#ooc || the birb speaks
amischiefofmuses · 4 months
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Can you imagine if Angel noticed how shaken up Husker was after all this? Like, fur fluffed, ears down and still trembling. Would he even know how to approach husk about it?? God, the two of them deserve so much better.
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magpiesicons · 4 months
you are are doing the lords work with these icons
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I'm glad so many people are finding them useful, honestly I just like having as many icons as possible, find it relaxing to make them and don't believe in hoarding resources for myself when it could really help other people. c:
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post-cal · 4 months
|| I'm going to try and post more! No guarantees, I haven't had the time or energy since last year! @_@
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convxction · 2 months
mentally still here (chrom tiny bit taller is funny to me idk why)
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iiryoku · 2 months
barks as gallagher in your inbox
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lightngborn · 4 months
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 years
( @necrosisfantosis​ gave me a choice so got the goose, too )
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"You cannot stop me in any way that matters," said the goose. Its voice was deep and the goose as a whole was seemingly self assured, or perhaps it was just such a horrible goose that it couldn't be or sound any other way. "Give me the treasure."
It had spotted something shiny, and it wanted it, but this person was in the way.
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heartfledged · 2 years
Me: today you will work
Sedona, who has been off for two weeks bc she has arthritis: >:(
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Aimless outing
in which you took your significant other out for a ride.
pairing: idia shroud x yuu/reader
contents: kinda short oneshot, lower case intended, this is just a spoonful of sugar tbh, everyone thank deuce for lending us his blastcycle, kinda ooc idia? idk, actually based on a screenshot in the game i'm playing and i love that lmao, reader is referred to as yuu, gender neutral reader and narrated with you/yours
★ the daydreamer speaks — my second entry for my tumblr older sibling @cloudcountry's sweet shroud summer 2024!! the worms are worming and i'm on a roll hehe ^-^
do i tag? yes, i do. my main idia liker: @edith-is-a-cat, others: @identity-theft-101 @keii-starz @xen-blank @loser-jpg @lemonchuu @dove-da-birb @twistwonderlanddevotee @escha-evenstar
remember to comment or reblog if you enjoy my work!!
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"Yuu-shi, where are we going!?"
"Somewhere, anywhere! Does it really matter?"
a slow sunday and the lack of immediate tasks in your schedule was all you needed. and what better way to spend the day with your beloved than taking him out for a ride?
deuce was kind enough to lend you his blastcycle for this little trip of yours, wishing you good luck and all, and you've already gotten permission to go out from the headmage the day before, as much as you hated his gut. meanwhile, ortho was doing his best to get idia waiting outside of campus, and making sure he didn't second guess his desicions before you arrive.
and that led us to where you were now, going kilometres per hour as if gliding through the highway, feeling the cool wind of a chilly afternoon excitedly picking up your hair as the sun retreated behind the mountains. you loved the thrill it gave you, if the bright wide grin on your face was of any indications.
idia, on the other hand, was a bit overwhelmed. with his arms coiled tightly around your waist, hands trembling ever so slightly, he hid his face in your hair, not daring even a peek at the blurring surroundings.
"It's not a ride if you can't see what made it so fun in the first place, Idia! Just give it a try, then we can go back if you want."
idia stayed quiet, weighing his options. he could ask you to go back and return to the monotony of his life, safe yet nothing special. or, he could continue on this ride, just you and him on the road to an ambiguous destination.
he opened his eyes, widening as they laid on the most beautiful painting of dusk mother nature had drawn. white, pink, and orange blended together so harmoniously on a darkening blue canvas. rows of clouds lined the sky, bouncing around the little lights left of the sun onto the crashing waves the sea created.
his breath was taken away.
"Quite a sight, isn't it?"
idia could only muttered a soft 'yeah' as his eyes glued at picturesque scenery, taking in all he could for he wasn't sure he was going to see such a sight again. his tight grip on you slowly loosened, now only wrapping around your waist like a warm hug you would give him on chilly days.
the moon soon made its appearance as the canvas of nature was painted black, stars glimmering from beyond like diamonds in the sky. the two of you was making your way back to campus, with the blastcycle's headlights and idia's hair illuminating the road.
idia found the night sky was beautiful, a lot different from dusk, but he loved it all the same.
it was a fleeting sensation of a thrill so different than what his heart was used to, but it was welcoming, a comfort even. especially when you were there with him, laughing without a care and genuinely living in the moment.
it was a memory he wished to never forget.
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not-the-darknight · 8 months
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Diluc, of Mondstadt. Just say the word if you need anything. For reimbursements, ask Elzer. Occasionally I'll work the bar at Angel's Share. The tavern is known for being the center of information in Mondstadt.
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- No nsfw asks, RPs, Links. Slightly suggestive themes are okay.
- No hate to anyone in any form will be entertained.
- Mod isn’t always very active. Please wait 1-2 days before resending your ask.
- Mod doesn’t like to be DM’d. But if situation calls for it, mod will answer
- No shipping wars. All ships (of age) are accepted and enjoyed
-- Kaeluc ships will not be entertained!! I am uncomfortable with pseudo-cest. Your questions related to the ship will be ignored.
- Character might act ooc on certain situations because they haven’t happened in game.
- Mod is in education so response times may vary.
