#our boys need a break and I fully support them 100% AAAH
trouvelle · 4 years
Red-Hearted Tragedy
For @tanteigisachi, thank you for pulling me out of my hole and back out here <3 You’re the kindest! I hope you can visualize the chirping birds and colorful butterflies and glittering rainbow that I’m presenting you this with (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚*
Fandom: Detective Conan/DCMK Pairing: Shinichi/Ran, (side Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko) Rating: G Genre/Tags: Fluff, Domestic Warning: None
Shinichi has a theory about parenthood.
He used to think it’s not possible that once one becomes a parent, one also stops being anything else. Like the status he has right now. He was always known as a Great Detective of the East, the badass son of the famous writer Kudo Yusaku and a soccer enthusiast. Now he's barely himself, the state of parenting having sucked his body dry of anything remotely cool he had going on. Shinichi wonders if Ran feels the same. When Conan first arrived, they were extremely thrilled about finally being a family and so for a long while, Conan was pretty much everything in their minds. Ran started refusing to go to work at Teitan and Shinichi missed more cases than he can account for—all in favor of watching their baby grow healthy and in a strong household.
They succeeded. Conan is now a kind, obedient, smart and very lovely four year old and there is still nothing more important than him in his parents’ lives.
It will be Valentine's Day soon and Shinichi would love for this to be their first Valentine’s Day without Conan's presence jumping and screaming for them to watch Pororo instead of opening a bottle of wine. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son. He just misses being romantic with his wife. That’s just tragic.
That's why he calls Heiji.
"Forget it," the guy says. "Kazuha and I had a hard time booking a nanny for Valentine's. She's pretty expensive and the only one who hasn’t been threatened by the twins so far."
Shinichi traps the phone between his ear and his shoulder while typing the report to finish up his latest murder case. It's the second case he’d taken this week. He's tired and grumpy and wants to end his week early to spend the whole Valentine weekend, but people seem to be exploding with their grudges, stalking ex-girlfriends here and murdering ex-husbands there.
"You should get them checked," Shinichi jokes half-hardheartedly.
The other gasps. Shinichi can practically hear Heiji’s Giant Head of Doom growing in size. "Don't insult my beautiful children!"
"You could at least ask your nanny to look after Conan as well. He's quiet, and you know he won't make any mess."
"Get your own nanny." Heiji scoffs. "Where ya’ at?"
Shinichi exhales. "Working."
"How many cases ya’ got this week?"
"Three. People really need to chill. It’s the holiday of love, not hatred. ” Shinichi answers with such exasperation and Heiji laughs. “I take it you’re just as busy as I am?”
"Nah, I got a murder and a robbery earlier this week but now I’m chillin’ and ready for the weekend." Shinichi just knows that his best friend is grinning ear to ear at this moment.
And so he decides he's had enough of him. He hangs up with a scowl, but not before sending one last grumble in Heiji’s way.
Ran places a cup of coffee in front of Shinichi, Conan's orange juice in one hand and this morning’s newspaper under her arm.
"He won't do it," Shinichi says.
Ran squints, sitting across from him at the dining table. "Kazuha-chan told me they’ve gone through a lot of trouble to find a good babysitter. I think that means they do not want to babysit this weekend."
"Well they just found one and he says he won't share." Shinichi sips at his coffee.
Ran chuckles, standing up and calling for Conan, who walks out from his bedroom already perfectly dressed (hair a mess, though). The four year old tiptoes to reach his juice box, jumping on the couch once the box is secure between his hands. Shinichi gulps his coffee before walking toward Conan and sitting himself next to his son on the couch.
"Hey," he says.
Conan blinks dazedly, clearly bored out of his mind and undoubtedly thinking about the comfort of his bed. It's barely even eight and the kid is already tired.
"So... today is a special day," he continues. Conan stares at him. "A special day for... daddies and mommies."
"Valentine's Day?" Conan asks. Shinichi frowns.
"Yes, how do you know about Valentine's Day?"
"Everyone knows about Valentine's Day, Dad."
"But you're too young to..." he shakes his head. "Never mind. Are you ready for school?"
Conan stands up as if doing so is such a burden, and Shinichi thinks about talking to Ran about ways to make kindergarten seem more interesting for their toddler. 
There is no nanny available. All nannies were already booked by smarter couples that probably have been planning their Valentine's night for days. Shinichi and Ran are easily 'the rest'.
"Kuroba, please? Can you watch Conan just for one night?"
"It's Valentine's Day, Kudo."
