#perfect chakra control
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The only time we'll ever see Sakura perform the shadow clone jutsu: as Medical Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are her main thing.
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"Cha!"/ "Shannaro!", A natural excellency & perfection in Chakra control.
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justsomeoneunordinary · 3 months
I'm going to say something some of my fellow Tobirama fans are not going to like but I'm going to say it anyway:
Karin's 👏 sensing 👏 abilities 👏 are 👏 far 👏 more 👏 advanced 👏 than 👏 Tobirama's! 👏👏
Tobirama has to mould chakra to actively sense, and when he does, he can only detect the number of chakra signatures within a certain parameter.
Karin is the one who can sense completely unconsciously, and detect the size, reserves and potency of someone's chakra, as well as tell the feelings of a person to some extent.
Maybe Tobirama's sensing abilities were the best in his times, that's perfectly possible, but by the time Karin is born, she has surpassed him. And you know what? Good for her!!!
Please stop making Tobirama some kind of all-knowing empath, not even Karin can tell the exact feelings of someone just from reading their chakra. You're making him boring; he's already ridiculously powerful as it is, put some damn limits on his abilities, for fuck's sake. 🙄
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Kakashi is actually a really good teacher in a lot of ways.
Imperfect of course, due to his own trauma and somewhat his own personality at times.
But a good teacher who recognized the seperate skills in each of his students and did what he could for them in the limited time he had before the team broke apart
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ryemoon · 1 year
I'm gonna fit bijuus into the chakra theory au!
It's been a bit, and I don't really want to do in-depth research right now, so things I touch on here will be expanded in later posts.
So. Viruses can change your genetic code. I vaguely remember how it works, but your offspring have the genetic markers you gained from the virus. Here, bijuu are viruses on a humans chakra system. You need to have the bijuu sealed within the vessel for it to start affecting the chakra system.
Chakra, on its own, acts like a cross between a steroid and stimulant. Which, on a side note, means that neurodivergent people react to chakra differently than neurotypical people, will touch on that later. Chakra primarily acts like the musculoskeletal system and works like the nervous system. In large quantities, chakra will cause agitation and restlessness and personality changes, but in small quantities, it will begin to naturally strengthen and amplify the body systems' natural functioning , thereforeto perform jutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu on par with genin ninjas the chakra system has to have developed a tolerance to larger quantity of chakra that a civilian or child training to be a ninja. That's why the academy test to become a genin is a bunching because it requires tolerance, coordination, and the chakra reserve.
So, back to bijuu.
Focusing on the kyuubi kurama, since in this au the bijuu each function similarly but with slight differences, kurama would primarily effect regeneration and amplify natural elemental chakra affinities and the abilities to use each chakra affinity. Also, behavior effects like hyperactivity and hyper arousal in all jinchuuriki with other behavior effects from each individual bijuu.
Side note the jinchuuriki and bijuu would have a background sensory feedback loop from eachothers senses. It wouldn't be particularly noticeable for the jinchuuriki but definitely for the bijuu.
Also, because I like it, all jinchuuriki are feral even if they learn to mask it. As a treat.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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I could NOT get this idea of cursed Harunos with evil/negative inner selves out of my head! So here are messy ideas for team 7 dynamic~
Naruto grew up knowing he's Minato's son and trained the Uzumaki clan sealing jutsus. He's a good student, still energetic but more well behaved. Once he knew he'd team up with a Haruno he studied about them and searched how to seal the inner Sakura just in case she ever needed help.
Sasuke has the same personality he had as a kid, bright, polite and hard working. And the Uchihas were left alone to get along with the rest of the village and develop their "Uchiha Love" as a new clan trait, so make them all kind and soft~ but also once they get attatched to you, you're basically family so be ready for your Uchiha being reckless for you.
And Sakura's still highly intelligent with perfect chakra control, but the Haruno clan is known for their sealed inner versions. She is always worried about hers because she can't control it properly and is terrified of Ino and the Yamanakas because they can see inside their minds.
Overall they do get along and end up being friends, but there's some drama here and there.
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skykashi · 2 years
How Kakashi's mental health negatively effected his strength and why he was getting stronger and stronger throughout the story.
Have you ever wondered why Tsunade was surprised that Itachi defeated Kakashi and was so angry that she scolded him for losing?
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That's because Tsunade personally knowing Kakashi's power level as a Shinobi and that he shouldn't have lost that fight ... Then what happened?!.
Aside from the things I explained in the second half of this post, Kakashi was actually rusty, after Hiruzen got him out of Anbu and before he gets team 7, Kakashi's mental health was at it's lowest, he lost the Anbu missions which despite not being good for him and was actually making his depression worse, it's was the only thing that was keeping him busy, so now he had too much free time, he was failing all of the students he got and apparently he wasn't being sent to S or A ranked missions and according to his own statements he stopped training too
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And here in his fight with Zabuza he states that it has been so long since he had a fight like this
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And here he once again confirms that he hasn't had a fight like this since he left Anbu
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Now, remember when Kakashi was teaching team 7 to walk on trees and was explaining chakra control? Kakashi explained that the physical AND mental energies combine to form chakra.
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And this is why having a bad mental health can effect the Shinobi's overall strength greatly.
Then Kakashi gets team 7 and slowly things starts to get better gradually especially in Shippuden when he tells Naruto this
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And then he got to meet his father and forgive him and know that because of it his father too can now move on and can finally join his mother.
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And then during the war he got the chance to properly say goodbye to Rin, Obito and Minato and then later they even get Sasuke back.
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He finally gets to move on.. even the Sharingan that was a constant reminder of his pain and failures was gone. When he says "As of today Kakashi of The Sharingan is no more" it holds a much more deeper meaning than just losing the Sharingan. "Kakashi of the Sharingan" was the man who had the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, who was always burdened by his guilt, his failures and everything he lost, that sad broken man who used to be called "Kakashi of the Sharingan" is no more. The new Kakashi gets to have a new beginning with all of the friends and precious people he still has, who has filled the hole in his heart, in a new era of peace, the peace that they all fought so hard to get and now they finally have. And this is why Hokage Kakashi is much much more stronger than he ever was. The current Kakashi has a perfect mental energy combined with a perfect physical energy (especially after losing the chakra drain of the Sharingan and the great toll it used to put on his body) and he is even training and learning so many new powerful Jutsu and inventing new ones like it's stated in Kakashi Retsuden. The new Kakashi finally gets to use his full potentials without all the emotional baggage that used to hold him back 🥺❤️
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sasukexplicit · 5 months
What do you think are Naruto and Sasuke’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
from the manga, naruto's greatest strength is his persistence to achieve his goal. since we're talking about sasuke and naruto, i'll focus more on both of them. naruto's persistence to bring sasuke back to konoha ignoring gaara and jiraiya's ideas is a great act of love. given the context in which sasuke found himself being a member of akatsuki and being one of the most dangerous ninjas in the world, naruto carried great responsibility when dealing with the uchiha at that time, because it was about entering a minefield, as literally all the villages, especially the cloud village (due to the “capture” of killer bee) wanted to see him dead, as he represented an obvious threat.
during this text i wrote, i included some panels from the manga to remember these moments…
1. jiraiya asks naruto to forget about sasuke
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2. naruto and his iconic phrase
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3. gaara telling naruto that he will have no mercy on sasuke because he is a threat to the ninja world
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in addition, naruto's greatest weakness is sasuke (see how much he put his life at risk in the lines i wrote above because of uchiha). naruto took a risk by personally asking the raikage not to kill sasuke, he was violently beaten by karui to protect sasuke, he lost control of the kyubi's chakra in the fight against orochimaru because of sasuke and he had a panic attack with the overload of emotions that he was having everything happening at the same time. anyway, a lot happened during the manga that clearly shows the risk that Naruto took to protect sasuke, this is a sign of weakness but also a sign of the unbreakable bond between the two.
