day-at-rhodes-island · 6 months
one thing i've been wondering, continually, is that if oripathy tends to spread outwards from the point of infection, why isn't amputation a viable treatment? i mean, i could see the argument that infection could remain from residual particles in organs, blood, etc, but it still seems like it would be an effective way to slow a particularly bad infection in a limb.
This actually has a fairly simple answer, oripathy doesn't spread from the point of infection.
Infection is determined by particulate concentration in the blood. You are considered infected once the levels rise to a point where ore lesions begin to form.
The infection site generally sees the development of ore lesions much faster than other areas, but this is usually due to originium particles left in the tissue during the infection event acting as nucleation sites. If you are at a point where the ore lesions start forming, that means it's in your blood, and cutting things off won't help. Even if you cut off the limb immediately, it probably isn't going to effect whether or not there are active particles already in your blood or not, so it's not going to help either.
So, surgical removal of ore lesions from non-vital organs isn't going to improve the patient's condition, and would likely just cause more damage. Ore lesions are generally benign, rarely causing more than slight issues moving when in skeletal muscle when properly treated, and rarely being the cause of death. Usually the cause of death from oripathy is multiple organ system failure caused by cascading mass cell assimilation (an oripathy flareup), which can be catalyzed by arts usage or just happen randomly.
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cerastes · 2 years
So, from what I gathered, Originium infection can either A) Slowly and painfully kill you if untreated B) Give you super powers C) Turn you into a Beast D) A combination of the above. How close am I?
Pretty close.
I'll immediately address the Turn You Into A Beast thing: Not really, it takes very specific use of Originium, with the intent to do so, in order to beast someone up. For example, with Ifrit, who has a severe case of Oripathy, doesn't ever go beast mode until a freak accident (born from unfortunate circumstance, even) send the dangerously implanted fragment of an old, powerful Sarkaz clan into her into a berserk rage, and even then, it could be controlled. In other words, It's possible for Originium to do that, but Oripathy doesn't do that normally.
As for the others, pretty much. Oripathy is terminal, but not necessarily a swift exeuction, and its notoriously degenerative if not treated early. For example, Schwarz' Oripathy is, compared to that of others, mostly a non-issue due to her having received excellent and timely treatment, even before joining Rhodes Island, as noted by Warfarin.
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Which is why Schwarz, despite having a degenerative illness like this, lives otherwise a normal day to day and is even noted to be incredibly athletic and strong. Compare and contrast with Eyjafjalla, whose Oripathy has degenerated her body to the point of being near blind and deaf, as she didn't have the same luck as Schwarz.
When it comes to "giving you superpowers", it's more like it "augments superpowers". Originium Arts are named as such because they use the residual Originium in the users bloodstream and body to cast them; One doesn't need to suffer from Oripathy to have Originium in their body. Just like how boomers are full of lead and us more recent generations are full of microplastics, the average Terran has Originium in their body, in safe quantities. Oripathy is a high concentration of Originium in one's body, which also translates to "Oh, I have more Magic Catalyst Rocks in my body! Therefore, my magic is stronger!" That's why the strongest Arts users also tend to have the worst cases of Oripathy, such as the selfsame Eyjafjalla, Ifrit, and Amiya, whose cases are very, very grave. Likewise, it's also why it is considered very impressive when an individual doesn't have Oripathy but still possesses very strong Arts, such as the Nearl family. In the same token, it is also why it is impressive, in a different way, when an individual has very grave Oripathy and yet has no proficiency with Arts, such as Specter.
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It is important to note that Originium Arts are a specific form of 'superpowers'. Skadi and the Sui, for example, puzzle the RI medical team for this exact reason: The first hypothesis anyone would make to explain Skadi's insane strength or Dusk's reality warping powers is that they are advanced applications of Originium Arts, and thus, their Oripathy must be severe and they wouldn't be special in that regard: Blaze is known for her immense strength as well, but hers is explicitly a result of her Originium Arts, which quite literally burn her blood as fuel in order to grant her said strength, and Angelina just so happened to win the superpower lottery and have an affinity for the rare gravity Arts, one of the fundamental forces of the world. However, Skadi and Dusk are completely devoid of Originium in their bodies, which not only shocks the RI medical team because, well, that's like you or I not having any microplastics in our body (ie: impossible), it also means you can't explain their insane powers with Originium Arts. So, if one were to use the term "superpowers" in-universe, then Originium Arts wouldn't be it, "superpowers" would be whatever the hell the Abyssal Hunters and the Sui have going on (unexplainable by science, defying common logic and specialized knowledge).
