#only to return a minute later to type out smth else and repeat the process AUGH
dandyshucks-moving · 6 months
me on my own ding dang self ship blog: no that's too cheesy and embarrassing, i can't say that („ಡωಡ„)
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*slides u, like, four cents and a bottle cap* a fanficttion, featuring elmer, romeo, and a romantic dinner gone wrong. make it happen. *winks and leaves, never to be seen again*
Floor 9 (haha instead of cloud 9, i’m so funny…. esh)
*snatches the four cents and bottle cap* thanks so much! This’ll go to money I can use in Hawaii in May!!! Also this bottle cap will make a nice pin :))) now to the one shot-
Ughhh I also tried to format this but y’know it sucks on the mobile and ughhhhh I give up if it makes you angry you can like… go check it out on wattpad :) or smth
Words: tbd
Warnings: tbd
Ship: Elmer x Romeo ft. A tiny bit of Sprace at the end with our boy Albert
Type: fluffffffffffff
Tonight was going to be perfect. Elmer was so sure of it as he entered his small apartment located right in the middle of Manhattan, arms overloaded with groceries for the week (and extra incase his beloved boyfriend decided to stay with him). He could barely afford rent as it is, however, it was quite cheap compared to others around him due to the fact he was on the ninth floor with minimal windows and living space as the penthouse apartment upstairs had two levels in which cut his apartment in two. But it would still be perfect, even if Romeo was wheezing by the time he climbed nine flights of stairs.
The two boys had had this night planned for months; a romantic dinner at home, away from the scrutinizing eyes of the public. Somewhere where they could both be themselves and not be judged for having ‘labels’ or whatever the people older than them complained about, even though they clearly labeled themselves as assholes. They could write ‘GAY’ in permanent marker and no one should complain about it because we’re all decent humans here? Right?
Elmer frazzled around the kitchen for a few minutes at least, putting away groceries and preparing all the ingredients he needed to cook tonight’s meal, which of course was just a few of his favorite Polish dishes his Ma and Pa used to make for him. Now before you say anything, Polish food is not just cabbage with a side of cabbage accompanied by the finest cabbage salad topped with reduced cabbage sauce. He actually hated cabbage. In fact, Elmer got way too offended than he should when anyone brought it up. “It’s just like saying American food is only fry oil with lard and a side of processed plastic all dressed up to look like a hamburger,” He always argued. “Repulsed yet? Good.”
Because the author has no idea of any polish food which is really sad and they should probably research some stuff…. Elmer was nearly finished with dinner. Well, the main parts were finished, he just decided to put some rice on the stove as a second thought, stirring it as the rest of the meal remained in the oven on a low heat to keep it warm. He covered the rice with a damp towel, sighing through his nose. Now, he thought to himself. Clean the apartment.
Setting his stopwatch on his phone, he proceeded to dash around the apartment, picking up randomly strewn about socks and underwear for some reason? In fact, he could’ve sworn these underwear were one of his brothers- gross. He threw all of the washing into the washing machine to put on later.
Elmer skidded around the corner to his bedroom, sliding open his wardrobe doors and shoving everything that was on the floor into it. Spare papers, clothes both clean and dirty, and a pillow were shoved in carefully. He paused for a moment, saving the pillow from being stowed away, then slid the door closed quickly lest the stuff fall out. For an “adult” man, Elmer really felt he should’ve been better at keeping stuff clean… yeah no. Clean houses are for prissy uptight people, or people with their lives relatively together. That eliminated him quickly.
Not faultering for a second, he checked his bedside tables’ drawer for, uhm, stuff- unluckily for him though, the, uhm, stuff was no where to be seen except for empty packages. He grabbed the empty foil packages using his socks to slid to the bin. He was done for the most part and he stopped his stopwatch. 3 minutes 34 seconds, not bad.
He quickly slipped his shoes on, heading out to quickly grab, uhm, stuff. Take a wild guess to what this ‘uhm, stuff’ is because it’s hella necessary for a couple alone and Elmer sure wasn’t ready to go without it.
Panicking slightly, he locked up, running down the stairs-
“Elm-“ Romeo gasped as he caught a flustered Elmer by the waist who’d, embarrassingly, tripped down the stairs. Luckily on the same floor as his boyfriend was, but still. It was maya embarrassing for the usually sunshiny boy.
