#past-romantic!selina x reader
apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS (generalized canon)
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“Harley-napping” (Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy x Selina Kyle x Fem!Reader)
| Stealing Harley from the Squad and then having a fun night out.
| SFW, mature language, criminal acts (duh), -platonic!reader/though there’s hints of something more with Cat
| You’re a thief, demolitions expert, and have EOD training in this one. Pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Arkham City video game)
| 1k+ words
| part: one of two (part two)
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When you come to all that’s taking up your vision is green.
“What…the…hell?” You whine. “I didn’t steal from Black Mask again, did I?”
There’s a sound off to your left that makes you freeze but you can’t lift your head enough to see in any direction let alone that one and you groan unhappily.
The grass beneath your head seems to dance while you're forced to wait but you feel no chill. There’s no breeze against the exposed parts of your skin, just the crisp Gotham air.
“Y/n L/n.”
Deep. Feminine. Spoken with a smoothness that screamed of self assurance and superiority.
Your nostrils flare.
“Ivy,” you sigh.
A chuckle.
“Hello, Little thief.”
The dancing grass seems to perk up, listening, before the green blades start to thicken and grow longer. You eye the tendrils wearily as they come up behind you, lifting your lower body and head enough that you can finally watch Ivy standing over you from upside down.
Her face is stern, a haughty eyebrow raised as she looks into your eyes. So as charming as ever.
“I’m in need of your…expertise.”
Her words come out strained like someone’s hysically holding a gun to her head and you bite back what you immediately want to say. She wants your help as if the last time you worked together was all hugs and kisses.
“Which would be what exactly?”
You scrunch up your face, upper lip making a valiant effort to block your nostrils, while shaking your head.
“Nah, I’ve never been anywhere near a bomb before. You got the wrong bitch, sorry,” you shrug.
Now she looks irritated.
“If you’re no demolition expert then why did Cat insist I find you?”
You shrug as best you can upside down
“Don’t know? You tell me-” you abruptly stop shaking your head. “Wait Cat?”
The woman turns her head, ignoring you.
“This is ridiculous.” She looks up at something in the distance. “Why are we wasting precious time kidnapping her again?”
There’s a sigh from the direction she’s addressing and you tense up, the grass near your throat applies pressure to the side of your neck in warning. You grit your teeth, fuck tonight so much. All you wanted when you left your apartment was some damn food, and now you're hungry and tied up.
“Y/n, stop being a smart ass.”
Great. You knew that voice too.
“You know, when you’re out stealing shit I don’t call you by your civilian name.”
A chuckle right next to your ear alongside a puff of breath that makes you shiver.
“And I applaud you for such restraint considering how vocal you can get, but right now I need you to be serious.” She moves, walking till she’s standing over you side by side with an Ivy who’s trying to glare you to death. “Now let’s talk business.”
- - -
“No. Fuck no! Are you fucking crazy?”
Something that suspiciously sounds like a growl leaves Ivy and Selina looks up to the sky.
“Listen-” you cringe at the more demanding press of the plants against your neck. “Just listen, okay? Blackgait’s systems are hard to crack on a good day, but with the Squad out on a mission you know Waller’s on high alert, and I’m not Batman.”
“No. You’re better, or else we would’ve gone to him with some bullshit excuse. Uh uh-” she cuts you off as you open your mouth. “You are, and you’re going to help us get the Clown.”
“What about ‘I’m not Batman’ isn’t clicking?”
Your response makes Selina huff and she goes to answer before Ivy simultaneously cuts her sentence and your breathing off.
“Enough,” she intones.
The vines curl around the entirety of your throat in seconds, meticulously closing off your airway. You gasp, mouth and eyes widening in your shock.
“If you insist on acting guileless I will treat you as such.”
The other women’s voices disappear as your ears start to buzz, blood cut off from them in a dizzying effect. A weak sound squeezes its way past your lips before your body’s meeting the floor and your airways are free enough once more to take gasping breaths.
You cough into the prickly ground, racking heaves that shake your body so much your arms, which have gone numb from your upside down hold, give out. You gasp into the grass, each breath scratching down your trachea as your head pounds away.
It takes you what feels like hours with zero awareness of anything outside of your body to pull yourself to your knees. Everything still has a dull buzz about it, except for your body, that just pulses.
Your hand zips toward your throat.
“Fuck you, Ivy.”
She scoffs at your hoarse tone, turning and walking off.
“Not without Harley’s say so.”
You cough. Sometimes you hated Gotham and all her rampant rogues.
Selina lowers herself beside you and then she’s touching.
“You were supposed to be civil,” she says pointedly.
She tilts your head up and the leather of her gloves is gentle against your face.
“Don’t-” you jerk away. Selina makes an aggravated sound then she’s pulling you more firmly against her, hand resting on the small of your back.
“Let me see, Slick.”
“Mmmph,” you mumble but you let her other hand ease your chin up.
“She’s fine,” Ivy says.
When you glance over at her she’s poking at a particularly ergonomic looking tablet.
“How,” you stop and lick your lips, swallowing in a fruitless attempt to smooth the burn in your throat. “How are you gonna tell me?”
Ivy hefts a sigh and then looks to you.
“You are alive are you not?”
You stare after the woman, eyes widening and jaw clenching with a cock of your head.
“Okay!” Selina cuts in before shooting a look you can’t see over at Ivy. “I can’t believe I’m the mediator here, but let’s all just take it easy.”
“As long as you do it fast.”
You sneer quietly at Ivy’s words.
“This is why I stopped working with you guys.”
“I know,” Selina murmurs, brows pinching together. “Help us out anyway? We’ll all owe you one.”
“I agreed to no such…” another look gets thrown Ivy’s way and she and Selina stare one another down. It takes a few beats of stillness but she eventually scoffs. She looks over your form coolly before sighing. “Fine. One favor if you help us get Harley out safely.”
The two of you lock eyes. Ivy’s are green, and it’s only you remembering the first time you came face to face with them and Harley’s freely thrown out whimsy that gets you to unclench your jaw. Plus, you could do a lot with a favor from one of Gotham's best rogues. Let alone three.
“Fine,” you rasp out.
You look away from Ivy as she nods and shifts her attention back to the tablet. Selina helps you up looking like she wants to touch you again, but stops herself, eyeing you apologetically.
“It’ll bruise but it shouldn’t leave any permanent damage.”
“Lucky me.”
Your head and throat were killing you. Selina gives you another apologetic look before squeezing your forearm and going to collect a duffle bag from a park bench near you all.
You press softly at your throat, wincing some at how sensitive the skin feels. By tomorrow there’ll be mulberry welts circling your neck.
Selina comes and sets the bag down in front of you, bending down to dig through it.
“Now you might be a good thief, but I’m a better one, so I’m in charge of getting Harley.”
You nod. “And you want me to work with…?”
Ivy’s suddenly right in front of you and handing you the tablet. You suck in a sharp breath at her silence then tentatively take the device from her hands. It’s wrapped in a protective case that gives it some heft. You start swiping through it. Hm.
“Are these bomb schematics?”
“Yes, and we’re gonna need you to get two of them out of Harley’s body before Waller or the team notices she’s gone.”
You glance up at her without moving your head up.
“That’s a big ask. Do you even have an approximate time that I’ll have to work with?”
“No,” Ivy quietly admits. “That’s why we got you and not anyone else. We trust you…I trust you.”
You chew on your lip for a second, swiping up at another complicated looking schematic.
“Alright. You let me look over these for a few minutes and then we should be good to go.”
Ivy nods at you before Selina stands and hands you an armful of your stuff. You roll your eyes to the sky.
“You’re horrible. How’d you even get in my apartment?”
She gives a small one shouldered shrug.
“Just because your security systems are Batman proof doesn’t mean they’re me proof, sweetie.”
She winks at you and a smile finds its way onto your face as you put on your gear. Ivy starts speaking.
“Since you’ve got your things, let’s discuss the goal. The Suicide Squad was dropped into their current mission at exactly 10:00 tonight and have been at their destination for under forty minutes…”
As she’s describing the details of the plan to you two plants slowly emerge from the ground and into her hand. She kneads patiently at the leaves, harvesting sludgy and oily substances from the respective plants into her cupped palm.
