weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Para-Goom
Debut: Wario Land 3
Para-Goom is a silly little thing. Look at that. That’s the most basic a little guy can be! Honestly kind of a Nothing design. Sorry, Para-Goom. But it’s true. You look like a placeholder design that was liked enough to be used as an actual character... but Kirby already did that! And what’s that you’re holding? A parasol to be used both to gently drift down, and as a weapon? Geez, Para-Goom! You are not making a good case for your individuality here!
I don’t DISLIKE Para-Goom, though. A little guy is a little guy! And in a Wario game, a little guy is something you can pick up and carry around with you, for when you need your little guy fix. And their parasols ARE pretty neat! They can hold them out in front, or above, and if it’s above, they can gently float down! I don’t mean any ill will toward Para-Goom.
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But I’m not Wario! Wario means so much ill will toward Para-Goom! A helpless Goom is the ball as Wario uses it for Regular Golf, the most evil of sports! If this Para-Goom was just rolling around after being lightly bapped about in a MINI golf course, it would probably be having at least a LITTLE bit of fun in addition to the general undesirability of the situation. But no fun allowed in Regular Golf! It’s not even fun for Wario, he just is forced to do it to open doors! Nobody wins with Regular Golf.
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Para-Goom would later reappear in my beloved game which I have never played and do not plan to play, Dr. Mario 64, home of various Wario Land 3 enemies in major roles! Para-Goom is our Gracious Host, and here has a slightly changed design, with a more Chef Kawasaki-style mouth. This is a step in the right direction! Finally, a Para-Goom with some Para-“Pizzazz-onality” (that is my new hip buzzword that will never catch on)! It is still a very simplistic design, but I think it’s more fun. It could get a little more unique with each appearance. That could be its Thing.
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If I were to change anything about Para-Goom, though, it would be its name. This is NO Goom! Not at all! Pirate Goom and Wanderin’ Goom, those are Gooms! Little chestnut-based guys. But Para-Goom is not chestnut in the slightest, and in fact, its Japanese name indicates no connection at all! Someone on the English localization team REALLY wanted to call this a Goom against all better judgement. And a whole team went along with it. Was it an honest mistake? Was it done with malicious intent? Do you think anyone who had a hand in this naming still thinks about it to this day?
Probably not... but for all we know, the name “Para-Goom” may be someone’s biggest regret in life! If you ever get the opportunity to name funny creatures, do not take the responsibility lightly!
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smallmariofindings · 2 years
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Development files for Dr. Mario 64 contain an image of the Para-Goom character from the main menu with what appears to be a highlighting rectangle around its mouth. Why its mouth would be highlighted is unknown.
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propertyofkylar · 3 months
-Family Goombaceae:
-Genus Goombasis
2-Fold Goomba Accordion Goombas Aqua Goomba Armored Goomba Beanie Bellhop Goomba Big Goomba Bone Goomba Cat Goomba Choomba Chuboomba Dark Goomba Dreamy Goomba Ghost Goomba Gloomba Gold Goomba Goomba (balloon) Goomba (zombie) Goomba Mummy Goomba R Goomba Tower Goomba Wheel Goombeetle Goombo Goombrat Goombule Goomdiver Goomerang Brother Gritty Goomba Gromba Headbonk Goomba Hyper Goomba Innertube Goomba Jack O'Goomba Mad Goomba Masked Ghoul Mini Goomba Mural Goomba Octoomba Paper-Cone Goomba Paper Goomba Paper Macho Goomba Paragoomba Pirate Goomba Prickly Goomba Pro Goomba Rhinestone Goomba Sad Goomba Shiny Goomba Shoe Goomba Shrooblet Spiked Goomba Sub-Goomba
Tail Goomba
-Genus Galoombasis
Big Galoomba Paragaloomba Goombud Parachute Galoomba Para-Goomba (Mario Clash)
-Genus Stu
Smolderin' Stu Winged Strollin' Stu Swipin' Stu
Related species not in Family Goombacceae:
Source: MarioWiki.com
Sorry if I missed any.
my god. thank you. now i know
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GameGirl28 ~ Wario Land 3
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When deciding the first set of games to play for this challenge, I just HAD to make Wario Land my first heavy-hitter game. As a lifelong fan of the Mario extended universe, platformers, and quirky games in general, this series always spoke to me. The problem is... most of the games are stuck on the GameBoy!!!! So actually, I haven't played very many of them at all! Thankfully, I've outlined this challenge so that I hit all three of the GB games (after which I plan, outside of this challenge, to play Wario Land 4 and Shake it).
