#otp: origami mice
queen-scribbles · 7 days
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My love, you're the 8th wonder It's no wonder I can't look away
A rare hair-down Janine for gorgeous art of her and Felix from @sunshinemage bc I know Rory loves drawing fabulous hair and hers definitely qualifies. 🥰🦄🌈
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ryttu3k · 6 months
Astarion, Wyll, and Shart for the chara meme? :3c
[send me a character]
Under the cut! Spoilers for all three of their arcs.
First impression: …tragically, it was "oh hey, he's the dude that fucked a bear." That was where I first learned of BG3. It was… memorable.
Impression now: My baby. What a shitbag. Needs a hug and possibly a slap upside the head. Meet me in the pit, Cazador. Blorbo of the year.
Favourite moment: Discovering the dungeons in Cazador's palace. Dude's going through the first four stages of grief all at the same time and Neil Newbon sells it. …That, or, "W~ell, apPARently there's a limit. Somewhere between a ~nice summer's day~ and the fuLL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN! *deep breath* [Astarion disapproves]"
Idea for a story: I have a whole list of the fuckers, but one I've been tentatively noodling at is an AU where a god does, in fact, answer him. Namely, Lathander. By the time he meets the rest of the Tadfools, he's been a Cleric of Lathander for about a century, and, yes, is also a vampire spawn. It's okay he and Lathander have an understanding.
Unpopular opinion: He was a Sun Elf. I know they're rare I know he's almost certainly a Moon Elf based on his hair colour and living in Baldur's Gate but I will die on this hill that he was a freckled, gold-eyed Sun Elf for the tragedy, okay. Ties in with the above story idea, too. He just loves the sun 😭
Favourite relationship: I have five OTPs for this jerk. Five.
Favourite headcanon: He's going to discover a talent for creativity and crafting. Embroidery and making perfumes and fragrances, yes, but also he's going to get quite into sketching, origami, all sorts of stuff. Post-game, he'd totally have a craft room.
First impression: Designated hero, probably would be the main character without a Tav/Durge.
Impression now: Designated hero, probably would be the main character without a Tav/Durge, complete with all the complexity and fucked-up-ness (positive) that implies <3 He's still very much A Hero but he's definitely more complicated than just A Hero.
Favourite moment: Meeting Karlach face to face and realising Mizora has deceived him. He knows he's going to have to defy her and he's goddamn terrified but he barely even hesitates to do the right thing and keep Karlach safe.
Idea for a story: Ooh man I have one bobbing around about Wyll seeing Astarion's scars and realising he recognises them. Inspiration for wanting to save people, versus the helplessness of being all of sixteen years old at the time.
Unpopular opinion: Honestly I still go back and forward between reconciling with his father. On the one hand, I like seeing them move on and heal. On the other hand, he was seventeen years old Ulder you absolute fuck.
Favourite relationship: With Karlach. Probably due to design since their stories are interwoven, but I love how they just go from like… him being dedicated to killing her, to being so ride or die for each other that Wyll is willing to go to the Hells for her - and that Karlach is willing to go back somewhere she's said she'd rather die to return to, solely because Wyll promises he'll be there with her 🥺
Favourite headcanon: While chatting idly to Volo in the Elfsong, he learns Volo has that prosthetic eye handy. After breaking the pact with Mizora, Wyll approaches Volo and asks if… maybe he could have it, and replaces the stone Sending Stone eye with the Ersatz Eye instead. It's a hell of a relief.
First impression: The Mean Girl tbh
Impression now: She is baby. Let her grow night orchids and feed pocket mice.
Favourite moment: Reunion with her parents ;_; I goddamn cried. Let her make her own choice and she let them go; when I do a Shadowheart Origin run she's going to choose them to survive and will get so many hugs.
Idea for a story: Got a silly little slice of life thing about getting frustrated at her hair getting tangled so easily in the wilderness, and Halsin teaching her some herblore for hair care. Alternatively, swimming lessons!
Unpopular opinion: Not sure if it's unpopular, but I find her the most unlikeable character in act 1 and a lot of act 2. I know a lot of it is her upbringing, and there are moments of sweetness (like with the night orchid), but otherwise she just kind of annoys me.
Favourite relationship: With Lae'zel. They instantly and immediately clash. They're also extremely similar, in that they both grew up in cult-like surrounds led by dangerous figures, and have to learn to find their own paths after breaking away from those surrounds in absolutely heart-wrenching circumstances. I think once they realise that, they'll start to develop a ridiculously close bond.
Favourite headcanon: She tended to avoid the full moon just because of its association with Selune. The first time she intentionally sits and communes with the moon at night, it'll trigger her first transformation going Full Werewolf and she will be quite surprised.
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
Hush prompt fill for @captainofthefallen ft Janine/Felix being adorable
Janine stumbled. Felix’s speed--even checked to something almost-human--was a struggle to keep up with, especially in her shoes.
“Oh, here-” He checked himself at the last second to veer down a side hall.
She yelped and skidded, one of her flats flying off as she pivoted to keep up without his grip on her hand dislocating something. “Felix-!”
“What?” He wasn’t even breathing hard.
She was starting to. “Remember I’m still human, babe.”
A sheepish laugh and Felix did slow a little. “Sorry, I just want enough distance for this to be sporting.” He tossed a grin over his shoulder. “Y’know, since you’re human.”
Touché. Janine did her best to snort a sarcastic laugh.
Felix ran them through a couple more whiplash inducing turns, then just as Janine’s bare foot was starting to sting from running, he braked to an abrupt halt. “This’ll do.”
Janine chuckled as she followed him into the closet. It was surprisingly tight quarters given the size of this place. Wouldn’t they need more space for cleaning supplies? “Think he’ll find us?”
Felix laughed as he shut the door. “Assuming he actually cooperates and didn’t just say he would to get me to leave--watch your step, babe--yeah, he probably will.”
Janine gingerly shuffled to the depth of the closet, careful not to stub her toes on anything. “Then what’s the point of this...?” She smiled as Felix joined her with great care. The warmth of him pressed so close sent her already-rapid heartbeat ratcheting up a couple more notches.
“Think of it as... alternate combat training,” he said, and she could hear the grin in his voice. “It’s a chance for you to practice regulating your heart rate and breathing, in case you’re ever hiding and need to make it harder for a supernatural to find you. Even a few extra seconds can make a difference.”
“Oh, you’re the wrong partner for that,” Janine informed him, hand seeking his as she grinned wide in the pitch-black. He’d still see it. “My heart’s always racing around y-”
Felix cut her off with a finger pressed to her lips, other hand intertwining with hers to give a squeeze. “Ditto, but I hear him coming,” he murmured in her ear.
The extra-close proximity did nothing to help her efforts at calming her pounding heart or settling her breathing, but she still tried. Grinning against Felix’s finger as heavy bootsteps in the hall drew near enough she could hear them.
The pair pressed further back as the steps drew closer, holding their breath. Her heart was still pounding, and she wasn’t sure if it was from running or from Felix’s arm pressed full-length against hers.
The steps still slowed in their hallway. Stopped outside the closet. Paused in mounting silence.
Until a fist banged the door. Janine barely managed to strangle off the surprised yelp, felt Felix flinch next to her, his elbow digging lightly into her ribs.
“You sound like a pair of damn jackhammers in there,” Mason barked, the door not muffling his annoyed tone in the slightest. “At least make it a challenge. No wonder Nate was able to find you so easy after you wrecked his shit.”
They managed not to burst into matching peals of laughter until his footsteps had faded.
 “Guess we’ll have to find someone else to help if we want to try again,” Janine mumbled, Felix’s finger still resting against her lips.
He slid his hand away, tracing her jaw with his thumb. “I think once was enough for today, babe.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “Maybe we should go talk about ways you can get better at this...?”
She smirked. From his tone, the talking part would be brief. “Sounds good to me,” she murmured in his ear, leaning close enough she could feel it when his pulse jumped. “One thing first; you help me find my shoe. Those are my favorites.”
“Deal,” Felix laughed, and he stole a kiss before edging forward to open the door, hand still linked with hers.
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
for the sweet prompts: AJ/Nate or Janine/Felix + Slow Dancing!
