#park gyuri edits
sailorjisunq · 6 months
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thankyou-taeyeon · 1 year
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GYURI for The Neighbor magazine (2023 Feb issue)
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newjeanzs · 1 year
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Gyuri icons!! ❄️
like or reblog if you save/use.
- lia.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 4 months
On the 12th of February, fifteen years ago, KARA released the repackaged version of their second mini album, Pretty Girl (Special Edition).
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The lead track, Honey, is a catchy and vibrant pop song with an infectious beat and playful lyrics. The special edition features enhanced production elements and additional visuals and promotional material, adding extra flair to the original release.
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gammasnippets · 4 months
[CHANNEL_9] fromis_9 '채널나인' EP58. Spotlighting🎬 Part.1
fromis_9 Lee Saerom, Song Hayoung, Jang Gyuri, Park Jiwon, Roh Jisun, Lee Seoyeon, Lee Chaeyoung, Lee Nagyung, Baek Jiheon
2,824 words (Unedited)
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It’s the year 2027.
With the immense attention social media content garners these days, K-pop groups must put out a lot of various kinds of content for their fans to stay in their boat. And as of late, some artists are even resorting to a more risqué and sexual form of media just to stay in the game. The morality and ethics of it is something that shouldn’t be scoffed at, as it has sparked controversy around the industry. Others are in favor of it, while some are against it.
But as time goes by, this venture becomes harder and harder to resist as more and more fans are eating all forms of content… Until their perception of it all becomes grayed out.
Being one of the industry's most revered groups, the members of fromis_9 are just some of the artists who started partaking in more provocative and sensual concepts for their content to provide fans with a more sensual form of fanservice. Their agency has always been reluctant to do so, as they had their reputation to keep up. But with many groups competing for the top spot, these nine girls have to “exploit” what assets they have to push themselves higher in the industry.
As the group delved deeper into this sensual rabbit hole, they made a variety of content that fans will surely go crazy about. From music videos that show their bodies in tight, revealing clothes, and a bunch of photoshoots that would make you blush with the sheer sensuality of the outfits and poses that they had, fromis_9 has gone to the world that only the most daring of groups would dare venture in. And being a part of a group of editors tasked to produce content like this, you often find yourself getting a lot of material to jerk off to from these girls.
To commemorate the group’s 10th anniversary, the company has planned a series of special videos featuring the girls for their ever-loyal fans. And after several passes and editing by the other editors, the videos finally came in your email, waiting for a final review to be conducted by no other than you. The pressure is high, as this could very well be the most successful video project yet. As the last editor to get the content, it's all up to you to give it the final touches and make these videos—12 in total— as flawless as possible. With tissues and lotion just within arm's reach, you start reviewing the footage.
You press play on the first video on the list and the unforgettable intro for their variety series “Channel_9” starts.
The episode begins as the camera shows a large studio complex, almost like the ones they have in other countries where they create live-action films and such, panning through the many large structures and beautiful gardenscapes scattered around the area. It then transitions to a drone shot, where the girls can be seen walking through the complex. They pass by large water fountains and flower patches, all the while showing how nice and beautiful the place is. All of them gasped in awe at the sight of the complex.
“This place looks like a big hotel. They could be hiding the rides in those buildings,” says Hayoung.
Seoyeon chuckles. “You mean a theme park?”
“Ah… Right,” she answers.
You can hear all the girls laughing at that short yet funny conversation.
“Unnie,” says Chaeyoung. “We just visited one recently and you still can’t forget about it.”
“That place was fun, though,” she retorts.
“Yeah. You’re right,” Saerom and Chaeyoung answer, almost in unison.
“Wish we can return to that place,” Jiheon tells everyone.
"Maybe the crew's planning to take us to a theme park," Jiwon tells the group as she looks at the cameraman with a smug look on her face.
Everyone giggles at that.
Gyuri then sighs. "There she goes again."
"Watch it get jinxed," Nagyung adds.
Seoyeon laughs out loud at that. "Her plans never work out."
"Ya!" Jiwon protests, "It'll work out this time. Just watch!"
She looks back at the camera again, nodding as if persuading them to agree with her.
However… She got silence for an answer.
Jiwon playfully sulks, making everyone laugh.
They continue to walk through the complex until they've reached the center of a huge courtyard, where the rest of the filming crew is waiting for them. As they are all getting into their respective positions, you see the members getting excited to start shooting the first episode.
"This will be exciting, hmmm?" Hayoung asks them, looking eager.
"I sure hope so," Jisun replies, smiling.
"Oh, me too," says Saerom.
One of the staff members then began to speak up.
"Hello, everyone," the staff member began, greeting them.
The group greeted her back in unison, bowing their heads.
"Welcome to the country's biggest filming facility," the staff member continued.
"Oh! So this is what it is!" Jiheon gasps.
The camera then pans out in a drone camera, giving the viewers another good look of the entire complex.
"This is probably where they filmed that one train movie I just watched," Chaeyoung says in excitement, her eyes sparkling in awe.
Suddenly, Hayoung yells.
"Ahh! Ahh!"
Everyone looks at her, shocked.
"What is it?" asks Saerom.
Hayoung, still looking shocked, excitedly points somewhere far.
"I… I've seen that bench from my favorite drama show!"
"Really?" Gyuri asks.
Hayoung nods.
The camera then pans over to a familiar bench that looks identical to the one in the show.
"It really does look like that one," Seoyeon says.
"Wow, unnie," Nagyung says. "You do know your stuff."
Hayoung smiles and gives her a thumbs-up.
"Anyway… We have prepared a series of challenges for all of you," the staff member resumes.
Oohs and ahhs can be heard from the girls.
“We call these Spotlighting Challenges.”
Another wave of amazement envelops the group.
Hayoung then raises her hand. “Spotlighting Challenge?”
The staff member nods. “These challenges refer to a study about how people behave differently when they are being watched—be it on camera or in the spotlight.”
Everyone nods at the given explanation.
“Ooh. So that’s why there’s ‘spotlight’ in the name,” Chaeyoung remarks, nodding her head.
“Yeah,” Jisun hears her and agrees. “But we’re definitely used to it by now, right?”
Chaeyoung nods back, laughing. “Yeah. This should be easy for us!”
"Every single challenge has different goals and rules to achieve,” the staff member follows up. “All of you must do your best to complete each challenge."
"I see…" Nagyung replies, attentively listening.
"So where are these challenges located?" Saerom asks.
"Each challenge is located at different areas within the complex. There are nine challenges—one for each member."
Everyone is shocked at the announcement.
"Woah! Nine?" Jiheon exclaims.
"Yes, each member has a unique challenge."
"Unique challenge?" Jiwon asks, her eyes wide in shock. "So we'll be alone?"
"Yes," the staff member nods her head. "These challenges can only be completed individually."
A sudden silence fills the air as they process the information.
"Jeez… This is going to be nerve-wracking," Gyuri mumbles, scratching her head.
"I feel the same," Jiheon tells her, her body shaking in nervousness.
"We know you girls will worry about not having each other by your side," the staff member tells them reassuringly. "But we believe in each of your skills and strengths."
"Thank you," Jisun bows, accepting the encouragement.
"Are the challenges going to be difficult?" Chaeyoung asks, curiously.
The staff member shrugs her shoulders and replies in a soft tone.
Everyone then lets out sighs and grunts at the answer.
“Oh dear. We’re done for,” Nagyung frowns.
"But we made each challenge doable for any member," the staff member explains.
Everyone responds with a mixture of relief and determination.
"Well that's good news," she says with a smile.
"I know right?" Jiwon replies, also relieved.
"These challenges will require all of you to be creative. So do your best," the staff member adds.
Those words piqued the girls' curiosity. Some of them begin thinking of what they could mean.
"Be creative, huh?" Saerom asks them, her tone doubtful.
The staff member nods. She follows up with the instructions with a smirk forming on her face.
"And maybe some of your… Physical skills."
A mischievous glint suddenly sparkles in the girls' eyes as they exchange knowing looks.
"Hmmm… I wonder how physical these challenges can get?" Jiwon mischievously suggests with a playful tone.
Her teasing remark sends a wave of laughter through the group, instantly lightening the tense atmosphere.
"Oh, boy. Jiwon's at it again," Hayoung chuckles at Jiwon's suggestive remark.
The group can't help but blush at the playful insinuation.
"Surely it's nothing like that… Right?" Chaeyoung asks, looking dumbfounded at the revelation of their challenges.
The staff member smiles knowingly, making the girls even more intrigued
"Oh, dear…" Jiheon whispers under her breath, her cheeks slowly blushing. "This is going to be interesting."
"Are we really going to do it? Here?" Jisun murmurs, sounding both nervous and excited.
"I guess so," Gyuri responds with a sly grin.
The girls look at each other once again, giggling, as if they're sharing a naughty secret only they know.
"But what do we get if we win?" Nagyung then asks, diverting the topic to their goal.
"We have prepared something for all of you if you win," the staff member replies. "Since there are nine of you, the group will need five members to successfully complete the challenges."
Everyone is intrigued, their curiosity piqued by the promise of a reward.
"What's the prize? Can we get a hint?" Saerom asks, sounding mischievously.
"Yeah! Tell us!" Jiwon follows up, yelling in excitement.
"Jeez, unnie. Tone it down," Chaeyoung playfully berates her.
"Well… Is there anything you girls like?" the staff member asks the group.
Some of the members start thinking of an answer, but the others already have their minds made up.
"An all-you-can-eat buffet!"
"A trip to a theme park!"
"Rent a cinema, maybe?"
"Ooh! Let's go overseas!"
Those are some of the answers the girls excitedly shout out, their enthusiasm shooting through the roof.
The entire staff bursts into laughter at their liveliness and shared excitement.
"I guess we'll have to discuss that later," the staff member says with a smile.
"Alright!" Hayoung replies, pumping her fist in the air.
"I'm actually kinda excited now," Gyuri admits, a joyous look on her face.
"Me too," Jisun adds.
"So please do your best, everyone," the staff member encourages.
Saerom nods, looking determined. "Of course."
The other members nod, too.
The rest of the staff then carries, in front of them, a ballot box. Colorful envelopes can be seen inside the transparent box.
"Wow! So pretty," Jiheon exclaims, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"That's cute," Nagyung agrees, a smile forming on her face.
"Everyone, please take turns drawing an envelope," the staff member instructs, gesturing towards the box.
The girls eagerly step towards the box one by one, reaching into the ballot box. They then head back to their original spots, envelopes in hand, excitement radiating from each of them. Some are careful in picking their envelopes, while some are swift and waste no time… And some play around with their selection.
All the members seem eager to open the envelopes and reveal the contents. But everyone is waiting for a signal, patiently, as their anticipation builds.
"Please remember that you shouldn't reveal the contents of your envelopes to anyone," the staff member reminds them.
Everyone responds in affirmation as they grip their envelopes tightly, excitement and curiosity swirling in their eyes.
"Okay. You can open your envelopes now."
The members rip open their envelopes, their eyes meticulously scanning the contents.
"Oh. So this is just instructions to where we should head for," Chaeyoung asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
The staff member nods. "Yes. You will be informed about the challenge once you reach your designated location."
She nods back in understanding. "I see…"
"I hope the missions are fun!" Saerom exclaims with a grin on her face.
"I'm more hoping that they're easy," Gyuri chuckles, crossing her fingers.
"That too!" Saerom adds, laughing along with her.
"Ugh! I'm getting nervous!" Seoyeon whines, hopping from foot to foot.
"Pretty sure you can do it," Hayoung reassures her, giving Seoyeon a comforting pat on the back.
"How cute," Nagyung murmurs, giggling at the two.
"So, is everyone ready?"
Everyone responds in unison, their voices filled with anticipation.
"We're ready!"
"Let's go!"
"The Spotlight Challenge has started! Again do your best, everyone!" the staff member announces as she cheers them on.
"Thank you!" In response, the girls bowed to everyone in gratitude.
Each member then reviewed their instructions and began looking around, figuring out where to go.
"Hmmm… I guess I should be going here," Jisun muses to herself, reading the directions on her instructions sheet as she walks off.
"Hey, unnie!" Jiheon calls out to her. "Are you going?"
Jisun turns around and nods. "Ah! Uhmm... Yes."
"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Jiheon decides, running up to join Jisun on their journey.
On the other hand, the rest of the group continued to figure out their destinations.
"Well… I think I'm heading this way," Seoyeon says, pointing opposite to Jisun's direction.
"You're heading there, too?" Hayoung asks her curiously, glancing at her own instructions.
Seoyeon just nods with a sheepish smile.
"Yay! Let's go together!" she excitedly screams as she hugs her.
"Hey! I’m also heading there too!" Nagyung adds, joining in on the hug.
As the trio embraced each other tightly, the remaining members were still working out the instructions given to them.
"If this is here, then…" Gyuri mumbles. "Then this one is… Hmmm…"
"I guess I should be going… This way?" Chaeyoung says, scratching her head in confusion as she tries to decipher the instructions.
"Huh? Chaeyoung-ah," Gyuri calls out.
"Yes, unnie?"
"Are you leaving already?"
"Yeah, I think so," Chaeyoung responds, looking unsure.
"Okay. Do your best, then!" she encourages her, waving her hand at her.
"Will do! Thank you!" Chaeyoung replies cheerfully, waving back at Gyuri. "See you later!"
Suddenly, Jiwon appears behind her, as if peeking at her unnie's instructions. Gyuri quickly spots her and hides her envelope, giving Jiwon a playful glare.
"What are you doing?" the older girl asks, pretending to be annoyed.
"What?" Jiwon acts coy, smiling as if she's innocent. "I'm doing nothing?"
"You aren't supposed to peek at my directions," Gyuri scolds her, wagging her finger at Jiwon.
"No, I'm not," she continues her innocent act, blinking her eyes innocently at Gyuri.
But Gyuri sees through her act and playfully pinches Jiwon's cheek.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Unnie!" Jiwon yelps as she feigns pain.
"Come on now, don't be sneaky," she says with a smirk.
"I'm not! Really!" Jiwon insists, rubbing her cheek dramatically.
Gyuri chuckles. "Alright. Where are you heading?"
"I'm heading that way," she points to the huge building behind the filming crew.
"Ooh. That looks big."
"I bet that's the main building."
"Seems like it. Yeah."
Suddenly, Saerom spots the two, approaches them, and joins in on the conversation.
"So, where are you going?" she asks.
Gyuri is the first to answer, pondering her options.
"I think I'll head to that building and ask around," she says, pointing to the same building Jiwon had mentioned earlier.
"Me too," Jiwon adds, nodding in agreement. "I think my challenge is somewhere in that building."
"I see…" Saerom replies, nodding at their answers.
"So where will you go?" asks Jiwon.
The two other girls nod expectantly.
"Same as you two. To that building," Saerom answers, confirming their choice.
"Oh. Then we all should go together," Gyuri suggests with a smile.
"Yes! Let's all go!" Jiwon exclaims excitedly, grabbing onto Gyuri and Saerom's arms.
Now with all the nine members of fromis_9 walking off in different directions, the view then shifts to a drone shot, showing the immense size of the complex, before showing a slo-mo view from each camera team that follows every member towards their respective destinations. Nervousness and excitement can be read on their faces, adding anticipation for the upcoming events.
All of a sudden, a brief montage teasing the future episodes plays. It showcases the members meeting new people, strategizing for their challenges, and lots of pure, unadulterated sex—the girls letting out screams and moans no one has probably heard. Your heart skips a beat as you process what you just saw. Doing sexy projects might not be new to them at this point, but nothing that's as bold and intense as this is.
You can't deny the creeping sense of unease that you're suddenly feeling. Yet, at the same time, it's an undeniable fact that you are getting excited and eager to see more.
Finally, the screen fades out, leaving you excited to review all of fromis_9's thrilling new series.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
I'm back... I guess? 😅 I apologize for the sudden absence that took more than a year. I left everyone without saying a word. And with that, I would like to make up with a huge series starring all of fromis_9.
Yes. Including Gyuri. 🍊
As ambitious as this might be, and given the fact that I'm not the most creative writer with the most amount of creative juice there is, I'm gonna try and sprinkle a few other stories featuring other idols in between... Just to add variety, and to not bore myself (and everyone) with just one group.
