#ough how does 'soft' work anyway
miasmaghoul · 5 months
you have so got me thinking about best to worst ghouls in so many different situations now (that riding one was soooooo good)
how about your best to worst ghoul takes on fingering? 😏 (thank you and happy new year!)
OUGH FINGERING MY BELOVED yes absolutely let's go
once again, best to worst below the cut!
Dew - he prides himself on his skill and efficiency. if he's with someone who can easily orgasm more than once (Rain, Cumulus, Aurora, Aeon) then he will absolutely make them cum on his fingers before he fucks them. he knows everyone's most sensitive spots, and every ghoul (plus a couple Papas and, on occasion, Sister Imperator) is guilty of dragging him into a closet at one point or another specifically so he can show off those skills.
Aether - is it cheating to use quintessence to find weak spots? Aether doesn't think so, and no one has complained so far. he lets the magick trickle from his fingers, just a whisper of static, and suddenly they're moaning and writing and grabbing for whatever part of him they can reach. at this point he doesn't NEED the magickal assistance, but the others love the feel of it alongside those thick fingers so he keeps it up.
Cirrus - precision is the name of the game for her. it's a power thing, of course, and Cirrus delights in getting all the big, strong ghouls face down ass up and whimpering while she abuses every secret soft spot they have. like Dew, will make the others cum on her fingers first and foremost, but unlike Dew she does it to EVERYONE. if they can't cum again for a while that's not her problem. they'll take whatever she gives anyway, even if they leak a few overstimulated tears along the way.
Swiss - it's one of his favorite things to do. insists on eye contact while he touches them inside, needs to see every twitch of their brow and to watch their cheeks flush. he wants to see the pleasure he causes plain as day, wants them noisy and squirming while they fall apart because of him. he can get a little too intense sometimes, though, and a few of the others have trouble finishing under his scrutiny.
Cumulus - her fingers are skilled and delicate, but also short. she knows exactly what buttons to push, make no mistake, but it can be challenging for her to really work them like that. pianist's hands are lovely to have, but her fingers only have so much reach. if she's fingering anyone, it's paired with oral so she can be sure they feel good.
Mountain - long, callused fingers and unmatched rhythm speak of good things, but Mountain likes to be really, really slow about it. indulgent. he's not in a rush to make anyone cum, not as a rule, and he'll spend as long as he likes with just one finger inside until they can't stand it anymore and demand another. he'll give it to them, of course, but the languid pace remains the same.
Rain - long, elegant fingers lend themselves well to the task, but Rain will not give anyone more than two of them. he can make them cum like that, of course, but he doesn't usually put in specific effort to that end. much prefers to make them cum on his cock so he gets something out of it too. call him greedy if you want, he'll agree. he prefers having his fingers sucked on anyway.
Sunshine - she has quick fingers, but mostly uses them to stretch her partners. her goal is usually to stick her dick in them asap, and she doesn't really have the patience to do much more than prep with them. but she won't say no if someone wants to make out and shoves her hand down their pants, as long as they return the favor.
Aeon - he's learning, but it's not his favorite thing to do in all honesty. he has this Thing about keeping his hands and fingers protected (Dew and Rain had the same issue when they were new), so sticking them in places doesn't appeal to him all that much. at least not yet. Dew keeps telling him that'll change, but in the meantime Aeon prefers keeping his fingers visible.
Aurora - she's just so little, is the thing. her fingers are short and skinny and her forearms get sore quick. besides, she prefers to receive than give anyway. the less work she has to do, the better. at least until she's cum a couple times, then she's a bit more willing to give it a go. still, though, she'd rather use other parts of her body to bring pleasure.
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yeehawbvby · 7 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 45
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Time for that cute date with Magnus! :^)
Author’s Note: I was gonna release this chapter either tomorrow or next Wednesday, but here it is early, as a little Halloween Spirit's Eve present!! (Totally beating myself up rn for not lining up the Spirit's Eve chapter to come out today.. ough)
Anyway, there's a lotta RomRas referenced in the first half of this one! It’s pure, cavity-inducing fluff >:3 And some sillies, because of course there is.
I hope y’all enjoy it, take care, and happy Halloween! x
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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After freshening up in Magnus’ restroom, I jog back downstairs to the main floor, where he’s patiently waiting for me to head out.
After I slip on my shoes, he takes both of my hands in his, calmly stroking my knuckles with his thumbs. “Ready?” 
I hum my affirmation, nodding and smiling at the handsome wizard in front of me. As per usual when I’m being teleported, I close my eyes, saving myself from any potential freak-outs. I’m curious to know what it looks like to teleport, but today isn’t that day… Or tomorrow. Baby steps, (y/n).
I realize we must be at our destination when I feel a soft breeze against my cheeks and hear the sounds of nature.
The air smells fresh and crisp, and as Magnus steps aside and I open my lids, I’m met with a beautiful, serene forest, like something out of a fairytale. The pine trees directly ahead of us are coated in green moss and beige fungi, and as my eyes scan upward, I notice that there’s a vast cliff behind them, with more woodland up top.
As my gaze pans right, I see a waterfall that drops onto a small, elevated piece of land before creating a new and thicker cascade just below it. There’s a pale rainbow forming around the foam at the bottom, making every straying droplet look like glitter bouncing through the air. The crystal-clear water of the river it flows into shines iridescently under the sunlight, and as I turn around to follow its path, I realize it’s all gathering into a vast lake full of fish I’d never known existed. Some are purple, with pointy pink fins; others teal, with what looks like small rubies and emeralds and sapphires embedded into their scales. 
Completing my full circle, I peek behind Magnus, noticing a similar pattern to what I’d already seen: a long and wavy river, waterfalls, and trees galore. When I finally look back up to him, he’s peering down at me. His cheeks are pink but his eyes stay maroon, and he has that cozy, lovestruck gaze he usually does when looking my way. 
“Where are we?“ My voice comes out quiet, as if speaking any louder would somehow disrupt the peace.
“Grenville Falls,” he answers. “A forest of magical origin that lies far from civilization, and one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever come across in my travels.” I guess that explains why it’s so serene here. Humans haven’t been around to taint it yet. “Until now, most of the magic we’ve discussed has been almost purely pragmatic.”
“Almost.” I give him a shit-eating smirk.
My brother in Yoba is seriously trying to pull the “Magic must be used responsibly!!!” bullshit after casting spells on me for his own horny entertainment on several occasions. Magnus laughs before looking around at the grove we're standing in.
