#perry zep
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[This is quite long. . .sorry. . .will try to make future chapters shorter]
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“Okay, ready.”
He turned to find her leaning against the door jamb, much more like her earlier self. Something about the way she stood, the look on her face inflamed his already heightened sense of attachment to her.
“Shall we off, love?”
“Yes, Jimmy, let’s.”
He turned her in the doorway, his arm corralling her waist to speed her through the entranceway and to the street, hoping to avoid any additional adverse reactions.
“Okay?” He gazed down at her to confirm all was well when they reached the street.
“Yes, Mr. Page,” she shook her head in amusement.
As they trekked up Thames Street, she felt a slide of his hand and then the pressure of his fingers at the back of her neck. “Cheeky,” he hummed in her ear before resting his wrist on her shoulder, hand casually dangling as they walked.   He was relaxed but preoccupied.
Maybe I have met her before – in passing.
The effect of the photo that Perry handed him at Tower House so many months ago surged back and an echo of the pang that accompanied it.
 Perhaps she recalls such a thing and just hasn’t mentioned it. . .hmmm. . .This may be a good time to pose the question.
“So, I meant to ask before, Jane.  Did you ever see the band?”
“Yes, I have.  I’ve seen you play many more times, though.”
“Really? How so?”
This might solve that riddle. . .
“Well, my very first live rock concert was one my parents took me to along with a bunch of their friends at the Anderson for the Yardbirds.  I think it must have been. . .mmm. . .1968.  My parents were huge fans and we were visiting the City.  I think we went to New York for that very reason.”
“Ha!  Another surprising item about your family.”
“Yeah, I told you they are a story.”
“So, you liked the music, then?”
“I was hooked.  Of course, I’d heard the music around the house, but to see it  - hear it – live - was life-changing.  Really.  I’m not kidding.  I think that was partly why I took the courses I did in law school, you know, to be an entertainment lawyer.  And you!  I remember Keith Reif said something to the effect that you were a sorcerer with magic fingers.  I took him at his word.  White Summer was magical.”
“Thank you, love, but I’m not fishing for compliments.  Just curious.”
“Oh! I know that, Jimmy,” she said nudging against him playfully.  “And then when I read that you were forming Zep, my mission was to see the new band.”
“And did you see us early on?
“Baltimore in February 1969. . .but I have to admit, I was tripping my ass off, so what I remember is pretty fragmented and possibly imagined, you know.”
“Ha, ha! Understood but what do you remember?”
“About six or seven of us went to see Vanilla Fudge, but one of the guys and I were really excited to see Zep.  The first album had been playing on, I think it was WHFS, an underground FM station around DC that we could pick up at night if the weather was good,” she chuckled. “He and I were absolutely blown away.”
“The FM stations were perfect for our music.  They were the reason everything exploded for us that year. . . that and underground papers. . . and word of mouth, to be sure.”
“I had gone to quite a few concerts at the Civic Center by that time and made a good friend on the box office staff, so we were able to finagle the second row. I couldn���t sit still once you guys started so I moved to the edge of the stage – which they still let us do then – off to the side - your side and hung on for dear life. I believe that Robert said something to me when he flitted to that side of the stage. . .but who knows,” she snickered. “I remember parts of As Long As I Have You, Dazed, White Summer, and You Shook Me, but that’s pretty much it.  I distinctly recall you, though.  I thought your guitar was singing - just to me.  I mean, it was a voice, a persona, all to itself in my trippy hippie mind. By the time the Fudge came on, I was a puddle on the floor.  The only thing I remember from them is the organ vibrating whatever I was sitting on. So that’s my embarrassing story about the first time I saw the band.”
“I imagine we might have been a bit intense on acid,” he chuckled.
“Ha!  That’s an understatement!  And I saw part of the gig there in 1970 but I was leaving that evening for New York for an internship interview.  I managed to make it to Bonzo’s solo, but my ride insisted that we had to leave Baltimore that night, right then, so that was that. We had a big argument in the lobby, I mean, what the fuck difference would an hour or so make.  But anyway, I didn’t see you again until I was in Atlanta.  I caught The Firm and the Outrider tour.  And then you and Robert twice in the 90s.”
“That’s quite a lot more than I expected.   Did we ever meet at any of those gigs?  Were you backstage for any of them?”
“No, sadly we didn’t meet.  Even totally out of it, I would not have forgotten that.  Why do you ask?”
“Just curious, love, as I said.  Ah, here we are.”
They had arrived at the Great House at Sonning, a large inn with a green lawn sweeping down to the river’s edge.  As they entered the restaurant, Jimmy was greeted warmly.
“Afternoon, Jim, Miss.” The young man behind the desk nodded his greeting.  “Your table is ready.  You know the way, right? Someone will be with you in a few minutes.”
“Thanks, Mark.  Yes, I know the way.  Jane?” He swept his arm in the direction of the French doors off to their right indicating the way for her.
They stepped out onto a patio with a paved walk leading down the lawn to the river.  At the end of the path was a line of cabanas, each enclosed with a gauzy fabric rippling in the slight breeze. They were all empty except the one closest to the walk, where a table waited, set for two, and graced with a vase of flowers and maidenhair ferns.
“To your liking, Jane?” He pulled out the chair for her.
“Such a gentleman,” she chuckled.  She lifted the vase to her to deeply inhale the perfume of the purple and white blossoms.  “Mmm. . .lilacs. . .very, very nice.”
“Did you know the Victorians used to send covert messages via flowers?”
“I’ve read of that, but I couldn’t give you any details. I must look up the meaning of lilacs. . . You know, you are a very surprising man.  When our meeting was arranged, I expected maybe a conversation for an hour at most.  But not all of this.  I planned to be poking around in Sonning’s shops by now, not lunching along the river with you.  I am definitely not complaining.”
His eyes caught hers for just a moment before an impish look rose on his face. “Uh, can I see your phone for a minute?”
She was puzzled.  “Yeah, sure,” she said, searching her bag for the phone and handing it to him with a sly smile.
He pressed a few buttons and stopped.  “It’s locked,” he said dryly with a glare that matched his tone.