Why am I playing the 3rd one first? Erm.... anyway, moving on...
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Wario is such a fucking creature, dude. I love how much they lean into that angle for him in this game. The entire tone of Wario Land 3 basically reads "shakily drawn feral comic book characters get into Looney Tunes shenanigans together." I'll be saying this a lot throughout the challenge, but for a GameBoy game, I was so charmed by this game's art style and presentation. Pictures are favored in the exchange rate with words, so let me just showcase a scrapbook of my faves
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Like in Mario 3, this sun will swoop down and attack you. But since Wario is invincible in this game, your ass just gets set running on fire
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Wario can destroy the natural landscapes around him in a multitude of violent and absurd ways
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Don't fuck with Wario or he WILL turn you into one of those worm on a strings....
~A competent platformer~
Aside from just being pretty, I think the developers objectively made very efficient use of the small screen real estate. The objects, enemies, and Wario himself are blown up quite large to make room for detail and style, while also increasing the legibility for platforming and squashing enemies. I've played games on a WIDE SCREEN HD TV and had more trouble seeing ahead of me. In Wario Land 3, I almost never struggled to see jumps or areas of interest ahead of me.
This game is, after all, all about exploring. On this particular adventure, Wario is transported to a whimsical island contained inside a magic music box. His aim is to escape, but not without nabbing every goblet and gold doubloon he can. Search every nook of this unfamiliar land, find every giant key to open the treasure chests, and help restore the power of the music box deity in order to go back home with your pockets lined $$$$
The gameplay loop consists of essentially three phases:
One: Metroid-vania style level progression. You enter the first level sorta unable to do much at first. It's kinda funny playing as this worthless fat old man just wandering around the forest, until you just HAPPEN upon one of these giant chests which hold little powerups for Wario. As he powers up, he resembles the tough-and-tumble brawler we know Wario to be, and can start busting through blocks and climbing up cliffs that he could not when you first visited the level. When blocked off areas become accessible, the levels evolve into wide-open platforming sandboxes. It makes the adventure feel vast, despite the size of the console!
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Two: Boss battles. Like most platformers, you will encounter bad guys way huger and eviler than the other ones, and you will have to defeat them set to special battle music. All bosses, save for the final boss, follow the rules of Three Hits and Hit the Glowing Part of their Body. Each one is a unique creature with some fun arena gimmick, making them a nice change of pace after all the jumping and smash attacking.
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This soccer rabbit was a particularly memorable fight. Whoever can kick a ball-ified version of the other into the net three times wins
Three: Mini games. Well, actually, there's just one mini game. Golf! For a 2D golf game, I found it fun to master power adjustment and spin to conquer the various courses. There's even a secret course you unlock by collecting the special music coins! I LOVE me a classic unlockable, especially unnecessary ones thrown in as a fun extra goodie
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... Para-Goom? Is that, like, a relative of the Goomba? I was not ready to be introduced to a Darwin-esque Mario universe evolutionary tree
~Reading the enclosed instruction booklet~
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OKAY TIME FOR A BRIEF SIDE TANGENT!! Given how strange and arbitrary as some of the "puzzles" were in Alone in the dark, I ended up using a GameFAQs guide at certain points. As with most old video games, console limitations and lack of in-game tutorials make it tricky to blindly play GameBoy games. Sometimes, it makes them a matter of pure trial and error. I don't find that particularly fun, personally... so when it came to some obscure bits of Wario Land (what levels to visit next after triggering an event, how certain transformations worked, etc.), I felt a sense of annoyance growing in me. What were the devs THINKING? Surely they didn't make a game THIS OBSCURE and expect children to be able to beat it??