Still listening to her you pull on your elbow, knee and shin pads. Ivy kneads the plant in her palm with nimble fingers all the while. Quick extraction, take out the bombs, slip away as undetected as possible.
After that, putting on longer black pants over your exercise shorts and pads then lacing up your boots once you’ve kicked off your sneakers is all it takes to get yourself fully ready. Selina stuffs the clothes you discard into the duffel, simultaneously going back and forth with Ivy on her role.
When you’ve got your long sleeve on, gloves slipping on next, and you're dressed in all black you glance up at them both.
“Ready to go?” Selina asks.
You nod and she smiles at you before slinging the bag over her shoulder and moving towards her motorcycle. Ivy comes up to you, feet deaf in the voluminous grass.
“Eat this.”
You look hard at the hand she holds out. There’s a dollop of pale sludgy substance on it, the thing you just watched her harvest up in her palm.
When you continue to stall she cuts her eyes at you.
“I’m sorry, but I find it hard to believe you’re doing something for my benefit.”
“The plants were happy to produce for you. Are you going to make their efforts in vain, or no?”
You kiss your teeth at her dry tone before opening your mouth. She inclines her head and then shoves the mush into it. It’s just about the nastiest shit you’ve ever eaten but you're not exactly operating at 100 so you keep chewing.
“Now, me and Cat will deal with getting Harley out. But while I can handle most of the squad while Selina slips her out without tipping off Waller, someone's got to take care of the crocodile.”
NOTES: After tons of consideration I’ve decided that this’ll be my first post of the new year, so hope you enjoyed!
Btw: Comments would be appreciated if you wanted to leave one! I read all of them, I only don’t respond cause this is a side blog.
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writerscafehub · 1 month
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I would give it a solid three, I think I write simplistic and descriptive enough to give a good story out there. 
What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think the length? I have lots of people compliment me on my ability to write a conclusive drabble and short shorties and poems have always been my favorite to read.
Are there any writers that inspire you?
On Tumblr, I have been inspired by the first people who introduced me to fandom and taught me how to use my writing abilities. Some have deactivated by now but my most prominent writing inspiration is @outerspacious. 
What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Oh, it has to be my Layla story. Together. In a way, the story describes everything I have ever hoped for regarding a f/f relationship, like the dream of living with your loved one somewhere where you can only acknowledge your love in specific places.
Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Oh, it’s so easy for me to write for Sam Wilson of course, and Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Selina Kyle, and Brunnhilde. The most difficult is Gamora unfortunately, I would love to write more about her but I feel like I don’t have enough material to grasp on.
Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Love of course, first loves, falling in love, falling out of love, & a healthy dose of some toxic relationships.
Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
Very Excited about this toxic love kind of story I’ve been brewing in my head for a while now. Something about equally drawing energy over each other without ever acknowledging they are the one you need/want more.
First fandom you ever wrote for?
Beyblade! A thousand years ago when I was a teen <3
Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Once again I love writing about toxic relationships using people and completely draining someone out of their emotions. Maybe to get over past experiences cause it’s fun to explore “forbidden” feelings but it’s a fun process to write from that perspective. 
A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Hmmm, I never liked the soulmate trope I guess. 
What is the wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Okay not here, but back in the Beyblade fandom I sued to write/keep the diary of one of the players and it was full of wild shenanigans and insane things that happened to him every day and it was just completely unhinged. 
Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Any character I fancy x me is and will always be my favorite pairing cause I write for me <3
Do you listen to anything while you write?
I try to! I got some specific playlists for some characters such as Bruce Tony or Matt and then I got others I searched for based on vibes for the story I wanted.
One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shot. 
Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I have! I had this whole thing in my head when I wrote ‘Party Tricks’ to sort of have the reader experience each one of the Avengers I guess in different situations and a couple of other ideas that have been lost in the void that is my brain.
15. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Ugh so many. I have some stories I have experienced that I want to turn into fics but I’m too shy to do it, unfortunately.
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Whenever I write about Bruce Banner I get the best compliments from some lovely people who you know just get *it* get the obsession. 
Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
I always try to push my comfort zone a little, the things I enjoy are limited so I always try to think in a way of the audience, of the other side, just look at anything a little more round rather than straightforward. It’s something I’d encourage anyone to do sincerely.
Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Oh, fluff for sure. For me, angst is only for that one day a month when you need to feel everything, fluff is my daily dose of happiness.
Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I don’t have OCs but I would love to venture into that at some point in my life.
If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Honestly, any fic, all are unique in a way and I just wanna get an in you know. But mostly I’d love to enter any kind of vamp au I’ve made, I feel like I’d get to know such a new and interesting kind of life.
Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I need to write the main thing in under one hour typing fast, no distractions, just pure focus. I guess learning what someone’s writing style is like teaches you a lot about that person and the sort of the fic they choose to write. But mostly I need to have the idea so vividly inside my head before I even attempt to write it, I can’t write a sentence per day, it needs to be at least 600 words.
Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From Human Connection
He was yours yet not at all at the same time.
Until one dark rainy night, he held your throat within the palm of his hand staring down at you asking you what you wanted from him. 
And you didn’t reply. And your heartbeat rose and rose. 
But he knew what to do to make you talk. 
And when he crushed his body against yours, you knew. 
You knew how people connected. 
And within the time you’d explain to him who you were and what happened to you and he would swear on his life that no harm would ever be done to you again. 
And then you became one of these people you used to so closely inspect. 
Then you became his.’
Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
You need to try to write about everything you dream of, no matter whether you’re going publish it or not or show it to a friend, I think many people can write and just are afraid to do so. Fandom and Tumblr give you such an opportunity to explore yourself and your talents through something so simple as dreaming about a character and writing about any situation. I wish more people weren’t afraid although the lack of acknowledgment from the audience is draining, finding friends and good people in fandom is a possibility, and joining incredibly well-mannered servers helps you even more! 
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Rules ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
I write light & heavy angst (past trauma, misunderstandings, death, ect.)
I can write a little suggestive (implied arousing, no detailed description)
I write platonic, familia, enemy, and romantic relationships
I write fluff, comedy, and lighthearted stuff in general
I don’t write for polyamory, lgbtq+, nor general asks (short reader, ect.)
I don’t write smut or explicit sexual situations
I don’t write certain angst (cheating, rape, ect.)
I don’t write AU’s, alphabet list, bunny-boilers, nor emoji asks
About Writing Blog
This blog is for character x reader. I do not write character x character.
If, for whatever reason, I can’t write a request, I will delete it and move on.
Characters that are minors will be written with a minor reader in mind.
Characters under the age of sixteen will not be written in suggestive situations.
Readers under the age of sixteen will not be written in suggestive situations.
If you have any questions feel free to ask anytime!
I write headcanons, fics, imagines, and oneshots.
Headcanons • Request up to five characters, bullet points, no plot
Fics • One character, series, full plot, you can’t request
Oneshots • Request one character, one post, semi full plot
Imagines • Request up to five characters, bullet points+story, small plot
Carrie • Carrietta Nadine White, Susan Snell, Tommy Ross, Christine Hargensen, Norma Watson
Cool Doji Danshi • Hayate Ichikura, Shun Futami, Souma Shiki, Takayuki Mima, Motoharu Igarashi
Danganronpa • Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kyoko Kirigiri, Ect.
Detroit Become Human • Conner, Markus, Kara, Carl Manfred, Elijah Kamski
Disney • Snow White, Tiana, Hercules, Tarzan, Tinker Bell, Hades, Jasmine, Ect.
Final Survivor • Cataleya Restrepo, Seong Gi-hun, Clarice Starling, Erin Harson, Ect.
Genshin Impact • Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Ajax, Jin Yun, Shenhe, Gorou, Qiqi, Ect.
God of War • Kratos, Atreus, Baldur, Freya, Odin, Thor, Heimdall
Hellboy • Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, Nuada Silverlance, Nuala Silverlance
Injustice • Koriand'r, Selina Kyle, Bruce Thomas Wayne, Kal-El, Ect.
Mortal Kombat • Kitana, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Kenshi Takahashi, Ect.
Oshi no Ko • Aquamarine Hoshino, Ruby Hoshino, Ai Hoshino, Kana Arima, Mem-Cho, Ect.