4. naruto out of control after orochimaru talks about sasuke
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5. naruto begging the raikage not to go after sasuke
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6. naruto after being beaten (without fighting back) against karui in order to protect sasuke
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7. iconic naruto panel thinking about sasuke
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8. naruto hyperventilating after the amount of events that are happening at the same time without him having control over it
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about sasuke, his biggest strength is his determination. again, i’m making this synthesis only with the relationship between naruto and sasuke: from the first interaction between them, in the fight against haku we saw his determination to abandon his revenge against Itachi (which was his biggest goal in life) to sacrifice himself for naruto (remembering that he already lost his family once and didn't want it to happen twice).
9. sasuke saying he doesn't want to see his comrades killed in front of him again
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10. sasuke sacrificing himself for naruto in the fight against haku
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sasuke's biggest weakness is naruto. remember that his main objective was to defeat his older brother itachi, to obtain revenge for what happened to his clan, but one of the requirements to achieve this according to itachi was to obtain the mangekyou sharingan, that is, killing naruto. he managed to obtain victory against naruto in the valley of the end but he was unable to end his life.
11. sasuke being unable to end naruto's life (even with the perfect opportunity to do so)
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12. sasuke saying that naruto is his closest friend
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13. itachi saying that to awaken the mangekyou sharingan it is necessary for sasuke to kill his closest friend
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when i talked about the determination to be the greatest strong point of sasuke we also have to remember that this quality almost brought the death of naruto because thus, the only weakness of the uchiha would go before his eyes.
14. sasuke saying the iconic phrase of my one and only
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15. sasuke saying that naruto knows his heart and vice versa
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what i like most about the dynamics between them, in a few words, is: "naruto and sasuke progress as a pair. so when i write about naruto, i always have to think about sasuke. they are on opposite sides of the spectrum, like yin and yang.”
masashi kishimoto
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Urna, Buddha's Third Eye Talon Abraxas
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations The third eye is the energy center of intuition and divine wisdom. I will show you how can quickly start energizing this chakra using my favorite 35 third eye chakra affirmations.
Third eye chakra affirmations encourage you to become more connected with your Third Eye or Ajna Chakra.
Affirmations empower and restore your chakra and as a result, you acquire greater self-awareness and razor-sharp intuition.
The Third Eye Chakra seats the eyes of your soul. You will be able to discern the world with greater perspectives when you activate your third eye using affirmations. You will be able to see, hear, and feel the energy around you. You may even be able to perceive psychically and with very strong intuition.
Awakening your Third Eye enables you to comprehend complex concepts and situations you may not have understood in the past.
You will see other angles of your circumstances with sharper vision. You will also be able to communicate thoughts and feelings easily.
Your Third Eye Chakra The word chakra originates from the Sanskrit word for circle or a spinning wheel.
At times, chakras are referred to as the wheels of life. Chakras are aligned in ascending order from the spine’s base to the top of your head.
Chakras have perpetually been referred to as a classical element, an aspect of consciousness and related to bodily functions.
The Third Eye Chakra emanates from between the eyebrows on your forehead.
Essentially, chakras are multiple subtle body focal points used in various ancient practices of meditation.
Denominated collectively as esoteric, inner traditions of Hinduism, also known as Tantra.
The area between the eyebrows is where we direct our attention when doing third eye affirmations.
Early traditions of Hinduism reveal the concept of chakras. Between religions of India, beliefs vary.
Buddhism texts mention five chakras consistently while sources of Hinduism offer six to seven chakras.
Regardless of belief, early Sanskrit text revels meditation visualizations combine mantras and flowers as the physical body’s physical entities.
35 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
I listen to my deepest intuition
I am in touch with internal guidance
My intuition always works to serve my highest purpose.
I and my intuition are made with perfection
I am blessed with an inner voice.
I always know exactly what to do, all the time.
I am full of wisdom and knowledge.
I always look within when making decisions
My intuition always tells me what to do.
My intuition is never wrong.
I am complete with inner knowing.
We are all growing and learning. I am growing and learning
I was born to fulfill my God-given purpose.
I love discovering new things every day.
I see life everywhere I look.
I am here for a reason.
I accept that I have weaknesses. I accept that I have strengths.
I completely accept myself.
I accept everything my third eye tells me.
I accept the things I cannot change.
I can only control my reactions to things.
I can always see clearly
I am sensitive to the world around me.
I am shielded from harm by my intuition
I can see clearly.
I attract everything I have in my reality.
I am enough as I am
I always know the right thing to do
I live to serve my highest purpose
I was born to serve a greater purpose
I am born with everything I need to survive.
Everything I need to know, I already know
My inner-knowing never fails
I always know exactly what to do in every situation.
I trust my inner guidance
Why Are Affirmations So Powerful? The reason is that words are, like everything else, a type of energy with their own frequency.
There is tremendous power in spoken words.
Words can heal or they can wound. They are powerful and can be used as a powerful weapon. They have the power to recreate your world and alter your life.
The reason that positive affirmations work is because of neuroplasticity, which is a proven scientific principle. Neuroplasticity is the ability to rewire your brain with the power of words. There is a major role that affirmations play in actualizing our subconscious and manifesting desires.
Words can be used to balance your chakras and can have a significant impact on the outcome of your health. One example of the power of affirmations is when we have a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves.
The Energy of Words This raises the body’s vibration into something positive and attracts renewed health, stronger chakra, and as a result clarity of vision, perfect health, a relaxed mind, and total well-being. Holistic tradition suggests that positive affirmations raise your chakra’s frequency and make your energetic body stronger.
When you believe and act as if something you are saying is true, and that you have acquired the outcome you long for, then the more you actualize the affirmation.
Thus when you tell yourself “I am tranquil,” This will affect your energetic chakra body and you will, inevitably, become tranquil. Scientifically, affirmations have been proven to work. The fact that they have been around for centuries means that generations of human beings have reaped the benefits of using affirmations.
The best method of proving that affirmations work is to see for yourself first hand. After a few days, you will notice real results in your life and might finally understand what has made millions of people true believers in the power of affirmations.
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etaindelaserna · 3 months
Hello, hello...What do you think are KakaSaku and DraMione’s each greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic each?
(Hope you don't mind, that I copy the same questions from that same ask of that anon about SukuIta).
P.s Also can I ask your top 5 fav fics of those 2 ships? Please and thank you.....
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Greetings!✨ Minding? Are you kidding me? I get to talk about my favourite characters and ships soooo let’s get down to it, shall we?
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Kakashi is a genius in all ways that matter to become the perfect shinobi: he’s intelligent, capable of cold logic, perceptive, talented and has the will to perfect his skills. To me his greatest quality is to think fast and outside of the box. Not only does he analyse situations quickly but he also knows how to adapt his plans according to the changing variables.
Greatest weakness? Hmm…younger Kakashi certainly had more than one but older Kakashi? I think, since Naruto and Sasuke were the troublemakers with the greatest potential he focused — naturally — too much on them and forgot all about Sakura’s training. He knew she had the best chakra control among them and still abandoned her. Maybe he thought she would be fine without too much guidance but I think he underestimated her potential because she acted a typical teenaged girl.
Sakura is intelligent. She might not be a tactical genius like Kakashi but she definitely matches his analytical talent. It takes her till Shippuden to not only be good at analysing situations but to also come up with good plans. That and her chakra control make her formidable.