"You told me that you don’t have any plans with Aoko anyway. You could use some company. Conan is nice company, he likes your magic tricks and he's an amazing listener. You can dump all your dissatisfaction with life and your father-in-law and the world on him, he won't even mind."
Kaito is beyond outraged. "First of all, I DO have plans with Aoko! It’s just that her father wants to have a Valentine's dinner with her that she can’t say no to.” Shinichi has to drag the phone away from his ear. “Second of all, ALL kids love my magic tricks and. And I am definitely NOT dissatisfied."
Shinichi wisely chooses not to point out the extreme dissatisfaction in the magician’s voice. "Please? Ran and I really need this moment. It's been ages since we went on a romantic dinner. We haven’t even had the chance to spend any alone time outside lately."
"And you blame that on your son." Kaito's tone is accusing and reprimanding.
"No. Yes, somehow, but, not in a bad way. It's just... Being a parent is hard. We focus all our time and energy on Conan and end up with nothing left for ourselves. I miss having a day for us, you know?"
There's silence. Shinichi hopes Kaito is trying to picture how hard it is to have a child and eventually consents, because he's Shinichi's last option. But to be honest, maybe it’s not the best idea to put in the magician’s head. He doesn’t want an angry Aoko coming for him.
"Ok, fine." Kaito answers and Shinichi punches the air in celebration. "Remember that you owe me another one and that I expect free food."
"You got it, Kuroba!"
If all kids are as calm as Conan, Kaito muses, then he can’t wait until Aoko and his bundle of joy arrives. He only prays that his child wouldn’t turn out to be as hyper as the Hattori twins. Conan doesn't seem affected by Kaito's presence, but then again, everything the kid needs is his pillow and a television. Preferably some cartoons.
Shinichi averts his gaze from the two just as his wife walks into the living room. Ran looks good. So good. And Shinichi's hands are sweating with anticipation. It's been so long since the last time they've gone out, just the two of them where clowns and kiddy toys aren't involved.
He approaches her, who is now leaning against the wall with arms folded on his chest and a fond expression on his face. She's watching Conan staring at the TV while clutching his pillow, the boy's eyes already drooping with drowsiness. Kaito sits next to him and occasionally attempts to chat, but Conan isn't exactly a conversationalist. He's one of the quiet ones. And definitely Shinichi’s son.
"He's so big," Ran mentions in that tone she only uses when talking about Conan. "Did four years really go by that fast?"
Shinichi sighs as Conan perches his head up to watch Kaito perform some tricks. "Why? Do you still think about him as a baby?"
"He's still a child. He still needs care." Ran bites her lips, worry washing over her features. "Maybe we should cancel Valentine's Dinner."
Before Shinichi can muster up an angry answer about several months without a couple's moment and the survival of their relationship while being parents, Kaito walks towards them.
"You guys should go or you'll miss the reservation," he says, that annoying complacent smile on.
"Do you have the list of things he's allowed to eat and do you have the list of numbers to call if something happens?" Ran fidgets with her fingers. Shinichi promptly holds her hands.
Kaito smiles. "Yep, I've got it covered, Ran-san. Just go and have a good time and come back early if you can."
They probably wouldn’t.
Shinichi also has a theory about having a good time on Valentine's Day.
For them, it's not possible anymore.
They make it to the reservation in peace and the lobster Ran ordered is on its way when Shinichi's phone rings. It's their home number, so it has to be Kaito. He takes a deep breath to mentally prepare himself for a disaster, but instead of destruction he gets his son's voice.
"Heiji jichan?" Conan says.
Shinichi pulls the phone away and glares at the screen. Why would his own son call Hattori, not him? Shinichi did set Hattori’s number on their speed dial after his and Ran’s, but nevertheless he is gravely disappointed.
"Conan?" he asks, Ran frowning.
"Oh Dad? Sorry, I want to call Heiji jichan. Goodb—”
Shinichi narrows his eyes and interrupts before his son can hang up. “Hey buddy, is everything ok?”
“Um, It's Kaito jichan, dad. He's dying."
Shinichi's brain processes the fact that his toddler is nowhere near harm, and he exhales very loudly in relief. And once he processes what his son actually said, he chokes on his own saliva. Ran leans towards him, eyebrows knitted together. 'What's wrong?' she mouths. Shinichi can't even bring himself to say it.
"What—” he coughs into the phone. "What do you mean, Conan? You didn't make someone stick a fork up the socket again, did you? Conan, I told you that is dangerous."
Ran gasps, horror freezing her face. Both her hands fly to her mouth as she stands up, dropping to the floor next to Shinichi's chair. He runs a hand through his hair and slowly shakes his head, reassuring her that their son is ok. Although there is someone dying and they should be on their way home already.
