#okuda yumeto
wanderer-stan · 3 years
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𝗛𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗔𝗦 ◈ 𝗞𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗻𝗼 𝗬𝗮𝗶𝗯𝗮: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 - 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 (𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗝-𝗟𝗢𝗗𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝟮)
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nyxravessnow · 3 years
Rambly Patalliro stage review
Stage Patalliro 2021 Foggy London Airport Arc Review
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Today I finally managed to see the delays of the first and last day of the new 2021 Patalliro stage.
Overall, I will rate this show as a 9 out of 10.
I don't know if I'm giddy just because I watched the show today and have been really looking forward to it, and especially since I didn't enjoy the last 2.5D show I was looking forward to I might be projecting a bit onto this show. But I did enjoy every second of this show and can’t wait to buy the dvd.
While there were things, I was very nervous about for this show, I was also very excited as a lot of actors I really love are in the show.
 I just wanna say anything I say about negative fan reaction is of course not most fans. Most fans stayed quiet and just did what they wanted, I’m just talking about a few fans whose comments I have seen floating about. 
I was very nervous about the hostility to the new cast which I felt was unwarranted. Obviously, this wasn’t from most fans but was just from a very small amount of them. Hostility to the company and how they handled the graduation of the previous cost and the handling of the bringing in of the new cast is completely justified. However, this new cast is full of people who truly love the show and were very excited to be in it and no one had seen them on stage as those characters and so I feel like hostility towards them was undue.
The main reason this made me nervous was that I was worried if the show was bad the director and the company would not be the ones blamed but the actors who merely were doing their best in roles they were cast in. 
I am so glad to say that I believe the show was fantastic. I believe that they lived up to the legacy of the previous cast and have started a good new tradition for their next shows and any cast that follows them.
One thing that really shocked me but also spoke to me about how this show most likely wouldn’t have happened without a new cast, was Kato Ryo Crying out of happiness on the final day of the show. Kato Ryo is known for never breaking character and not breaking down on stage which shows how much this show means to him. He was truly happy to be on the stage performing as Patalliro again, and it did seem as if he had also bonded to this new cast as Dai instantly went to give him a hug which he returned. He spoke about how it was amazing they could make it to the final performance as he didn’t think they’d even make it to a first one. I believe it is not too far-fetched to say that he might be referring to the fact that Nelke and the 2.5d association mostly likely said that they would not continue the show with Tsune onboard. As before Kato Ryo said he would only continue the show if the cast didn’t change and that seemed like a serious change.
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I have seen comments that Maaya-sensei didn’t like the new cast and that he was completely unaware of the change in casting which I would be very surprised by. 2.5d shows have to sign off for new shows with the creator of the original and also you could see that Maaya-sensei’s family had bonded the new cast greatly. Giving the show a standing ovation and kept waving to the cast on the final night.
I know the re cast is a very difficult topic for people who likes the old cast and don't want to see a new cost, for people who liked the old cast and are willing to see the new cast, for people who didn't see much of the old cast but excited for the new cast or for people who like the new actors coming in and so getting into Patalliro for the first time. 
I believe that as long as you are not attacking anyone your thoughts and feelings are completely valid and if you only liked the show for the previous cast then you have every right to just ignore the new shows and just watch the three amazing instalments from the old cast. You are valid and I hope you have a lovely day/week and hope that this awful situation (covid and the such) isn’t being too bad to you.
 In my opinion if this show was the result of the recast, and that if it hadn't happened we wouldn't have gotten another show, then I'm very glad it happened because I think this show was excellent and another fantastic instalment under the name of Patalliro stage. Under the cut I will include a spoilered review of the stage but before then I just wanted to say some of my basic thoughts for anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled for what is in the show.
 Acting: All the acting was fantastic. There wasn't a single actor who I wasn't entranced by and I was enthralled and engaged the entire show. I think every actor performed their roles perfectly and to the best of their abilities.
 Singing: Obviously the big stand out for singing in this show was the transgender actress Nakamura Ataru as she was hired for her singing voice, her being a professional singer. However, I think everybody performed extremely well. I continue to be a little frustrated with the use of recorded singing for everybody except for Ataru, as I believe the music they have on it is too loud and it makes it harder to hear a lot of the singers and I also feel it's not necessary to record the songs as all of them are professional actors who can definitely sing on stage. That being said, I fell in love with every single song in the show and thought they were all amazing.
 Directing: I think a lot of very very wise decisions were made about this show. I was worried this show would either reflect too much on the previous cast or just not mention them at all and pretend it didn't happen. Luckily the stage did neither. I will get into more specifics and my spoiler review, but I think they handled it very well with having stuff for new fans, old fans and fans who would be irritated by seeing knew actors continue on jokes that previous actors started. In regards to other sides of the directing, I believe it was same as always, very good for the type of show it is. The comedy was very good but due to only having seen two shows I can't say how much was the directing and how much were the actors just being funny, because this is a very funny cast.
 Casting: I believe every actor in this stage was perfect for their roles. This may be a controversial opinion but after seeing Dai and Yuuya act opposite each other I am very glad that Sana wasn’t brought back. They couldn't continue to have Tsune in the show as 2.5D does not have the kind of reputation yet where they can have an actor who has committed crimes in their shows and back him for if he ever did something again then it could do a lot of damage to the industry. Nelke and the 2.5d association are companies and in order to keep putting on shows and paying actors and all the staff they need money. And to have money, they need a clean reputation, at least while it’s still relatively low in popularity. I do not wish Tsune ill at all, I think he is an excellent actor, and I really hope that he does continue acting but I completely understand why he was not cast in this show again and why that led to a recast of most of the cast. I think that Sana was excellent as Maraich in every way he embodied the character. But having been in quite a few previous shows together Yuuya and Dai already had excellent chemistry, and I think it would have been quite odd to see Sana as Maraich acting opposite a different Bancoran. I can't imagine any actor having better chemistry with Dai’s Maraich than Yuuya’s Bancoran and visa versa. And I really hope that with the end of lockdown and quarantine, and everything calming down a lot in terms of physical contact on stages they will be able to show the bond between their Maraich and Bancoran even more. (They didn’t actually kiss, converse to what I’ve seen some people reporting about how Nelke wanted to pretend everything was fine by making them kiss.)