Her greatest weakness? I have to go with simping for Sasuke. On the one hand focusing on getting Sasuke back and not wanting to stand in his or Naruto’s shadow helped with her training, on the other hand it limited her options of what she wanted to do/achieve in life. We never find out. She had the obligation to do something with her talent apart from “stopping” and “loving” Sasuke and it was waaaaaasted.
To me it made sense that in another universe or time or under different circumstances those two characters could have been close friends or more. They are both intelligent and nerds in their respective fields, which are traits Sakura — even when she was a Sasuke fangirl — appreciated. They are both kind and empathic characters with similiar values. I always had the impression that Sakura definitely would go for a partner, who matches her intellect and competence. Canon-wise Kakashi never invalidated Sakura’s feelings or made her feel bad about herself for not being or acting like the perfect shinobi. Instead he looked out for her, saved her or comforted her. I think the moment Shippuden rolled around he also respected her as a fully fledged shinobi. He acknowledged her skills but never stopped looking out for her in dangerous situations. Kakashi showed her the level of care and kindness her love interest should have given her. But since Sasuke couldn’t allow himself to have such bonds, the contrast between his behaviour towards Sakura and Kakashi’s was even more apparent. Not even Naruto was so soft with her:
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The softness of that gesture... During the Kaguya fight we get more than one scene where they are both so soft with each other. Not to mention every time Sasuke acts like a dickhead we get a reaction shot like this from Kakashi:
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Kakashi was always good a reading her. It looked like as if they had some sort of understanding of one another that didn't require a lot of words, probably because they are both very perceptive. Apart from that I think the difference in their temperament is the best combination for a power couple. They remind me of Minato and Kushina in that regard. He, the quiet, logical and kind one. She, the explosive emotional and intelligent one with too much doofus energy. Take that and their shared history and you have so many interessting arcs and story building elements you can explore.
Favourite Fanfictions:
I Found You Missing by Wolfy Tales
Unbroken by princezsupastar
Duty Before Honor by SilverShine
Will of Fire by Cynchick
Christmas Confessions by Cynchick
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Draco always had a lot of potential. His intelligence and creativity as well as his love and commitment to his family are his greatest strength. I think during his attempt to kill Dumbledore all of these attributes are combined and show what Draco is able to accomplish if he sets his mind to it. He is a problem solver and is able to make connections that aren't obvious to other people.
His insecurity and need for recognition is what is holding him back. It's also what fosters his cowardness. For some reason he is the Malfoy heir and still feels the need to compensate for not living up to his father’s (?) expectations. He is also more tilted towards the easy way instead of working hard or taking responsibility.
Hermione is brilliant and very persistent. A deadly combination. When she has a clear goal in mind she is working rentlessly towards it. Sometimes even with no regard towards others. Her ambition, studies and her talent to think logical saved Harry and Ron more than once.
Greatest weakness has to be her disregard of other opinions. She can be close-minded and has a hard time accepting other views about the world, especially about topics she has already thought through. Everything she doesn't understand or isn't able to dissect with logic, is dismissed or questioned by her.
Dramione is an intriguing idea because on the one hand they are opposites of each other: the Malfoy heir and the girl next door, the pureblood and the muggle born, Slytherin and Gryffindor, Death Eater and Golden Girl. And yet they also mirror each other in various aspects: Draco makes fun of her blood status showing he his set in his view of the world but so is Hermione. Accepting other views is hard for her. Draco can be analytical and hellbent on achieving his goal. Similar to Hermione. He can be cruel but so is she. He knows exactly what to say to trigger people but so does she. They are both impulsive. He is insecure ablout himself as is she. He wants to be recognized as does she. You can ask so many story building questions with these setups alone — even when you don't count in both the canon and headcanon moments and the shared history of those two. The clashes of their personalities and ideals makes for pure entertainment and drama, but their similiarities and the conflict of them being on different sides of the war is what great love stories are made of. They play well off each other in every situation you throw them in. I always thought that Hermione needed someone who is as smart and ambitious as her, but who is also able to question her world views and who isn't afraid to push her limits. Also he would charm her with his ingenuity. As for Draco (and that's purly speculation on my part), I think he would've reacted well towards somebody, who values something other than the Malfoy name in him.
Favourite Fanfictions:
Inverse by Elesrea
Osculum Annuum by MyDelphi
The Green Girl by Colubrina
The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8
Dragon’s Heartstrings by pinkinku
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hc/short story/blurb?? for shino with a girl that specializes on plant jutsu? I like thinking of them as sort of like in nature. (I had to look it up lol) mutualism! 🌱🪲
Also whenever shino (attempts) to talk, she takes all of it in. When shino’s not around, she notices and remembers him. Shino and her go back and forth about all sorts of stuff; she asks about Shino’s bugs and his favorites and she actually listens. Shino finally reciprocates and asks about her plants and all that.
She vibes well with most of the teams though so she’s got friend groups up the wazoo. Shino’s petty as fuck so I’m getting some jealous vibes from him too. But he shouldn’t feel that way over someone he’s not even in a relationship with, he thinks…. Not with the first person that’s actually remembered him, no……
(Also, shino’s canonically packing so do with that as you will, my friend. I just need something for our beloved bug boy.)
this request had me in a chokehold for two whole days - i really ran with this, it's pretty long, but sets up well for the last part of your request - i hope this hits your marks, thank you for the request!!
The Art of Mutual Growth
Pairing: Shino x f!Reader
Summary: Shino meets his perfect match while on a mission, and he quickly finds out that his solitude was dust, compared to the castle of your company.
W/c: 4.3k
Warnings: Swearing, talk of suicide (Shino's terribly dramatic about you), self-loathing
Notes: i was imagining Shino a few years post Blank Period in this, but this could work for Boruto era Shino too if y'all are in to that top knot - if you want a smuttier part 2, i got that shit lined right up, just lmk
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He was used to being overlooked, discounted, alone. It never bothered him - even in love, his parents were solitary people, raising him to be unbothered by a sullen lack of attention. Being left to his own devices, Shino turned to his bugs for solace, and they provided as much as they could. To his knowledge, he was perfectly happy, alone with his insects.
But then you danced into his life, a trail of flowers in your wake.
You were his perfect match; a woman who could use Plant Release technique. Your kekkei tota was a gift of your Kiso blood, but too powerful for you to ever have full control over. Still, your control was wildly impressive, and your technical fighting skills were more precise than any Shino had seen before. Unlike him, you hailed from the Land of Flowers, but you couldn't reveal any further personal details at the time. It was a shame that the mission that brought you to Shino didn't allow him the time he so desperately needed to talk to you.
Side by side, you and he had fought together. Your snaking vines fed Shino's bugs chakra, and allowed them to infiltrate places on your vines with a much greater speed and accuracy than they ever could when Shino was alone. His bugs found your chakra delicious, almost as distracted as he was by you and your power. The recon mission went without hitch, mainly thanks to your immense amount of pure chakra and will to prove your capabilities. It was a shame.
Upon the mission's completion, Shino merely listened to your cracking conversation with Kiba and Shikamaru, resigned to the fact that he had missed his chance, already moving on in his mind.
When the team returned to the Hidden Leaf, Shino was ready to be the first to leave, already peeling away from the group until...
"I'm sorry," your sweet voice said timidly, behind Shino.
He stopped in his tracks, and you did as well, staying right behind him. The bugs' chakra told him you seemed nervous, which arguably relaxed him. Clipped, he asked, "What for?"
"We never got the chance to get to know each other," you grinned, coming around Shino to face him with a placid smile. Extending your hand, you gave him your name, and with a charm to your tone, asked for his.