-em :)
I've been giving AJ a lot of attention recently, so I went with Janine/Felix for this one, and posting today as a (slightly early) birthday fic for my girl. --- Janine was singing.
Felix could hear her even before he reached her flat and grinned. It sounded like she was having fun, belting out a pop song. He could pick up her elevated heartbeat, too.
Oh, yeah. She's having fun. Whatever she's doing. He fished the key to her place out of his pocket. (she'd given Bravo two; one for him and one for Nate "'cause I trust you most with my stuff.") Felix hadn't used his yet, so there was a small pulse of relief in his chest when it worked and he slipped inside.
Janine was having fun--so much she didn't immediately notice his entrance. She was cleaning; pushing a dust mop across the spaces of wood floor between her rugs and occasionally pausing to dance around with the mop.
Felix's grin widened at the sight. She was so gorgeous happy, even in legging and a ratty, too-big t-shirt, hair in a messy bun with a cloth headband holding wispys back from falling in her face. "Surely you can do better for a partner, babe."
She twitched at the realization she wasn't alone, then relaxed just as fast seeing it was him. "Easy as pie, now that you're here." She leaned the dust mop on the back of the loveseat. "I thought you were working today."
"Maybe I'm s'pposed to be," Felix grinned, waggling his brows. "Or maybe a couple meetings got cancelled and you're the best way to spend my free time."
Janine smiled. "Why'd the meetings get cancelled?"
"Didn't ask," he shrugged. "All I care is that I don't have to go. Thought I'd see if you wanted to do something..." He glanced at the cleaning supplies scattered around the kitchen and living room. "But clearly you already have plans."
"Yeah, sorry." She wrinkled her nose. "Since I'm off today and you weren't supposed to be, today is summer cleaning. And I have company coming tomorrow, so I have to finish today."
"So I'll help," Felix offered.
Janine arched a brow. "You sure, babe? I love spending time with you, but I know cleaning isn't your favorite."
"Hey, anything I get to do with you is my favorite activity by default." He grinned and tugged her close to twirl around. "One condition: we stop for any songs that are super-danceable."
"Deal," she laughed, grabbing his shoulder to stop herself. "Except how do you know all my music tastes aren't super danceable?"
"Guess we'll just have to tighten up the criteria," Felix said. "Whaddya want me doing?"
"Hmmm..." Janine slipped her phone from her pocket to pause the music. "The kitchen, I guess? That's mostly wiping down counters, and finishing the dishes I have in the sink. So you don't have to worry about pungent cleaning agent smells and we can see each other."
"Aw, babe, thanks for looking out for me," Felix said, giving her a peck of a kiss before he headed into the kitchen.
Janine laughed and restarted the song as she reached for the dust mop to get back to work.
Her playful question about her music proved valid; pretty much all of it was very danceable. It varied in tempo but maintained a good energy for cleaning. Felix made himself wait and work through three whole songs before one of his favorites came on and he couldn't help it.
He dropped the rag he was using on the counter and zipped across the floor to tug Janine away from cleaning windows to dance with him. "We can't pass this one up!"
She laughed, eyes sparkling. "You are a very bad influence, darling."
"The worst," Felix agreed cheerfully with a wink.
The two had their impromptu dance session, laughing the whole time. Janine was so graceful Felix couldn't take his eyes off her(but that was always the case when they were in the same room). He could see the influence of her years in ballet on how she moved, even just goofing off with him to a more modern song. It was captivating.
"You're studying me like there's going to be a test," Janine said, breathless teasing that startled him out of his reverie. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah. You're just so gorgeous when you're happy. And always, but you know what I mean, I like seein' you happy. Getting to relax."
"Technically supposed to be cleaning rather than relaxing," she said wryly, "but I suppose this is better than... a lot of what we do for work, regardless."
"I just..." Felix caught her hand and twirled her in close. "You've gone through a lot of shit since we met" --because we met-- "and I like getting to see you genuinely happy, too." He kissed her and she hummed appreciation, her free hand sliding to cup the side of his neck. (Fireworks, again. How was she such a good kisser?)
"Shouldn't be terribly hard to catch," she winked. "I'm always happy with you."
The last beats of the song faded out as his heart exploded a little with joy at her words. "Me, too," he whispered, and then got distracted when the next song started with a much slower tempo--jarringly slower--than the rest of the playlist. "Wow," he muttered. "Talk about a mood change."
"Risk of hitting shuffle, you never know what's next." Janine grinned and pulled him back when he started for the kitchen. "I don't think we're done yet."
"This is your idea of danceable, babe?" Felix teased even as he let her reel him in and start swaying to the soft melody.
"Can't hurt to brush up on your slow dancing, Agent Hauville," she riposted, mischief in her grey eyes as she settled her arms around his neck. "You never know when you might need it for infiltration or what have you."
Felix bit back a grin and looked down at their feet. "And if I point out I ddon't really know how to do the fancy formal slow kind of dancing, Agent Elder?"
Janine smiled. "I do. And it's Agent Elder the younger, if we're being formal."
He laughed, finally settling his hands on her hips as they continued swaying to the song. "I think we need to get your mom a promotion. You two having the same title is weird."
"I don't disagree," she said with a giggle, leaning her forehead briefly against his shoulder. "Though I think we'll need a better reason to convince her superiors."
Felix snorted. "True. But let's get back to how not-surprised I am you know this kind of dancing, too."
"You do know me well," she said. "Honestly, Felix, a lot of slow dancing you can fake it just by holding your partner close and swaying in time to the music, like we're doing now. Small shuffle-y steps. It's only with something more specific like a waltz you need to know certain steps if you don't want to stand out."
You'd stand out in any crowd. "So I'm following your lead, then?" he joked.
"Only until you know the steps. Then I'll happily follow yours." Janine leaned in to kiss him. "Wherever you want to go."
"No pressure or anything," he murmured against her lips. You're much better at leading.
She slid her hand forward, thumb brushing arcs over his cheek. "I trust you, Felix."
"Glad to hear that." Felix swallowed. Doesn't really help with the no pressure thing. "I trust you, too."
Janine smiled at that, and this time when she leaned in to kiss him he met her halfway. His hands tightened on her waist, her arms slid around his neck, as fireworks flashed across their vision. (or at least across his.) The parted and rested their foreheads against each other, still swaying slightly as the song faded out.
"I guess we should get back to cleaning," Janine murmured in the brief silence before another, more upbeat, song started off.
"Guess we should." Felix couldn't resist stealing another quick kiss before they disentangled themselves to get back to work. He grinned, catching her smiling to herself as she resumed cleaning windows, and picked up where he'd left off. Maybe slow songs weren't so bad.
Nothing was, that made her smile like that.
And then she started singing along with the current song and Felix couldn't help but join in.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Happy birthday to my favorite vampire, Felix Hauville :D
45.  comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together [Janine/Felix] ----
“So, what do you want to do today?”
“I dunno, whadda you wanna do today?”
Janine giggled and rolled over so she was facing Felix. “Ask me that when it’s my birthday, babe. Today is your choice.”
“What if I said I wanted to do whatever you wanna do?” Felix countered with a grin, brushing hair back from her face.
“I’d say you were very sweet,” she said. Her heart fluttered because she knew he meant it. “But today being your birthday, I’m deferring to you for our plans. And I don’t think your patrols were mysteriously ‘covered’ so we could lay here all day arguing about who gets to decide what we’re doing.”
His grin got wider. “I dunno, laying in bed with you all day does sound like a pretty fantastic plan, Minty.”
“You-” Janine started to move to punch his shoulder, stopped herself, settled for a withering look with no real heat behind it. “I’ll let that slide because it’s your birthday. And you’re adorable.”
“Oh, today’s gonna be fun,” Felix laughed. “You wanna know a secret?” He ran his hand down her arm, fingers nudging hers til they uncurled.
“Mm, always,” she said lazily as they pressed their hands palm to palm and studied the contrasts; deep brown and pale cream, that annoying paper cut on the side of her finger that was taking forever to heal against his unblemished, his fingers slightly longer.
