#petardos valencia
fallasweb · 11 months
Piro foc i Fantasía - Petardos
Nos dedicamos a la venta exclusiva todo el año de petardos y artículos pirotécnicos de uso recreativo.
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elchaqueno · 2 months
Asambleísta tarijeña pide cesar uso de petardos en protestas
Carmen Rosa Valencia, asambleísta departamental de Tarija, hizo un llamado a los sectores en protesta para que dejen de utilizar petardos y bombas en sus manifestaciones. Valencia lamentó los daños que causan estos artefactos a la población vulnerable y a los animales. Además, argumentó que existen maneras inteligentes e ingeniosas de hacerse escuchar sin dañar a nadie. La asambleísta cuestionó…
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barrachinas · 1 year
Una de Fallas... por José Ferrando Por Flickr: Valencia Fallas 2023
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Comienzan las FALLAS en VALENCIA a una temperatura loca de 28 grados
Luces, petardos, fuegos artificiales, música por las calles, puestos callejeros con los dulces típicos, monumentos de cartón/piedra de hasta 5 metros de altura, pasacalles, ofrendas florales a la Virgen, turistas y más turistas, ruido y CALOR 🧨
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Medio ambiente | Ecologistas denuncian la aparición de aves muertas tras la mascletà de Almeida - El Salto - Madrid
La mascletà de Almeida duró 450 segundos con la asistencia de cientos de madrileños, a favor y en contra del espectáculo pirotécnico, que promete repetirse gracias al acuerdo de “promoción turística” firmada entre las alcaldías del PP de Madrid y Valencia. — Leer en www.elsaltodiario.com/medioambiente/de-siete-minutos-petardos-se-han-cobrado-vida-algunas-aves-entorno-madrid-rio
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Si vas a la #nitdelfoc cierra tu puerta con llave para que ningún petardo intente allanar tu domicilio en #valencia Ciutat Vella, L’Eixample, Extramurs, Campanar, La Saïda, El Pla del Real, La Olivereta, Patraix, Jesús, Quatro Carreres, Poblats Marítims, Camins al Grau, Algirós, Benimaclet, Rascanya, Benicalap, Bétera, Alaquas, Albal, Albalat dels Sorells, Alberic, Alboraya, Albuixech, Alcàsser, Massamagrell, Massanassa, RibaRoja de Túria, Rocafort, Sagunto, Aldaia, Alfafar, Alfara del Patriarca, Burjassot, Alfarp, Algemesí, Alginet, Almassera, Almussafes, Alzira, Benaguasil, Benetússer, Benifaió Beniparrell, Benisanó, Bonrepòs I Mirambell, Buñol, Campamento, Canet de Berenguer, Carcaixent, Carlet, Carpesa, Catadau, Catarroja, Cheste, Chiva, Cullera, Daimús, El Palmar, El Perelló, El Perellonet, El Puig, El Saler, Foios, Godella, Godelleta, Guadassuar, La Alcúdia, La Canyada La Cañada, La Eliana, La Patacona, La Pobla de Farnals, La Pobla de Vallbona, Les Palmeres, Llíria, Llombai, Loriguilla #alaquas #albal #albalatdelssorells #alberic #alboraya #albuixech #alcasser #aldaia #alfafar #alfaradelpatriarca #alfarp #algemesi #alginet #almassera #almussafes #alzira #begademarvalencia #benaguasil #benetusser #benifaio #beniparrell #benisano #betera https://rapidtecnic.com #valencia #cerrajeros #persianeros #serrallers #locksmiths (en Torres De Serrano, València, España) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7Xf3Noht0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elcoet09 · 1 year
Tienda de petardos Valencia El Coet
Tienda online de productos pirotécnicos en Valencia. Todo tipo de petardos y tracas valencianas, castillos de fuego, truenos de mecha, Humos y fuentes. Una amplia variedad de petardos con los que podrás dar un toque especial a fiestas, eventos, bodas y otras celebraciones.