Clearing his throat, Shino couldn't find his voice for a second. He had never seen such a pretty smile, let alone been the receiver of one. Your bubbly attitude caught him off guard. He couldn't fathom what you were doing, why you would be wasting your time, talking to him. You could've stayed with the team, striking up any number of conversations with one of them... but you didn't. You chose to talk to him.
"Shino Aburame," he said finally, taking your warm hand in his.
"You're wonderfully strong, Shino," you hummed, shaking his hand slightly. "The chakra control you possess is to be envied. I'd love to know more about your insects, if you have the time."
Staring the gift horse right in the mouth, he scoffed, "You must be joking."
"No." The expression you wore quickly became confused, but your tone genuinely despondent. With a twitch, you let go of his hand and Shino could feel his heart plummet. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
From behind, Kiba's strong voice cut you off. "Hey, Y/n! Wanna take a tour of Konoha?" He came bounding up to the pair of you, Akamaru by his side, stealing your attention from Shino. "I'm free to be your guide, unless...you two..."
Looking back at Shino for a moment, you seemed to mull something over thoroughly in your mind. Your eyes were full of expectation, and Shino could feel his palms dampen.
"Go with him," Shino said, as casually as he could, though his words came out rather harshly.
He wished he could take it back as soon as he said it. The feeling that came when he saw a sharp sparkle in your eye, followed by an overbearing dullness, made Shino feel empty and so very stupid. Your lips drew straight, and your air became serious - everything about you became stony, frigid. The exact opposite of your demeanour before Shino had opened his stupid mouth.
Maintaining eye contact with Shino as you took Kiba up on his offer, he could feel his heart leap from his chest and into your palm. You squeezed it then, and when he watched you walk away with Kiba and his ninken, you crushed it.
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In the aftermath of the successful recon mission, you were invited by the Fifth Hokage to stay in Konoha and train under her. You took her up, of course, and became an active member of the society within the Hidden Leaf. Everywhere Shino went, there you would be, talking to swarms of people at a time.
It was Promethean punishment, that he didn't deserve.
You would never speak to him again, because he was born with his foot in his mouth. He would be cursed to see you everywhere he turned, but you would never speak to him again.
A week had passed since you came to Konoha to stay. Shino had been tantalized, shown exactly what he wanted but couldn't have, for seven days, and he was sick to death. His solitude had never felt so solitary, watching you bop around the village with an onslaught of people.
It was made even worse by the fact that he had consistently been catching you, staring at him. The bugs would be abuzz, begging Shino to ask you to sprout one of your vines, telling him that you looked ready to approach him, yourself. He ignored then dually, thinking they were exaggerating your apparent willingness to speak to him. Why would you ever leave a full entourage, just to speak to him?
With the sun sinking lowly over Hokage Mountain, Shino decided to wrap up his meditation and just go home. His body was alight with energy, but his soul begged for rest and reprieve, something that Shino could not provide. As such, he left the sanctity of his neck of the woods to make a medial dinner and have a long sleep. Maybe that would fix him, though it hadn't seemed to work for the last week. Shino felt restless, completely unable to settle in a way that even resembled himself before you came along.
He would just have to get over you. The chance you served up on a silver platter had been spit on, and you would surely never serve it again. Shino had to move onward and upward, he couldn't stagnate.
But then-
There you were. In his hallway. In front of a door. Fiddling with your keys and hissing curses under your breath.
And all Shino could think was, I am going to make her my wife. I need to marry this woman.
You looked up, startled, but quickly smiled and looked back at your keys, still pulling and shoving. Slowly, you said, "Hey...Shino, right?"
He had never heard his name like that before. It dripped with silver and gold as it left your pretty lips, and Shino never wanted anyone else to say his name again. Only you. Only you, forever.
Looking up at his lack of response, you seemed nervous but tried to smile. "You're my bug boy, aren't you?"
"Yes," he said a little too quickly. The nervousness vanished from your expression as embarrassment became his. He cleared his throat, trying again, "Yeah. That's me. Shino."
She remembered. Her bug boy. Her's. She knows. I need to make her mine. Someway, somehow.
"I didn't think I knew anyone in the building," you said, finally procuring the key you wanted from the tangle. You slipped it into your door, the smiled at Shino, the nervousness coming back to you. In a light voice, you asked, "Would you...would you like to come in? Have a tea? With me?"
Shino thought he had died and gone to Heaven. There was no other plausible reason for him to have been getting another opportunity with you, this one infinitely more golden than the last.
The lock clicked and you opened the door, still awaiting his answer. A rush of cool air came over Shino, standing near your door. Leaning back, Shino tried to bite back his forming grin, before saying,
"I would like that very much."
You mumbled something under your breath and stepped into the apartment. Shino followed in after you, welcomed by the scent of lavender and rosemary. As you let him look around the living room, you went to the kitchen to prepare the tea.
Shino had never seen such a beautiful little place, especially not one that reflected it's inhabitant so well. Plants sprawled across every wall, their pots interconnected through a series of braided vines that wrapped and weaved around the others. All of the wooden things in the apartment were birch, the coffee table, the bookshelves, the chairs. To boot, all of the pillows and cushions were a pale, dusty green colour. Books and journals laid all over, accompanied by a myriad weapons and solo-practice materials. The feeling of peace was abundant in the small apartment, Shino found himself actually start to relax.
So, he would be letting you decorate the house when you eventually became his wife. This was useful information to Shino.
"Sencha or matcha?" You asked him, poking your head out of the kitchen.
You cared. "Sencha."
"Okay, give me another minute." You ducked back into the kitchen, your hair flowing so nicely behind you.
Feeling his bugs growing anticipatory, he began to try and suppress them. The last thing Shino wanted right now was for his bugs to take advantage of your hospitality. But his refusal only made them angrier. With your vines so near, it was like holding a lollipop in front of a child and saying no.
Coming back into the living room with a tea tray, you smiled at Shino, making him neglect his control over the bugs. Almost immediately, a swarm of insects came from Shino's body and flocked to the nearest vine before Shino could do anything about it. He swore and started trying to wrangle them, only stopping when he heard your melodic laugh.
He never wanted to hear anything else again. Not even the way you said his name could compare to your laughter - no sweeter sound had ever been produced.
"I don't mind, Shino, let them be," you hummed, setting the tray onto the table almost silently. Shino turned to you slowly, unsure if you were just letting your hospitality speak for you. You laughed, "It's fine. I promise."
"Whatever you say," Shino replied faintly, still not convinced but not willing to argue with you for even a second.
He came around to the couch as you picked up the jade teapot and poured both cups. He thanked you, taking up his teacup while you sat down on the couch. Sipping the steaming beverage, Shino hummed,
"This might be the best tea I've ever had."
"I'm glad," you grinned, sipping your tea before patting the cushion beside you. "Sit with me. Please."
Without hesitation, Shino sat on the furthest edge of the couch, giving you the space you deserved. You just giggled softly, collecting your legs onto the couch and shifting your entire body to face Shino. He smiled absentmindedly, heart thumping inside of his chest.
"So, I have to ask," you started. Shino turned more toward you, giving you his full attention. "Why did you get all aggro when I asked you about your bugs, the other day?"
Oh. No. No, this wasn't what he wanted. No.
"It...erm, it was... I don't..." Stars above, wasn't he pathetic? Couldn't even speak to the only person he wanted to speak to. He sighed deeply, "It wasn't the bugs, I just... I thought you were making fun of me when... when you... you know...?"
Furrowing your eyebrows as he blathered, you looked at Shino like he was crazy. He had never had so much trouble stringing together a sentence, and he didn't even finish the thought. The silence that followed was thick and heavy, just making Shino feel worse about his inability to talk to you.
"When I complimented your chakra and your control?" You asked finally. Shino nodded, just thankful that you spoke and he didn't have to. To his surprise, you smiled that sweet smile of yours and asked, "Why?"