“Buuut,” he pointedly continues, “we’ve only barely touched on the simpler joys that magic can bring.” He turns back to me and laces our fingers together, a soft grin slightly plumping the warm apples of his cheeks. “I realize that, spiritual interference or not, it must have been hard to befriend me – let alone begin seeing me romantically – given how suspect our first interactions must have made me seem, alongside how out of touch I am in current social practices.”
Oh. So he really had almost no idea that I was unwillingly swooning right off the bat? I thought he’d read my mind plenty back then… maybe it was less than I’d assumed. 
I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. Maybe he knows now, if anything – and if not, I could always just tell him when he’s not, like, pouring his entire heart out to me.
Magnus continues, “And yet you took the trouble to give me a chance, my dear, in spite of all that stood in our way. You’re so incredibly precious to me, and I wanted to give you even a sliver of the joy that you’ve brought into my life. So,” he sighs, reaching into his shirt pocket, “Although I don’t have a bouquet, as per tradition with the humans of the Valley, I thought you deserved to be properly and officially courted.” Magnus pulls out a fucking ring, and upon seeing the whites of my eyes, he chuckles. “I promise, this is not a marriage proposal.”
“Oh thank god.” I breathe out a nervous laugh, my right palm resting over my heart.
“But I am asking if you’d do me the honors of being my… girlfriend?” Magnus looks off to the side briefly, tilting his head as his eyes pinken. “I’ve always preferred the term ‘partner,’ but I’m not sure how common of a label that is in these times.” He shrugs, bringing his gaze back to mine, and beaming with again-maroon eyes upon seeing me enthusiastically and vigorously nodding my head. 
“‘Partner’ is fine, I like ‘partner,’“ I squeak out. My cheeks are on fire, I can’t tell if it’s more from the thick blush coating them or from smiling so wide. 
I jump to koala myself onto Magnus, unable to resist pecking his cheek and burying my face into his neck before accepting his gift. As always with physical contact, he barely needs time to think as he wraps his arms around me for support, one hand resting on my lower spine and the other against the back of my hair.
“I honestly didn’t think you were gonna ask,” my mumbles muffle into his collar. “I just assumed it was some sorta elemental tradition for sex to solidify a relationship, or something.”
“That is true in many cases, actually,” he confirms, setting me back on my feet. “Luckily, we more mindful beings have a say in the matter.” 
Now that I’m not frazzled by what seemed like an engagement waiting to happen, I can actually look at the ring – which Magnus had looped onto his pinky for safe keeping during our embrace – up close. It’s fucking gorgeous, oh my god. A small moss agate is clasped against a gold band, and the bits holding the stone in place look like thin vines. Seems almost too delicate to wear.
Holding the ring between his left thumb and forefinger, he says, “That necklace Lady Welwick gifted you is an artifact imbued with her clairvoyant magic to aid your clairvoyant magic, generally speaking. But artifacts can be made to assist you in any aspect of magic, or of life itself, really.” Bringing his right hand up to his right earring – with his usual long, red ones adorning both ears – he explains, “These are similar, in that they provide a defense I don’t normally have. Although young for my kind, I’m still… er. I am an old man.” 
My lips twitch as I attempt to hide a smirk. Magnus notices and chuckles.
He shushes me teasingly before continuing, “I don’t have the same oomph in me that I used to, so I wear these to keep myself safer in case anything should go awry. The rings I often wear serve a similar purpose — but those, I change to accommodate what is on my schedule each day.”
I nod in understanding, eyes wide with intrigue as Magnus brings his hand down to match his left. 
“I conjured this with the same purpose as my earrings. I’ve yet to teach you defensive or combat magic, and while you may hopefully never be put in such a way that someone or something could threaten your well-being, this will offer a veil of protection, as well as invigorate you once you’re able to arcanely fend for yourself.”
“That’s so cool,” I mutter. “Thank you, Magnus,” I smile up at him. Swooning completely. “I love it, it’s perfect.”
“It’s the least I could do for you, my love,” he offers, his expression mirroring mine. He then asks, presenting an upturned palm to me. “May I?”
I nod, opting to place my right hand in his. Rather than looking down at our hands, I keep observing him:
The way he mutters something about hoping it fits under his breath.
The soft squint in his eyes.
The way his bottom lip rests subtly beneath his top teeth.
How his almost nervous expression turns into a bright grin as the ring is slipped on in a flawless fit. That familiar spark I experienced when putting on my necklace for the first time buzzes through my newly-accessorized digit, but I ignore it in favor of watching Magnus for just a bit longer.
Happy, dense crows feet form at the corners of his eyes as he pans them up to mine, before they widen slightly, his irises turning rosy as he notices that I’m staring. I simply smile up at him. The crinkles next to his eyes come back and he chuckles, taking my cheeks in his hands before leaning way down to softly plant a kiss on my forehead, and then my lips.
I giggle out of our smooch.
“This feels like an actual proposal, honestly.”
His brows furrow. “Did I do too much?”
I get back on my tippy toes and pull him back down to me before he’s out of reach, whispering, “No way,” before stealing his lips again.
After all the cheesy stuff, Magnus summoned us a picnic! It took him a bit, and I needed to lend him some mana as he had to teleport it all from storage at home, but he managed. The blanket he brought for us to sit on has a purple gingham pattern, and the food and drinks were rested within a stereotypically tan, woven picnic basket. 
Encased within the basket was a large bottle of cherry wine, a few empty cups, and some snacks. Mostly charcuterie-type things, like cheeses, fruits, and sliced meats, but he included some raw veggies and a few dips for ‘em as well. When I asked about the extra cups, Magnus said that the water here is perfectly safe for drinking, and that he added those so we wouldn’t need to mix the water and wine at all.
As soon as he told me that, I grabbed a cup and rushed over to the river. I’ve never had fresh water like this before – and holy fuck, it was so nice. Never tasted anything like it.
Fast-forwarding to right now, we’re laying side-by-side, lazily snacking on the few crackers and apple slices that are left. Both feeling all silly and happy and wine-drunk. About halfway through the bottle’s contents, we abandoned our cups in favor of occasionally passing the glass vessel back and forth to each other.
Speaking of which, now seems like a good time to top myself up!
I lean up onto my elbows and grab the bottle by its neck, chugging a few gulps back. Magnus, who’s peacefully lying still with red cheeks and closed eyes, startles a bit when I tap his arm with the bottle. I smile down at him. 