Carrer de les Eres, 24, 46980 Paterna 687586089 [email protected]
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andrewckeeper · 3 years
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Before/After LIDMF “Fallera Mayor Infantil 2021″
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valederrik · 2 years
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Le giornate inaspettate sono quelle che più rimangono impresse nella mente! 😀 ¡El domingo en FALLAS: paella, cerveza, amigos, petardos, fiesta 13 Marzo 2022 #valencia #fallas #amigos #domingo #paella #falleros #adventure #experience #localactivities #petardos #disfrutar #divertido #funpeople #localmood (presso Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbKTa9WMYX7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ellavaday · 2 years
screaming into the void (and explaining references/subtitles) for the lastest episode of dres, ball challenge edition
look at me not writing a dissertation for once i am so happy lol
when juriji is going all "yes we're friends but idc onyx left" she is not calling diamante rude... chunga/o is more like. A person that has had a rough life and is rough as a result of it. You'd use a word like chungo to talk about a rough neighborhood (and a person that comes from a rough neighborhood but it doesn't have to be bc there's a slippery slope there with stereotyping people, juri is not accusing diamante of mugging someone w a knife or anything, she's just saying she's coming off a little harsh)
congratulations sharonne for being a track record legend
the subtitles in english when diamante is explaining how she did the lipsync are giving me brain damage because they are odd (... and there's a typo that mixes part w parents) but whatever moving on, it's close enough
sharonne laughing about marina in confessionals for using silicone because 'who does that!?' me, sharonne I've done that (also by accident like marina, in my case the silicone mixed up with the skin safe glue by accident) 0/10 would not recommend, i had silicone residue stuck to my forehead for 3 days pls learn from our mistakes lol
when they're entering the workroom the next day sharonne says they're imitating hocus pocus and then the subtitles say abracadabra when she says el retorno de las brujas (the return of the witches), abracadabra is the name of hocus pocus the movie in LatAm and return of the witches is the name of it in Spain, hence also why she says 'but the witches never truly left the workroom'
i think it's a bit unfair to accuse diamante of not caring for onyx [and i don't love this edit for her nor how many people have justified sending her lots of racist shit since the show begun because she comes off as cocky, the fact that she's not taken any of it to heart (or expressed so publicly) fills me with admiration bc i have cried for much less than stuff i've seen people write about her]
e n o u g h with the closeups to the crotch of the pitcrew
unconventional materials sewing challenge here we go, milagros a lourdes, no a las travestis (go ask for miracles to the lady of lourdes not to the crossdresser) indeed venedita, but i did kinda love that supremme sat on the ground with the girls to see what they had so far rupaul could never
when they announce choriza as a guest judge her message is soy choriza may y comparado con ésto ni el brexit ni valencia tiene tanto petardo junto. Keep calm y amunt el socarrat, "i'm choriza may" is straight forward enough, "compared to this neither valencia nor brexit has seen so many petards in the same place" the subs translate it as excitement but petardo is also how you call a dimwit and a petardo is also an actual firecracker and chori is from valencia where pyrotechnical events that use petards are traditional, they're called mascletà. Amunt el socarrat would be 'long live socarrat' in valencian, socarrat means scorched and it usually refers to the scorched rice at the bottom of the paella pan but also it's the name of a decorative medieval clay tile placed between beams and joists in houses that are also very typical from valencia
the next day when venedita says she wants to change her name to Ester Colero it's a wordplay for estercolero = dunghill or manure heap 💩
when they're teasing marina because she stapled her dress and is going to rely on her silhouette, diamante in confessionals say that marina is rara de cojones, it just means diamante thinks marina is just really weird, not that she gets angry or mad like the subs say
can't be certain this is for sure but i think the entire caricari family thing of estrella's friends in bcn (which i find stinkingly adorable btw) is because it's pretty common to call people cari as a diminutive of cariño (i do that a lot, cari is my endearment of choice, like cielo)
alright runway time
when presenting the runway; when supremme says they're all very well dressed, javier calvo says que mona va esta chica siempre which is a meme from a long running sitcom called aquí no hay quien viva