Resident Evil • Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Ashley Graham, Albert Wesker
Slasher • Megan, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Daniel Le Domas, Leena Klammer
Tears of Themis • Vyn Richter, Artem Wing, Luke Pearce, Marius von Hagen
Twisted Wonderland • Riddle Rosehearts, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Ect.
Undead Girl Murder Farce • Tsugaru Shinuchi, Aya Rindo, Shizuku Hasei, Erik, Ect.
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bakugous-bakahoe · 4 years
Wonderful memories Bruce/Batman X Reader
  Word count:1161
This particular month in the Wayne household was a bit of a mess. Not the mess that is classified has chaotic more like a room to room mess. This month was spring cleaning. But this time was different, every time spring cleaning happens around the house it’s always Alfred, (Y/N) and one of the kids. But this time was the whole family. Everyone was tasked to take stuff from their rooms that they didn’t use, the thing that didn’t fit them or stuff that they don’t want out. So, that they could sort through them and see what they could donate or should put in the trash. 
They were all doing their respected things. Jason was helping out Dick, Cass was with Tim sorting through cables and seeing which work if not to repair them. Damian was helping Alfred sorting stuff on the main hall. While Bruce was sorting through their closet, (Y/N) was seeing if some of the clothing she had taken out still fit her. While Bruce was taking everything out of the walk-in he has spotted some boxes.
“My love?’
Look what I found.” Has (Y/N) turned around she sees that bruce carrying four boxes of different sizes. He got closer and put the boxes on the best. When Bruce put the boxes down (Y/N) has notice one box that she did not want to see. Luckily for her, he got distracted with another box. So, she quickly got that box put it on the floor and hide it under the bed. When She saw what box Bruce was looking through an album of photos of their wedding night,
“OHH, It been so long since  we have seen this!” (Y/N) said excitedly. They started looking through the album. While they were looking through the album they saw two photos one of Alfred walking her to the altar and the other one was of Bruce and her at the altar. They both loved their wedding night it was wonderful for both of them. Bruce had little hope has far his romantic life goes he only considers only one person before (Y/N) has a partner, that was Selina. Aside from her is there was no romance until he met (Y/N). Never in his wildest dream did he thought he was going to be married. But now he was over the moon even if it has been more then a couple of years together.
“It has been long since our wedding. I love that night.” Bruce mentioned.
“Do you remember when Hal was trying to get Barry drunk but couldn’t.”
“Yes, then he was yelling out nonsense about how we were going to spend the night.”
“God that was embarrassing,” she said with a slight blush on her face.
“Though he was right at the end of the day.” He mention has he kissed her. All of a sudden someone came through the door and interrupted them.
“Father, Mother. You are meant to be working not cuddling.” Damian said as he walked closer to them.
“We just got cut up in old memories.” (Y/N) said has she kept looking over the album. The photos went from classy and elegant to full-on crazy party. There was a bunch o photos os everyone doing shots, some more facest the other,  Other photos of them dancing like lunatics and others just doing dumb shit. This was a wonderful time for them. Their wedding and their Honeymoon was some of the peaceful moment of their marriage. She missed those days, but she couldn’t deny that all these years with the kids were one best if not the best moments of her life. 
As she and Bruce kept looking at the album Damian walked behind them and sat on the bed looking on their bed. Damian kept looking st the album with them and she notices something a bit odd, her family wasn’t there. She has mentioned her family but she had never mentioned if they were dead or alive.  Damian felt something at his feet when he looked down and saw a box. He assumed that it was a box of albums like the ones they were looking through. So he picked it up and put it on the bed, he opened the box and what he saw as something that he was not expecting. He saw a bunch of passports from different countries, some money, a burner phone, photos, and a gun was something he was not expecting at all.
“Mother, Father. What is this?” When Damian said that (Y/N)  and bruce looked up and he could see the look of horror that his mother had. His mother quickly took the box away from him, she averted her eyes from both of them. She had a look that they both recognize, Ashamed. His father, on the other hand, knew The contents of the box.
“Honey, i think its time for the kids to know.” Said bruce has he reached a hand out for her.
“Please. everything is going to be okay.” She got closer to him and put the box down and started to open it. she started to pull everything out except the gun. 
“Mother, what is all this?”
“This was my life before your father. I was a Crime Lord.” The second that she said that Damian was shooked. 
“My family all work for the mafia. And before I met your father, I was the Crime Lord of the Family while my father was in Black Gate.” as she kept looking at he pictured. She was thinking about her past and all the bittersweet moments she had. She did love her family but she didn’t love that aspect of her family. Bruce got closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Is that why you don’t talk about them?”
“Yes. They are good people but I really didn’t want to be associated with the crime world after I met your father. Which was ironically stupid at this point in time now that I think about it.” she giggled. “But nonetheless I wanted out so when my father was out, I went away. That phone is for emergencies if something were to happen.”
“But you have a bunch of passports.”
“Yeah, they thought I was wanted so they gave me all I needed to disappear.”
“That’s when you met father after you left that life.” When he said that they both started laughing and Damian was dumbfounded. “God no. Do you think your father met me normally he is your father.”
“Then how did you meet?”
“Well, Thas a bit of a long story. How about we tell that story later. this has been a bit too much for me right now.”
“Well it is lunch let go eat.” said bruce. Damian was the first to walk out of the room. (Y/N) Looked at Bruce and said. “Do you ever regret how we met?”
He looked at her in the eyes.”Not one bit. I think that makes us more unique.” When he finished he gave her a passionate kiss.” Come one lets go eat.”
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legion1993 · 6 years
i hate horror movies, but now i feel like i have been in one
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A/N: i cant believe that i almost watched the Exorcist for the first god damn time in my life... but anyway my big thing is what little i saw in clips of the movie terrified the living daylights out of me... for this story i took a different approach, you could kind of say i did it as a Supernatural DCEU crossover... plucking the reality we all know and ‘love’ and twisting it into an obscure viewpoint. feedback appreciated... this is for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ​ Kari’s Supernatral Halloween Challenge... this is for you girl!!!!
pairing: Jensen x reader
prompt: “what an excellent day for an exorcism.” ~The Exorcist (1973)
word count:
its been several months since it happened, since you & your fiance found yourselves not where you had been but found yourselves in a most terrifying paradox... 
but thats way past where i want to start my story, let me take you back to the day it all happened... warning what i am about to tell you may be something that most people would find most horrific and completely bizarre...
Jensen & you for like 3 months now had been going through the motions of being a newly engaged couple... Planning the wedding was slow, steady and stressful.
Jensen is the love of your life, you believe that everything happens & everyone comes into your life for a reason. 
Jensen: “babe i think you would look good in any sort of honeymoon attire...”
Jensen said as he came up behind you wrapping his arms around your shoulders placing chaste kisses along your neckline as you browsed some lingerie for your honeymoon...
Y/N: “well i dont think any of this is gonna get any of the big wedding details done. dont worry about what i’m going to wear on our honeymoon love... lets worry about how big of a reception hall we will need...”
so far the plans for your wedding consisted of little to no ideas except on the theme you guys wanted...
Theme: Superhero (based off of the Batman & Catwoman wedding)
you and Jensen throughout your relationship had decided that you guys were like Batman & Catwoman. one of the features of your wedding included a creepy church, similar to the one in Gotham City.
this week you guys decided to check out a few candidates for churches, you guys wanted something creepy yet do-able to fit the entire bat & cat scenario.
Jensen: “babe are we really sure that this Bat & cat scenario is gonna work?”
Y/N: “i am confident that this is going to work, besides we can’t always count on everyone else to plan everything for us... besides this first place is supposedly haunted which sounds gotham-esc.”
Jensen: “babe you’re terrified of anything haunted. are you sure a haunted church is where we want to get married?”
Jensen knew you all too well, he was right, you got scared way way too easily.
Y/N: “Jensen you’re right this is gonna terrify me to shit, but as long as your there i feel safe. now lets go and see what we can do about finding our wedding ceremony venue.”
Jensen looks at the road and notices a thick cloud of fog rolling in.
Jensen: “babe does something feel off to you? like did it just get really foggy?”
You look up from your book of ideas and notice the road becomming really foggy.
Y/n: “yeah it did umm.. lets throw on the GPS, get to the venue and find a hotel..”
after an hour of following the GPS you guys arrived at the venue, from the looks of the outsie it looks very promising.