And, yes. I know. I still have 6 more Girls' Generations to write a story about. We'll get there when we get there, okay? It'll happen... When it happens. 😂
A huge thanks to @braaan for the poster! You are too kind. 🫂
And with that, thank you very much for reading! 🙇
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promisestuffs · 4 years
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. . ₍  fromis icons ₎ ♡›
like if you save, thank u
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closedafterdark · 3 years
Two Way Ticket
Lee Saerom & Noh Jisun x Male Reader
9441 words
categories: smut, oral, mommy kink
Read on AFF
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Eight months have passed since your rendezvous with Gyuri. Nakyung made sure to keep you and Saerom well informed about the clinic’s subsequent move and how her boss was coping. You were thankful she was able to be there for Gyuri during difficult times. Things between you and Saerom were beginning to get a lot more serious: from opening a joint bank account to purchasing your first car together. Even her dog Yeoreum has grown accustomed to you, often spending time on your lap more - something that has made your girlfriend jealous on more than one occasion.
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With each passing day, Saerom’s beauty continued to flourish. You wanted to preserve these memories - bringing your camera each time you two went out, something she didn’t seem to mind at all. Saerom knew how to perfectly blend simplicity with confident elegance. She chose to embrace the warmer weather by wearing a simple white crop top that showed off the curvature of her breasts and abs that were the result of many long hours at the gym. Her skirt was brown with what splatter marks decorating it. It ended just slightly below her cute buttcheeks, showing off her long, creamy muscular legs. Her white fuzzy coat appeared out of place, yet perfectly complemented her outfit at the same time. Saerom’s chosen accessories to complete the look were large pearl earrings and a necklace you gifted her on your very first anniversary together. Garnering the stares from men and women alike, you were proud to call Saerom your girlfriend.
Leading you by the hand, you passed many alleyways and streets. Telling you to trust her, you could tell Saerom was smiling through her homemade mask as her eyes formed inverted half crescents. With the two of you continuing on, you noticed two large bright red doors which led to red staircases below and artificial grass on either side. It looked like the establishment was still stuck in Christmas while the rest of the area were enjoying a fine spring May afternoon. Letting go of Saerom’s hand, you stopped and wanted to take a photograph. Not even a second after you had taken a third photo, she grabs the camera from you and wags her finger. Wearing the lens straps on her neck, she takes your hand once more and gives you a firm squeeze. The two of you walk for several more minutes until you finally reach your destination.
The aroma of coffee and baked pastries filled your noses as you arrived at Saerom’s favorite cafe. She discovered it after the two of you first decided to live together and moved to a new neighborhood. Due to being a regular customer, the entire staff knew who she was - all of them greeting her warmly before subsequently doing the same to you. Deciding to strike up a conversation with a few of the baristas, you took the opportunity to take her bag and find a table for the two of you. With most already being occupied, you luckily managed to find one that was mostly secluded. It was almost hidden in a sense, probably a spot most employees go to for peace and quiet. You took out your phone and began going through it, looking to pass time. Opening the photo app allowed you to view the candid shots you captured of your girlfriend. You stood firm on your belief that no camera lens could truly capture Saerom’s beauty.
The first photoset was one you took of Saerom at a bookstore. She was casually flipping through the pages of a book you didn’t get a chance to ask her the title of. The mole just below her left eye was something you found extremely cute - if concentrations of pigment-producing cells could be classified as such. Her smoky eyeshadow complimented her complexion wonderfully, making her eyes stand out even more. The next photoset was at a high-end boutique, with Saerom emerging from the curtains as she presents yet another outfit to you. At that point, you had lost count of just how many she tried on. Saerom said it seemed like you didn’t care when you said she looked beautiful in all of them - but it was true. She could be wearing a plastic bag with holes for sleeves and you would still choose her over anyone else.
You smiled, thinking about how her smile instantly made your day. While you were busy enhancing the photos to look for minor details to edit, Saerom sat down next to you.
“What are you looking at, baby?” she asked you before taking your phone. Saerom swipes through the pictures with her index finger, nodding after seeing each one. Once she returned the phone to you, you noticed a mischievous look in her eyes.
“I know that look.”
“What look?”
“You know what look.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, baby.” Saerom said, biting the tip of her finger while her left hand gently began rubbing your thigh. Any sort of pretense about her intentions was put to rest as her other hand placed the restaurant pager on the table. The two of you made eye contact and there was no mistaking it: her beautiful deep brown eyes were now clouded amber pools of lust and desire. You were thankful no one was nearby as Saerom squeezed her breast, releasing an erotic moan while she continued massaging your thigh.
“We’re in public, babe. We could get caught.”
“Maybe we should…” she teased as she leaned closer towards you and used both hands to grab the hemline of your joggers and boxers underneath before pulling them down. You moaned as the cool air from above felt wonderful on your newly exposed cock. Saerom eyed it hungrily as she leaned down and released a small collection of spit onto it. Knowing how needy you already were she decided to tease you even more by puckering her lips and placed a lust-filled kiss onto your tip, causing it to twitch slightly.
With one smooth swipe of her tongue across the palm of her left hand, Saerom wraps her long, slender fingers into a fist around your base with a firm grip. The warmth of it causes your shaft to throb, earning a soft smile from her. Planting a quick peck on your lips, she slowly begins stroking your cock.
You let out a loud sigh of relief as the built up pressure inside your chest was being released with every up and down motion of her hand. Saerom bit the tip of her finger once again as she stroked you, feeling you leak all over her fingers when she ran her thumb across your slit. 
Sexual acts in public places was nothing new to you both - yet it made you equally nervous and aroused as if it was the very first time. It all started with almost getting caught in your car at the beach parking lot one night when the security guard strolling by shined a flashlight through the windows. Then it was Saerom giving you a blowjob inside a women’s fitting room stall. You most certainly couldn’t forget bending her over the sink of a public restroom of a black tie required restaurant. But with most of the places so far, there was at least some semblance of privacy. This was a trendy cafe frequented by many, anyone could walk by and see your girlfriend stroking your cock without a care in the world.
“How about we make a deal, baby.” Saerom said in a lust-filled tone as her thumb continued to massage your tip.
“Deal? W-What d-deal?”
“If you can last mommy stroking your cock and not cumming before our order is ready, you can fuck mommy’s ass, baby.” Saerom whispered into your ear. Your eyes widened as you looked at your girlfriend’s naughty smirk of satisfaction. She had been teasing you with the proposition of entering her other hole for some time now, only allowing you to slide yourself in between her tight, round cheeks. The way she made it sound so forbidden made you want it even more. Your eyes involuntarily closed as the pleasure began to overwhelm your senses.
Saerom gradually began to increase in speed, encouraged by your moans and the way your cock throbbed in her hand. The mixture of her spit and your precum allowed her to go even faster, creating the familiar delicious sound of wet flesh. She counted five seconds silently before slowing back down, teasing you. Saerom had plenty of experience - knowing just what you liked. Which usually meant euphoric bliss on your part; except for when she wanted to take her time and edge you until the tipping point before bringing you back down to reality.
This went on several more times, each increasingly frustrating than the last. She giggled the entire time, enjoying watching you squirm and be helpless under her control. Your mental resistance was well beyond broken - at this point, it was all about endurance and resistance. You were determined not to let Saerom win. Not this time.
… Or so you thought. Saerom knew you weren’t going down so easily without a fight, which caused her to pull out her secret weapon. Grabbing your right hand, she led you up her smooth, creamy thighs all the way until your fingers began to feel heat radiating between her legs. You gulped as you knew where your hand was, like an adventurer finding a treasure chest. Using two fingers, you swiped in front of it, unsurprised to find out Saerom wasn’t wearing any underwear. She loved wearing skimpy thongs or modest panties that usually ended up bunched between her perfect ass cheeks, but eventually chose to forego it due to how many times you ripped them off her body. There was one time she bought an extremely expensive pair as a gift for your birthday, the thin piece of cloth not even making it thirty seconds in before it was tossed to a faraway corner of her bedroom.
Knowing it was a trap but going for it anyway, your two fingers found their way to her moist folds. Feeling your girlfriend leaking as well, you slowly inserted them inside her. Saerom moaned loudly as you entered her, her walls clenching you tightly, refusing to let go. You decided to up the ante, rubbing your thumb in a counterclockwise motion on her clit. It was now a war of nerves - both of you trying to get the other to orgasm first. But as expected, it was a losing battle. Saerom added more spit onto your cock and stroked you even faster, gripping your shaft tightly. You tried to distract her by pushing your fingers even deeper, but all it earned you was her pussy tightening.
“Cum for mommy, baby.”
That was all it took for you to reach your orgasm as you felt your abdomen tighten. You grunted loudly as your hips jerked and you exploded in Saerom’s hand. Your first few ropes could be heard hitting the underside of the table as you felt it land back onto her fingers and your thighs as you continued to release more and more thick, hot semen. Saerom made sure to continue stroking your sensitive cock, determined to drain you as much as possible.
The restaurant pager’s lights began to light up in a clockwise motion before vibrating on top of the table, signaling your order was ready and your subsequent failure to endure Saerom’s deal. She gives your cock a few more strokes, causing it to release small aftershocks as you recover from your intense orgasm. You struggled to catch your breath as you could feel beads of sweat form on your forehead. Once Saerom’s motions winded down and her tight grip on your cock was released, she raised her hand and stretched her fingers out to show you how messy your load for her was. She admired her work for a few seconds before cleaning it off with a napkin. She tilts her head slightly and moves closer to you, letting her lips meet yours as she gives you a deep kiss.
“You did so well, baby. It’s really a shame though - this nice, thick load would’ve tasted so good going down mommy’s throat. Or leaking down my thighs as we walk out of here.”
Saerom hated spending money at the movie theater's concession stand. Often calling it overpriced garbage, she always made sure to sneak in snacks inside her purse. Today was no different as she told the cafe employees to carefully wrap the baked goods. The movie theater was fairly empty - due to it being a weekday as well as not many movies being released. Saerom handled everything, from purchasing the tickets to picking out your reserved seats. With your fingers interlocked together, she leads you through the hallway and inside the theater. The two of you arrived just as the pre-movie commercials were about to end. Once Saerom handed you the movie tickets, you shined your phone flashlight on it.
“Babe, this movie is from like two months ago. We watched it at home.” you said.
“I know.” she simply replied, snuggling closer to you.
“Then why are we watching it again?”
“Because…” she said as her mischievous fingers found their way back onto the hemline of your joggers. “We aren’t going to be watching the movie.”
You should’ve seen it coming when Saerom chose the extra wide seats that seemed to be geared towards couples. She gave you a deep kiss on your lips before descending towards your lower body. Helping her out by removing your shirt, her eyes never wavered from yours. Your cock that was trapped inside the cloth prison was finally released, hitting her cheek. She laughs, licking her lips as she removes the pesky clothing completely off you and spreads your legs apart. Saerom watched every muscle in your face react as she blew hot air on your cock. You moaned the moment her hand made contact, using the same painfully slow pace she did at the cafe. While her left hand is busy taking care of your cock, her right fondled your balls - giving each a firm yet not too hard squeeze. She teases you by repeatedly lowering her head each time you think she will finally take you in her mouth, only to fake out at the last moment and continue to stroke you. She gave the tip of your cock a quick smooch to remove some of the leaking precum, something that only increased your frustration. Deciding you have had enough, she finally parted her lips and took you inside her mouth.
Saerom’s mouth was extremely warm and wet thanks to her built up spit. She strokes your cock as the first few inches enter her orifice before removing her hand and placing it onto your thighs. You felt like you were laying on a marshmallow, about to sink deeper and deeper into the chair. The only thing you saw was a soft ball of hair as she was  bobbing her head up and down, eliciting satisfied moans and lust-filled grunts from you as your cock was getting thoroughly covered. Saerom loved giving you blowjobs as much as you enjoyed receiving them, the feeling of you throbbing needily inside her mouth felt like a sudden rush of dopamine for her. She always enjoyed having complete control over you.
“Fuck, mommy…” you moaned. Saerom took her time, wanting you to savor every sensation as she swirled her tongue around your tip before making long strokes up and down the length of your shaft. Saerom looked up at you, satisfied to see your eyes closed from her sinful act. Having decided she prolonged teasing you enough, she went to work - sucking your cock deeper and faster. As her head took in more of your shaft, her tongue flickered along your underside. Eventually she reached your base as her lips gripped onto your cock and refused to let go. Her head bobbed in a wonderfully fast rhythm that teetered the edge of getting you to climax quickly and being just enough to leave you wanting more. Having had enough practice during the course of your relationship, Saerom was a master at deepthroating cock. The sounds of you reaching the back of her throat echoed inside the empty movie theater. It was like a symphony for your ears as you mustered the willpower to look down and stroke her head softly, pushing away several loose strands of hair. 
Saerom regretfully withdrew her mouth from your cock once she began running out of air. You were released from the velvety smooth walls with a satisfied hum from her, thin strands of saliva are connecting you and her mouth as you see several spit suds formed on her pretty lips. Your cock was glistening due to light emanating from the movie screen hitting it, causing the both of you to smile at each other. She spits once more on your cock, applying a copious amount all over your shaft. You rubbed her cheeks with your thumb softly, Saerom giving your tip another chaste kiss.
“Here comes your favorite part, baby.” Saerom said as she tapped your cock on her tongue a few times, causing her eyes to form crescents at you in anticipation.
Knowing just what she wanted, you grabbed onto both sides of her head and pushed yourself into her mouth. Moaning from the extreme pleasure, you wasted no time by roughly bobbing her head up and down. Saerom’s bright, lust-filled eyes widened with delight as she gags from you taking control. Her eyes began to water as she hungrily accepted your throbbing, needy cock. She didn’t even need to talk for you to know your girlfriend was enjoying this from the sounds being emitted as she gargled a mouthful of cock. Her nails dug into your thighs painfully as she moved your body to come closer to her. You obliged, closing the distance as you grip onto her hair and made a makeshift ponytail, holding it tightly as you fuck her mouth even rougher than before. Her tongue and uvula vibrated on your shaft, adding another layer of stimulation as your girlfriend was taking your cock to her heart’s desire.
All sense of time was put to the wayside as you both savored the moment. You regretfully let go of Saerom’s head when she began tapping on your thighs. She coughs, catching her breath as drool spilled out of her mouth and began dripping from her chin onto your balls below. Saerom was a disheveled mess, the hard work she put into her hair and makeup were no longer visible. She runs her lips along your length, kissing it until she reaches the tip before doing the same on the other side. She spit on your cock once more, the all too familiar squelchy sounds you were used to hearing rang through both of your ears as she slowly stroked you.
“Look at my baby being so rough. Did you like using mommy’s throat?” she asked rhetorically, knowing full well what your answer would be. Feasting her eyes upon your cock, Saerom pondered what to do next. Giving your tip a few licks before twirling her tongue in a clockwise motion, you noticed a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
The two of you quickly removed your clothing, discarding it along the various empty seats nearby. Saerom gave your tip a deep kiss before turning around, letting you admire her beautifully sculpted backside. The result of many long hours at the gym and a serious training regimen, it made the already divine Saerom even more unreal. Your hands naturally went to her round, supple bottom. You gave each cheek a firm squeeze, earning a giggle from your girlfriend. Saerom moaned erotically once the palm of your hand made contact with the soft flesh.
She was on her hands and knees in front of you - waiting for the very thing you two enjoyed most. You grabbed your shaft and slid your tip up and down Saerom’s folds, feeling how drenched her needy pussy was. Having had enough of your teasing, she pushed her body against you, allowing you to enter.
“Fuck…” the two of you breathlessly moaned as Saerom’s insanely tight walls squeezed the life out of you and gripped onto your cock. Her wet cavern felt wonderful as you pushed yourself slowly inside her.
“B-Baby, you feel so good inside mommy…” Saerom moaned as you closed your eyes and savored this wonderful feeling. It was Saerom’s favorite position - and thankfully, yours as well. You allowed her time to adjust to your cock as her walls clinged onto you for dear life.
You started off slow, wanting the both of you to prolong the moment. You gave her several weak thrusts as you held onto Saerom’s wide hips. Gradually building up the pace from the initial comfortable rhythm, Saerom’s moans and wordless gaps began to steadily increase in volume. She was hot, wet, and tight - all things that never changed despite the two of you taking pleasure in each other’s bodies almost every single day. She took pride in suffocating your cock to the point where it started to hurt. Whether it be her mouth or her pussy, Saerom knew how to make the most of her wonderful body. The natural lubrication from her juices allowed you to eventually move in and out of her with relative ease.
“Fuck… Fuck mommy harder, baby.” Saerom whined.
“What does mommy want?” you asked, giving her butt harsh slaps on both cheeks.
“O-Oh, fuck! Fuck mommy harder!” She screamed. Grabbing Saerom’s toned arms, you held onto her wrists delicately, causing her body to raise upwards for support as your hips thrusted inside her pussy. The sounds of flesh against flesh filled the empty movie theater, making the video in front of you rendered obsolete compared to the true main event. You felt her clench her walls against your shaft as you fucked your girlfriend harder like she wished.