“I’m pretty sure Mason took one of my patrols,” he said, pressing his fingertips gently against hers until they curved slightly back.
“He must’ve,” Janine pointed out, mirroring the gesture until Felix let his fingers bow back. “You were supposed to have two and there’s no way Adam or Mum would’ve let Nate take them both. So Mason or Adam must’ve taken the second one. I feel like he would’ve anyway, though.” She shifted her fingers over to link between his, caressing the back of his hand. “You’re very lucky in your friends, Felix Hauville.”
“Sure am,” Felix said with a smile, curling his hand around hers as well. “And what about you?”
“Me? Tina would’ve switched if I asked, so I am lucky in that respect myself, but thanks to a minor miracle, I’m just off today. No shift swapping required.”
“I meant I’m lucky to have you, too, Janine,” he elaborated when she stopped talking. He wiggled in closer to kiss the tip of her nose.
“Oh. Well, I’ll sound narcissistic if I say yes, so...” she kissed his forehead. “If you say so.”
“Do I ever.” He let go of her hand to wrap his arm around her waist instead.  “You’re one of the best things that ever happened to me.”
“One of?” Janine teased, even as she snuggled closer, hiding her mischievous grin against his shoulder.
“Well,” Felix’s nose wrinkled. “I may not love them like I do you, but the rest of Bravo’s pretty great, too.”
“Felix, I’m joking.” She leaned back enough to meet his eyes. “I don’t mind sharing top billing, especially with them.”
“One more thing that makes you awesome,” he said with a laugh. He tucked loose hair behind her ear and his hand lingered against her jaw a moment.
She knew he could hear the racing heart that accompanied her blush. “I feel like this is rather backwards. Shouldn’t I be extolling your virtues today?”
“Hey, you asked what I wanted to do, babe,” Felix pointed out, amber eyes sparkling. “Maybe gloating that I have an awesome girlfriend is on the list.”
She couldn’t help herself. Janine pressed her forehead to his, her finger tracing light patterns against his back. “Does that come before opening presents...” Kissed him briefly, lightly. “Or after?”
Felix considered for a moment, hand sliding to the back of her neck. “How ‘bout both?” he murmured with a grin as he kissed her back more deeply.
“...works for me,” Janine mumbled against his mouth nails raking lightly up his back--just enough to tickle and make him flinch. “That’s for Minty.”
They were both laughing as they pressed into another kiss. Janine knew whatever plans they settled on for the day, it would be a good one.
Precisely what Felix deserved. ----
(Janine’s middle name is Araminta, when Felix learns that(rip) he starts occasionally calling her Minty)
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Remember when I talked about the idea of Janine and Felix jinxing each other when they go to propose at the same time? Yeah, what better day to share the result with the world than Felix’s birthday :D
Janine didn’t think she’d ever seen Felix voluntarily sit still this long in all the time she’d known him. If he were human she’d be wondering if he’d fallen asleep. And they weren’t even watching a movie or anything.
That had been the plan when Nate shooed them out of the kitchen, but then they’d plunked down on Felix’s bed all cuddled up and neither could be arsed to find the remote. This was good, too. And surprised as she was at him not turning into a fidgety mess after two minutes, she was enjoying it too much to tease. They so rarely got to just be, without peril and running around and other stuff. This was nice.
“I like having you all to myself,” she commented, snuggling closer.
Felix didn’t reply, and Janine arched a brow. Maybe he had actually fallen asleep.
“Babe.” She poked him in the ribs and he yelped as he twitched away. “Ah, you are awake.”
“Yeah, sorry, I was thinking. About how amazing you are,” he added before she could ask, tone genuine and mischief in his eyes.
Janine giggled. Anyone else, she’d think they were buttering her up with a line like that out of the blue, but not him. “Well, don’t let me distract you.”
Felix grinned at her. “By all means, babe, distract away.”
“In that case...” Janine rolled from her position tucked under his arm to straddle his lap, her skirt pooling over his legs and her arms loosely around his neck. “Care to stroke my ego a little and share what makes me amazing?”
“Aside from everything?” Felix snorted, but the sincerity in his eyes belied the teasing tone. “Your smile, your laugh, the way you wanna help people...” his arms slid around her waist, “...your happiness, you have a way with words that could charm a banshee out of a snit” --he stole a kiss-- “But I’m glad you decided I was a better use of your talents.” Another kiss, slightly longer. “What else.... that little wiggly-bounce you do when you’re excited. And you have great taste in men-”
She kissed him, hands braced against the wall, then laughed, giddy, breathless, overwhelmed he’d reeled that off so quickly. “That’s quite a list.”
“Didn’t get to my favorite one yet,” Felix murmured, breath warm against her cheek. “You stuck around.”
“Felix...” She kissed him again, one hand curving the back of his neck and her thumb brushing over the hair at his nape. “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised softly, resting her forehead against his. “I like the rest of the team too much, and I love you.”
His breath caught, pulse jumping against her fingertips. “I love you, too.”
She loved when he said it like that; like it was a secret just for them, a treasure too precious by half, a truth that couldn’t be contained in words. It made her heart swell, made her want to throw caution to the wind, shout from the roof of the warehouse, something to tell him and the world how much he meant to her.
There was something. It was the very definition of throwing caution to the wind, of impulsivity, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that. “Felix-”
“Will you marry me?” One question fell from two pairs of lips in the same moment, and all other emotions--surprise, elation, wild excitement--were momentarily eclipsed by playground rules from when she was six, and Janine whooped, “Jinx!”
At the same moment as Felix.
Half a second later, realization clawed out from under schoolgirl habit and grey eyes met gold, both wide with glee and horror in equal measure.
Shit. Janine clapped  hand over her mouth to hold back a giggle. What do we do?! she tried to ask with just her eyes. If vampires, werewolves, and various other supernatural forces were real, no way in hell was she messing with a jinx. It might actually give her bad luck.
Felix looked just as flummoxed--and amused--as she felt. He shrugged and bit his lip. Great.
Janine’s phone chimed as she tried to work out the easiest way to fix this  When she wiggled it out of her pocket, there was a text from Tina. Need you at the station. Should be quick 🤞. She wrinkled her nose and turned the phone to show Felix the text.
He nodded, eyes still laughing, and tugged her in for one more quick kiss before she climbed off the bed and hunted down her flats.
This might be a good thing, she mused as she headed for her car. If Tina greeted her by name it would break the jinx, she could handle this ‘quick’ problem, and come back to say ‘Yes, Felix’ and unjinx him if he still needed it. Yeah, this was good. 
Tina greeted her with an apologetic smile. “Hey. sorry to bother you on your day off, but the Captain decided these need to go to the big city” --she jostled the case files in her arms-- “and I need the detective’s signature.”
Janine nodded, fighting down  glower that Tina hadn’t used her name(but of course today would fall in the handful of occasions that happened). She got a pen from her desk and spread the files out to start signing off. There were only five, and Tina kept up a stream of chatter about her post-shift plans--never once saying Janine in the whole ramble. It was as she finished checking and signed the last file Tina poked her in the shoulder.
“Hey. You’re being awful quiet,” she pointed out, brow furrowed. “Are you mad at me?”
Janine shook her head..
Tina’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Just not feeling chatty today?”
Janine wrinkled her nose and shrugged, and Tina’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, my god, you got jinxed, didn’t you?!” she crowed as she collected the files.
Janine huffed grumpily and raked back hair that had fallen from her bun.
Tina grinned. “Who got you?”
Janine curved her hands to form a heart against her chest and fluttered her eyelashes.
“Felix?!” Tina’s grin went wider and decidedly mischievous “So I guess now you need to be unjinxed, huh?”
Janine nodded, pressing her palms together in a pleading gesture.
Tina tapped one finger against her chin and smirked. “Now, let’s see, what do I want in return for this favor....? Any ideas, J- oh, right, I’m on my own for this one.”
Janine pouted and lightly whacked her friend’s shoulder in protest. That’s not fair!
“I’d play nice if I were you, my friend,” Tina teased, wagging a finger. “Give me another second to think.”
Janine managed to control herself while Tina stroked her chin in exaggerated thought, but internally she was making strangling motions.