In that moment, I tapped into my very empathetic mind and remembered... game devs may not have invented tutorials yet, but they DID include manuals with every single game! That's right! Those little booklets used to be good for something. Really quite important, actually!!
With that, I researched to find an online PDF scan of the game's original manual. That way, without the need of external guides, I could understand the full context of the game! And I am not exaggerating when I say that this guide HELPED. A LOT. It's not like the game was impossible to play without it... but it was, quite simply, a worse game. I learned how to quickly replay event cutscenes, instantly check the next level to explore, the full capabilities of every transformation, and more! Stuff that was programmed into the game but that I simply didn't know existed. Neither me nor the devs would have wanted me to continue without knowing all this!!
As you've seen from some of my previous screenshots, the manual has lots of little lore tidbits and cool official art scattered throughout. It's like a little love letter to the game, stitched together by the developers to go, "Lookie! Look at this cool thing we made! Have fun!!! :D"
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With this discovery, I have decided that I will be locating and reading the official instruction booklet for every single game in this challenge from now on. Not only is it helpful, but it's fun! Manuals have always been one of my favorite parts of video game collecting, so it totally enhances this challenge and gives me even more to look forward to as I go!!
My only criticisms of this game stem from my own bias against Metroidvania-type games. I don't consider it super fun to wander around the giant ass levels over and over, struggling to find one random block you couldn't break before. But I will admit, it's an economical way to maximize the gameplay in a modest number of levels and maintain a fairly high play time! That is, without abusing artificial difficulty or unfair level design... (looking at YOU, Dr. Wily's revenge....)
Aside from that: the levels look so good, the music is so catchy, and the powering up is so addictive, I can easily forgive a little repetition in exchange for the feeling of absolutely BASHING ENEMIES SKULLS IN and KNOCKING THEIR BONES TOGETHER LIKE PINBALLS with how absolutely beefed up Wario becomes later on
It's a classic for a reason. I am definitely turned on to the Wario Land series now, and I can't wait to see how they all build off each other as a franchise! Shame Wario only seems to star in minigame collections now... which only serve to kill our chances at a new Rhythm heaven game..... >:{
((jk I luh waryo where <3))
Check out this lil medley of the game's soundtrack, made by our very own SiIvaGunner team! :D
Phew, that was a long one...
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miaulogy · 2 years
☆ mario-themed neopronouns :
requested by ☁️ anon!
total pronouns listed: 108
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[DNI: Fatphobes, queerphobes, racists, ableists, anti-mogai, anti-endo, transmeds/truscums, terfs/swerfs/tehms, invalidate any mspec identity (including mspec lesbians/gays/straights), antisemites, proshippers/anti-antis.]
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All appearences and references of Wario characters in non-Wario games
I love Wario’s supporting cast, so this was only a matter of time. Also apologies for the long and picture heavy post, but I’m not risking Tumblr messing up a Read More by falsely flagging it again.
Mario's Super Picross (1995)
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Several mooks from Wario Land 1 appear as puzzles.
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (1997)
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A Wandering Goom appears in Wario's Modern version of Ball.
Game & Watch Gallery 3 (1999)
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A Seagull from Wario Land 2, appears in the second stage of Modern Donkey Kong Jr.
Picross NP Vol.7 (2000)
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The game includes a set of Wario Land 2 based puzzles, featuring several mooks and even Captain Syrup!
Dr. Mario 64 (2001)
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The roster is almost exclusively Wario Land 3 characters, additionally a Para-Goom hosts the menus.
Super Smash Bros Melee (2001)
The description for the Mario & Wario Bucket trophy mentions Wanda by name.
Game & Watch Gallery 4 (2002)
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The game features a update of G&W3's DK Jr. remake, meaning the Seagull is back too and Hen appears alongside Wario in Modern Fire Attack.
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (2003)
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Bobo's name can show up on the scoreboard.
Daigasso! Band Brothers (2004)
Ashley's theme is one of the songs in this game.
Donkey Konga 3 (2005)
The Mona Pizza theme is in the game, which doubles as a reference to Mona and a vocal cameo for Sal Out and the Pizza Dinosaur mooks.
