rsclopez · 3 months
HOW TO PICK UP AN ALIEN SPOUSE ON DEEP SPACE 9 (from a regular human who was just doing regular human things)
Y/N and her group are tipsy from partying(theyre smiling and giggling) and are heading back to their ship: They see a group of men walking pass them.
Y/N: Hey you with the SEXY shoulder pads,ridges & pointed ears?
The group turns to look at the gaggle of females. Theyre surprised at being “hit-on”
Y/N realizes who she just catcalled!Its the Romulan group of Senators (Vreenak,Letant,Koval,Parem & Hiren w/their guards) She points at the one in the Middle of the group!
Y/N: “Forget diplomacy baby...let's drink some Romulan Ale and cross into each other's neutral zones!”(suggestively smirks at him) Wadda ya say?
Letant: (starts grinning at y/n)Im amenable to that & “ill even drop my cloaking device so you can see my warbird” tonight or anytime you want?!
The human females are surprised & shocked. The Romulans have varying reactions at Letants response(Vreenak smirks, Koval & Hiren facepalms & Parem is just bug eyed. Centurion guards have the I dont get paid enough for this looks)
Everyones eyebrows are up their hairlines
Y/N:Uhmm Okay?
Letant: (Heads over to Y/N) “You know human, my forehead's not the only thing with ridges on it”
Y/N: What?????
Letant: And “tonight im going to boldly go where no Romulan has ever gone before”w/you. (Leers at Y/N)
Y/N:(Blushes so hard then starts laughing!)Youre one smooth Romulan. “Darling you can violate my prime directive any day”.
Grabs Letant and leaves the group!
——The next day——
Praetor Hiren receives a comm message from Letant:
Extension of diplomatic stay for 1 month. I need to explore more regions of her space for my final frontier.
Personal File Change
Senator Letant of Romulus-Status Change to Married.
Spouse needs expedited diplomatic application to Romulan citizenship
Hiren: This fehill'curak(asshole in romulan)
To be continued…
Next Story
How to Marry an unsuspecting human
This is cross posted on A03 under thecenticlan
@deepspacedukat @toebeans-mcgee @romulanspacecat @stormandsparks @spookysnooty @fentah @chrismarilein @vreenak @vulcankisseshuman @minymo1234 @fuckyeahromulans
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Ok I am absolutely buzzing to talk about the drugged grisha at the end of e8, and I know that sounds like a weird place to start - the very end of the show with a woman we’ve never met before who immediately dies - but there is so much going on here that really excites me. Now there’s LOADS of brilliant stuff to unpack in this scene, and I have thoughts about Alina, Nikolai, and the Crows as well, but right now I want to focus on the drugged Fjerdan grisha herself.
First of all, this scene was done FANTASTICALLY. I wrote down in my notes when we saw the newly amplified grisha that I was concerned it would be difficult to portray a clear difference between the power they have and the power that parem gives, but this scene immediately alleviated all of my fears.
In the brief time she’s on screen, the woman sits in the pews at Nikolai’s coronation, takes a dose of jurda parem, and attacks the congregation. We can assume that she’s heartrender based on the type of attack that she uses, and I think that we can also assume this was not her first dose of parem. She doesn’t stand when the rest of the congregation do, and although this could be interpreted as an act of defiance against the new king, she is also shown to be pale and struggling to breathe before she takes the drug. After taking it, we don’t see much of a physical change undertake her, only a massive amplification of power, which I think is reflective of the way that the initial high and power of the first dose can never be replicated. It could also hint that her drug has been mixed with a sedative to make her easier to control, which is what the Fjerdans do to their enslaved grisha. I think it’s safe to assume that the Fjerdans have spies deep in Ravka to be able to complete this action, and there are probably Drüskelle nearby as well to control her. This brings to what I think is most interesting about her character: the exclamation. When she steps up attack she shouts “Strymaktfjerdan!”, which translates to “Fjerdan might”. As a plot device this is to tell the audience that she was sent by Fjerda and that Fjerda have access to jurda parem, but from a character point of view this is an absolute goldmine of information about her. We can assume she grew up in Fjerda, meaning she’s lived most of her life hiding her power and probably has little to no training surrounding it. This should be immediately frightening: with no training she could attack an