“I know,” Tina finally said with a giggle. “How’s a baker’s dozen pastries from Haley’s sound? Fair trade?”
You and your sweet tooth. Janine bit back a smile as she nodded. If that’s what it takes, fine.
She rolled her eyes and made a heart-crossing gesture. Best I can do.
Tina grinned. “You’re the best, Janine.”
“No, you are,” Janine said fervently, wrapping her in a quick, tight hug. “I’ll get you the pastries tomorrow when they’re fresh, right now I have to go.” She darted for the door. “Thanks, Tina!”
“You’re making me think I should have aimed higher!” Tina hollered after her. “Like rights on being your bloody maid of honor or something!” 
Janine snorted a laugh at the irony but didn’t even slow down.  She could explain later.
Felix had never been good at patience, but this was even worse than usual. He paced his room with bouncing steps for all of thirty seconds before even that wasn’t enough and he headed out to find... someone.
Mason was on patrol, Rebecca had been called to some meeting.... Maybe if he tried to sneak back into the kitchen he could get Nate to scold him and that would do the trick.
But Nate wasn’t in the kitchen anymore when Felix got there. His face crinkled in disappointment and he lightly kicked the bottom edge of the counter.
He needed to be unjinxed by the time Janine got back. Even if this quick problem stayed quick to fix, he didn’t want to wait. He wanted to be able say ‘Yes, absolutely, just try to stop me!’ as soon as she walked in.
Of course, the fact they’d both asked was sort of a yes on its own, wasn’t it? Felix eyed the fresh tray of cookies sitting atop the stove and shook his head. Didn’t matter. He wanted to actually say it.
Denied freedom via scolding, Felix wandered back out of the kitchen in search of Nate or Adam or somebody. The few agents he passed in his quest nodded politely but all looked too preoccupied to stop and help him. Somewhere in his random meanderings, he started picking up the sound of rhythmic blows and he grinned. Shoulda know Adam would be working out. His route became much more deliberate as he started making his way to the training room.
Adam was clearly focused--though no doubt noticed he had company--so Felix waited by one of the benches for a... safer feeling moment to finagle what he needed out of the team leader. It didn’t take long--though it felt like an eternity to Felix--for Adam to finish the series of moves he’d been... rehearsing? Practicing? Whatever you’d call it, he’d actually left the practice dummy in one piece this time. Normally Felix would jokingly applaud his restraint just to get an eyeroll. 
“Did you need something?” Adam asked without turning around. He wasn’t even breathing hard.
Felix wrinkled his nose and hunched his shoulders. This isn’t gonna work unless you look at me, he grumbled silently.
Adam turned with a frown creasing his brow. “I do not feel like playing games, Felix. What-”
Yes! Felix pumped one fist and grinned. “No, nothing, I’m good, thanks.” That was easier than I thought it would be.
Adam’s frown deepened, suspicion mingled with annoyance now. “Then why are you here?”
“Don’t worry about it, not important anymore.” Felix started edging toward the door.
“Ugh, fine.” Adam was going to think this was silly, he knew he would, but the older vampire looked ready to haul him up by his collar and let him dangle until he explained. He wouldn’t, probably, but explaining was the path of least resistance, and Felix was fond of those. Knew I shoulda looked for Nate.
Just as he opened his mouth, however, the training room door burst open to reveal Janine, loose wisps of hair hanging in her face and determined excitement burning so bright in her grey eyes it brought out the matching stripes in her dress. She hesitated a fraction of a second after catching his eye, probably worried about a repeat.
Felix was too excited to share her concern and launched himself toward her with a loudly whooped, “YES!!!”
She was giggling as he crashed into her, as she stumbled back into the door, as their hands latched onto each others’ clothes, laughing as she kissed him, deep enough he saw fireworks. Which was fitting because this deserved celebration.
It wasn’t until a deep, long-suffering sigh rumbled out of Adam they remembered they had an audience. “Do I want to know?”
Felix and Janine broke apart, grinned at each other, and both started rattling off explanations. Felix shut up a few sentences in; Janine was doing a much better job explaining that he would have. Besides, this way he got to look at her. At the way her eyes lit up, the extra wisps of hair curling and bobbing around her face as she reeled off an enthusiastic play by play of the events leading to now. She looked like she was glowing, or maybe that was just the light through the high windows, but Felix liked the thought of her glowing better.
Adam had a very skeptical eyebrow arched by the time she finished. “Jinxes are mere superstition, Detective. They cannot cause you harm because they are not real.”
“Says the vampire,” Janine shot back immediately with a grin and arched brow of her own.
Felix barely swallowed a whoop as he slung an arm around her shoulders and turned to grin at Adam. “She makes an excellent point.”
“Supernatural races existing outside legend is a different matter entirely,” Adam insisted, then shook his head as if dismissing the matter entirely. He ran a searching look over the two of them. “This... development will bring up things to discuss, but,” one corner of his mouth tipped upward. “I am happy, for both of you.”
“Thanks, I’m happy for us, too,” Janine said brightly, shuffling herself and Felix out of the way as Adam headed for the door.
“Me, three,” Felix chipped in, kissing her on the cheek.
One small chuckle escaped Adam, and he offered them a single nod of approval before he left the room. Soon as the door closed behind him, Janine;s fingers dug into Felix’s scarf and she kissed him deeply, soundly, long enough to set lights sparking behind his eyes.
“Fireworks,” he whispered mischievously, and she grinned and kissed him again so they could see some more.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
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What’s this? A second ugly sweaters commission from @sssamsondraws? Yes, yes it is, and I love it. :3
Janine and Felix from The Wayhaven Chronicles in all their Christmas-y glory have made my week. LOOK AT THEM THEY’RE PERFECT. Absolutely worth sitting on this idea since last Christmas to wait til i could afford it.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
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Fluffy Idiots
(Janine Elder/Felix Hauville playlist; art’s by the-upper-shelf)
Shut Up and Dance ∙ Walk the Moon || Love You Like the Movies ∙ Anthem Lights || Rather Be ∙ Pentatonix Cover || Strange World ∙ Haley Reinhart || Ten Feet Tall ∙ Wrabel || I’m Yours ∙ Jason Mraz || I Wouldn’t Mind ∙ He is We || Plans ∙ Elephante || I Choose You ∙ Sarah Bareilles || Falling In ∙ Lifehouse
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Micro story prompts: how dare [you]
The quiet squeak from her office door was all the warning Janine got, but it was enough she didn’t flinch when a voice broke through her concentration. “Hey, babe.”
Her brow arched as she looked up. “Felix? Not that I’m complaining, but to what do I owe this surprise? I thought you had patrol.”
He pushed away from the doorframe , making a half-hearted attempt to look serious as he sauntered toward her desk. “Oh, I do. Which is why, unfortunately, this is gonna be a quick visit.”
Janine’s eyebrow went higher in silent inquiry of the purpose behind said visit.
Felix pulled a mock-somber expression and dropped into the chair on the other side of the desk. “I didn’t kiss you goodbye this morning.”
She gave an exaggerated gasp and pressed one hand to her chest in faux-dismay. “That’s right. How dare you forget something so crucial to the day, Agent Hauville.” She leaned forward, arms folded on the desk as she fought a smile. “Such a grievous oversight should be corrected immediately before there are... consequences.”
He grinned mischievously and planted his elbows on the desk to lean in as well, eyes sparkling despite his supposed ‘crime’ as he stopped with their noses just shy of touching. “Like what?”
Janine laughed at the playful challenge in his voice. “Or I may just have to subject you to my romcom marathon this weekend,” she retorted.
“Hm.” Felix pursed his lips in thought a moment, then grinned. “Can I kiss you and be subjected to your movie marathon?”
She laughed again, fingers creeping forward to brush his arm. “A glutton for punishment, are you?”
He leaned in a little more. “Only when it means spending more time with you, babe.”
Janine matched his grin, her face warming as she murmured, “I think that can be arranged, then.”
She barely got the words out before his fingers slid into her hair and his lips captured hers.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
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“You might not find it so fun to be stuck in one place forever.”
“Oh, I don’t know... Depends on the company.”