Mario Kart Arcade GP/GP 2 (2005/”007)
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While the Diamond City tracks of the Arcade GP games sadly did not bother to include any character cameos, it did have Dribble and Spitz’s taxi place, along with some buildings that may be nods to locations introduced in the first WarioWare and it’s respective characters.
There’s a Gelateria (Mona), a old fashioned japanese castle (Kat & Ana) and a building with the Club Sugar logo on it (Jimmy).
Mario Superstar Baseball (2005)
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Weathervanes from Wario World appear in Wario Palace. And yeah, they are more of a mechansim then characters, but I wouldn't feel complete without counting them.
Rhythm Tengoku (2006/7)
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In the GBA version the Alien Bunnies appear in in Remix 7 and 8 as cadets in Marching Orders, while the Arcade version gives them a cameo on the congratulations screen.
Rhythm Heaven (2008)
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The Alien Bunnies make a cameo on the moon in Remix 2, and they also appear on the Superb end screen of Remix 9.
Super Smash Bros Brawl (2008)
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Kat & Ana appear as a Assist Trophy and Jimmy and some Fronks appear in microgames on the WarioWare Inc. stage.
Much of the WarioWare cast also appears as stickers, namely Wario, Mona, 9-Volt, Jimmy, Kat, Ana, Dribble, Spitz, Orbulon, Dr.Crygor, 18-Volt, Ashley, Penny and Young Cricket. Mike makes no visible appearence, but his theme song has a remix.
Additionally JIMYT, MONA and 9VOLT are some of the names that can be gotten when using the Random Name button.
Jam with the Band (2008)
Ashley's theme was DLC for this game.
Rhythm Heaven Fever (2011)
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The Alien Bunnies are at it again, making an appearence in Working Dough 2 and even Young Cricket get's to make an appearence, as the male protagonist of Kung-Fu Ball.
Fortune Street (2011)
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Wario mentions both Rudy and the Black Jewel from Wario World by name.
Mario Party 9 (2012)
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The friends in question that are mentioned here could very well be the WarioWare crew, I like to think so at least.
Mario Kart 8 (2014)
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I'm going to be a bit daring with that claim, but Mount Wario really does make me think of Jimmy's minigame in Game & Wario and having Waluigi serve as the staff ghost for the track heavily strikes me as a nod to ol' Jimmy.
NES Remix 2 (2014)
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Wario's Woods is one of the games featured here, so several Woods characters appear in a bit of a different context due to the objective structure, namely the Sprouts, Wanda, Fauster, Boom and Mad.
Nintendo Badge Arcade (2014)
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The Badge Arcade pretty much used Ashley as a mascot, but even beyond that there was a WarioWare set, featuring the whole main cast of WarioWare + Joe and a Majora's Mask set.
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Additionally there were quite a lot of Wario game cartridge badges, which do technically contain Dangerous Duck, Wandering Goom, Wanda and Sprout cameos, but they are so pixelated and small that it's very hard to tell.
Super Smash Bros For (2014)
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Ashley now joins Kat & Ana as an AT and 5-Volt serves as the major obstacle of the Gamer stage.
WarioWare Inc. returns in the 3DS version and Jimmy and the Fronks are still there, while the Gamer stage has it's own cameos. Said cameos are Ana, 9-Volt, 18-Volt, 5-Volt, Ashley, Mona, Jimmy, Young Cricket, Spitz, Pyoro and the yellow people from Shutter (Mona's Game & Wario microgame).
Lastly Kat, Ana, Ashley, Mona, Dr. Crygor, 5-Volt and 9-Volt all have trophies.
Art Academy: Home Studio (2015)
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A drawing of Ashley appeared in a promo video for the game.
Daigasso! Band Brothers P (2015)
Ashley's theme along with a music video are DLC for this game.
On top of that there is the WarioWare x Band Brothers collab contest, we still don't know which entries won, but we do know that these remixes and relevant character cameos will follow as DLC.
Rhythm Heaven Megamix (2015)
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Working Dough 2 is back and thus so are the Alien Bunnies, there is also a plush cameo of Ashley and the entire main cast (at the time) appearing in the Wario...Where? challenge sets. Wario, Mona and Dr. Crygor even make two appearences each.
