#paella writes
theredquilt · 3 months
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What a wonderful combination of creatures! Thank you so much! 😍
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soymsan-entro · 30 days
Storytime sobre cómo me nombraron lesbiana honorífica (soy un chico cis en principio).
Era un verano del dos mil diquiti algo. Mi pareja de entonces y yo nos fuimos de viaje a M*drid y nos alojábamos en casa de unos amigos suyos en el barrio de La Moraleja (para quien no lo conozca: es un barrio pijísimo, del tipo que las fincas tienen jardinero y chico de la piscina como los americanos de las pelis).
El viaje en sí fue divertido, los amigos gente genial, nos reímos mucho, probé el tiro con arco (cosas de ricos Ig) pero el segundo día sucede el siguiente intercambio:
"Chicos, ¿os importaría que esta noche vayamos a casa de un amigo mío? Es su cumpleaños y no puedo saltármelo, es aquí cerca en la zona."
-Cumpleaños. De desconocidos. Heterosexuales. De zona pija en M*driz.
"Claro, sin problema, seguro que está bien. ¿Nos arreglamos?"
"No, no, con llevar cualquier cosa vale, es todo muy de estar por casa. Por cierto van a hacer paella."
-Cumpleaños. De desconocidos. Heterosexuales. De zona pija en Maldrid. "Van a hacer paella". En Madrid. PAELLA EN MADRID. (No quiero doxxearme pero es fácil saber de dónde soy ya).
Lo que ocurrió a continuación lo podría haber escrito Lemony Snicket y podría herir la sensibilidad de cualquier lector:
Lo primero que nos encontramos en casa de, asumo, el Tío Gilito, es a un chaval vestido de traje chaqueta y zapatos. "Es todo muy de estar por casa". Ok.
-Me voy a saltar lo que estaba pasando en aquella casa en aquella paella delante de mis ojos porque si no tendré que incluir una docena de tws, pero no fue bonito de ver ni de comer.-
Total que al cabo de un rato estamos sentados en círculo, están hablando. Yo, que estaba sin decir gran cosa hasta que puedo contribuir un poco a la conversación (quedarme 10 minutos callado challenge impossible), hago un comentario. De repente uno de los habitantes se queda blanco como una pared (como una pared blanca; si tus paredes no son blancas siéntete libre de sustituir la comparación, blanco como una tiza a medio comer por ejemplo).
"¿Disculpa, estás bien? ¿He dicho algo malo?"
"Perdona, te vas a enfadar, pero ten en cuenta que podría habérmelo callado."
"Pensaba que eras lesbiana".
"¿...? ¿Quieres decir que pensabas que era gay? A ver, soy bisexual, no te has ido mu-"
"No, no, pensaba que eras una mujer lesbiana."
Quien me conoce sabe que tampoco soy dechado de la masculinidad, ni necesito, pero, CITO:
"Como no tienes barba, tu pareja tiene el pelo tintado, y llevas el pelo así como con flequillo y llevas camisa a cuadros..."
Fijo que este señor de 19 añitos también define al ser humano como un bípedo sin plumas. Contemplad: la lesbiana de Platón.
"Tranquilo, (el chico estaba preparado para que lo convirtiese en una ensalada César) no pasa nada, no tiene nada de malo, pero tus amigos se van a meter contigo lo que te queda de año".
Y es verdad que un chico heterosexual de Mandril no tiene el poder de concederme el título de lesbiana honorífica, ese honor me lo concedió el tribunal de wuluwus (?) años después contando esta misma historia.
La moraleja de la historia (pun intended) ya que la rellene cada uno en los tags.
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merakiui · 2 years
yes awkward and dorky azul is elite ❤!! he owns my entire heart. self indulgence 101 for me is that azul can still spew ink even in his human form
*warning if you're sensitive to mentions of throwing up. it's in the context of octopus ink but I'm putting this here just in case*
because it's funny to me if he's so nervous the first time he kisses darling that he involuntarily throws up ink in their mouth. I think this would kill him on the spot 😭 totally ruined the moment with his gross ink spewing tendencies or so he thinks. personally, I'd be licking that shit up but I'm just built different 💪
I read that squid ink is salty and has an umami flavor, I assume octopus ink might be similar! I'm so sorry for being gross about this 🥴
-🤔 anon
Omg yesss!!! If we kissed and my lips were stained with ink, I would thank him for the meal. Please don't worry about inking, my king. ♥️ A little ink never hurt me. 😌 But I think it would shatter poor Azul if he did that. He hides in his room under the blankets for the rest of the day and can't look you in the eyes the next time you see him. He's so embarrassed. :( You will have to reassure him that everything's okay and there's nothing for him to be ashamed about.
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blackestnight · 2 years
12: feast of famine
Prompt: Miss the boat
Word count: 721
A little on the nose, but then again, where one door closes, another opens...or where one boat leaves, another also leaves, but you’re on time for that other one?
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“Bad news, kiddo,” Haruki said, lifting his hand to ward off the La Noscean morning sun-glare. “The roster filled up last night. Sounds like the Endeavor decided to weigh anchor early.”
Mune, perched on one of the steps leading down to the pier, looked up from where he’d been picking at the laces of his boots. “Sorry,” he said, his shoulders hunched high enough almost to hit his horns.
Haruki shrugged. Technically it was his fault they were late—Mune had put off all his schoolwork until the day before they were set to teleport to Limsa, and Haruki enforced a strict no-studying-on-vacation policy—meaning they had landed in Eorzea a full half-day later than intended. He probably would have been more upset about it were it not for the fact that Mune was clearly already disappointed in himself, so any more punishment would just be salting the wound.
Still that left them with two sets of fishing gear and no boat to use it on. Not that they couldn’t just cast a line off any wall overlooking the sea, there were dozens of people doing that already, but Haruki didn’t think that qualified as an adventure. But he’d always been good about going with the flow, as it were.
He crouched down in front of Mune, who gave him a tragic look in return, and said, “Hold up your right hand.”
Mune, who admittedly was mostly immune to Haruki’s nonsense, still managed to look like a kicked puppy when he did, but that was fine; this called for a bit of seriousness. “Okay,” he muttered.
“Repeat after me,” Haruki told him. “I solemnly swear—”
The pout pinched into suspicion with impressive speed, which was wise. “I solemnly swear—”
“—to do my schoolwork on time—”
“—to do my schoolwork on time—”
“—and eat all my veggies—”
“—and—Dad, I always eat my vegetables—”
“—and to clean my room the first time my super awesome father asks, instead of the fifth—”
“Dad.” It was looks like that, Haruki thought, that made it obvious that Mune and Hanami were related.
“Close enough,” Haruki declared, and clapped his raised right hand into Mune’s own, using the leverage to pull them both to their feet. “The Endeavor won’t have another expedition until the day after tomorrow, but there’s a ferry to Costa del Sol this afternoon, and it’s supposed to be heavy rain all day. And,” he added, “Dryskthota at the registry counter said there’s a local legend that when the rains come down hard, sea dragons show up.”
Mune’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah! Well, maybe.” Haruki stooped again to pick up the fishing rods where they’d been laying on the stones—he preferred spear fishing, honestly, but it wasn’t practical on big boats—and handed one to Mune. “The guild here gives out big bounties to anyone who can catch one. How’s that sound for a fishing adventure?”
Mune clutched at the fishing rod. “I guess,” he said. “But is it a cool dragon?”
“What do you mean, a cool dragon?” Haruki said, already steering them back up away from the docks. “All dragons are cool.”
“I guess,” Mune repeated. His mood had visibly lifted, even as he tried to disguise his smile by watching his feet. “But Hana-obasan took me to see flying dragons that breathed fire. Those were cool dragons.”
Haruki clutched at his chest. “Betrayed,” he said. “Honestly. I take you to meet a river god, and this is the thanks I get. Don’t I automatically get cool points for being your dad? You don’t think your old man is cool?”
“That’s not how that works!” Mune insisted, with a snicker. “That is the opposite of how that works!”
“Brat,” Haruki said, suddenly, helplessly fond. “Guess I’ll have to try harder. Are you hungry?”
Mune nodded, because he was, after all, a teenager, and therefore ate like an Atomos. Haruki remembered his own mothers lamenting his supposed hollow leg when he was Mune’s age.
“Good,” he said. “Because the ferry doesn’t leave until after lunch, and apparently there’s a place by the docks that serves this seafood rice dish in pans bigger than my head. We can probably finish most of it off between us.”
“Really?” Mune repeated, somewhere between skeptical and amazed, and Haruki barked a laugh as he herded them on through the streets.
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everyangel · 1 year
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!! I love your writing and I hope you’re having a good day!!💕
ahhh thank you friend, you're so sweet! what a cute chain ask 🫶🏻 here are five things that make me happy!
good food - I ate Spanish tapas today and it was so delicious I was literally like. dancing/wiggling in my seat
good bass guitar in songs - it scratches that Good Itch part of my brain
when the flow of writing takes me and I get down some lines that I'm really proud of 🥹
reading a good book! the kind that you just don't want to put down
rewatching favourite TV shows/movies... it never gets old to me!
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paellaplease · 2 years
Hi all! I’ve always wanted to do this!! Happy spooky season 👻 I’m opening my ask box to botw x reader halloween prompt requests to help me back into the writing zone.
Directions: Choose a word from the list below, include a trope you’re fond of (extra points if it’s spooky!) and throw in any botw character you like for a quick little ficlet!
And as always, thank you for reading!
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Ready, Aim, Shot
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Hi! ♥ I hope you are all ok!
I have trouble finishing all the stories I started, but I’m working on it!