Aesthetic for Janine Elder/Felix Hauville
[Mallory/Adam] [AJ/Nate] [Kasey/Mason]
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
The Very Best
Have some Janine/Felix fluff (which doubles as an “under a full moon” kiss fill for @orime-stories ;D) bc I found out yesterday afternoon(/sweats) today is my favoritest vampire’s birthday and I had to do something.
“No peeking! Are your eyes closed?!”
“Cross my heart! Are we almost there? This is a suspicious amount of steps.”
“Yeah, hold on...” Janine released one of his hands so she could open the door and guided him forward. “One more up...little bit further... Okay, you can open them,” she instructed, already fighting a smile of anticipation.
Felix opened one eye, then the other, and immediately broke into a huge grin when he saw the balloons; a trio of purple clustered around a silver and white unicorn, gently swaying in the evening breeze. “Oh, this is so worth the whole air of mystery, babe. And tripping on the steps.”
Janine grinned as well. “I’m glad you approve,” she teased, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He gestured at the wicker loveseat to which the balloons were tied, eyes sparkling in the glow of the fairy lights she’d strung up around it. “This is amazing and you did it for me.” His grin widened and he flicked one of the purple balloons just below the black and gold lettered ‘Happy Birthday’.”One question: How’d you know?”
“I am a detective,” Janine said lightly, mischief in her eyes undercutting the attempted innocent tone as she tugged him around to sit on the loveseat. “It’s my job to find things out.”
Felix shot her a knowing look as he plunked down amongst the loveseat’s cushions, almost knocking over the ribbon-bound box that sat in the middle.  “Nate told you, didn’t he?”
“No, Nate did not tell me.” She let the silence stretch as she sat next to him, kicking off her flats to tuck her feet up under her and primly smoothing her cherry-patterned skirt before the facade cracked and she grinned again.  “...Mason did.”
Felix looked at her with arched brows, one hand toying with the ribbon tails from the box.
“Because I asked him,” she further conceded.  “Well, pestered. And he was very clear he wouldn’t help with whatever ‘over the top, lovey dovey shit’ I was planning.”
He snorted. “Only Mason would consider this over the top.”
“It is pretty lovey dovey, though,” Janine said. “You don’t mind that it’s more-”
“Intimate?” Felix finished for her with a waggle of his eyebrows. “Definitely not. Especially since it’s time with you we’re talking about.” The grin he shot her was teasing, but above it his amber eyes were all sincerity. “I like having fun with you, but I like being quiet with you, too.”
She grinned so wide it hurt her face(matching the sweet ache in her chest).  “Alright good. Because there’s something I want to show you that kind of requires these conditions.” She waved one hand to encompass the otherwise-empty rooftop and darkening sky above.
“Really? What?” Felix shot her an eager, curious smile and started to shift closer.
“Don’t squish your present!” Janine laughed, deftly hooking two fingers under the ribbons to lift it from the space between them. 
His eyes lit up. “Did you make me something?!”
She grinned coyly. “You’ll find out when you open it.” She extended her hand so the box dangled closer to him.
Felix’s gaze darted between the gift and Janine’s face. He took the box, but merely sat it in his lap, fiddling with the ribbons as he cocked his head at her.  “After you tell me what you wanted to show me.”
Janine chuckled and gave a nod. “You have a deal. There’s supposed to be a meteor shower at some point tonight. I saw this one last time ‘round; it’s really beautiful.” She winked at him “And aside from being cool to see, it makes a good excuse to have you all to myself.”
“Aw, you don’t need an excuse for that, babe,” Felix winked back. “So when’s this meteor shower?”
“I don’t know the exact time,” Janine said with a shrug. “Part of why we’re on the roof of my building rather than the middle of the woods.” She glanced up at the sky, blue finally deepening to purple-black and the full moon starting to rise from where it hid behind the trees. “It might be a while.” She nudged the box. “So you may as well open that now.”
“I mean, you don’t have to tell me twice,” Felix grinned, already tugging loose the cheerful red ribbon. “But I am curious now why you’re so eager.”
“I like giving gifts,” Janine deflected, biting back a grin.
By the time the words had left her lips, Felix had the box open and his eyes lit up when he looked inside. “Janine, Janine, this is so cool!” He shot to his feet as he pulled the (comparatively) large origami giraffe free.
Janine lunged forward to catch the box before it tumbled to the ground. “I’m glad you like it--”
“I love it!” Felix corrected with a massive grin, dropping back down so enthusiastically to hug her the loveseat almost toppled over.
“I’m glad,” Janine laughed, and she meant it, her heart singing with the joy that lit his face. “But there’s more in here.”
“More?!” Despite his excitement, Felix almost reverently set the giraffe down before reaching in again for the smaller box that had been underneath it. Plain white cardboard, with no logo or anything to be found. He flipped the lid open and Janine couldn’t help a small wince at the pale gold smears on the inside. She hadn’t entirely caught it in time.
From Felix’s delighted gasp, it was still in mostly good shape, however.  “Janine!” He held the box steady with one hand while the other dipped in to pull out a large, slightly smushed, cupcake; blue, green, and purple sprinkles dotting the thick frosting over the perfectly golden-yellow dessert itself. Despite its now disheveled appearance, he stared at the cupcake like it was a work of art.
“I know you don’t really eat,” Janine said, taking both boxes as she spoke and settling the giraffe inside the larger one for safekeeping, “and Nate mentioned the... difficulty that’s sometimes there with real food-”
Felix took a massive bite of the cupcake and let out a happy groan. “This is delicious!” 
Janine laughed at the sight of him, eyes glowing with excitement and frosting dotted on the end of his nose. She’d done that, she made him that happy, and it made her grin even as she teased, “I’m not gonna regret giving you sugar, am I?”
“Nah.” Felix licked frosting off his thumb, paused to consider. “Maybe a little.” He held up the cupcake. “Want a bite?”
She smiled and shook her head. “That one’s for you, babe. I have the whole rest of the batch siting in my kitchen.”
His eyes widened and he darted a glance between her and the cupcake. “Shit, you made this?! Babe. You’re amazing and you have to share.”
“C’mon, Janine,” he singsonged, holding the cupcake out toward her. “It’s my birthday and I want you to share.” He threw in the puppy eyes she hadn’t a chance in hell at resisting and stared at her expectantly. 
“OH, fine,” she caved. “You play dirty, darling.”
Felix just grinned and wiggled the cupcake. 
Rather than bite the offered confection, Janine leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose, cleaning off the small smudge of frosting in the process. “You had something there,” she said sweetly, then sat back and bit into the cupcake. (It was rather good, if she did say so herself.)
Felix laughed, eyes glinting mischievously. “Now so do you.” He leaned in and kissed just above the corner of her mouth. He lingered a moment, pressing close enough to clear off any frosting that smeared her skin before sitting back. “Yum,” he teased, waggling his eyebrows.
Janine laughed and rolled her eyes. “Finish your cupcake,” she said, glancing up at the sky. Still no meteors, but the moon was now out from behind the trees, giving enough light in its full state she reached over to flick off the fairy lights. She looked back at Felix just in time to see him shove the rest of the cupcake in his mouth, deliberately smearing frosting on his top lip as he did.
“Babe, if you want me to kiss you, all you have to do is ask,” she laughed. “Or kiss me first. And that’s true for anytime, not just tonight.”
“But this way’s more fun,” Felix grinned.
“Can’t argue with that,” Janine conceded, cupping his jaw in her hands as she kissed him deeply. They were both gasping when they broke apart and she wondered if she looked as disoriented as Felix did. Probably.
“I think you missed a spot-” he mumbled, but she was already kissing him again, hands curving the back of his neck to pull him closer.
Felix kissed her back, hungrily, his hand sliding up her arm to tangle in the back of her hair. “You said you don’t know exactly when that... meteor shower’s happening, right?” he murmured, a scant few centimetres away from her lips, breathing and heartbeat both rapid.
“Mm,” Janine grunted confirmation, forehead pressed to his. She rubbed her thumb over his cheek, delicately traced the cheekbone. “We’ll have to think of something to do until it does...”
Felix paused a moment, his other hand resting over her collarbone. “....This works for me,” he whispered, stealing another kiss. And another. 