Super Mario Maker (2015)
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Ashley appears as a Mystery Suit, along with Wario.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate (2018)
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The spirit selection covers a very healthy selection of Wario characters, Kat and Ana even serve as a Master Spirit in World of Light, while Ashley retains her AT role.
All stage cameos are still there except for Young Cricket, who is replaced by Penny. Mike still has no direct appearence, but he is referenced in Crygor's spirit battle and his theme is back. Additionally, Bobo is referenced in Captain Syrup's spirit battle.
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bloggossipboy · 5 years
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🌴A estação mais quente do ano está pra chegar!!! Com isso o GB traz o editorial com os modelos Breno Ortega (@brenoortega ) & Juan Biolchini (@juanbiolchini ) para CARTOLA Magazine (@cartolamag ) pelas lentes de Eder Turziani (@ederturziani ), stylist de Sara da Silva e gooming de Madhava Menegazzo (@madhavamake). ●● #BlogGossipBoy #GBinspira #ModaMasculina #HomemdeEstilo #TheModernMan #StreetStyle #Fashion #Menswear #BelezaMasculina #Crush #TipoDeuso #OOTD https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxxpfJnYGJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k2nrnavdmtps
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ulfixnet · 3 years
Catálogo de Juegos Goom para comprar on-line - https://ulfix.es/juegos-goom/...
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haroldcomehome · 7 years
Louis y Harry Febrero 2012
1 de Febrero: Los chicos regresan a Londres (x)
2 de Febrero: Los chicos fueron vistos en Tesco por la mañana (x)
3 de Febrero: MIA
4 de Febrero: MIA
5 de Febrero: Presentación en Dancing on ice (x)
6 de Febrero: MIA
7 de Febrero: Louis con Eleanor viajan a los Halpes, Harry en Manchester (x)
8, 9, 10 y 11 de Febrero: MIA
12 de Febrero: Louis y Eleanor regresan a Londres (x)
13 de Febrero: Suecia. Entrevistas para MTV, SVT, TV4 y Rix FM. NRJ house party (x)
14 de Febrero: Paris. Entrevistas para Teemix y Goom radio. Por la noche Harry, Nick y Alexa en Groucho Club (x|x)
15 de Febrero: Photoshoot para Vincent Dolman (x)
16 de Febrero: Entrevistas para Mario Kart, MyBliss, Mizz magazine y 1D en 3D para Nintendo 3DS (x)
17 de Febrero: Italia. Presentación en el festival de música num. 62 de San Remo (x)
18 de Febrero: Harry con James Corden, su prometida y Ben Winston en Aquascutum (x)
19 de Febrero: Harry y Nick en el London fashion show (x)
20 de Febrero: Entrevista con Chris Moyles y Saturday night. Mas tarde viajan a Francia donde graban La Boite a Questions y Le Grand Journal (x)
21 de Febrero: Brits awards (x)
22 de Febrero: Ensayos (x)
23 de Febrero: Harry, Louis y Liam en milshake city y mas tarde todos viajan a Chicago (x)
24 de Febrero: Entrevista para 103.5 Kiss FM y meet and greet (x)
25 de Febrero: Los chicos arrivan en Detroit y realizan una entrevista para la estación de radio 99.5 (x)
26 de Febrero: Toronto. Por la noche Harry y Louis en Lou Dawg’s restaurant (x)
27 de Febrero: Entrevistas para Much Music Canadá, radio 99.9, Family Channel y AndPop (x)
28 de Febrero: Albania, NY. Entrevista para Vevo Lift (x)
«Enero • Marzo»
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kkatindig · 4 years
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Eto din tanong ko. Nag-selfie ka na nga tapos naumay na ako/kami tapos may ginintuang caption ka pa eh di naman bagay sa mukha mong tanso na bukbukin. Aba iho/iha, huminahon ka. Magkape ka ng puro walang tubig para kabahan ka. Kapal gooms! #batobatosalangitooikawnga #tamaannaangtamaan #fbgrabbednotmine #mythoughtsexactly #joketime (at Jala-jala) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6C0YRYpFMsVmG9Q5iE8J763lV_O2iN4oaSx8Q0/?igshid=1x3o2fwiep3sn
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Tudo pronto?