 Well enough on them, the Tamanegi. I think all of them were completely perfect for their roles and they all handled it with enough seriousness to make the comedy different enough from the past cast and therefore make it their own but also for it to actually be funny. I cannot wait to see this group in more shows together and see how much funnier they can become. My only slight complaint, and it is very slight, is that one of the Tamanegi is 19 years old, therefore underage, and it made me slightly uncomfortable when he took his shirt off. as I am now an adult watching the show. Having not been an adult when I watched the previous two, I do rather approach it with different eyes and that was something that I wasn't very comfortable with but I do understand that everybody isn't me and it would have been a bit strange if only one of them didn't take their top off.
 Other cast members included Damian, the Maaya man and Ataru the ‘singing princess’. Again, all three of them were amazing, I was especially impressed with Shouta as Damien as I believe he carriage the emotion that came with that role excellently. Knowing what kind of personality Shouta has off stage, it still makes it slightly weird for me to see him playing less-good characters but I cannot fault his acting. I will cover the other two cast members in my spoiler review.
 Anything else: I think the staging was excellent, prop work was very good and they obviously worked very hard on this show.
 That will do it for my spoiler free review underneath I will get into a lot more detail on things that I liked, disliked or just wanted to comment on.
 If you're stopping reading here thank you very much for reading and I really recommend if you weren't sure about this cast and weren’t sure how much they'd put into these roles and how much they would love them I can assure you that these roles have been trusted to people who really love this show and are working very hard. If you are considering getting the DVD but aren’t sure, I really recommend that you do get it if you like Patalliro and don’t just want to see only the old cast.
 If you have any more specific questions about the show, I will be happy to answer them so just drop me an ask.
Spoilers under cut (Warning, it is very long)
God, where to even begin. This show was so good. They combined old stage Patalliro, with new directing, a new cast, and a really interesting arc. I'm going to separate my review into story, acting, singing/songs and directing, as well as mentioning some extra stuff that I might think of at the end.
 I will illustrate bits I’m saying with pics but pics cannot do this show justice. And I’ve bolded where I begin each section so it’s more easy to find.
 So first, the story. As someone who doesn't know the exact intricacies of this arc, I do know roughly what happens I just couldn't remember all the specifics, I think the show was set out in a very non confusing way compared to other Patalliro content. They did make the story a lot more linear and wasn’t showing stuff that happened at the same time as other things too much which can sometimes hurt my brain. Even with all the flashbacks and flashforwards I felt it was really easy to keep track of what was happening when. The story had a very clear and defined beginning, middle and end, and I just thought it was very well done.
 Acting, with occasional dips into directing and story when appropriate. As I said before the acting was amazing. I had chills, the entire scene with Damien, Maraich and Bancoran. I think they balanced the comedy and tension very well and didn’t try to undercut all the serious scenes with comedy which is my main complaint with a lot of gag manga/anime/stages. Except during Maraich’s more emotional song where one of the Tamanegi was still wearing bdsm gear which I thought was a bit hmmm. I’m not rly gonna cover Kato Ryo bc he just is Patalliro at this point.
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Maraich and Bancoran, despite having very few scenes actually talking to each other, had undeniable chemistry. Dai and Yuuya, sold me on them being a couple immediately with the way they looked at each other and how they held each other. Their final scene before the end together where Maraich lay in a hospital bed and Bancoran was clutching his hand gave me so many emotions (First night he held his hand and final night he kissed him). I was 100% sold on how much they cared about each other, even if they might fight a lot in the end no one will ever love the other more than they do, and I think that that is what makes this couple so special. They have a true unconditional love for each other and they would, quite literally in Maraich’s case, throw themselves on a bomb for the other one.
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 Bancoran. I think Yuuya played Bancoran so well. You could see the character maturing before your eyes as we moved from 15 years previously to 12 years previously, to 10 and onwards until the normal time. And you could see the vulnerability he had with Damien and how that was still there but how he truly loved Maraich and that the vulnerability he has with Maraich is different. While Damien didn’t tend to let his guard down around Bancoran, his relationship with Maraich is a lot more give and take and I think he played all of that expertly. I know how much Bancoran cares about Maraich is a lot more vague in the original but I think that was partly as a product of its time and they somewhat had to make some humour out of these two men being in a relationship without flat out making fun of that aspect. So, I am very happy that the stage lets these character’s be in love and despite everything, truly show that they care about each other. Also, he did make me cry a few times when he saw Damien broken, Maraich with Damien as his heart broke seeing that happen to the man he loved but also breaking for the trust he put in a man he had once loved as well in the final scenes where he has clearly decided to kill Damien but is still holding onto a feint hope that maybe, he is not completely lost.
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Mariach. Wow, just wow. He was not super present in the beginning, but he was the standout in the show in my opinion. His Maraich was so so different to Sana-chan’s Maraich and yet he was absolutely true to Maraich. He approached Mariach from a very different angle and I am so glad we are lucky enough to get both of them playing Maraich. He seems a lot more mature, like he has definitely been with Bancoran longer. He gives him more trust and isn’t as quick to be jealous as well as very quickly understanding Damien and how important he is to Bancoran, asking Patalliro not to tell him anything until they were sure which is different to how he acted about Bjorn/Andersen in the last show, they are different situations but I do think it represents character growth. He was a lot more aggressive in his fighting and anger though, as shown by his heavy metal solo as opposed to the softer ones of Sana’s. Despite all that he still was clearly in love with Bancoran and still showed his cute side. As well as expressing more deeply about his love for Bancoran with one of the Tamanegi but more on that in the Tamanegi’s bit. The scene with Damien was done so well by everyone involved. They clearly condemned Damien’s actions, showed how disgusting what he did was and created incredible pathos for Maraich while also showing Maraich somewhat unaware of what had happened and during the sex scene with Maraich and Damien, Dai showed Maraich’s desperation to hold on Bancoran and love Bancoran, so well, and it broke my heart.