She was all to happy with that plan. “It is... your birthday,” she mumbled against his mouth between kisses, “Whatever... makes you happy.”
“You make me happy.”
The simple sincerity left her breathless and Janine broke the kiss so she could look him in the eye as she replied, softly, “You make me happy, too.”
The grin that split Felix’s face was a thing of such beauty it warded her against the growing chill and was an image she’d treasure forever. The moon highlighting his face, his eyes dancing...
She couldn’t help but kiss him again.
They were so focused on each other they missed the beginning of the meteor shower.
What they did see of it made for a very good way to spend their evening; an opinion only improved by Janine’s spot tucked against Felix, his arm around her waist and the warmth of his body making up for her oversight in not wearing a heavier jacket. 
“Good birthday?” Janine asked once the meteor were faded, her head still resting on his shoulder, and their intertwined hands nestled in her lap.
“Thanks to you?” Felix grinned and kissed her forehead. “The very best.”
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
"Love" 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 for Janine and Felix!
1. Who said “I love you” first?
ooooo. I mean. They’ve both thought it for sure by this point. (Janine’s practically ready to propose. I’m serious. I’ve multiple times had the muse go JANINE HAUVILLE :D and I have to tell her to just tap the brakes a little)
I’m pretty sure Janine will start to say it first, and when she’s like halfway through Felix will blurt it out and then it’ll be one of those cheesy lovey dovey Inside Jokes they have as a couple; arguing over who said The L Word first. It makes Mason groan and leave the room every. time.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Felix’s is Words of Affirmation, Janine’s is either Physical Touch or Gift Giving
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
5. Who initiates kisses?
It’s probably about 50/50; they can’t stop themselves, it’s ridiculous.
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
Janine’s the big spoon 99% of the time and they are both incandescently happy that way.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Wayhaven Week Day 3-Aurora
(little short, and played really loose with the prompt, but they’re cute, so I regret nothing)
Janine bit back a smile when the knock on her door came a good half hour earlier than expected. Tonight wasn’t a date, but it was an excuse to spend time together, and neither she nor Felix lacked in eagerness where those were concerned.
She pinched her half-done braid with one hand to keep it from unraveling and opened the door with the other. “Hi.”
Felix grinned--”Hi, babe”--and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek before teasing, “What happened to always being prepared?”
Janine wrinkled her nose and swiftly finished her braid. “You’re early. And I’m almost ready; just need to change.” She flicked a hand against the skirt of her blue and red striped sundress. “This isn’t the best choice for traipsing through the woods in the middle of the night.”
He arched a brow as he stepped into the apartment. “Do I get to see you in jeans?” he asked with an exaggerated gasp.
“You do,” Janine laughed, closing the door. “And sneakers.”
“It’ll be like you’re a whole different person,” Felix grinned.
“Good thing I know ways to prove it’s still me,” she said mischievously as she gestured toward her living room. “You can make yourself at home, this won’t take long.”
He plunked down on the couch, his attention immediately snared by the small black and gold photo album on the table next to it. “What’s that?”
“Oh, Mum gave it to me.” Janine paused as she left the room. “She said she found it in her desk. It’s some pictures of me growing up.”
Felix gasped and his whole face lit up as he glanced between the album and her. “Can I look at it?”
She hesitated a moment, curling the tail of her braid around one finger as she mentally reviewed if any were horribly embarrassing. It was probably safe... “Go right ahead.”
“Awesome!” he crowed, and grabbed the photo album, slouching comfortably as he flipped open the cover.
Janine smiled to herself at his enthusiasm and headed for her room to change. It didn’t take long; she’d already picked out a shirt, jeans, and a jacket if she needed it, it was just a matter of swapping her sundress for the more practical outfit. The day had been warm enough so far she eschewed the jacket, scooping up a pair of sneakers by their heels as she padded back out to the living room.
Felix was now perched cross legged on the couch, staring intently at one page of the photo album resting in his lap.
“What?” Janine asked with a small laugh as she plopped next to him and started pulling on her shoes.
“You. You’re adorable.” He looked up with a grin. “Which is still true, but, I mean, you were seriously adorable as a kid.”
“Thank you,” she chuckled, tying one shoelace. 
“What’s the deal here?” Felix tipped the album toward her and Janine smiled at the image of her preteen self wearing a pink and blue splashed princess dress, arms around the shoulders of two other girls the same age, all three grinning ear to ear.
“Costume party when I was ten,” she explained, and he cocked his head to study the photo a moment longer.
“Who’re you dressed as?” he finally asked, tugging on his hat a little.
“Princess Aurora,” Janine said, not terribly surprised by his blank look. “Sleeping Beauty?” Alright, the continued blank look was a bit of a surprise. “Okay, I know what we’re queuing for our next movie night, babe. She’s my favorite; you gotta know Sleeping Beauty if I’m gonna keep dating you.”
Felix laughed. “Deal. Why’s the dress two colors like that? And why’s it look so messy?”
She grinned and kissed him on the cheek. “You’ll see when we watch the movie. For now, you have about fifteen minutes to finish looking at that before we have to go.”
“You gonna give me commentary as we go?” he asked, eyes gleaming with mischief..
Janine laughed and settled in with her side pressed to his. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Keeping Close
Spent my birthday writing Janine/Felix fic set the morning after the Trapper fight. 100% an excellent use of my time. ;D
The buzzing in her fingertips was what woke her.
Janine mumbled a string of nonsense syllables to herself as she curled her fingers in and back out. The buzzing morphed to pins and needles and her arm didn’t budge when she tried to move it.
Her eyes fluttered sharply open at that, unpleasant memories from the last time she was so trapped starting to circle in, but the cause this time was easily identified and completely benign. 
Felix was still laying on her arm. He’d moved just enough in his sleep to start cutting off circulation, but not enough to dislodge her other arm from its loose, protective hold around his middle. She rested her forehead against the back of his shoulder and bit back a grin as it sank in she’d spent the entire night sleeping here.
Not that she’d really planned to do any different, worried as she’d been about him.  Janine wriggled her arm the tiniest bit to a less trapped position, froze briefly as Felix moved in his sleep but didn’t wake, and then gingerly shifted to push up on her elbow so she could look him over. As she did, she noticed that someone--three guesses who--had covered her with a light blanket at some point during the night.(Probably the same someone who had rescued her shoes from wherever they landed when she irreverently kicked them off upon Felix’s request she stay and set them near the foot of the bed.) The soft, lightweight covering crumpled up at her waist with her change in position.
All his bruises, abrasions, and smaller cuts had faded, which definitely put her mind at ease. As she sank back down to the extremely comfortable mattress, she noted one of the bandages around his arm had come loose and slid down, revealing equally unblemished skin underneath.
A small smile curved her lips and Janine brought her free hand up to rub her thumb over what had been the location of a fairly nasty electrical-looking burn less than twelve hours prior. Vampire healing definitely comes in handy, she mused, last of her worry dissipating as she wrapped her arm back around Felix’s waist to hold him close. Still gonna take some adjusting to that....
It was almost frightening how fast her feelings for him had reached this point. Probably would be, if she thought about it too much. She’d almost... Janine bit her lip and exhaled a slow breath through her nose. But she hadn’t. She’d stuck to the plan, and he was still here. Still fine--after scaring her half to death, granted. Warm, and solid, and comfortable and almost-but-not-quite snoring every few breaths.
Her bitten lip turned to holding back a giggle, and she pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck.
Felix’s shoulders hunched slightly in response, and a few seconds later there was a mumbled, “Tha’s a nice way to be wok’n up.”
Janine let out the building giggle and did it again, this one slightly higher up. She smirked when it earned the same hunched shoulders. “Are you... ticklish?”
“I refuse to confirm any rumor to that effect,” Felix murmured sleepily, then stilled. Even with him facing away, she’d swear she felt the warmth of his grin when he registered they were in the same position as last night. “A really nice way to wake up,” he corrected himself, kissing the inside of her wrist like he had last night and running his fingers up her arm.