“Sorry,” I giggle, “want more?”
He nods, then shuts his eyes again. “Feed it to me.”
My giggle turns into an ugly snort-laugh. “Why?” 
“I’m sooo comfortable, (y/n)…”
“Too bad! It’s dangerous t’drink laying down.”
Magnus rebuttals, “I love danger.”
“Why are you lying?” 
“Who, me?” He opens just one eye, smugly smiling up at me. 
“Don’t play dumb.”
“To think my beloved partner would accuse me of such a horrible thing…” he trails off, sighing dramatically while closing his eye again.
I know Magnus is only teasing, but I still pout with furrowed brows. What a little shit! It’s at least nice to learn that he’s a coherent drunk, instead of the bumbling mess I am.
“Y’know what? Fine!” 
I take a little wine in my mouth, then lean down, meeting Magnus with my lips against his. A surprised hum escapes him, but he melts into the kiss regardless. I stay still, so as to not blow my own cover (this would totally blow it easily in most cases, but right now, he doesn’t seem to notice). Finally, the moment Magnus’ lips part, I let the wine trickle onto his tongue. It’s barely even half of a sip, so it should be safe enough.
Another startled noise emits from the wizard’s throat, but he quickly adapts, swallowing the wine before bringing a large palm to the back of my head. Kissing me harder and deeper. Catching me off-guard. Oh boy.
I put a palm against his chest to steady myself, feeling my already-toasty cheeks heating up some more when he adds tongue. Noticing that my lower half is heating up too, I pull away, rolling over to lay on Magnus’ belly. It would feel wrong to do The Sex in such a seemingly sacred place. 
My head jostles as Magnus sighs contentedly, and I turn onto my side to look at him. 
“You’re s’handsome…” I murmur, reaching over to trace his jaw.
He raises his head a smidge to meet my gaze. The little bit of a double-chin this gives him is adorable. Makes me laugh. After a lazy smile, he lies flat again. As he moves, he reaches a hand to my hair and begins running his fingers through it, occasionally soothing my scalp with some light scratches. I hum, thoroughly enjoying how it feels.
Magnus sighs again, then dreamily murmurs, “It’s truly remarkable how lucky I’ve gotten meeting you.”
Smiling, I shake my head. “It’s more—“ I swallow back a small hiccup, “S’more fate than luck, no?”
“I suppose, but it feels lucky, nonetheless.”
I pop the last bit of apple into my mouth before letting myself relax into his touch. After a few moments of thought, I wonder out loud, “What kinda hobbies do y’have other than magic?”
Magnus doesn’t respond right away, but knowing how little time he has for things not magicky, I don’t rush him. 
“I’m not so sure, honestly…” he eventually answers. It comes out quiet, almost whispered. “Gardening, I suppose, although that is often tied to my magic in some way.” 
I frown, then suggest, “So let’s figure something out together.”
He peers down at me. “Anime,” he announces determinedly.
“Wh-“ I cut myself off to laugh, “What?!”
“I would like t’watch anime.”
Maybe it’s the booze, but I hug my tummy as I roll to lay on my side, curling in on myself with giggles. I almost knock the wine over, and Magnus quietly tuts at my clumsiness.
“Why don’t we start you off with manga instead?,” I suggest once I’ve relaxed. “Might like it better.”
“Anime, but in book form.”
“Oh, that sounds splendid!”
“You read it backwards, just so you know. It’s usually published in Gotoroan, an’ translated for distribution elsewhere.” I emphasize the last two words with a vague wave of my hand.
“I can do that.”
I close my eyes for a few moments, the conversation coming to an abrupt end by my spinning head. “Is there a spell t’cure drunkenness?”
“I don’t believe so.”
I groan, rolling some more to nuzzle my face into Magnus’ chest. 
“Although,” he adds, “a cheeky dip over there might help us sober up.”
“What about the fish?”
He snorts. “Why would they care?”
…Y’know. I was worried, at first, about the potential danger of swimming with these funky lookin’ fish. But something about how candidly Magnus responded convinced me that I should’ve been more worried about the critters’ opinions. 
And you know what? He’s sooo right! Why would they care? Why should I care?!
I flop off of Magnus, laying flat against the blanket for a moment. He stumbles onto his feet, then assists me in doing the same, before beginning to strip. 
My mouth falls open, a little bewildered. For some reason I thought he’d conjure up swimsuits, or that we’d swim in our underwear, or something like that. Promptly, I begin lifting my sweater over my head. 
I observe, “We’re raw dogging this lake, huh?” The chilly air gives my skin goose bumps, but I don’t mind, given how much alcohol raises my temp.
“What are we ‘dogging?’”
I snort. “Oh. Slang.”
“For what?” he asks, stepping out of his boxers. He stumbles a bit and I hold his arms to stabilize him. Shamelessly give him a once-over, too. 
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“I’m very old, (y/n).”
“Not old enough!” 
Seeing me struggle out of my skirt, Magnus offers the same assistance I gave him. Then, he glares at me. Silently, but not even telepathically, telling me he’s gotta know. Sighing and remembering his yearn to be hip and cool, I give in.
“Fine. Sex. But like, without protection or whatever.”
“Ah… we are indeed raw dogging this lake!” 
I chuckle at his enthusiasm. “Hell yeah we are!”
He holds his hand out to me, and practically drags me with him upon contact. I stumble a bit, then jog, wanting to match his pace. Don’t have the time or coordination at the moment to hold my boobs in place, which has me feeling a little self-conscious…
The water shocks me out of any negative thoughts though.
“Holy shit, s’freezing!” I strengthen my hold on Magnus as if it’ll steady my shivers. 
“It’s not that bad.” His teeth are chattering. 
“Liar.” I splash him with my free hand. He lets out a tiny yelp and tries to pull away, but I keep my grip firm, attempting to hit him with a few more watery snipes. 
“Oh, if it’s a war you want, so be it!” 
“Hold your breath,” he warns before promptly yanking me down.
I scream out bubbles, laughing in delirium due to both the sudden change in temperature and Magnus’ own distorted under-water laughter. After a short moment of observing how ethereal he looks — his purple hair floating around him, the sparkle of his pale gray skin being tinted blue, the otherworldly fish circling around us — I shake my hand free and promptly bring myself back up to the surface. He follows my lead. 
