lonestarbattleship · 8 months
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USS Iowa (BB-61) undergoing reactivation and modernization construction at the Litton/Ingalls shipyard, Pascagoula, Mississippi.
Date: October 1, 1983
NARA: 6380673
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mecthology · 3 days
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The Pascagoula Abduction: Alleged Alien Encounter in Mississippi.
On October 11, 1973, in Mississippi, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker reported to local authorities that they encountered an unusual oval-shaped object while fishing. They described hearing a whirring sound, seeing flashing blue lights, and being temporarily paralyzed. According to their account, three robotic-like creatures with slit mouths and pincers took them aboard the object and conducted an examination.
The incident gained significant attention, with Hickson and Parker sharing their experiences through interviews, television appearances, and books. Hickson claimed additional encounters with aliens, while Parker later established a company focused on UFO investigations.
Despite the claims made by Hickson and Parker, skepticism arose surrounding the case. Aviation journalist Philip J. Klass identified discrepancies in Hickson's story and criticized his refusal to take a polygraph exam. Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell suggested that Hickson may have experienced a hypnagogic "waking dream state" and that Parker's corroboration could be attributed to suggestibility.
In recent years, a historical marker was unveiled at the site of the alleged abduction, acknowledging the event's significance in local history. However, Calvin Parker passed away in 2023 after battling kidney cancer.
The Pascagoula Abduction remains a notable case in the realm of UFO sightings and alien encounters, sparking discussions and debates about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the reliability of eyewitness accounts.
Follow @mecthology for more horror stories and legends.
Source: Wikipedia & wlox
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saucylobster · 2 years
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Inspired by the Flatwoods monster and the Pascagoula abduction respectively, these two would be similar to fossils in that you find a Misty Meteorite or a Magnetic Meteorite and revive it into an alien pokemon. Spastrix are superficially bird-like but seem wholly unrelated to any pokemon on Earth. Its wing-like projections allow it incredible maneuvreability through the air, when it isn’t floating ominously. Shy and retiring, they avoid contact with humans and dwell deep in misty woods where their activities are poorly recorded. Pascidol appear almost totally oblivious to their surroundings, generating a magnetic field around themselves which seems to create a bubble of total stasis. At the centre of this bubble wind and rain do not reach it, electronics malfunction before ultimately collapsing and people report an increasing gravity as they attempt to approach the pokemon. — Ability Info — — Attack Info —
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f-yeahimpalass · 1 year
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Cruisin' the Coast
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lapseudosphere · 29 days
7. Abductions (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt
6. Troisième type
Pseudocomplément : le mystère Oummo
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Pour ce chapitre, je me suis inspiré globalement du livre suivant : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction"
Voir aussi le témoignage de Myriame Belmyr, ancienne présidente du CERO France, elle-même abductée. Chaîne Nuréa TV, « Extraterrestres & Abductions : Mon Histoire » avec Myriame Belmyr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlR5rL6kFpw&t=1591s) Chaîne Nuréa TV, « Enlèvements Extraterrestres : Mon Histoire » avec Myriame Belmyr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mopftp4o4T4) Chaîne Nuréa TV, « Enlèvements Extraterrestres : Des abductés témoignent » avec Myriame Belmyr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITa_r1OlJOY
Site du CERO France : https://cero-france.com/
Historique du phénomène des abductions : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 (pages 153 et 283)
Assurance contre les enlèvements extraterrestres : https://selectra.info/assurance/actualites/generalites/assurance-extraterrestre
Nombre potentiels d'abductés : (en anglais) Ted Goertzel, Measuring The Prevalence of False Memories: A New Interpretation of a "UFO Abduction Survey" (http://crab.rutgers.edu/~goertzel/UFO.htm) (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_abduction_claimants
Déroulement général d'une abduction : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 56 à 78)
Petit-gris, grand-gris et autres types d'ufonautes : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 65 et 66) Stéphane Allix, extraterrestres : l'enquête, Éditions J'ai Lu, première édition en 2006 chez Albin Michel (pages 193 à 203)
Étres de lumière qui interviennent pour empêcher une abduction : Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Fabrice Bonvin, Ovnis et conscience, Éditions le Temps Présent, 2015 (p.57)
Enlèvement de Pascagoula : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enl%C3%A8vement_de_Pascagoula (en Anglais) https://darkhorsepressnow.com/pascagoula-alien-abductions-of-1973-50-years-later/ Chaine you tube du Mufon France, Les témoins d'un enlèvement OVNI à Pascagoula en 1973 se manifestent ENFIN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ILRVTt6nYc) https://rr0.org/science/crypto/ufo/enquete/dossier/Pascagoula/
Hybridations génétiques : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 665 à 669 et pages 829 à 836)
David Jacobs : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Michael_Jacobs
Dolores Cannon : Voir par exemple son ouvrage suivant : Les gardiens, Ariane Publications, 2018.