The sounds of Saerom’s plump ass smacking against your lower body turned you on even more, causing you to go harder and deeper inside her. The sight of her cheeks clapping together was sort of hypnotizing - as if mocking you that your current pace was still not enough. Her pussy continues to tighten deliciously around you as you kiss her sweaty back.
“You’re making mommy feel so good, baby!” Saerom said in a half scream, half moan. Every word was dripping with pure desire and lust. You released your hold on her wrists, causing her body to plop onto the theather’s leather-bound chair. This didn’t last long, however, as you grabbed onto Saerom’s long, beautiful hair and formed a makeshift ponytail. While her raven colored locks flowed freely like cascading waterfalls - of which earned her many compliments from friends and coworkers alike, Saerom always explained she wanted to try something new. The real reason she grew it out was she enjoyed having it pulled during sex. Especially in your current position behind her.
With one hand holding her hair, your other gripped tightly on her shoulder. You were afraid you were being a bit too rough and would leave a bruise, but the way her pussy tightened around you along with the clouded, lust-filled look she gave you was all you needed. You were quick right away, thrusting into Saerom without any sort of build up. This temporarily startled her, before the familiar sounds of wet flesh, her needy screams, and the movie in the background having become nothing more than an afterthought all combined to create a wonderful symphony of pleasure as you fucked your girlfriend until she announces the end was near.
“B-Baby… M-Mommy’s going to cum.” she managed to say in between your thrusts.
You went even faster and deeper - wanting to do everything you could in order for Saerom to chase her euphoric high. It doesn’t take very long until she does so, Saerom screaming the loudest she has so far as you feel her pussy pulsating around your cock as it tightens and suffocates you. Her juices flood your shaft as her body shakes, she certainly would have collapsed if not for you supporting her upper body. You felt her begin to leak profusely, staining your thighs, balls and the leather below. Each wave of pleasure coursed through your body as you give her several more weak thrusts in order to allow her to ride out her orgasm.
You grab one of Saerom’s breasts, squeezing it gently as you pull her hair softly and lay down on your back, allowing her to rest on top of you. The both of you are heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. Saerom manages to weakly turn her head to its side as your lips meet hers. Each kiss was soft, full of satisfaction. Once you opened your eyes, you noticed hers were glazed over - returning to the beautiful amber color you always found yourself lost in. You held onto her hips and turned Saerom over so that your bodies were facing each other. Despite the exhaustion, her lower body began to grind itself against yours.
“Baby, you didn’t cum yet.” Saerom pouted. You felt her drenched folds coating your tip once more. It seemed once was never enough for her.
Saerom removed her body off you and got up on wobbly legs, grabbing your hands and helping you stand up. She gave the tip of your cock another kiss, sucking on it lightly before parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down quickly, taking you all the way down to your base. You groaned as she tried her best to giggle through a mouth full of cock, the very action causing your underside to vibrate and add on another layer of pleasure. Her lips were sealed tight as the sounds of her slobbering all over your cock helped your fast approaching orgasm arrive even quicker.
“Fuck, mommy. I’m going to cum.” you announced as you felt a knot inside of you.
Saerom released your cock with a loud pop as she used her left hand to stroke you quickly, the lubrication of her mouth and juices helping make the task relatively easy. Saerom’s big, beautiful eyes looked right back at yours - eager for you to feel the same way you made her feel not even mere minutes ago. Your breaths became more shallow as she helped you reach your tipping point.
You weren’t even able to announce to Saerom that your orgasm arrived. You moaned loudly as your cock throbbed in her hand and you exploded all over her beautiful face. Thick ropes of cum are released in impressive speed as it paints her forehead. The next few land near her right eye, causing her to involuntarily close it. She continued stroking your length as you continued to release spurt after spurt of hot, thick semen. With the final two ropes landing on her cheek and her awaiting tongue, you felt all of the built up tension and pressure being released from your body as Saerom drains your balls dry. You opened your eyes and were surprised to see just how much you came on her face.
Saerom giggled as she cleans the leftover cum dribbling out of your slit, bobbing her head a few more times for good measure. She allowed you to admire your work, her chest heaving as she puckered her lips and blew a kiss at you. The two of you managed to finish just as the lights above turned on and the end credits of the film were starting to play. Saerom uses her fingers to trace all the spots she felt your load dripping down her face and puts it in her mouth.
“You taste so yummy, baby.” Saerom said. “Looks like mommy’s diet has been working out after all.”
The two of you quickly got dressed and hurried out of the theater before the cleaning employees arrived.
For about a month now, Saerom got you onto a strict regimen. Making you cut out “useless” carbs, sugar, red meats - basically all of the foods you enjoyed. Knowing you would whine or complain, she always shut you up by implementing a no sex rule or edging you everyday until you complied. She had everything fully planned out down to the minute. It wasn’t easy, or fun, but the results spoke for themselves. You begrudgingly admit it was working… especially in regards to your increased sexual stamina.
After a quick change of clothes at home, the two of you are going to visit one of Saerom’s friends. She never said who - always wanting to keep things a mystery until the very last moment. Saerom held your hand tightly as the two of you entered the gym. Normally the unmistakable scent of sweat and loud grunts would be heard. But this particular gym was completely empty - not a soul in sight. You and Saerom sat at a nearby table. Asking her why you two were here instead of your usual gym, you hear a door near the weight rack open.
“Oppa! Unnie!”
You looked up and smiled. Noh Jisun - Saerom’s former roommate and someone you were quite close to who was as much of a fanatic about the gym as she was. The last time you saw her, her hair was much longer with a fringe style to cover her forehead. This time, her shoulder length hair was a deeper shade of brown. She styled it in a way that it parted more towards the left side of her head. She wore a simple outfit of a black v-neck shirt, gray leggings that complemented her curvy figure nicely, black socks, and a black and white windbreaker. She ran towards the two of you and hugged Saerom immediately. Your girlfriend reciprocated, happy to see her after so long. A few minutes later, she let go and turned to you.
“Hi, oppa.” Jisun said, smiling. You returned her smile and gave her a hug as well. She pulled you in tightly - you forgot how much she loved giving hugs. She left your embrace slightly before moving her head close to your ear.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun today.”
The hairs on the back of your neck raised as her words tingled inside your ear. It was a technique you heard many times early on during your relationship with Saerom. Jisun quickly became popular in an online community, with many tuning in to her videos and occasional livestreams. You never understood the appeal of people wanting to listen to someone whisper the entire time but respected Jisun making the most out of a niche demographic.
“What brings you guys over here?” Jisun asked.
“We wanted to visit and see how you were doing.” Saerom replied.
“It seems like you’re doing pretty well for yourself, Jisun.”
“I guess you can say that.” Jisun said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “The ASMR community loves my videos. I was able to save up enough to open up this place.”
“That’s so great!” Saerom said. “Look baby, she even has the weights you like!”
Looking to the direction your girlfriend was pointing at, you noticed differently colored plates of various sizes. While gradually being able to increase how much you could lift, you also enjoyed mixing the colors together. Not a single weight was out of place - something you personally didn’t enjoy seeing at your regular gym.
Saerom interlocks her fingers with yours. You smiled - she always knew how to calm you down whenever you felt anxious. Briefly looking at Jisun, you noticed a slight glimpse of anger in her eyes. Before you could say anything, Saerom pulled you along.
The tour of the gym was rather quick - Jisun quickly cycled through each of the machines as well as the rest area filled with goodies to indulge on. Upon reaching the Pilates room, Saerom wrapped her arms around your waist as she looked up at you lovingly.
“Isn’t this place great, baby? I’m so proud of Jisun.”
“Y-Yeah, really great.”
“I just remembered. I’ve been so busy lately I forgot to plan out the couple’s workouts like you asked. Sorry, unnie.” Jisun cutely said, pouting and looking down.
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Saerom said cheerfully. “Would you be able to help out oppa though?”
“Sure! I’d love to.” Jisun said, looking at you with a mischievous smirk.
“Oppa’s been complaining about feeling stiff. I was hoping you could make sure every inch of him is relaxed.” “Every inch?” Jisun repeated, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Really make sure oppa releases all of the tension built up lately.” “Oh... I’ll have no problem doing that, unnie.” Jisun continued to tease by forming her cute small left hand into a fist and displaying a jerking off motion while miming her cheek being full.
Giving you a quick peck on the lips, Saerom puts on her headphones and goes to a nearby treadmill. You watched your girlfriend’s wide hips sway with each step as her plump ass jiggles, causing you to sigh loudly as you could feel yourself slightly hardening.
Feeling a hand cup your crotch is what brought you out of your daydream due to staring at your girlfriend’s lower body. You looked down at the owner of said hand and felt the breath taken away from you as Jisun squeezed a bit harder this time. Bringing her right hand to your face, you noticed the cute woman you were used to seeing was gone. Replacing her glazed over eyes was a look you know all too well.
“So, unnie wants me to help you feel relaxed? That’s no problem at all.” Jisun said in a sensual whisper, each word dripping with a honey-like tone. She unzipped her windbreaker, letting you see the outline of her breasts through the loose fitting v-neck shirt.
“Mommy will take good care of you, oppa.” She continued, untying the drawstring of your joggers.
“Don’t act surprised.” Jisun said, still maintaining her whisper-like tone. “I know unnie has been making you call her that ever since you would visit our old apartment.”
You were surprised to see this side of Jisun. The Jisun you remembered was conservative, someone who didn’t have much self-confidence and felt comfortable playing video games or being in front of a computer screen. It seemed being independent did wonders for her.
“Maybe mommy should take care of your lower body first, how does that sound?”
Yanking both your joggers and the underwear underneath, Jisun slowly descends into a kneeling position between your legs. Your cock is now exposed to the cool breeze coming from the air conditioning. It is a wonderful feeling, causing you to twitch slightly.
“Not bad… I can see why unnie liked having you over so much.” she said, her eyes trying to soak up as much of you as possible. Licking her lips hungrily, she grabs ahold of your base and gives you slow, agonizing licks until she reaches your tip. You instinctively closed your eyes, letting out a soft moan.
Jisun dragged her wet tongue on the underside of your shaft, painting a long stripe on the exposed flesh. When she reaches your tip, her tongue swirls around it, causing you to moan even more. Collecting the precum that is beginning to dribble out of your slit, she sucks on it lightly before replacing it with a generous amount of saliva. Using her tongue once more, she spreads it across every inch. You look down and see Jisun methodically lathering your cock until it is glistening from the overhead lighting. Once she is satisfied, she grips your shaft firmly and slowly begins stroking you.
She employs a familiar technique: counterclockwise motions and smooth up and down strokes. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, feeling the pleasure her wonderful small hand was providing you. Her hand moves up and down with ease thanks to her saliva. Your moans increase in volume the longer she continues.
“You like when mommy strokes your cock, don’t you baby?”
“It-It’s o-okay…” you replied, knowing full well you were lying.
“Hmph.” Jisun pouted, running her thumb across your slit. “Maybe this will change your mind.”
Slapping her cheeks with your hard cock, you felt Jisun blowing hot air onto your tip, causing you to throb in her hand. She lets out a giggle and kisses the tip of your cock before lining you in front of her mouth. With a simple part of her lips, you release a heavy breath as she engulfs your cock. 
Your hands hold onto the wall behind you as the pressure begins to build up, causing your eyes to close shut. Your moans continue as Jisun slowly bobs her head up and down. She takes the top half of your cock into her warm, wet mouth - each time sending waves of lust and pleasure coursing through your body. You feel her tongue dragging across the underside of your shaft. Forcing your eyes open, you look down and take in the fact that Saerom’s former roommate, Jisun was currently on her knees and looking at you while pleasuring you in a way you would have never imagined.
“Mommy, fuck… that feels so fucking good.” you moaned as your body was hypnotized by Jisun sucking your cock. You felt every muscle in your body relaxing as your cock was inside her hollowed mouth. Taking the initiative, you run your fingers through her dark brown locks before palming the back of her head. Jisun looks up at you and smiles through a mouthful of cock, happy you are enjoying every moment of her sinful act. Your hand follows along to her bobbing motions, guiding her rhythm before she temporarily retreats her mouth’s wonderful hold on you. Spitting a copious amount of saliva built up onto your shaft, she looks at you seductively as she slaps her bright pink tongue with your cock.
You looked out to see Saerom diligently exercising on the treadmill. All you could think about was how sweaty her back has become, and how good it would be to suck on her damp skin as you fuck her from behind. This, of course, does not go unnoticed by Jisun who pinches your inner thigh and causes you to slightly wince in pain as you see her slowly begin to remove her clothing.
“Mommy hasn’t been fucked in months and I am not going to let this opportunity go to waste.” Jisun said, as she removed her socks and slid her body hugging leggings down, revealing her creamy legs and wonderfully thick thighs. She makes a show of removing her shirt, leaving her in only a red lace bra and panty set. Despite feeling more self-confident, there is a hint of shyness from Jisun as she is mostly exposed to you for the very first time.
You always considered her to have a nice figure - but running her own gym and having a strict training regimen made the curvy parts of her body even more noticeable. The delicious line of her cleavage was enticing - you wanted nothing more than to bury your face in it. Jisun notices this and smiles.
“Now, now, baby. We don’t want unnie to hear mommy making you feel good, now do we?” Jisun said, placing a finger on her lips. It felt like a preemptive warning, a calm before the pleasure-induced storm. Stroking your cock several times in preparation, she opens her bra slightly in order to allow you in between her soft flesh. A soft moan escapes her lips as she wraps your shaft with her warm, perfect tits.
“Fuck, mommy...” you groaned softly, trying your best not to be too loud from the pressure quickly that striked you light a lightning bolt as Jisun takes you in and out of her hot cleavage. You were thankful Saerom wasn’t too close by and especially that she wore headphones as the sound of her treadmill helped mask the squelching sounds coming from Jisun’s tits moving up and down your cock. You sighed in content and looked down, seeing her push her breasts together against your shaft and squeezed you even tighter.
“Baby…” she moaned as she moved her large, soft flesh onto you. “You’re so hard for mommy.”
Jisun’s eyes were captivating - her soft voice causing your entire body to tingle as her breasts continued to wrap themselves tightly around your cock. Her cute features were replaced with pure lust and desire, currently focused on satisfying you. The tip and upper part of your cock constantly poked in and out between her soft flesh. Each thrust was delicious, wet and hot. Jisun was the master of pure seduction: each time you felt you were at your tipping point, she slowed down. After several minutes of teasing, she removes her heavy breasts from your cock.
“I don’t want you cumming just yet, baby.” Jisun said. “First, you have to make mommy feel good too.”
Removing the last of her clothing, you almost drooled as you finally saw Jisun fully naked. Not giving you ample time to admire her body, she leads you to one of the yoga mats nearby, pushing you gently on your back. She straddles your lap, rubbing her splayed lips on your cock. You moaned, feeling how wet she already was turned you on even more. She then dismounts your body and repositions herself, hovering just above your face. As your hands were about to hold onto her hips, she stopped you.
“No no no, bad boy. It’s rude to touch mommy without permission.”
She lowered her body just enough for you to feel the heat radiating from between her legs. It looked so soft, inviting. Jisun could sense your anxiousness as you squirmed underneath her.
“You want to eat mommy’s pussy don’t you, baby?” Jisun nonchalantly asked. 
“Well… there’s somewhere else I’d rather you eat instead.”
Lowering herself fully, you grabbed her plump ass, grabbing two handfuls of each cheek and squeezing as hard as you could. This caused Jisun to moan as your mouth met her forbidden orifice. You kissed her heavenly soft skin, parting her cheeks as your tongue painted the outer rim.
“Baby…” Jisun moaned as her tight muscles began to unclench and allow your tongue deeper entry. Satisfied with your minimal work so far, you continued to stimulate her asshole. Spreading her cheeks apart even more, you pushed your tongue inside her puckered hole.
Jisun is quickly overwhelmed by all of her senses being overstimulated at once, as you feel her juices slowly leaking out of her pussy and staining her thighs and your neck below. You swirl your tongue inside her ass, just as she did when she was sucking your cock. Each contact sent multiple shocks of pleasure coursing through her body. Despite Jisun getting progressively louder the longer you were buried inside her, both of you have little regard for anything else, only focusing on each other. She pushes her pillowy soft ass against you even more, frantically trying to chase her own pleasure.
“You’re making mommy feel so good, baby.” Jisun said, feeling your mouth and tongue drench her inner asshole with your saliva.