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Damien. I don’t remember too much of Damien from the original but Shouta played him excellently. He showed the progression of this man who loved Bancoran to a man who was willing to throw him away and murder him so well and it was believable despite not seeing almost anything except his interactions with Bancoran or Bancoran/Maraich’s feelings about him. When he held Bancoran at the end, asking why he was fighting so much and why he wanted Damien to kill him, despite Damien obviously being the villain you couldn’t help but feel sympathy for this man despite everything he’d done. (Also I think there is meant to be a parallel between him holding Maraich and him holding Bancoran)
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The Maaya man. I thought the actor himself was very good, but I am a bit confused about why he was in the stage. All the Tamanegi played multiple roles, changing costume, and there is only one of him, so I am not too sure what the benefit from having a single Maaya man was but it’s a very small complaint and mainly about logistics rather than show quality. Especially as it certainly didn’t take away anything from the show having him there.
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Nakamura Ataru – The singing Princess. Oh. My. Lord. Her voice was phenomenal, and she was gorgeous in every single outfit she was in, reaffirming to me that I am very pan (Not just attracted to the men in the play but also this gorgeous woman. I am not saying I am pan because she is trans). What was a surprise to me is that she was genuinely really funny. In the scenes where she was meant to be funny, I laughed a lot and she definitely has expert comedic timing.
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The Tamanegi. I am going to separate a few of them who were reasonably important and group the rest in together.
 So, the ones who did not play major roles in the show were: Emoto Koki, Ookubo Tatsuki, Sagawa Daiki and Hoshi Gouki. They were all very good, played their parts well and I don’t think they could have done better. It was very interesting to see Koki in a bdsm outfit but besides that there wasn’t anything super memorable about these actors’ parts.
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Harashina Motohisa. Motohisa played the Black Tamanegi and served as somewhat of a leader for the Tamanegi in their scenes. Given that he was the only 2nd season Tenimyu actor in the cast and was the first name in the list of Tamanegi this was pretty much the role I expected him to play. He was very good, and his high voice was super adorable to hear after not hearing it much from his roles.
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Okuda Yumeto. It was very surprising for me to see that Yumeto was the Tamanegi who travelled back into the past with Patalliro to see Bancoran’s past. Not only is he the youngest of the Tamanegi but he was also last on the list of Tamanegi names, I might be putting too much onto that list, but I did think it was gonna be kinda going from highest ranked to lowest and from most importance in the show to lowest. I was kinda right and wrong about that as the four most important were the two first names and two of the three last names. He did get to sing a little in the Bancoran and Damien jazz sex song, more on that later, and I thought what he did was good. 
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Nakata Ryouta. (Yes I am saving Tsukasa for last bc I love him). Out of the four he had the smallest role but still had a solo bit in their trio song (trio is the name for a song where 3 people harmonise and have solo bits if you didn’t know, bc lol I didn’t) and was somewhat important to Maraich. I thought he was very good despite it being his first stage show and he had a lovely voice. He and Tsukasa made such a cute couple.
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Taguchi Tsukasa. Warning, he is my favourite actor, and I am extremely biased. He was the best actor in the show, no question.
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Joking, he didn’t have too much to do so obviously he didn’t shine more than Dai-chan, Yuuya or Shouta for example. He had two scenes with Maraich and while he didn’t do much in the stage overall it was clear how much of an impact his character, Tamanegi no.35, made on Maraich. He confessed to Maraich his love for his fellow Tamanegi, no.19, and spoke of their love and how special they were to each other which was never ridiculed or made fun of but was an exceedingly human moment and as a lgbt person it really touched me. He saw the love Maraich had for Bancoran and he and 19 did everything they could to help him. Without them, Bancoran and maybe Maraich as well, would most likely be dead as they picked Maraich up and brought him to Bancoran as well as getting Plasma X’s armour to protect him. Maraich, so far in the stages, hasn’t really had a friend. He always has just had Patalliro, shown by Patalliro being called in the 2nd stage to help them with their argument despite Maraich not liking Patalliro that much and this Tamanegi offered help to Maraich without judgement, just empathy, and I thought that was really special. I know, due to the nature of this being based on a gag manga and knowing Patalliro, that in the next stage they will likely not get another scene together but I can hope as their second scene with 19, 35 and Maraich might be my favourite scene in all of Patalliro content.
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I know Tsukasa is a massive Patalliro fan, in a live he said he went to the previous show between 4-6 times and I have rarely seen him smile as much as he did in the finale of this show. It obviously meant so much to him to be in a show he loved and I’m incredibly happy for him.
 There were 9/11 songs in this show. (9 if you don’t count Cock robin and Foggy London Airport which Ataru only sang a little of on stage but is an album exclusive)
 These were:
 1.      Wow Patalliro
2.      I can’t see your
3.      Maybe we could meet again? – Mata Aeru Kashira
4.      Foggy London Airport
5.      Sexy dudes!
6.      To leak out – Moreru
7.      Kiss me Bancoran
8.      Cock Robin
9.      Don’t overlook me – Misugosenai
10.  My special person - Tokubetsu na hito
11.  Forever Patalliro ~ Grand Finale
 1.      Wow Patalliro
This opening song was such a bop and I don’t think I will ever get it out of my head. It was very different to the previous first songs, much higher tempo and energy which I think was interesting as this show felt slower than the previous two shows which I thought was interesting. Shouta, Damien’s actor, was having so much fun dancing around in the bg and it was adorable.