“Damn it,” I continue to giggle, repositioning my wet hair out of my face. Swiping some water from my eyelashes, I once again mentally thank Yoba for waterproof makeup. “So cold…”
“This seems to be doing the trick though, wouldn’t you agree?”
Unfortunately, he’s right. I feel surprisingly more level-headed now than when I was laying on him in a wine-driven stupor. “Yeah, yeah…” 
I look around, admiring the beauty of our surroundings again, now from a different angle. I don’t notice anything new, but it’s still just as pretty, nonetheless. 
Feeling something tickling my ankle, I look down into the water, watching as a sparkly blue fish swims around me. I giggle. 
“Hey buddy,” I murmur, reaching down to try and stroke its scales. The movement scares it away, though. “Aw, man.”
“‘Twas a good effort.”
I meet Magnus’ fond gaze and furrow my eyebrows. “Not good enough.”
“Maybe someday.”
I sigh. “What are these fish, anyway?”
My partner shrugs. “Many are your typical river fish, such as carp or bass, whose forms have been altered due to the magical properties of the area.”
“Huh,” I grin, returning my gaze to the fish that swim a mere few feet away from us. “That’s sick.” I look back up at Magnus, quickly diverting my attention again when I notice the dreamy stare he’s still boring into me. My cheeks heat up, warming my whole body a little, as if I’m not skinny dipping in an almost freezing-cold river.
Then, my mind ruins the moment — as it typically does — suddenly drifting to my fish friend’s scales, then back to the weird note I received earlier. 
“Can these fish’s scales be made into ink, or something?”
“Perhaps.” With a brow furrow and head tilt, he asks, “Why do you ask?”
“Um…” I think for a moment.
Do I tell him? Well, I suppose there’s no backing out now, really. He’s looking at me so expectantly, and he could read my mind if I were to lie too poorly. 
“I got this letter earlier,” I go on, “and the ink looked really similar to that blue fella that was here before, right down to the way it shimmers. Never seen anything like it.”
Magnus frowns. “I hope it hasn’t come from one of them.” 
A particularly small fish swims closely by the old wizard, this one a vibrant purple. It almost matches his hair. He reaches a gentle hand towards it, and it doesn’t back away, unlike the blue fish who graced me a moment ago. Lucky… 
“It’s been a mutual decision between the Ministry and First Slash that places such as this remain unscathed.” He peers back up at me, letting the guppy move on. “Who was its sender?”
I shrug. “Didn’t have a name or return address. I didn’t feel any energy from it, either.”
He hums in thought. “I’ll take a look, if you don’t mind the intrusion. Maybe I can discern who or what it’s from.”
I offer a small salute. “You got it, boss.” Then, I sniffle. It’s super boogery. I better not be getting sick from this…
“Let’s get you out of here,” my partner prompts, noticing my… goopy state.
Magnus wades over to me, reaching out a hand. I’m surprised it’s so warm as I clasp mine into it, and take advantage of his body heat, looping my arm through his and pressing my bare body closer as he guides us to the shore.
“We’ll head back once you're warm and dry, alright?”
I grin up at him. “Sounds good to me.”
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milekael · 3 months
ya te la sabes, cartera celulares y respuestas pa' las streetcats girlies:
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
I already responded for Olive so now every other girlypops (Or at least the really relevant ones I have art for)
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She generally has a soft but firm way of speaking that can quickly turn into loud orders- She is the military-trained Captain of this whole police department, and just listening to her speak tells you everything you need to know, which is to obey whatever she told you to do.
However that softer tone is how she generally speaks outside of work. She really doesn't appreciate loud noises.
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Tania my love <3 She is the least refined of anyone in the team as she grew up in poor neighborhoods, so she speaks with a lot of slang. She is also the most communicative of the whole group, addressing anyone she meets with such friendliness that she instantly disarms them. I would also like to think of her like a high CHA character, but the way she twists people in her words is way more purposeful than Olive's. After all, Tania IS a trained detective.
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As a prosecutor, the legalese has gotten to her brain, to the point that anytime she speaks she does it in a very... formal manner. She always has a clear and uniform tone of voice, unless she really doesn't know how to respond to something or someone, in which case she would stutter into silence. In general she is very silent, sometimes not saying a single word in conversation. Again, the legalese in her brain tells her to speak only when needed. Is fine, really, Belen seems to understand her just fine.
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Oh the queen... She is running as a presidential candidate and it shows. She has a charming, energetic tone that just catches you, and before you know she has not only told you about many policies but also is getting you to speak her about all your beliefs and weaknesses. She sure was made to be a politician and can be very manipulative if she wants to.
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She is Laurel's coworker and Belen's subordinate but oh she couldn't be more different. She can be quick to rage and has a very overpowering voice, perfect for giving orders, bad if you are caught in a verbal fight with her. She is also not above throwing curses into the air and straight up mean... In general, the most straightforward character, if she thinks you are a bitch she will call you that to your face.
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OUGH love of my life <3 Mikan has what most would consider a cute voice. generally soft-spoken, almost like she can't raise her voice that much... Instead, if she is angry or annoyed, her voice will have a raspy hiss to it, similar to an animal threatening you...
ANYWAY!! There are more women around but I don't have art of them + I haven't fully defined their voices (Like Erin, Clover, Maria, Laurel's sister...) so I will leave this here for now <3 I love you women
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absolute-snzaster · 11 months
ok I'm officially tired of waiting for literally any other person on snzblr to get into the same weirdly specific visual novels as me so fuck it, here's the a/ndromeda s/ix snzcanons that literally no one asked for! under the cut because I write so many fucking words oh my god
dad sneezes, because of course he does
fully vocalized, throaty, with two separate and clearly enunciated syllables
literally sounds like "AAAH–CHOOO!" what can I say, the man's a classic.
probably owns a fucking monogrammed handkerchief. or several
kind of looks like he's allergic to life but I feel like he'd lose his voice from all the dad sneezing so idk
one million percent the kind of stuffy, straightlaced bitch you want to see get absolutely wrecked by the worst stress cold of his life
the tiniest, highest-pitched, most adorable little kitten sneezes you could possibly imagine
can, will and has threatened the life of anyone who dares to mention it
this does not stop at least 50% of the crew from doing so anyway.