"Who are you? The police?"
"Oh, n-no... I'm sorry."
Fuck, he could've killed himself. Only Shino Aburame could make a joke that wipes the smile off of your face. It was his voice, it wasn't jovial enough. No, it was his face, he looked too mean. No, no, it was his brain.
"No, I'm sorry," Shino sighed, setting his cup on the coffee table before rubbing his eyes under his sunglasses.  "It's the fact that you're as powerful as you are... and I'm not..."
"We don't have to talk about that."
Letting a short chuckle fall from his lips, Shino looked at you from the side of his glasses, getting a fully coloured vision of you in his peripheral. He took a breath, then felt a small bubble of laughter as he asked, 
"Then what do you want to talk about?" He sipped his tea, letting it warm his hands. "I'm a much better listener than talker, if you haven't caught on."
"I could've guessed." Narrowing his eyes, though you couldn't see them, Shino turned his head to you slowly. You laughed freely, "I talk too much as it is. I've got some innate need to chew the air. Aren't we a lovely pair?"
The church bells ringing, everyone's chatter falling to a hush as the organ begins-
"Hm, you've got such a nice voice, Shino - it's a pity you want to deprive me of it."
And here you are, coming down the aisle, right into his arms.
"W-what do you want me to say?" He asked quickly, chomping at the bit to make you happy. He didn't even have the mind to question your sentiment, just elated that it existed.
You sipped your tea, saying, "Tell me about your bugs."
"You're not making this easy for someone born to be a mute," he joked, watching your reaction intensely. Shino prayed his tone was humorous, that the small smile on his lips would support him.
And, to his joy, you laughed. Warm and rich, each soundwave landed on Shino's ear like a butterfly's kiss. You hummed, "I'm sorry-"
"And, please, stop apologizing to me - you haven't had a thing to be sorry for," he added.
"Okay," you said softly, looking at Shino with a matching expression. "Who's your favourite, then?"
That was a hard question for Shino to answer, especially given the bugs were in the room. But they were distracted, and so was he - both parties too under your influence to care.
Shino was still stumbling over his words and forgetting the most important ones, but you remained patient and attentive. It seemed you either were enchanted by his voice, or you were genuinely interested in what he had to say. Either way, Shino felt confidence bloom within him, and he started launching into great detail about his insects.
With rapt attention, you listened to every word that came from his mouth. Here and there, you would interject valid questions into the lulls of his speech, and he would answer them fully. As the two of you gradually finished the entire teapot, Shino found himself talking, and talking, and talking. He suddenly couldn't shut up.
"Fuckin' pot's empty," you grumbled, letting the final drop drip into Shino's half-full cup. "Want me to put on another, or do you fancy something else?"
"It's getting late, and I've already taken up enough of your time," he declined politely, finishing off the swig in his cup.
You sighed, "You say that like I've not been enjoying myself over the last-" Glancing at your watch, you gasped, "-three hours. Jumping Jehovah, I'm so sorry, I totally sucked up your night under the guise of tea."
"I would've just been sitting around, wanting to talk to you anyway," Shino chuckled lowly, feeling rather bold after having spent so much time with you.
Both of you stood from the couch with bashful smiles, each too shy to look at the other. Shino walked to your door and you followed after him.
"Do you want me to walk you to your door?"
He laughed lightly, "I don't expect that of you, but I'd have to be insane to turn down your company."
Opening the door wide, Shino motioned for you to go through. You thanked him kindly, then walked beside him in the hallway, five whole paces, to his door.
"Thank you for the tea, Y/n," he murmured, getting out his keys.
Your hand found purchase between his shoulder blades, making Shino freeze in his motion. His eyes darted to your face, finding the beautiful crescent of your smile in full bloom. "Anytime. We should make it a thing."
"We should."
"Goodnight, Shino."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
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The breeze floated down the street with Shino. Today was the day, and it seemed even nature knew it. Nothing could slow him down, nothing could stand in his way.
Today was the day.
He had decided last night, today was going to be the day. It was an easy decision to make, but the gathering of courage tested Shino's resolve. But he was ardent, he was determined. Even if he did stutter, you would find it endearing, just like you had for the last six months. Even if he did say something wrong, you would understand, just like you always did.
Today, he was going to make you his. And he would finally be yours.
The plan was simple; show up at your door with something you would enjoy and deliver a great, long monologue that perfectly encapsulated every emotion he felt for you, then you would jump into Shino's arms and promise yourself to him.
The issues immediately became obvious; you could've hated the gift, he could've (and probably would've) screwed the monologue up to high Heaven, and, scariest of all, you might not have been so quick to jump into his arms. 
Shino could have potentially been planning on destroying the only relationship that ever particularly flowed naturally for him. He didn't want to think about that, not at all.
Not when today was the day.
The act of getting you a gift turned out to be more of a tribulation than Shino had imagined it to be. Nothing was grand enough, nothing meaningful enough. He needed something that would blow your socks off, something that would reduce you to the babbling fool that he became around you.
After spending an hour scouring the market squares, Shino moved to the trading post. Even longer was spent there, looking through stalls and trying to picture your reaction to each thing that struck him. But nothing was good enough. Nothing would ever be good enough for you.
Settling on a pricey collection of teas before the trading post closed, Shino haggled with the old man selling the tea. Just trying to get the price down to the amount he had in his wallet, Shino eventually left the trading post, coatless and penniless.
It didn't matter. Today was the day.
Stars, he wondered how nerve-wracking the ring shopping would be in a few years if this little trifle was causing so much strife.
Rounding the corner of the main street, Shino mulled over what to say to you. He just wanted to say I love you and kiss you, but that left you no agency. Even though it was becoming abundantly clear that you were interested in him, Shino still wanted to give you the chance to say no.
One thing that Shino hadn't taken in to account, though, were your other relationships.
And, as you came out of a restaurant with Kiba and Akamaru, Shino realized how grave of a mistake he had made.
Your face shone with a smile, ear to ear as you laughed at some witty quip Kiba delivered. He smiled back proudly, looking at you hungrily. The three of you began to walk toward Shino and he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
"Oh! Shino!" You exclaimed brightly the second you saw him. Tearing away from Kiba and his ninken, you quickened your pace to Shino. He took a step back as you approached, otherwise frozen. Your happiness faded to worry as you asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
The fact that anyone else could be graced by your laugh was wrong. The fact that you just finished what looked a lot like a date with Shino's former teammate was wrong. The fact that you didn't know what was wrong, was wrong.
"Shino, sweetheart, talk to me," you commanded gently. Kiba and Akamaru loomed a few paces behind you, trying to look like they weren't intensely listening. It aggravated Shino monumentally.
Everything about how today was becoming was aggravating him. Shino couldn't even enjoy his name on your tongue, let alone the pet name you had given him. It all felt like lip service.
"I got this for you," he said weakly, offering up the wooden box in his grasp. You looked down and cocked your eyebrow, before looking back at Shino. "I wanted to... to... nevermind." His heart was shattering. "Just take it."
Even if the gift wouldn't have the same effect, Shino wanted to see your reaction. He truly thought you would like the tea, potentially more so now that his unrequited feelings weren't attached. Cautiously, you took the box from Shino but didn't open it.
"You just wanted to what?" You asked, still so concerned over the man before you. "Where's your jacket? Shino, please, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's not important."
"Something is clearly bothering you, and it is important," you rebutted, acquiring a slight edge. "What's bothering you? If you don't tell me, I can't help."
"I love you!" He shouted, putting every single emotion he felt into his words.
Feeling like he was going to cry, Shino turned on his heel and walked. He didn't want your reaction now, he just wanted to save face, if that was even at all possible, at this point.