Cas de Vilas-Boas : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Villas_Boas Jaqcues Lob et Robert Gigi, ceux venus d'ailleurs, éditions Dargaud, 1973 (bande dessinée)
Symptômes physiques : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 50 à 52, pages 785 à 790)
Témoin avec l'utérus d'une femme âgée : Voir le cas de Sandrine. Cero France, Rencontres extraterrestres - Des expérienceurs français parlent, édité par le Cero France, 2021 (page 42).
Guérison suite à une abduction : Chaîne Nuréa TV, « Enlèvements Extraterrestres : Des abductés témoignent » avec Myriame Belmyr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITa_r1OlJOY (à 1 h 48 30 s)
Implants : Stéphane Allix, extraterrestres : l'enquête, Éditions J'ai Lu, première édition en 2006 chez Albin Michel (pages 282 à 286) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implant_extraterrestre https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_K._Leir https://lesavoirperdudesanciens.com/2015/12/enlevements-et-implants-extraterrestres/
Syndrome post-traumatique : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 78 à 82 et pages 796 à 801) Voir aussi les analyses des psychologues dans le livre : Cero France, Rencontres extraterrestres - Des expérienceurs français parlent, édité par le Cero France, 2021 (page 42) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trouble_de_stress_post-traumatique
Dépressions nerveuses voire suicides : Stéphane Allix, extraterrestres : l'enquête, Éditions J'ai Lu, première édition en 2006 chez Albin Michel page 276 à page 281)
Témoignage de Sue : Stéphane Allix, extraterrestres : l'enquête, Éditions J'ai Lu, première édition en 2006 chez Albin Michel (chapitre 6, pages 181 à 192)
Cas de témoins ayant demandé à leurs ravisseurs de ne plus les enlever : Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, Rencontre avec le peuple des étoiles, Atlantes éditions, 2016 (chapitre 22, pages 267 à 274)
Missing time : Stéphane Allix, extraterrestres : l'enquête, Éditions J'ai Lu, première édition en 2006 chez Albin Michel (chapitre 6, pages 219 à 221)
Ancienne incarnation extraterrestre : Voir par exemple le cas d'Adeline. Cero France, Rencontres extraterrestres - Des expérienceurs français parlent, édité par le Cero France, 2021 (page 42).
À propos du profil psychologique des abductés : Dr John E.Mack, Enlevés par des extraterrestres, Éditions J'ai Lu, 2012, première édition en 1994 sous le titre original "abduction", (pages 66, 66, 145 à 157, 865 à 872)
Étude sur les abductés : https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2003/02/alien-abduction-claims-examined-2/ https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3395-memories-of-alien-abduction-cause-physical-effects/
Hypnose et faux souvenirs : https://sante.lefigaro.fr/l-hypnose-peut-elle-reveiller-les-souvenirs-20220623
Dr Benjamin Simon : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (p.231)
Souvenirs traumatiques des enlevés : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (p.235 - 236)
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eksopolitiikka · 7 months
Pascagoulan UFO-sieppauksesta 50 vuotta
kirjoittanut Kevin Randle Kaikki, jotka ovat lukeneet paljon UFOja koskevia kirjoituksiani, tietävät, etten ole suuri avaruusolentojen sieppausraporttien fani. Mainitsen tämän siksi, että eilen tuli kuluneeksi viisikymmentä vuotta siitä, kun tapahtui luultavasti parhaiten dokumentoitu kaappaustapaus. Kyseessä on Charles Hicksonin ja Calvin Parkerin tapaus Pascagoulassa Mississippin osavaltiossa 11. lokakuuta 1973. Heidät vietiin hehkuvaan alukseen, tutkittiin ja vapautettiin […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/ufot/pascagoulan-ufo-sieppauksesta-50-vuotta/
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arquivoufo · 7 months
Pascagoula: O caso de abdução alienígena que desafia a lógica e intriga especialistas
Calvin Parker Jr. e Charles Hickson estavam pescando quando relataram ter testemunhado um estranho objeto em forma oval com luzes azuis descendo do céu. A nave era dita fazer um som peculiar de assobio e eventualmente pousou a poucos metros do chão. Três criaturas estranhas emergiram do objeto, vagamente humanoides e com cerca de 1,50 m de altura. Elas não tinham órbitas oculares discerníveis e…
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the-coast-after-dark · 9 months
Fleur De Lis Bar and Grill
Patiently Waiting in Pascagoula...