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2.      I can’t see your
God Ataru’s voice. Her voice was gorgeous in this song. This was my favourite of the 3/4 songs she sang and this is from a person who doesn’t usually like ballads. The contrast between the fast pace of the first song and the slow pace of the 2nd song was so well done. And it was such a good song to have the cast list play during as kinda a more formal opening as the first scene doesn’t do much except to show that Bancoran is acting strange and so isn’t super related to the rest of the stage.
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3.      Maybe we could meet again? – Mata Aeru Kashira
I love the club singer vibe of this song and Maraich was so cute with Ban clapping along in the back. It was a nice soft scene before all the angst and trauma in the rest of the scene and it was really nice to see them on a date together.
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4.      Foggy London Airport
Don’t have many thoughts as I didn’t really hear much of this song, about 2 lines, but I’m sure it’s amazing if Ataru is singing it.
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5.      Sexy dudes!
I love all the Tamanegi songs so much and I rly liked how different this one sounded, much like all the songs in this show, I like how the Tamanegi are built up in this song to seem so good then they having the dumbest dance ever, it was amazing and the final day with all of them stripping killed me. Of laughter bc of Daiki wearing a shirt that made it seem like he had abs and of other things bc of Tsukasa stripping. (I think Daiki might not have been comfortable showing his fully chest so I’m glad they allowed him to just wear a pretend ab shirt)
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6.      To leak out – Moreru
I never imagined a sex scene in Patalliro would be shown by a woman dressed like a bush singing a jazz song as screens showed the characters sex faces as they were on a spinning bed or doing poses but here we are. The song itself was very good and I think it worked weirdly well representing what happened.
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7.      Kiss me Bancoran
God all the songs in this stage were just so good. Another absolute banger. Yuuya’s voice as Bancoran is divine and the choreography and everything work so well for this song. I also think he looks super pretty in his past Ban outfit and love that the song was done in that.
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8.      Cock Robin
Pretty much as normal. Maraich’s little leg lift is so cute
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9.      Don’t overlook me – Misugosenai
This was not what I expected from a Maraich solo in any way shape or form. But it works so well?? Maraich screaming into the mic as Bancoran plays the guitar and the Tamanegi do back up dance is just phenomenal, Dai’s voice works for the song so well and him pretending to be Damien and Bancoran and impersonating their voices as they had sex was hilarious, omg. This song was the song we didn’t want but we needed so much. By far and away my fav song in the show. I have listened to it so many times already and I am never gonna get bored of it.
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10.  My special person - Tokubetsu na hito
A trio song between Maraich, 19 and 35 about what you do when with the person you love the most and what you would do for the one you love the most, with the other Tamanegi as back up singers. Despite looking a bit silly with Koki in his bdsm gear in the bg, the emotion was there, and the three actors are such good singers. /not at all biased. Honestly, I died when I heard Tsukasa start to sing. I didn’t expect him to get a solo bit in this show and I was so happy that he did.
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11.  Forever Patalliro ~ Grand Finale
I rly like the new ending song. It’s upbeat and fast like the first song and has a different feel to the previous cast. I’m kinda glad that the final bit with the circle head things that look like the headframes from the manga was the only song they kept. They’re showing that they are moving on from the previous cast without erasing what they did.
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Overall, I think this show has my favourite soundtrack. In the past two shows and the film there were a couple songs I didn’t love but in this one I loved all the songs!
Like I said before I think there were a lot of good calls in the direction. They had I think two or three references to Stardust, I think this was to partly reassure fans that they weren’t completely resetting the world and that this was a continuation and from what I remember maybe four or five recurring things.
1.      Patalliro at the start being asked who he is, this definitely makes sense tho and I’m super glad they didn’t change it
2.      Maraich’s legs shaking when Ban looked at him with his beam. I kinda liked though how they even changed the beam for Yuuya. Tsune’s was a contant beam whereas Yuuya’s beam is more short bursts. (in terms out sound and the projection of the beam light)
3.      Patalliro recreating the most tragic scene from the play again at the end. I was a little unsure about them keeping this at first as it felt like a joke of the old cast but it was mainly something Kato Ryo did and he is still here to continue his joke so it makes sense to keep it. Also, in the finale he gave Damien. Maraich and Bancoran characters from tv to impersonate while doing their lines which made the scene very funny.
4.      The final bit after the finale song with the head frames but I think it would be weird to remove this song in retrospect bc it is the song that mainly relates back to the manga. Also, they did change what the head boarders look like.
5.      And obviously the two mangaka that are referenced in all the stages are still there bc that is something that came from the original. (Micchan sensei and the shojo mangaka one)
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Except for that stuff, from what I can remember, mostly everything was new jokes which I rly liked. That they’re making new stuff for the new cast.
 That’s it!
I still have so many other thoughts but the best thing I can say at this point is pls watch the stage! It is just as faithful as it was with the original cast and the quality has not dipped at all.
 Thank you for reading my rly rambly thoughts and I’m sorry it trailed off at the end, it is quite late now. 
I hope it inspired you to look into getting a DVD or CD or supporting the stage in some other way.
 Have a good day/week/month/year/life!
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Demon Slayer 2nd Stage Play All Cast Members Ready for Decisive Battle in New Visual
    Following the individual cast visuals, the official Twitter for "Butai Kimetsu no Yaiba Sono Ni Kizuna" (Stage Play Kimetsu no Yaiba Part 2: Bond), the forthcoming second show of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba stage play, has released a new visual to feature its all main cast members, including the nine members of Hashira and Rui, one of Twelve Demon Moons.