This one took me a little longer to write, I hope you like it. It is a little different from what I have written so far, but it is following a request from an anonymous:)
Summary: You’re a journalist and you were sent to a complicated place in the world. Will the attack you suffered prevent you from finding your girlfriend’s arms permanently?
TW: Angst, mention of war and bomb, accident, hospitalization.
Alexia is the only woman you fell in love with, and everyday you find yourself falling even harder for her. She was perfect for you. Caring, loving, loyal, attentive and sweat. Your bond is even more special than you ever dreamed before you became a couple.
However, things could have started more easily. You are a journalist/reporter and you know perfectly well that celebrities are not fond of this kind of profession, for good reason. When you found yourself following her for days for the report "Alexia: Labor Omnia Vincit", she was very professional at first. Like, really very very professional. But you lived with her for weeks, met her relatives and finally you found yourself covering her with heart eyes.
What you never imagined was that things could be reciprocal.
Shortly after announcing your relationship, at your friends and family only, you quickly settled together. Your cat met officially Nala at that time and you were spending happy days all four in Alexia’s apartment. I mean, your apartment now.
There are sometimes a few days during which you can't see each other, when Alexia leave for football or when you go in another country for a report. You go watch Alexia at every opportunity you have, enjoying to see her evolve in her element. And you know that Alexia reads or looks the articles or reports you participate in.
Alexia has already had a lot of trouble accepting that you go to eastern Europe last month for a report, so it's with a ball in the belly that you come home tonight. You have to tell her you’re leaving for another complicated place in the world and you know it’s going to be hard for her to accept.
You nervously bite the inside of your lip when you open the door of your apartment, immediately greeted by Nala who comes to rub in your legs, almost making you fall. You laugh gently and lift her off the floor to put a kiss on her skull before resting her gently. Your cat, for its part, opens an eye from its cat tree, long before turning and falling asleep again.
"Thanks for the welcome, Diabolo" you grumble.
You roll your eyes and hang your coat in the cupboard of the entrance before going in search of Alexia. Her sneakers at the entrance and a pleasant smell of food floats in the air, informing you that she’s home. Nala is ahead of you, running towards the kitchen, where you find your girlfriend.
The smile she gives you when you arrive takes your breath away and you accelerate the step to have her faster against you. Your face in her neck, you breathe her smell before putting a kiss, then several along his jaw to finish on her lips.
"Holà mi Amor"
She says to you smiling, passing both hands in your hair.
You let her kiss you again before taking a look at the stove to see what is in the pots.
"Did you finish training early?" You ask when you realize she’s had time to prepare all this and shower before you come home.
"No" she laughs softly "My mom came by to bring us what she cooked for her dinner with her friends tonight. Apparently she planned too big"
"Like she didn’t mean to"
You laugh too and Alexia throws you a smile and a amused look. You both know that she cooked huge quantities on purpose to be able to bring you some, Alba surely received her part too and you wouldn't be surprised to learn that your sister also received Eli’s visit with a tupperware filled with paella.
"Do I have time to shower?"
You want to get comfortable quickly, knowing the discussion you have to bring later. You think you’ll wait until the end of the meal though, not wishing to spoil your girlfriend’s appetite.
"If I had known, I would have waited for you" Alexia whispers, sliding her hands dangerously close to your butt.
"Alexia Putellas Segura, you are worse than a male teenager" you smile against her lips before kissing her tenderly. "I make it quickly."
After a quick shower, you go straight into Alexia’s clothes section of the wardrobe, choosing an old FC Barcelona jogging you love and one of her t-shirts with a Nike logo.
"It seems that you are wrong again on the side of the cupboard mi Amor" Alexia tells you with a knowing smile when you return to her.
After the meal, you sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the series that you started to follow recently. You still haven’t managed to talk about it, Alexia seems so relaxed and happy tonight that it breaks your heart to have to make this announcement.
However, your worry must be easily noticeable, since you feel Alexia’s hand on your fingers as you mechanically wiggle between them.
"Okay, what is it?" she asks you, slightly getting up to see you better.
"You haven’t paid a single second of attention to the episode since we started it, you play nervously with your fingers and you keep biting your lip. What the hell is going on?"
You sigh softly and sit cross-legged on the couch, not finding the courage to look into her eyes. Beside you, you feel Alexia put herself in the same position. You feel her gaze on you as you speak again.
"I have to leave in three days for a new report" you finally confess.
"In the Middle East"
Alexia’s firm voice makes you look up and you can’t tell if her "No" is a ban she puts on you or if it's a form of denial to this information. Her eyebrows frown, her eyes are hard and you have to take it on yourself not to lower your eyes again.
"There’s no way you’re going. It’s too dangerous."
"This is my job, Ale" you point out lightly.
"I don’t care. You stay here, there is no fucking way that I let my girlfriend going right to death, your boss is completely crazy and irresponsible."
You watch her get up and go around in circles in the living room, talking while gesticulating her arms in all directions, scaring Nala in the same time.
"I’m not going alone, there will be my team with me."
"I. Don’t. Care."
Three days later, you find yourself at the airport with your team. By working together, they became your friends and Alexia knows them very well. And they know Alexia very well too. That’s probably why Lola asks you with surprise about the absence of your girlfriend to say goodbye.
"She didn’t want me to go"
You hardly swallow your saliva and thank Lola mentally for not insisting. Her compassionate smile is enough to bring some tears to your eyes, which you fortunately manage to stop.
Alexia is very mad at you. She tried emotional blackmail, anger, tears and pretty much everything in her possession to keep you close to her. The worst part is you would have preferred to stay with her, but you couldn’t refuse that warrant. You had already refused a report to manage Alexia’s anxiety a few days before and your boss warned you that it was the last refusal on your part that he accepted.
You don’t know if Lola passed on the information to the rest of the team, but they all show themselves to be particularly caring with you. Ben offers to check in your luggage and you gladly accept. You take a quick look at your phone and see that you have messages from your parents, your sister, Eli and Alba, but none from Alexia.
She left for her training saying goodbye of course, it was still out of the question to leave you angry. You can’t blame her, you know perfectly well that if things were reversed, you would react the same way. She too had tears in her eyes closing the door behind her and that didn’t help you leave your apartment earlier
"Well, look who’s here" Marta laughs.
Like the rest of your team, you turn to the point she’s staring off behind you. And you feel an electric current running through you when you recognize Alexia’s silhouette. She hasn’t seen you yet and you can see her look through the crowd with a desperate air, as if she were afraid of having arrived too late. Fortunately not, with the amount of material you have, boarding always takes forever.
Without hesitation, you split the crowd and she finally sees you. A few seconds later, you are in her arms and it's only now that you see Mapi over her shoulder. The tattooed one winks at you before getting away to give you some privacy.
"I thought I was too late"
Alexia’s voice came to you in a muffled way, her face being buried in your hair while she hugs you against her with all the strength of her arms. You give her back her embrace, certainly with much less force, but this embrace brings you the comfort you needed.
"Thanks for coming" you mumble back.
One hand in her hair and the other in the hollow of her back, you breathe deeply for the first time in three days. You stay like this for a few moments, before Alexia lets go of you with one hand to search in the pocket of her coat.
"I have something for you."
You watch her do and after a few seconds she show you a necklace with a pendant hanging. You would swear that something is hidden in it, but before you can question her on the subject, Alexia resumes speaking.
"You’ll open it on the plane, okay?"
You nod and let her hang the necklace around your neck. Her fingers make you shudder and you hurry to get back against her when she’s done. You don’t care if you’re being watched or even if someone recognized you. In any case, it’s been several weeks since edits of you two started appearing on the Internet. Alexia doesn’t seem to care much either since she’s the one who initiates your kiss.
"Promise me you’ll come back"
"I promise"
Her forehead leaning against yours and her look in yours makes you forget the rest of the world around you. The place where you fly is dangerous, you are perfectly aware of it. And Alexia too. She doesn’t make you make those promises every time, but only when she knows there’s a risk.
"I hate your job."
Her remark makes you smile softly and you replace a lock of her hair behind her ear before resuming speech.
"I think this is the last time I leave"
"What do you mean?"
The surprise forces Alexia to take off her face from yours to be able to better observe you. Her hazel look plunges into yours when you shrug your shoulders.
"It gets too complicated for both of us and I don’t have the same pleasure doing what I do anymore. I’ll talk to my boss when I get back, but I’m thinking of resigning"
Alexia’s face becomes perfectly smooth under the shock of the information and she blinks several times before responding.
"I- I never asked you to quit" she stutters, making you smile.
"I know"
You smile in front of her amazed air and kiss her tenderly on the cheek. You have been working for the same people for many years and have made a name for yourself in the profession. And even if a job change is turned down, you know you’ll find something else elsewhere.
You hear Lola calling you gently behind you, meaning it’s time for you to go. Alexia looks at you and your smiles are more like grimaces. It’s time to say goodbye.
"Take care of yourself and don’t let Diabolo eat too much."
"I will"
A new kiss is exchanged before you have to release her. You take a quick look in the direction of your team, most go up to the departures floor thanks to the escalator, only Lola is waiting patiently for you downstairs.
"Be careful, mi Amor. Think of me?"
"Every second of the day Cariño."
A few hours later, you are installed on your plane seat, window side. As if to better stick to your mood, the rain began to fall on Barcelona, drawing shapes on the porthole through which you look. Remembering the pendant that Alexia gave you, you gently take it in your hand to better observe it. You have no trouble finding the security to open it and inside you discover a rolled paper that you unfold. You smile and realize it’s a picture of you and Alexia. Behind it, she wrote a note.