soft, wet, whispery/unvocalized sneezes
occasionally has (equally whispery) hitchy buildups, but never hitches more than twice per sneeze
probably the type to sneeze into cupped hands. or a crumpled tissue/several tissues/handkerchief in said hands
sniffly, probably rubs his nose a lot
has allergies and specifically stifles his allergy sneezes for whatever reason.
stifles by pressing one finger under his nose and somehow it actually works?
this might just be because he's my number one favorite best guy (sobbing crying I love him so much ough) but I could totally see him having the kink and being SUPER embarrassed about it. just so blushy and flustered and aaaaaa 🥰🥰🥰
I feel like I had another thought about this but I forgot it bc too busy thinking about June blushing 😊
he would just have the shyest smile after he sneezed like especially if somebody blessed him oh my GOD I would die for him my sweet sweet boy
long, breathy buildups and soft, satisfying releases
doesn't necessarily have the kink, but does seem like the type to really just enjoy a good sneeze
I could see her having the kink tho. just bc she probably knows how to cure a cold in like 3 minutes if she wanted to
also probably knows what plants to use to make people sneeze... 👀
I picture her sneezing into tissues, but like... weirdly oversized tissues. just for the Aesthetic™
soft, rapid fits
uses tissues. will give anyone shit for using anything else (hands/sleeves/etc because she thinks it's gross, and handkerchiefs because she thinks they're dorky :PPP )
sneezes eight times in a row, like, regularly. it's specifically eight
always looks surprised before/between/after sneezes
probably allergic to cats. probably puts her face on them anyway
would tease a partner to within an inch of their life if she found out they had the kink, and then indulge the almighty fuck out of it. like possibly to the point where it'd be like kind of a lot for them actually. it's really just another form of teasing
she'd fucking love that she could turn someone on just by sneezing tho
really snotty colds. probably gets a pretty bad cough with them too
absolutely the type to get laid up with man flu. just the most melodramatic when he's sick
probably goes to Ryona the second he gets a cold all sniffling and going "helllllllllp :("
can make his tattoos flash when he sneezes as a party trick but disables it when he has a cold bc it makes his head hurt
once accidentally did said party trick during sex. liked it a weird amount
not above using his grease rags as snot rags when nobody's looking
maybe even when they are looking, honestly.
angry, breathless fits that leave him doubled over and gasping every time
almost sounds like coughing... or snarling
sneezes into a loosely closed fist. with gloves on, usually
[redacted] used to worry about him when he got fits and would always try to rub his back and lend him a handkerchief
he would always try to laugh and act like he was way too cool and sexy to use a handkerchief.
he still has one of the handkerchiefs
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
SPARKS *shakes you*
I'm gently cradling gihsm while running around like one of those fast coffee drinking squirrels in movies. Thoughts are being had wjhendsjdbsjdj
The fight scene was so good!! mumbo and grian watching eachother's backs? The way they work together?? They make me soft<3 Also grian. Buddy. That's acid. Maybe don't touch it...??? Does he still have fingerprints._.
The way you describe keralis's power👀 ahshdjdjrjt (ough)
SCAR GETS TO BE A SCARY VILLIAN. AS A TREAT. ITS ENRICHMENT. girans inner turmoil here ahsjdjjd
Then the whole conversation in the office?? Fr, party crashing is way funner then emails anyway. Who wouldn't go for a little property distraction, right? (That whole conversation was gold ohmygod)
Cubs note... Everything... I give hugs<3
The quiet comfort scar and grian offer eachother. they can't do anything about the past, but they can change their future. And they'll do it together. The similarities (and differences) in their situations... Words aren't wording right but I'm loving this!!
AND THE ENDING???? SPARKS???? (Both figritive sparks and you sparks) i might have to take after Laurie here and eat drywall /very pos
gihsm is very dear to me<3 I love this fic so much<- said through the pain /silly
<3 <3 <3
does grian have finger prints? hm... probably. but he probably got really really close to getting them burned off. if not for the potion he'd probably've lost them, that's how bad the acid was burning him and seeping poison into him. tee hee
yknow! i had no idea what to make keralis' power until i wrote the scene. initially the shadow guy wasnt even gonna be keralis, but then i was possesssed, wrote ha-shasha and i knew it had to be. my brother in craft chose his power /silly. i like his power though because to me it makes sense that he'd be a little off putting to look at bc he's had to rebuild his human form so often. he incites an uncanny valley sorta feeling with his eyes especially :) i like to play around with symmetry a lot in gihasm. i wanted to have grian see scar in his most vulnerable (body not cooperating, being taken care of by mumbo in the bathroom, just. things that only people who are tied together would allow each other to see) and then seeing him turn around and take control. Having to see scar move fluidly between those two extremes really humanizes him for grian quite a bit. humans have a lot of dimensions and so does scar. which yknow... leads into the last scene really well... oh my gosh, thank you for reassuring me that the office scene was good! /genuine. i worried a lot about it but i couldn't think of another way to write it. i love making keralis extra silly there. ("mrow") LEAFY!! i think your words are in fact, wording! "The quiet comfort scar and grian offer eachother. they can't do anything about the past, but they can change their future." yes. yes. yes. this is better than how i could put it. grian finally sees eye to eye with whats been done, and decides that he can no longer be passive. he can offer scar help, he can offer himself a choice. he can decide what parts of his life should change... and which parts don't need to. he's still a hero, even if he doesn't have the title anymore, yknow? bon appetit on the dry wall! thank you so much for the ask, leafy. i adore you! hope youre doing well
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
First. The batter itself went terribly bc the recipe was like nah dawg don't use two bowls, use one it's fine. Just make a well in the middle and pour the liquids there.
But the liquids over flowed the well so I was like oh god maybe I didn't have enough flour???#!#? So I poured more flour . But then it got very lumpy and I was like oh no maybe I put too much flour. So then I put more milk. I could not decide in the end which one I needed more of
But it's fine. We got to a consistency that was... okayish
I then put butter on the pan, as u do. But the butter did not work. So the pancake stuck. And I also flipped it too early but committed. This was a mistake.