Long story short, Oripathy will most of the time necessarily increase the potency of your Arts, and isn't necessarily an experience exclusively filled with agony if treatment is timely and properly administered, but do note that it is, nonetheless, terminal, and that for the vast majority of people in Terra, it IS a slow and painful death. One must remember, our point of view in Terra is Rhodes Island, the leading experts in treating Oripathy, so the Infected we see and deal with on a day to day basis have it VERY well compared to how it goes in the rest of the world, as we see in the main story and side events.
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killacharacterbingo · 4 months
Kousekibyou or crystallization disease, is a condition where the person grows crystal all over their body until they are fully consumed.
It's strongly believed that Kousekibyou is based on oripathy from arknights.
A condition picked up when coming into contact with Originium shards, ingots and Originium particles in the air. A hard black substance starts growing on their body, which is part of the crystlization proces.
The crystallization will continue to spread through the Infected's body, causing pain and discomfort and inhibiting their ability to respirate and properly intake and distribute nutrition, which eventually causes organ failure. Upon the Infected's death, their body will eventually disintegrate in a way similar to spontaneous combustion — the crystals on their body start to glow, leaving behind Originium particle dust that can cause secondary Oripathy infections if the Infected's body is not isolated properly
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sunder-the-gold · 7 months
I don't understand Laterano's exile policy for the Infected
While there are some issues on which I'll defend Laterano, or at least argue that people should consider their perspective, I can't defend them on this one.
Laterano has no apparent reason to be ignorant to how hard it is for the Infected to infect others.
The only knowledge their government seems to suppress is anything related to the nature of The Law as a machine (which no one but the pope seems to know anyway), and anything related to their origins as Sarkaz (which I can't remember if even the pope suspected), and possibly the full details of what a Fallen Sankta is.
With freedom of information exceeded only by the Durin, with internal security and societal trust matched only by the Durin, with a lack of monetary corruption, with all the wealth they have, and with a survival-based incentive to stay ahead of the academic curve on Terra, Laterano MUST have one of the best primary and secondary education systems on Terra.
And Terra's medical science has already determined there is little to no risk for the Infected spreading Oripathy until their corpses disintegrate.
Additionally, building and maintaining public facilities and services to accommodate for the death and impending explosions of the Infected should be extremely easy for the well-oiled bureaucratic machine of the Lateran state.
[Guiding Ahead] actually showed us how efficient they are at handling the untimely death of a total social recluse. Handling the corpse of a monitored Infected should be simple in comparison, especially given the level of cooperation Lateran citizens show with their civil servants.
The moral absurdity of the exile is only slightly mitigated by the fact that the exiles remain full legal citizens, with the government checking in on them to make sure they're not being oppressed wherever they've made their home away from home. But paying to monitor and protect citizens in exile should be just as expensive as accommodating them at home; probably more so.
There are three kinds of laws in Laterano:
"The Law" itself. The secret machine that enforces its own unspoken, unwritten dictates.
The law chosen by the state, which the majority of the people accept without revolt.
And the law that the people demand the government enforce.
The Sarkaz ban could easily be either the second or the third. The highest levels of the original state wanted to keep any Sarkaz from accidentally revealing the true origins of the Sankta, but the modern people also hate and fear the Sarkaz.
But I don't see why the Infected ban would be either.
The People
The Sankta do not fear feeling the emotions of other Sankta suffering from injury and disease; they maintain public hospitals. They have funeral homes and mourning practices.
Also, Laterans show no discomfort at all with authorized, scheduled explosions. They regularly blow up public property with Originium for fun. Controlling for the explosions of the dead Infected would be far less fun, but no less safe.
The continued existence of their civilization depends on the mining, refining, and consumption of Originium. Everything from maintaining Laterano's mobility as a nomadic city, to fueling their factories, to serving as the accelerant for their explosives and the ammunition of their precious Guardian Guns.
Even with the world's best safety practices and protections for miners and gunsmiths, accidents happen. That's how Arene became Infected and exiled -- his parents either made a lapse in their safety practices or something completely unexpected happened in the course of an experiment.