Jensen: “this almost looks like the real deal, almost like an exact replica of the gotham cathedral.”
thats of course when the fog cleared, revealing you guys to actually be in Gotham City. thats when you guys enter’d the cathedral grounds, confused beyond belief by the sudden change in your surroundings but there was trouble that would soon befall you.
for stepping into the church, both of your appearances shifted almost immediately. almost like you were in a really messed up movie or something.
Jensen: “this is so stupid what the hell happened? how the hell did we get here?”
Y/N: “trust me babe i’m just as confused as you right now... but it loooks like we have our roles to play.”
you & Jensen now fully examining your wardrobe understood, you guys were stuck in Gotham City but looking like Selina Kyle & Bruce Wayne. the scariest moments in life are watching your first horror movie or being in the hospital with a loved one whose dying. but being trapped in a city where lunatics run free and looking more like batman and catwoman take the cake.
Y/N: “Babe i recognize this, usually for things that are unusual i was gonna do everything possible to get this venue but it will be alot worse if this is what we are gonna be. Jay we need to do something, we need to hide Gotham’s 5 hours of terror act is about to begin.”
ah yes the 5 hours of terror, Gotham implemented an act or a lay a while after both Arkham asylum & arkham ciy failed to contain all the crime. the GCPD implemented together with the judges panel at the courthouse came up with the idea to allow 5 hours where crime is completely legal between the hours of midnight and 5am.
Right now in Gotham or wherever the hell you were it was 11:56pm... when you and Jensen left the car it was barely 6pm.
Jensen: “trust me babe if something is gonna go...”
at that moment an alarm sounded, which was immediately followed by a bunch of sounds  filling the air, you & Jensen left the car locking it running into the church.
Jensen: “babe, i love the venue if we ever make it back to our reality, we are so picking this venue! now, you had said that the church was supposedly haunted...”
it was time for you to give your fiance the history lesson of a lifetime, its not everyday you get to explain something rarely known to anyone!
Y/N: “this church was built in 1790 by the Pseudo-Immortal Mister whisper, who designed the place using Gothic architecture to imbue it with magical properties, so it could trap massive amounts of souls. his plan was to release a deadly plague through the cathedral’s glass that would contaminate and kill most of Gotham’s population, but he had to wait hundreds of years to accomplish this... when the time came Mr. Whisper was stopped by Batman & the plague was removed from the cathedral by the GCPD... it has also been the sight of several demonic entities and of course suicides...”
Jensen now very impressed with your knowledge started to take a walk through the cathedral. you spun round in the center of the cathedral.
Y/N: “its so pretty here, this building is amazing, despite its unruly original purpose. this architecture is incredible! Jay, i want this to be where we say our vows... but the first hour barely started its gonna be a long night.”
Jensen: “well lets get settled...”
as soon as you guys got settled, a bunch of low intense growls could be heard surrounding you both on all sides. turning around both of you saw that you were surrounded by all the horrible main badies from every part of gothams horrific past.
Y/N: “uh, Jensen, we may want to leave now...”
Jensen: “Y/N, look at your belt!”
you look down and see a whip along with several other things...
Jensen: “maybe that will be useful..”
you pulled out the whip & felt yourself becoming very familiar with it, almost like you had used it before. you struck it against the ground in cross strikes, making everyone back away...
Scarecrow: “dont think that this little whip excuses you from anything, Selina, kill the bat...”
you knew what to say, but you had to make sure Jensen knew there was no disrespect & that this wasn’t real...
Y/N: “now now crane, we don’t need to do anything hostile after all i wasnt the one who used your fear gas the wrong way... isnt that right Dent.?.”
Two-face: “thats it pretty kitty, your gonna die, i’m not even gonna consult my coin...”
Scarecrow: “dent, is what the kitty says true?”
Two-face: “yeah its true but i didnt do it alone.”
Scarecrow: “well it seems that we are at an impass...”
Y/N: “i have an idea, you deal with these infidels and i can leave with the bat in peace...”
Scarecrow just looked at you, you were scared but you were prepared, you also were putting on a brave face. It was hard to be brave when up against some of Gotham’s most formidible foes.
Scarecrow: “you know Kitty, your love for the bat is a little concerning and on tonight of all nights you choose to align yourself with this bat over your own kind...”
you laugh & begin to feel your inner feline when you realize that playing the role of your character may help you to survive. with a purr you back right up and end up against Jensen.
Y/N: “crane darling look. we all know that you are just a paranoid psycho but if you have any sort of humanity left know this. i aligned myself with the bat cause we are in love...”
Jensen now understood what you were doing why you said what you did and after everything that happened it was clear that you were still you...
Jensen: “Selina has a point, we are in love in fact we would like for you guys to leave so we can continue our romantic evening...”
Two-face: “i dont think scarecrow would allow that... then again he has always been clueless... aint that right kitty...”
now with Two-face looking at you violently, you began to wonder what he was reffering to then like a ton of bricks it hit you...
Scarecrow: “what is he referring to kitty?”
Y/N: “he is referring to how i have helped batman put some of you in the past... but i didnt say anything to save my own hide. i said what i did, i technically lied to save the bat... i lied to save him cause like me he roams alone searching for our next prey or you know happiness but our cause has always been the same.”
at that moment scarecrow released his fear gas on you. your worst fears were realized all over again... but at the same time as the fear gas hit you a demon possessed you...
it was only Jensen who seemed to really notice the difference, who seemed to realize that you were not you...
Jensen (through his hands over his nose/mouth): “what did you spray her with? was that black stuff part of it?”
Scarecrow: “what are you talking about? bats, i would answer fast if i were you.”
Jensen took 1 very strong look at you as scarecrow was generous enough to hand him a gas mask so Jensen could breathe.
(*yes i know this story doesnt make much sense right now, but it will soon in one way or another all the pieces will fall together 1 by 1...*)
Jensen (through gas mask): “there are rumors of this church being haunted is that true...”
Scarecrow: “of course its haunted, but that doesnt mean... wait, you said black stuff right...”
Jensen (thru gas mask): “Yeah, why?”
Scarecrow gestures to Dent who approaches Jensen with a glower to his face.
Two-face: “come with me bats..”
Jensen (through gas mask): “crane watch her like a hawk...”
Jensen followed Dent to the security room, where he then was able to see what happened all but 5 minutes ago...
Jensen: “okay theres the fear gas, and theres a black smoke. its real, its all real...”
Two-face: “what the hell is with that black smoke bats...”
Jensen: “thats what i’ve been trying to tell you... Selina is not only in danger of the fear gas but also from a demon possessing her... Dent as a favor for an old friend can you get crane to lead everyone out of here so i can expel this demon?”
Dent: “okay bruce i’ll do it but on 1 conditon...”
Jensen: “whats that?”
Dent: “put me back in prison far away from crane and his band of bad guys...”
Jensen: “fair enough but why do you want to be away from them?”
Dent: “cause crane wronged me... and he wants to kill me... crane said he was going to tear me in 2 if my “coin” ever got out of line again.”
Jensen: “fair enough but promise me you will try to turn over a new leaf old friend...”
Dent: “will do old friend...”
Jensen & Dent now walk out of the security room & back to the others... you or rather your body had now become very very flexible as Crane was trying to get you off the wall...
Crane: “okay she is seriously messed up...”
Dent: “crane we need to get out of here, on to the next location while the night is still young.”
Crane: “your right dent, it seems we are at an impass bats... tell you what we will go and let you deal with the cat, but know this: on the day you marry dont expect any mercy from us for that day will bring your death.”
Crane & everyone else left, Dent followed last leaving a note with his location on it with Jensen as per to their arrangement... Jensens eyes kept tracking your very fast movements as he  looked for something that he could possibly do to save your life.
thats when he saw it, laying on the ground, your whip it must have fallen from your grasp when you were hit with the fear gas and a demon.
Jensen: “baby, i’m so sorry about this...”
Jensen ran at it sliding as he picked i up. he began looking around the interior of the church till he spotted it, the holy water. (this next bit is not entirely thought out i just hope it works...)
Jensen: “hey demonic bitch, your possessing my fiance & THATS NOT OKAY WITH ME... now with every last breath in me i’ll save her. now prepare to fry bitch...”