Character assessment of the RP:
[…] - Character doing an action
<Small font> - Character thinking
((…)) - Ooc, Mod is talking
🍷 Tavern nights - Responding to asks and general
🍇 Grape juice - Life around Mondstadt and random shit
❄️ Freeze me to death - Brotherly Shenanigans
🔸 Cor Lapis - Zhongli related topics
🎶 That bard - Venti related topics
duke🤝darknight - dragon partner collaboration (Wriothesley and Diluc)
falcon🤝birb - archon partner collaboration (Mika and Diluc)
💉 Mad doctor - Epsilon segment related interactions
🔵 Rather eat a cryo slime - Fatui related interactions
Mod attempts to speak - when mod talks
Will add it more as needed
If you wish to reserve a sign off, let me know.
🍃 Anon
🌱 Anon
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amischiefofmuses · 16 days
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I wanna apologize for returning to say I'm coming back only to then just vanish again. Unfortunately when I'm stressed I just kinda shut down, I've been legitimately just playing cookie clicker and dissociating while internally screaming about wanting to write with y'all before it's too late, before people assume I've just abandoned this account. It's not been greatly productive. > I'm gonna try harder to get stuff done (not tonight because it's almost 3am- but over this week) but just so I ensure I'm not writing out things that are unwanted, I'mma tag people below that I owe stuff for- all you gotta do is like this post if you want me to continue our thread! < Also if I just start talking again like I never vanished at all, lets just maybe not acknowledge how I vanished and carry on like normal pls and thank. Part of what makes it so hard to come back after these lil breakdown things is that I feel I've left it too long to talk with people and I'm trying to combat that.
@girlishgiggle @bucketfullofocs @countlessrealities @riiese @helluvasinsxhazbinoverlords
@themosthatedbeingg @holoharbinger @cr1msonpeak @infernal-lightning @hazbinned
@compelledcurator @sixwingedmercy @hairoic @handgiven @universalextortion
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
AHHHH!!! i am so glad that you liked the positivity post because we haven't had the opportunity to scream ooc yet. but i am in such awe of how you are able to explore so many different muses & put them out there as these wholeass & believable people. i am also SUCH a fan of when you post dnd updates i love hearing about your shenanigans. you always have something interesting going on in your interactions & i cannot WAIT to keep writing together <3 you seem like suchhhh a cool person & i cannot wait to know you on a personal level as well as admiring your creative capability!!!
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OH GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please, always come Yell at me i will forever be a screm. i love to Screm. especially about characters, mine or others.
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in fact, have some neat information on my dnd shenanigans
aryin stuffs that i havent posted:
aryin's family is actually a spy network. they left it to become a knight because they believed that staying out of the fight was still choosing a side, and was choosing the wrong one.
aryin can Full Mimicry (shapeshift and vocal mimic) anyone they have studied for upwards of a week. they have done this to their late best friend and to their little sister, as well as to their adoptive brother (twin shenans).
aryin carries around little pieces of people they've known. a blue ribbon from their late boyfriend, peter. a teardrop ruby necklace from their late mother, auria. a golden crow lapel pin from their father, lord cytos (to control them). a folded up bat blanket as big as them (or was, it was their size before they had their magic growth).
orlain stuffs that i havent posted:
orlain's father is a FUCKING COCKTWAT and basically "sacrificed" him to the rebirth cycle behind the scenes, so to set him up in a gathered area and let him "volunteer" to put himself into the rebirth cycle.
orlain's hypersexuality is trauma related, and if someone actually sat with him and helped him through it, he may calm down on sleeping around, but at this point it would never go away.
orlain's momma is a bad mf who is still searching for her son. she LOVES her son, and almost killed her husband after finding out about the "volunteering" aspect.
broker stuffs that the riders/some of the riders know but no one else do:
one of the kamen riders, a tiefling named rudeus, reminds him of his only ever student, who was killed for speaking of and spreading the truth when he did not. because of this, he no longer takes students, and speaking his true name makes him irrationally angry.
his true weapons names are "PARACOSM" (a rapier) and "VERO POSTREMO" (a hand crossbow).
it took TEN THOUUUSSAAAAND YEEEEEEARS for broker and owner to confess to each other, and it was only after broker almost got seriously injured, and owner knew he did it on purpose so they'd not get harmed. sappy birb.
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post-cal · 1 year
|| I am so sorry to the person that just followed me, I pulled down the notification bar to check and my stupid thumb hit the block button!!!
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alchemic-elric · 3 years
hey guys I feel like shit today and i’m like awake but i’m physically exhausted so if you feel like shit today please just take this  Much Dapper.  
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thorcat · 4 years
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Today is not geck time but special birb time.
Made a new friend in my break, since we are now able to enjoy our breaks at work on a balcony. There were quite a bunch of small birds watching, but this particular one rolled up and danced around with some whistling noises.
I shared my sandwich with him and he (she?) stayed till i was done.
A very cute birb which hope to see again the next days! (i will take some healthy seeds with me next time for better snackies)
Also, me, when animals approach me:
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princeofpuppets · 4 years
Is this blog still active?
IT IS!!! I PROMISE!!!! I’m sorry for not updating in a million years ;; draw,,,,hard,,,,
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