The Secret
We have at least two Infected Sankta at Rhodes Island -- Adnachiel and Arene.
Neither one of them show any sign of Sarkaz heritage because of their Oripathy. They haven't Fallen, they retain full halo-empathy, they could use Guardian Guns if they asked Executor to conduct the test for them, they haven't grown horns or tails...
And on top of that, Ambriel shows absolutely no signs of discomfort in their presence. But then, she joined Rhodes Island in the first place, and no Sankta would do that if they were afraid of Oripathy.
The Law
The Pope suggests that if the Law has a goal or agenda, it is to ensure the survival of the Sankta.
Could the Law be the reason that the government exiles the Infected? Perhaps it sees their proximity as too much of a threat?
But the Law apparently does nothing to punish or discourage the Sankta from accepting Liberi as fellow citizens.
(I doubt the Law is actively refusing to transform Liberi into Sankta. Because if the Law truly wanted to ensure the survival of the Sankta, there would be few better ways to do that than to transform as many willing converts as possible into Sankta, or at least to allow non-Sankta to have Sankta children.)
We know that Sankta can become Infected in Laterano without an immediate response from the Law. Arene did not Fall. Though it is possible that the earliest generations of Sankta noticed that Infected Sankta who remained too close to the Law would eventually Fall.
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sameoldgb · 6 months
It just dawned on me that oripathy and the catastrophes are such a great analogy for capitalism. It grinds people to literal dust, which in turn feed the system back. Natural disasters on such a scale that individual people or groups are powerless to stop. And society grew around it, despite it.
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honouredsnakeprincess · 7 months
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ephemeral-dreamer · 2 years
Just unlocked Franka's module and as I hoed it is incredibly gay while also being somewhat sad and melancholic.
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As much as she tries to play it of it's clear that her oripathy is really effecting her...
Let's hope that she will eventually have the chance to go travelling together with a certain teacher's pet...
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squidwhumps · 7 months
2. Delirium
Is this her punishment? Kin-killer, joy-chaser? They’re eating her alive.
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texassbian · 2 months
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that scene in code of brawl where emperor got shot and bison was the only one panicking LOL
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rex101111 · 10 months
Imagine Penance meeting W.
Like, W doesn’t even have to say anything to her, maybe they just pass each other in the hall, maybe Penance overhears something and looks over to see her annoying a few other operators in the cafeteria, whatever. Penance recognizes her. Just barely.
Sarkaz Mercenaries show up pretty much anywhere and everywhere on Terra, its just inherit to their life style. And Siracusa is probably well connected enough to the outside world to have heard about Reunion and what they tried to do. Or at least the public version of it. Chances are she also read a bunch of files in RI so she could learn a bit more of what came and happened before she joined.
And there, right there, is one of the damn leaders of a fucking terrorist cell just walking around this landship she’s decided to camp out in for however long like its no big thing, and she just found out about it. She’s worked with criminals before, and it ended well for absolutely no one. 
She knows about a bunch of the legally shady shit RI had done and is doing, but this is something she would have liked a warning about to prepare for it. If she needs to shove her face in the mud to get justice, again, she’ll do it. But it would have been nice to know what kind of mud to expect.
So, she barges into Doctor’s room, slams her hands on their desk and snarls, “why is there a terrorist war criminal walking around this ship?”
Whatever answer she was expecting, she sure as hell didn’t expect the Doctor to just blink at her and ask, a bit too confusedly, “uh, which one?”
A few seconds later everyone on the landship hears a screech of “FUCK DO YOU MEAN WHICH ONE!?” 
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cherry-blossomtea · 4 months
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Btw as a chronically ill person who berates myself constantly about not doing “enough” this line snapped me in half. I can will myself to push through incredibly difficult things but ultimately I cannot will myself better. It is real and that means the failure is not mine.
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Rhine Lab manga chapter 2 has been translated and it finally confirms oripathy can be transmitted from infected mother to child at birth, which was always something some people theorized could happen, but seeing it's a real thing is so. Depressing.
I mean, there's no reason the child wouldn't be infected.
Arknights likes to keep its medical science consistent and the writers are not afraid to go to dark places. The cool thing about that is, if something makes logical sense you can be pretty sure that's how it actually works in the world.
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gaemms-chamois · 1 year
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it is PAPRIKA DAY!!!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I have wrathful cerulean flame brainworms again so now I'm thinking about how Amiya's confrontation with Kaschey subverted how Amiya's destiny as the Lord of Fiends is treated by the story.