Demon(in your body): “always the hero, never the villan, i’ll make your fiance tear your body to shreds, you know she’s awake in here she’s screaming for you to save her. she’s also very scared. if your thinking about going for that holy water, dont cause i’m not done playing with yoou yet...”
before she said her last word, Jensen was already on his way to the basin of holy water with your whip. Jensen tossed the whip in the basin to let it saturate the whip.
Demon (in your body): “you son of a bitch that is gonna cost you your life.”
Jensen: “not in my fiance’s body it wont... cause your not gonna be round much longer...”
as you got closer, Jensen timed it out so he would pull out the whip just as you got to him.
Jensen: “taste this you demonic bitch.”
Jensen pulled out the whip covered in holy water & flung it at your lunging form making sure that you were done up in the whip covered in holy water.
Jensen: “babe if you can hear me through that demon, fight it, i cant loose the only girl ive ever loved to some lousy demon. come back to me & forgive me for this babe.”
Jensen took your form and slammed you to the ground taking the rest of the whip and wrapping it round your neck forcing your body to look at him.
Jensen: “exorciamous te, omnis imundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis asversarii, omnis congregato insecta diabolica, ergo draco malidicte, eclesia secura tuam facias libertate, te regamus, audios bitch...”
at that moment the demon left your body, you were now unconcious, which made Jensen not only release the whip from your neck, but also made him kneel beside your body.
Jensen: “babe, babe, come on wake up please, baby please... i love you...”
Jensen at that moment kissed you & thats when both of you woke up with a jolt in the car on the side of the road.
Jensen: “did you also...”
Y/N: “dream that i was possessed by a demon and you choked me with catwoman’s whip covered in holy water and somehow we ended up in Gotham city and say scarecrow and others... yes i did but how...”
Jensen shrugs his shoulders...
Jensen: “what an excellent day for an exorcism, hey babe?”
you didnt answer but your head spun round in a 180... this sight scared the living hell out of Jensen.
Jensen: “not again, we are going free you from this demon forever babe i promise...”
driving as fast as Jensen could he got the rest of the way to the church parking lot, where your body in response gave a low hiss, causing Jensen to open his door and get out of the car.
Y/N (possessed): “please dont pretend like im still your fiance sugar. you know she’s screaming in here for you right. she wants you to save her. but i’m not gonna let you...”
Jensen: “i’m addressing the entity in my fiance who the hell are you & why are you in my fiance?”
Y/N (possessed): “my name is not important, but my boss has plans for your wife’s body... he plans on breeding her body to make a million more of me...”
Jensen: “your boss is a sick psychotic bastard and he can leave his dick in his own ass... now follow me if you want to kill me...”
Jensen ran into the church where it became reality that you would soon follow.
Jensen: “excuse me priest but i have a situation.. my fiance is possessed by a demon and i need help... do you guys have chains or something that i can use to save her...”
Priest: “well we did find something in the center of the church the other day... maybe you can use it to save your beloved...”
Jensen watches as the priest goes around the corner and comes back out with the whip, the one from the dream... The priest’s yes widen as your possessed form comes bounding through the doors of the church... Jensen reaches his hands out as the priest tosses the whip to Jensen. 
Jensen: “can you bless this baptismal pool so i can save my fiance...”
The priest nods knowing what Jensen was going through and the terrified look on his face the priest knew that only love could bring about the clensing that is needed to save the fiance of this young man.
Priest: “of course try to lure her over here...”
the face that the priest was blessing the pool and believed Jensen in the first place was a miracle. Jensen stood right at the alter blocking the priest and what he was doing. making sure he had the whip hidden your body started to run up the aisle.
Demon: “im gonna skin you alive...”
Jensen: “not once im through with you...”
thats when the plan took place the priest took a 2 second leave of absense to hide nearby so Jensen could use the whip to trip your body into the pool... the demon possessing you shrieked  as it hit the water, Jensen jumped it after your form, the priest came back out using his latin he sanctified the water and the area surrounding it to help expel the demon from your body.
Jensen: “Priest you may want to look away now, cause what i need to do is not gonna be pretty.”
Priest: “do what you need to do its to save the one you love God isnt going to discriminate for this action...”
Jensen nods and unleashes the whip around your neck, your body once more shrieked... Jensen pulled your body down into the water and started the exorcism stage again.
Jensen: “baby im gonna save you, may God have mercy on my soul for drowning the possessing demon from my fiance. exorciamous te, omnis imundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis asversarii, omnis congregato insecta diabolica, ergo draco malidicte, eclesia secura tuam facias libertate, te regamus, audios bitch...”
after about 4 minutes of Jensen holding your convulging body in the water your form stops moving... Jensen pulls your body out of the water and watches as the priest comes back with a blanket...
Jensen lays your body on the blanket as he carries you out of the water. 
Jensen: “forgive me father for i sinned in your house.”
Priest: “no need to seek forgiveness my child, you were saving the one you love, i appreciate your courage and bravery.”
Jensen smiles lightly as he starts chest compressions on you... after 5 minutes you start choking & coughing up water and your breathing is eratic... but Jensen wraps you in the blanket bringing you into his worried grasp.
Jensen: “thank you priest i cant ever thank you enough...”
Priest: “no need my son thats what im here for... now what had brought you both here in the first place.”
Jensen: “we were searching for our wedding ceremony venue...”
Priest: “i would be honored for you both to use this church as your venue for free... the happiness of having you both married is how you can thank me...”
Jensen: “thank you thats very generous... is there any hotels near by where i can stay at with my love.?.”
Priest: “of course just 3 miles up the road... tell them John sent you...”
Jensen stands up holding you against him...
Jensen: “knowing that the love of my life is alright is good enough for me...”
with you still wrapped in that blanket now craddled in Jensen’s arms Jensen places you in the front seat buckling you in as he shuts your door going and climbing in on his side he dares not mention anything to you.
to this day you know only what you were told by Jensen A.K.A your husband.. yes you got married not but 3 months later... it was a magical time... but what truly happened that day still haunts both you & him.
~in each of us is a darkness, sometimes we can fight it, sometimes we cant... in the end we all have a choice, to keep fighting the darkness, or to let it win...~
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
The List - Bruce Wayne x Reader (Erotica)
Summary : You and Bruce, are making a list of all the people you slept with...Because why not ?
I just had this stupid idea when I was at work and sorry for it...hope you’ll still kinda like it and boom, here :
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives.
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You don’t even remember who started it.
You don’t remember if it’s you who made a snarky comment first, or him.
You both were equally gifted in the sarcasm area, so it really could be any of you. And none of you could actually remember the instigator of it all...
But oh someone definitely started it, and now, you were both sitting on the floor around the coffee table of the living room, a pen in hand, a blank sheet of paper in front of you, thinking about all the people you had sex with. 
Or rather, about the people you had sex with and that you both knew. 
Who cared about some unknown guy from a bar, or a girl from a gala ? 
They meant nothing. They were just pleasure on the spot, something that didn’t matter at all and...to be honest, both you and Bruce didn’t care about those one night stands with people you didn’t give a damn about...You both knew you weren’t each other’s first time after all, and one night stands ? They were long over and there were not nearly as much as everyone thought...Bruce had only a few, and you too. And again, it was such a long time ago, and so meaningless (definitely not your favorite kind of sex, and Bruce would agree with that). 
This list was about the people you had sex with, with whom you shared part of your life, and/or someone you both knew. 
You knew almost everything about each others, but your past relationships ? You rarely talked about it. You never felt the need to, as you were too in love with each others for anyone else to really matter...
Both of you already stated multiple times, in your long years of marriage, that you never loved anyone like you loved each other. That all those past relationships were nothing compared to what you felt to each others. 
But...Curiosity always got the better of the two of you. 
And besides, when Bruce learnt that you used to date his best friend, Clark, he started to wonder if you slept with anyone else he knew, after all, you knew lots of Justice League members before knowing him so...He just wanted to know (he would never admit it, but he was quite jealous really. Grumpy Broosh). 
And so here you were, after one of you made a comment about it (wether it was you comparing Bruce to Clark or him saying something about Selina, you didn’t quite remember), writing a list. You were writing the last name on yours when Bruce raised his head and, very sternly said :
-I’m done.  