“Yes, that’s my Blackberry for work and other private stuff.”  She leaned in resting her elbow chin in hand.  “Well, Mr. Page, why don’t you tell me what you might be looking for?”
Trying to hide a slight embarrassment, the telltale tic returned when his finger flicked his cheek as he answered.  “I. . .uh. . .assume you have playlists on your phone.  You can tell a lot about a person by the music they keep – in their collections. . .and now, on their phones.  So, I thought I’d check out what’s on yours – with your permission, of course.”
“Ha!  Okay.” She snicked as she grabbed the phone from his hand and pointedly dropped it back into her bag.  Searching again, she pulled out her other phone, pressed a few buttons, and held it out to him.  “Here you go, nosey,” she jested.
He took the phone and looked at the list displayed on the screen, dismayed.  “All very good, Jane but they are only numbered – no description. How am I-”
She couldn’t resist taking advantage of his fluster.  “Geez, just pick one, Jimmy!”
“Uh. . .number seven. Let’s see.  Ah, classical.  A fan of baroque, hmmm?” He glanced at her and then back to the screen.
“I am, but other stuff too.  Prokofiev. . .and Barber’s Adagio for Strings is one of my favorite things. The tension gives me goosebumps.”
His eyes shot to hers in surprise.  “There’s Penderecki!  Really!  I’m quite familiar with Threnody.  I made it a point for us to do the benefit in Hiroshima, because, in part, of that piece of music. It’s a bit amazing that you know it.”
“My parents, again.  They were taken with it – the power of it.  It scared me when I was a kid, but much later, once I understood what it was about, I found it so evocative, particularly in its abstraction.  I. . .uh. . .hear a bit of it echoing in Dazed. . .at least to me.  That’s probably way off base, but. . .”
He tilted his face as he regarded her.  “Hmmm. . .maybe,” he said, noncommittal. “Let’s see another.  Ah jazz, you like Miles, eh?  Mmmm. . . west coast music. . .number 3. . .ahh. . .blues.  Who do we have on this list, I wonder?  Robert Johnson, Taj Mahal and . . .lots. . .in between those two.  Quite a selection here, love. I’m impressed with how broad your taste is.”
“Thank you, sir.  It’s part of my job to be well-versed, you know. The stuff I like the best is there. Uhh. . .Can I have my phone back now? Please?”  She smiled sweetly at him with a flutter of her eyelashes, in put-on flirtation. “I mean if you’re done snooping,” she added snidely, holding out her hand expectantly. He snorted with laughter as he surrendered her phone.
Their lunch was served and they chatted throughout the meal about various types of music that moved them and why particular ones did more so than others.  The server returned to remove their plates.
“Dessert, Jane?”
“Uh, no.  But an expresso would be fabulous.  Thanks.”
“Just tea for me, please.”
“I’ll be right back, I have to – well, you know,” she said as she popped up from the chair and sauntered down to the river to assuage her craving.
He sat forward and watched her wandering the water’s edge. His pleasure in being with her had certainly grown rapidly.  He was struck at how stunning she was as she stood at the river’s edge simply clad in jeans, boots, and a wine-red suede jacket covering a black top.  She beamed as she turned to climb the slope to return to the table.
“This is lovely, Jimmy.  One more unforgettable thing,” she sighed sliding back into her chair, as the server delivered the expresso, tea, and a plate of anise cookies.
“You’re going back to London tomorrow, right?”
“Yep.  That’s the plan,” she said as she dipped the cookie in the black-brown liquid, and took a bite.  “Let me say again, for the umpteenth time, how wonderful the time here has been.”
“I. . .uhh. . .was thinking of our conversation yesterday about your esoteric proclivities and I was hoping to pry a bit more, if I may?”
She eased back in the chair realizing, by the look in his eyes, he had a definite purpose.  It intrigued her and intuition told her this was a conversation they needed to have.
“Okay, my interest is piqued now!  What do you want to know?”
He relaxed into his arms folded on the table, focusing intently on her, and reached for her hand. He pulled her in closer to him as his thumb skimmed back and forth over the ridges of her knuckles.
“So, you said you weren’t a practitioner, but-“
“Uh, except for yoga, the tarot, and I Ching,” she quietly corrected him.
“Umm, yes. But the other things you mentioned – were you a dilettante or a dabbler, would you say?”
“Are you asking about some specific thing, Jimmy?”  It seemed they were playing cat and mouse around something and he ignored her question.
“The books you read – you said you took away what made sense to you.  I’m interested to understand what that was.”
She entertained his question for some time, trying to formulate what she thought about that whole period of her life- something she'd not done since her girls were young.
“Honestly, high-level - what I learned is there’s a freakin’ universe of stuff we don’t know.  What we do know is probably a minuscule part of what’s out there. All that I read told me that there are people who can tap into something that most of us can’t, at least not in the same way.  Jung’s collective consciousness makes sense to me.  And. . .uhm. . .these individuals were serious and committed to communicating what they experienced but approached it in different ways for different reasons – sometimes for good reasons and sometimes not.  That’s a simple explanation.  I don’t think you’re not proposing a deep philosophical discussion about this right at this moment, are you?”
 “And what did you take away from Crowley?”
“I found his writings difficult.”
He chuckled at her observation.  “Yes, it is, at first,”
“I think he was a much-maligned hedonist who lived an incredible life, right?  But also, a genius who pissed off a lot of people. Maybe I needed to spend more time with his writings to understand what he was proposing, but I’ve never felt compelled to do it.  I do use his tarot deck though.  His stuff on tarot was much more accessible to me.”
“And what about-“
“Tantra?” She slyly finished his question, confident with the choice of word.
“Yes.  Were you a dilettante, a dabbler, or something. . .more, love?”
The intensity in his eyes unleashed a warm frisson running inside her. “Ah. . .I was a little more than dabbler, I guess, but that was. . .well. . .a very long time ago.”
“And how do you remember it, love, fondly or otherwise?”
“Fondly. . . Jimmy, what is it you want to know?” Again, he did not respond but plowed forward; his agenda not yet completed.
“Ummm. . .I want to explain something that may be important for you to know.”
