aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
hello i believe you asked to be reminded about petalpressed? that sounds very interesting do explain
Hello yes! okay so rundown of Petalpressed:
In general, Petalpressed is an AU template I created that focuses on flower symbolism. It's like a combo hanahaki and soulmate tattoos au, except only taking the best parts of both. So everybody has a "living" tattoo somewhere on their body of a plant (or plant-adjacent, it's very broad - so fungi, lichens, algae, etc also count). The plant, in some way, represents or symbolizes the individual, usually via flower language, though it's totally a personalized thing so you can get as funky with it as you want. It can be absolutely anywhere on their body (face/head, back, legs, etc), take up a completely random amount of space (tip of finger vs entire torso, etc), and it will change based on the state of the individual.
Okay rest including PJO-ification under the cut cause this got long:
For example, when the person is a baby their tattoo will appear as just a seed or bulb or whatever is applicable for that plant. The plant will also probably be semi-ambiguous at that point or change plant types as babies don't really have a ton of defining traits. By the time they start settling into being an individual they'll get a more clear plant and it will most likely stay that for the rest of their lives, unless they experience a major shift in their identity that would cause it to change. It also is unlikely to change locations on the body unless for the same reason. The plant will also reflect the person's physical or emotional state, such as wilting if they're very sick or upset, blooming if they're extremely happy, etc etc. Some people may also have generalized versus specific tattoos, such as general "roses" rather than "roses of a specific color" in which case their tattoo may change colors to match mood/plant language associated with that specific color of the plant/or just at random, depending on person.
The soulmate/hanahaki thing comes in when the person develops romantic feelings or enters a mutual romantic relationship (specific because i'm aroace so I like including normalization of not having a partner, even QPP - there's still leeway there though with how individuals categorize "romantic" and obviously it's a template so there's freedom to mess with it). If they have a crush they may start coughing up the plant or parts of the plant associated with that person, though it doesn't cause them any physical harm. Does the coughing-up-petals thing go away once the relationship is reciprocated or is it just a thing that Happens When You're In Love Sometimes At Random? Who knows. You decide. If they enter a mutual romantic relationship with someone, their partner's (or partners') plants or a part of their plants will appear beside their own, and will change depending on the state of the relationship or partner's physicality or emotions. If their relationship is going well, the plant may bloom, if it's going poorly it may wilt, etc, and same if the partner(s) are upset/sick/etc. If the relationship breaks off or is no longer reciprocated the secondary plant will disappear, and if it left a particularly strong impact on the individual, residual parts of the partner/partners' plant(s) may be left behind, such as leaves, seeds, or petals. It depends on the person/relationship if those remnants will ever go away or how long it may take.
"Plant compatibility" is totally a horoscope-type thing in this universe alongside stereotypes of types of plants, and that's where the "soulmate" concept comes in. It is up to discretion if it is actual soulmates or just coincidental, but in-universe there is an idea of "If you share an exact plant with somebody, you are soulmates." Again, re: horoscope thing, here it could totally just be a coincidental thing based on "If you share a plant that is meant to symbolize you, chances are you have similar personalities and so will get along." There may be people with the total opposite perspective - "Don't date someone with the same plant" because maybe having similar personalities means you'll totally clash. Those concepts probably co-exist in practicality. Lots of variety. Also totally up to customization if the plants have to be local to where the person's from or be from anywhere or how much you want to stretch the definition of "plant" or etc etc. Lots of fiddling options.
I do have a sideblog for it as a more generalized template - @petal-pressed. Since it's a template, it's meant to be applicable to any fandom and totally free to use, and I occasionally post prompts on that blog. And again, the template intentionally lots of room for fiddling and freedom.
Anyways the PJOification of all of this:
"What ships are this au" Whatever's funniest/most dramatic in the moment. Go wild. Make your own variations or whatever.
Everybody's plants: (subject to change)
Percy & Annabeth - Bluebells (They match) - Annabeth's on arm where she got stabbed, Percy on small of back.