“Sorry Ro, gotta go, be right back!”
Romeo was left alone as the fleeting figure of his boyfriend continued down the stairs, wondering what the hell had just happened and how the hell was he going to get into Elmer’s apartment.
When Elmer returned, panting not only from his run to the store and back but also from his dash up the stairs, Romeo was sitting against the door of his apartment the obvious sounds of Best Fiends coming from his phone.
Elmer cursed under his breath. Romeo had gone all out with a really nice button up and slacks… at the moment the other boy was only in jeans and some random shirt he’d chucked on this morning. His hair wasn’t even decent since he’d just run- not to mention he was sweaty as hell. “Hi…” he smiled gently, offering a hand down to his boyfriend who graciously took it.
“Hey tree boy,” Romeo grinned, dusting himself off and delivering the customary greeting kiss to the others cheek while the other only pouted muttering a small ‘I’m not actually an elm tree’. “What’s with the rush.”
Elmer shook his head, hugging into Romeo’s side. “It’s nothing really; just forgot something.” He shrugged, feeling guilty for leaving Romeo outside while he got what he needed plus extra candy ‘cause he was craving it.
He momentarily moved away from the other with a giggle, reaching for his keys. He shoved them into the lock. “Sorry, it’s not the cleanest in there, I tried.”
“I’m sure it’s not that-”
Elmer’s eyes widened as he swung open the door only to be greeted by thick smoke and a stench that caused his eyes to water. The rice- he quickly ran in despite his boyfriend’s protests, gathering what he could of important things, even stopping to grab some of the dinner he’d made- what? He was hungry!!!! He also grabbed his charger as a second thought, switching off the stove on his way out. There wasn’t any fire so that was a good sign.
Fucking rice stench.
I don’t know if you’ve ever smelt burnt rice before but imagine the grossest smelling stuff and times it by 10000000 and that still wouldn’t be as bad. It smells hella toxic and Elmer was sure if he breathed anymore in, he would surely die.
Mid panick, he ran out the door right into the hall who’s sprinklers had been activated. It was likely the fire department had been called so Elmer continued to hightail it down the stairs—shutting his door first duh—vaguely hearing a soaked Romeo give a sigh and trail after him. He’d apologise later.
“I am so sorry-” Elmer murmured, scrubbing a hand over his face. After all that had happened, he’d apologised profusely to Romeo, over and over again until the words seemed meaningless. Thankfully, he was forgiven, and the two cuddled in the latters own apartment, shared with a few of his theatre/dance friends who were also on really good terms with Elmer. Every now and then Romeo would make a comment about how bad Elmer smelled on account of the smoke in the apartment, but it was all light hearted fun.
They were both fed and happy for the time being, content to just sit next to each other and talk or not talk. One of Romeo’s roommates came in about half an hour after they’d finished up dinner and begun to chatter to them excitedly.
“So let me get this straight,” the tall blonde cackled as he held his phone up to Elmer’s flushed face recording, just for evidence. “You nearly burnt down the whole apartment block for-” another wave of snickers spilled from his mouth, taking him a minute or so to calm down before continuing, lifting a plastic bag into the frame of the video, displaying it’s contents. “You nearly burnt down your freaking apartment and everyone else’s for condoms and skittles?”
“HE WHAT?” A ginger strode into the room, also one of Romeo’s friends, his eyes wide and curious.
Elmer buried his face into Romeo’s shoulder, letting out a groan as the blonde begun to repeat the story. “I’m never going to live this down.”
“Nope,” Romeo grinned as he watched his friends fight over the bag. “But just think, that’d make a great headline for tomorrow.” And as Elmer’s head shot up in annoyance, he couldn’t be more happier. Romantic date night wasn’t perfect… but it was still fun.
“Race those condoms are mine!”
“Come and get ‘em Al- OH SHIT SPOT HELP-”
The shorter boy who had just woken up because it was FUCKING 2 AM AND THE BOYS WERE STILL FIGHTING OVER STUFF- and was understandably mad, marched over to his tall boyfriend, holding out his hand. Too bad Race took the bait and handed him the plastic.
Spot, keeping eye contact with Race and Albert, made his way to the window, calmly dropping it down the many floors. Problem solved. Shame he didn’t get to sleep the rest of the night; the couch was pretty damn uncomfortable.
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