"Shino," your sweet voice said timidly, right behind him.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Shino hung his head lowly. The bugs were no help, just saying your eyes were as glossy as his.
Slowly, you came around to face Shino and bent lowly enough to be in his view. You smiled up at him and he couldn't help but smile back, taking in the odd posture you assumed as you let the wooden box rest beside your feet. Everything felt so silly. So trivial.
You straightened out, making Shino's head follow you as his eyes stayed glued to your face. Your beautiful face.
"Before I make myself look stupid-" Your sentiment made Shino scoff a laugh, because no one could look more stupid than him. Sweetly, you just smiled, continuing, "Do you love me platonically, or romantically?"
He took a deep breath, blinking slowly, before answering, "Every single way under the sun."
"Good," you beamed, taking a step forward and taking the lapels of Shino's flak jacket into your hands, pulling him forward. On your toes, your face came closer to his than it ever had been before, your petal soft lips brushing against his so gently as you said, "I love you too."
Not wasting a moment, not getting in his head, Shino knew that this was it.
He leaned down, closing the small gap, and met your lips fantastically. Not even Shino's wildest, wettest dream could've prepared him for the utter decadence of your kiss. His hands found your hips, pulling you as closely as he had needed you to be for months. But it wasn't enough, for either of you.
Leaning even lower, Shino's left hand cascaded down your lower back and you got the message. Immediately, you jumped up and he caught the bottom of your thigh, squeezing your tender flesh with his left hand while his right explored your back, sitting you atop his hip bones. Your legs locked behind Shino, squishing his waist in a way he didn't know he craved so badly. Warmth exuded from your being, a warmth that Shino longed to be blanketed under and hidden within.
"Come back to my place," you said between kisses. Shino just smiled and started to walk, but then you stopped kissing him, making him stop on a dime. Running your fingers up his lapels and allowing his neck the sweet contact, you laughed, "What's in the box, if you can just leave it in the middle of the street?"
With a chuckle, Shino turned around. He noticed Kiba had left, and he felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. Not putting you down, Shino knelt and picked up the heavy box with his right hand, holding it behind you.
You groaned, scratching his neck lightly, "My stars, you're strong."
"You never noticed?" Shino joked, though a feeling of pride surged through him.
"I've noticed you're impressive in a few different respects," you replied with a teasing lilt. Moving your hips, Shino felt a friction that was positively dream-like and you purred, "Don't you want to impress me?"
"More than anything." And he meant every syllable.
"Good," you hummed, placing a lingering kiss to Shino's lips. You looked at him, eyes more obviously filled with desire than Shino had ever thought visibly possible. "Take me home."
By his lucky stars, Shino would gladly do so for the rest of his life.
Part 2 - The Art of Mutual Pleasure
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halfamask · 27 days
Ok idc if I get hate for this but I HATE Sakura haters. “Oh she’s so useless oh she doesn’t do anything she lets naruto and sasuke do everything” I-
Sakura is the only main character we see who’s not overpowered in some way or part of a shinobi bloodline. We know how important those are in terms of powers, allies, mentors, etc. sasuke unlocks the sharingan and gets powerful. Naruto has the nine tails and also incredible heritage. Her best friend ino is from a major clan with special mind jutsu. Everyone else- shikamaru, choji, kiba, hinata and even neji, shino, even gaara + sibs, most of the main characters have some sort of familial/clan support and power. The only other one we see who doesn’t is rock lee but what does he get? The unwavering dedication of guy sensei. I love Kakashi but damn he did Sakura dirty with training when he focused on naruto and sasuke.
So she comes from no shinobi background, masters chakra control before naruto and sasuke to climb the tree, is one of the only if not the only person to solve the written part of the chunin exam without cheating just because she’s so smart, and people have the audacity to shame her? Oh she’s scared in fights YEAH OF COURSE SHE IS? Naruto and sasuke aren’t scared of zabuza and haku and orochimaru but she’s not a 12 year old boy with unlimited power and even more audacity?? She’s a girl who has no special abilities and learned a week ago to climb a tree.
She was done really dirty in shippuden too bc she finally got tsunade to be her master after being ignored by kakashi, mastered healing and was the only one of her disciples to actually master the thousand healings and she’s still relegated to being useless bc she’s not as good as naruto and sasuke. The first arc of getting gaara back shows what she could’ve been as a character: a selflessly brave shinobi who’s intelligent enough to think of new solutions like forming the antidote to sasori’s poison and letting chiyo control her to fight sasori. She’s the one who formulates the antidote to save gaara. Yes she’s manipulative at times and uses Naruto’s crush on her to try to get him to come back to the village but yk what? She’s a fucking shinobi. That’s what she does. She manipulates and fights and uses all her resources to complete her goals.
I’m tired of seeing her called useless bc she doesn’t stack up to classmates with clan support, is weaker than the two overpowered main characters in the show, and has appropriate fear responses to things.
Edit to add this includes boruto era Sakura hate. Ppl hate bc she wears the uchiha insignia UH YEAH she married into the clan and also do you remember what happened to the last kid who was the only person who wore the uchiha insignia hint his pain of being alone got to him and he ran off to orochimaru. Oh but hinata/temari/ino don’t wear their husbands’ clan insignia YEAH BECAUSE they’re already part of powerful clans they can’t switch up on loyalty like that Sakura has no clan so she can. Oh lol Sakura’s the only one who could have an uchiha kid who needed glasses yeah ykw she’s the one who can make her vision perfect with healing I’m betting this comes from sarada’s dad who destroyed and switched up on his eyes like 1836283 times. Also she’s a brilliant doctor and tsunade’s best legacy it’s not her fault that sasuke is an absent husband and father when she’s done nothing but be a present, active wife and mother who doesn’t hold back on her love for her family
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "An encouraging message for you"
take a breathe and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read an ecouraging message for you from your Guides and/or dearest ones (may be also soulmates or your higher self). I think everyone here needs to hear some nice words right now: blood moon might have been emotionally raw and triggering on stuff we thought we were done with.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 - 2
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3 - 4
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pile 1
I think this blood moon has been pretty rough on you. You may have experienced a lot of triggers, especially hiccups on stuff you thought you were done with. You might have been feeling pretty bad about it. I'm sorry, remember you don't have to feel bad: it's okay to have fallbacks. The message for you is to keep strong and look behind/under this cover of suffering to find the good side and your happiness.
You're being asked to go through this in order to feel better, and grow into your better self. There's no punishment here. Like the bottle in your pic: if you take time to clean it, you'll find a beautiful, maybe old and a bit signed by time, but still entire and perfect bottle (probably even more precious cause of the time that has passed and of what it has been through). Same goes for you. You have no idea how precious you are. But you will soon. Remind yourself it's okay to stop and chill, take breaks and just close your eyes and regulate yourself. Ground yourself. Take time to do so especially when things get too overwhelming. Breathing work (through your nose, and use your belly too as when you sleep, not just your stomach/lungs. It'll help you relax you lower back).
Remember that you can take control over your shadow's sides, over your emotions: you need to meet them and understand where your unmet needs are bugging you from your unconscious self. Don't let fear and self sabotage block you and your life. Don't let this dark side of you come out and take over as they please, take advantage of you/sabotage you. Sit and talk with it, analyze its needs and why it is there. Allow yourself to feel and experience anything you are feeling and experiencing; validate yourself, and balance that out with healing and learning. But do not rush things. Take your time. You'll be celebrating soon something beautiful. The end of the cycle is almost there. Don't stress over being done with your healing, it will only posticipate the closure. Be open to your new beginning. And remember your worth. Do never think anything bad about you, no matter the hiccups or fears or whatever your trauma wants you to think of you. You are worthy of whatever you desire. And it'll arrive. (444 angel number brings a clear message of calmer days ahead). Give love to yourself (my heart chakra is in pain), hug and appreciate yourself, seek for help.