Apesar das dificuldades alegadas pelos clubes, pela gestão e por todos os outros motivos que sempre são alegados para se participar de um certame, começa hoje (15), o Campeonato Morrense de Futebol 2020, ás 15h, no Chapadão (Estádio Municipal Odilon Goomes da Rocha), palco de todas as partidas.
O atual Bi-campeão municipal AZUUP enfrenta a Moranguense:
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A partida terá transmissão da TV Chapada:
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  Começa hoje o Campeonato Morrense 2020 de Futebol Tudo pronto? Apesar das dificuldades alegadas pelos clubes, pela gestão e por todos os outros motivos que sempre são alegados para se participar de um certame, começa hoje (15), o Campeonato Morrense de Futebol 2020, ás 15h, no Chapadão (Estádio Municipal Odilon Goomes da Rocha), palco de todas as partidas.
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aelis-es · 5 years
Sage premiada como mejor Compañía Software en los Premios Nacionales Tecnología Siglo XXI
Reconocimiento en el sector de la tecnología
El pasado 21 de febrero se celebró la gala de los II Premios Nacionales Tecnología Siglo XXI donde Sage fue la ganadora de la categoría software.
Luis Pardo, consejero delegado  de Sage, precisó: "Este premio está dedicado a la gente de Sage, 1.500 personas en España y Portugal, y a los clientes por confiar en nuestras soluciones. Las pymes, con mucho esfuerzo están dando competitividad a España. Nuestro objetivo sigue siendo digitalizar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas para hacerlas más grandes". 
Destacamos que durante el acto de entrega de los II Premios Nacionales Tecnología Siglo XXI se puso de manifiesto que, tanto hombres como mujeres, empresas, entidades y centros de España, juegan un papel muy destacado en la revolución digital. 
Veintiocho compañías, de perfiles muy diferentes, fueron reconocidos en esta segunda edición de los premios:
Tecnología Siglo XII 2019 - Diego Correa Hidalgo
Empresa del año - Zucchetti Spain -
Hito Tecnológico - Telescopio LST-1
App del año - Argus CVG
Producto del año - MBZ Churros
Divulgación Tecnológica - Muy Interesante
Comunicación - Enviado especial
Domótica - Signify
Smart Factory  - Digital Enterprise
Robótica - Robotic Intelligence Lab
Automatización - Xebialabs
Centro Tecnológico - CETEM
Transformación Digital - Einzelnet Consulting Group
Digitalización - Yudonpay
Tecnología alimentaria - BEVTEC
Solución Cloud - Beclever
Tecnología 3D - Ecapture 3D
Vending - EAC Software
Big Data - Kampal
Formación - Digital Innovation Center
Marketing Digital - Beabloo
Business Intelligence - Innova TSN
Software - Sage
Solución CRM - Goom Spain
Protección de Datos - Pridatect
Solución ERP - Microcompostela
Ciberseguridad - Valordata
Solución SGA - AS Software
Si quieres ampliar información sobre los II Gala de premios Tecnología Siglo XXI, te invitamos a que visites su web aquí.