Janine laughed and kissed his shoulder. “I like it, too,” she agreed softly. “But, for future reference, you don’t hafta get yourself beat to shit for it to happen, all you need to do is ask.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Felix wriggled and twisted until he’d turned around to face her, only inches apart with her arm still draped over his hip. “Did you sleep okay?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that,” she said glibly, walking her fingers up his spine. She grinned at the shiver that rolled in its wake. “You are ticklish!”
“I’m not admitting to that,” Felix laughed, even as he squirmed at her trail back down.
“If you don’t, I’ll have to keep testing my theory,” Janine warned, eyes wide with faux-innocence. 
“You just want an excuse for why you can’t keep your hands off me,” he teased, running his fingers up her arm.
“Guilty, but do I really need an excuse for that?”
He laughed again--”Nope!”--and slid his hand to the back of her neck so he could pulled her in for a kiss.
Both of them were smiling, and then grinning into it, laughing by the time it broke. Janine brushed her thumb along Felix’s lower lip, his rubbing her cheek back near the corner of her jaw.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she murmured. 
He winked, but there was a serious note under the playfulness. “I told you; sturdy as well as flexible. But it’s nice to have someone worry.” The mirth faded, leaving only sincerity. “To have you worry.”
Janine struggled a minute to find the right words. “I... you’re very important, and special, to me, Felix,” she finally said. She pushed herself up to a sitting position, a move he followed, as she continued, “I know you said you want to protect me and all, but I’m gonna do the same for you, ‘cause I don’t...” She bit her lip, intertwined her fingers with his. “I really like you being part of my life. A lot.” So much if I dwell on it too long I can’t breathe. “So I don’t want you going anywhere, you know?”
“Oh, no worries on that score, babe,” Felix promised, through the biggest grin she’d seen him wear yet, reaching for her other hand as well. “Aside from us having a home, you’re here, nothing could make me leave.”
“Good,” Janine said, folding her legs under her so she could lean forward and kiss him emphatically on the cheek. Loose wisps of hair drifted in her eyes as she did, so she reluctantly freed her hands from his when she sat back and reached up to undo her bun. She ran her fingers through her hair, wincing at the snarls, but froze when she caught Felix staring at her, head cocked. “What?”
“I’ve never seen you with your hair down,” he said slowly, seeming almost mesmerized. “It’s longer than I expected.”
“That’s ‘cause you only see me for work,” Janine replied, swallowing hard as she finger-combed the honey-blonde locks to their full length before twisting them up in another messy bun. “Or work-adjacent things. Take me on a date-date and maybe I’ll wear it down,” she finished playfully.
“I mean, that was already on the list for when we’ve handled this whole treaty thing,” Felix grinned. “But good to know.”
She chuckled and tugged one lock free near her left ear, curling it around her finger before letting it hang. “Glad to provide incentive. I don’t mind wearing it down, it’s just better kept back out of the way for work.” 
He nodded, nose wrinkling in something like consternation as he slumped back against the wall and fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. “Speaking of, you’re gonna have to go in today, aren’t you?”
“Eventually,” Janine shrugged, leaning back next to him and trying to smooth out some of the wrinkles in her dress. “But I knew we’d be out late last night, so it’s more a nebulous check in at some point kind of day than a set shift. So unless Adam or Elidor or somebody shows up to kick me out, I can hang around for a bit, if you want.”
“Really?” Felix beamed and reached for her hand. “Is that what you wanna do?”
“Absolutely,” Janine said with a grin, wriggling over until their shoulders pressed together as he linked their fingers again. “No place I’d rather be.”
Elidor does show up like five minutes later and shoo her away while he makes sure Felix is alright, but she just uses it as a chance to go change real quick into a dress that’s not all wrinkled. Then she’s right back in there to hang out for a couple hours before she (extremely reluctantly)has to leave for work.
And, real talk, Janine’s 100% in love at this point and 98% ready to admit it(that hold-out 2% is the small logical part of her brain going “Gee, this is fast, people don’t fall in love this fast....” to which the rest of her retorts “yeah, and vampires aren’t real, either. OH WAIT”).
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Kiss prompts: On the sidewalk for anyone who speaks up!
Prepare for fluff overload; Janine and Felix apparently took exception to how long it’s been since I last wrote them and really cranked up the adorable factor this time around. (I didn’t think anything could beat Fierce Competition. HAH.)
Felix was late.
Between his speed and how much he (well, both of them) looked forward to the nights he could walk her home after her shift and his patrol, Janine was caught more than a little off-guard to not find him bouncing impatiently on his toes when she exited the station. Her brow furrowed and she checked her phone, scuffing one foot absently against the sidewalk as she looked for messages. Nothing about a change of plans..... Even as she stared at the screen with pursed lips and debated calling, there was a rush of hurried steps and the vampire in question skidded to a halt a couple feet away.
“Hi-!” He almost toppled over, hands adamantly behind his back rather than out for balance, then flashed a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I lost track of time.”
Janine chuckled as she slipped her phone back in her pocket. “It’s alright; I just left. And time’s not the only thing you lost track of, unless you just forgot your hat?”
Felix’s nose wrinkled as he shoved one hand into his hair at her words. “Ah, shit.” He waved it off the second the words left his mouth. “Eh, I’ll look for it later. Time with you’s more important.”
Janine grinned, feeling her face warm, and shuffled closer. “So, what had you so engrossed you lost track of time this thoroughly?”
“Oh!” Felix grinned back, so wide it crinkled the corners of his eyes. “These are for you!” The words tumbled out in an excited rush, jammed all together, as he finally brought his other hand out from behind his back.
On his palm sat two slightly wobbly, obviously crinkled and amateurish origami mice, one grey and one gold.
She couldn’t have stopped her delighted, grinning gasp if she’d wanted to. With the number of times Felix had joked she had the patience of a saint to do all that folding, or that airplanes were better because you could do more with them when they were done, those two silly adorable little obviously-first-attempt mice meant more to her than everything she’d made herself combined. “Felix, I love them!”
She wasn’t sure how, but his grin somehow went wider as his shoulders dropped slightly in relief. “Oh, good. I wasn’t sure... you’re so good at this stuff, and they were a lot trickier than they looked. I had to start over a few times,” he admitted with a grin, “but they were for you, so they were worth it-”
She grabbed his scarf and dragged him two stumbling steps forward into a kiss. The mice teetered as he hastily moved his hand aside so they wouldn’t be crushed, his other hand cupping her jaw.  Janine mirrored the gesture, her initial grasp twining deeper into soft green fabric to hold him close.
“You kiss like fireworks,” Felix laughed when she finally pulled back. “Or maybe that’s just what they make me see....”
Janine giggled and bit her lip, thumb tracing over his cheekbone and down to his bottom lip. “I don’t hear you complaining.”
“And you never will,” he retorted with a grin as he stole another kiss. She happily obliged, not even caring they were still in full view of the station. Finally, reluctantly, they eased apart.
“Guess I should actually walk you home,” Felix muttered, fingers lingering against her jaw before his hand dropped back to his side.
“I do have work tomorrow and need the sleep,” Janine said, smiling apologetically as she took the origami mice and cradled them carefully in one hand.
“Then I guess I better enjoy what I can get,” he said with a wink, slipping his hand into hers and twining their fingers together.
“That’s the spirit,” she laughed, and gave his hand a squeeze as they started off down the sidewalk. She couldn’t hold back another smile when she glanced at the mice, and leaned over to give him one last kiss on the cheek.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Fierce Competition
Kiss Prompt--Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing from @haledamage (oh, look another prompt turned into a full fic. Color me surprised. /s I blame the banter)
From the slump of his shoulders as he leaned across her desk, and the heavy sigh he let out, Janine had a good guess what Felix was about to say before he even opened his mouth.
“I’m bored.”
Called it. Janine smiled sympathetically and twirled a loose lock of hair around her finger, trying to get back the curl it had started with that morning. “Sorry my office isn’t more exciting.”
“It’s not your office,” Felix sighed, tugging off his hat and tossing it up as he slouched back in one of the chairs by her desk. “It’s sitting around.” He caught the hat, tossed it again. “At least Nate and Mason get to patrol; quiet as this town is, walking’s better than sitting with nothing to do...”