“I don’t –“
“No, just listen, love.  I want you to understand my proclivities.”
“Okaaay. . .”
“If you bear with me a moment, hmmm?”
She nodded.
“On a high level-” he smiled at repeating her caveat.  “You know, there was a strong relationship between the unseen world and humans before societies organized.  It was vital.  As rulers and religions with their hierarchies and agendas became the way of the world, this link to obscure knowledge became a threat to those with power.  The result?  Censuring, demonization, purges, and deaths of those with alternative ways of seeing. The innate ability we once all had slowly disappeared or became forbidden where it remained. John Dee, one of the most learned and esteemed minds of his time, was a counselor to Elizabeth I.  His library was thought to be the greatest in England in the Elizabethan era.  He was a mathematician and a scientist but he was also a magician.  His recorded magical experiences are the underpinnings of the Golden Dawn’s and Crowley’s systems.  Dee had encounters with beings he identified as angels who dictated to him and his scryer, in an unknown language using an also unknown alphabet. The two translated their records which became the basis of Enochian magic. But in his time, brilliance and accomplishment be damned, he was ridiculed, accused, and died in poverty.   I don’t mean to give you a lecture, love, and I am getting to my point.”
“No, please. I don’t feel lectured at all.” 
“Good,” he smiled softly and continued.  “Visitations by beings who imparted knowledge are as old as recorded history – in all cultures.  There were angels, demons, gods, goddesses, malaks, devas- that’s just a few.  So, if throughout history these messengers were observed, why did their visitations cease?   Because again, those who announced interaction with or even privately communed with spiritual beings were dangerous to the powerful and were silenced, banished from society as deranged, as lunatics, as consorting with demons, crazy, except, of course, when they were required to appear as a curiosity. I could go on.  Crowley had his own visitations that led to The Book of Law and his other writings.  And as you said, he was much maligned for it.”
“He was, but I think the sex and drugs contributed to the criticism, don’t you?”
“Well, yes, much like we experienced not so very long ago, yeah? He at one point said he followed 'The Three Kings - smo-king, drin-king and fuc-king.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay," she laughed, "point taken."
“He was very blatant, certainly.  He was devoted to physical pleasure as one way to be open to receiving information and along with certain substances, to free the subconscious desires – true will -  from the control of the conscious mind.  ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law’ and ‘Love is the law, love under will’ are guiding principles in O.T.O. and Thelema. True will is essentially the calling or purpose in life.  Magick is the method to attain that purpose. As you pursue your journey, you cannot interfere with another’s exercise of their true will. . . It is not malevolent. . .And I am a practitioner and have been for a very long time, although not a diligent one.  I do not proselytize nor try to convert.   This is something I engage in privately and without much comment, as you know. There are very, very few people I have had this conversation with and now I’m having it with you.  I hope you understand the regard I have for you to reveal this part of myself.” His eyes scanned her face looking for acceptance or rejection. “So, does that make you want to run screaming for London?”
She started to make a smart remark to his question, thinking it was his usual sarcasm. He had not been this serious in their hours together but he was very serious now.  It was apparent in his piercing eyes, the tightened grasp on her fingers, and the smile missing from his face. She was at a loss for how to respond.  The depth of the admission felt immense.  No words could match it.  All she could do was bring his fingers to her lips where she placed a long, soft kiss.
“Jimmy. . .thank you. . .for trusting me.  And no, I’m not running at all.”  She could not let him go, so she took his hand in both of hers, silent.
“There’s a bit more I need to say, all right?”
“Please,” she said, barely audible.
“You are not alone in experiences you can’t explain.”
“What do you mean, Jimmy?”
“I mentioned that when I read your letter it had peculiarly affected me.  Yes?”
She nodded in agreement.
“That first night, when I was sitting with the letter, I could detect. . .no, feel is a better description. . .an energy coming from the paper and a barely perceptible voice.  Now that I have met you and heard your voice, it is hauntingly similar, my dear.”
“Fuck, Jimmy.”
“Yeah. . .and I had a dream - the very evening - of a white bird that flew to my window seeking entrance. Later I connected it to your letter by some intuition.   Ever since I saw you arrive at The Bull, a whispering of familiarity has gotten stronger.  You’ve confirmed we have not met in the past.  And. . .uh. . .last night I was moved to read my cards as well.  Your reading was perplexing you said; mine was extremely interesting and certainly related to you.  And now with your reaction at the Deanery, I’m at a loss to explain.  But I do know this:  we have a connection that seems to be shouting at us, love.”
“What the hell, Jimmy?  I. . .I. . .don’t know what to. . .Fuck!  What do I do with that?”
“Let’s have a cigarette, hmmm?”  He stood to pull her chair back. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” She handed him a cigarette and lit his then hers.
They walked hand in hand to the river’s edge where they separated each in their own thoughts.  After a minute, he flicked the cigarette into the river and slid behind her.  He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close, and rested his chin on her shoulder.
He spoke very quietly in her ear. “I had decided to ask you this last night.  I hope your experience earlier doesn’t affect your response, but. . .”
“I’m feeling differently about it, I think. . .not so weirded out.”
“That’s good, Jane, because we have to investigate why we have been drawn to each other this particular way.  You’ve mentioned you don’t have any immediate plans, so would you come to stay at Deanery for a while?  I have engagements in London in a week, give or take, so we could go back together.  Or, if you prefer, you can stay on at the Inn, as my guest. No debate about that, hmmm?”
She turned to him and stepped back. “Wow. You are full of surprises!”
He watched her eyelids start to twitch as she looked down and knew her analytical side had engaged.
“Hey, look at me.”  She was still wide-eyed as she gazed up from the ground.  “You could just say yes, you know, but it’s plain that you have to think about it.” His finger tilted her chin so she looked directly at him. “James will be here all day tomorrow.  If you decide to go back to London, he will take you.  If you decide to come to the Deanery, we can find a good time for him to move you over and if you stay on at the Bull, we’ll figure out when to get together.  No pressure, Jane.  Is that agreeable?”
“Uh, yeah. . .yeah, it is.  Sorry wasn’t expecting that.”