"Forever with you. Te amo tanto. Alexia ♥"
Since your arrival, you have been able to exchange several messages and phone calls with Alexia. Things are going better than you both imagined, to your relief. You are not exactly in the middle of the conflict, the work you were asked to do being more focused on the population who decides to enlist in the army to defend their country. You are protected by soldiers who follow you like your shadow and you even feel safe.
It's the mind entirely turned towards the report that you climb in the jeep that brings you and your team where you have to meet several people to interview them. You have to go back to Barcelona in two days and your idea to resign is still on your mind. The more you think about it, the more you know it’s the right thing to do.
You are listening with amusement to Ben talking about his son’s latest mischief when something happens. A click, followed by the panic cries of the men around you. They express themselves in their native language that you don't master, or very briefly. A few seconds later, a heat wave lifts you off the ground and you are thrown out of the vehicle, unconscious, the mine you drove over blowing up everything around.
When Eli and Alba appear on the edge of the training field, Alexia knows something bad happened. The joke she was exchanging with Ona gets stuck in her throat and her face visibly pale. Jonathan accompanies them and beckons her to come to them. It's with tingling throughout the body that Alexia stands up and makes her way towards them.
"What happened?" she immediately asks, looking her mother in the eye.
"Y/N's team ran over amine. Half of them are still missing"
It's Alba who speaks, making Alexia look in her direction. Unable to open her mouth, she waits for further information.
"Y/N has been found, but it's not good Ale"
"What do you mean "it's not good?" "
Alexia gets upset, bringing their mother in the conversation for the first time. Obviously she fears the reaction of her eldest, knowing how attached you are to each other.
"Alexia…" she makes a soothing tone by grabbing her daughter’s arm.
"But just tell me! She’s dead, isn’t she?"
Alexia’s tone rises and she must take it upon herself not to push the physical contact initiated by her mother. Eli and Alba exchange a look before the first one resumes speaking.
"No, but she’s in a bad state. She was found unconscious and is on an official ventilator. They don’t yet know how badly she’s hurt. As we speak, she’s still in a coma and they don't know if she will make it."
The days that followed were a summary of hell for Alexia, your parents and your relatives in general. Due to the geographical distance, the news has reached them in dribs and drabs only by the interval of your team. Your boss got yelled at by Alexia, your father and Alexia’s mother. If you weren’t about to resign, there’s no doubt he’d demand you do.
After a few days of staying together at your parents', your loved ones have finally started their lives again. Your sister went back to work, but Alexia literally had to be taken out by force to agree to return to the training grounds. To make sure her daughter would go, Eli even asked Irene to come pick her up.
The information about you is vague but they know the main thing, you’re still alive. "She promised to come back to me" Alexia repeated several times, both to convince herself and to reassure others.
Even if she will never admit it, seeing her friends makes Alexia feel better. She strongly suspects them of doing everything to change her mind, but she is sincerely grateful. It changes her from the four walls of your parents' living room or yours, even if your animals also bring her comfort and affection.
Alexia is in the middle of a discussion with Mapi and Aitana when her phone rings from her bag. As always, she feels a mixture of feelings at the idea of dropping out, fearing bad news. But it’s usually your mother who gets calls from your bosses to give them news. It’s been three days now since they learned anything new.
Seeing that the call number is unknown, Alexia hesitates a few seconds before answering but ends up doing so. Normally, people with access to her phone number are allowed to have it. She has never had any problems with that.
The silence settles on the other side of the phone and the Latin checks that she has picked up before putting the phone back against her ear.
"Is there anyone here?"
A new silence sets in. Just as she was about to hung up, Alexia finally hears a voice at the other end. The voice is barely higher than a whisper, as if the person were particularly exhausted.
"Ale? It’s me…"
The ground slips under the captain’s feet so abruptly that neither Mapi nor Aitana has time to catch her. Sitting on the floor, the one who had managed not to shed a single tear since the announcement of your accident melts into tears, alerting her two friends who are now convinced that something dramatic is happening.
Alexia let a flood of curses that you’ve never heard come out of your girlfriend’s lips when she realizes it’s you on the phone.
"I’m alive" you end up adding, not really knowing what to add.
"You had better" sobs Alexia before finally raising her eyes on Mapi.
Lost in her emotions, she didn’t realize that her reaction alerted almost the entire team. Ona, who had gone to take her shower, kneels beside Mapi, both leaning in the direction of their friend and captain while others stand in an arc around her.
"It’s Y/N. She did it."
Your parents had already had to detain Alexia so that she wouldn’t jump on the first plane upon learning of your accident, but this time it was even worse. With the injuries you’ve got, you couldn’t go home right away. The translation was sometimes complicated at first, until the Spanish embassy sent someone to do the translation. From there, you were able to recover your phone and thus be in contact with Alexia and your loved ones more easily. The connection is not always optimal, but having your girlfriend only a call from you does you a lot of good.
It's not in very good condition that you get on the plane to repatriate you to Barcelona, but you specifically asked to return as soon as possible, even if you were then hospitalized in Spain. During the explosion, it was mostly the left side of your body that was injured. In addition to a crumbling shoulder, broken ribs and a damaged knee, you find yourself with a head injury and a broken nose that fortunately had time to deflate. Thanks to that you no longer look like a boxer at the end of his career but it looks like you have two big cockroaches.
You learned yesterday that three of your six team members didn't survive the attack. Ben and Lola have already returned to Spain and it's with a hint of guilt that you leave Marta alone on the spot. But her family is coming in two days and she swore to you that everything was fine for her.
Exhausted by the journey to the airport, you slept all the way back and it is only when the wheels of the plane touch the ground that you open your eyes with a start. The person assigned by the embassy to follow you smiles kindly and you answer vaguely, before looking out the window. When you see the airport building, you feel your heart speed up. Alexia is waiting for you, a few hundred meters from you.
You tried to refuse to be moved around in a wheelchair, in vain. So it is with a sulky pout that you find yourself traveling through the airport, to the place to collect your belongings. The good news is that you had left almost all to your camp and so you were able to recover everything. Even the necklace offered by your girlfriend survived and did not leave your neck a single squad then you left Barcelona.
Your suitcase is much too long for your taste to arrive and you refrain from jumping on your chair of impatience when it is time to pass the security control of customs. Everything is going too slowly and you are convinced that you would go faster by limping with your crutch. But you finally arrive in the main arrival hall and it only takes you two seconds to spot Alexia, your eyes are attracted to her like a magnet. By the time she comes to you, you get up from the chair and two seconds later you’re finally where you want to be forever. In her arms.
The embrace is not very practical, your arm in sling prevents you from holding her as you would like and you clench your teeth not to flinch despite your painful ribs. You still feel that Alexia is doing everything she can to be delicate. She has not yet been able to truly realize all of your injuries.
But in the end you don’t care, because it’s all about her. Alexia feels like she can breathe completely for the first time in about ten days. You feel her coming off of you after a few minutes and you have trouble supporting her gaze. You know that you look terrible, even if you are not the type to wear kilos of makeup every day, there you are really far from being to your advantage.
"Mi Amor" she whispers tenderly, holding your face in her hands before as much delicacy as if it had been porcelain. Her thumbs caress your cheeks and you feel tears in your eyes. "It’s over. You’re home."
You nod and close your eyes, letting her kiss you tenderly before she takes you back against her.
Needless to say, the next day your boss received a letter of resignation from you. Thanks to what happened to you, you received a starting bonus, allowing you to have money set aside before embarking on your new project, writer and WAG. Because from now on, it’s out of the question to part with Alexia for more than half a day.
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onepiece-fics · 8 months
Sanji x picky eater!Reader
Description: Reader is a picky eater and doesn’t dare to tell Sanji. The chef, however, needs to get to the bottom of why you’re giving Luffy all your shrimp. Gender-neutral reader.
Word Count: 1187 
Warnings: Slight angst (mostly fluff though), Sanji is very flirty, mentions of difficult food habits.
Requested by anon<3
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You feel bad about it, but as you sit by the dinner table you can’t help but pick at some of the food on your plate. Dinner for tonight was shrimp paella, cooked by the amazing chef himself. Of course, anyone who knew of Sanji knew how amazing he was at cooking, there was no question about it, but having been born a picky eater you felt immense guilt with how you felt about some of his food. You hadn’t even told him the things that you can’t bring yourself to eat, scared that he would take offense, or maybe even try to force you to eat it like so many other people had tried in the past. 
You tried to pick away the shrimp on your plate and focus on the rice and vegetables instead, but of course, knowing that it had touched the shrimp was enough to put you off. 
“Ah? Y/N? Are you not having your shrimp? Can I have it?” the enthusiastic captain asks you from across the table. You nod and with a blush on your face, you shovel off the shrimp from your plate to his. You notice Sanji looking at the two of you from afar, and not being able to read his face makes you nervous. Is he taking offense? Do you look silly? Is he gonna think you’re being childish? You sigh and continue trying to eat the rice and veggies on your plate. 
When dinner was done Sanji came to pick up everyone’s plates like he usually did but when he came over to you he gave you a look.
“Could you please stay for a while Y/N? I’d like to talk to you for a minute” he says, a slight smile on his lip but a confusing look in his eyes. You nod and stay in your chair as everyone else leaves. When you notice he’s moving to wash the dishes you rush up and silently offer him your help. He starts handing you the wet dishes to dry off and stack neatly. 
“Do you not like shrimp?” he says suddenly, breaking the silence between you. You tense up a little, unsure what to say.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry, I’m not really that big on seafood in general…” you say quietly. He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, eyebrows raised.