You smiled as you finished the last letter of the name you were writing and looked up, smiling at him. 
-Me too. 
Just another proof of how you were always so damn in sync, finished right at the same time. He doesn’t smile, and you smirk at him as you exchange papers. And...Exact same number than you. You quickly look over it and chuckle a bit, he detached his attention from your list (his frown getting bigger by the second as he was reading it), and, a bit suspicious, says : 
-What ? 
-Bruce, I think the two of us basically slept with the entire league. We’re super-sluts my heart. 
It doesn’t make him smile at all, on the contrary, and you roll your eyes before saying : 
-Hey you’re the one that started this. 
-No you are. 
-I don’t remember starting it. 
-You did when you talked about Clark. 
-I’m pretty sure you spoke about Selina first. 
-No I...
-Listen it doesn’t matter. What I mean is, don't be so moody my Broosh. All those names there, they mean nothing to me. Well, I mean I’m still friends with many of them, and so are you but like...I love you. This is never going to change. I love you more than I ever loved anyone, and the only ones you could be somewhat jealous of are our boys because nothing can compare to the love I have for them. But, romantic love ? Like “I want to spend my life by your side” shit ? It’s you Bruce. It always been you. Don’t feel jealous because they might have had my body once or twice, but you’re the only one that caught my heart so...let’s just have fun ok ? Like I wanna know how it was to have sex with Zatanna ? Did she use magic ? 
This makes Bruce crack a smile and...Ok. He could ignore his jealousy, just like you were trying very hard to do. He wasn’t duped, he knew you were a jealous mess right now, but you were right, it didn’t even matter...You loved him. He loved you. Nothing could change that. He shakes his head and says : 
-Alright. I love you too. More than you can imagine. If I had to burn the world for you I would. But you already know that. You already know you mean everything to me, you’re the most important (you and the boys) person in my life. You’re the only one I ever actually loved and I just know you’re the love of my life so, I won’t repeat myself again. 
-You just did. 
-I know. I’ll never get tired to tell you I love you. 
-Cheesy fucker. 
-Only with you. 
-Yes, I bet you weren’t cheesy with...
You quickly glance at his list and, raising an eyebrow you say : 
-Lois ? 
He smirks at you and explains : 
-When I came back from my training, I went to Metropolis to make sure Clark wasn’t a threat and...Well, she was there. 
-I bet she was. So wait at that time I was probably...Hey barely finishing middle school. You guys are all so old. 
-Oh shut up, you love it. 
-Never said I didn’t...Also, since I slept with Clark and you with Lois, we should totally ask them if they’d be into a foursome. Oh and relax Bruce ! I’m kidding ! Kinda...
You approach him seductively and kiss him lightly on the lips but before he can grabs you you pull away, ignoring his groan (and damn the way it was so obvious he wanted to follow after you was hot, but his self-control was even hotter), you went back to your place in front of him, on the other side of the coffee table and took his list again. He took yours and...
-Harvey Dent ?! 
You jump at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to speak so soon, and you nod slowly saying : 
-Well it was before the all...hum...him becoming completely crazy. He was your friend, you know how great he used to be. Also, seems like even at the time I couldn’t resist justice. 
Your own joke makes you chuckle as your husband just roll his eyes at you and adds : 
-If I knew you’d do it, I would have added comments too...
-I bet you love it. 
-Oh yeah sure, I love to read about what my wife thought of the sex she had with other men. I particularly like you mentioning that “The ring comes in handy” next to Hal’s name. 
-Well I’m sorry Bruce, but it does. Have you ever had sex with a Green Lantern ?
-I’ll steal Hal’s ring to show you what you can do with that thing. 
The sultry smile you give him makes him shivers and he turns back his attention to the piece of paper in front of you. He could just imagine your damn smug face and it calmed him down. 
A few minute of silence pass as you both scan each other’s list, when you finally break it : 
-So...Did Zatanna use magic ? 
-I feel like she missed an opportunity there...
He grumbles an answer and oh you just love this all thing. It’s hilarious to see him so jealous and yet interested at the same time and...Oh you hide your own jealousy and interest way better than he does, which happens so rarely that it’s just too damn satisfying ! 
His voice brings you back to reality as he says : 
-When you write “Hades” do you mean...
-The God of the Underworld yes. Met him while helping Diana do a thing. 
-You slept with Hades. The God of the Underworld. 
-Mm mm. 
-Right. But of course. 
There’s a short silence before he adds :
-...And “Constantine” is it...John Constantine ? 
-What ? I have a thing for this all dark gothic thing ok ? Besides, I see here you slept with Nocturna so like, I bet you kinda do too. Props to you though, she’s hot. 
-The nail marks she left on my back were so much deeper than the one you leave. 
-I bet, she has long ass nails...Did she bit you ? 
-Yes. Oh yes. 
-I know. 
You smile at him, happy to see him relax a bit and understanding that...This is the past. It’s ok to talk about the past. It’s ok that you both enjoyed being with other people before because...Now ? They were all long gone from your thoughts. Only Bruce remained in your mind. And only you remained in his. 
He smiles back, and your wink kinda drives him crazy but oh he’s decided to show nothing of it and starts reading your list again. 
You’re the one, once again, that break the silence again : 
-So. You have a thing for kinda...bad girls uh ? Talia, Selina...I bet they were completely wild in the sheets.
-You’re wrong. Talia was super into vanilla sex, I think because she lacked love in her life, and Selina...The wildest thing we ever did was to do it in front of her hundred cats. 
You full on laugh at his words and he adds : 
-It’s those whom you’d least suspect that are the wildest really. 
-So like...Julie Madison ? 
He sees you wince a bit at her name, as you knew she was his first love and..well, jealousy overwhelmed you a bit. 
-Yes. But believe me, nothing compare to what we did. Like that time we did it with you hung on the chandelier in my office. 
You smile and wink some more at him, all thought of Julie Madison gone at the good memories of that indeed very wild night. But you continue : 
-Ok but I bet that...hum Vixen and Hawkgirl were quite something ! Oh and Power Girl. Nice tits. 
-Yeah. Power Girl gave me a...hum...
-Titty job ? 
-Was it good ? 
-Not as good as yours. 
You give him a satisfied smile and he smiles back. If he didn’t know that it would make you be very pretentious and that you would never let it go, he’d tell you that the best sex he ever had was with you. By far. But this thoughts are making him think of your body squirming under him and he has to think about something else to resist the urge to jump on you, so he says : 
-Hawkgirl’s wings made it a bit awkward sometimes. 
-What, she basically had to ride you right ? 
-Awww you not being in control made you feel awkward ? 
-My love, I often leave you control. 
-No, I take it, or you’d always be the dominant one. It’s ok though Bruce, I like it better like that. I’ve always been more submissive anyway...
-Even with Oliver ? I see you put “Green Arrow” down...and seeing him with Dinah makes me think that...
Your laugh stops him and you say : 
-Oh yeah no, Oliver is totally the bottom haha ! What about Dinah ? I can see you got with her...
-Yes, before she met Oliver. And hum...Her screams were disturbing. 
You snort once more imagining the scene of Bruce using one of his extremely pleasurable signature move on Black Canary and her screaming in his ear...oh damn. 
And he can’t help it, he laughs too...and he can’t help but think that this situation could only happen with you. Only with you. Because only with you could it be so natural to speak about past sex and relationship. Only with you could it be totally fine and normal. 
Because you were too in love for it to really matter, and this was all part of both your lives...You weren’t each others’ first time. At least, when it came to “having sex”. When it came to “making love”, you were definitely each others’ first time. He never made love to anyone else but you. Because he knew that the only women he truly ever loved was you...He stares at you as your eyes scan his list, just admiring your beauty and...a thought comes to him slowly. 
With a smirk he takes his most stoic voice, his “I’m super serious voice” and asks : 
-Who’s...bigger ? 
You raise your head to look at him and at first, what he’s asking isn’t registering until finally, it does, and you roll your eyes, sigh, and say :
-Really Bruce ? 
-Yes. Really. 
-Erf. I’m not even gonna answer that, it’s too damn immature. 
He holds the smirk he wants to give you, holds it as best he can, before taking an extremely annoying and whiney voice to say : 
-Please ? Please ?! Ok never mind...all I wan’t to know is...am I bigger than Superman ? 
