “no, no i wont. i wont. i love you. i cant. ive—ive done… everything for you, i-”
the moment you feel his hold weakening, you yank your hand, immediately going to strike his face—out of pure outrage, the fact that he has even an ounce of audacity to convince you that hes somehow doing you good, that he’s owed anything for his insanity. but then you regret it. so deeply. seeing his bangs fall over his eyes with his head turn to the side and his cheek flushed red, your hand shakes, your whole body trembles at what he might do to you now. he looks even more deranged.
but when he turns to face you again, his expression is totally different from what you expected to be met with. his brows pointed up, eyes clouded, and lips apart, panting.
lust. its lust.
“do anything, do everything. i don’t care.” he picks up your hand up to his cheek again, smiling—smiling. “use me, be angry, slap me, bite me, its okay baby i can take it.”
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