Morning, the limner settles at the bar. His face was a patchwork of thoughts, half finished, and rushed to close all the same. Many of the thoughts playing on his face conceal none of the concerns therein. I am sure that most of the thoughts die before they are born, erupting into whatever snake's nest hides behind those eyes.
"Hey," he says with his usual everything and nothing greeting. It could mean, 'Hey, how are you?' or 'Hey, what are you looking at?' Maybe a combination of the two. I don’t know. I don't suppose that even if I did, it would change anything. He ain’t from around here. And yet he’s more of a regular than I ever could be. I am sure he lets me see and think about him only because he finds it funny. Some celestial joke only he knows.
I respond back, "Sup?" Knowing he’d never answer. He’d never let me in.
"You know." He responds. Again, that open, full-force inspection of me as he speaks. It could mean I know too much. Or maybe even you know nothing, asshole.
One of these days, I am going to call him on it. One of these days I am going to get into it with him. Just not today or anytime soon. Piss-poor and dead by every real metric is still better than tangling with someone who shares blood with Prince Christopher. Pascagoula ain’t that bad of a place that I am in any rush to risk it or my soul tangling with someone who only goes by a mononym and has the prince's ear. Licks have died permanently for less.
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smileysinmypocket · 2 years
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angwishusa · 2 years
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Hi Pascagoula, Mississippi I’m back again! Celtic Irish Pub tonight, show starts at 8pm! #nerdrock #folk #nomad #independentmusic #singersongwriter #poprock #pascagoula #bryanbielanski (at The Celtic Irish Pub) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChN82B1pHOB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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USS San Jacinto (CG-56) is guided by tugboats after her launch at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Mississippi on November 14, 1986.
Photographed by James P. Vineyard.
NARA: 6419573
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brandonimhotep · 2 years
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A military veteran accused of staging his suicide to avoid criminal charges for raping his 14-year-old stepdaughter, who later became pregnant, has been sentenced to 85 years. Jacob Blair Scott, 45, was found guilty on nine counts of sexual battery, four counts of touching a child for lustful purposes & one count of child exploitation. Scott showed little emotion when the verdict was read in the #JacksonCount Court located in #Pascagoula, #Mississippi. The convicted-rapist was supposed to turn himself in to face charges of assaulting the teen, but faked his death in July 2018. Investigators found Scott's small boat off the coast of #OrangeBeach, #Alabama. They also found a gun and a suicide note but little evidence of a suicide. For 2 weeks, authorities searched for a body, but nothing surfaced. Scott, who was living under a pseudonym, was captured in early 2020 at an RV park in Oklahoma where he was living. The Judge described the evidence in the case as 'overwhelming,' and sentenced the military veteran to 85 years in prison and $10,000 fine. At the trial, the victim wept as she detailed the terror she encountered daily at the hands of her stepfather. She told the courtroom the disturbing details of how Scott sexually assaulted her at least 30 times that started in 2016 and ended in 2017. The DA reprimanded Scott for trying to put the blame on a host of issues from his mental state, post-traumatic stress, failing relationship and even the girl for the sexual assaults, when he committed the crime. Before the sentencing he pleaded with the judge to review his medical records that indicated that he was heavily medicated, which impaired his judgement. 'I was a good man,' Scott said 'This ain´t who I am.' Authorities said Scott had assaulted his stepdaughter while his wife and teenage daughter slept in their Mississippi home. The victim's mother only found out about the sick abuse that her daughter had to endure at the hands of her rapist husband when the victim's older sister took her to a hospital. It was at the hospital when she learned that she was 10 weeks pregnant. A DNA test later confirmed it was her stepfather's baby. #TheSunHerald https://www.instagram.com/p/Cea9Z_AuMFm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Pascagoula Event: Fishermen DISAPPEAR & The Hidden People
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cryptid-quest · 3 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Pascagoula Elephant Man
Description: On October 11, 1973, 2 men were fishing off the west bank of the Pascagoula River when they heard a strange noise followed by 2 blue lights. The men were paralyzed when an oval-shaped object appeared & 3 creatures, with elephant skin & slits for mouths, took them aboard their ship
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rugops · 25 days
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Wanted to draw some cryptids!
Here's a Pascagoula Alien
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