#other people sim
astridianmayfly · 3 months
all I'm going to say to the collective TMA fandom tonight is a large, unironic THANK YOU for being normal about Jon's asexuality. By "normal" I mean openly portraying and embracing ace-ness in each and every flavor. Creator after creator in this fandom has their own unique interpretation of Jon's sexuality, and I truly, legitimately feel that this group has created one of the most nuanced and healthy environments for discussing different kinds of attraction
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gammija · 2 months
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Horseys! inspired by this banger of a post by @pinkravat-art
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samwise1548 · 8 months
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Dialogue by @newsiesasvines2 from this post
[ID: Two pen and paper comic strips of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives. Martin is a tall, fat man with round glasses and short curly hair wearing a sweater. Jon is a short, scrawny man with short unkempt hair, a moustache, rectangle glasses, and a wearing a suit and tie.
Image one: In the first panel Martin walks through a door holding out a mug, exclaiming "I made tea!" In the second panel Jon responds "I don't want tea." The next panel is a closeup up Martin's eyes, his brow twitching with annoyance. The panel below it, he turns away from Jon and says "I didn't make tea for you." Where the last word is underlined. An arrow points to him reading "totally did", calling him out. Jon looks at Martin with a blank expression accompanied by a speech bubble with an ellipse.
Image two: Still turned around, Martin exclaims "This is my tea." Where the word 'my' is underlined. There's a little sparkling gleam next to him. A confused Jon asks "Then why are you telling me?" In the next panel Martin says pointedly "It's a conversation starter." An arrow pointing at his speech reveals that this is a lie. Jon responds "That's a lousy starter." The panel below this one has an almost delirious Martin says "Oh, is it? We are conversing." In the last panel he slams his hand onto Jon's desk with a "BAM" and proclaims smugly "CHECKMATE!" Jon looks at him like a deer in headlights.
\End ID]
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onomatoseeyah · 9 months
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The Encounter with the Archivist
|"He was looking at me as if he ate a really good steak"|
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adelarsims · 2 months
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rebouks · 2 months
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Ivan: If y'don't get that thing outta my face I'mma smash the fuck outta yours. Oscar: C'monnn you haven't eaten all day. Ivan: I ain't fuckin' hungry!
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dwarvenchords · 5 months
ykno that tiktok trend of if guys think they could fly a plane
well, f1blr residents, i have a question for you
successful is in the points at MINIMUM
please if applicable give me your explanation in the tags
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Oxford you say? The same Oxford that a certain jarchivist attended you say? Inch resting
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ruby-cloud · 2 years
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   hi wake up new crossover AU just dropped
OXENFREE and The Magnus Archives (S1 crew specifically) crossover AU!
   replayed Oxenfree for the first time since 2017. Great game! One of my favs. Absolutely recommend it, especially if you like TMA    I was going for the Oxenfree art style but gave up halfway through, so whatever. Each of the drawings depicts moments from the game + half of the dialogs are from the game too
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sticcmann · 2 months
he is severely scarred
the bear is neddbear btw
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y3llow-hoodie · 10 months
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First part! Here’s the rest
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kissymeowmeow · 4 months
the other day i was tma infodumping and mentioned the religious symbolism and the sentence JON IS JESUS ELIAS IS GOD violently flashed across my eyes i have never fallen to my knees that quickly in my life
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somuchbetterthanthat · 2 months
Here's a little thing that's turning into my head after the latest episode.
Gwen has clearly been rattled by Mr. Bonzo and this casement obviously didn't help. And you can feel she wants to talk about it to someone, but she can't go to her Posh Friends she already feels "meh" about seeing because it throws back at her what she assumes to be her failures to progress As She Should in the Capitalist world, because well, they'll assume she's lost it, and she'll lost the last of her credibility.
She can't really go to Lena either, because although Lena is well-aware of everything that's going on, actually, and might have, in another world, be a mentor of sort to help her go through the process of the ugly shit they're doing (still rooting for that in the long term ngl), Gwen absolutely won't show any proper weakness or vulnerability in front of Lena -- I think what we saw of last episode is the most she'll allow herself to be. Being demanding and angry rather than, y'know, have the good cry she clearly wanted to have. Lena is still her superior; she doesn't respect her (yet, i suspect) but she's spent the last few years being openly antagonistic and unashamedly ambitious at her -- Gwen's pride can't let her go "nevermind, actually, you were right" about all of it.
Colin is off the grid, Sam and Celia are the newest babies and, possibly, from Gwen's point of view, not reliable in that they might leave soon (and also having a romance affair, though if Gwen is even just a little bit as jon-coded as she seriously appears to be rn, she has NOT realized at all) so of course, of course, that leaves Alice.
Alice might be infuriating and vexing and an horrible coworker, in her mind, but she's also the one who's been here longest, longer than Gwen. She's a form of stability for Gwen, at this point, and from what we heard in the early episodes of the show, they can, on occasion, actually discuss serious work-related topics that might affect them both. On top of that, Alice asks. Alice, however minimal the effort is, seems to care. Which Gwen seems to be in serious need of, if the coffee-scene was any indication.
So of course she tries to talk to Alice about it. Who else is there?
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renwyvernsims · 7 months
I absolutely love your Joe design💚!! It’s not much but here’s some drawings of him :3
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Ohhh my god he looks so cool! :D I love it, thank you so much!
Also I love the detail of the neon green fishnet gloves, if I had them I would have given him some with that outfit but alas, I had none.
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Now the real question is would Martin still love Jon if he was a worm
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shadeswift99 · 1 year
...So just so we’re clear. The players in The Death Game, during the second episode of the scarce amount of time at the beginning of The Death Game where effort is mostly devoted to preparation and alliance making because later there will be no time due to The Killing And Dying Associated With The Death Game, got bored and decided there wasn’t enough death so they abandoned said preparations and used a part of that scarce time of mercy to watch an organized ring fight. Yeah? Okay cool just making sure
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