“Why haven't you told me, Y/N? I don't want to make you food that you won’t enjoy… I’ll happily modify your dinner for your tastes!” he gives you a big smile and your face heats up. “Wait… Do you also not like eggs? And… Broccoli? Oh, and the spinach!” he says, his fist hitting his palm like he finally understood something. Your face is fully flushed and it’s so warm you swear Sanji could actually cook a full meal on it at this point.
“I- I’m so sorry Sanji. I know I should’ve told you a while ago but-! I can be really picky with food sometimes and it’s like super embarrassing and I don’t want to be rude or insult your cooking- and I don’t want you to think I’m childish or something either. It’s just how my tastebuds work! I can’t help it but I’m really so sorry, I’ll try to learn to eat those things, I promise!” You ramble suddenly, catching the chef off-guard. He looks at you with big eyes and moves to put his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N…” he starts. “You don’t have to worry my dear, I know you would never intentionally be rude or anything. I have been worrying for a while that maybe my cooking skills had gone downhill… But this explains it all!” his hand moves from your shoulder to cup your cheek.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, everyone’s tastebuds are different and I totally get that. We all have things that we can’t stand to eat, if you just write me a list of things you don’t like I promise to make you the best food you can imagine, alright?” he smiles at you. You just stare at him in shock, a single teardrop falling from your eye which he quickly catches with his thumb. 
“S-Sanji… Are you sure it’s alright?” you ask him and he chuckles. 
“I’d much rather cook you food that you genuinely enjoy than keep feeding you things you just hand off to Luffy” he teases you. He pulls you in for a hug and kisses the top of your head. “I could never judge you Y/N, you’re way too kind to me for that” he whispers as you put your arms around him. 
Your emotions suddenly sweep over you and before you know it, you’re staining his suit with your tears. Even though you knew how kind Sanji was, a part of you thought that he was going to react the same way people had in the past. Far from everyone is kind to those who struggle with picky eating, no matter the reason for it happening in the first place. The fact that he was even offering to cook you your own personalized meals… You pull away from him, cringing as you see the wet spot on his shoulder from your tears.
“I’m sorry about that…” you sniffle and it makes him laugh. The sound of it brings you to a smile and you giggle with him. He takes one of your hands in his and raises your chin with the other one. 
“Now. No more being shy about food habits, alright?” his smile is dazzling and it leaves you breathless. You nod for a response and he smiles and leans closer to you. “I really mean it Y/N. If I get to cook extra food for such a beauty as you… It only brings me joy” he whispers. You bite your lip when you realize the position you’re both in. You leaning against the kitchen counter with him in front of you, leaning into you more and more. A blush spreads across your cheeks again and you gulp. You’re just about to lean up when– 
“Y/N!!!!” Chopper barges into the kitchen, opening the door wide open, scaring both you and Sanji shitless. He jumps off of you, hastily moving to do the dishes once again. “Usopp needs you! He’s convincing Luffy not to prank call the Marines! Please help us!” Chopper begs you. With your hand covering your blush the best you can, you look back at Sanji, a blush spread over his cheeks too, before giving a nod to the doctor.
“I- I’ll be right there Chopper! Steal the den den mushi if you have to!” you tell him. Chopper nods and runs back to wherever the captain is.
You look back at Sanji who’s shaking with laughter as he’s rinsing out a plate. 
“I’m expecting a note with all your least favorite foods by tomorrow” he tells you and winks. You nod and awkwardly move to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, and that note better include your favorite foods too, by the way. I want to make you only your favorite meals from now”. 
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ferrstappen · 1 year
Hello! Your writing style is amazing!!!
I was wondering if you could write about bf carlos and y/n on a little summer getaway with his family during summer break. With soft prompts like hugs from behind
paella en mallorca l Carlos Sainz blurb
Palma de Mallorca was just one of those places; pristine waters, breathtaking scenery, great night life and even better food.
But that was before you met Carlos. Now it meant family game nights with his family, hushed whimpers in the middle of the night to not wake anyone up, laughter that made your cheeks hurt, stolen kisses when his parents weren't watching as if you were teenagers, mornings with dogs barking and waves crashing.
For some reason, days like this with your boyfriend's family were just as good as when you got him to yourself in your shared apartment, because seeing him with his family and being incorporated so easily in the dynamic was one of the best feelings ever.
Especially now when you were easily discussing the latest MET Gala looks with Ana and Blanca, sipping white wine, wearing bikini tops and a light cover-up, protecting your eyes from the sun as the boys discussed motorsports.
Nobody really wanted to be too close to the open fire where lunch was being cooked, the sun already too blinding and weather too warm for anyone's liking, but for some reason your boyfriend placed the charcuterie board near the paellera, forcing you to get up.
"Why are you giving my sisters more attention than me?"
You weren't even startled by the voice of your boyfriend as he placed his chin on your shoulder, forcing you to turn around and find his brown eyes shining and full lips trying to mimic a pout, but it wasn't really working, making you giggle while fixing a loose strand of his hair.
"You're welcome to the conversation, mi amor," you smiled at him, but the answer wasn't exactly what he wanted.
"No, it's my break and you are supposed to be with me," Carlos complained and turned you around, circling his arms on your bare torso and again placing his chin on your shoulder, stealing kisses on your cheek. "Come on, cariño. Let's eat and then we can go for a walk with Piñón, just the three of us,"
Of course you agreed, nothing got better than lazy days walking around with Carlos and Piñón, enjoying the sun and stopping for some good gelato or a cold beer on the way.
"Amor, why did you leave the board so close to the fire? The cheese is melting," you accused your voice using a tender voice, but that wasn't what got his attention.
He let go of your waist and walked towards his dad who was overlooking what he called su especialidad and didn't take kindly to anyone who told him what to do or how to do it.
"Papá, venga que se va a recocer esto," Carlos told his dad. Dad, come on, this is going to be overcooked.
His senior was outraged, trying to prove to his son that everything was cooking perfectly and to not mess with his paella, and of course your boyfriend retaliated, telling his dad he didn't want to eat something that was overcooked, because everyone knew Carlos Sainz Jr. was not going to stop until he proved his argument, even over something as silly as this.
He was in the middle of saying something about the right point of the squid or some ingredient when it was your time to wrap your arms around his middle and kiss the nape of his neck, his hands immediately finding yours and growing quiet, an automatic smile decorating his features with your touch.
"Gracias a Dios por mi nuera, pa' que cierres la boca un rato!" Thank God for my daughter-in-law so you can shut up for a while!
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tinkerbelle05 · 9 months
Hi i hope you’re doing okay! Could you write something about sanji teaching reader how to cook :)) he’d be so gentle and sweet and also a big flirt the rest is up to you <33
Teach Me To Cook, Please
Character: Sanji x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks Pookie, and yes I’m doing great, thx! 🫶🏿
Warnings: character might slightly be ooc, if so I’m sorry! I’m new to this fandom 😅 & there might be typos and the such.
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You were sitting on the barstool watching Sanji expertly cook dinner. You weren't entirely sure what he was making but you saw salmon so probably that.
Sanji was gifted at many things; flirting, dancing, fighting (though only with his legs because in his words, “Can’t damage my hands. I’m a chef first, pirate second”), looking absolutely stunning. And of course, cooking.
Sanji could make almost anything you asked of him. If you wanted seafood paella, you got it, looking at the lobsters at the market for a few seconds, it’s right there for you when you wake up the next morning. And if he didn’t know how to cook a food you requested, he learned the recipe within a day and cooked it to perfection.
He did everything with a level of care and precision. Every vegetable was cut tin even and identical slices, any meat was cooked beautifully. And he did that for you, every single night for dinner that was just you two. Even after working long hours in a busy kitchen all day for the crew.
He was amazing.
There were many times you wanted to cook something for him but well, your cooking skills were shit to put it kindly. The most you could do was boil water and even that was hit or miss.
But still, you wanted to do something for him for once. Surprise him with his favorite meal after a hard day at work or homemade soup for when got he a cold.
“What’s the problem, love? What’s with the frown on your pretty face?” Sanji asked, his eyes looking into yours but his hands never stopped moving.
You leaned your head into your palm, “Nothing’s the matter, Sanji.”
He decided not to dignify your weak excuse with an verbal response, he just looked at you longer with a blank expression.
You sighed again, “I wished I knew how to cook, that’s all.”
He chuckled lightly, “But I’m here pigeon, I can make anything you want. It’s a small price I pay to be in the presence of a beauty such as yourself.”
See? He said words that made you feel warm and light at the same time. Fuzzy feelings found their way into your heart and made you wanna smile until your cheeks hurt. You didn't know how he did it, where all of his charming compliments came from.
You smiled softly at him, “I know but I still wanna at least pay you back. Maybe you can teach me how to make what your making?”
He considered this for a moment and looked down at his ingredients before he nodded with a grin and beckoned you to come closer. You got up and rounded the corner.
“What d I do first?” You asked after washing your hands, equal parts nervous and excited.
“Cut the vegetables for me, love,” he replied and started to unpack the fish.
You nodded, took the knife and stared at the vegetables. It was a rather manageable request but now your second guessing yourself.
Is there a wrong way to cut vegetables?
What if they are too big?
Too small?
Or not even?
You had no clue. But you decided to start chopping anyway. You attempted to cut the vegetables into big pieces so if that’s wrong then you can cut them into smaller slices.
Yes, that made sense in your head.
After a while of chopping, you felt Sanji staring at you. Instantly doubt clouded your mind and halted your cutting to a stop.
Were you chopping too slow? Too fast?
Maybe the cuts should’ve been smaller?
Sanji stood behind you, he placed his hand on yours and guided your chopping. His cheek rested softly at your head, you could feel his body on yours.
“You do it like this, love,” he said. You watched as he cut the vegetables into thin, even slices with a quickness you didn’t think was entirely possible.