The sparkles in his eyes make you melt, and oh you wished he would be more often that cheery and silly...And you decide to indulge him : 
-...Oh for God’s sake, yes you are. You’re actually bigger than all of them, is your stupid masculine pride reassured ? 
-Yes. Yes it is. ...I knew I was the most well hung anyway. 
-...Oh my God Bruce...
He chuckles and it’s the most beautiful sound you ever heard, and you can see he’s about to say something but you cut him off : 
-Oh wait actually you’re not the biggest one, Plastic Man is. I mean, the guy can extend any part of his body as he wishes so...
Bruce’s smile falters and he just stares at you for a few seconds until he realizes that...of course you’re just messing with him, and with another wink you add : 
-But don’t worry, you’re the one that knows how to use it best. 
He smiles again until you continue : 
-In my top 10 of “best sex ever” you’re definitely holding the 8 first places ! 
The frown is back and he asks :
-...Who are the two others ? 
-Only one person. Clark. He does that thing where he...
You laugh yet again and the sound of your clear and childish giggle makes him relax a bit, and loose the frown. He shakes his head at your teasing and finishes reading your list. It’s not as bad as he thought in the end...Once again, you break the silence that installed itself : 
-Wait, what did you do with Diana ? You just wrote “Wonder Woman : Kiss ++”, what does that even mean ?
-That I kissed her in more than one place...but didn’t like...
-Penetrate her.
-Yes, penetrate her. Didn’t do that. 
He says a bit awkwardly. 
-Babe, we’re making a list of people we had sex with and giving each other details about it, so like...stop being so prude about it. Especially since I know “prude” isn’t really your style. 
You wink at him and oh the effect it has on you, to see his Adam’s apple visibly ‘”gulping” at your words...
-...fair enough. Yes. No. I didn’t fuck her.
-”Fuck” out of your mouth, I’m shocked...
He gives you an exasperated look and with a smile you ask :
-So what did you do ?
-Ate her out.
-Did she return the favor ?
-I knew it, she’s more of a giver really.
-How would you know ?
-Look at my number 14.
He does and...his eyes widen, and he shivers slightly. 
-...You ate her out too ?
-Oh yeah. More than once. And we both know now she’s amazing with her tongue.
He makes a strange face and you can’t help but laugh. You approach him again and rub your shoulder against his and, with an over the top wink you raise your eyebrows repeatedly and say :
-Does it make you all hot and bothered ?
It’s funny, to see him trying to resist you. Trying to act as if he doesn’t feel fazed at all. His short answer and apparent self-control can’t hide the truth for you. You know him. You know he can never resist you much. Besides, the apparent bulge growing in his pants is enough to know he’s lying...
-Reaaaaaaally ?
You make your “oh” sounds so disappointed that it makes him shift on his spot and you just know the effect you have on him, damn minx...You continue :
-Cause imagining you giving a blowjob to Clark gets me all hot and bothered so like, I’d think the thought of me going down on Wonder Woman would have the same effect on you. And knowing that it’s not just a fantasy like me about you and Clark, that it actually happened...The thought of my tongue swirling in...
-Or What ? 
He doesn’t answer and you straddle him. He raises his arms and put them away from you, as if he’s afraid to touch you, as if just his hands coming in contact with your body would make him loose his cool. You grind on him shamelessly and he takes a deep breath. With a smirk and the smuggest look you can give him you say : 
-Feeling all hot and bothered now ? 
-To the extent that it’s painful so just stop. 
-...Oh God Bruce, things don’t always have to be painful, just take me already we’ll finish those stupid list later...In fact, at least as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care, because the best one I’ve ever slept with is you, I love you and I...
You don’t have time to finish your sentence. You’re pretty sure he tuned off when you said “just take me” and tried to resist just a few more seconds for good measure...But when he tells you that you’re the only one that ever mattered, and that he loves you more than anything in this damn and crazy world, you realize you’re wrong and it’s not your “take me now” that made him want you, but the fact that he feels love when with you, that you want him for him, that you love him and...Damn he loves you.
This was so stupid and bad. Sorry. But I had to..
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apocalypse-shuffle · 9 months
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS (generalized canon)
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"Harley-napping" (Harley Quinn × Poison Ivy x Selina Kyle × Fem!Reader)
I Stealing Harley from the Squad and then having a fun night out.
| SFW, mature language, action, criminal acts (duh), -platonic!reader/though there's hints of something more or a past relationship with Cat
I You're a thief, demolitions expert, and have EOD training in this one. Pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Arkham City video game)
| +words
| part: two of two (part one)
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“C’mon Croc, we’re all friends here.”
You walk away from your opponent, skidding around the hulking mass in front of you whenever he gets too close. God, you hated Killer Croc.
He growls.
“I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight, girl, and neither is Waller.”
You tip your head back and laugh.
“Is that so, buddy?” You step onto the raised edge of the embassy building the Squad had been deployed in. Was this ugly motherfucker serious?
You watch Killer Croc’s eyes narrow as he takes a step forward with yet another growl. You shake your head, shaking off the way the sound sends shockwaves into the air, and tutt in disagreement.
“Uh uh. If you want me you’ll have to work for it.” You smirk, spreading your arms wide, “Catch me if you can.”
You wave a little and then tip off the ledge of the building. Falling.
As the wind from your descent whips around you wildly, you whoop loudly. Tilting your upper body upwards you go to grasp at the grappling gun attached to your hip and fire—
You’re jerked roughly to a stop, breath punching out of you, equilibrium disrupted, and stomach the wrong side of queasy.
The jolt in your descent makes you give a breathy yell in surprise and the comparatively mild knock of your head on the side of the building shocks you into silence.
‘The fuck?’ Your mind supplies and you groan.
It takes you a while, your brain taking a few moments to wrap around your new position and the distinct lack of anything in your hand, before you force your head up. Slitted eyes meet squinted brown and your gut clenches.
Copperhead. What kind of fucking circus was Waller running here?
“You have,” you close your eyes and gasp, “Got to be kidding.”
Selina Them were so making this night up to you later.
“What fun is there in jokes when I could be killing you instead?” His tail tightens around your middle from where he’s dangling you in the air, hanging halfway outside an upper floor window himself, and you wheeze. “This spoil is ours.”
The hissed sentence makes you want to tense up but - even lightheaded - your training kicks in and dictates you do the opposite. Relaxing proves to be the correct move too because Copperhead gives an incredibly startled look at the drop in your weight. Thankfully the lapse is immediately exploited by one of the vines resting on the side of the building coming to life and striking out to wrap around his throat.
He’s too shocked to coil back around you but that also means that when his tail goes lax you drop from it.
And here you were without your grappling gun. You can even see where it is, gun dangling from the line and hook stuck in the stone structure of the building.
Two - maybe three - seconds of stomach dropping airtime is what you’re bestowed with before you land into something soft and vaguely organic smelling. Your breath hasn’t even fully caught up with you when the thing closes around you and you’re being lowered to the ground at a much more respectable pace.
It’s not till you touch gravel and the thing unfurls that you fully register what it is—a flower.
“Okay,” you gasp, nodding to yourself. A humongous flower rescuing you from impending death was by far not the weirdest thing you’d seen in Gotham - and to be expected considering current company.
Tenderly brushing your hands over the petal closest in gratitude and then pushing yourself out of the vibrant flower takes more effort than it should. Having to repeatedly remind yourself to take deep breaths dulls the hell outta your reaction time it would seem.
Your breath stutters, body harshly trying to regulate itself, but you wave off the green hand being held out to you. When Ivy even got so close you’ve no idea.
When your knees buckle Ivy disregards the dismissal entirely, not even hesitating for a second before grabbing you. Steady hands wrap around your middle, pulling you closer to her, and your own hands snap up to grasp at her forearms.
Ivy clicks her tongue at you. She smells just as organic as the flower did and that helps ground you at least.
“I thought I made it expressly clear I needed you alive,” she hisses softly but her eyes are sliding over you in fits and there’s a hint at something not too reproachful in them.
You humph but negate to curse her out the way you want. Or at least the way some people seem to think you will going off of the half cringes taking over the faces of the other two women behind Ivy.