entire chapel of people, very nearly succeeding in killing them all within moments, and she didn’t even need a clear line of sight since there were plenty of pews behind her where the people were still affected, so what can we expect from trained grisha? But we also know that she’s grown up in a country that despises her, where she will only have survived this long by desperately lying to hide her identity, and could only be sent here by the Fjerdan government if she’d been caught - and yet she still believes in her country and exclaims its might. She is praising a government that has literally enslaved her and led her to her death, as they have done with thousands of other grisha. My personal headcanon here is that she is deeply indoctrinated by the Fjerdan government and has grown up to hate herself because of the world she is surrounded by. When she was eventually caught, she was offered to go to Ravka and serve her country in this way instead of going to trial and death, so she agreed. I imagine that she was only offered this because the experiments with parem meant the Fjerdans knew she would die anyway, and even if the parem itself (or Alina) didn’t finish her off, then she would be killed or tortured on her return in the Ice Court laboratory. My headcanon is that she was offered this proposition by Jarl Brum, and this is how they intend to write him in ready for the Six of Crows spin off show
(Also, if you happen to be familiar with my tumblr then it might not surprise you to know that I’ve (so far) filled 28 pages of my little notebook whilst watching the new season, and I only started making notes in episode 6, so believe me when I say that if you like these posts I have plenty more to come)
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can tidemakers control any liquid or is it just water?
theoretically, could a tidemaker on parem control the blood inside someone's body and pull it out of them? of boil it? or some other twisted way to murder using the power?
I remember the guy who went through walls, but if a healer and a heartrender's powers can manifest differently what's to say that summoner's can't as well?
if this is a stupid question someone inform me
(I also haven't read Kos yet)
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vreenak · 1 year
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Parem in 5x24, The Next Phase. [1/?] for @romulanr4ge
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elev-toreth · 1 year
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if-hell-was-a-person · 11 months
wylan and parem tailoring
ok so i was having a chat with a friend and she said "i wonder if wylan slowly starts looking like kuwei again" because regular tailoring faded over time and we have come to no conclusion and are very confused
we are also confused as to if any of these things would happen
parem may or may not be permanent (effected person and anyone altered by it as well)
wylan could end up looking like kuwei and back to wylan (if parem fades over years)
could fade over the years might not though
nina powers could fade as well
is jurda parem permanent
can regualr tailoring be permanent
would wylan have his features touched up every once and a while
was wylans tailoring A: removed B: re tailored again C: a tiny bit of both
if he did end up looking like kuwei would it fade
is only cosmetics tailoring unpermanent because its not original
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leopardcoffee · 1 year
It is time. The Parem fic. I have started it. I have no idea what's going to happen.
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feelingcomplet · 2 years
Tava tudo bem até eu ler que “Homem quando é bem tratado não procura outra mulher”. Aaahh, vão se fuder! Parem de querer nos culpar pela falta de caráter de vocês, a culpa não é minha e nem de qualquer outra mulher. A culpa é sua, por ter desvio de conduta, pela falta de empatia, pela falta de vergonha na cara. A culpa não é de nenhuma mulher que foi traída, e sim do bosta que a traiu.
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raurquiz · 28 days
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#happybirthday #briancousins #actor #producer #parem #startrek #thenextgeneration #thenextphase #crosis #descent #paltani #enterprise #thecatwalk #mandroid #Greenlight #noordinaryfamily #DesperateHousewives #NCIS #CrossingJordan #Sliders #Timecop #righteousthieves #startrek57
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rsclopez · 3 months
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Ease up a little starfleet! Hows a girl going to get gifts from her Romulan if this is contraband!