Sanji grip on your hand was strong and firm, he made sure and confident slices. After a while Sanji left you to cut up tbe vegetables on your own. Once you were done, you dumped the vegetables into a pan with oil in it per Sanji’s instructions.
“You know, you said you were a terrible cook but you seem like you know what your doing,” Sanji chuckled. He leaned closer to you, “You sure you didn’t say all of the stuff just to spend time with me?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at, “Oh please, get over yourself. It was just simple chopping. Nothing much.”
Sanji shook his head, “No, no chopping is quite hard, well if you want them to be even that is. But you are just so amazing that it comes that easy to you.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “If you keep inflating my ego, I’d become insufferable.” You stir the vegetables in the pan.
You heard Sanji laugh and felt his arms gently wrap themselves around your waist.
“As if you could ever be insufferable to me? Stop talking rubbish and stir the pot faster, your getting the vegetables all soggy.”
“Oh! Sorry,” you say quickly and stir faster.
Tags: @missroro, @alienstardust, @puff-hugs, @msmisasoup, @localcowboyd, @purplepirateadventures, @skys-musical-echo @thatgothic-nerd, @0picels0, @charliepoopyfart, @cielitoot7, @tayharrper, @nikolaevna-art, @simpingmyassoff, @rotin0, @borkbarnes, @villainouspotential, @ramielll, @poketrainer2270, @fujinnn, @n1ght5h4d3-24, @olliewhinchester, @dimplewonie, @penny44224, @fuck-you-im-gae, @ghostysfanfics, @dearest-lady, @hopester08, @avatarkanemi, @fandomsunited, @707xn, @yoongi-holland, @don-tuna, @alienstardust, @darka-moon, @dazaisfavgf, @smolracoon25, @flowerlds-blog, @heydemonsitsyaboilucien, @synchronised-beat, @secretlittlestudyblog, @childofhecate108, @foxflamewarrior, @penny44224, @dragonqueenfk, @wlfrdlvr
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soleilonthesun · 21 days
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• I'm sure Sae likes Valencian paella. He tried it in Valenciana watching the Mediterranean Sea. Together with Leonardo Luna.
• When he had the opportunity to go to Spain, the first thing he thought about was going to the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. Liked it a lot! And he took a lot of photos!
• Sae liked the town festivals of Madrid. In fact, together with the U-20 they went to the towns of Madrid to drink and dance.
• When book day arrived, people were very interested in the culture of Catalonia and Aragon. On that day, a book and a rose are given on Sant Jordi. When he got home, or his room, he had many books and roses in his hands because he is known in Spain.
• I'm sure he liked the history of Andalusia. He went to the Alhambra! The red of her hair made him remember. Because the Almhambra is a construction of the Arabs from more than 1200 years ago.
• He try the Spanish Tortilla. I'm 1110% sure. Spoiler: He liked it too!
• When Sae found out that there was Holy Week, he was a little scared from the beginning because of the fires, the darkness and the Christian priests. Finally, he relaxed a little. Likewise, he liked the other side of "Spain."
• When he was in Madrid, he visited the Royal Palace and the Prado Museum.
• He really likes the Spanish poet, Federico García Lorca. He thinks that his poems are a brutal reality.
• He went to Oviedo and Cantabria to see the Atlantic Ocean. He was very amazed that Spain has like a sea and an ocean.
• He is still learning Castilian Spanish. Apart from this language, he is learning Valencian/Catalan.
• Sae Itoshi trains at the Real Madrid headquarters, at the Santiago Bernabeu.
• Real Madrid always welcomes you.
• Sae likes Andalusian flamenco. He tried the suit on, and it fit quite well. It seemed like an award.
• When Sae was recruited to Real Madrid at the age of 13, the change from country to country was abysmal. It was difficult for him the first few months, but he eventually got used to it.
# Behind the scenes:
Bachira: Did you really write headcanons for Sae while in Spain?
Isagi: Well, my next tourist destination is Spain...!
Hiori, Karasu, Hyoma and Nanase: Let's go with you and Soleil will be the guide!
Soleil: EH????
Soleil: What have I done now-? 😃
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lupinmoonlight · 30 days
I was wondering, when you get the time if you could do a birthday thing with Remus where it starts off all cutesy and fun during the day and gets sexual in the evening, or something like that. Maybe the date could be Dec 6th or take place in December?? I kind of rambled sorry. I hope you have a good day!!
Patience is a Virtue
Masterlist AO3
Summary - It's your birthday and after a date in Hogsmeade, Professor Lupin goes down on you (1,978 words).
Warnings - Oral sex, kissing, fluff, smut, cheesy fluff, unprotected sex, my grammar, not proof-read.
Notes - It's my birthday so I decided to write this request. I'm also half-asleep and only have 4 hours of sleep left before i have to get up for university :') cheers
It was a cold winter day, the kind of cold that bit at your cheeks and made the snow crunch under your feet. Your hand was securely tucked into Remus', each breath you took materializing as a small cloud before dissipating into the crips air of the Scottish Highlands. Hogsmeade was just a short walk away, and you could already see the rising smoke from the chimneys of the snow covered houses and shops. 
"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a warmer celebration? We could apparate to Spain, have a paella by the beach," he teased. 
Laughing, you squeezed his hand. "And miss a birthday walk to Hogsmeade with you? Never. Besides, I'm looking forward to that cinnamon latte at Madam Puddifoot's" you replied. 
Remus smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he glanced down at you. "Well, anything for the birthday girl," he said. You knew Madam Puddifoot's wasn't Remus' favourite. It was too pink, too tacky, too much, but you loved it and it was your birthday and so he went. 
As you approached the village, you took in the scent of fresh pastries emanating from the shop with their frosty windows. Children ran past you, laughing and throwing snowballs. It was perfect. He was perfect. 
You turned your face to look at him, admiring the way the winter sun caught the edges of his slightly greying hair and the gentle lines around his eyes. Feeling your gaze, he looked down, his eyes meeting yours with a softness that made you absolutely melt. 
"Enjoying the view?" he asked playfully. 
"Yes, Professor," you giggled, the title coming out teasingly. 
Remus chuckled warmly. "You must stop being so adorable- it's hard to resist not kissing you right here," he quipped as he reached to tuck a loose strand of your hair back into your scarf. 
"Why resist, Professor?" you whispered back, standing on your tiptoes, pulling him closer by his coat. 
With a mock sigh of surrender, Remus leaned down, his lips meeting yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. 
Hand in hand, you continued your walk into Hogsmeade. The village was charmingly festive and buzzing with excitement for the coming holidays. You soon found yourselves in front of Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. The place was bustling with chatter and filled with a slightly over-the-top array of pink decorations and floating candles that flickered softly above your heads. 
Remus guided you to a secluded table, helping you off with your coat before pulling out your chair. He waited until you were comfortably settled and made his way to the counter, only to return shortly with a tray bearing two steaming cups of cinnamon lattes and a plate of pastries.
His gaze lingered lovingly on you as you took a sip. Your cheeks were still pink from the cold and your eyes were sparkling with the joy of the day that he had made so special. "You're beautiful," he murmured, almost without thinking, keeping his voice low enough so only you could hear. 
You looked up from your cup, not brave enough to set it down and expose the blush that was threatening to intensify under his gaze. After a moment, Remus slid his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a small, elegantly wrapped box, placing it gently on the table. "For you," he said softly. 
Your eyes lit up with curiosity and delight. "Remus, what is this?" you asked as you untied the ribbon and opened the box to reveal a delicate gold necklace with a beautifully crafted moon as a pendant- a symbol so deeply personal to him. 
"It's just...I always want to be with you, even when I'm not there. This way, a part of me always will be," he explained, his eyes never leaving your face. 
"It's beautiful," you whispered, lifting it out and holding it towards him. "Would you...?" 
With a nod, he stood, moving to your side to fasten the necklace around your neck. His fingers brushed your skin, sending a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold. Once secured, he leaned down, kissing the top of your head softly, whispering, "Perfect."
Sitting back down, Remus reached into another pocket and produced a slightly larger package. "There's more," he added. 
As you unwrapped the second gift, you found a luxurious quill, alongside a well-bound book on advanced potion-making, and a selection of your favourite teas. 
"Remus, how did you...these are perfect!" 
"I'm glad you think so. I love seeing you this happy." 
After running a few errands, you and Remus returned to the quaint warmth of your cottage. It smelled of lavender  mixed with the earthy scent of the woodsmoke from the fireplace. It smelled home. 
You began unpacking in the kitchen, lining up a few ingredients for a simple dinner and setting aside the new teas beside the kettle. The house was quiet, save for the quiet crackle of the fire and the occasional clink of a jar finding its place on the shelf. 
Remus watched you for a moment, leaning against the doorway, his eyes tracing the familiar lines of your figure. He walked quietly behind you, slipping his arms around your waist, pulling you back against his chest. You let out a small, surprised gasp, a smile curving your lips as you leaned back into him. 
"Did you get everything you needed?" he murmured. 
"Mmm," you hummed, feeling the warmth or his body seeping into your back. 
Remus leaned down, his lips brushing the skin of your neck, placing tender kisses that made you shiver delightfully. "You smell like cinnamon and winter," he whispered, inhaling deeply as if trying to imprint your essence in his memory. His hold tightened, one of his hands tracing a path up to caress the line of your jaw. 
You tilted your head to give him better access, your eyes closing in delight. "Remus," you breathed out. 
He responded with a low hum. "I can't seem to get enough of you," he murmured, his lips tracing a path up to your ear, nibbling gently. "Like a man starved." 