“Shall we get you back to the Bull so you can start your deliberations?”
“Ha! You’re such a smart-ass. Yeah, let’s go.”
Jane was restless after returning to the Inn.  She found her way to a table in the far corner of the bar with a double shot. Even that didn’t settle her.  She left the half-empty glass and walked out into the cool evening air.  She headed through the car lot to the gate, knowing the other direction would take her to the Deanery.  She didn’t want to do that.  Absorbed in mentally debating the pros and cons of the situation she found herself in, she paid little attention to direction.  As the night fell, the glimmer of the tea lights from the spot across the lock caught her attention.
Yeah, I’ll hang out here for a while.  Nice and peaceful.
As she approached the bench, in the dimness she saw a figure already occupying the seat. He was hunched over, forearms on his knees, staring out at the water.
Shit!  There’s someone there.  Wait!
Her arrival at the bench was unnoticed. He didn’t respond until she plopped down on the bench disturbing his concentration.
“Fancy meeting you here,” she laughed.  “Sorry. . .didn't mean to disturb your solitary time.  Guess we had the same idea, huh?  Imagine that!”
“Ha!  Hello again, Jane.  I was just heading back.  Please don’t take offense – nothing to do with your arrival.  Do you want me to walk you to the Bull?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
He rose and slung his hands in his pockets. “Good night.”  He leaned over and whispered, “Take your time, love.  No rush, but call me, yeah?”
“Good night, beautiful man.”
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Ok, But Seriously, I Have Thoughts
I have... really mixed feelings about this episode, so I'm gonna talk about those feelings. And if my feelings about zep as a show and this season come out during that... so be it. (Seriously, this got long. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry). Also spoilers for the new ep below the cut, but y'all should've been able to guess that
- I... Zimon seriously deserves just so much better. We saw them as a couple together for three episodes, and they honestly weren't explored enough. Zimon... and this is a very personal opinion, but they really do strike me as a couple who never fully leave the honeymoon phase... like ever. Like, of course, they'll fight and disagree on a lot of things, but they also can have adult children, and just kind of act like newlyweds even if they've been married for over twenty years. And again, I know that's a very personal opinion, but I mean... we all knew c/arkeman was gonna be endgame, and it just feels like zimon was never given an actual chance.
- However, I do very much appreciate that their breakup was not messy, there's still clearly a ton of respect for the other on both of their sides, and that Simon is okay.
- "We didn't belong together." No, you fucking did.
- I am not going to stop writing Zimon fanfic either. In fact, this might spur me to write more and work harder on writing Zimon fanfic.
- Rose. Fucking. Deserves. Better. I'm not even gonna elaborate on this one. We all know it.
- Despite the fact that I fucking hate c/arkeman and that it was very, very rushed... I'm giving acting and singing props to Jane. I Melt With You is a song that's extremely personal to me. It helped get me through a point in my life where... I was constantly feeling at war with others, myself, and even felt unsafe in my own home (something I still feel today, no matter how irrational I know it is). I just generally feel a strong connection to every version of the song bc of that, whether it's the original or the Bowling for Soup cover (that was in Sky High!), and... Jane just has a way of making me feel safe when she sings. So, I really, really loved her cover.
- Um... yeah, I'm gonna be real, I don't like the idea of Max having powers. I don't know, I just think it kinda changes the whole original concept of the show, and I'm not a big fan of that...
- Simon! Simon working on changing SPRQ Point!!!!
- I do not really like how they handled Simon's racial bias/systemic racism in coding storyline *after* episode six (aka it only really being mentioned in passing, not being further explored, etc.), but,,, credits due where it's due I guess? I like how they handled him going to Danny Michael Davis, and how DMD listened.
- Sidenote, I kinda find it weird we as a fandom don't refer to him as Danny... it's Danny Michael Davis, DMD, or fucking Willy Wonka jokes. Makes sense I guess.
- Um... the writing was just... so lazy. Yeah. It's... really sad, I think that the show would've benefitted from even one less ep. But on the other hand... lazy writing is lazy writing.
- I think it would've been better - honestly - if Zoey's feelings of loss hadn't been connected to Max in a romantic way, but in a platonic/familial way. We didn't see a ton of their friendship, and yeah,, I hate Max, but there are a few moments there where you can see a legitimate friendship that's really sweet. I also think if they had maybe explored Zoey's fear of losing Simon as well as Max and centered the finale more on Zoey telling Simon about her power, it would've just been a lot better.
- But... honestly, after I just aired out all my issues with this episode (and the season too kinda),,, I honestly liked it. I hate that Zimon broke up and I just generally hate cl*arkeman but... this ep had some really great moments. Zoey and Mitch were beautiful to see again. Mctobin, Davidemily, and Mo x Perry were all absolutely my favorite parts of the episode. Hell, I'll even admit I... well I don't wanna say laughed considering I was so close to crying, but I let out a weird, breathy noise resembling a laugh when Zoey just blurted out she and Simon had broken up.
I don't want to say it was a bad episode, because I did honestly, enjoy ~parts~ of it... but... it wasn't even that cl/arkeman happened, I knew it would, but how it did... it just honestly (my g.od i need to stop writing that word) seemed like they were trying to kill off or like... fucking quash *any* hope Zimon shippers may have had,,, and the writing was just so fucking lazy, I just...
I started the show after dance one night because my teacher showed us the Help! number bc he was an extra in it. And I had already been intrigued by the few ads I had seen for it. So, my mom and I watched it, and we loved it. So we kept watching. And it was good! It was really good! Sure it could be cheesy, but... that didn't matter. I latched on...
I don't know if, ZEP is gonna get renewed, and if it is, I don't know if I'll watch it if/when it does. I latch on to shows really fucking hard when I do latch on. It's why I keep rewatching The Good Place and why I'll never forgive Freeform/Disney/Marvel for canceling Cloak and Dagger. The way I latch onto things is probably a bit unhealthy. And the fact of the matter is, despite everything, my overwhelming feelings about ZEP are positive. And I latched on. I'd honestly do it all over again.