          Sage premiada como mejor Compañía Software en los Premios Nacionales Tecnología Siglo XXI fue por primera vez escrito en Aelis Blog
Sage premiada como mejor Compañía Software en los Premios Nacionales Tecnología Siglo XXI published first on https://aelis.es
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cultivo cannabis
Autofloreciente de 5ª Generación, variedad con altos niveles de Cannabidiol (CBD) resultado del cruce entre una selección de nuestras mejores autoflorecientes de 4ª Generación y un clon fotodependiente rico en CBD. Mientras que las de mayor tamaño suelen ser plantas más productivas y, por tanto, muy apreciadas por los cultivadores, las variedades pequeñas resultan imbatibles cuando el objetivo es realizar un cultivo discreto, que pase desapercibido que quepa en un espacio muy pequeño. El Propagator Lightwave T5 está disponible con 2, 4 y 8 tubos fluorescentes de diferentes potencias y es un sistema que integra el reflector y los tubos y es perfecto para pequeños armarios invernaderos donde puedes clonar tus esquejes y enraizarlos rápidamente. Buenas, he hecho mi primera plantacion y me han recomendado empezar con plantas autoflorecientes ya que no es la época para plantar de las otras. Por lo que si eres de los que le gusta probar el producto y ver su calidad; con las Auto Blueberry disfrutarás de lo lindo. Recomiendo germinarlas directamente en el lugar definitivo donde estarán, evitando así un posible estrés, cosa que debemos impedir a toda costa con las autoflorecientes, y más en sus primeras semanas de vida, ya que de estar estresadas, probablemente las plantas no superen los 10 cm de altura. Se recomienda a los principiantes en la cannabicultura que consideren los beneficios de las semillas autoflorecientes. Los niveles altos de CBD permiten a los usuarios de cannabis con fines terapéuticos un mejor aprovechamiento de las propiedades medicinales del CBD. La variedad de marihuana Auto Maxi Goom Tupolev marca un antes y un después dentro del mercado cannábico porque combina dos genéticas magníficas del espacio Sputnik Seeds. Además de ser un excelente medio de cultivo para todo tipo de plantas (cannabis incluido), también se puede encontrar en felpudos, cepillos y colchones. En la mayoría de los casos, los beneficios de la melaza se suelen notar más durante la fase de floración, sin embargo, es una buena práctica usarla a lo largo de todo el ciclo, desde el vegetativo hasta la floración, cuando las plantas estén en los días de "solo agua". Lo que tendremos que tener en cuenta antes de empezar el cultivo, es la cantidad de plantas que vamos a poner. Es una variedad feminizada y con un índice de CBD bastante alto. Son plantas de cultivo fácil siempre que tengan suficiente sol, un sustrato fértil y riegos frecuentes. Es aconsejable usar el producto cuando los cultivos necesitan un estímulo biológico. La variedad de marihuana feminizada automáticas Blueberry Kush Autofloreciente de Nirvana Seeds es un hibrido auto de dominancia índica de sabor afrutado a arándanos con notas herbales y terrosas, y potente efecto índico. Agrobeta es una empresa dedicada a la preparación de nutrientes, abonos ecológicos y convencionales para su uso Cannabis. Armarios para cultivos medios - Llegan a generar entre 400 y 600 gramos de marihuana seca por cosecha. Los vegetales toman hidrógeno, carbono y oxígeno del agua y de la atmósfera, pero los nutrientes han de obtenerlos a través del sustrato y, en menor medida, a partir de las hojas. No necesitas un armario profesional, lo puedes personalizar y optimizar con materiales reflectantes, para maximizar la cantidad de luz que llega a las plantas. Trasladar las plantas a finales de verano principios de otoño, cuando la duración de la luz solar es lo bastante breve como para provocar la floración de forma inmediata.