You turned within his armed, facing him, your hands sliding up to circle around his neck. "You have me. All of me," you said, pressing your body closer to his. You could feel his growing arousal through your layers of clothing, pressing insistently against you. 
His eyes darkened, "Oh, I do intend to have you," he replied before scooping you up effortlessly. A spontaneous giggle escaped you as your legs wrapped instinctively around his waist and your arms draped around his neck, allowing him to navigate through the cottage to your bedroom. 
The door swung open, and he crossed the room to lay you down on the bed. Standing back, he looked down at you with an intensity that made you squirm. You sat up, reaching out toward him, craving his touch. 
Remus shook his head, a playful yet firm "No," escaping his lips. He raised an eyebrow, his voice teasing, "Now, now, where are your manners, young lady?" 
Your response was an exaggerated pout, your eyes meeting his in a silent challenge. You never wanted to give in so easily, but the man before you made you quite literally fold. Despite your short-lived attempt to brat him, his presence commanded the room, and you were momentarily stunned by it. 
Remus chuckled softly. "I'll give you what you want," he assured you, "but you need to be patient. Good girls are patient." 
Patient? That word simply wasn't part of your vocabulary. You tried again to reach for him, your hands stretching out, seeking him. But in a swift movement, you were pushed back onto the bed, your hands pinned above your head as he hovered above you. 
"And what did we just learn about patience?" he teased. 
Your breath caught, your mind going blank. "T-that it's supposed to be...rewarding?" you stammered. 
"Very good," Remus smiled, leaning closer so that his lips nearly brushed against yours. He began removing your clothes, each movement calculated and slow, torturously so, laving you increasingly exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. 
Finally bared to him, Remus began to kiss your skin softly, each kiss lingering a little longer than the last. Every so often, he left a gentle mark, a love bite that spoke of possession, love, adoration. His way of saying you belonged to him.
He slowly, agonizingly slowly, made his way down to your most sensitive area, his breath teasing you. 
"Remus, please," you whispered. "I can't take it anymore. Please." 
"Shh," he soothed, his breath teasing you again as he spoke. "I've got you." 
You gasped as your felt his tongue tease at your clit, your hips bucking up involuntarily. He swiftly pinned you back down and pulled back. 
"Ah, ah, ah," he said, "it seems someone is forgetting the rules. Patience, my love, is a virtue." 
"But Remus- Ah..." you moaned as he used his fingers to spread you open and allow for better access. The tip of his tongue flicked against your sensitive flesh, and a finger was teasing at your entrance. 
"Remus..." you whimpered, your fingers tangling in his hair. You felt his lips curl into a smile against you. He trailed his tongue down to your entrance, poking at it, exploring, tasting, savouring, and pushed in. His finger worked your clit gently, barely touching it. 
Your hips bucked again, and this time he allowed it. He hummed against you and began to slide his tongue in and out while simultaneously rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your body was tensing now, your back arching as the pleasure began to build. 
Your legs were spread wide, shamelessly, your hips thrusting upward to meet his movements. But Remus is patient. And Remus knows what he is doing. His finger brushes against your clit more firmly, yet not enough. It's teasing, tormenting, and making you yearn for his touch even more. 
"Remus...Remus Please." Your voice is breathless, your hands clenched tightly into the blankets. 
Remus grins against your skin. He has you exactly where he wants you. He uses the tip of his tongue to swirl around your clit, then flicking over it quickly before retreating. A finger teases your entrance before venturing inside as he increases the pressure of his tongue. You cry out, your body tightening as your climax nears. 
With one last flick of his tongue, he pushes you over the edge, your body shuddering as your orgasm rips through you. You breath hitches, your back arching off the bed as you try to hold onto consciousness. 
Before you could even form a thought, Remus' clothes had vanished, and he was pushing your legs apart with a growl, his length pressing insistently against your core. He was hungry, keeping his eyes locked onto yours as he slowly entered you. 
"You feel so good," he breathed. Your eyes fluttered close as he began to thrust inside you. Slowly. Lovingly. He leaned in to capture your lips, allowing you to taste yourself on him. You moaned into the kiss as he buried himself fully within your warmth. 
He groans as he feels your tight, wet heat around him, and his movement become more urgent, his body rocking against yours with increasing speed. 
"Don't stop Remus..." you moaned as you felt your second orgasm begin to crest. 
He picked up the pace, gripping your waist with a bruising force and slamming into you, his movements bordering desperation. 
You clenched around him, moaning his name as you reached your peak again. The sensation made him growl, and his body tensed as he spilled within you, his movements finally slowing down. He collapsed on top of you, his breathing ragged and his heart pounding against your chest. 
"Happy birthday, beautiful," he whispered in your ear. "I told you, patience is a virtue." 
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smicksstuff · 2 months
Could you write more SMAU’s for Marc Guiu and Héctor Fort?
hectorfort! x reader!, marcguiu!xreader!, siblings!xreader!
summary: join elizabeth as she makes her comeback into the football scene. rumours arise about her new bae but are the rumours true ? make shocking discoveries as ellie sets the record straight.
oc: Elizabeth (Ellie) Sainz
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liked by hectorforrt_, marcguiu9, ybsf, pedri, and 157,874 others
elliesainz i’m back babyyyy !!
view comments
pedri looking stunning as ever !! 😍😍😍
elliesainz 🫶🏽
pablogavi mi favourito is back
elliesainz ❤️❤️
hectorforrt_ my partner in crime is back ❤️
elliesainz shits about to go downnnn
pablogavi no no not more pranks
elliesainz 🤨🤫🤐😈
hectorforrt also why does gavi get a pic and not me
elliesainz you refused to take one
pablogavi she just likes me more 🤫
hectorforrt geez the things i do for this girl and this is what i get 🙄
user1 “this girl” bros jealous his friend is getting more attention than him
user7 omg is she the one that people have been spotting with hector ?
marcguiu9 god i missed youu 🥹❤️ (comment deleted)
marcguiu9 besties back 😍
elliesainz never ever leaving again 😙
user1 geeez who is this girl ???
user2 she got all the boys whipped
user3 ngl she’s got me whipped tooo
user4 this is elliesainz she is a local restaurant owner. she has a little cafe bar in Barcelona called Offside. They have one of the best paellas and drinks. she is quite famous in the barca community !
user2 she aint nobody 😳
user6 she is one hot chef
liked by marcguiu9 and 829 others
user6 no way marcguiu9 just liked my comment
user7 bestiee is there smth going on ??
user8 ngl they would make a cute couple
user3 nahhh my bets are still on her and hector, they have known each other since forever.
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liked by elliesainz, marcguiu9, user7 and 902,262 others
hectorforrt_ we are getting the gang back together
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elliesainz i love you guysss 🥹🩷
marcguiu9 what will i do without you guys
hectorforrt_ absolutely nothing
elliegonzales i second that ✊🏽
marcguiu9 geez thanks guys 😑
user3 shipping hector and ellie so bad now
user7 same bestie, samee
elliesainz posted on her story
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hector and chef - trending on X
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text messages between hector and ellie
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elliesainz & hectorforrt_
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liked by hectorforrt_, pedri, marcguiu9 and 1,039,728 others
elliesainz thank you papa for my big brother who plays professional football. hectorforrt_ i love you but i love your friends a little more 😗❤️
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hectorforrt_ can’t believe im being used for my friends
elliesainz but i said i love you 🥹
hectorforrt_ 🙄
elliegonzales 😞
user3 BROTHER ???? HERMANO ???
user3 hold UPP !! OMG ive been shipping them together for so long
user1 i need 1-3 years to get over this 🤡
user2 ngl i see the resemblance now
emilygonzales I CALLED THIS ON X
pablogavi FINALLY one less secret to keep
elliesainz i had to save you
marcguiu9 i love my sibling besties 🩷
hectorforrt_ yeah but you love me more
marcguiu9 depends
hectorforrt_ on what ?
marcguiu9 well she can cook. you cant do it to save your life
elliesainz awww you love me moree ✊🏼🩷
marcguiu9 🤐🤐🤐
user7 wait how are they related ??
user4 if im not wrong her dad remarried after her mom passed on.
user7 oh, im so sorry for her.
user4 i think its been a secret because her dad didnt want her to be in the media too much. he didn’t want her to be picked on given her past.
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punkeccentricenigma · 8 months
Hi hii! I was wondering during if you'd be able to do a headcannon with the rottmnt boys with a hispanic s/o? How they would react with them speaking Spanish to them, cooking them homemade recipes, and so on. If you're down for it ^^ thank you so much! I hope you have a good day ✨️
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Rise!Boys with Spanish!Reader
Relationship status: Romantic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language
I've decided to combine both orders because they are similar; I hope you don't mind. If I made any mistakes here, feel free to correct me!
On a slightly different note, I can't wait for Friday because that's when I'm going to see the Fnaf Movie! Oh my, my childhood self is unimaginably excited. Fnaf was a significant part of my childhood and helped me get through traumatic experiences. Even if this movie turns out to be not great, it doesn't matter; the important thing is to have fun. Overall, thank you for the compliments on my writing, and I wish you a great day too!
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◇I think he would be the most supportive and at the same time the most annoying of the turtles.
◇At times, he can read from your sentence what word you mean when you have trouble finding it and say it during the conversation.
◇Other times, he'll slyly chuckle when you stumble over your words.
◇Apart from that, despite your English-speaking troubles, he loves listening to your speeches in Spanish.
◇You can talk about World War II, and he'll gaze at you with hearts in his eyes.
◇You have an agreement: you teach him Spanish, and he teaches you English.
◇You often goof around during those lessons, Lmao.
◇Not a big fan of foreign dishes, no hard feelings for Spanish food; he applies this rule to any food that doesn't come from America.