Gripping onto her asscheeks even harder, you move your face from side to side. This causes Jisun to scream loudly as another wave of stimulation is added to her rapidly sensitive body. She is beginning to lose control of her senses as your tongue thrusts deep inside her asshole.
“Baby… oh my- fuck!”
She arches her back completely straight as you remove one hand from her asscheek and move your way between her thick thighs. Easily finding her clit, you rubbed it with the pad of your thumb. Doing your best to keep her from bucking her hips uncontrollably, you stimulate Jisun on both parts of her lower body.
“Baby… that feels so good. That feels so good. I-I’m gonna cum!” Desperation could be heard in Jisun’s voice as you continued to provide her with the pleasure she hadn’t received in so long. Each flick of your tongue caused her to tilt her head back. You knew it wouldn’t be much longer - rubbing your thumb on her clit furiously as you squeezed her asscheek and buried your tongue as deep as it could go.
“Baby, mommy’s cumming!” Jisun screamed as she finally succumbed to her orgasm. Her hips bucked wildly as you struggled to hold her in place. Your tongue was firmly lodged inside her asshole, doing its best to not let go as long, sultry moans escape her beautifully soft lips. Her thighs are stained with her sweet nectar, causing it to dribble down onto your chin and neck. Her orgasm lasts for several minutes, repeated aftershocks causing her sensitive body to rub itself against your face.
“H-Holy shit, baby.” Jisun said once the both of you felt her body finally return to normal. She buried your face deeper inside one last time before finally dismounting. Each heave of her chest allowed you to see her large breasts move up and down. A thin layer of sweat formed on her body as she smiled at you sweetly.
“Has unnie let you fuck her thighs before?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“Guess that’s another thing mommy will help you out with.” Jisun said as she helped you to your feet.
She spit on your cock several times to help lubricate it once more. The two of you are now facing each other. Jisun strokes your shaft back to full hardness before rubbing it against her inner thighs. They instinctively sandwich your shaft as the mixture of her saliva and nectar from her orgasm allow you to slip in between. Both of you let out a satisfied moan as your cock grinds against Jisun’s lips and her delicious thighs.
Her thighs were the perfect mix of muscular and thick. They possessed a unique softness to them, with Saerom’s being mostly muscular as you felt her slowly leaking onto your cock once again. Fucking her breasts was certainly enjoyable, but her thighs were thick, wide - and warm. Your newfound appreciation for Jisun’s body helped stimulate you even more as the two of you kissed each other. Your cock was nuzzled comfortably underneath her hot walls as you squeezed her asscheeks once more. This helped you increase your pace, her natural wetness allowing your cock to glide between her suffocatingly thick thighs. Jisun’s body was taking the euphoric feeling of outercourse to new heights - the two of you moaning in each other’s mouths. You savored the feeling of her creamy thighs and ass jiggling against your body with each thrust. The tip of your cock grazes her cheeks while your balls bounce against each side of her thighs wildly. The two of you could feel the pressure building up inside. You take this opportunity to gradually lower the speed of your thrusts, both of you disconnecting from each other’s lips as you press your foreheads together and breathe heavily.
“Y-You’ll fuck mommy now, won’t you baby?” Jisun pleaded. Her eyes contained a soft sadness to them, desperation in her voice.
Jisun wraps her muscular legs around your torso and causes you to fall back onto the yoga mat. Making sure she wasn’t too rough, she smiled as she straddled your lap. The lust-filled gaze on her face causes you to gulp in slight nervousness as she takes your hard shaft in her hand, stroking you before impaling herself on your cock.
Her tight walls hugged your cock instantly. Her hips meet yours, causing Jisun to release an erotic moan at the feeling of being filled. She arches her body in the same manner she did when you were eating her ass, taking you in and out of her wanton body. Your hard cock slides at a pace with zero regard for you or your comfort.
Jisun braces herself on your chest by firmly planting her hands, creating the wonderful side effect of her breasts being pressed together, giving you a delicious looking sight of the very same cleavage that made you salivate when from her earlier titfuck. Jisun’s breasts bounced up and down hypnotically as she rode you. Her previously glazed over eyes were now replaced with a determined, almost angry look. She seemed to be working out the frustration and anger that built up from her time as Saerom’s roommate, using your cock as an outlet with each thrust of her hips.
She bit her lower lip seductively, doubling as a way to prevent herself from moaning or gasping too loud and letting Saerom hear what was going on.
“D-Do you know how much you turned me on, oppa?” Jisun asked as she slammed her body up and down your cock. “How wet I got hearing you fuck Saerom unnie? How hearing you call her mommy made me want you to call me that too?”
Her moans quickly turn into loud screams that echo throughout the room as you relish in the fact that her pussy was even tighter than Saerom’s. Both of you soon find a comfortable rhythm as Jisun grabs your hands  and interlocks them with her own. As she slams her body on yours harder and harder, her eyes roll to the back of her head from how your cock causes her to lose control of her senses. Her mouth is agape, letting noiseless screams of pleasure escape as the sound of wet skin loudly colliding with wet skin helps create a harmonious wave of euphoria. Jisun’s butt rubs against your thighs as your balls touch her lower pussy lips.
“Fuck! Just like that, baby.” Jisun yells in between bounces. “Harder. Keep fucking mommy harder!”
Your worries about Saerom hearing you both were a distant afterthought as you could only focus on the beautiful woman enjoying herself on top of you. With her hands now returning to being firmly placed on your chest for support, you begin squeezing her large tits, marveling at how heavy, yet soft they were. You squeeze both at the same time, pinching her erect nipples before giving each a firm slap.
“Holy shit…” Jisun erotically screamed. “Slap mommy’s tits again!”
You granted her demand, giving each several slaps as you alternated between slapping and rubbing the tender skin.
Jisun’s body shook with pleasure - her breathing became more erratic as the sensations of stimulating her breasts and pussy were causing her to go insane. The moment the tip of your cock reached a certain spot deep inside, Jisun screamed loudly and kept you buried into her hilt. Her body tenses up as she feels an overwhelming sense of pleasure flow from the top of her head to her toes, causing them to curl up. Her body shook violently as you felt your cock flooded by her juices. Her second orgasm was a lot stronger -  hitting with such force that it almost pushed your cock out of her body.
You bounced Jisun on your cock slowly several more times as the aftershocks of her orgasm continued to occur. Her muscles gradually loosen up and she looks at you with a fully satisfied smile, her eyes glazed over in satisfaction. She leans down and captures your lips, thanking you for making her feel good. 
You temporarily retreat from her freshly fucked pussy, causing Jisun to whimper as she gets on her hands and knees on the yoga mat.
“Fuck mommy’s ass, baby.”
Each word was dripping with pure lust and a desire to be filled.
Grabbing Jisun’s toned arms, you pushed her face onto the mat. You slapped her soft butt cheeks a few times with your cock, teasing her by sliding your cock between her cheeks. While you got a taste of it earlier, Saerom’s constant teasing about entering her other hole made Jisun’s wish for you to fuck her there all the more enticing. She moaned at your initial penetration into the tight muscle, her warm cavern constricting you.
“Fuck…” she moaned into the mat.
“Mommy’s ass is so tight.” you said, slowly thrusting in and out of her hole.
Her warm walls squeezed your cock painfully, arousing you even more. You thrusted into her slowly, yet deeply. Her asscheeks rippled from the force each time it collided with your torso. While you so desperately wanted to savor the moment, you knew it wouldn’t be long before your orgasm would be too much to suppress. Knowing this, you picked up the pace and held onto Jisun’s arms tightly as you fucked her from behind.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” She managed to scream between each thrust. The two of you were sweating heavily as you worked together to help you achieve the same bliss you have given her.
You gritted your teeth - fucking Jisun as hard as you could. Your orgasm could be felt throughout your entire body when it finally arrived. You thrusted deep inside her, moaning loudly as her walls wrapped tightly around your cock, pulsating as you released thick, hot semen inside her ass. Jisun came immediately right after, her climax less intense than earlier, but feeling just as good.
“That was… holy fuck...” Jisun weakly said as she tried her best to recover. “I need to get fucked like this again.”
You turned her around and kissed each other on the lips, breathing a sigh of relief as you ran your fingers through her hair. The two of you were so exhausted and focused on one another you failed to hear the door open.
“Well, well, well.”
The two of you panicked and saw Saerom staring at you both with her arms crossed, tapping her foot as she witnessed the aftermath of what just happened.
“M-Mommy, I c-can explain…”
“You finished your workout that quickly?” Jisun asked.
“How could I not when your screams filled the entire gym.”
Saerom got on her knees and brought her index finger to your chin, tilting your head up slightly. You were terrified, watching as her big beautiful eyes met yours.
“You know better than to fuck someone else without mommy’s permission.” Saerom said. “Though I will admit it was pretty hot, baby.”
“How much did you hear?” you asked.
“Why don’t you find out yourself?” she said, putting her headphones on your ears. Expecting to hear something, anything - you were surprised to learn there was nothing at all.
“Mommy heard everything, baby.”
Saerom wasted no time peeling each layer of clothing off her body, causing your cock to throb at the sight of your naked girlfriend before you. She massages her breasts, moaning as she pinches her nipples.
“Y-Yes, mommy?”
“Why don’t we both make him feel good?”
“I have just the thing to help us out.” Jisun said. Reaching into the pocket of her windbreaker, she pulls out a clear plastic bottle. She squeezes a generous amount on Saerom’s breasts, with Saerom reciprocating the favor to Jisun. Both of them have a wicked glint in their eyes as they lather your cock with it as well. Stroking you to make sure you were evenly covered, both women got on opposite sides of you.
Pushing their breasts together, they sandwich your cock in between. Having experienced being trapped by each chest separately, there were no words to describe how it felt when they both rubbed themselves against you. The friction their tits created was heavenly as the wet flesh covered your cock, only allowing your tip to be visible.
“Like that, baby?” Saerom asked.
“You like mommy’s tits more, don’t you baby?” Jisun asked, moaning as her nipples brushed against Saerom’s.
“Oh, please.” Saerom said, rolling her eyes. “Your tits aren’t that great.”
“I bet I can get more of his cum on my tits than yours.”
“You’re going to regret saying that.” Saerom said as she picked up the pace. Both pairs of breasts began to squeeze and massage your cock, trapping it in between the warmth of their heavenly flesh. 
It was the end to a perfect, stamina draining day. You only hoped this wouldn’t be the last time Saerom and you would be visiting Jisun’s gym.
An unlocked phone vibrated, signaling a new message arrived. Attached was a picture of a woman flashing a peace sign to the camera against a beige background with her looking slightly sultry.
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[10:00 PM]: Oppa! I’m coming to visit! See you soon! 🧡
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sweethara · 5 years
"Former KARA members Park Gyuri, Han Seung Yeon, Nicole, Kang Ji Young, and Heo Young Ji all came together to bid Goo Hara farewell."
- koreaboo
EDIT: Nicole and Jiyoung were not in Japan by the time, it is a Koreaboo mistake. (@giantbabyjing_)
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toooldforkpop · 3 years
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meet the #kpop park line, white edition #Woodam (#D1CE), #Jayoung (#RollingQuartz), #Giru (#BLADY), #Junjin (#SHINHWA), #Chanyeol (#EXO), #Hyomin (#TARA), #Jisung (#NCT), #Gyuri (#KARA), #Sojin (#GirlsDay), #Minha (#9Muses), #Narsha (#BrownEyedGirls), #Songhee (#Wooah)
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karadises · 6 years
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[fantaken] ♡ 171230 park gyuri - “last day in 2017 with gyuri” solo fanmeeting in japan  credits: kengo // please, do not edit.
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sailorjisunq · 1 year
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thankyou-taeyeon · 2 years
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KARA 15th Anniversary Album
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fromis-me-blog · 7 years
Fromis as Youtubers
Disclaimer: In this world the Fromis girls are all aged-up, as the youngest is in high school instead of middle school and 2000-line are freshmen in college. Enjoy!!
P.S: I can’t edit for my life I’m so sorry for the bad edits
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Lee Saerom
➥ One of the pioneers of makeup and fashion tutorials on K-Youtube
➥ Known for her on-point eyeliner tutorials because she explains in a really easy to understand way
➥ Nowadays she’s starting to get into yoga so she makes “How to be Healthy” videos bUT no one buys it because she talks about healthy living while having a STACK of chips in the background (tbf she does exercise regularly)
➥ She keeps getting invited to fashion events but usually declines because she gets anxious about her fashion style
➥ Has a collab channel with Hayoung where they post their daily vlogs or some similar domestic crap
➥ Roommate: Song Hayoung (Youtuber, college student/animation major, freelance artist)
➥ Channel Name: romsae | Subscriber Count: 3M
➥ Top Video: Top 10 Things You SHOULDN’T Do With Your Eyeliner
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Song Hayoung
➥ Does storytime videos using animations but shows her face here and there (kinda like sWoozie’s videos)
➥ Her videos are very relatable and funny, often revolving around her mess of a student life
➥ She started off posting original songs with her guitar but wanted to share life stories that’s why she’s what she is now (but she does post her songs in her Instagram or Twitter)
➥ Her fans know (No thanks to Saerom) that she professionally trained in hip-hop dance before but she gets really shy when she talks about that
➥ Whenever she poses for her fans she usually imitates the cartoon character Peko-chan so it became a nickname of hers
➥ Roommate: Lee Saerom (Youtuber, beauty guru)
➥ Channel Name: SHY girl | Subscriber Count: 820k
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Jang Gyuri
➥ Mostly does storytime vlogs; her life never gets boring so she has new content almost every day
➥ Keeps doing livestreams on Periscope because she speaks more naturally there
➥ The first few videos she posted were filled with “My grandfather didn’t allow me to do this before” so it became an inside joke inside her fandom
➥ Slowly gaining more popularity after being featured in a FBE/Youtubers React video for her cuteness (It was Youtubers React to Aegyo and EVERYBODY was all over her eyesmile)
➥ Sometimes posts skits as well
➥ Roommate/s: Bae Eunyoung (College student/business major) | Yoo Jina (College student/architecture major)
➥ Channel Name: Gyuri Jang | Subscriber Count: 580k
➥ Top Video: What NOT to say to East Asian Kids
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Park Jiwon
➥ Originally a viner and her first few videos on YT were compilations of her vine edits (all her friends make fun of her for this but she’s proud of her work... except when she watches them because CRINGE)
➥ Now she mainly does react videos?? She usually reacts to underrated videos (from funny videos to conspiracies) that blow up because of her
➥ Occasionally does Lets Plays too but only for horror games (because she likes screaming)
➥ Sometimes does pranks (mostly on her roommate Chaeyoung #rip)
➥ She’s a popular meme all over the internet. Literally everything she does becomes a huge meme (she’s a 9gag favorite)
➥ Her videos’ intro is her screaming
➥ Roommate: Lee Chaeyoung (Youtuber, college student/law major)
➥ Channel Name: GWon | Subscriber Count: 2M
➥ Top Video: Jiwon Reacts to Her Vine Compilations
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No Jisun
➥ Makes domestic videos like Rosanna Pansino
➥ Known for her pretty DIYs. She sometimes makes slime videos but she HATES them because she make a big mess after
➥ She also makes unique cooking vids. She mixes the MOST BIZARRE food together and make them taste EDIBLE?? Like one time she deepfries a chicken leg then dips it in a CHEESE and MAYO combination, and everybody?? liked?? it??