I have a lot of feelings about this fandom and this show, both positive and negative. Still, I love it. Unconditionally. Ultimately, I don't care if Zoey ends up with Max or Simon (though, seriously, she and Simon are made for each other). It's a good fucking show, ships shouldn't be everything that matters.
I began lurking in this fandom when I was fifteen. I began posting fanfic for it when I was sixteen. I'm almost seventeen now. I was planning to get Tumblr when I was seventeen. I also knew I wouldn't forgive myself if I hadn't made my presence here known if it didn't get renewed.
I want to thank @simon-haynes because, uh, holy fuck, I adore you. Running a blog for fandom is something I couldn't even fathom, especially when a large portion of the fandom doesn't like your ship. I legitimately can't believe you followed me.
Thank you to @jennakang. You are, honestly, one of the best writers I've ever read from. You were so incredibly supportive of my writing on ao3, despite the fact you didn't know who I was, and that really meant the world to me. Thank you so much for your contributions to the fandom. Also, uh, fun fact, I was the anon who, after you expressed the want to write the quarantined Zimon fic, sent in that ask that was like "please do!" and also "hope I'm not being pushy about this". I don't know if you remember that at all, but your response meant the world to me.
And uh, lastly @myheartissetinmotion. Um, wow. I know we barely know each other, but I can honestly say, you have been my anchor for this whole show. I love both your Tori content on TikTok as well as just zep content you do on there, and how you wrote her into zep on ao3. I personally like to think of you as the pioneer of Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Tok. You were pretty unbiased when it came to ships on there, and that made me feel safe in a place where there were virtually no zimon shippers. Your content was funny, and I always found myself laughing or screaming "accurate" at it. I know, I'm the nuisance who every few months DMs you about something zep related, but I hope you know, you made me feel both seen and somewhat appreciated in this fandom. I cannot thank you enough, Isabella 💗
I know Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist may not be ending. But this still oddly feels like the end of an era. I'm not leaving the fandom, I plan to keep posting fanfic for it and everything. I just want everyone who may be reading this to know I love this fandom and I would not take any moment here back.
Also, this is me formally asking for a link to a Discord group chat since I know it exists but I'm too scared to actually ask any of you for it directly.
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thoughts about the new episode!!!
[spoilers duh]
- leif... i love you.... but you’re a little bitch
- rose, my beloved
- simon and rose are honestly a duo a didn’t know i needed
- honestly i think perry is scared of getting hurt again because of how similar brad and mo are
- mctobin!!!!!
- the entire coder bfs interaction in the office was extraordinary
- ‘should we hold arms and jump up and down?’ ‘yeah!’ i love them sm
- i’m scared about mo and perry breaking up :(
- don’t stop me now was a bop
- all of the songs were
- becca tobin in the first scene was giving me glee flashbacks
- i miss zoey and max being best friends
- what if we like..... went on a tropical vacation together with your gambling winnings? haha jk jk..... unless
- leif’s hair in the promo shot is so funny to me for some reason
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the zep fandom @ eddie as soon as perry was introduced
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thedoctordonnas · 3 years
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leif’s top 20 zoey’s extraordinary playlist songs → [16/20] → we can work it out
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noonevincesme · 3 years
ok now i want the characters to sing the songs that correspond to them. SO BADLY
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janelevy · 3 years
tobin and mckenzie were the SWEETEST this episode btw
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phinney28 · 3 years
Everytime Perry sings I burst into tears.
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superbatson · 3 years
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Jimmy carefully sorted the purchases from his trip to the Reading Record Fair that morning.  Ross had collected him at the crack of dawn to ensure they arrived prior to the official opening.  The main objective was to avoid the crowds but also to get the first choice of any rarities that were in the stacks.  He had been visiting the fairs for so many years that the proprietor, George, had become a fast friend, granting him and Ross some “special” access. Periodically, George kept something aside for his mate.  It was generally one or two vinyls that he knew Jimmy couldn’t refuse and almost always an obscure Zep bootleg. 
George never fails to come through with some gem. And Ross!! Absolutely gutted that it was put aside for me. Ha!  Maybe I’ll lend it out to him once he’s recovered. . .Seeing George always costs me a pretty fucking penny!
His hand skimmed the prize purchase of the day.  He had been searching for the bootleg for at least 30 years and was now the proud owner of the Vietnamese 1970 pressing of the band’s first album.  Delight overcame him as he held it. 
So few of these - may be the only one. . .
He recalled the album was pressed for the troops fighting in the South Asia war raging at that time.  He didn’t regret his sizable expenditure in the least.
The power of music. . . in this case, our music. . .will get you through just about anything. . .Well, let’s see what shape it’s in.
He placed the needle on the spinning record.  Good Times Bad Times sounded just fine.  As he lounged in his favorite chair, memories of the first momentous day – the beginning – darted through his mind, inseparable from the music.  He resisted the urge to find flaws and just listened, carried off into reveries of the past. Interrupted by a vibration in his pocket, he wrangled the mobile from his jean's pocket.  It was Perry.
“Hey, Jim.  I’m on my way to Tower if it’s a good time.  I’ve finally finished looking into Lady Jane.”
“Really!  It’s taken a bit longer than a fortnight, Perry,” he chided.
“You know, Jim, it was much harder than I expected – US holidays and all.”
“Yeah, it is that time of year.  Please, come on over.  I’m very interested in what you’ve found.”
Jimmy sighed, returning the vinyl to its sleeve and placing it in the stack with his other purchases - to be enjoyed later.    Climbing the stairs, he found what he was seeking on the library desk.  He pushed the intercom for Gwyn.
“Gwynie, Perry is on his way.  I’m in the library, okay. . . Great.  Thanks.”
Letter in hand, he settled in the soft leather chair by the blazing hearth.  His fingertips stroked the paper as they had done often over the months.  The same faint. . .he didn’t know what to call it. . .connection reached out to him. 
Well, well, Lady Jane, some mysteries are about to be revealed.
Footsteps sounded in the hall.  “Hey, Jim.  You ready?” Perry said as he entered. 
Still entranced, Jimmy was slow to register another presence in the room.  He finally looked up, giving his full attention to his assistant.  “That was quick. Thanks for coming over.  Please, sit,” nodding to the seat across from him.  “So, what's her story?”