◇Not as eager as Donnie, but still open to trying on Spanish traditional costumes.
◇Get ready for him to take a photo of both of you and set it as his wallpaper.
◇Dancing? He's in >:D
◇Unlike his twin, it took him a while to get the moves, but now he tears up the dance floor with you.
◇He often visits Sr. Hueso to annoy him with compliments about you. He almost got banned from that restaurant.
◇Imagine the mischievous discomfort when you met a skeleton and spoke *only* in Spanish. Hello! He wants attention too!
◇He totally gets you when it comes to the difficulty of finding the right word. I think Raph had the most trouble with speaking, so there are times when he can't find the right word either.
◇However, unlike Leo, he absolutely can't predict what word you want to use, and it always leads to misunderstandings.
◇Then you grab your phone and look up the translation of that word from Spanish.
◇He likes your voice when you speak Spanish, especially when you're talking to someone on the phone.
◇You probably won't teach him your language, but he'll pick up some words on his own to make you feel better, so you don't think he's ignorant.
◇If you cook him a dish from your country, you might as well prepare your ring finger for an engagement ring BECAUSE HE LOVES TRYING NEW THINGS!
◇Especially if you cook it <3
◇I think he would especially love Paella and Patatas bravas.
◇When it comes to clothing, nothing has changed - our dear turtle won't fit into anything :/
◇But what's stopping you from going to the Hidden City to get clothes styled after Spanish traditional attire?
◇In general, he wanted to dance with you, especially Flamenco (that's all he associated with dances, lmao), but he was too clumsy for it and kinda ruined the fun a bit.
◇He felt a bit guilty even though you honestly said nothing happened.
◇Sometimes the guy gets annoyed when you can't find the right word in English, but he won't help you with it for the life of him at that moment.
◇Honestly, he sees it as motivation for you to improve your English.
◇Only when April convinced him did he create a small device for you that works like a translator, but one that actually works.
◇Although he sometimes enjoys listening to you speak in your language, don't expect him to understand anything, at least not when he's working on a new innovation.
◇He'll look you straight in the eyes and say he doesn't want to learn Spanish, but secretly he's cramming like never before.
◇Oh, you have no idea how much he loves your shocked expression when, after a few weeks, he effortlessly starts speaking basic Spanish to you. It's a good thing he records everything and can replay it indefinitely.
◇When it comes to food, he won't eat everything, especially if a Spanish dish has a relatively strange texture.
◇And even though it's a dessert, his favorite food is Flan. Sweet Boy.
◇You don't have to tell him twice - he'll put on traditional Spanish clothes and feel *divine* in them. He'll also proudly show them off on the next stream.
◇You don't even have to convince him to try dancing! There's a reason his nickname is Bootyshaker9000.
◇He'll dance with you from Flamenco to Paso Doble.
◇He'll patiently wait until you find the right word in English.
◇If you really struggle, he'll be the first to suggest using any random online translator.
◇Sometimes he might make fun of your accent, but it's relatively rare.
◇No problem listening to your conversations in Spanish; honestly, it's helping him slowly understand certain words.
◇He'll even be thrilled if you suggest teaching him Spanish.
◇But now you'll have to be very patient because he totally sucks at learning languages. Sorry not sorry.
◇Spanish food? Absolutely :DD
◇He loves your Empanadas the most: good, hearty, and filled with love from you.
◇He won't turn down Spanish dances from you, although he might mix in some hip-hop moves during it. Idk, just a feeling.
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Anthem of the Post [BC]
previous part
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liked by krisgusti, janpeteh and others
yourusername bo, you've done so incredible these past months. so much passion went into writing this song and performing it and you gave so much love to everyone involved, and to those who weren't. the dedication I have seen from you was simply incredible. and my god, the performance you put on! I fall in love over and over and over again. You've been such a character around the arena, just by being your handsome charismatic self, and it has been so beautiful to see you build all these incredible connections through your love for music. I'm so incredibly proud of you and to be with you, words can't explain (I tried my best). I can't believe I get the same commitment from you that you gave this, because I've never seen anyone as involved, committed and dedicated as you. I love you, I'm proud of you and I really, really treasure you. tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
Posted May 19th, 2023
yourusername the anthem of the post is "home" krisgusti 💙💙 jokeroutfan i will cryyy omg you truly deserve each other paidatonriehuja we 💚 bojan randomfanacc WHAT how did we not realize they were dating bye yourbestie excuse me while I just jump on the highway bojan_cvjeticanin Hvala, ljuba. I don't know how I would have done it without you, I appreciate your support so, so, so much <3
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liked by janpeteh, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername and now... time for one of the most iconic raceweeks of the year, Monaco I am ready!!! tagged f1, charles_leclerc, bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 24th, 2023
lauracwinter good to have you back! randomfan you might be ready but i don't think bojan is 😭😭😭
bojan_cvjeticanin i was not ready for a train ride from London to Nice, i am ready for monaco 😂
ferrarifan let's pray for a good home race 🙏🏼 yourfriend oh i am SO jealous yourfan no anthem of the day?!
yourusername i'ts going to be "anthem of the weekend" for work-related posts from now on, since i post a lot during race weekends :)) personal posts will deffo have aotd though!!
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liked by pierregasly, juremacek and others
yourusername take your rockstar boyfriend to work vacation💛 (Anthem of the post is Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 30th, 2023
nace_jordan next time can we come too? randomfollower such a banger familymember looks lovely y/n! enjoy 🤗🤗 jokeroutfan bojan looks so good in these oh em gee motorsportsfan omg i LOVE those cards and posters, i neeeeed anotherfollower WHERE. do i find a bojan that will look at me like the first pic because 🫠🫠 friend hope the the well-deserved break is treating you well bojan!
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liked by janpeteh, paidatonriehuja and others
yourusername first 12h of Barcelona <33 Anthem of the post is EAEA - Blanca Paloma (As per Bojan's request) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted May 31st, 2023
wbuxtonofficial that paella looks fantastic, i'm going to need the adress of that one randomfollower looks like it's been a rollercoaster😭😭 jokeroutfan omg girl i'm so sorry, how many times did bojan sing eaea
yourusername (as much as i love blanca) too much for a short flight. and he continued when we landed.
motorsportsfan why isnt she with drivers? its media day soon bojan_cvjeticanin bebeeee did you have to with that last one :(
yourusername yes i have to show you ur just a lil guy bojan_cvjeticanin how am i supposed to project you from scary people like this
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liked by krisgusti, lauracwinter and others
yourusername barca with boja (n) post-race edition Anthem of the post: La camisa negra - Juanes (Bojan's version) tagged bojan_cvjeticanin
posted June 6th, 2023
lilymhe girl slayed the dump 🤝🏼🤝🏼 jokeroutlover BOJAN WITH THE DOG?? randomfollower ahhh how have you been enjoying Spain?
yourusername i love it here so much!! I did a gap year in valencia before and I just love being back surrounded by the spanish language and good weather :)) also Bojan speaking lots of spanish is a big plus ;) randomfollower i can imagine 🤪🤪 hope to have you back soon!
jokeroutfan i can't with the selfie bojan is so yourfriend you need to come back to valencia asappp i miss you over here amor
yourusername i knowww, i'm so busy 🥲🥲 but i'll text u!!
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liked by liamlawson, bojan_cvjeticanin and others
yourusername some unseen eurovision bts 🫶🏼🫶🏼 (Anthem of the post; cha cha cha) tagged maemuller, bojan_cvjeticanin, paidatonriehuja
posted June 11th, 2023
jokeroutfan OHMYGOD randomfollower omg thanks for posting these icon 👑 motorsportfollower idk who these ppl are but theyre HOT maemuller omg i miss you queenie :( can't wait for you to be back eurovisionfan bojan and mae omggg😭😭 krisgusti y/n always providing the bts content
yourusername just you wait until tour
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continuation will be posted soon.
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dio-doflamingo · 1 year
· • . ° . nsfw drabble feat. nanami kento!
˚ ˚ · • . pairing ⇢ nanami, kento x black fem reader
↳ while I encourage anyone to read, I intend to write a black-coded reader unless stated otherwise
· • . ° . synopsis ⇢ you expected your boyfriend to be punctual, like always, but nanami missed your dinner reservation tonight! you had every right to be a little upset when you heard the front door open. and he’s ready to let you get it off your chest, among other things…
˚ ˚ · • . content warning ⇢ face sitting, fingering, spanking, squirting, slight praise
· • . ° . ( inspired by this corny ass tweet I saw a while back )
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· • . ° . AUTHOR'S NOTE ⇢ the way my first fic on here was supposed to be Castlevania related.. (imma still do it I just wanted to get this out my system first) I’ll call this a test run? 🫣 and happy black history month too
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You couldn’t really be mad at Kento, it truly wasn’t his fault that work kept him so late. You were just being a brat because you’ve been wanting to visit this restaurant for a good while. And the one time you try to have a nice outing with your boyfriend, leave it to none other than Gojo Satoru to fuck that up. When Kento is assigned to a mission (unwilling and without prior notice) with him, who highly suggested they split up so that Gojo can 'have a little fun', things were bound to take longer than necessary.
Your eyes glared at the clock as each second ticked by, slowly tapping your nails along your kitchen counter. It's been three hours since your boyfriend sent you an update.
my sweet love: Don't worry sweetheart, I'm okay. I'll make sure I get back in time for our dinner 🤍 (7:38 pm)
You tore your eyes away from the wall to uncork a wine bottle and pour yourself another glass. The sweet burn of the liquid rushes over your tastebuds and you tilt your head back to momentarily rest your eyes. The silence of your two-story complex engulfs you, and the irate thoughts you stifled begin to resurface.
