#para rio
heinous-bitch · 10 days
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microfeelings · 10 months
Y? Como vamos chicos? Todo tranqui?
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nie-narzekam · 1 year
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idollete · 1 month
rsrsrsrsrsrs richard ríos deu uma caneta no arrascaeta no primeiro tempo rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs
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bia-lou · 7 months
Heheheheheheheheheh Pomni heheheheheheheheheh
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riointhedark · 1 month
After being told that no matter what idea he could give it wouldn't be enough for the camp. He felt like most of them were still blaming him for Romeo leaving in the first place. He sighed as he took off his shoes at what was once the temple door. Praying and reverence were never something he had done before so he knew none of the pomp and circumstance that came with it. He paused at the door grabbed one of the incense and lit it walking up to the statue of his father. He placed the stick in the slot at his feet and placed a pomegranate as he bowed his head. "O Erbreus Lord of the shadows, King of the darkness ruler of unseen Listener of Last words Guardian to the entrance of Tartus I come to you in the hour of my need I pray to you for help" His godling domain swelled around him as he spoke almost on instinct shadows seeming to dance around him as the words echoed against the almost ruined marble.
"Help me see what is unseen Help me find that which is hiding in your shadows Show me what needs to be done I ask you this as your son " He looks over to the statue of Demeter feeling the tug at his heart that was the promise he made to Oliver. A flower from one of the veins that was created to keep the temple stable was carried over by a dark tendril before it was rested at her feet. "Help us sow the seeds of discord vengeance around our home"
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delisocks · 3 months
English translation under the cut:
Residente is ASHAMED of verse in “Atrévete-te-te”: this is the reason
René Pérez Joglar, a Puerto Rican rapper, mentioned that a phrase is cancelled in his concerts. Here, we’ll give you the details.
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Visibly affected and sad, the Puerto Rican rapper Residente shared a video on his Instagram account this Tuesday, December 12, in which he informed his followers that the launch of his new CD and some videos would be postponed, owing to the “genocide” suffered in Palestine.
In the more than three-minute clip, René listed the reasons that led him to make this decision. Likewise, he mentioned that when he launched that first Calle 13 album, which would put him onto popularity charts and be a great success, he wasn’t informed of what was happening in Israel and Palestine, which is the reason he wrote one of the best-remembered phrases from his song Atrévete-te-te.
Residente regrets Atrévete-te-te
In a moment of the video, René talked about the song that to this date is one of the most-chanted of his career. He said he felt very ashamed for writing a verse that made reference to bombs and Palestine. 
“When I wrote Atrévete, I didn’t have any idea of what was happening in the Middle East. I put out this line, which is now cancelled in my concerts, ‘que va a explotar como palestino’ (that is going to explode like a Palestinian). I feel a bitching shame to have written it,” he admitted.
Rooting from this, the musician didn’t stand by with crossed arms, and decided to investigate further, going to the country to see with his own eyes what was happening. Some time after, he recorded the video of his song Multi Viral in Palestine, and today he urges all his colleagues to throw aside the fear of being cancelled and raise their voices.
Video Transcript
I’m telling everyone that is interested in my music, that since October I have decided to postpone the release of my CD along with many videos that were supposed to come out this year, because it is impossible for me to release them in the face of the macabre genocide that is tragically destroying Palestine. I don’t feel good, it hurts me too much, I think about my son every day, I can’t be indifferent to this. 
And I ask myself: When was the day that we dehumanized Palestinians to such a level that we can see the heads of little boys and girls exploding in front of us and we don’t say anything?
Why doesn’t everything stop like in the pandemic? I hope that everything will stop so we can all focus on Gaza like that. Instead of putting up a story modeling clothes, or showing the plate of food that you are eating or a night full of parties where you got drunk… stop yourself for a moment, look up information about Palestine and denounce the genocide that Israel is committing with the support of the United States against the civilian population of Palestine. 
I don’t do this from the side of reproach but from the side of disappointment. As an artist, I was saddened to see that during all of the Grammys ceremony, nobody said anything about this genocide. 
I understand that there are people that don’t say anything because they don’t understand the conflict… But tell me. What is there to understand that is so complicated?
You don’t have to be a historian to put yourself in the shoes of every family massacred in Palestine. It’s simple, this is about having empathy, of putting yourself in the place of others, of thinking how that child who was just killed could be your child or your brother, and how that woman under the rubble could be your mother. 
Don’t be afraid of getting cancelled for supporting Palestine, you’re on the right side of history. 
If you haven’t done it yet, follow the young Palestinian photographers and journalists that have sacrificed their lives to show us on their pages everything that the mainstream media hides. 
@motaz_azaiza, @wizard_bisan1, @byplestia, @ismail.jood among others. We need everyone to unite and call for an immediate ceasefire. Every child murdered today in Gaza would be alive if Israel had stopped bombing today. Freedom for Palestine. 🇵🇸🇵🇷 
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somosprojetoamigos · 24 days
Mora em Pernambuco e quer ajudar a população do RS? Veja canais de doação e pontos de coleta
Pessoas de todos os cantos do Brasil se mobilizam numa corrente de solidariedade para ajudar a população do Rio Grande do Sul, que está sofrendo com os impactos das enchentes nas últimas semanas. Veja como contribuir de Pernambuco nos principais canais de doação e pontos de coleta no estado: Aeroporto e Correios O Aeroporto Internacional do Recife, localizado na Imbiribeira, Zona Sul da Capital…
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salvandovidasrio · 28 days
ORAÇÃO DA NOITE-04 DE MAIO @BispoBrunoLeonardo
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horrorwebs · 1 year
primera vez que siento que le cai bien a alguien en contexto social de grupo
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yo? acá, queriendo morir por boca y vos?