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Attempt number one has never gone so terribly in my life
I thought about how it's tradition to give your dog the first pancake bc they are normally bad but I was like "Is this?? Is this cruel even for the dog??" So I asked my stepmom and she said to not feed it to the dog so o7
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She then informed me to use oil instead of butter and WOO it did work better however . I still flipped the second one too early bc it had felt more solid but ig not solid enough
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Twenty minutes later I have finished them and they look scuffed but y'know edible
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(Apparently not everyone does this, but my family's always put them in the oven to continue cooking just in case they're undercooked Also to keep warm while u cook the rest)
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I put butter and maple syrup and I get ready to finally eat it and
It's not cooked
It is soft and mushy and OUGH not good
I try a second one and that ones cooked so REJOICEEE it actually tastes really good
I try a third and it's also uncooked
I attempt to raise the temp in the oven to finish it off and . I think it's cooked by the time I finish but. I have now lost all appetite and feel sick at the idea of eating pancakes after one too many tries 😭😭😭😭
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Last few silly messages from discord
My grandfather thinks they're cooked and he ate them so that's good I have work in an hour and I have not even showered yet ima just . Eat soup or pb&j for dinnerr on break and call it a day o77 I don't think this week is for me Bee ngl SHFJFKFLF
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Congrats little buddy I think that’s the worst anyones ever done it /lh
Icy. If the well overflows my immediate response would be to just. Let it overflow and mix it after it’s all in there. It’s getting mixed anyway. Adding ingredients is only going to make it worse 😭
I’m so sorry this went so wrong but it’s also hilarious to read through I hope your next attempt at pancakes goes better. At least you didn’t try the pumpkin pancakes bc can you imagine the mess that would’ve made if pumpkin was involved
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berrymoos · 2 years
* Her first Christmas after being added to the group was special. She made everyone (cgs and littles) a small soft cuddle blanket in their favorite colour * Loves to help the cgs care for the babies (Jonny and Nancy). Cg is giving one of the babies a bottle? Chrissy is cuddle up next to them helping to hold the bottle, etc. * The babies adore Chrissy! Jonny needs to nap? He must have a Chrissy cuddle first. Nancy is trying to get extra sweets? She’ll ask for two bc big sissy needs one too (2/4)
part two of cee-cee and the gang (●ꈍᴗꈍ●)ෆ
💝 (*´˘`*)ー❣❣!! SHE IS SOOO SWEEET OUGH 💞💞💞 handmade blankets are the best, i sweaaar. for the ones who had two favorite colors (or more) she sewed in polka dots, & she spent three full weeks on them!! her work was marveled over by EVERYONE & she got lots of hugs - & a few cheek kisses from the small ones (≡^∇^≡)
💝 THAT'S ADORABLLLLE AAAAHEJS (≧∇≦)/(≧∇≦)/ chrissy's sooo gentle with the itty bitties too!! like a little toddler / little kid being gentle with her baby sibbies, she's so in awe at how tiny they are. nancy is adamant that she can hold the bottle by herself .. but when she's in baby mode she rlly can't (which is the whole reason she has a bottle & not her sippy 🤭), but lets chrissy help her anyways; jonny on the other hand barely holds the bottle & just blinks up at her with his soft doe eyes(☆/>u</)makes everyone around them melt (until one of them is burped and bam - spit-up 😵‍💫)
💝 jonny does that one baby thing ..... where he grabs chrissy's finger when they're cuddling before his nap ....... and he's blinking sleepily at her while his paci's bobbing is slowing down ....... SO cute, chrissy gasps the first time he grabs her finger & yawns around his paci, turns to eddie with sparkles in her eyes, and whispers "he's got my fingie, eddie!" eddie nods super seriously: "you've got the baby touch now, chrissy! you better hold that super close to you!" she STILL holds it close to her heart this day ,,,, AND NANCY, AUAUHDJEH (≡^∇^≡) she stuffs extra candy in the pockets of her dress to sneak to chrissy, decidedly not telling her she stole it bc chrissy doesn't like stealing; she doesn't tell on her or anything, but she IS a horrible liar
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mokutone · 2 years
Hi hi! do you happen to have any favourite watercolor artists/ inspirations? specifically ones that rlly influenced your art style? I've tried searching up keywords like "favorite" etc but tumblr search engine is a little iffy, anyways! i adore your art and seeing your process videos make watercolours look like such a fun process and tbh less daunting than what it seems. Your blog is sending me down a rabbit hole of inks and watercolors and aaa its so fun to find gems on this nonfunctional website
OOOOOOH i dont think ive actually been asked this before!!! ty!!!
the truth is when it comes to watercolor im mostly flying by the seat of my pants 😅 but there are definitely watercolor artists that i love even i do not consciously do studies of their work! i should really study more watercolor artists bc its probably foolish to practice a medium while remaining ignorant of the big names within it.
i hope u find these interesting:
This is one of my favorites, it's called The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by 1864 Frederic William Burton. this is WATERCOLOR. good god. help. if you get really in close you can see how he built it up with delicate different colors. Anyway, the solidness of the bodies, the like...the romance in it all, the way the metal reflects the fabric, the detail in the chainmail and the absolute softness in the background...ough. its good. this is a painting which in all ways knows exactly what its about and executes it perfectly
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and then there's the watercolor sketches of Hayao Miyazaki obvs skgjhdskgh, i like how loose he is and how clear, and how he isnt scared of the white spaces between where colors meet. i know these arent meant to be final products just like. indications of how the animation should be...but they enchant me so much...i want to be able to do watercolor sketches like that!
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Albrecht Dürer does a lot of very detailed illustrations in watercolor, he's a weird guy from the 1500s, look how you can tell how the texture of the hare changes from its back to its underbelly. also, unrelated to his watercolor skills, i just like how he signs his work by putting a d beneath a little A arch. His mastery of textures is delightful and his attention and carefulness with detail is admirable
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also i'm gonna mention Akihiro Yamada's watercolor + ink illustrations, specifically for 12 Kingdoms. I haven't spent a lot of my time looking at them but every time i do i find that there's something i want to emulate abt them...something abt the detailed inks and the way he does shadows with watercolor...something abt it rlly speaks to me. i think a lot of my weird shadow experiments are trying to achieve a feeling i get from his work. I think that these are the most like...the most like what I want to do? While also being definitely something other than what I would pursue. Hard to explain. Love to look at them though here's three of them
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i would absolutely be remiss if i did not mention one of the people who inspired me to get back into watercolor originally, @marina-does-things and here is an excellent example of their work. Here is another (squid game fanart!) They're SO skilled at watercolor and gouache, and especially at conveying light + shadow, highlights and playing with color...when I think of their artwork I think of the light in it the most, u can really tell just by looking at their work that theyre so comfortable with the medium + have put a lot of effort and work into playing with it and gaining skills, theyre also a skilled digital artist too, all around triple-threat. They also do comics and WATERCOLOR comics at that (here is a link to a post of their excellent 80 page watercolor comic piece based on an episode of the podcast WOLF 359) !!! just an extraordinarily cool and talented artist
anyway, i hope this was useful to you!