    【全員集合ビジュアル解禁!】 舞台「鬼滅の刃」其ノ弐 絆 キャラクター全員が集結したビジュアルを解禁! さらに、公式サイトにて電子チラシを公開しました。ぜひご覧ください。 全国のアニメイト、一部JUMP SHOPでもチラシを配布中! 詳細はこちらhttps://t.co/yzuLfrdkLE#舞台鬼滅の刃 pic.twitter.com/7knd1yffXs
— 舞台「鬼滅の刃」公式 (@kimetsu_stage) June 14, 2021
    New CM:
    Meanwhile, digital flyers have also been available on the play's official website.
      Following the successful first show in early 2020, the much-awaited second show is set to be performed at The Galaxy Theater in Tokyo from August 7 to 15, 2021, at Umeda Arts Theater's Main Hall in Osaka from August 20 to 22, then at TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN in Tokyo from August 27 to 31. Advance sales of the tickets for the subscribers of the Weekly Shonen Jump digital edition is now being held from June 8 to 17, then general sale of the tickets will begin on July 25.
    Main visual:
【メインビジュアル解禁!】 舞台「鬼滅の刃」其ノ弐 絆 メインビジュアル解禁! さらに、デジタル版「週刊少年ジャンプ」定期購読者限定のチケット最速先行(抽選)実施決定! 詳細は公式サイトをご確認ください。https://t.co/yzuLfruVDc#舞台鬼滅の刃 pic.twitter.com/Dwy7HY1xBw
— 舞台「鬼滅の刃」公式 (@kimetsu_stage) May 31, 2021
    Main cast:
  Tanjiro Kamado: Ryota Kobayashi
Nezuko Kamado: Akari Takaishi 
Zenitsu Agatsuma: Keisuke Ueda
Inosuke Hashibira: Yugo Sato
Giyu Tomioka: Reo Honda
Kyojuro Rengoku: Hiroshi Yazaki
Tengen Uzui: Shiro Tsujiryo
Muichiro Tokito: Yumeto Okuda
Shinobu Kocho: Yoko Kadoyama
Kanao Tsuyuri: Mirai Uchida
Mitsuri Kanroji: Akari Kawasaki
Obanai Iguro: Kozuke Miyamoto
Sanemi Shinazugawa: Ryotrao Maeda
Gyomei Himejima: Changhae
Rui: Nichika Akutsu
Muzan Kibutsuji: Yoshihide Sasaki
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: Tomoki Hirose
      Source: "Kimetsu no Yaiba" stage play official website / Twitter
  ©Koyoharu Gotoge/SHUEISHA
©Stage Play "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" Production Committee 2021
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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fymyu · 4 years
Tenimyu 3rd season: Seigaku Juudaime
Echizen Ryoma: - Akutsu Nichika 
Tezuka Kunimitsu: - Aoki Ryo
Oishi Shuichiro: - Ezoe Takanori
Fuji Shushuke: - Minaki Ibu
Kikumaru Eiji: - Taguchi Tsukasa
Kawamura Takashi: - Iwata Tomoki
Inui Sadaharu: - Takenouchi Daisuke
Momoshiro Takeshi: - Ookubo Tatsuki
Kaidoh Kaoru: - Nakajima Takuto
Horio Satoshi: - Ryuga
Kato Kachiro: - Nakamigawa Toshiki
Mizuno Katsuo: - Okuda Yumeto
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.07.20 Tenimyu: VS Hyoutei Nationals [Review]
I really shouldn’t have gone to this but I damn got a ticket and I damn went xD I really shouldn’t have though but it’s Higa AND Miura...I just had to!
Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 DVD PreOrder here and here, BR here and here
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma Aoki Ryo as Tezuka Kunimitsu Ezoe Takanori as Oishi Shuichirou Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi Nakajima Takuto as Kaido Kaoru Ryuga as Horio Satoshi Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo
Miura Hiroki as Atobe Keigo Isaka Ikumi as Oshitari Yushi Kobayakawa Shunsuke as Shishido Ryo Kitano Satsuki as Mukahi Gakuto Tamura Shogo as Akutagawa Jirou Yamazaki Shogo as Taki Haginosuke Yamaki Takanori as Kabaji Munehiro Watanabe Aoto as Otori Chotarou Utsumi Akiyoshi as Hiyoshi Wakashi
Muto Kento as Kite Eishirou Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Kai Yujirou Iwaki Naoya as Hirakoba Rin Raita as Chinen Hiroshi Takata Makoto as Tanishi Kei Sonomura Masashi as Shiranui Tomoya Matsui Haruki as Aragaki Kouichi
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Overall: This was so good!! I am so glad that I went!! It was so good. It was absolutely amazing. It's difficult to explain but the story just entirely suited my taste and it was well acted and the songs were all great and I enjoyed pretty much all the characters which is unusual for me xD And the best part about the stage was definitely the bench interactions!! The bench interactions were amazing!! I couldn't stop watching them! I also loved how dark this stage was compared to others and previous ones. I felt like the atmosphere was really heavy for this one, or that I was just so completely engrossed in the whole thing this time around. And I got to see Hiroki in action again which was great! Also I was looknig forward to seeing this new Seigaku Gen - or at least went in with a clear mind and no pre-bias - and I enjoyed their performances so much -- they even got me crying a few times! This. Was. Great! Rating: 8.5/10
This'll be split into the two parts of the play and then some extras or whatever.
Some of the Higawaris that I remember were mostly from Higa: FAS: 太ってる あなたにオススメ シェイプアップ F&D: fitness and diet All were aimed at Tanishi obviously xD
As I said before, I couldn't take my eyes of the bench. Especially Jiro, he really caught my eyes during this stage. I spent more time watching what he, and the rest of Hyoutei were doing, rather than what was happening in the main plot and story xD Some things that Jiro did that caught my eye were:
☆Jiro falling backwards while sat on the steps and falling asleep onto Taki xD ☆Jiro dancing during Gakuto's pair song. ☆Jiro being so supportive of his other members and just never stopping!