“I was able to find out quite a bit, eventually. She’s definitely unique,” Perry said as he spread the contents of his messenger bag on the table between them.
Jimmy scoffed, “Well, that could mean any number of things!  Please, go on.”
He rattled off his discoveries from memory.  “She’s originally from Baltimore in Maryland and is about 10 years younger than you.”  He hesitated a second, glancing up to see if there would be a reaction.  There was none.  “She’s a solicitor who worked for Atlantic in the '70s – briefly it seems – and is now a partner in a law firm in Atlanta that represents artists – musicians mainly.”
“Hmmm.  In the business?” he said eyebrows raised.  He slid the letter onto the table and eased back, crossing his legs, “Doesn’t sound unstable to me.  What about to you?”
“Well, no, not really, but there’s more.” He chirped as he selected a yellow folder from the others splayed on the table.
“More?” Jimmy chuckled, shifting in the chair.
“Yes, like I said, she’s a bit unusual.” He scanned his notes. “She was accelerated in her studies as a child, and graduated from her law courses at a little shy of 19 – one of the youngest to do so and one of the few women at that age, so. . .”
“That’s rather impressive,” he said, rising to tend the fire.   
“Yeah, I think so, too. She passed her bar exams soon after and was a staff attorney for ATCO in New York, but only for a few months.  Then. . .nothing! Poof! She vanished for an extended time. . .well, almost. . . It appears she abandoned the law thing and traveled around for over 10 years.  She reappeared at Atlantic in an Atlanta satellite office in a similar capacity in the '80s.  She’s been a partner in a private law firm for about 20 years.  And. . .uh. . .It seems her parents were friends with Ahmet. Her father was a school-chum of his in Washington, DC, which may explain the Atlantic jobs.”
“Ahmet? No!”  Jimmy turned from the hearth in disbelief.  “Well, that’s certainly a bit close to home. . .  So, any clue about where she was during those missing years?” He slid back into the chair, elbows planted on the armrests, fingertips tented together at his chin, listening to the new details.
“I did find a bit of a trail,” he said, pulling another paper from the folder. “It seemed she left me a few breadcrumbs," he chuckled. "She traveled the across US, staying only, at most, for a couple of years in any one spot. It appears she settled in Costa Rica longer than any other place, though.”
“Hmmm. . .a nomadic spirit.  So, do you know her name – her real name, I mean? Married? Kids, that sort of thing?”
“Jane Elsinore Mott, two daughters, several grands, no marriage I could find.”
“And a free spirit to boot.”  He uttered, fingertips grazing his slightly pursed lips.
“Apparently. She’s a definite fan, too.  I found her on a few places online.  Same screen name.”
“So, any ideas about what she’s like from her online comments?”
“Doesn’t post very often, but always thoughtful.  Occasionally over the top, but rare – so far as I could find.”
“So, an intelligent, free-spirited woman - stable by all accounts- wants to meet me.” He sat up and edged forward. “Uhm. . .I know I’m going to sound like a git, Perry, but do you have a photo of her?”
“I did try, Jim, unfortunately, nothing recent. But. . .” Grinning like a Cheshire cat, he removed a glossy square from the folder. “I did find one photo that appears to be her as a teenager. Here.”
Jimmy leaned forward and took the photo, studying it, expressionless. The hand dropped to his lap as he slumped against the chair back.  The pang in his chest from the studio suddenly returned.
What the fuck is that? Again! Bloody hell!
He sat up abruptly.
“You OK, Jim?” Perry rose in concern at the unexpected response from his friend.
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Jimmy moved to the edge of the seat.  “Sit. . .please. . .Uh. . .Perry, is there any way I could have met this woman back then?  I mean - was she ever where the band was?”
“I really wouldn’t know if you met her somewhere on tour, Jim,” he said with a trace of friendly sarcasm. “But nothing seemed to match up with your or the band’s travels.”
“And not at Atlantic?”
“No, I checked.”
“Right, well.  I need to think a bit, Perry.  I’ll call you this evening.”
“Sure, Jim.” He rose and started to gather the items on the table.  “Just let me know what you want to do.”
“Uh, leave all that with me, yeah?”
“Of course, talk to you later.”
“Thanks again, mate.”
Jimmy studied the papers, reading all about her for himself – from the earliest bits to the most recent. He was coming to the realization there were just too many signs to ignore.  He spent most of the evening weighing what he wanted to do – if anything.  He tried to busy himself with other tasks, but his thoughts returned to her.
Jane Mott, I think I must meet you. . .but definitely not within my comfort zone at all - a fan one-on-one. . .privately. . .well, maybe just a brief chat if she's here in London. . .Is it risky to willingly open myself up this way. . .to a stranger?. . .do I want to. . .you already know the answer, Jim!  If for no other reason than to find out who she is and what she is.
He phoned Perry.
“Hi, sorry, it’s a bit late.  I want you to get in touch with her and find out if she’s going to be in England in the near future. . .Yeah, I’m sure. . .See what the possibilities are. You have her contact information, right. . .Good. . .But, wait until after the holidays, okay?  Maybe around Twelfth Night – US celebrations are over by then.  She’s probably going to tell you to fuck off, but be persistent. Yeah?  Thanks, Perry.”
Although it was late, Jimmy found his way to the studio.  He picked up the Harmony and rewound the tape.  After a bit, he strummed along adding color to his previous efforts.  He pushed “record” and let the tales of Lady Jane flow into the dynamics of the song.  
If we meet, I may have to play this for her.  But only after I apologize for mucking about so much in her private life.  Che Sera, Sera, Jane.