Grover - False goat's beard, placement undecided
Piper - Anemone (plant not animal), placement undecided
Jason - Forget-me-nots, right forearm
Leo - Hydrangea, placement undecided
Hazel - Clover, possibly forearm
Frank - Undecided but Snapdragons maybe, possibly forearm
Reyna - Jonquil, possibly forearm
Nico - Dandelions, wrist
Will - Sunflowers, side of torso/back
Luke - Originally Lilacs on face, changes to Rhododendron and spreads to shoulder/armpit.
Thalia - Eastern White Pine, placement undecided
Calypso - Undecided but Hibiscus or Zinnia maybe, placement undecided
I have some other notes for other characters but theyre all very noncommittal
I made a lot of random moodboards for this au but since they were just for personal use I don't have the credits for the images and so will not post those. If people are interested I might take requests to make new ones though. They're quite fun for me to make.
And random doodles - The first one is an extremely old one that was just me fiddling with random designs + cameo Solangelo to show off how the plant tattoos might look
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And then some more recent ones:
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I usually do aro/ace Leo for these aus, so here's him pretending to cough up plants as if he had a crush ^
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and some silly Jasico ^
Some other misc fun notes I had for random things:
"Is this canon-verse au or non-canon-verse?" you may be asking. The answer is. Depends. You decide. Again this is not a fully fledged singular au it's just me rotating a template in my brain and it happened to be formed around PJO initially.
Because Percy and Annabeth both have bluebells as their flower, when Percy disappears and loses his memory, both he and Annabeth can't tell if they have only their own flowers or the flowers of two people and it totally freaks them out.
Also because they share flowers, when Nico has his crush on Percy and is thus coughing up bluebells, people presume he has a crush on Annabeth because those are her flowers too. He's not having a great time.
One variant of the thoughts my friends and I brainstormed for Jason was that he and Reyna were dating before he disappeared, and when he lost his memory it also made Reyna's flowers disappear from his tattoo completely. It took longer for Jason's flowers to fade from Reyna's tattoo and she just got to watch Jason's flowers change depending on his state wherever he was until they disappeared too.
Nymphs are obviously pretty one-for-one with their plant. If they even have tattoos is up to you. Either way this does mean Lavinia is coughing up poison oak though so she's having a bit of a rough time. She thinks it's totally worth it though. The coughed-up plants don't really hurt you as bad as the actual plant might, if at all, so she's fine in general.
I had other thoughts too but i'm forgetting.
uhh anyways yeah i think that's about it. woo flower au.
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petal-pressed · 10 months
Petalpressed AU Prompt
5.) No one locally can identify what plant [A]’s tattoo is, so they decide to go on an adventure with [B] to find out.
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silkigloo · 2 years
🦔 * ‧ ₊     ៸      @petalpressed​​ :
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one of the perks of volunteering at critter care was getting keys to the shop. ant can’t help but exploit this privilege, especially during town holidays where everybody is busy enjoying the festivities outside. “this one’s my favorite,” he gushes, gently pressing his palm against the fish tank and beaming at the tiny cherry barb fish swimming around, “i named her apple.”
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my-world-of-colour · 7 years
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wrought iron screen by petalpress
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Zine - Research Task
I am to be creating my own zine. Therefore, I have chosen three zines that are in the public eye and am to analyse them and understand why they are good.
The first that I found was called World of Pain, created by James Jarvis from the UK. It was made relatively recently, in 2001, so he has clearly had the technology available to make it appear professional. Many old zines were often poorly printed, because their creators did not have the greatest resources; they usually used the printer in their office. That did usually add a charm to them, however. World of Pain, on the other hand, is very clean and well printed; I imagine Jarvis had better access to printing than zine creators in the 1980s.
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The content of the zine is also very clean. It doesn’t look hastily done or sketchy. Plus, the pages seem to be well-filled. Thanks to the use of colour, the pages do not appear empty, even when there is nothing to fill the negative space; if the grey ground and the blue walls were instead just white, with a single line separating the two, then the panel would seem featureless. That is why I think using colour was a good idea for the zine.