Your Guides are always by your side (my ear is ringing hard) trying to encourage you and guiding you. Be open to their signs. Be grounded so to hear/see their messages especially when you're overthinking/spiralling. You're not alone. You are never alone. Feel their embrace. You are doing a great job and they're proud of you. (I get a lot of nurturing and healing energy from them, I hope it can reach you)
songs: wicked games | kiana ledé; shiver | amber run
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pile 2
(About your messages: I feel some of you may already be aware them and are congratulated, others are still in the process of understanding/being more conscious. If you find mixed sentences here and there, that's the reason)
Pile 2, you got it. Despite the pain and overthinking, know that you got it. You can make what you want out of your life. You can turn it how it pleases you. You know you can. And you know the message is to keep going on this road, always keeping strong and looking ahead with hope and a bright smile. "Never back down". Keep taking care of yourself, and remember to drink your water and eat healthy. You probably have already started to do some more meditation/exercising, even taking more walks outside: doing something for your body and mind. It's a very good practice, you're being congratulated here (if you haven't started yet, you'll probably feel called to do this soon).
Someone from the past might pop up into your life by chance, remind yourself it's not always to make you work on a trauma or trigger a bad emotion, they could bring a good news or memory too, something you need to remind yourself from how things were back then. Always look at the bright side. And remember that also people can change (don't be too good though, stand your ground before giving in. Listen about what they want, or what thoughts they're making you re-live). For someone else, it can also be someone new, still bringing with them some news/emotions you need to deal with (but be positive about them: dealing with someone else may be the only way to end your healing: communicate and be vulnerable about your feelings, if your guts are giving you green light about this person).
Beautiful things are coming for you, it's a new start. You have learnt and are still learning your lessons, embracing them and reducing the time you spend worrying on not receiving/not seeing results (also for manifestations) or actual changes. The change has started from your inside. It'll show outside too soon. Keep being patient and indeed, stop worrying if you haven't yet. Things are going to go great, your wishes will be fulfilled. Believe. In yourself and in divine timing. Trust.
Remind yourself that the past has no control over your future. It's about you and now, building your next days. What has happened, doesn't have to reapper again. Stop judging yourself and your life from your past self point of view. Have a talk with that and move towards your new self. Your breakthrough is indeed about embracing your new vision and version of yourself and your life, and change what has been. You have done a great job. Keep going on like this.
songs: saturday sun | vance joy; i wanna be your slave | maneskin
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pile 3
The message is that you are probably going to get a message or a request? How nice! It might be even about this pac. Maybe you are a psychic and knew that somehow some kind of message was coming for you. You also may need to take a pause and close with something from the past. Similar to pile 2, but also different. I mean, your photo has so many reflections... what can be clearer than that? Stop and think about that thing that is bugging you, and take a decision. And honestly, I think it's something that needs closure from how I unconsciously worded it before. Look inside yourself and take action. I think you need to decide where you want your life to go, what you want to do and get. But remember that what you do, needs to fit what you want. You need to be aware of the latter to realize the first. So, what do you want?
I see someone staring at themselves into a mirror. Keep trying to see and know your true self, your secrets and desires. Don't let what has been ruin your present. Don't let others judge you either. Just be self conscious, know your worth and remind yourself about it. About what you've been through and how strong it made you. You didn't give up, that needs appreciation. You are getting accolades from your Spirits. Indeed there's a message coming in soon, it'll sign a new beginning in your life. All you've learnt will be useful into this new path. Don't let your fears sabotage you again as it has been: remind yourself you're different now and things can always change; they do always change. Be brave and focused on your goals. And keep manifesting. You aren't aware of so many things! You're gonna feel so amazed. I feel a lot of joy and happiness, you may be reached by your soul family and possibly by a soulmate.
Things will go great on so many different levels (remember to keep yourself balanced and grounded btw). And you deserve that cause of all you've been doing. Also for others. You've been through ups and downs, you've been dealing with trauma and tough people/karmic relationships, you've been going through dark periods and moments in which you had to put yourself and desires aside in order to be of help. You had to make a tough decision. But now it's time to focus on you, and you alone. Let others find their answers and fight their own battles: it's not up to you to heal everyone. You need to heal yourself first.
songs: lontano dagli occhi* | sergio endrigo; because of you | ne-yo *you can ask for a general translation if you need
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pile 4
Can you feel the warm embrace from your Guides and soul family? They're around you, shielding you, protecting you. Always. You may feel overwhelmed, but even if you can't see the light, know that it's there and you'll be aware of it soon. I feel that you're trying to manifest a new life, but you cannot cause of your emotions and past experience sabotaging you. Know that you're close to realizing your wishes, you only need to end this habits of bringing you down and sabotaging you (pile 1?). It's something tough, but really, that's the last step. All you want, is all there ready to flood over you, but the Universe wants you to be fully ready to get it and own it, and not be scared of losing it or push it all away from you by mistake (self sabotage). You need to have a quiet mind to really enjoy the amazing things you desire from your heart. So keep working with love, towards yourself and others. Never forget that being kind and open is a good answer, no matter what we're scared of or what we've unconsciously learnt in our past/childhood. There's always a way out from that that can help us see better and be more balanced. "Be open" I keep hearing that. Maybe you're a bit closed off when it comes to relationships/meeting new people (some social anxiety or fear of abandonment/judgement may be there, and they may cause you loneliness from not being able to create deep bonds with others).
Make kindness/love your first goal, especially with you. The message is strong. It can totally change you and your life. And if something blocks you from starting new endeavours, remind yourself you CAN do it. You have all you need to make it. And even if something is missing, you don't have to worry, you'll find it along your path. Your Guides and soul family are there with you for that reason. You may meet someone or need to ask for help to someone. Let them in/help you sort things out.
Don't be scared of not making it, you can make it. And you will make it. (Be open, again). Maybe not the first time, it may take you a couple of tries, but this doesn't mean you cannot do it. Take these tries as challenges from the Universe to see how ready you are, how focused you are, and what still needs to get bettered in the meantime. (It may be about meeting new people too: maybe the first ones won't stay for long but that's okay, they are there to help you learn/practice/grow and be ready to meet the right people/person and not lose them). Sometimes success has a lot to do with timing and experience. Don't beat yourself up for this or for "failing" sometimes: it's okay to not be immediately perfect (you know perfection doesn't exist right?). Your time is almost there. Give yourself the chance to try. (Bon Jovi "Keep the faith" is playing in my head, I think it can bring important messages here especially about possible childhood traumas and keep choosing love in your life, no matter what. And ofc keeping the faith).
songs: keep the faith | bon jovi; this is what falling in love feels like | jvke
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dog-gerz · 1 year
Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Neji with a reader who has a bijuu
Not the request we asked, but the request we so desperately needed 😭😭😭
Warnings: Mentions of 🩸and d*ath on Sasuke’s part. Gender neutral reader. Not proof readed, I wrote this on my phone.
A/N: this ask wasn’t really specific on the form or anything so I went wild 🤪
Again, i’m sorry for any mistakes in the grammar or the spelling, english is not my first language.
🍅You two met before he joined the Akatsuki. You too were village-less ninja, a rogue, another victim of the unfairness of the decisions of the power-thirsty wandering the forests, prairies and desserts of the different nations on the map.
🍅 You joined him, after all, you had nowhere else to go and the flag you and team Taka waved was similar.
🍅 You kept the whole Jinchuriki thing as a secret. It had brought you too much pain in times past, you didn’t need more of that.