Chapter list
The Astrology (dining) room:  https://youtu.be/w6hEwcTXtaE                                                     
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1970 Vietnamese pressing LZI - sleeve and vinyl
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@firethatgrewsolow @foreverandadaydarling @laluxea @lzep @sassybouquetrunaway-universe @jimmysdragonsuit13 @jenyj89
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What your favorite ZEP ship says about you
Zoey x Max - you are heterosexual and/or you just want Skyler Austin to rail you. Zoey x Simon - you are sick of the best friends to lovers trope and hate S2. Zoey x Joan - you are one of about 20 gays who watched this show and really wanted it to be about anything other than heterosexual drama. Also, you want Lauren Graham to rail you. The two are not mutually exclusive. Zoey x Adrian - your ideal relationship dynamic is nerd/stoner. Zoey x Leif - you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of rivalries and the enemies-to-lovers trope. Joan x Ava - you’re just here for some power lesbians. Joan x Leif - you have about 800 teacher/student fics saved in your bookmarks. Leif x Tobin - your ideal relationship dynamic is soft gays. Max x Rose - you just wanted Rose to get Max out of the way so your team would win the love triangle wars. Mo x Perry - You just wanted good things for Mo and really, if you don’t you’re just an awful human. Maggie x Mitch or Emily x David - you’re just here for some wholesome side characters in healthy relationships. Zoey x herself - you hate love triangles and really wish this show had just given it up entirely in season one to let Zoey figure herself out without a man.
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first things first, the tv I was watching on glitched and was out of sync until the let’s get loud key change (poetic) so I’ll be rewatching soon
ok so yep I’m crying
give a little bit was my parents’ wedding song and a huge part of my childhood; the car scene had me in tears simply because of how much I feel like I’m meant to be part of this show and how desperately I want to be part of that family
truly the most beautiful group of people in the world in every way
okay General Episode Thoughts
the songs were immaculate. Drift Away was the vibiest of vibes, Tainted Love absolutely blew me away, Watermelon Sugar had my friend and I jamming on the couch, Let’s Get Loud was a bop from the start (and let’s give it up for that key change)
I am LIVING for David as a pianist and a father and the way he stood up for himself
Mo’s outfits this ep were impeccable as always
sometimes I almost forget how much I love Simon Haynes and then I remember...a lot. it’s a lot. I love him so much
Zoey’s arc this ep was incredible and the most relatable thing on the show yet for me-the desperation to recreate memories and have everything just as it has to be to foster an emotion, to feel like you don’t want to be a burden on your friends, to long for those cherished moments of community (yknow like STARGAZING WITH THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE AS GIVE A LITTLE BIT PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND)
my heart broke for Leif this whole episode-at the beginning I thought his insecurity was the root of his story this ep and I was fully prepared to love Kaia but I’m about ready to fight her at this point, Leif’s genuinely such a wonderful person and deserves to be loved for who he is
his dynamic with Zoey this ep was fascinating as always
I’m living for Tobin’s apparent crush on Mackenzie
“I tried to drown myself once” and the following awkward silence...mood
this show is so incredibly human
I already love Rose so much oh my god-her vibes are off the charts
everyone in this show is so gosh darn pretty
Perry is already such an interesting character, I can’t wait to see more of his arc
the tiki torches joke is fantastic
Aiden with baby Miles!!!! I hope we get more content of him being The Cool Not-Actually-Related Uncle™️
“literally whenever” “great, I’ll put that on my schedule” how am I both of them, I love it
the whole flashback and the callbacks to it at the end...oh my god
I just. Yeah. Emotions
also THAT PROMO?!? completely saw it coming given the interactions this ep (yay for more zimon) and I’m nervous as heck but really looking forward to it (also is that a Max/Rose duet I saw a snippet of?)
final thoughts: I just want to go stargazing with the cast of zep please and thank you
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thedoctordonnas · 3 years
leif just cannot win with love huh 
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shipppphappens · 3 years
Zoey's extraordinary GoodBye
To make it short: I love that episode. Best episode of the whole show. What can I say more about it?
A LOT! And I will, but I can't say anything about something I didn't like cause there had been nothing. No single moment. It was a perfect whatever final.
I think Danny Michael Davis is so loveable. He is so strange but has a good heart and proofs that so often this season. It is obvious he replaces Joan in that season, but Noah Weisberg gave him so much live and character that he isn't just a replacement, he is a well deserved part of that show. My favorite moment with him from that episode was when he told Zoey that he choose Max over her.
Tobin and Mackenzie are so cute together. The foot cuddle, their speak to the crew or theire  makeout in the chair. Just cute. And her fears about working together could break them up shows just how much she likes Tobin. And Leifs smiling face when they annonced theire relationship was very nice.
I also love David this season so much and his worries about his mom were just so funny.
The scene with Emily and Maggie was so nice. I like their relationship. And I think it is totally understandable for Maggie to go on with her life and maybe get a new partner. This is a huge step from the beginning of the season. Even Rogar was kind of creepy. Maybe he is a serial killer?
And I loved Maggies speach to Max. West Coast Mom - I am crying. Max is a part of that family. That he invited Maggie, David and Emily says a lot about how connected they are. Hope we will see more of that.
The next cute couple is Mo and Perry. Nothing can Perry stop to win Mo back. Not even Danny Michael Davis doing fire violations. I am really want to know if Mo told him to do this. In my head canon he did and DMD does him that favour. The duett was wonderful. I like it so much, I love the version of that song. And it was so nice to see how his kids running through Mo's Apartment and throwing that fox in the air. I hope we will see more of that in the next season.
I also love what a good friend Mo is to Zoey and Max. All his work for the party and his speak. This was such a wonderful friendship the whole season and this was just the highlight, with that wonderful speach.
And he is always there for Zoey which is great. Loved the scene when Zoey came to him to tell she wants to tell Max how she feels. The comparison between Perry's kids and Zoey - so hilerious. Alex Newell was killing the whole scene. When he was snippy about the dream and Mitch fix Zoey in one night or his disbelieve Zoey want to go alone after all the time he was there for her. Just loved it, love Mo and his big heart.
What next...
Zoey and Simon? Ok, let's talk about that. It is not so easy cause it was a relief that Simon broke up with Zoey. I know that there are a lot of pissed people out there, but it is like Zoey said, Simon and Zoey were never meant to be. This isn't their story, had never been and had been never told that way. But I like how they handled that moment. The talk at the pier was really nice and I wish Simon all the best. He had a passion inside he can use for his projects and I think he is on a good way doing great things in the world. I loved the happy Simon from the beginning of the season.