Acá, muriendo por Boca por lo que parece ser la quinta vez en el año.
Dios trabaja en formas misteriosas, pero más misterioso es el sistema electoral de boquita
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juntapacai · 2 months
Eu sei tudo: Magazine mensal ilustrada 1917 á 1957 (RJ)
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Nessa atividade ocasional que exerço pude encontrar muitas coisas ditas incríveis folheando em jornais antigos como visualizada na imagem acima, admito que a preferência é daqueles de curta vida ou que os direitos autorais não se aplicam por não haver alguém que os detenha mais, tenho de agradecer a existência e manutenção por Acervo Nacional por possibilitar tal experiência.
É engraçado ler as variações datadas de alguns nomes e expressões e não deixar de pensar na semelhança com o inglês ou outros idiomas ( Hespanha, lembro de Hespanha). Enfim não acho boas palavras que resumam o que penso em tornar tal legenda desnecessariamente largo sob esse formato.
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
Puta madre que día más de mierda,me duele la perra cabeza,tengo una tos de mrd,estoy esperando a que se me ocurra un perro tema de conversación para hablar con alguien,fui a la peluqueria a la hora que me citaron(16:30 PM) y estuve esperando 2 putas horas,al final nunca me atendieron y ahora debo esperar hasta la otra semana. EMPEORANDO MÁS la wea es que a mi novio le habló la ex y...ay we..el tipo me comenzó a ignorar,yo re preocupada le pregunté como le fue me contestó "Ps bien" y de ahí me está ignorando (ojito que eso fue como a las 19:30 PM y ahora son las 22:24 PM en Chile btw) que mierda de día. Yo re feliz por que disque yo iba a ser buen día pero nooo obviamente no debía ser así X'D
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piovascosimo · 6 months
Paul and John | I've Got a Feeling (live in Rio 16.12.23)
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thomas-mvller · 3 months
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aelinstrand · 6 months
TYPE: Self Para. WHEN: October, 2023. WHERE: Warehouses, Tonopah. MENTIONS: @rio-romero ( 2 npcs: Ash Lakefield & Kameron Espinoza) TRIGGER WARNINGS: criminal activity, grand theft auto, arson.
Aelin stood at the edge of the crumbling building, her hands trembling, not with fear but with adrenaline that pulsed through her veins like wildfire. She'd never been one to offer solutions, to find a way out of the most tangled of situations because she'd never had the status. Aelin still had someone to answer too now, but this was different, because while Rio had set the plan in motion, it'd been her idea that had brought her here, to this moment. Now, facing the aftermath of the ambush that had been perpetrated by those she'd brought under her wing, she knew there was only one way to make them understand the gravity of their mistake. Or Rio would.
This, this was the least volatile way.
She was a solider; she was built to follow. And that was exactly what she'd do. Every single thing that was asked of her, she wasn't ashamed to admit it, but she had her own pride. The girl had never had more than a few pennies to rub together, to have lost $10,000, which had been her entire savings...it'd been a bigger kick in the teeth than she'd ever admit to anyone. Once she'd smoothed the details out with Rio, it'd been simple. Send a message, so she had. She'd taken both of their cars, Ash Lakefield and Kameron Espinoza. Left a note, typed, of course. They knew what they'd done, and they might have been kids, but they'd known the risks.
The sky was painted a blood-red glow over the city. Aelin's gaze fell upon the sleek, meticulously polished cars lined up near the entrance of the abandoned warehouse. She'd stolen them around an hour ago, and she knew she had little time before the cops were out looking for them, her lips pursing together. These, for just a moment, were trophies, symbolising the power that the Los Santos had in Tonopah. And what happened when someone toyed with that? Thought they could pull a quick one.
They were very wrong.
"Oh boys," Aelin mused to herself. "Mommy and Daddy are not going to be happy," and she sighed.
Without a second thought, Aelin moved forward, footsteps silent against the gritty concrete. She slid past the shadows of the alleyways and warehouses, her heart pounding in rhythm with her steps. She knew she had to move swiftly, to execute her plan with precision and what little grace she possessed. There was no room for errors; every detail had to be flawlessly choreographed.
With deft fingers, she extracted a small, nondescript bottle from the depths of her backpack, the contents shimmering faintly in the dim light. Her lips curved into a steely smile as she doused each car with the incendiary liquid, the acrid scent of fuel seeping into the air. Aelin wouldn't lie, she was absolutely shitting herself. Who the fuck wouldn't? She sold drugs. That was one thing? But this...this was the next level. This was what she had wanted to be noticed. And so with a grit of her teeth, she pulled out a box — goddamn it, she could use a car like this, she thought. Her pulse quickened when she struck the match, igniting a blaze that roared to life with a voracious hunger.
"Shame, you both look so pretty," she murmured, her bottom lip jutting, and without a second thought, she let it drop, taking three large steps backwards. Flames licked at the metal frames, consuming that symbol she'd thought of only minutes ago. Of the cartel's dominance that grew with each day. Aelin watched as the inferno danced with a ferocity, only a minute had passed before she looked once again at her watch and nodded.
She shouldn't stick around, not so close, so she simply turned and walked away as she pulled her phone out and sent one word to Rio.
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