“Then why’d you pick to go with the ‘waiting for a fax’ assignment?” she asked, arching a brow and fighting the temptation to snatch his hat when he tossed it a third time.
“I didn’t,” he said, catching the hat and yanking it back on as he leaned forward. “I picked to pair up with you, because why wouldn’t I?” He winked and her cheeks warmed as she smirked in return. “You picked to sit around your office waiting for someone to fax you something.”
“I figured it made the most sense for me to sit around my office,” Janine deadpanned. “Also, I don’t trust Adam around my furniture.”
Felix snorted and grinned, eyes glinting with amusement as he glanced at the still-duct taped corner of her desk. “That’s fair. And at least we didn’t get his job; sitting through that briefing with your mother. Only thing worse than sitting around is sitting still.”
Janine giggled. “Well, I’m sorry for inflicting boredom upon you, Agent Hauville.”
“You’re forgiven, Detective Elder,” Felix returned with teasing magnanimity as he grinned and leaned forward to rest his elbows against the edge of her desk. “At least the company’s good.”
“Only good? I must be slipping,” Janine retorted with a matching grin. She leaned forward as well, until they were separated by mere inches and staring into each other’s eyes. “I was aiming for great.”
“Oh, then, I stand corrected,” Felix laughed, amber eyes glinting with mirth. “The company’s great.” He inched forward until their noses were practically touching.  “And I know something we can do about the boredom.”
Janine arched a brow playfully. “Do tell.”
“It’s something you mentioned that I’ve been curious about ever since.”
She bit her lip at the warmth curling in her stomach and stared deep into those mesmerizing eyes. “And that would be....?”
“Paper airplanes,” he said brightly as he pushed off the desk to stand upright.  “And I have to be honest, the fact Adam and Nate don’t want me to know makes me even more curious.”
“First off, that’s not fair,” Janine groused good-naturedly, flicking a paper clip at him as the heat in her cheeks spread to her ears and neck. He ducked. “Second, I’m all too happy to undermine them on this.”
“Yes!” Felix punched the air and perched on the edge of the desk. “So do tell.”
“Alright, alright,” she laughed as she tugged two sheets of paper from a drawer. She perched on the edge of her desk opposite him, kicking off her flats to brace her feet against the seat of her chair and handed one sheet of paper to Felix.  “We’ll start with the basics...”
They spent the next half hour folding planes of varying size, design, and in Felix’s case, quality
“Guess I found another of your weakness, huh?” Janine teased as even on his sixth(or was it seventh?) try, one style refused to do anything but veer immediately left and nosedive into the carpet.
“This isn’t a weakness,” Felix protested, tossing the crumpled remains of an earlier failed attempt at her. “It’s... an underdeveloped talent.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” she asked with a giggle, biting her lip.
“Alright, detective, you asked for it.” He leaned across the desk to grab another piece of paper. “Bet I can make a better one than you.”
“You’re on,” Janine smirked, claiming another sheet for herself, pink instead of white. “Define ‘better’.”
“Flies further and smoother.” He was already folding.
“Any particular design?”
Felix shook his head. “Whatever your heart desires,” he said with a wink. “Best two out of three, each of us using the same plane?”
“Sounds fair,” Janine nodded. “What’s the winner get?”
“Bragging rights,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, then grinned. “Further reward to be determined by the winner.”
“Oh, you don’t want to do that,” she said with a laugh, wagging a finger at him.  “I”m the paper airplane champion; I’ll have you doing my paperwork for months.”
“No, anything but that!” Felix said dramatically. “Surely someone so lovely couldn’t be so cruel.”
Janine shrugged and shot him a mischievous wink. “Just don’t lose and you won’t have anything to worry about.”
Felix narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think I trust you...”
“Don’t tr-” She gave her best shocked and offended gasp, trying not to laugh and ruin it. “Felix, I’m hurt.”
“Oh, I trust you with Bravo stuff and watching our backs and all that. I don’t trust you with paper airplane competitions.”
Janine chuckled. “Ah, in that case, smart man. Well, vampire. You know what I mean.” She creased the final fold and picked up her plane. “Ready?”
“Absolutely.” Felix smoothed over the folds of his plane one more time before straightening with it in hand. “Where shall we do this?”
“The hallway,” Janine said as she bent to grab her shoes. “We can toss them toward the steps down to Verda’s lab so we aren’t bothering anyone.” 
They stepped out into the hall and Janine set her shoes on the floor, toes pointing towards each other, as a starting line of sorts. She briefly hoped the captain didn’t make a surprise visit while she was barefoot in the hallway throwing paper planes, but she was committed now.
“Ready?” she asked, pinching the underside of her plane and cocking her arm back.
“All set,” Felix said, mimicking her stance.
Both planes flew through the air with impressively little wobble, but hers landed a good foot further down the hallway than his.
Janine arched a brow and grinned.
“We have two more to go,” Felix pointed out as he darted to retrieve both planes.
“Only if we need a tiebreaker,” she teased.
His went further on the second throw, if only by a few inches, and he grinned.  “Guess we’ll need that tiebreaker, Detective.”
“Tiebreaker for what?” 
Janine flinched before both she and Felix turned to find Tina waiting for an answer with a grin tugging her lips. Janine waggled the airplane she held. “My supremacy has been challenged.”
Tina laughed and glanced at Felix. “Cute and brave. She makes the best paper airplanes of anyone I know.”
“Did you need something, Tina?” Janine hinted.
“Right.” Tina fluttered the paper in her hand. “You got a fax. Don’t worry, I didn’t look at it in case it’s something super secret.”
“Great.” Janine nodded toward her office. “You can put it on my desk. And then come officiate our tiebreaker.”
“Can do,” Tina laughed, ducking into Janine’s office briefly and emerging sans fax. “So what are your criteria?”
“Flying further and smoother.” Janine fiddled with the nose of her plane.
“No adjustments!” Felix protested, half-smiling despite himself.
“The nose is crooked, I’m fixing it so this is fair,” Janine retorted. “You all set?”
He nodded. 
“Alright, Tina. Your call.”
Tina giggled and stood straighter, tucking her thumbs in her belt loops as if officiating something more important than a paper airplane toss. “Ready...”
Janine looked over at Felix and couldn’t help smiling at the look of intense concentration on his face. He was at least as committed to this as she was.
He caught her looking and winked, making her stomach flutter and face warm. Oh, two can play that game, Hauville.
In the same moment “Throw!” left Tina’s lips and her own plane left her hand, Janine leaned over and kissed Felix squarely on the cheek.
He started, and his plane shot forward, doing an almost impressive corkscrew spin before it hit hers. Both went skidding  across the floor and down the stairs.
“Janine, that’s cheating!” he protested, but from his sparkle-eyed grin, she didn’t really think he minded too much.
“We technically didn’t have any rules against... creative distractions,” she retorted with a wink. Tina giggled, and she turned to shoo her off before continuing, “Besides, it’s not like it paid off...”
“Still, I knew I couldn’t trust you,” he teased.
“ And I said that was smart.” Janine stuffed her feet in her flats and they both went to retrieve the planes.
 They found them at the bottom of the steps, mangled, bent, and scuffed.
“Guess we’ll have to call it a draw,” Janine sighed as they returned to her office. She dropped her plane in the wastebin and leaned against the edge of her desk.
“For now, at least,” Felix agreed as he followed suit. “We can always have a rematch later.”
“I don’t know...” she said with faux reluctance. “Are you going to make rules against kissing?”
“I would never,” he retorted with a grin. “Especially not when I owe you.”
“That was very promising, and Janine bit her lip when he winked to underscore the words, but, “I guess we need to clean up in here,” she sighed, flicking one of the crumpled reject planes.
And so they did. It may have devolved into a paper-snowball fight for a few minutes at one point(or more than a few minutes), but between the two of them, they returned her office to a more professional state.
Just in time; the rest of Bravo showed up over the next few minutes, as her office was their default meeting place. She handed over the fax, knowing Adam would make more sense of it than she would. Felix sent her another wink as Adam and Nate discussed their next move, and Janine grinned back.
She was very much looking forward to their rematch. 
Kiss Prompts
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