You roll your eyes.
“I am a human and you put me on distract-the-animal-mutate-s duty. I don’t know what you expected,” you swallow, “but thanks…”
Ivy shrugs then points over her shoulder at an interestingly disheveled Harley. When she lets go of you she pushes you toward the blonde without another word.
Said woman smiles wide and waves at you, cringe forgotten for now, but covered head to toe by what might be soot with her outfit askew and hair sticking up in all types of directions.
“Please tell me something hasn’t already exploded.”
“Oh no!” Harley scoffs at your concern as she walks to you, bat swinging lowly in her dropped hand. She does gesticulate with it languidly, indicating a side of the embassy you’d managed to miss until now that’s definitely seen better days. “The building’s structure just wasn’t worth shit. Frosty barely flicked it before it started crumbling over our heads. Me and Cat slipped out just fine though, don’t worry!”
“Uh huh,” you grunt offhandedly, hands already rifling through your pack for the supplies.
You weren’t a surgeon but for your friend you could make this work. Would have to make this work because if you don’t pull this off you’re not entirely certain Ivy won’t kill you, fondness for you be damned.
Harley turns for you without you having to ask and you set to work right away; consulting the schematics Selina had managed to steal and your own scattered knowledge of anatomy to extract both of the bombs deep in the base of her neck and the tracker embedded in her bicep.
It’s as you’re working on the second bomb that Harley begins to fidget. Starting to rock in place for a second before remembering what’s happening, or moving to get a crink out of her neck but stopping herself half way.
At one point she rocks back enough that your retrieval tool clinks against the pill sized bomb and you tense, teeth grinding together. The localized EMP you were using to slow the bombs tampering fail safe wasn’t foolproof, it would still go off if you messed with it too fast, but you couldn’t block the transmitter entirely cause that’d definitely tip off Waller and she’d detonate the bombs in a heartbeat.
When nothing aside from your heart dropping into your spleen occurs you breathe out a small sigh.
Harley doesn’t see the panic flash across your face but she does see how Ivy reacts to it. If looks could kill you’d be way past the seventh gate of hell by now.
Harley’s voice cuts through the tension.
“What’s going on?”
“Just…hold still so I can cut the damn bomb out, Harls.”
“Sorry sorry,” she shrugs the smallest bit. “I’m getting antsy is all.”
“Well stop it,” you murmur.
Your tweezers finally get a decent grasp of the implant and you extract it carefully. It comes out even smoother than the last and you hand the bomb to a thickly structured plant that Ivy has walk a good distance away from you all.
Collectively all of your abdomens unclench and every one of you starts moving lighter. The tracker is extracted soon after and you plop it into Harley’s hand, happy to be rid of the stressor.
Harley cheers, throwing the tracker toward the vicinity of Cooperhead’s limp body. She runs up to Ivy right after that, jumps into the taller’s embrace and they share a passionate kiss.
You raise your brows, turning away. Selina and you both exchange a glance and when she walks over to give you your own hug you reciprocate the gesture.
“Thanks for helping out,” she says into the side of your head. You nod into her shoulder before pulling apart. You both squeeze each other's hands, her lighter thumbs rubbing lightly over your knuckles.
“Humph,” you duck your head at the way she meets your eyes and let go of her to go examine the stagnant bombs.
Selina leaves you to stare at them.
They’re so …innocent looking when they’re just chilling in the middle of one of Ivy’s oversized plants. You’d never expect they’d be able to take out two people if a second person was close enough. It was barbaric.
The scoff you let out is full of contempt.
Harley peeks over your shoulder, energy revitalized without the threat of death hovering so close, and the only reason you don’t startle is practice. Even crazier is that you haven’t seen her in nearly a year and her absurd knack for sneaking up on you was still familiar.
“Harley,” you admonish quietly, making yourself relax back and willing your heart rate down.
Naturally, Harley ignores you. “So you gonna disarm them now, or what?”
Harley having broken the seal, Ivy and Selina move to gather around the plant with you as well.
You hum at Harley’s question, “I could do that…or…” you meet the gazes of the women with you and their eyes glint back with a similar desire.
_ _ _
All of your laughter echoes into the night air, nothing but knocked out Squad members scattered about and crickets in your near surroundings.
“Planting the bombs in the underside of the Squad’s truck was a good idea, Y/n. I knew you still had it in ya!”
You scoff, “Right?”
“Yeah, and I say we keep this ball rolling!” Harley announces. She’s linked arms with Ivy, leaning into the other woman as they walk. “Get the team back together for some real excitement!”
Ivy stares down at her with an uncomfortable amount of affection and you have to look away from her and from Harley’s expectant expression. Unfortunately that means you’re looking at Selina instead and the way she grins at you sends your heart racing.
Yeah, no. Ultimately you settle on only looking straight ahead of you, brows furrowing as you think about how exactly you’re gonna get home. You clear your throat.
“You guys have fun with that. I’ma head home though.”
Harley makes an anguished sound.
“No, whaddya mean? Let’s go have some fun!” She detangles herself from Ivy to sling an arm over your shoulder. “I missed my favorite arsonist and it’s been forever since we’ve all been together. We should totally celebrate!”
You hear an “Oh boy,” off to the side from Selina and couldn’t agree more.
“I’m not an arsonist, Harls.”
She giggles, “Sure you are. When you go out on the town you usually explode shit, and that comes with lots of fire.”
“Okay, but the fire isn’t the goal. I’m not obsessed with it like Firefly’s crazy ass.”
“So what? You’re basically an arsonist with more steps. Fire starters still a fire starter if ya asks me. Ain’t that right, Red?”
You glance at each other over the blonde's head, your own shaking minutely, but Ivy just smirks.
“On the money, Love.”
Damnit, you should’ve asked Selena for help. Harley squeals and rushes away from you to catch Ivy up in a hug again.
“Ohhh, I knew you had my back, Iv!”
She ends the hug after kissing Ivy some more then snatches something off Selina’s belt and bounds over to you with it.
Harley pushes something into your chest—a ski mask
You guffaw.
“Oh no, I did not come here to fucking steal with you. All you bitches bring is trouble.”
“If we’re such trouble then why’d you come babes? We’ve already been working together and none of our recreational activities ever don’t lead to a little trouble anyway.”
“Just like helping breakout and disable the bombs put into an inmate, which you just did, mind you,” Ivy adds very unhelpfully.
You curb the urge to flip her off - an action Ivy would surely laugh off anyway - instead focusing on Selina taking up your immediate line of vision.
“They’re right,” she croons. The claws of her glove tap at the mask. “Just think of this as an early Christmas present.”
You turn the mask over in your hands, running your fingers over the two points at the top. Cat ears.
“Your old mask? Really?”
She shrugs, “It fit in my pocket.”
You shake your head at all three of them - Ivy too. She better not think she looks any more subtle than the other two with her up-to-no-good smirk fully in place. Upstanding citizens don’t make that face at the prospect of an impromptu heist.
“What would we even steal?”
Harley smiles.
“Wellll, Waller sent us to retrieve some old super important papers. Not really my thing but treasury documents sell like crazy. They’re like the government secrets of the bonds world, big men inbetween wives with fragile senses of self worth pay top dollar for them.”
Clearly being able to see the wheels in your head turning in her favor Selina drapes herself over your shoulders. She doesn’t even have the decency to assuage your ego by speaking, just starts playing with the way some of your coils are tight enough to spring back into shape when they’re pulled on. You blow air out from your nose and the way she chuckles reverberates up your spine.
“Now that you mention it, Harley, what does Amanda want with decades old bookkeeping anyway?”
“Leverage, Kitty Cat,” you can feel the way Selina’s eyes narrow and Harley laughs, “Waller serves the US government, and nothing does those a-holes better than a boon they can hold over some foreign schmucks’ heads.”
“Compelling argument,” you murmur, still twisting the mask over and over in your hold.
When you look up both Harley and Ivy are giving you expectant looks. Selina pokes you in the side.
“Just say yes, Slick,” she takes the mask and slips it over your head before walking around to grab your hand and pull you towards the others, “You know you're itching for the thrill.”
You give their words a second more of consideration before your lips purse.
“Fine,” Harley lets out a whoop, “but the second we get wind of Bats we leave.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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