Other things I spotted from other members on the benches were: ☆Eiji giving Taka a racket and then when it was taken away from Taka just after, Eiji tried to hide from him but Taka stormed over and held onto his shoulders and Eiji just stood in shock like 'omg what is he going to do to me!!' it was really cute and funny.
Speaking of Seigaku: I really like this new Seigaku already! Which is good!! Inui‘s actor can sing really well and he sounded so great! I like this new Seigaku so much that I actually felt sympathy for the Seigaku members; Tezuka's solo was so good and so dark!!! I was crying for Tezuka during his match!! That NEVER happens with me! And Fuji’s solo at the end of part one (Heavy Rain) was so good!!! He sounded great! Also when Fuji and Atobe were dancing together!!!! I ship it!!! They looked so good together! It was great! Also, Momo’s actor is good but his voice feels a bit too low that it’s kinda suffering during the songs he sings.
The day I went, there was only one mistake and the entire audience died of laughter for a good minute which ruined the moment but it was funny: Just after his match when he returned the the bench, Gakuto slipped down the stairs a little and because it was this silent moment between Tezuka and Kabaji, everyone heard and everyone's attention went there. The audience died laughing. All of Hyoutei kept it together during this moment but poor Eiji’s actor was looking over at what happened and he cracked up laughing too. But kudos to pretty much everyone keeping it together and acting completely normal. But for some reasons all the audience just found it so amusing!
Other comments:
☆I love how DARK this stage it! For some reason Tenimyu always seemed like this happy, clappy, fun and games stage but for some reason I found this one SO dark and I absolutely loved it!! I really do enjoy dark plays.
☆Higa are the very first to enter the stage and straight away they are hilarious. They come in from the sides on stupid boats and come down either aisle. Once they get out of their tiny boats (by the way, one is being dragged behind by a rope and ring xD) and on shore, they started rapping. HIGA DID RAPPING AGAIN! It was great! And what was even better is that they got the entire audience to clap along to their song! Which I really appreciated!
☆The first three opening school songs were so strong and so good!! I enjoyed every single one; Higa then Seigaku then Hyoutei. They were really powerful and so enjoyable to watch!
During the breaks between the two arts, I ran out to buy Kaido and Jiro's bromides. I got about 30 minutes into part one before I was like 'duh goddammit I love Kaido! I should've picked them up straight away!' and then damn Jiro came along and my brain went 'shit this kid is too cute! I must support him and get his bromides!' Jiro has always been cute but I've always thought no one would ever out-do was Tomorun did as Jiro but damn Tamura is so cute as Jiro! He's so bouncy and hyper and so funny. Speaking of Jiro; more Jiro adorableness:
☆Jiro sleeping between Oshitari's legs. ☆When Jiro fell asleep on Otori and Atobe, and Atobe lifted Jiro's hand (that was touching his leg) in disgust and pushed it off himself xD ☆Jiro making fun of Eishiro Buchou was absolutely hilarious! He just kept going because the audience were dying of laughter. And then some members were like 'Oi.. OI!' and trying to get him back to the bench.
Jiro needs to be protected. Jiro is a sweetie. Jiro is amazing xD
More Higa moments and Higwaris:
☆During the end of one of their appearances, Rin hit Buchou on the head but when Buchou turned around, Rin had already slipped past and gone off stage, so he thought Kai did it, so he grabbed Kai by his shirt collar and dragged him off stage. Kai's toes were like tiptoes as he was dragged off stage xD ☆There was another moment when the (I think) Buchou said something and Tanishi got really angry and went to attack him but then Shiranui grabbed Tanishi's arm and pulled him back so that Shiranui could attack; Tanishi was super shocked by the strength Shiranui had and the audience cracked up laughing from the twist of events that Shiranui was the strong one in the group. Luckily Aragaki stopped Shiranui from attacking and got him to back off xD ☆Towards the end of the stage, Higa had to break a watermelon with their eyes closed, but they all failed so Eishiro said he would show them how it's done, but instead of a watermelong, Shiranui (I think) pretended to be it and when Buchou went to hit the watermelon, he caught Buchou’s hand and of course Buchou was dumbfounded xD
Lets talk about the giant final match shall we because the entire final match was amazing!
☆Nichika’s pronunciation with all the English lines was really good!! ☆When Echizen and Atobe were having an evil laugh showdown, Atobe's laugh was so gooood!! HOMG... ☆When Echizen threw his cap and Kaido caught it oh so perfectly! I was so impressed with how flawlessly he caught it! ☆Now can we talk a little about Hiroki’s butt? Because damn it was so damn obvious in those shorts!! He has such a good butt! Even from 3rd balcony, I could tell he fit nice and tightly into those shorts...  ☆And ohhhmyyyygoooddd can we talk about the amount of hip rolls he did during this damn stage and in different songs and stuff!!! Oh my... ☆Huge kudos to both the boys during the final match because even watching it, I as getting exhausted for them! It goes on for so long and they're constantly running around the stage and Hiroki is doing all his ballet jumps the entire time and stuff! Damn Hiroki must have been exhausted after that!  ☆The final match between Echizen and Atobe was so intense and so much dancing and performance. Just damn. I absolutely loved this entire last segment of the stage. So intense, so well choreographed, so well performance and presented. It was phenomenal.