➥ She didn’t want to monetize her content but everybody wanted her aesthetic products so she opened up an online shop
➥ She’s in a culinary course and everybody is scared of her weird ass experiments
➥ Roommate: Lee Dahee (College student/culinary major, freelance singer)
➥ Channel Name: No Jisun | Subscriber Count: 2.5M
➥ Top Video: lettuce + ketchup + fish = ?? || cooking experiment #5
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Lee Seoyeon
➥ Mainly a music youtuber (song covers, dance covers, freestyle raps ─ she’s very multitalented) but often posts vlogs
➥ Her fans wanted to know why she didn’t try to make it as an idol and she said that she did train in an agency before but didn’t like how her artistic freedom was kept from her
➥ She used to cover up her eyebags but after opening up about how it made her anxious, she slowly started to leave it as it is
➥ Used to do Lets Plays but she just LAUGHED throughout the games so she stopped
➥ Collabs with a lot of people who people didn’t know were good singers
➥ Roommate: Yoon Jiwoo (College student/music major)
➥ Channel Name: SEOYEON | Subscriber Count: 500k
➥ Top Video: Sunday Morning - Maroon 5 (Acoustic Cover by SEOYEON & GWON)
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Lee Chaeyoung
➥ The “Challenge/Tag Youtuber”
➥ Cinnamon Challenge, Spicy Noodle Challenge, Try Not to Laugh Challenge, BFF Tag, Girlfriend Tag (she doesn’t have a girlfriend so she did it with Jiwon)─ you name it, she has it
➥ Not all her attempts are successful though, especially not with Jiwon as a roommate. In some videos, half of the time was spent on Chaeyoung chasing Jiwon who stole the brush she needed
➥ She talks in a very slurrish and not understandable way so she doesn’t do livestreams
➥ Her fans have to talk her out of a dangerous challenge,, When they went to Paris she wanted to do a “Fall from the Sky Challenge”... You’d see how that would have turned out
➥ Roommate: Park Jiwon (Youtuber, college student/psychology major)
➥ Channel Name: CHALLENGE CHAE | Subscriber Count: 790k
➥ Top Video: Roommate Does My Make-up Challenge (MESSY)
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Lee Nakyung
➥ A world-famous gamer
➥ Her most popular Lets Play series is Overwatch (mostly because it’s also her favorite so she gets REALLY hyped in them)
➥ Whenever she’s agitated she starts full on SCREECHING at her screen (”Idiot why did you go there!!! NO FCKER THE BASE IS GOING TO OH MY GOD STUPID”)
➥ If she doesn’t post serious Lets Plays she plays the most obnoxious games in the internet
➥ Used to cosplay video game characters but hated having to exert effort all the time so she quit (but her photos are in the internet)
➥ Roommate: Jo Yoori (College student/piano major) but she doesn’t go to college
➥ Channel Name: kyunglixe | Subscriber Count: 10M
➥ Top Video: WHAT NOT TO DO WHILE PLAYING | overwatch #13
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Baek Jiheon
➥ Started in Instagram with studyblr that’s why she has a loyal fanbase
➥ Now she does aesthetic Study With Me, What’s in my Backpack, Book Reviews, etc. videos
➥ Her videos are ALWAYS in low saturation AND in pastel or pink and purple. There is NO in between
➥ Sponsored by A LOT of stationery brands that liked her videos, that’s why she has an unending supply of washi tapes and blank notebooks
➥ Occasionally posts vlogs whenever there’s something interesting in school or if her friends come up with something stupid
➥ Roommate: n/a, still in high school but is planning to move in with Nakyung and Yoori
➥ Channel Name: studynread | Subscriber Count: 900k
➥ Top Video: How I Take Notes!
↳ Aspiring voice actress Seo Herin is also planning to move in with Dahee and Jisun when she graduates high school
↳ Lee Sian and Jo Youngju live in the room next to Chaeyoung and Jiwon’s so they usually visit over and things go REALLY messy
↳ HaRom is easily one of the most popular ships in the community
↳ Chaeyoung and Nakyung collaborated for a gaming video and people started to ship them
↳ Gyuri sometimes makes videos in the wee hours of the night and over the audio you can hear Eunyoung screaming “SHUT THE FCK UP GO TO SLEEP”
↳ Seoyeon tried to collaborate with Bin Haneul but they played Mario Kart and didn’t finish anything
↳ Jiheon and Jisun collaborated for a DIY video and everybody was BLINDED with the amount of organization and aesthetic in their video...
↳ Don’t tell Nakyung but Jiheon’s better than her in story-based games
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
On the 19th of February, fourteen years ago, KARA released the repackaged version of their second EP, Honey (Special Edition).
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In contrast to Pretty Girl's cute and lively concept, the title track "Honey" is more wistful and features the members of Kara as soft, feminine women. The song was remixed from the original version, and also underwent a slight name change from "하니" (Ha-ni) to "Honey". It is considered the group's first hit.
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gammasnippets · 4 months
[CHANNEL_9] fromis_9 '채널나인' EP59. Spotlighting 🐰 Part.2
fromis_9 Park Jiwon
13,150 words (Co-edited by @dr-occam)
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It's been only a couple of hours since you entered the office, but after wrapping up with the prologue video to fromis_9's newest and most daring series, you suddenly feel a surge of excitement rush through your body. You thought that they only filmed something similar to popular sex comedy movies—nothing too explicit, nothing too wild. But after seeing that little teaser the previous editors added at the end of the video, you can't help but wonder just how intense things are going to get in the following episodes. Your mind begins to imagine all the things that may unfold in the next few videos, and you start to worry that you might spend more time jerking off than doing actual work.
Without hesitation, you rummage through the files in your computer for the first video that you plan to feature as the series' first episode. In your search, you stumble upon a video titled "park meg1". You have no idea who named this, but reading it makes you let out a low chuckle. You don't need to guess who's going to be featured in this video. The funny filename gives it away. But you still can't help but wonder how things will play out, given her hilariously ballistic personality.
You take a deep breath and click play, bracing yourself for the exciting events that awaits in the first episode of this series, with Jiwon as the main star.
After the intro, the video shows the entire filming complex from a drone camera as it soars through the sky, capturing the sheer beauty of the area and its surroundings. It then fades to a view of one of the complex buildings. You quickly remembered that this building is where some of the members are headed, namely Saerom, Gyuri, and Jiwon. You begin to wonder if you're going to see all of them in action, or if the focus will solely be on Jiwon for this particular episode. You don't know the answer, and it heightens your anticipation even more.
The camera then shows a hallway inside the building. It’s like any ordinary office building, with white walls and fluorescent lights overhead. As the camera pans down the hallway, you catches a glimpse of someone peeking from around the corner, a mischievous grin forming on their face—it’s Park Jiwon.
"Hello," she greets the camera, bowing, a sheepish smile on her face.
She enters the scene wearing a stylish mix of a green cardigan over a white sleeveless shirt, a plaid skirt, and white high heels. Her outfit exudes a good balance of professionalism and playfulness that suits her personality. She then gets out of her hiding spot and starts walking down the hallway, towards the filming crew.
Curiously, she's alone.
The cameramen greets her back in response. "Aren't you supposed to be with Saerom and Gyuri?" They follow up.
"Uhh... Yeah!" she replies, nodding. "But we went our separate ways since our challenges are in different places."
"So, are you ready for your challenge, Jiwon?" one of the crew can be heard asking her.
She pauses for a moment, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and replies with a smile. "I guess so. I think I'm ready."
She then proceeds to wander the hallway, looking for the place where her challenge will take place. After a few minutes of searching, she notices a door with a pink sign with fromis_9's logo in it.
Jiwon finally found the room with her name on it.
"Ah. This is it, right?" Jiwon looks at the camera crew filming at the corner of the room and asks them for confirmation. You can hear a soft voice from behind the camera, answering her question.
With her hands on the knob, she asks the crew one more time. "Can I come in?"
You didn't hear anything from the crew so they must've used gestures to tell her that she's free to enter.
"Okay. Thank you," Jiwon responds with a smile, bowing at the team as he enters the room.
Cameras installed on each corner of the room capture her every move as she pries the door open. She peeks her head inside the room, full of curiosity.
"Oh. This looks like an office—oh! Hello." Her internalized thoughts are interrupted as she sees a man inside the room, bowing at him.
The guy bows back to greet the beautiful visitor. "Hello. Are you Jiwon?"
"Yes. I was told to come to this room."
"I see. I will be your partner for today," the guy tells Jiwon in a friendly tone.
"Oh! Nice to meet you," Jiwon turns shy and bows at him one more time. Her eyes then sparkle as she scans the room as much as she can from where she's standing. "Is this your office?"
The guy chuckles. "For today, yes."
She gasps as she looks around the room. A stylish and modern-looking office decor with gray tones all over. There's a large wooden desk at the center of the room where a sleek computer sits beside a stack of papers—all in front of what looks to be a window overlooking the Seoul skyline, but is actually a series of monitors that show the stunning view of the city in real-time.
"Wow! Look at the city—wait. Is that just a huge screen?" she asks in amazement as she approaches the faux window.
The guy again chuckles at her innocence. "Yes. Yes, it is."
Jiwon exclaims. "That's awesome! I didn't know we had such a thing here."
"Pretty cool, isn't it?"
Jiwon nods enthusiastically. "Ah, yes. I hope the girls can see this room."
"Actually, there are other rooms similar to this," he tells her.
"Ah really?"
"Yes. They are quite different, though. Their purpose is to create different atmospheres while we're filming."
Jiwon just hums and nods her head in response, taking in all the information in fascination.
"We can visit the other rooms later," the guy adds.
Jiwon's eyes light up with excitement. "Really? We can do that?"
"Yes. After this shooting session, we can arrange a tour of the other rooms with the other members—"
"Wow!" she exclaims hearing the news, accidentally interrupting her partner mid-sentence. "Ah. Sorry."
"It's nothing," he smiles. "So, shall we start?"
His question suddenly makes Jiwon's face blush. She's not new to talking dirty—she always play around with her members in almost every manner possible, and seeing their response makes her excited to tease them more. However, something about the man’s subtle question has taken her aback… And she looks hesitant to respond.
"Ah... Y-yes. We can," Jiwon stammers, her voice filled with nervous anticipation.
He then gestures his hand telling her to step further into the office. "Well, after you."
She takes up the offer and walks forward. "Hmmm... So where should I..."
"Anywhere you want," he replies with a smile.
Upon hearing his suggestion, she again scans the room looking for a comfortable spot to settle into. There, the large leather chair in the middle of the room catches his eye. Jiwon starts to walk towards it and runs her fingers along the smooth surface of the chair, feeling its soft texture.
"Can I sit here?" she asks him with an excited glimmer in her eyes.
"Sure. Go ahead," he replies, his voice filled with a playful tone.
She immediately sits on the big chair, making herself comfortable and trying her best to look like she runs the place. "I wanna feel like a boss."
He chuckles at Jiwon's comment, finding her enthusiasm endearing. "Well you sure look like one."
"You think so?" she asks excitedly.
"Yes. Absolutely," he responds, admiring her confidence.
She chuckles at her response. "Oh, you..."
"I guess that makes me your… Assistant? Secretary, maybe?" he suggests, playing along with Jiwon's idea.
"Are you okay with that?" she asks.
"Of course," he replies. "I've worked in many jobs so I'm confident that I can support you in any role."
"Wow... You're amazing," Jiwon says, her voice filled with appreciation.
He bows upon hearing her compliment. "Thank you."
"So... How should we begin?" Jiwon asks him once again. "Do we kiss first? Or..."
She then follows up her question, smirking.
"Do we start undressing?"
"Whatever you want, Jiwon," he responds. "It's all about what makes you feel comfortable, so we can go at your pace."
"Hmmm..." Jiwon tries to think of an idea. "I think I'm okay with anything so long as it feels natural."
"I see," he nods. He then extends his hand toward Jiwon, gesturing to her to stand up. "How about this?"
She obliges by holding his hands, lifting her up from her seat. As their bodies move closer to each other, he slowly places his hands around her waist in a gentle embrace. It made her startle with a small gasp, feeling the warmth of his touch around her. But his gaze reassures her as if telling her that everything is fine.
Throughout this intimate moment, Jiwon finds something to lighten up the mood. "You're pretty cute."
"Thanks," he replies, giggling. "You're cute yourself."
"Oh, you..." Jiwon laughs playfully, softly hitting his chest with her soft hands.
As they share this sweet and playful banter, the air between them becomes thick with desire. His hands slowly slither lower her waist, down to her hips, until he reaches her ass. He gently squeezes it, eliciting a soft whimper from Jiwon's lips. She looks at where his hands are, before looking back at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Did I go too far?" he asks apologetically.
She shakes her head. "No. I was just surprised," she replies, smirking.
"Then if that's the case..." he leans further towards her, his lips trying to reach hers.
She then giggles at his boldness. "Well I wouldn't mind," she whispers as she tries to meet his lips with hers.
They begin to engage in a soft yet passionate kiss as they press their bodies against each other. As much of a beginner Jiwon is in this realm of intimacy, she tries to match his fervor with equal enthusiasm. It didn't take long until their kisses became in perfect sync with each other and their tongues started to slowly dance around each other's mouths, igniting a fiery desire between them.
After a few moments of intense kissing, his hands search for the ribbon that holds her skirt together, and slowly tugs it loose. At this point, Jiwon notices the intriguing activity his hands are creating behind her and parts away from his lips. Her eyes look deeply into his, filled with a mix of desire and worry.
"Are you..."
"Are we being too fast?" he asks, looking concerned.
"No," she shakes his head with a reassuring smile.
"Then why do you look like that?"
"I... I'm just a little nervous," she replies, laughing slightly.
"You don't know what to do next, don't you?" he asks again, his voice filled with understanding.
She replies with a nod.
"That's okay," he reassures her as he runs his hand through her hair. "That happens with everyone on their first time."
"I see," she responds.
"Do you want us to take it slow?" he asks gently.
"No," she tells him. "I'm fine with our pace."
"Then can you do me a favor?"
"What is it?"
"Can you help me with my shirt?" he asks, grinning.
"Oh. Can I?" she asks back, sounding unsure yet excited at the same time.
"Of course, you can," he replies, encouragingly before tugging the zipper of her skirt further down. "After all, Am I not playing with your skirt already?"
She then laughs softly at her playful response. "Yeah. Looks like you already are.”
Jiwon then starts to unbutton his shirt, her eyes focused on each button as her fingers skillfully navigate the fabric. As more and more buttons are undone, revealing his toned chest underneath, she bites her lower lip. Excitement can be spelled all over her face as she works her way down his shirt. As she's about to unclasp the last button, she feels skirt swiftly fall to the floor, startling her as the lacy purple lingerie she's wearing is now fully revealed. Her cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation as she realizes the effect her lingerie has on him.
"They look absolutely stunning on you," he compliments her with a playful smirk.
Albeit being praised, Jiwon can't help but giggle at his words and playfully retorts. "My fans love me wearing this."
"Well consider me a fan," he responds, matching her playful tone.
She replies with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Looks like this is turning into a fan event."
"You think so?" he asks with a teasing tone in his voice, his hand caressing and slowly pulling her face closer to his after successfully stripping off her skirt.
"A more... Private one, I'd say," she responds, biting her lower lip.
"Well, it's not every day that a fan gets this close and personal with their favorite idol," he adds, a flirtatious tone still evident in his voice.
"First day as a fan and you're already getting quite the treatment. Consider yourself lucky," she tells him with a seductive smirk.
"I guess I should push my luck. What do you say?" he asks her, leaning in closer until their lips almost touch.
Jiwon then responds by pressing her lips against his, giving her a short yet passionate kiss. "I say let's make this a fan event you'll never forget," she whispers in his ear, her voice filled with immense excitement and desire.
Once again, their lips met in a fervent kiss. Their passion consumes them as their hands travel and explore each other's bodies, leaving no inch untouched. She assists him in discarding his unbuttoned shirt, exposing his sculpted physique. Her partner, on the other hand, started working on the remaining pieces of clothing hindering him from bearing witness to her supple breasts. He patiently undid the shackle that holds her green cardigan and lets it fall to the ground. But his excitement got the better of him as he eagerly pulled her blouse apart, causing all the buttons of her skirt to fly across the room. With her blouse now completely open, her matching purple bra is now on full display, causing him to abruptly part from their kiss and gaze at her body in a mixture of both awe and desire.
"Fuck," he breathes out.
She giggles. "Liking the view?"
"I love it," he replies, his eyes alternating between her eyes and her chest with an undeniable hunger.
"You can touch them, you know?" she suggests in a playful tone, her eyes fixed at his with an inviting gaze.
Without hesitation and fueled by his desire, he reaches out and caresses her chest. Her soft and supple breasts molded perfectly to his touch, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. He continued to explore her body, tracing his fingers along her curves and savoring the way her skin felt against his touch. It didn't take long before his hands landed on her back, on its way to unclasp her bra and set her breasts free. As if second nature to him, he then unhooked her bra in a matter of seconds. He then watched as it fell from her chest down to the floor underneath, Jiwon's intimate glares glued at his as if she was silently challenging him to take the next step. As evident in her eyes, Jiwon sure is enjoying his gestures towards her, eliciting a series of pleasurable gasps and sighs at his every touch. This is making him want more, as would anyone caught in such an intimate and passionate moment.
Hungry for more, he relieves her from her standing position, slowly lifting her. His hands firmly grasp her thighs as support. Jiwon, enthusiastic as always, reciprocates as best she can. Her arms wrap around his neck and her legs, around his waist. Their bodies tilt against each other, ever closer than they were the entire time.
"Oh, my!" she exclaims, breathlessly. "Hope I'm not too heavy for you."
"Not at all," he reassures her with a playful wink. "I like it when I can carry you like this."