@deepspacedukat @toebeans-mcgee @romulanspacecat @stormandsparks @spookysnooty @fentah @chrismarilein @vreenak @vulcankisseshuman @minymo1234 @zierzim @fuckyeahromulans
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Justiça Federal atende a pedido do MPF e determina aos Conselhos de Despachantes Documentalistas que parem de fiscalizar profissionais no Acre e em Rondônia
Sentença considerou que não se pode delegar a entidades privadas atividades típicas de Estado, como fiscalização e regulação profissional Em ação movida pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF), a Justiça Federal em Rondônia (RO) expediu sentença determinando que o Conselho Federal dos Despachantes Documentalistas do Brasil (CFDD/BR) e o Conselho Regional de Despachantes Documentalistas do Estado…
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vaitomanocucaralho · 1 year
que coisa chata ja falei que me divorciei e vcs ficam me incomodando juro que coco
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vreenak · 1 year
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Parem in 5x24, The Next Phase. [2/2] for @romulanr4ge
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elev-toreth · 1 year
not gonna lie
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isabelletai · 1 year
tem um monte de conta de mulheres contas com mulheres de bikine me seguindo 😭😭☠️☠️
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It was just another meeting, Zoya thought. Kirigan’s tone of how important was for her to be there didn’t raise any flag. She would’ve rather been elsewhere, preferably spitting on his grave, but the Czar was alive and he required her presence. So Zoya showed up and she could immediately tell that something was off. This was no ordinary council meeting. They weren’t even meeting in the war room.
She wasn’t sure what to expect, but whatever it was, nothing could be compared to what happened. Nina, Fedyor, Célestine, Jesper… Brekker was there too, and the asshole slaver, and some random fjerdan drüskelle. An overhelming feeling of dread crept over her.
She looked around, searching for someone to tell her what the hell was going on, but she didn’t meet anyone’s gaze. Zoya opened her mouth to ask when it started.
First came the gas. 
What kind of abomination was this?
Her blue eyes immediately traveled to Nina, whose expression went from confused and afraid to… well, it was hard to describe. Her green eyes were expressionless, as if any trace of herself was gone. Nina looked without looking, she looked as if she were a sleepwalker or a zombie. To prove a point, someone gave her an order and she executed it flawlessly and without complaints. Zoya’s fist clenched tightly, her own nails digging into her skin, she didn’t even notice that her palm was now bleeding.
This is your moment to be stubborn, please, Nina, fight it; Zoya pleaded internally, but all she saw was her protegée grabbing a syringe and injecting herself the dose of parem after she was told to, all while Matthias slammed himself against the window and started screaming. 
Yes, get her attention, Matthias; she thought, relieved that someone was finally doing something. If there was someone who might be able to bring her back, that was Matthias. However, all her hopes vanished when she saw the guards grabbing him and restraining him. 
“Enough” she whispered and her word was hidden by the sounds of Matthias’ screams. Someone had to stop this madness. She attempted to take a step forward, her arms already going into position to summon the storm and unleash her fury and punishment. She would start with the Czar, she would summon every single lighting bolt on him until he was gone or she’d die trying.
All Zoya saw was red, just like the blood that was now dripping from the palm of her hand. She closed her eyes, she would probably get herself killed but she didn’t care anymore. Unfortunately, none of that happened and she felt a hand wrapping tightly around her wrist and breaking her position. Her eyes snapped to the person and saw Genya shaking her head. She looked just as distraught as she was.
“Don’t” she whispered and Zoya felt like dying right there. She barely noticed Brekker strapped to the medical table. Her eyes pleaded Genya to let her do this, but her grip was surprisingly strong and the damage was already done. Her eyes went back to Nina, but her eyesight became more and more blurry. Almost everyone in there watched the process with fascination while all she could do was blink her tears away. If anyone saw her cry, she couldn’t bring herself to care anymore.
She should’ve been impressed by the power Nina was displaying, but this was so unnatural and the chances of surviving weren’t that high. Zoya wanted to scream, to destroy, to throw her cover over the board. There was so much hurt and horror around them. She shifted her hand and held Genya’s hand tightly, almost as if she were the only reason she was still standing at the moment.
Whatever happened to Brekker, Zoya didn’t pay too much attention. Her eyes stayed on Nina the entire time. The process didn’t take that long, but for her it seemed like ages and the worst part was that it was not being done to Nina only.
Fedyor, Jesper, Célestine. Even Ivan, Alina and Matthias would suffer the consequences of this. Zoya even felt bad for fucking Kaz Brekker.
Eventually, after what seemed ages, the process ended and Zoya felt sick and nauseous. She could barely feel her legs and the lump on her throat was too big to swallow. She exited the room and began to walk - or more like stumble - as far away as possible, leaving everyone behind. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t bring herself to be useful. The Czar was too busy doing whatever he was doing and she never cared for the Fjerdan delegation anyways. 
As the voices from the room dissipated, the ones in her mind grew louder.
You failed them again, Zoya.
And you will keep on doing so.
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