The design of the characters is also good. Jarvis has a genuine style and is consistent with it, as every character has the same general body shape. It reminds me of Aardman; like the slugs from Flushed Away, they have a similar fat body with small eyes that are close-together. This aesthetic both attracted me to his zine and means his work is memorable because of his original design.
As for story, I believe it involves a character viewing the homeless as a person instead as a street-side nuisance. A boy sees a homeless man playing a keyboard, whilst singing about bizarre imagery; the boy then buys a record with the intent of giving it to the homeless man, but he’s not there, possibly taken by the police officer that was hanging about. The moral is clear: treat people with respect and as humans, even if they’re homeless.
 The second zine I found was called Eric Braün by Simon B. This one caught my attention because of the way it was constructed. This zine’s cover has fun fur cartridge paper, so has a fluffy layer. On top of that, the pages have a hole in them, to simulate a mouth. This creativity is interesting, especially for a zine.
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As for the content, there is a lot of energy in the pages. Almost the entire page is full of stuff, and with such intricate detail to make it interesting to examine and explore. It also helps that the background is black; this emphasizes the white and makes everything in the foreground pop, like chiaroscuro. I believe the zine is printed black and white, perhaps for simplicity. The art style is also clean, but not like the other zine; the line work is well-planned and not sketched in hastily. The zine was created in 1997, so colour printing was certainly a possibility. Simon B likely did this as a stylistic choice: it works; it’s dynamic and loud
 The third zine is called Headbone and was created by Hitch. This was also made in the UK, and was published by Petalpress in 1990.
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This was interested mainly for the colours and the clean look. I’m not too sure whether there is a legitimate story. I can obviously see some icons of popular culture, like Micky Mouse, a condom and slot machines. However, they aren’t understandable: I do not know what message he is trying to tell or why this imagery is here; perhaps it is a comment on influential and dangerous things, like Disney cartoons and how they can be seen as harmful to children, slot machines and the problem of gambling, the devil like shadow, etc. However, I am not too sure.
The design, however, is very clean and well done. This was made during the 1990, so perhaps Hitch, along with Petalpress, also had the resources. The colour orange, black and white were the main colours of one, possibly to be noticeable and to be associated with a warning sign, as orange and black sometimes are.
In conclusion, I would like my zine to appear clean and not hastily done. Depending on the content of the zine, it may be different, but I’d prefer a more professional look. I may want to use some colour, but not necessarily as much as World of Pain or Headbone. I’m still pondering whether to fill my pages up with details or to have some negative space to make it seem less loud. I may also add text, so that my zine isn’t as confusing as Headbone. 
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jagzmoney · 6 years
go follow @milky-syrup and @petalpress those are like the best blogs on this godforsaken site
hmmmmmm gunna be a no from me, my good man
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louweezwee · 7 years
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Just Pinned to Arty bits: Petalpress Pie Dish http://ift.tt/2o8CJwA
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
someone remind me to explain my Petalpressed au tomorrow or whenever
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months
i dont think i ever talked about my old au Petalpressed here but i’m getting back into it so i may finally do that. hmmmm.
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petal-pressed · 4 years
Petalpressed AU Prompt
2.) Assign your character a plant that represents them. This plant is now a tattoo somewhere on their body. What is the meaning behind that plant? How does it encapsulate the character? Where is the tattoo on their body, and how is this significant to their character (or not)?
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petal-pressed · 4 years
Petalpressed AU Prompt
4.) Your character’s “plant” tattoo is a non-traditional “plant.” Rather than a flower, the “plant” that represents them is a tree, fern, lichen, moss, fungus, algae, or etc.
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petal-pressed · 4 years
Petalpressed AU Prompt
3.) [A] other shows [B] the real-world plant that represents [B]/is pictured by [B]’s tattoo. How does this go?
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petal-pressed · 4 years
Petalpressed AU Prompt
1.) [A]’s peers have already had their tattoos transition from seedlings, bulbs, and sprouts, but [A]’s remains as it always has appeared.
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