His remark elicits a mischievous smile from Jiwon. "Well, I actually want my ideal man to make me feel weightless."
"Is that so?" he responds with a soft giggle.
"Yes," the daring tone in her voice softens as she nods shyly. her cheeks flushing from the sudden question.
Seeing her blushing and innocent response, he can't help but feel captivated and flustered. "Hey. Your face is glowing red."
Jiwon hits him playfully on the chest, her flushed face turning even redder. "Oh come on! Stop that."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she replies. "Your question just caught me off guard."
"What's the matter? There's nothing wrong with that," he says, his voice filled with gentle reassurance.
"Yeah, you're right," she admits. "It's just that I never thought of having this topic with someone I just met."
"You're still nervous, aren't you?" he asks, his voice filled with understanding.
She only replies with a subtle nod.
"It's completely normal to feel nervous, you know?" he tells her, his forehead slowly tilting against hers. "That's why I'm here."
"I know that," she whispers. "So please take good care of me."
"As you wish," he whispers back as he plants a soft kiss on her lips.
He then gently places her down the nearby desk, a soft thud can be heard as her body rests on its smooth surface. Their intimacy rises as they continue to explore each other's bodies, their passion growing with each touch and caress. From her lips to her breasts, and to every inch of her skin, he leaves a trail of kisses, igniting her senses and bringing her to the edge of ecstasy. Jiwon can't help but let her luscious moans escape her lips as he expertly targets her weak spots and pleasures her in ways she can only imagine.
His continued exploration of her body led him down below her waist. His hands gently part her legs and knead her thighs with skillful strokes, sending her close to the height of orgasm. Her frantic moans become more and more sensuous as his methods intensify. He used this to his advantage, bringing his assault to a slower pace, teasing and prolonging the pleasure that built up inside her. The helpless lass then looks at him with pleading eyes, begging for release. He, knowing that he has eyes on him, looks up at her with a mischievous grin as he savors the anticipation he's drawing out of her.
"Hey..." she calls him.
"Yes?" he replies. "Liking it so far?"
She nods slowly. "I'm close to my limit," she gasps, her voice filled with a mixture of desire and desperation.
"But we're just starting," he teases her as his hands continue to caress her inner thighs.
"But I—hmmp! I want to..." she whimpers, as if aching for release.
"What is it? What do you want?"
She blushes, her voice barely audible as she expresses her deepest desires. "I want your..."
"Hmmm? I can't hear you, Jiwon," he tells her, looking at her with a sincere yet playful expression.
He leans in closer and retires his hand from between her thighs to gently caress her cheek. "Jiwon, I want you to say it louder," his eyes look into hers with a mix of tenderness and desire.
To anyone witnessing this exchange, it would seem like he is only teasing her. But his voice, low and intimate, makes it sound more like a command than a loving request. His intensifying attack on her senses is too much for her to handle as her inhibitions melt away. She lets out a restrained whimper as she drenches her panties, her body shaking as she’s finally giving in to her desires. She continues to moan and tremble, her now-soaked undergarment unable to contain her excess juices as it drips down to the desk.
After a brief moment of ecstasy, Jiwon slowly regains her composure, her cheeks flushed and her breath uneven. Everything at the moment is incomprehensible to her, except for her intensifying desire to experience it more. Her partner, on the other hand, relishes his masterpiece—an alluring idol bare-naked on top of an office desk, soiling the room they are in. He softly presses his thumbs against her soaked panties and rubs them against her sensitive clit, causing Jiwon to let out a gasp of pleasure. She can't help but arch her back, pushing herself further into his touch. After coating his fingers in her essence, he takes a moment to lick it. He savors her sweet nectar for a brief moment before sharing it with her, pressing his fingers against her soft lips. And like an obedient puppy, she licks it off and begins to suckle on his fingers, tasting herself most intimately.
"How is it?" he asks her.
"Good," she whispers, her voice filled with satisfaction. "I like it."
He smirks, satisfied with her answer. "That's how you taste. You know that, right?"
She softly nods for an answer.
"Do you want more?" he suggests in a playful and sultry tone.
She nods again and bites her lower lip. "What more do you have in mind?"
Satisfied with her response, he pounces on her, his lips peppering her neck with kisses as her hands fondle every inch of her body. Her sweet moans fill the room once more as he relentlessly explores and pleasures her, their intimate connection growing stronger with each passing moment. His weight then slowly pushes her against the desk, pushing every pen and paper away until most of her body covers its surface. They continue this sultry fiasco until the air condition barely keeps up with their ever-intensifying heat. Their skins start to perspire, adding to the sloppy juices Jiwon's pussy creates on the once clean and tidy table.
He breaks his hold on Jiwon and takes a step back, marveling at the sensuous masterpiece that is her naked body.
"Fuck..." he breathes out. "You look so hot."
His compliments touch her senses as if he still has his hands on her. Her body squirms as her words slowly penetrate her skin. Yet her eyes look at him, filled with unfulfilled desire, yearning for his touch once again.
"Come on. Why did you stop?" Jiwon whines.
"I just want to take a good look at you for a moment," he tells her with a mischievous grin.
"Awh... But can't you look at me up close?" She follows up.
He nods, admitting that she has a valid point. "I just don't want to forget how good you look naked."
His intimate words seep under her skin once again, and parts of her body slowly redden as her face blushes once more.
"I want you closer to me," she purrs, her eyes filled with luscious longing as her arms slowly reach for him in a gesture of warm embrace.
As any person in the world would know, such a sultry invitation is too hard to resist. He knows that he should fulfill such a request... And that he shouldn't keep a woman waiting.
Her partner reaches for the belt in his pants and quickly unbuckles it. He then bites his lip as he loosens his pants and pulls both it and his boxers down and off his skin, baring himself naked and freeing the hardened boner that he's been keeping all this time. And after taking a deep breath, he looks at her with eyes that are full of hunger, like a beast ready to pounce on its prey.
Jiwon looks back at him, amazed at his naked body as he was to hers. As she scans his entirety, her eyes slowly glance at his exposed cock as it twitches in sync with his breathing. She covers her agape mouth from the sight of his erect boner, marveling at its length and girth.
Her expression gives him another moment of satisfaction, realizing the effect he has on her.
"So? What do you think?" he asks Jiwon as he confidently poses in front of him, his back arched slightly forward, his hands on his waist and his cock standing tall and proud.
"I... Is that..." she stammers, her voice trailing off, trying to find the right words as his monolithic asset distracts her thoughts.
He follows the direction of her eyes, making sure that she's starting where he thinks she is and smirks, knowing he has her full attention. "Yes, it is. First time?"
Jiwon pauses for a brief moment, hesitating to give him an answer. "I... Y-yes... I mean..." 
Despite looking confused, she also looked cute as she tried to find the right words. Her adorable display of nervousness made him chuckle. "It's fine. I get it."
"Were you... Was it... Already like that from the beginning?" she curiously asked.
He lets out another chuckle after hearing her query.
"No. It wasn't like that when you first entered the room. But after a few minutes of us teasing each other, it couldn't resist growing like this."
Astonished, she gulps and blushes more, finding herself drawn deeper into this intense and sensual atmosphere. He then slowly approaches Jiwon. He spread her legs, revealing a full view of her wet folds. She blushes as he sees him bite his lips at the sight of her exposed pussy. He presses his length against its lips and leans his body towards hers, grazing her sensitive part as their bodies slowly make contact with each other. The closer they become, the more she mewls in pleasure. She looks at him with pleading eyes as if asking her what happens next. He didn't answer. Instead, he pecks her soft lips, teasing her of the unknown, making her shiver in excitement. As much as her body yearns to have him enter her, he keeps his hands to himself, holding back his carnal desire as he savors the moment. She whimpers, feeling that she is being deprived of what she truly wants, begging him with her eyes to take her. He slowly bites his lip again, savoring her response.
"What do you want?" he asks her, his voice deep and husky.
She only responds by closing her eyes and gasping for air, her body aching for his touch. She squirms as she tries to arch her body towards his. He lets go of her, only to feel her arms wrap around him and press her naked body against his.
She tries to speak, her breath uneven and her face flushed. "I want you in me."
He looks at her, his eyes burning with passion. "I didn't quite catch that."
"I want you in me," she repeats.
"I want you to fill me."
"Already? Don't you want to play a bit more?" he asks, a teasing grin on his face
"But I... I want to—" Her hesitation is interrupted by his lips, giving her a full kiss. Her drive for this moment makes her respond in kind, her lips matching his every movement. And once again, their tongues lash against one another in a dance of raw lust and carnal desire. She continues to whimper as they make out, the intensity of his actions only add fuel to her flames. As the passion between them grows, her body squirms to the point that her legs wrap around his waist.
"What is it that you want, Jiwon?" he asks again, as he parts away from the kiss.
"I want your..." She stops as his fingers land on her wet folds. Her back arches and her legs part more as she tries to get her answer out. "I want you inside me."
"I see," he smirks.
He then slowly moves his hips, causing her cock to rub against her wet lips, slowly working its way in. Her whimpers become more frequent, her breathing becomes more desperate and uneven. As his length moves against her entrance, her body tenses as her voice starts to squeak. He watches Jiwon as she pants and whimpers in pleasure, her eyes full of desire and desperation. It is such a sight to behold.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum again!" she squeals, unable to bear the pleasure any longer.
His lips curl into a devious smirk. "Then cum as much as you want," he tells her in a deep and lustful voice.
His voice became her signal to let go of her last restraint. She squirts yet again, a fountain of sweet nectar pours out of her. Her eyes close as she savors the moment, her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms held onto him. Her mind starts to go blank as her orgasm becomes more intense, her body going limp and her senses.
As she whines and writhes in the heat of the moment, she tries to grab onto the edge of the desk to steady her body as it trembles in the throes of ecstasy.
She pants as her orgasm slowly fades. Her mind is still a mess but her body still burns with desire. She looks at him, eyes full of pleading, begging for him to finish what they started.
"Oh dear," she looks at the mess she's caused on the desk, worried at the stains left behind from her arousal.
"It's fine," he reassures her. "You've done a good job, Jiwon."
"Mmmh... Thank you," she whispers, still struggling to find her words.
He grazes her cheek, trying to fix the locks that fell off her face as a result of their passionate activities. "Now... Shall we continue?"
She only nods in response. "I'll try to make you feel as good as I can..."
"You don't need to," he replies. "Let us just enjoy the moment as it is."
"Well... If you say so," she meekly nods.
Like a routine, their lips press against each other once more. They exchange kisses filled with love and lust. Jiwon's body reacts with a series of gasps and soft moans, her voice filling his ears with an enticing melody. His cock hardens even more, the tip pressing against her sensitive clit. She squirms as his slightest attempt of entry makes her shiver, the anticipation of what's about to come only amplifies her desire for him.
His hands then caress her sides, feeling the soft and smooth texture of her skin. It's like they're molded to his touch, perfectly sculpted for his fingertips to explore and please. He then proceeds to hold her ass, squeezing it gently as it fits perfectly in his palms. Exploring her body is almost second nature to him at this point, making her gasp and whimper at every touch and caress.
As they get lost in such an intimate moment, they get interrupted when the computer monitor suddenly turns on. On its screen displays a message that says "CLICK ME". Their curiosity gets the better of them as they reluctantly obey the prompt.
"Hmmm? What is this?" she asks, curious at what this message is.
"Ah, right. It's for the challenge," he tells her.
"Oh really? What is it?"
"I have no idea, to be honest," he responds. "Maybe try clicking that thing on the screen."
Jiwon reaches for the mouse that is almost about to fall off the table and presses on the pointer icon, the cursor automatically changes into an arrow and points towards one of the folders on the screen.
"You mean this one?" she asks.
He nods. "I guess so."
A window then pops up where it says the following;
As the "boss", you should answer calls on the nearby telephone as you have sex with your "secretary" partner.
The "boss" has to be as inconspicuous as you can during a call.
If the caller notices something odd, the call ends.
The "boss" should finish 2 uninterrupted calls within the time limit.
Complete this mission to earn your group a reward.
The screen then shows a timer. They have 3 hours to complete the mission handed to them.
"Having sex while on the phone? For 3 hours?" She reads the mission description out loud. "Oh no. Can I do that?" she whispers to herself, doubting her skills.
"Well, it's your first time doing this so it might be tough," he tells her, giving her a gentle kiss. "But I know you can do it."
She smiles. "Thank you. Just don't do it rough, okay?"
"I can't promise you that," he chuckles, before planting a kiss on her nose. "But I'll try."
She pouts at his response, looking disappointed yet excited. "You better be."
"So, shall we begin?" He asks, his hands tracing along her sides.
Jiwon gulps nervously as her eyes look back at him, as if afraid. She then nods, agreeing to his suggestion.
He then positions himself between her legs as she unwraps hers and opens her thighs wide to make room for him. As their bodies slowly and gently meet each other, the tension between them rises again as his boner makes another contact with her wet folds. This time, instead of teasing the seductive lady, he tries to penetrate her. Jiwon's body starts to react once more, feeling the tingling sensation of being filled as his cock grazes her entrance. He stops when her body tenses, her whimpers becoming more desperate than ever. She arches her back as the moment becomes too much for her to handle. He looks down at her, finding it adorable how her eyes are full of expectation and how she's trying her best to hide it. It was then that he pushed a little more, slowly and gently entering her tight tunnel.
She screams as he breaks through the entrance of her cunt, a mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelming her.
"Oh fuck!" Jiwon exclaims. "You're so big!"
Her moans are like compliments to his ears. "You like that, huh?" he asks, his voice low and seductive.
"Yes... Please, more," she whispers, her voice shaking in ecstasy.
His hands then hold onto her ass, spreading her cheeks and making her even more vulnerable. He thrusts harder, eliciting more moans from Jiwon. His thrusts are slow at first, but after a while, he starts to move at a quicker pace, his body gradually becoming one with hers.
At the height of their intimacy, the phone in the office starts to ring. They both stop for a moment, their bodies tense from the interruption.
"It's the phone," he tells Jiwon. "It's ringing."
"What now? Who's gonna answer?" she asks with a perplexed expression.
"You," he answers. "The challenge for you, so..."
"Ah, right," she nods in agreement, reaching for the telephone at the edge of the desk.
"Good luck," he tells her, smiling.
"Don't do anything sudden, okay?" she warns her with an angry yet playful look on her face.
He laughs, albeit softly. "I'll try."
She gives him another poorly intimidating glare before answering the call.
"Hi! I'm calling on behalf of the R&D department. Is the boss available?" a feminine voice is heard from the other side of the receiver.
"Ah, yes. One moment, please," she tells her before looking at him, eyes wide with concern.
"What is it?" he asks her.
"Uhh... They call for the boss," she whispers back to him. "That's me, right?"
He nods encouragingly and whispers, "Yes. You told me earlier."
"Huh? Was that for real?" she asks again, surprised.
"I guess so," he chuckles. "Can you do it?"
"Hmmm," she ponders. "I'll try."
"You can do it," he whispers, giving her a peck. "You're amazing, after all."
"Thanks," She blushes, the subtle remark making her heart beat faster. "But what should I tell them?"
He shrugs. "I don't know, really. Just play it out, I guess."
"Hello? Is anyone still there?" the caller asks.
"Ah! Yes, I'm still here," Jiwon brings her attention back to the caller before pushing the speaker button on the device.
"Hi! Is the boss available?" she asks again.
"Yes. You are speaking to her," she tells her, her voice turning into a more professional tone. "How can I help you?"
She then takes a quick glance at her partner for what she has done so far. "Is this okay?"
He nods and gives her a thumbs up, "Keep it up."
"Ah, right. It's about the upcoming projects for the department," the caller then answers.
"I see. So what do you have in mind?" she asks, her tone is soft yet polite.
"We wanted to see if we could, uhh..." the voice trails off for a moment. "One second. I'm looking for the files."
As the caller is taking her time to rummage through her papers, Jiwon's partner leans back towards her and begins to tease her with a flurry of kisses all over her body.
"Ah, hey! What're you doing?" Jiwon asks him with a flustered look on her face.
"Hello? Did you say something, boss?" the caller asks, getting the attention of her partner.
"Shhh," he whispers as he pecks her lips.
"Ah! That was nothing!" Jiwon shouts, a little bit too loudly for her liking. "Um... Go on."
He then stops his kisses and moves away from her. "That was close," he whispers. "Don't get caught."
She angrily whispers at him for the small ruckus he created. "It's your fault!"
"Well we can't just answer calls and not do anything else, right?" he teases her, smirking.
"I know. Sorry," her tone immediately changes, giggling at what just happened. "You just caught me off guard."