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big bud xxl auto
auto lemon haze para pedidos de más de 50€, excepto sustratos, productos de gran tamaño y envíos contrarreembolso. Los beneficios sobre la salud vienen dados por la significativa cantidad de moléculas llamadas fitocannabinoides, entre los que destacan el cannabidiol (CBD) y el cannabigerol (CBG). La maceta debe ser holgada por que las plantas autoflorecientes paran de crecer si la raíz llega al fondo de la maceta. Disponemos de muchas variedades ara tu cultivo, debes saber que es lo que mas te interesa según tus necesidades. El abono Top Auto de Top Crop es apto para jardinería doméstica y es muy sencillo de aplicar, ya que se disuelve a la perfección con el agua de riego. Pero solo de sus variedades más destacadas como son Auto Afghan Mass, Auto Chocolate Skunk y Auto Northern Lights. Las plantas de cannabis autofloreciente están listas para su cosecha en unos 45-50 días. Una vez vaya creciendo irás aumentando la cantidad de agua hasta un máximo del 10% del tamaño de la maceta. Recuerda que en la etapa de crecimiento, deberemos tener un Ph de 5.5 y en la de floración de 6.5. Tener los niveles de acidez correctos es muy importante para las plantas. La calidad y potencia de estas semillas de cannabis convierten a Auto Bubble Goom Gravity en uno de los pilares más importantes del espacio Sputnik Seeds. Las semillas autoflorecientes no son semillas modificadas genéticamente, estas variedades llevan mucho tiempo entre los cultivadores de marihuana, se trata de una variedad de cannabis de Asia Central más conocida por el nombre de Rudelaris” pero la comunidad de criadores no encontró ningún valor en las plantas autoflorecientes de Asia Central debido a su baja potencia, el cannabis rudelaris autofloreciente fue considerado una perdida de tiempo ya que el propósito de la cría era obtener mejores y plantas más potentes. Una planta de marihuana autofloreciente gigante, ideal para su cultivo en exterior donde nos dará sus mejores producciones y tamaños al sol. Así pues, lo más indicado es plantar cepas índicas puras que suelen crecer de forma achaparrada genéticas autoflorecientes , que no suelen crecer en exceso. En este caso nos centramos en los abonos orgánicos, dado que son los que mejor calidad nos aportarán a las flores, dejando siempre un mejor sabor que usando abono mineral, en caso de dejar las plantas bien limpias al final del cultivo. Aunque, podemos apostar por cualquier de las variedades mencionadas para cultivar en zonas frías, es mejor apostar por las semillas autoflorecientes por su intrínseca capacidad para hacer frente al frío. Con lo del material del fondo de la maceta, yo no le puse nada , en un principio me lo dieron en un bidon de agua y yo lo traspase a el cubo de 15 lts, en el puse arena ,tierra y lombrices me dijeron q eran buenas asiq meti unas cuantas tambien le eche cascara de huevo blanco. Hoy en día puede ser complicado encontrar las mejores semillas de marihuana que se adapten a las necesidades y preferencias personales, por esta razón hemos hecho una clara separación entre las clases de semillas de marihuana y CBD en base a los propósitos de utilización final y el nivel de experiencia tanto del cultivador como del usuario.
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blognticx-blog · 6 years
Buenos y malos usos de la tecnología
Una de las ventajas fundamentales y más importantes que nos brinda la tecnología es la posibilidad de conectarnos desde diferentes partes del mundo con otras personas, y la posibilidad de acceder a información para educarnos, hasta incluso nos puede simplificar acciones cotidianas (gracias a tutoriales en páginas web, por ejemplo).
 Pero así como tiene ventajas, también tiene un lado negativo. Dentro de este grupo de aspectos negativos, hay una infinidad de factores pero los que más frecuentemente se dan es la estafa (ya sea alguien que vende un producto que no es igual a la foto, sexting, gooming, hasta problematicas asociadas a la discriminación como es el cyberbullying, entre otras) y que las personas que no tienen acceso a ellas son marginadas
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All Wario Series References in Misc. Mario Games
As teased yesterday, this is where we wrap up the Mario franchise, with a bunch of Mario titles that didn't fit anywhere else.
Mario Clash
Wario makes a brief cameo, if you score 500,000 points:
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Wrecking Crew 98
Foreman Spike got a redesign, that blatantly takes cues from Wario:
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Mario Family
Wario is one of the patterns featured in this odd bit of software:
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Dr. Mario 64
Do I even need to say it?
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There's a reason I call this a Wario Land spin off in disguise. Beyond the playable cast there's also a Para Goom, who hosts the menus:
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And Wario turns into Puffy Wario, during Mario's story:
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Luigi's Mansion
The whole concept of getting a better home depending on how much loot you collect is very much taken from Wario Land 1:
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Yakuman DS
I usually don't bring up Wario being a playable character in spin offs where it's more expected, but I figured I'd bring this one up, since it is a odd one-off title:
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Minecraft (Wii U/Switch/New 3DS) Super Mario Mash-Up Pack
Not a Mario title, but a Mario context, since Wario is a available skin here:
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DDR Mario Mix
Lastly there’s DDR Mario Mix, which gave us this glorious Greenhorn Forest Remix:
So yeah, that’s all I could dig up from the Mario franchise, but there’s still more to come from other places.
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