Other comments:
☆Ohhhhh I teared up during the Golden Pair song and I really, really don't like Golden Pair in general, but even they got me in the feels this night!! Which just shows already how much better this gen is! ☆I really liked all the doubles duet song. And all the songs in general I really got into and enjoyed! ☆Just before the final song, the ending is with all the school's songs remixed and it was great! ☆BUT the encore song and dance is silly in my opinion. It was ridiculous. ☆During the EnCore, Kai came to our side!! I have had the best luck with him seriously... ☆During the EnCore song, Echizen was slacking off to the right side of the theatre, and when Tezuka saw him and Echizen got worried and began to move away from him. ☆Kaido made it back on stage just girigiri right at the end of the EnCore song xD ☆I realised today that I like Tenimyu when it’s dark. Like this stage is dark as fuck. But one thing did ruin it, and it was infact Echizen's song. It was a bit too happy clappy and just ruined the dark mood in my opinion xD just keep it ALL dark!! xD ☆Now I know this is going to sound hypocritical but I appreciate that the very end of stage ended on a funny note. Echizen came on stage with a razor and some classical music started playing and Echizen started doing ballet moves towards Atobe but then obviously Taki comes on stage and says he'll sacrifice his hair so begs Echizen not to shave Atobe's xD I think we needed something like this AT the end to just bring us all out of the story and back to reality a bit.
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And there we go!
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aonodreamland · 6 years
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(Will be updated when the cast visual is out)
SEIGAKU : (10th Generation)
Echizen Ryoma : Akutsu Nichika
Tezuka Kunimitsu : Aoki Ryou (Twitter)
Ooishi Shuuichiro : Ezoe Takanori (Twitter)
Fuji Shuusuke : Minaki Ibu (Twitter)
Kikumaru Eiji : Taguchi Tsukasa (Twitter)
Inui Sadaharu : Takenouchi Daisuke (Twitter)
Kawamura Takashi : Iwata Tomoki (Twitter)
Momoshiro Takeshi : Ookubo Tatsuki (Twitter)
Kaido Kaoru : Nakajima Takuto  (Twitter)
Horio Satoshi : Ryuto
Kato Kachiro : Nakamigawa Toshiki (Instagram)
Mizuno Katsuo : Okuda Yumeto (Agency Profile)
Atobe Keigo : Miura Hiroki
Oshitari Yuushi : Isaka Ikumi
Mukahi Gakuto : Kitano Satsuki
Shishido Ryo : Kobayakawa Shunsuke
Ootori Chutaro : Watanabe Aoto
Akutagawa Jiro : Tamura Shogo
Hiyoshi Wakashi : Utsumi Akiyoshi
Kabaji Munehiro : Yamaki Takanori
Taki Haginosuke : Yamazaki Shogo
2018.07.12 - 2018.07.22 (Tokyo)
2018.08.01 - 2018.09.12 (Osaka)
2018.08.18 - 2018.08.19 (Fukuoka)
2018.09.01 - 2018.09.02 (Gifu)
2018.09.08 - 2018.09.09 (Miyagi)
2018.09.20 - 2018.09.24 (Tokyo Gaisen)
Tokyo Dome City Hall
Mielparque Hall Osaka
Al Monee Thunk Kitakyushu Soleil Hall Fukuoka
Valor Culture Hall Gifu
Tagajo City Cultural Center Miyagi
Tokyo Dome City Hall
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[April] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ April 1st
◎ Hirano Koushuu 平野宏周 1999
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♪ April 2nd
◎ Matsunami Yuuki 松波優輝 1991
◎ Ueda Yuusuke 上田悠介 1989
◎ Yamazaki Shougo 山崎晶吾 1992
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♪ April 3rd
◎ Machii Shouma 町井祥真 1990
◎ Miyazawa Yuu 宮澤佑 1995
◎ Sano Gaku 佐野岳 1992
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♪ April 4th
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♪ April 5th
◎ Arita Kenji 有田賢史 1992
◎ Eguchi Kouichi 江口紘一 1988
◎ Gotou Dai 後藤大 1995
◎ Kariwa Yuu 苅羽悠 1984
◎ Miura Haruma 三浦春馬 1990
◎ Nakamura Seijirou 中村誠治郎 1980
◎ Oomi Youichirou 近江陽一郎 1989
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♪ April 6th
◎ Akiba Yuusuke 秋葉友佑 1992
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♪ April 7th
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♪ April 8th
◎ Futaba Kaname 二葉要 1991
◎ Futaba Yuu 二葉勇 1991
◎ Kawakami Shouta 川上将大 1993
◎ Kobayashi Yuuta 小林優太 1996
◎ Matsumoto Gaku 松本岳 1993
◎ Ogoe Yuuki 小越勇輝 1994
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♪ April 9th
◎ Amano Kousei 天野浩成 1978
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♪ April 10th
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♪ April 11th
◎ Saitou Kenshin 齋藤健心 1996
◎ Usa Takuma 宇佐卓真 1990
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♪ April 12th
◎ Kondou Shouri 近藤頌利 1994
◎ Shouji Masato 荘司真人 1989
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♪ April 13th
◎ Ibuka Katsuhiko 井深克彦 1987
◎ Mizushima Hiro 水嶋ヒロ 1984
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♪ April 14th
◎ Fujita Tomu 藤田富 1992
◎ Takikawa Koudai 滝川広大 1992
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♪ April 15th
◎ Aoki Kazuma 青木一馬 1987
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♪ April 16th
◎ Ichinose Yousuke 一乃瀬洋介 1980
◎ Iwaki Naoya 岩城直弥 1995
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♪ April 17th
◎ Abe Daichi 阿部大地 1996
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♪ April 18th
◎ Tauchi Tokihiro 田内季宇 1992
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♪ April 19th
◎ Iwasa Yuuki 岩佐祐樹 1992
◎ Morita Touya 森田桐矢 1997
◎ Narimatsu Yoshihiko 成松慶彦 1980
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♪ April 20th
◎ Amou Shogou 天羽尚吾 1994
◎ Satou Tomohiro 佐藤智広 1995
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♪ April 21st
◎ Masaki Kouhei 正木航平 1989
◎ Tachibana Tatsumaru 橘龍丸 1991
◎ Yamaguchi Daichi 山口大地 1988
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♪ April 22nd
◎ Iwasaki Ryousuke 岩崎良祐 1992
◎ Katayama Hironori 片山浩憲 1986
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♪ April 23rd
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♪ April 24th
◎ Fujiwara Yuuki 藤原祐規 1981
◎ Ookubo Tatsuki 大久保樹 1998
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♪ April 25th
◎ Goumoto Naoya 郷本直也 1980
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♪ April 26th