"Then I should do it slowly, then," he continued his teasing, slowly thrusting his hips forward and back inside her.
"Oh fuck..." she moans, biting her lip as she tries to suppress her voice. "Yeah, I like it like that."
"Hmm? I didn't hear you," the caller asks, her voice showing a bit of irritation.
"Uhh... I said that you'll have to—mmmh! To try different... Methods for this," she answers her as she feels her partner move even faster. "I can't promise you an... Immediate decision."
"But I haven't told you anything yet, boss," the caller tells Jiwon.
"I... Ah right. I was just telling you things in advance," she chuckles nervously. "You want to discuss about the... The projects, correct?"
"Yes! It's about one of them," the caller says. "One of them is causing some problems for the company and the whole team."
"Mhhh... Is that so?" Jiwon asks, acting dumbfounded in the midst of her moans.
"It is. And it's what we're trying to fix right now."
"I see—nghh! W-what's it about again? I-I must've forgotten."
"I'm not sure how to tell you, but..." she says as she takes a deep breath before continuing. "One of the employees is stealing ideas from other companies and using them for your own work."
"Oh fuck..." Jiwon elicits a loud moan, her face contorted with pain. "Y-yeah, you can say that. T-that guy is a real jerk."
"Yes, he doesn't seem to be a good person," the caller tells her. "He even changed some of our programs to his liking."
As the conversation gets more and more intriguing between Jiwon and her caller, her partner's thrusts become harder and harder as well.
"Ah... You're really good at this, boss," he whispers to her a compliment.
His words tingle her ears. She squirms as her entire body feels the impact of his thrusts, not to mention that his words are giving her so much arousal. But she has to keep herself under control so that she won't get caught on the phone.
"Then... C-can you—nghh... Investigate t-this issue for me?" she asks. "I think I have myself... Full at the moment."
"We're doing our best to speak with him," the caller says.
"S-sure, good... That's good."
"But we still don't know what to do. So, boss... Can you talk to him for us?"
"I, uhh... I'll see what I can do," Jiwon answers.
"Thank you, boss. We'll call you again once we find out more about the situation."
"A-alright. That's fine with me," she says as she tries to catch her breath with every thrust her partner gives her. "W-would that be all?"
"Yes. It was just about that. Again, thank you very much."
"A-alright then," Jiwon tells her caller. "Bye."
"Good bye."
Jiwon then immediately ended the call and moaned loudly once she placed her phone back on her table.
"You're so sexy," he whispers to her. "I love watching you talk to them while getting fucked."
"Ah-hahh..." she moans. "I hope... They didn't suspect a thing."
"I'm sure they didn't," he replies as he amps up his thrusts even further. "We'd know if we failed that one."
"Ooh! R-right there!" she shouts as he strikes her sensitive spot.
"Here?" he teases, continuing to thrusts at the same spot.
"Fuck! Y-yes, that!" she answers him, her moans growing louder and louder by the minute. "I can't take much more!"
"Same here," he admits. "I think I'm gonna cum soon."
"Huh? T-then we should do it together, right?" Jiwon looks in his eyes with her own pair of pleading, lustful eyes.
"Yeah," he smirks. "Let's cum together."
Jiwon's partner then pistons her begging pussy with the fastest pace he can muster, the wet, squelching sounds of their genitals slapping against each other grows louder by the second. As if an unrestrained beast, he mercilessly fucks Jiwon as hard as he possibly can. The pleasure is at their highest level yet and they knew that they were both nearing their climaxes. The feeling of her lover's member plunging into her velvety soft walls makes Jiwon writhe in pleasure.
When the telephone rings once more.
The both of them are so shocked that they are rendered unable to speak for a moment. Their eyes met with each other before the both of them scrambled for the receiver.
"Fuck!" Jiwon curses in a hushed tone as she pants.
"Should I?" her partner suggests to answer the call as he continues to pick up the pace and give them that much-needed release.
"N-no! Let me..." she scrambles to reach the telephone, the receiver almost slipping out of her grip.
The voice answers. "Yes? Oh, hello. I would like to—
But before they can speak any further, Jiwon's partner interrupts the call as he groans out in a wave of pleasure. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna go!"
A few more thrusts from her partner is all it takes for him to spurt one massive load inside her womb. He cums with such force that Jiwon's body trembled and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she herself reaches her climax. Her orgasm was just as powerful as his, and she let's out a deafening scream filled with ecstasy.
"Aghh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Jiwon yells as she squirts a large amount of her cum all over the table. The pressure was so strong that it pushed his cock out of her pussy, but he continued to pump his semen all over her abdomen and breasts.
Like a fountain, their sexual fluids burst out of her pussy and splattered all over their laps, her desk, and the floor, forming a big puddle. As her partner feels Jiwon squirt all over his limp cock, he lets out a deep growl of satisfaction. They rode their climax together, bodies moving in sync, and with their eyes locked on each other, they basked in their simultaneous orgasms.
"Ow fuck..." he says as he slowly walks backwards and into the chair behind him.
"Hahh... Hah... Mnhh..." she pants heavily. "I can't think of anything right now."
"Same here," he chuckles. "My head kinda hurts."
Jiwon looked at the cum that was all over her desk and her crotch area. "Oh dear. You came a lot."
"So did you," he replied, smirking.
She takes a small amount of his semen on her fingers and licks it off. "Mmmh. You taste good."
"You taste good yourself," he shoots the compliment back. "Especially your lips."
Jiwon blushes. "You're too much. But thank you."
"By the way," He brings his attention to the now unattended telephone. "What about that call?"
"Call?" she then notices the telephone that she was gripping hard the entire time. "Oh shit!"
She inspects if the caller is on the line.
A long dead beep then came from the telephone.
"Hello? Hell... Hello?"
She looks at the receiver. "Ahh... I don't think they're there anymore."
He grimaces at their first failure. "That's too bad."
"Yeah," she sulks. "I guess we have another try."
"Right. And besides..." he gives her a playful smile. "It's their fault that they called just as you were getting fucked."
She chuckles and blushes as she remembers what the two of them just did. "As if you can be stopped."
He smirks. "And neither can you."
"Well... You can say that," she shrugs as she tries to sit properly on the desk, giving him a great view of her body covered in their shared fluids.
Her tactic is effective. In a matter of seconds, his cock is rock hard once again. He looks at her with a renewed lust and hunger in his eyes, and she looks back at him the same way. Despite the intense debauchery they just engaged in, the two are still fully capable of doing it again, if the way they were looking at each other right now is any indication.
"So? Shall we do it again, boss?" he asks her with a playful tone in his voice.
Jiwon gulps before answering his question, not being able to hold back the naughty thoughts in her mind. The experience he just gave her is still fresh on her mind and it made her even more aroused and excited for the next round.
"I don't think I can deny my secretary of his request," she bites her lip as she tries to caress his cock with her slender legs. "Just one more time."
His eyes twinkled, his lust growing even greater. He smirks before he pounces at Jiwon, giving her a sloppy kiss that makes the both of them moan. His tongue was inside her mouth, swirling and tasting every bit of her oral cavity. Their hands roamed all over each other's body as they tried to remove each other's clothing. It was a tangle of tongues, fingers, and naked skin. They can no longer stop themselves. The pressure of their tryst has finally exploded.
Their hands and mouths moved down to the most sensitive parts of their bodies, savoring every inch of the other's skin. Her partner takes the lead as he pulls her off the table, causing more of her liquids to spill onto the floor. He then quickly lifts her up and grabs her firm ass cheeks, kneading them with his large hands. Jiwon, as aroused as ever, quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. Her crotch met his, grinding their privates against each other's as if it were the last time.
His hard cock throbbed underneath him, desperate to enter Jiwon. She mewls at his slightest attempts of entry, her entire body shakes as he attempts to get inside her. But as he gets more eager to go further, she lets go of her hold on him. And as if by some sort of telepathy, he immediately understands what she wants to do next. He gently lowers her body until her feet can touch the floor. She stumbles slightly from the impact of their latest act, and he quickly catches her and places a hand on her waist.
"You good?" He asks her, his voice filled with concern.
Jiwon nods in response, her voice still shaking a bit. "I'm fine. Thanks."
They can't keep their eyes off of one another. Their gazes were locked and as if still full of lust and desire. Their lips meet once again, sharing the most passionate kiss they have ever had. And as they savor their intimacy, their hands explored their bodies with passion, wanting more of each other. Jiwon's fingers began to play with his hard, throbbing cock. She can feel him pulsate in her palms, his desire for her growing stronger as the moment progresses.
As the tension between them rises again, she kneels down before him. Her face is now eye level with his shaft that stands tall and hard, still freshly covered in their mixed fluids. She looks up at him and smiles, licking her soft, luscious lips before making eye contact once again. His cock twitches in response as if telling her what to do next. She giggles at his response and smirks. And as she grabs ahold of his length with her small, delicate hands, her partner looks at her with wide eyes.
"So... Are you gonna..." he asks with a sly grin.
She nods as her fingers explore every inch of his thick, swollen cockhead. "Mhhh... You're big."
She slowly moves her hands down the length of his shaft, making sure that her hands cover every inch of his throbbing member. She gently pumps his cock with both of her hands as she presses her soft, pink lips against the tip of his cock, smearing their fluids all over the sensitive area. Her tongue then playfully peeks out and teases him by flicking his tip in a teasing manner.
He gasps at the sudden stimulation. His entire body tenses up and he has to resist the urge to push his cock deeper into her mouth. She continues to kiss and lick the tip of his penis with great care, trying her best to savor every bit of their mixed cum. Her tongue then flicks and swirls against the tip in an attempt to satisfy him. She closes her eyes as she begins to suck on his head, feeling every part of his cock against her soft, luscious lips.
Her partner releases a deep, lustful growl from the back of his throat.
"Owh, fuck..."
Her cheeks then blush, as if his groans are like a praise to encourage her to do better. She takes his member inside her mouth, her soft, warm tongue moving around his cock, sucking and licking the area where his cockhead meets the shaft. He moans again as he watches Jiwon, mouth wide open and tongue swirling against his shaft. His fingers then tangle themselves into her hair, and he grabs a handful of her beautiful locks as he slowly pulls her towards him. He seems to enjoy watching her perform such an act that he just can't keep himself from thrusting his cock inside her mouth, but he decided to be gentle at the moment. And with the soft and sensual moans she made, he can only imagine the lewd thoughts that are in her mind as she bobs her head up and down his cock, making her look even sexier in his eyes.
His hand then gently pulls her hair backwards as if wanting to make her release her mouth off of his cock. Strands of semen and spit connect from her lips to his member. And with the slightest touch, she looks up at him, her eyes looking back at him as she releases him from her lips.
"Did I do good?" she asks him.
"That was great," he tells her, his voice full of desire and lust.
She blushes and smiles at his comment. "Thank you."
"Do you want to have another go?" he asks her, his hand softly caressing her cheek.
"C-can I? Are you sure?" she asks, surprised by his request.
"I know it's your first time," He then smirks. "But I know you'll do well."
Jiwon blushes once more at the compliment. "You're too much."
"So do you want to do it again?" he asks her again, his cock twitching in response.
She gulps and looks down.
"Yes... I do."
"Then, please..." Her partner smirks, knowing that she wants this just as much as he does.
"Go ahead."
Jiwon looks up at him with a mischievous smile on her face. She wants to please him. She wants to give him back the favor of the pleasure he's been giving him all this time. And that's exactly what she's going to do. She takes her hands and pumps her partner's shaft with a more sensual touch than the one before. She licks the tip of his cock once again before sucking his entire cock back inside her mouth. His length goes deeper and deeper into her warm cavern as he softly moans, enjoying the pleasure of her sucking. She licks and kisses the length of his shaft before stopping and pushing it inside her mouth once again. She bobs her head up and down the shaft, licking and sucking his cock every now and then. Her lips lock with the head of his cock, her tongue licks his underside, and her hands pump the remaining length she can't fit inside her mouth.
Her eyes slowly glances at him and their gaze locks with one another. And as she continues her blowjob, she feels his hands guide her hair back once more. He groans as she continues to move her head back and forth his cock, encouraging her to move even faster and harder.
As the blowjob progresses, Jiwon starts to become more confident in what she's doing. Her hands pump his cock faster as she moves her head forward and back. His groans of pleasure grow louder and louder by the minute, his cock getting more sensitive by the second. She slowly works on putting more and more of his cock inside her mouth. As his groans become more intense and more frequent, Jiwon finds herself to be more aroused from his noises of pleasure. And as her partner becomes even more vocal, she lets out muffled, gurgling moans.
"Oh fuck," he yells. "I'm close!"
She then sucks his cock even more, hoping to give him the most pleasurable experience he's ever had. As he reaches his limit, he grabs onto her hair and thrusts his cock deeper inside her mouth. Its tip touched her throat, causing Jiwon to gag. He worries for a moment about her situation. But the determination in her eyes, along with the gentle squeezes on his shaft, let him know that she is still up for the challenge. And like a good girl, she closes her eyes and relaxes her throat, allowing her to take him even deeper.
"Oh shit, Jiwon," he cries out. "Here I come!"
The sensation of Jiwon's throat was too much for her partner to bear. He thrusts his cock inside her mouth one last time before unloading his cum, shooting a massive amount of semen down her throat. As his load fills up every space inside her mouth, her body squirms in delight. He continues to thrust his cock inside her mouth as he empties his balls inside her mouth. Waves of pleasure hit Jiwon once more as her throat wrings out his shaft, squirting yet again and creating a bigger puddle of her sweet juices. The thick, creamy fluids spill out of her lips, down her chin and onto the floor, a mixture of their cum forms a big pool on the floor.
His load then comes to a halt as he slowly pulls out of her. The two of them pant heavily as they are still overwhelmed from their climax. With his legs weak, his body again retreats to the office chair behind him. He looks at the distraught Jiwon with a look of satisfaction before pulling her closer to him.
"How is it?" he asks Jiwon.
She nods, before making a gesture that her mouth is still filled with semen.
He understands what she meant and smirks. "Let me see."
He holds onto her head as he pulls her closer towards him. Jiwon opens her mouth to reveal that its full of his semen. He can't help but elicit a smile at such a sight. His cock again throbs to life in response, twitching at the sight of her mouth being full of his cum.
"Good. You can swallow it now," He tells her, a commanding tone in his voice.
Like an obedient puppy, Jiwon closes her mouth and tries to gulp down the immense amount of semen that's in her mouth. The salty taste of his seed fills her mouth and she begins to gag once again. Her eyes widened in surprise as she tried her best to swallow the cum that's in her mouth. Her partner watches her closely as he tries to help her swallow his seed, softly caressing her cheek as if encouraging her. After a few more tries, she swallows it all, a big gulp can be heard.
"How was it?" He asks, smiling. "Did you like it?"
She smiles and nods. "It... It's good."
He chuckles before patting her head. "Glad you like it."
"It tastes..." she ponders for a bit. "Hmmm... Weird?"
"Weird, huh?" he lets out a hearty laugh. "You think so?"
"W-why? Is there something wrong?" she asks him, looking confused.
"No, it's not wrong," he chuckles. "I just never knew you can taste that."
Jiwon looks at him with an awkward look on her face. "Was it supposed to taste like that?"
"I guess so," He laughs at her comment, a hearty laugh that makes Jiwon look confused yet also happy at the same time. "Everyone I've worked with all say the same thing."
"Well... I quite like it," She chuckles and smirks.
"Thank you," He smiles at her response. "I like how you taste too."
Jiwon blushes as she feels her body heat up from his words.
"T-thank you."
The both of them chuckle in unison as they bask in the afterglow of their intense sexual encounter. He then picks her off the floor and onto his lap, their faces then met in another sloppy kiss. Their tongues swirled inside each other's mouths once again. She can taste herself on him and she savors every moment of this kiss. His arms then wrap around her waist, pulling her body close to him as they continue to make out with each other.
As their tongues make contact once more, his hands start to caress the curves of her body another time. His fingers gently move along the contour of her body, tracing along her spine, before gently massaging her ass. Jiwon moans at the pleasure as he does this, enjoying every touch he gives. He then pulls her closer towards his lap, pressing her sensitive breasts against his body. Her soft boobs squished against his hard torso, eliciting another wave of pleasure from Jiwon. He can't help but give in to his urges, and his hands then gropes her perky breasts before sucking on her nipple.
"Ahh fuck... Yes... That feels good," Jiwon mewls as he starts to play on her sensitive nipples.
He then moves his lips upwards, giving her soft, pink lips a kiss as his hands knead her breasts.
"Mmmmh... Please, more!" Jiwon lets out a small moan as she reciprocates the kiss, giving him a deeper one than what they have shared before.