The music from that episode is amazing. No song I didn't like. Never been a fan of Taylor Swift but the ZeP version of "Shake it off" is so great an so full of live.
And I love the song that Mitch sang for Zoey so much. I loved how they danced, how happy Zoey had been, how she finaly realized she should live with less fear. This whole scene gave me just a good feeling. It was bittersweet beautiful and it is my all time favorite Mitch and Zoey scene. I also loved theire talk. I was hoping the whole time Mitch will help Zoey to realize that she and Max belong to each other and find the courage to tell him. I thought they will use the video from episode one but this was better in so many ways. But they had this circle to the first episode that season by using Mitch related songs to come to the Max and Zoey moments. They even use the same way of cut. Also the colour of their clothes matching to last dance when Mitch died. I love how they use stuff like that.
From here on I go in chronologically way:
Zoey's sadness at the beginning of the episode was also bittersweet. It is so nice to see how Max going away affected her. Even Simon can't change her mood. The first talk with Mo had been a start to finaly think and talk about what she should really do. And her writting Max name on the cookie just say everything about her heart. I am not really sure if it was a mistake to put things on pause, but how they handled it was a huge, big mistake.
Max put the dummy in his suitcase was like Max name on the cookie. They are both so in love with each other. And I feel sorry for Rose, but I am happy she is smart enough not to push Max.
Maybe it slipped out not on purpose, but Zoey really want's to tell Max she is available. His face was priceless. And her comes the next piece from the puzzle for Rose.
It was really sweet that Zoey wanted that party special for Max and her speach was just perfect. I liked the part with the big apple is sweeter now most. That this speach end up at the kitchen made it even better. I understand that Zoey is pissed but she should know that it wasn't because he felt sorry for her because of her mom. I am happy she find out and Zoey sees again how perfect Max is for her. And would have been to easy to say all the things now, they said at the end, but the looks in their eyes said more then 1000 words.
Zoey's fear of loss isn't something new, it is her theme throughout the whole show. Explained more in the episode before and climaxed in her dream with Mitch. She is to afraid of loosing Max and even they won't break up some day, she could loose him anyway, like she lost Mitch. I think it is beautiful, but I am happy she take that jump and is finally able to tell him.
Her talk to Mo, her enthusiasm, her crazy babbling about a plan (don't do drugs in Roses backbag) and she goes without thinks through, just doing - perfect.
When she heared Max (perfectly) singing about he loves a woman and she thinks he is singing about Rose - also perect. And this is why: this isn't just the way how we get that wonderfull ending, no. Zoey is learning a lesson. If you don't know the context you can't know what is in other peoples head. It is the 2nd time in that episode she realized she can't know everything just because of her powers. And I think it is a great gesture to just let him go and to be happy with Rose cause she thinks he loves her. She doesn't try to change his mind and to get what she wants, she accepted his choice. This shows how much she loves him cause loving someone isn't always fighting, sometimes it is just doing what is right.
Her relationsship advice to Mackenzie was so nice and shows how much she learned and grow during the last months. And Iove her fumbling with the ring - the ring, who is with her the whole season, even when she and Max are fighting, when she is with Simon, when everything seems lost, she keeps the ring Max gave her. And it is such a nice circle to close the season, when Max said to her it wouldn't make her invissible. They are talking about superpowers. A thing Zoey allready has, feeling alone with it and Max also struggles not to can hear her thoughts. I think it is a great twist that Max can now also hear heartsong and it doesn't came out of the blue. When I think about it, it makes so much sense. Max's heartsongs are always kind of special. They were more touchy than others, except for Mitch's but they are all 3 connected to each other. And it brings so many possibilities for a 3rd season.
And save the best for the last: CLARKEMAN ENDGAME!!!!
The love you could see in both eyes, what they said, their bodylanguage, it was just perfect. I am so over the moon and I am so in love with Zoey's heartsong. She looked so happy and in love. And I am so happy and in love with that episode, that show, that season, these characters, the music.
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Talk Dirty to Me
I rewatched the first 20 minutes of Poison’s VH1 “Behind the Music” last night, having somewhat remembered it from when I was a kid. It’s kind of funny that they actually let the critics talk unabashed shit about them on that episode. You don’t get that with Zep or Sabbath even though they were critically panned at their inception. The forced “grunge killed hair metal wahh!!” narrative is very much there, like in most Behind the Music episodes about 80’s bands. There was also some weird subtext about them giving flyers to high school aged fans that probably wouldn’t have gone as under the radar today as it did in the late 90s/early 2000s.
It’s kind of delightful to go back and look at hair metal just past its aristea, when it was at its most excessive, neon, and feminine. It’s funny to think that even when I was a baby, American mass culture was gaudy, tasteless, and fucking weird as all hell. It’s not just 2010-forward. 
It does make me wonder though: Is Poison’s music as soullessly perfunctory as critics allege or is there something to it? Though I’d hate to admit it, “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” is one of the better power ballads and has staying power. (It’s easy to say it sucks but go back and listen to how many shitty power ballads have been forgotten.) “Unskinny Bop” is meh. “I Want Action” is a bit substanceless in the same way as Katy Perry’s “California Girls” but it has a good hook (better than the Perry tune.)  Same for “Nothing But a Good Time”. “Talk Dirty to Me” is probably their best tune (in my limited awareness of their discography) but even then it’s a little too on the nose in cribbing tried and true progressions and running through the motions of young forbidden sexuality lyrical content. I would ultimately call it a “good but not great” song. 
I think there is something a little too dialed in for mass appeal in their sound that results in a lack of honesty or authenticity. Sometimes party music doesn’t need to be anything other than party music but it can still have some heart to it like AC/DC or Rick Springfield. Still, if the music was truly secondary to the goal of getting easy pussy, as they themselves claim in Behind the Music, they had a good instinct for trite pop music. None of their hits list ghostwriters so if they did that all on their own (I’m sure the producers helped some), it’s still impressive. You won’t hear many Poison songs in my 80’s rotation and though I might change the radio station for “Every Rose Has Its Torn”, I wouldn’t if “Unskinny Bop” or “Talk Dirty to Me” came on.
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