🍅 Sasuke saw a little bit of his old best friend in you. Both of you carried around that same sense of loneliness and an aura of guilt and melancholy. He was naturally drawn to you as he was to Naruto when they were young.
🍅 You grew close and made an oath to protect eachother. Taka became your family and he became your best companion.
🍅 It wasn’t until one day, during a fight against some bounty hunters that were after Sasuke, that he got hurt and the rage that bubbled inside of you weakened the seal.
🍅 Some of the chakra of the tailed beast within you enveloped you in a coat of anger and bloodlust, completely blinded and stripped of your will, tearing the enemies to pieces.
🍅 By the time you came to your senses, there was nothing but destruction in front of you. You had done it again… and your heart sank impossibly deep.
🍅 But that dark feeling was shaken away from you the moment Sasuke reassuringly placed his hand on your shoulder. You saw support, he saw a chance of making his ultimate dream come true.
🍥 You, alongside Bee, were on the team of teaching Naruto how to control his Bijuu and use its power.
🍥 You had become a perfect Jinchuriki, just like bee, so when you were offered the chance to help the blond Ninja, you immediately said yes.
🍥 Before his Jinchuriki training, Naruto hadn’t met other people like him. His whole life he was hated, judged and humiliated for carrying something evil inside him. Seeing you and bee so strong and confident on the power within you made him feel somehow disadvantaged.
🍥 But it also gave him the impulse he needed to pursue the same path.
🍥 He always had been confident on the fact that he could achieve anything if he had set his mind into it, and, after meeting you and hearing your own story, he knew it was true.
🍥 It was like looking at himself in the mirror. You had gone through hell, just like him, but there were you standing… powerful and brave.
🍥 Your strength inspired him, so he worked hard to conquer that part of himself he hated the most. If you had done it so flawlessly, how couldn’t he?
🌸 She was introduced to you by The Fifth.
🌸 All Hokages knew what to do in case the seal was weakened or broken and, because Tsunade was passing most of her knowledge to her brilliant apprentice, she summoned Sakura to learn the process.
🌸 What she remembers the most about the first time she saw you was how “normal” you looked.
🌸 Well, her experience with other Jinchuriki was limited to Naruto only and the blonde ninja was really far from being normal.
🌸 And she wasn’t sure of what to expect when Tsunade talked to her about you, so it was a nice surprise to say the least.
🌸 She treated you kindly the whole time, as if it was a way to redeem herself on the way she treated Naruto in the past. She knew the stress most Jinchuriki went through and she didn’t wanted that to affect her task or your relationship (platonic or not).
🌸 At first, it was only going to be another learning experience for her, but she found a friend in you and someone to protect. After meeting you and helping you, she felt strong enough to show Naruto and Sasuke how much she had improved
🌸 Her aspiration of no longer looking at the backs of her teammates, but walking alongside them, was becoming a reality.
🌀 It were his exceptional abilities as a shinobi that had him assigned as your guard. He was the first of his generation of ascending to the Jonin rank, he was more than capable for the job.
🌀 You were the Sanbi Jinchuriki so you were considered important part of Konoha’s war power. Your security was top tier priority.
🌀 Neji took his role very seriously and went everywhere with you even if you insisted that you didn’t need protection. He followed you like your shadow.
🌀 Besides the possibility of the Sanbi being stolen by the enemy, there was the risk of the seal breaking. A disaster like the one that happened with the Kyuubi was out of the question, he wasn’t going to let it happen.
🌀 For him, at the beginning, it was another task, another part of his path of becoming stronger and honouring the name of his clan, but as he spent more time with you, you two became really close.
🌀 So of course he got more protective because he started to care about you for real.
🌀 He knew that the responsibility of carrying such a beast inside you weighted heavily on your shoulders so he tried to make it less terrible for you by trying to distract you and helping you carry a somewhat normal life.
🌀 He helped you train to release your pent up frustration, teaching you meditation to sharpen your senses and let you vent when you are were too stressed.
🌀 Being a Jinchuriki was hard, but with him by your side, wasn’t that bad.
I loved writing this one so much!! Specially Naruto’s part. I remember crying so much watching that arc 😭😭 thank you so much for your request!
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Kishimoto literally could have let Sakura have sage mode but just didn't
Like, she has near perfect Chakra control, why couldn't we have seen her messing around with senjustu like Naruto?
So, if Kishimoto hadn't been a coward, what do you think Sakura's Slug Sage Mode would have looked like?
I have actually wondered about this many times and tried to come up with something myself a few other times... This was my favorite so far~
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skykashi · 1 year
I dreamt of Kakashi tonight 😁
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It was Hokage Kakashi, he was developing a Jutsu that had the same concept as the body flicker Jutsu but instead of teleporting to a near place like the body flicker he expanded it to teleport to anywhere he thinks about as long as he has a picture in his head of the place he wanted to go, like he had to have seen the place before to be able to teleport to it (might have been a little influenced by the movie "Jumper" here 😂) and it doesn't need a special Kunai either like Minato's but it needs an insanely good chakra control or it can kill the user by draining all of their chakra but Kakashi has the insanely good chakra control and so he was able to do it with so little chakra that he didn't even feel it but he was still working on it so he didn't perfect it 100% yet when someone attacked the village, the attackers especially picked that time because Naruto and Sasuke weren't in the village, underestimating Kakashi and the others thinking that it would be easy now that they aren't there to protect it, there was a huge blast that threatened to destroy a huge portion of the village and kill a lot of people but Kakashi jumped in front of it and was barley holding it back with his bare hands like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack here
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But this is 100x bigger so he can't absorb it like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack, he has to redirect it somewhere else, he can't think of any way except his new Jutsu, but he was still working on it, it's not ready yet and he's not sure what the results would be on something this huge but he has no other choice, he has to think of somewhere far away from the village and from anyone to take the blast to asap. just when he decided and thought about the place he's going to take the blast to and picture it in his head, his mind wondered off to Minato sensei and how he would have had no issue at all teleporting this somewhere else and sooooo thinking about Minato at the last second like that teleported him to just the place he had in mind which was outside of the village but in the past (definitely influenced by all the time travel fanfictions I keep reading 😂)... When Minato was his sensei (he had no idea the Jutsu could even do that) and that's when Team Minato who were returning from a mission heard a huge explosion coming from somewhere behind them, they ran to it and found a silver haired man who looks suspiciously similar to their Kakashi, injured and unconscious in the middle of nowhere, they were all gaping at him when Obito broke the silence by saying "umm, Bakashi, is this your dad?!" Because the poor child doesn't know that Kakashi's dad died years ago
Kakashi sent him a murderous look, Rin gasped and Minato said "Obito!" In warning.
Obito said in confusion "what?! What did I do?!" And ofc no one explained to him anything but instead, Minato said "he does look a lot like Kakashi tho! 🤔" Then Rin added "maybe he's from the Hatake clan?" But Kakashi quickly answered "as far as I know, I'm the last Hatake" then Obito said nonchalantly while picking his nose "what do you mean you're the last Hatake, idiot?! What about your dad?!!"
Minato and Rin: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Kakashi jumps on Obito trying to bite his head off but Minato interferes in time using his best sensei voice saying "okay, that's enough you two!..." Rin cuts him off saying "maybe we can figure out who he is later but we need to take him to the hospital now, he's wearing Konoha's headband so he has to be from Konoha, I'll try to heal him as much as I can but his injuries look too serious for just a quick field healing, he will have to go to the hospital"....
And then my cat woke me up because he wanted to eat 😶 side note: all of my dreams are like this, they are always like mini movies, my subconscious is very entertaining XD
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