His hands then slowly move down from her breasts, towards the dripping slit between her legs. Her body then shudders in delight as she felt his fingers brush against her sensitive clit, sending shockwaves through her entire being. His finger gently rubs against her clitoris in circles, stimulating her pussy in a way that he knows she loves.
Jiwon's moans are all the confirmation he needs as his fingers explore more of her privates. Her back arches in pleasure as his fingers make contact with her hole, teasing and stretching her inner walls. She begins to move her hips, slowly grinding his cock with her pussy as she moves back and forth. Her movement becomes more urgent and desperate by the second as she is now more than ready to fuck him once more. Her partner can see her growing impatience, so he decided to help her out by inserting his index finger inside her pussy, followed by a second one.
"Ooohhhh... F-fuck!" She cries out, feeling the sudden pressure of having his fingers inside her.
"Liking that, Jiwon?" he asks.
She nods, biting her lip in an attempt to stifle her moans. "Yes. I love it!"
He smirks, a proud smile plastered on his face. "You look sexy when you're like this."
"Yeah? You think so?" she asks, smirking back.
"Of course..." he responds, his hands and fingers pumping inside her cunt with the slowest pace he can manage.
"Oh shit! I want you to fuck me again," she mewls, grinding her pussy against his cock with more intensity.
"I'd be happy to," he tells her in a sly voice. "But you should say please."
"Do I have to?" Jiwon giggles at his proposal, she softly hits his shoulder.
"If you want to complete the challenge, that is" he grins before planting another kiss on her lips.
"Hmmm. Wait a second," Jiwon then thinks for a bit, pondering what to say next.
"What is it?" he asks, curious.
Before she does anything else, she looks back at the timer that they both almost forgot out of the debauchery they've done all this time. "01:24:00" is shown.
"Oh. We still have more time to spare," She tells him, a little bit of relief in her voice. "That's good."
"Oh yeah. You're right," he chuckles at how forgetful they are. "I guess we can take it slow."
She giggles before answering, "I don't mind."
"So..." he smirks as he continues to finger fuck her. "What's it gonna be?"
She bites her lip as she stares deep into his eyes, an excited expression on her face. "I want..."
"Yes?" he asks, his voice oozing with lust and anticipation.
"You... To..."
“Go on…”
“Fuck me, ple—”
Before Jiwon can finish her request, the telephone rings for the third time.
The two of them are shocked by the sudden interruption. Their bodies are frozen and stiff for a moment. And as if having a telepathic conversation, they both look at each other as they know what to do next.
"Fuck!" she screams, slightly frustrated.
"There's the call," he answers, slightly amused.
"What timing!" Jiwon exclaims before retiring from his lap and walking towards the desk where the telephone is.
He chuckles at the situation they're currently in. "I can't believe that's just the third call we've had."
"Right? But how could we know?" she replies, looking back at him with a lustful gleam in her eyes. "We were having fun, weren't we?"
"Can't say you're wrong," he gets up from his seat and walks towards her, immediately grabbing her waist with his firm hands. "But how about we have some more?"
She smirks. "I'd like that."
"But..." he whispers to her, a smirk on his face as his fingers glide over her hips. "The magic word?"
"You gotta be... Ugh," Jiwon sighs, looking helpless before picking up the phone after a few seconds of ringing.
"Hi. I'm calling on behalf of the HR department," a male voice on the other line says. "Is the boss available?"
"Yes! You're speaking to her," she replies.
"Hello. Thank you for taking my call. I'd like to speak about our new hires," the man's voice says, a professional tone to his voice.
"Oh, really? Go ahead."
As Jiwon immerses herself in the impromptu call, her partner is left to himself. In order to sate himself while she's speaking with her caller, he resumes to play with her body using his hands. He leans forward and goes for her ear, nibbling at it. His sneaky fingers move down to her belly, making her squirm as it grazes past her navel and down to her mound. As if knowing where she wants him to go, he starts to play with her slit using just one finger, sending more shockwaves of pleasure to her.
"As of the previous month," the caller continues his speech, "we have a record high number of—"
"Ah yes!" Jiwon interrupts her caller with a sudden yelp, as if something suddenly tickled her.
"Excuse me, boss?" the man asks.
"N-nothing," she tells him, chuckling nervously. "Is this about the... P-performance rating?"
A long pause then follows from the other line.
Tension then builds inside her.
"Hello?" Jiwon calls for the person on the phone.
"Yes!" the voice answered back, albeit slightly frantic. "You are correct, boss,"
"Whew," she lets out a deep sigh of relief. "I thought I lost you."
"Apologies. I believe the signal here is not that good."
"That's too bad," Jiwon responds. "Can you continue?"
"I would like to, but wouldn't we have a hard time in this situation?"
"Uhh... I..." she thinks for a moment.
Her partner then grabs her attention once more by grabbing her ass. As she slowly loses her composure from his naughty advances, she looks at him with a perplexed look, giving him a sly smile.
"What now?" she whispers to him.
"The magic word?" he smirks, raising a brow at her.
Jiwon then gives him a pouty glare, turning her eyes at him. She then turns her attention back to the caller.
“About that, do what you must… Please,” she speaks, as if referring to both of them.
"Sure thing, boss!" her caller replies enthusiastically.
"With pleasure, boss," her partner responds, grinning.
"So, within the last month," the caller continues to speak, but the reception is still quite poor. "We have a recor... Umber of peop... Applying fo... The company."
At the same time, her partner begins the main act of their next attempt to make her finish her task. He slowly pushed his finger inside her pussy, his other hand gently playing with her pussy’s lips.
"Ugh! It's really... Hmmm..." Jiwon struggles to maintain her composure.
"It's really good news. I agree," the caller replies.
Her partner then inserts a second finger inside her hole. And as he moves his fingers in and out, his other hand continues to caress her pussy, teasing her clit and rubbing against her clit in small circles. Jiwon's breathing becomes erratic, her moans get louder by the minute. She tries all her best to muffle the sensuous sounds that escape her lips during their conversation. Her body starts to shake, the intense sensations they've made her experience for the past half an hour is starting to be too much for her.
"Ah! Yes... I see... I-is there a... Hnng!" she struggles to keep her voice steady.
"Is there a statistic about the applications, you mean?" the caller asks.
"Y-yeah... T-that's it... The statistic," Jiwon answers him, her mind clouded with lust and pleasure.
Jiwon slowly loses control of her body as her partner's fingers move inside her in a faster pace. Her juices drip down her legs at his every touch. He notices this and grins. He leans over to her as his fingers continue to move in and out of her hole, hitting her most sensitive areas.
"You look so hot, boss," he whispers in her ear.
She looks back at him with her eyes full of lust and pleasure. "Stop with the teases," she orders him with a shaky voice.
"I have the full analysis of the statistics, boss," the voice on the phone tells Jiwon. "But it seems that I forgot to include the revisions I made recently."
"Oh... It's fine," she mewls, the pleasure overtaking her body. "C-can you... Tell me t-that... N-next time?"
"Will do! When would you like for us to speak again?"
"Uhh..." Jiwon quickly tries to think up an answer. "L-let me check my... S-schedule. One moment..."
"Do I now have the permission to fuck my boss one more time?" he butts in, whispering, as he nibbles on her ear.
Jiwon bites her lip to suppress her moans as her body begins to quake. Her nipples are stiff as a rock and she can feel her pussy spasm. Her partner can see that she's ready to explode at any moment, so he pulls his fingers out and grabs a hold of her waist.
"Fuck!" Jiwon softly yells, a look of surprise in her eyes.
"What, boss?" her partner asks, acting coy.
"Why did you stop?" she looks back at him, looking frustrated and defeated.
"Why... Because we're just about to start," he grins as he props his cock between pussy's wet lips.
"Huh? What? A-ah!" she cries out, a mixture of shock and pleasure in her voice.
He then slowly rubs his shaft against her pussy. Her body suddenly convulses as the sensation sends her into another blissful release, making her squirt on the floor once more. He watches as her orgasm overtook her body and as her fluids spread all over the floor beneath her. She's so aroused that she couldn't even form a sentence to say.
"I haven't even put it inside yet, boss," he teases her.
"O-oh my god..." she gasps for air, her legs buckle as she loses her balance.
"Is anything wrong, boss?" the caller asks. "Should we reschedule?"
"N-no," she answers back, her voice filled with lust and pleasure. "I-I'll be fine."
"Are you sure, boss?"
As Jiwon again has her attention occupied with the telephone, he moves his shaft back to her pussy and slowly penetrates her. Her wet pussy swallows every inch of his cock until he hits her most sensitive spot.
"Oh yes!" she mewls, her hands holding on to his arm.
"Yes?" the caller asks.
"Oh, y-yes," she pants as he slowly pounds her pussy.
"I thought I lost you there," the caller laughs.
"Fuck... That's good..." she gasps.
"Then will we expect a call from you anytime soon?"
"I-I don't know—nggh! I'm so... Full... At t-the moment!"
"You're full?" the caller asks.
"Y-yeah. My s-schedule is... Oh shit," she replies, her voice cracking. “I-I have... Big t-things... T-to tend to right n-now.”
"I understand. If you want to know more about that, you should contact us again."
"O-of course... Yes," she responds, still panting heavily. "I-I'll make sure to do that."
"Thank you very much, boss," the caller says. "Have a good day!"
"Y-you too—mhhh!" she says as she's overwhelmed by the sensation of her partner's cock inside her pussy.
The call then ends. And as Jiwon places the receiver back, the timer on the screen stops. The number 00:09:00 then shows up, along with a message that says 'CONGRATULATIONS' on top.
They both stop to look at the screen.
"Did you... Get it?" her partner asks, still buried deep inside her pussy.
She looks at him with a confused look on her face. "I don't know. D-did we?"
"I guess so," he replies, shrugging. "But aren't we still fucking?"
"Yeah. I thought we should finish at the same time as the call."
Despite their assumed victory, the two of them continue to wonder about the challenge. The timer on the screen then disappears, followed by a message that says the following:
"Congratulations on completing the challenge! The pair should then proceed to the final area after a signal after a few hours. For the meantime, you can do whatever you want together area. Have fun!"
"So we did complete the challenge," she says, smiling.
"Yeah... We did," he smiles back at her. "But... What do we do now?"
Jiwon wiggles her hips, causing his cock to slightly move inside her pussy. She looks at him with a teasing gaze before leaning closer to his face, her breath ghosting over his lips.
"How about we finish what we started?" she asks, her eyes gleaming with lust.
"I think that's a great idea, boss," he grins in response as he kisses her with extreme passion.
Their tongues once again made contact as their kiss deepened. His hands then move down to her ass, gripping and groping it with such ferocity. Jiwon's moans at his actions and moves her body against him, wanting him even more. She kisses him back with just as much intensity, as if wanting to make up for the lost time of their conversation with this impromptu make-out session. He then resumes to pound her pussy with an animalistic intensity. He slams his cock becomes deeper and harder inside her pussy. She arches her back and moans louder, the pleasure building up inside her with each powerful thrust.
Her moans escape her lips and he immediately responds by shoving his tongue inside her mouth to shut her up. With no more restraints, Jiwon opens her mouth and welcomes him in. Her legs wrap around his waist as if to let him know that she's more than ready for more.
Her body arches in ecstasy as the thrusting of his hips becomes even more intense and powerful. He grabs onto her ass with both hands as he picks up his pace even more, plunging deeper into her wet cavern. He moves her body like a rag doll, trying to fit into every inch of her pussy as he can. Jiwon screams are becoming louder and more primal, reverberating through the room as their bodies collide in a symphony of raw desire.
"Oh fuck! Your cock feels so good!" she cries out, breaking the kiss for a moment.
"You like it? Do you want more, boss?" he grunts as he continues to thrust inside her.
"Yes! Fuck your boss, Mr. Secretary! Fuck me harder!" she mewls, her eyes gleaming with lust and ecstasy.
"I'll give you all you need, boss," he replies with a wide grin. as he moves his hips forward.
Their bodies start to move in unison, synchronizing the way they fuck. The only thing that matters at the moment is to satisfy each other. Their breaths are ragged as their movements become even faster, their bodies now wet with a mixture of sweat and cum. He grunts as he begins to fuck Jiwon even harder, his cock hitting her sensitive areas. Their bodies are on the verge of reaching their climax and the fact that they've had three orgasms in the past few minutes is enough to make them ecstatic.
Jiwon's back arches as she feels her orgasm building up once more, her walls clenching around his cock. She then lets out a long moan that fills the room.
"I'm... I'm Gonna... Agh!" she yells, her voice filled with euphoria.
"Yeah? I think I'm close too," He grunts as he feels her pussy convulse around him. "Owh fuck!"
"Fill me up again! Fill my pussy with your cum!" she yells as she feels another orgasm hit her.
"Fine! Here it comes!" he screams, his thrusting now out of control. "Agh... Fucking take it!"
He gives her one last, deep thrust and finally releases his load. He grunts as he attempts to to fill her womb with his seed. The two of them moan as their bodies shake in ecstasy. Waves of pleasure hit her entire body as he continued to shoot his semen inside her. Jiwon's hips spasm as her body trembles in ecstasy.
"Oh fuck! You're filling me up with your cum—oh fucking shit!" she yells, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
His cock throbs as he continues to shoot his white stuff inside her. He gives Jiwon another deep thrust, causing her to moan. Her pussy then reaches its limit as huge amounts of cum flow out of her. It spills on the floor, adding to the huge puddle of their mixed fluids. He then gives her another deep thrust, releasing another huge load.
"Owh shit," he groans, his eyes fluttering. "You're milking my cock so fucking good, Jiwon."
"Yeah... Give it all to me," she moans, her eyes shut tightly. "It feels so good."
He gives her one last deep thrust, as if trying to keep the cum inside her. She lets out a long, sensuous moan, her body twitching in ecstasy.
He finally pulls out his cock and as he seems to be out of stamina, falls to the floor. Jiwon's body collapses soon after, landing on top of his, cushioning her fall. As they both look exhausted and drained, the two of them pant heavily as they catch their breath. Their bodies are completely spent and tired. But even so, their eyes meet once more and a smile forms on their faces.
"So," he breaks the silence. "How was it, Jiwon?"
"How was it? Hmmm..." Jiwon ponders for a moment before answering, snuggling on his chest. "Well... I'd say it was amazing."
"Yeah," she giggles. "You know, I've never had anything this satisfying. Thank you."
"No problem," he chuckles, his arm wrapped around her body. "Glad you liked it."
"How about you? Did you like it?" she asks him, looking curious.
"Yeah. Was I good?"
He smiles and plants a kiss on her forehead. "You were great."
Jiwon's face blushes, "You think so?"
"Definitely," he nods. "It's not everyday that I get to work with someone as amazing as you."
"Oh stop, you flatter me too much," Jiwon giggles, hiding her face with her hands.
"I mean it," he chuckles, gently caressing her cheeks. "For an idol, I didn't expect you to be this good sexually."
"I see..." she replies. "Thank you very much."
"You're welcome."
They then stay silent for a moment, just smiling and staring into each other's eyes.
"So what do you want to do now, boss?" he teases her, grinning.
"Really?" Jiwon chuckles. "You're still gonna call me that?"
"What can I say? Being a boss seems to fit you," he answers, a sly grin on his face.
"Oh stop it!" she then laughs, smacking his shoulder playfully.
"Alright, alright," he laughs as well. "Do you want us to stay like this?"
"Yes. That sounds good," she answers, hugging him tight. "Maybe just a little longer."
He chuckles as he gives her a soft pat on the head.
"Great. Fine by me."
As the two of them are busy enjoying the aftermath of their intense sex, the video fades to black and ends.
You've just witnessed an incredibly intimate and passionate moment between Jiwon and her partner. Their connection and chemistry were undeniable, resulting in a victory and a truly unforgettable experience for both of them. You wish that it was you who could experience such a connection with Jiwon. Who knows? Maybe they'll let you have your way with her after a promotion. But for now, you'll have to satisfy yourself with the fantasy of it as you close the video and move on to the next.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
Here is the next chapter of the my "Spotlighting" series starting with Park Jiwon.
Why did I start with Jiwon? Hmmm... No idea. I just went with it and eventually, I had fun writing about her. Her 50-50 personality of half cutest girlfriend/half tazmanian devil really gets me. But I kinda leaned on to the former because I think I made her too submissive. 😅 Maybe I can write her being full-on ballistic next time.
A huge thanks to branfics/@braaan for another great poster and to NoLeafClover/@dr-occam for helping edit this fic. You two made this one possible. 🫂
Again, thank you very much for reading! 🙇
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