◎ Miyama Ryouki 三山凌輝 1999
◎ Tanaka Shigemi 田中しげ美 1969
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♪ April 27th
◎ Hirata Yuuichirou 平田裕一郎 1986
◎ Nemoto Masakazu 根本正勝 1979
◎ Okuda Yumeto 奥田夢叶 2001
◎ Tanaka Kouhei 田中晃平 1993
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♪ April 28th
◎ Hirono Ryouto 廣野凌大 
◎ Shouhei 章平 1991
◎ Toyonaga Toshiyuki 豊永利行 1984
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♪ April 29th
◎ Kouki 皇希 1997
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♪ April 30th
0 notes
leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Annoouncement] 舞台「魔法使いの約束」第3章 (butai mahoutsukai no yakusoku dai 3 shou)
you will be able to watch 4 shows @ dmm [notice: you might need to use a VPN to watch/get access the show^^]
price: ¥3.800 (each)
◎ 初日 (shonichi) [April 23rd, 2022 ~ 13:00]
◎ 東京 前楽 (Tokyo maeraku) [May 7th, 2022 ~ 17:00]
◎ 東京 千秋楽 (Tokyo senshuuraku) [May 8th, 2022 ~ 13:00]
◎ 京都 千秋楽 (Kyoto senshuuraku) [May 22nd, 2022 ~ 13:00]
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Update] 舞台「魔法使いの約束」第3章 (butai mahoutsukai no yakusoku dai 3 shou)
the  show will be running from April 23rd, 2022 to May 8th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ 天王洲 銀河劇場 (The Galaxy Theatre) May 13th, 2022 to May 15th, 2022 (Aichi) @ アイプラザ豊橋 (Ai Plaza Toyohashi) May 20th, 2022 to May 22nd, 2022 (Kyoto) @ 京都劇場 (Kyoto Gekijou)
Central Country
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Kiyama Haruki as Oz (オズ)
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Kitagawa Naoya as Arthur (アーサー)
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Iwaki Naoya as Cain (カイン)
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Shinya Seiji as Riquet (リケ)
Northern Country
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Okuda Yumeto as Snow (スノウ)
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Taguchi Tsukasa as White (ホワイト)
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Ayukawa Taiyou as Mithra (ミスラ)
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Kaminaga Keisuke as Owen (オーエン)
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Nakamura Tarou as Bradley (ブラッドリー)
Eastern Country
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Yata Yuusuke as Faust (ファウスト)
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Tamura Shougo as Shino (シノ)
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Katou Daigo as Heathcliff (ヒースクリフ)
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Tsubokura Kousei as Nero (ネロ)
Western Country
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Yamada James Takeshi as Shylock (シャイロック)
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Hashimoto Taito as Murr (ムル)
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Minaki Ibu as Chloe (クロエ)
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Morita Touya as Rustica (ラスティカ)
Southern Country
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Wagou Shinichi as Figaro (フィガロ)
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Oomi Shouichirou as Rutile (ルチル)
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Shirakashi Judai as Lennox (レノックス)
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Imamaki Hikaru as Mitile (ミチル)
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Izawa Yuuki as Nova (ノーヴァ)
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Shin Masatoshi as Magi Akira [Sage] (真木晶 [賢者])
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Hoshino Yuuta as Cock Robin (クックロビン)
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Hirakawa Kazuhiro as Drummond (ドラモンド)
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Sasaki Takashi as Nicholas (ニコラス)
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Kon Takuya as Vincent (ヴィンセント)
Sakaguchi Waku as Jude (ジュード)
homepage nelke twitter natalie
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 迷宮歌劇「美少年探偵団」(meikyuu kageki bishounen tanteidan)
the show will be running from December 31st, 2021 to January 10th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ 天王洲 銀河劇場 (The Galaxy Theatre)
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Akutsu Nichika as Soutouin Manabu (双頭院学)
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Tachibana Yuuta as Sakiguchi Nagahiro (咲口長広)
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Nagata Seiichirou as Fukuroi Michiru (袋井満)
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Okuda Yumeto as Ashikaga Hyouta (足利飆太)
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Kitagawa Naoya as Yubiwa Sousaku (指輪創作)
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Saitou Kanako as Doujima Mayumi (瞳島眉美)
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Hirono Ryouta as Fudatsuki Rai (札槻嘘)
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Tatemichi Riona as Rei (麗)
homepage twitter natalie
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leenaevilin · 3 years
[Video] 舞台「鬼滅の刃」 其ノ弐 絆 (butai kimetsu no yaiba sono ni kizuna)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 迷宮歌劇「美少年探偵団」(meikyuu kageki bishounen tanteidan)
you will be able to watch 2 shows @ Theater-Complex
price: ¥3.800 (each)
◎ 初日 (shonichi) [December 31st, 2021 ~ 18:00]
◎ 千穐楽 (senshuuraku) [January 10th, 2020 ~ 13:00]
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leenaevilin · 2 years
[Video] 迷宮歌劇「美少年探偵団」(meikyuu kageki bishounen tanteidan)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「魔法使いの約束」第2章 (butai mahoutsukai no yakusoku dai 2 shou)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released in April 2022☆ ☆ ☆
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leenaevilin · 3 years
[Video] 舞台「鬼滅の刃」 其ノ弐 絆 (butai kimetsu no yaiba sono ni kizuna)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台「鬼滅の刃」 其ノ弐 絆 (butai kimetsu no yaiba sono ni kizuna)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on March 23rd, 2022☆ ☆ ☆
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