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Stardew Valley+Genshin Impact x Reader]
Part 2/3 Zhongli, Xiao
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Genre: Fluff
Diluc and Kaeya
Albedo and Childe
(A/n): This was meant to be part 3 but I couldn't wait to write xiao. Plus Ive been writing Albedo for almost the whole month already Word count_2.6k
• Thrown in an unfamiliar environment puts Xiao on high alert. Instincts kick in and his hand subconciously grabs for his spear. Nothing. Not even his vision activated. Xiao's gaze darts all over before landing on your figure. He sighs in relief, you're safe, that much he can decipher as of now.
• Stripped of his power, left with only claws and teeth (if must) to protect you from any dangers, he was ansty with every little thing. 
• The villagers are so nice??? For what reason must they have to act so friendly to strangers (Xiao wonders). The Mayor even granted you two a vast farmland free of charge. 
• Shortly he realized he no longer had his karmaic debt. Xiao wasn't sure how to live his life in this state. He dedicated his entire existence to years of slaughter and suffering that it became the only thing he knew. He won't admit it of course, he'll just throw in scoffs and remarks about how mundane activities are a waste of time when in reality, he just has no clue on how to handle them.
• Thats why the first day was difficult as you both try to figure out how to plant parnsips. Deciding it was better to go with an experiment, you split the share of seeds in half and used what basic knowledge you had on farming to finish the job. Xiao on the other hand tried copying what you did….though the outcome wasn't so desirable it was a mess. (His trained hands have taught him to be on the rough side).
• He doesn't bother socializing with the townspeople even though he has no karmaic debt to worry about. Xiao thinks you're more than enough anyways so what's the point? 
• Robin is the only person who can tolerate him for obvious reasons (cough Sebastian cough) she knows exactly how to deal with his personality type. His glares don't faze her, she simply thinks its just a teenage phase of some sort. 
• Eventually they become mutuals, Xiao thinks Robin is similar to Verr Goldet in a way. Since he's the one who does the heavy labour of chopping down trees and mining stones for building upgrades, he gets a chance to visit her house quite often. He comes back with lots of recipes too.
• You find out that his adepti blood never left him. Xiao doesn't need sleep so you better believe it when he tells you the next morning that he spent the whole night watering all 300 of your crops (watering is the only process he's good at for farming). 
• Sometimes you catch him staring out of the window, wondering what he may be thinking. Life was so much more different, almost hard to recognize. Was this real? Is it okay for it to be real, just this once? Ever since he committed his duty to Morax, Xiao didn't dream of a time when everything would be peaceful. Yet here he is, no longer a weapon but on a journey to find out what it's like to live as a normal person. 
• Spring: Every morning you find him kneeling behind the cabin with the pet cat (yes, cats seem to suit Xiao very much). He just stares at them, hesitant if he wanted to pet their fur or rub their chin. So he continues to glare intensely, scaring your cat away :(
• Whenever you wanted to attend any of the town's festivities, Xiao wouldn't even hide his distastefulness but goes with you regardless. Why do mortals consider hiding eggs and finding them a fun activity? And what kind of a name is Flower Dance? Can't they just call it a dance?
• Though…he does like the sight of you wearing a flower crown. Xiao likes putting stuff in your hair.
Since setting foot upon this new world, time seemed to have slowed down to the point that almost everything felt like an eternity. And you didn't mind, with him by your side, you wouldn't mind if it did last forever.
The lull of the grass was the only sound Xiao could hear as he closed his eyes and rested his head on your lap. You maneuvered across his scalp in small, subtle motions, surprised with how warm he felt against the heat your palm. He stirs a little and lets out a soft breath before turning his face to lay on the side.
You were slightly intrigued by the yaksha's new demeanor. From far away, Xiao was an intimidating man, even during the first time you laid eyes him, his presence felt similar to a knife pointing at anyone who dares to come too close. But now, the face that usually held his signature annoyance melted into something you never thought you'd see as the sun rays brushed against the surface of his fair skin. You observed the way his dark eyebrows stayed in a relaxed arch. The red crescents lining right above his beautiful long lashes and the sound of soft snores through parted lips. It was hard to believe that this man was the same person who claimed to have ended a thousand lives through thousands of years.
Did he fall asleep already?
Gently moving away the strands away from his cheekbone, hovered your gaze above him and whispered, "I thought adepti don't need rest."
"Hmph," Xiao responds, though there was no harshness in his tone, "Quit trying to be difficult, I didn't tell you to stop."
The smug grin on your face only widens. You lean downward and said to his ear, "And what's the magic word~?"
Xiao sighs at your antics. You were truly pushing your luck today and he simply didn't have the patience to entertain you. Without a warning, he grabs your wrist and pulls you down, foreheads pressing until you were but a breath away. The adepti conquers, he does not plead.
• Summer: As expected, your parnsnips weren't able to grow as much. Thus, this season was going to be the one to make up for the lost profit. Xiao is very good at hunting, perhaps the best in the entire town. Though the way he catches fish is rather peculiar, said by the folks. He prefers to carve a spear made of wood and repeatedly stabs the lake until results show. Xiao dislikes the old fashioned way, he says its unproductive and it unecissarily takes too much time. 
• But as much as he scared the whole town, they were extremely grateful when he cleaned up the slime issues happening in the mines. You could say that he grew very popular since then and eventually mustered up the courage to greet him a hello whenever he passes by. 
• You nudge him to reply back. Xiao usually shoots you a glare but slowly, he learns the courtesy of acknowledging someone's prescence.
• Fall: You woke up to a burnt smell coming from the kitchen. Xiao just thought he would return the favour since you always worked so hard. (He was actually trying to figure out what a 'whisk' was. It was no wonder why there were eggshells in the dish!)
• You realized that Xiao was taking more initation compared to before. At night, when you thought the animals were actively jumping in the barns, the noise was actually from Xiao trying to adjust himself to the ways of tending the field. After learning what TV was, he would always switch to the channel "Livin off the land" to gain some insight. Truly, Xiao was greatful even though he knew he eventually had to return to his duties, he wanted to utilize the current days the best way he could. And what better way was it to just make you happy in return?
