#on my way to send lots of boops! ๐Ÿ’š
hacked-by-jake ยท 2 months
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Awww, you got the last badge! You're so kind. I love this for you and of course for all others! ๐Ÿ’š
I'm really trying to catch up on everything but I completely lost count by now. Buuuut, I won't give up! Just earned the second badge and it's so incredible cute. Current count is:
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Seriously, all these boops, I'm feel so honoured. So many, ahhhhhhh. It's so incredible to have this boop o meter, I adore it so much. ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ’š
And thank you so much for sharing yours! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
BOOP YOU BACK! Millions of times!!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
(and look, my boop o meter has the same colour as my hair hehehe, the small things *-*)
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kinglazrus ยท 10 months
Beep boop hello to you! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Letโ€™s spread the self-love ๐Ÿ’š
I adore whoever made this ask game. Thank you for sending me one, Lexx! This was so hard to choose, so these aren't in any particular order.
The Moment It Breaks
Description: After months of lies and secrets, it finally happens. His identity is revealed in the worst of waysโ€”in the middle of a ghost fight. Now everyone knows that Tucker Foley is the Tech Hunter
Reason: I made this AU for the Danny Phantom au zine, Reality Trip, and I have had so much fun playing with it. It started as a throwaway wondering "what if Vlad approached Tucker instead of Valerie?" and grew into something huge. I've always adored no one knows aus, and this one takes it a step further. I'll be posting the fic to Ao3 soon, and I've got big plans for the rest of this AU.
The Haunting of Danny Fenton
Description: Valerie knows Danny Fenton, everybody does. Youngest of the family, son and heir, future owner of Fenton Works. Notable for all those reasons and infamous for none of them. Where Maddie and Jack are the local quirks, Danny is the tragedy. And, for the next week, he's the Red Huntress' newest client.
Reason: I adore writing Valerie's point of view. She's my favourite character, so it's a bit criminal that I don't have more fics focused on her. I've also used some different narrative techniques in this fic playing with perspective, which has been a lot of fun.
The Punishment Fits the Crime
Description: Ghosts are naturally drawn to death. Danny, however, finds himself drawn to those who have wrongfully died. He always said he would never hurt someone who doesn't deserve it. It's not his fault that he keeps finding people who do. Or: Danny is a vengeful spirit.
Reason: My darkest fic, tonally. I got the idea to turn Danny into a vengeful spirit and immediately decided to push it as far as I could. There's only a couple of chapters up right now, but the tags tell you all you need to know about the direction this fic is going.
The In-Laws
Description: Harriet and her son, Kwan, meet each other's boyfriends through a family dinner. Hopefully, Vlad Masters and Danny Fenton can get along for one meal.
Reason: Because it's fun! This is a very light-hearted, humorous fic, and I had a great time with it. I like to write all kinds of pairings, and this was a great way to explore two I hadn't yet: Vlad and Harriet, and Danny and Kwan. Bad News shippers come get your juice.
Blossoms On Her Tongue
Description: Years after Undergrowthโ€™s attack, Samโ€™s ghost powers from that day are slowly returning. Sam is excited at first, both at the chance to grow closer with Danny, and the opportunity to use her own powers for good. But things arenโ€™t as great as they seem. After all, plants don't mix well with the cold.
Reason: I can't actually say because that would be a spoiler! But there's a specific dynamic I wanted to explore for the trio and this fic was what came out of it. I've got three parts planned for this series, each one focused on a different member of the trio.
Honourable mentions that I almost picked for this:
The Survivalists (of course)
Prince Before King. Genius Before Fool.
Not Your Danny
Deep Wounds
Dead Man Walking
Until Death Do We Part
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