I'd probably be on my third glass of Malbec by now. Eating paella and steak. Maybe some pasta. Kento and I would be on that gorgeous balcony sharing a fruit tart. Maybe crème brûlée. Enjoying the view of our city and each other's company after so long. I can't even remember our last dinner date. Fuck that mission. And most importantly, fuck Gojo Satoru.
The longer you thought about your night going to shit, a frown slowly stretched crossed your brown lips. A deep exhale escapes you as you take a generous sip, unconsciously gripping the stem of your glass tighter. Secretly, you're hoping to do the same to the six-eyed sorcerer whenever you see him. The sound of keys unlocking your front door reaches your ears and you lift your head and slide yourself off of the counter.
"Y/n honey, where are you?"
The warmth of his words made your heart flutter but it wouldn't rid you of your sour expression. Usually, when Kento arrives home, he is greeted with your beaming smile and a barrage of kisses as soon as he's setting his briefcase down. But your absence today throws him off a bit. Maybe she's napping? Or taking a shower?
He calls your name once again and you roll your eyes, realizing you can only hide from him for so long until he finds you himself. You take your time to finish your glass before setting it in the sink and shuffling your way to the front door.
"Y/n, are you home?"
Kento's tired gaze brightens as he sees you rounding the corner to greet him. You were only dressed in a powder blue robe but you looked so beautiful. An adoring smile stretches across his face and he opens his arms, ready to accept his usual welcome.
You approached him with your arms crossed before standing on your toes to peck his chin as you mutter a monotone "hello Kento". You didn't even meet his gaze before turning on your heels and making your way upstairs. He blinks and furrows his brows at the abrasive manner you greeted him in. You've never welcomed him home this way. It hurt him a bit, but a quick glance at his watch tells him exactly why you weren't exactly eager to see him.
Your lover runs a hand through his hair before sighing to himself. This is the first time Kento has missed any outing with you, and he can admit he does not like seeing you unhappy, especially with him. His feet slip out of his shoes and he makes his way upstairs to your bedroom.
Kento didn’t even need to say anything to you for you to see the exhaustion in the slouch of his shoulders and the heavy look behind his glasses. Your eyes quickly flit toward his figure before returning to your own reflection in the vanity mirror. You had spent so much time fixing your hair into an updo and getting a picture-perfect makeup beat, and you can't believe it was all for nothing. He walked to your vanity and pressed a quick kiss onto your forehead as he adores how you dolled up for him, even as you pout at him. Before you could open your mouth to complain at his slight dismissal, Nanami’s voice fills your ears.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get home, sweetheart.”
You watched as he discarded his suspenders and button-up with his back turned, switching out his clothes for some sleeping pants. “But just let me get comfortable and you can tell me just how upset you are.” Nanami walked back over to you and leaned down, raking his eyes over your profile and humming to himself as he placed his watch and glasses on the vanity.
“You look so darling, y/n. You did this for me?” His amber eyes took note of your robe exposing your cleavage, and it made Kento’s dick throb knowing you wore one of his favorite lingerie sets. All for him, just for him. “Yes, my love, I was excited.” You grumbled as you relish in the feeling of his rough, slender hands traveling up your legs to slide under your robe and give a teasing squeeze to your inner thighs. Nanami lowered his head to your neck, knowing where to kiss and bite at to get you quietly whining and gasping in his ear.
His hands moved under you, grasped at your ass, and carried you to the bed to straddle him. You maintained a slight frown on your lined lips, contradicting the soft grind you’re doing on Kento’s bulge, and it made him smirk. “I’m sure you were so disappointed I missed our reservation. Probably extremely mad.” He swiftly brings his fingers to slide your robe off of your shoulders and expose your breasts to him.
He gently squeezes at them and you mutter a “sure was, actually”, the end of your complaint morphing into a light moan. Your nipples were hardening through the fabric of your sheer bra, and Kento couldn’t help but circle his tongue around your nipple, humming an “I bet you were” before placing it into his eager mouth. Your hips bucked into his at the sensation, the warm feeling in your lower area spreading heat throughout your body. Nanami groans against your chest at the friction before pulling his head away, leaving wet kisses and deep red marks across your collarbone and breasts.
"I was excited for our evening, too. I was thinking about you in that dress all day. I have yet to see you wear it."
Kento’s words vibrated against your neck as his lips continued their passionate assault. Your eyes shifted to the silk piece hanging on the door Kento had bought for you recently. “You know I hate doing anything to upset you.” You found yourself humming lowly into Kento’s ears and it only encouraged him to squeeze your ass tighter and roll his hips into yours.
“I don’t like seeing you upset, my love.” He lies back on your assortment of pillows, and with a quick lift of your lower half, Nanami is face to face with your lacy underwear. You barely had time to properly grab onto the headboard before you felt your panties get pulled to the side and two fingers spreading your pussy lips open.
A low moan slips from the blonde below you and you feel your insides clench at the sinful display. “Now, tell me what you were mad about, princess.” His hazy eyes stayed locked with yours as he ran his tongue through your sticky folds and you hunched over and planted one hand in Kento’s hair. Your eyes squeezed shut when you felt the fingers that spread you open start to tease your entrance, lightly slipping past the tight threshold.
“Fuck- I- I was upset that I did all this to get ready for you.”
Nanami hums into your pussy as he leaves light kisses on your clit before fully sliding his fingers into your wetness. He felt his cock leaking a wet spot into his pants at the way you clenched around his fingers. He could feel his entire length throbbing in need, but right now was not about him. He gently pumped his fingers all the way in and out, thoroughly amused at your attempt to maintain the ounce of composure you had left.
“A-and I cleaned the apartment. So I-”
A curl of his long fingers into your g-spot forces your next words to come out as a moan that makes Kento’s eyes roll back. Not like you’d notice with the way you just arched your back and pulled harshly at his honey-colored strands. “Yesss, Kento, that feels so good,” you panted, rolling your hips into his ministrations. When you looked between your legs, you saw a heavenly sight — Nanami with his hair hooked between your knuckles, irises cloudy with his desire, his cheeks and ears flushed, and his chin lathered in your arousal as he slurps away at you with no restraint. He groaned into your sticky mound as he pulled away to speak to you, a string of slick attached to his bottom lip.
“You’re right, baby. I understand and I’m so sorry. You know we can always reschedule and go any time, right?”
Kento’s fingers continued to plunge into your soaking pussy as he spoke, your juices flowing into his palm. He was inching you toward your orgasm, and it was evident in your uneven breathing and mewls. Kento brought his other hand from your hip to slap your ass, taking a mental note of the surprised sound you let fall from your lips. “You know that, right, angel?” he asked once again, squeezing your soft flesh. You nodded repeatedly, tears beginning to grow heavy in your eyes with how well his fingers were fucking into you.
“Yes, Ken, I know, can you- just please- I’m so close.”
You could feel the grin spread on his rosy lips when he chuckled to himself. Kento didn't hesitate to place chaste kisses on your pussy before sucking harshly on your clit. Your hips jolted away from his face and you let your whines and jumbled praises fill the bedroom. Nanami quickly wrapped his arms around your thighs to lower you again. Another quick slap to your ass had you clenching tighter around his fingers. “You know how I feel about you running,” he grunted below you.
The knot in your lower stomach was a few strokes away from snapping. Your hips swiveled back and forth on his face, the slight tremble in your legs telling you your orgasm was surely approaching. “Ken, I’m gonna cum- fuck, I feel it.” Nanami’s fingers repeatedly curled inside of you while he licked and sucked at your swollen clit.
“Cum for me, baby. I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
His free hand replaced his mouth as he pulled back to watch your reaction. And a few circles rubbed into your clit combined with his words made you snap. You let out a shameless moan as your back arched and your head tilted back in bliss. Your orgasm washed through your every nerve and you felt your pussy convulse, squirting your release onto Kento’s fingers. You could hear a ragged moan slip from his lips, reveling in the aftermath of the mess you both created.
You forced yourself to look back down through your tears, trickles of your essence dribbling onto your boyfriend’s face and neck. And Kento looked in absolute euphoria, his low-lidded eyes focusing on the slick between your thighs. His brows furrowed with his mouth parted to capture as much of your juices as you’d allow him to. Your hips stutter as your orgasm subsides and Kento slows his fingers to slide them out of you. He gives you a few seconds to catch your breath, silently admiring the aftershocks of your nerve-numbing climax. He brings his soaked fingers to his lips and sucks them clean of your essence, and you can't help but bite your lip at his lewd act.
You lift your hips up to scoot down his torso, leaning down to press your lips onto his. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and he moans into the kiss, resting his sticky hands on your ass. Kento pressed your pussy into his throbbing bulge, sighing at the brief satisfaction. Pulling away from the kiss, you bite at his lip and say, “I accept your apology.”
Kento hummed, an adoring grin slowly spread across his face. He let his hands aimlessly roam over your backside as you gently wiped him clean. While you leaned over the side of the bed to toss the tissues, Kento decided to use the moment to his advantage. He lifted his hips up, pulled his pants down, and grabbed a firm hold of your thong before a snap! made your eyes widen a bit.
You direct your attention back to the honey-haired man, whose smile had morphed into a sly smirk. The familiar feeling of his swollen tip sliding through your lips and teasing your entrance forced a whine out of you. Kento's hands kept a firm grasp on your cheeks, guiding your hips into a slow grinding motion.
"If you'll let me, I'd like to properly apologize to you."
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© dio-doflamingo (2023) - translations, copies, reposts, and/or distributions of my work to any page/platform are prohibited. reblogs, not reposts, are appreciated.
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