"He ate something from the fridge, Dad. Now he's moving funny and he sounds weird."
If he tunes everything out, he can indeed listen to faint noises in the background. That's probably Kaito having a hard time.
"What is it?" Ran asks, squeezing Shinichi's thigh.
"Kuroba ate something and is now dying."
"DYING?" She pulls herself up and paces around in panic. "He didn't eat the stew did he? Because Sonoko sent us that and she said it’s something called Bouillabaisse which is—”
“— fish... stew." Shinichi finishes lamely.
Which Kaito is tragically allergic to.
"We need to go," he jumps from his seat, drawing his wallet and throwing some money on the table. He wishes no one would steal it because they're in a hurry and he always sees people throwing money on tables at movies so he figures it works. Out of luck, the restaurant Shinichi picked is a few minute drive from their house. There's a nice chance they'll get to save Kaito.
Shinichi's theories have been proven correct:
1. He's no longer simply Kudo Shinichi, great Detective of the East and husband of Mouri Ran. He's now Kudo Shinichi, Conan's dad. 2. Therefore, it's tragically impossible to enjoy Valentine's Day with only the woman he loves.  3. His son is perfectly okay with conveniently inconveniencing his uncle Heiji at any given circumstance (in this case, he calls Heiji after Shinichi hangs up just to see which one of them would arrive to save Kaito the fastest). 4. Couldn't Kaito have picked another moment to try and die?
Shinichi's Valentine's Day is now being spent at the ER, with his four year old son fast asleep in his wife’s arms while said wife stares glassy-eyed at the television in the waiting room. It turns out that Conan was trying to call Heiji instead of him because he did not want to ruin the “special day for mommies and daddies” for his own mommy and daddy.
Well, it doesn’t really matter now. Everyone’s Valentine’s Day has been ruined beyond repair. It’s something they’d definitely look back and laugh about, but looking around the room, Shinichi’s certain that none of them has enough energy to muster a nice joke. 
Although, he actually chuckles when he hears Kazuha say, “I told you something was gonna happen tonight, Heiji. I told you so.”
There are bags under Ran's eyes and her hair is disheveled, the red sweater she'd carefully picked for their date now draped loosely around their son for his warmth. Shinichi snorts, feeling mocked. All he wanted was a romantic night with his wife. That's all.
He sticks his hand into his pocket, thumb flicking over the pendant of the necklace he was supposed to give to Ran as a surprise. It's a simple necklace. Not that he doesn't have the money—it's just that Ran doesn't care about expensive stuff. 
"Hey," A whisper pulls him from his reveries and Shinichi glances at his wife. Ran looks tired, but so damn beautiful. How could someone as gorgeous as her have ended up with a piece of geeky detective like him? "Don't beat yourself up."
He sighs, blinking as he drags the necklace out of his pocket. "We've changed, haven't we?" He brings his eyes up to Ran's.
“Of course we have. There are three of us now. It doesn't mean we can't have a good time. Look at Aoko-san and Kuroba-kun, I’d say they’re having it worse than us.” Ran smiles knowingly, hand caringly brushing over Conan's hair.  “Also, is that my present?”
Shinichi smiles back at her, lifting his hands. "It is... Yeah, it's supposed to be your present."
"I love it!" Ran laughs.
"I already know you do." Shinichi takes one last look at the necklace and decides that it will look better around Ran’s neck. He would gladly help Ran put the necklace on, but Conan is an effective clinger, both arms locked around his mom’s neck.
"Shinichi… thank you. I didn't have time to get you a present, sorry." She mumbles the last part of the sentence with guilt, eyes still locked with his. He can see the apologetic shine in her eyes, even though he doesn’t understand why she feels the need to apologize to him. He doesn’t want anything else from her. She’s already everything he can ever wish for.
"I don’t need anything else," he says, pushing the necklace into Ran's pocket before leaning over to peck at his wife’s lips.
Shinichi has another theory about this night.
It didn't turn out to be what he was expecting it to be: his friend almost accidentally killed himself; his four year old son almost witnessed someone die; his best friend is willing to drop anything just to attend to said son; they nearly ran over an old lady in their haste to go home to save Kaito's life (which was proven futile anyway, because Heiji miraculously appeared first to get them to the hospital) and all of them are now ending their very special night at the hospital as Kaito recovers from his near-death experience. 
It was a tragedy. Everything went wrong except for one thing. Shinichi and Ran went through it all together. 
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