• Winter: This was the season to test the accumulation of Xiao's abilities: you caught a cold and he had to manage everything in his own. Xiao scolded you for not wearing enough and being too careless but at the same he considered that you must've been working too hard.
• Goes to Robin for help. She basically became his mom now. Prepares the food and leaves them in the fridge, she teaches Xiao how to use the phone in case he needed any help and also lets him know where all the essentials are. 
• Xiao stayed by your side the whole time even though you told him you'd be fine. But he refuses, he may no longer be a gaurdian but he was your gaurdian. That role never changed.
• You wake up on a soft bed with Zhongli sitting at a chair nearby. He hands you a cup of brewed water but you're still blatlantly confused. Seems like everything was taken care of by Zhongli, it ends up with him explaining everything to you. 
• The folks instantly assumes you both as a married couple. Who could blame them? He did carry your unconcious body all the way to town while asking for a local doctor. You can bet that the ladies wish they were you at that moment. Zhongli took care of everything, including with the contract with the new farm.
• It didn't take long for you both to adjust to the new lifestyle. Zhongli's accumulated knowledge was enough to last all four seasons. Days past by peacefully as you shared the tasks. He'd place down the stone paths towards the gate and you busied yourself with decorating the house. After that was done, Zhongli would rest upon the rocking chair outside your door (like the grandpa he is) and sometimes you'd join him in one reading session. His voice was soothing, you eventually dipped into a slumber as the evening grew colder. Just like always, your beloved brings his arm to encapsulate you from the wind, brushing his thumb against your skin subconciously while you snore softly into his shoulder.
• In a way, the townsfolk were right. You both do act like a married couple. It's basically domestic life with Zhongli in a nutshell.
• He gets connected with Gunther and lands a role in the Museum. Since he's there so often, Zhongli also manages to be acquainted with Elliot as well. Two men who have a common interest with books while speaking in poetic prose. Their conversation would last for hours to the point Gunther had to kick them out of the library!
• Veeeery good with the children, not in an entertaining way but its just the aura he reeks. Penny usually had trouble dealing with Vincent since he never seems to be able to focus but the minute Zhongli speaks, he's all ears. Not only that he was also very good with the elderly. He even recommended some herbs George could take to soothe his back issues.
• Problem is that he still forgets to bring his wallet and Childe isn't here to save him. So once you stepped foot into the Stardrop Saloon and Gus calls you over, he tells you about the cost he owed to his tab….
• But this tranquil life full of genuinity and deprived of sovereignty, he was overjoyed to be able to spend it with you. Because he knew you were unlike him, that all humans were born with an expiry date. He knew so well that after every new greeting, he would have to face the goodbyes over and over until the world eventually came to an end. He knew you were also going to be part of those many goodbyes while he would still be here.
• But as Zhongli walks amongst the fallen leaves, he remembered the beauty that carries within every new beginning. They brought him to you and he would never hesitate to trade his gnosis for it.
Spring: You shot up your bed when Zhongli blast the TV at full volume. He apologizes, saying that he was simply trying to change the channel. You figured it was best for him to go outside before he somehow glitches the screen until it couldn't repair itself (Robin charges for repairs).
• Every thursday you both go to Pierre's store to complete your grocery shopping. He offers to push the cart as you fill the basket with all the necessities (plus it saves you the trouble of having him tossing whatever he sees without looking at the price tag).
• Every afternoon you order a take out from the Saloon, sharing the meal while sitting at the fountain's edge near the community center. Every evening Zhongli would take you to explore the rest of the vast farmland, discovering places you weren't even aware of. It was no wonder why everyone thought you were a married couple. 
• Summer: Since the cabin was too small for a bathroom, you guys would have to travel up the mountains in order to get to the Spa house (cue sweatiness x10). 
• The concept of hotsprings was derived from Inazuma so it was no surprise that Liyue eventually took it after him. Zhongli had collected some incense from foraging items over the past few months, he knows whats up. But overall he gives the best bath sessions (hands down) and you were the one who insisted in joining him.  He was a gentle and sweet lover, always putting your needs before his. Ancient artifacts and old history books have always been precious to him, he treated you no differently.
The heartbeat of the oceans continues to rock back and forth until they brush up on the sandy shore, washing away the two pairs of footprints left behind by a man and a woman.
Gold against gold, his amber eyes reflected against the scenery. Millions of lights flashed among the sea when the sun began to climb down from the sky, it's rays hugged across the valley like an ethereal glow bestowed by the heavens as summer's wind brought even more warmth than what he had currently felt. You trance ahead of with the same light shaping around your form. 
"Oh hey there's another rainbow shell," you waved at him before running off, "I'll be back!"
How is it that you still continue to shine like gold in his memories?
Zhongli suddenly ponders at the chapters laying ahead of him. He spent so many years turning each page without ever reaching a conclusion, forever searching the fabled happy endings written in fairytale books, but he knew his immortality wouldn't grant him that wish.
Thus, the formal archon raised his pen and reweaves his own story. He envisions his future with you by his side, engraving every detail until it was immortalized in his memories.
Perhaps I shouldn't keep her waiting.
With a renewed resolve, Zhongli clutches the gemstone tightly in his palm, he seals the page with the final contract between your future and his.
• Fall: After getting your first house upgrade, it was time for the next event: the ceremony. Yes, Zhongli would only have a wedding if Liyue traditions were involved. Everyone was invited of course, they were quite intrigued with the flashy setup such as lanterns and fireworks (you were a little worried with where he got the budget for such items) and Zhongli even educated Gus about some recipes he can use for the Saloon.
• You found out that Zhongli was saving all his money for this day (it was no wonder that he couldn't pay for his tab!). Old habits die hard, it was a shame that he didn't have his powers to craft the right items, but at least he got to sea you in a traditional eastern dress (it's the part he was looming forward to the most).
• Fall is the best season. One you wouldn't forget.
• Winter: Ah he finally learns how to use  technology after three seasons. He only knows two channels from the TV which was 'Livin off the Land' and the weather channel. Zhongli oftens talks to himself as he tries to figure out more mechanics, he seems to be extremely absorbed in the most basic things.
• The miner of the house. But instead of using them to upgrade tools and donating them to the museum, Zhongli likes to keep some of them for collection. You could say your house also had a little museum in the other room.
• Romcom movies and soap operas. You can't change my mind that this is what you both spend your time watching as the snowstorm rages outside. 
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