It's established very early on in Arknights that Amiya's powers are abnormal even within Terra's fantasy setting, and that the rings she wears that restrain her are for her own good. We were not quite sure yet what her powers really meant at that point, but it certainly looked like more of a curse than an ability.
Later on, we found out just what Amiya really is. The Lord of Fiends is the title of the Sarkaz king, which she inherited from her adoptive mother Theresa, the deposed leader of Kazdel and founder of Rhodes Island.
The Lord of Fiends is known by some as the mythological enemy of humanity, a harbinger of death who will bring about total annihilation. One of Silverash's lines to the Doctor has him saying to put Amiya in chains before they end up crowning her. Kal'tsit has Amiya's body sealed under ten rings at all times, demanding that Doctor must prevent Amiya from unsealing the rings at all costs lest she fulfill this destiny. Even a Sarkaz like Buldrokkas'tee sees a vision that the surface of the world will be blanketed with bones should Amiya be allowed to live and grow up.
These moments are meant to be sad and foreboding (obviously), not just acting as grim reminders of Amiya's place in the world being set even when she's still just a child, but as the alternative to the fact that Amiya and Rhodes Island might not even have a future at all, with Amiya being infected and Rhodes Island being an infected organization created and still partly run by the Sarkaz, the most oppressed group of peoples in Terra.
But this gets turned on its head during the confrontation with Kaschey.
Kaschey believes he lives an existence beyond that of humans. He is an impossibly ancient being of innumerable faces and names, wearing people as masks and their lives as clothes. They are nothing but cattle (uh, burdenbeasts,) to him, lower beings that, in his own words, were born to be ruled. He is not a person, because people die, and he is The Deathless, he is the one who loves Ursus, the very meaning of Empire itself. In his own words, "people were born to be ruled."
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No one can touch Kaschey when they can only fight the face he currently wears, hate the name he hides behind. His invisibility is the source of his invincibility, and in turn it is the root of his ego and self-belief as a higher power.
Yet, just like the humans he believes to be above, Kaschey feels fear — fear of the Sarkaz kings. Unlike those who fear the Lord of Fiends through reputation or prophesy alone, Kaschey fears them from something they've actually done.
The reigning king of the Sarkaz has the ability to look into the hearts of people. The kings of old could /see/ him, hiding inside the shells of his victims. They could fight /him/, and not just the people he uses as puppets. The Sarkaz Kings destroyed the idea that the Deathless Black Snake was untouchable.
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For Amiya, who is so young, whose lungs were on fire and who was so scared she could burst into tears, Kaschey's fear of the Lord of Fiends was Amiya's moment of courage—a reminder about whose legacy she was upholding by taking this fight, and who chose her to do it. A reminder that part of Theresa is still with her, and can still make the great and terrible shrink back from her name alone.
Amiya may have pulled a magic sword, but it was Kaschey's fear that truly legitimized her as Theresa's heir. If she's just a stupid kid and illegitimate heir by a lunatic king like Kaschey claimed
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then why be scared at all?
If Amiya must live her life caught in a vicious cycle of oppression and discrimination as an infected and as someone adopted by a Sarkaz, then why not own it and do exactly as her adoptive ancestors did centuries ago, and what Theresa would do if she were here now?
Call for the Snake by name. Challenge his mastery over the world. Let him know you can see him.
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Let him know you can beat him.
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cupids-patheon · 20 days
Actually thought of the night: how has whisperain not even caught oripathy with her weak body? Like. With Ægirs, its not even like they can’t catch oripathy Pudding and kiarara are Ægir and they have oripathy. Either im assuming
A.She got really lucky
B. She was just. REALLY careful
Or . D. we could for fun start far fetched theorizing matpat style.
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oltammefru · 4 months
Kal'tsit's 2nd module is named "Panacea," which is a name that does fit her a lot, but there's one thing in particular that's really interesting about it to me. The graphic for it:
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The medical tools and equipment in the background make a lot of sense but what's with that huge-ass chunk of Originium? Kal'tsit are you implying that Originium is actually akin to a miraculous cure-all??
(There's also something to be said here about the White Diamond symbol that appears over the chunk of Originium, especially since the symbol is strongly associated with Amiya / The Black Crown).
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