when introducing choriza, supremme says that if she was a contestant in spain her name would have been martadela which is ofc a pun for marta and mortadella but just as a curiosity, chori's actually name is a wordplay not only for theresa may but because in spanish you call thieves (and also politicians) a chorizo and british ppl pronounce theresa and chorizo almost the same
people were teasing chori a bit online because just like juri says she sounds the tiniest bit guiri when speaking in spanish but it's charming and it makes me feel better about my own accent (but some of it is just her voice lol)
10th century runway
sharonne quotes gollum from lotr mi tesoro = my precious in the spanish dub and calvo says abrigoberta bandini which is a reference to rigoberta bandini (she's a singer that got second place in the benidorm fest, the contest that chose who would represent spain in eurovision this year)
when estrella gets on the runway calvo says guarra de arco, it's a wordplay for guarra = naughty/dirty and joan of arc; estrella doesn't know what the crux in her clothes is for but it is a greek crux, specifically a cruz de calatrava (she says she's a mercenary but it's more templar knight vibes if i'm honest); when calvo says me caso y me mato (i'll marry and i'll kms) is a quote from la veneno and chori actually says estrella likes to suck on the sword not swallow it but eh close enough
venedita's first look personally reminds me of george melie's a trip to the moon from 1902 but i'm a fan (during the 10th century a good portion of spain was governed by moors and the first astronomy studies were in fact done by them so that's what she's representing); also i am almost certain 'the hidden side of the moon is a woman' is a reference to the lyrics of a song but idk which (it is the name of a romantic novel, i don't think it's a reference to that but who knows)
diamante is dressed like córdoba's mosque (and i'm sorry that critique about it being too fashiony but not draggy enough was complete bs) ambrossi made a pun that was translated a bit oddly but we're letting it go
sethlas look is inspired by the glosas emilianenses, they were considered the earliest spanish language text till 2010 (nowadays it's considered early navarre-aragonese rather than spanish by the royal spanish academy) written in the 10th century to a 9th century latin codex; when supremme says una glosa es una glosa the sub says a book is a book... maybe a pun for a rose is a rose [by any other name] but most likely on una rosa es una rosa the mecano song and the subs don't pick it up but ana answers with que glosa usted? which was a terrible pun for 'what did you say?'; chori says she thinks sethlas wrote it with feathers, feather is a shorthand for saying something is camp, effeminate or just very gay
as soon as marina comes out ambrossi says in the subs don't be shady but no es trigo limpio (lit. she's no clean wheat) means she is not to be trusted (as in that's an idiom); supremme sings a punny version of lágrimas de amor by camela (changing sueño contigo, dreaming about you, with sueño con trigo, dreaming about wheat); ambrossi also makes a reference to maria teresa campos, a journalist and tv host bc campos = fields; the marina, meteorica, mariconica, is the obligatory maricon = fag pun chori's travesti a la fuga feels like a ref to the runaway bride film
when juriji enters calvo says fray luis de putón; putón means slut and fray luis de leon was a 14th century agustinian monk, teologian and poet; ambrossi says juana de armas which is a reference to ana de armas (an actress that became popular here for being the main character in a 2007 teen drama called el internado; she's also in knives out and the 2021 bond film) i might have screamed when i saw that look
20th century runway
sharonne says the woman she's playing is a bit yuppie and a bit extra, sobrada can be extra but here is more like wealthy/cocky; ana says verde que te quiero verde which is translated to i love her for her money in the subs, it's the name of a lorca book and an expression for loving money bc green; when calvo says that look is very money it's a pun, moni is a diminutive to mono=cutesy
when estrella walks in, ana says de cabo a rabo which is an expression that means from begining to end and it's also a pun cabo=corporal and rabo=tail and colloquially in spanish ráno also means dick; tbh mariconizar a franco was an inspired idea but sadly it fell a bit short just like the rest of her looks for today
matching with estrella who did francisco franco venedita is doing his wife, carmen polo; who was mockingly called la collares (lady necklaces) because she loved pearl necklaces; she's also wearing a peineta (spanish decorative comb) and a mantilla (lace shawl used as a head cover for church or special occasions); as she walks ambrossi says esto con franco no pasaba which the subs translate as 'this thing with franco is a bad idea' but would literally be translated as 'these things didn't happen when franco [was alive/in power]'... used here mockingly, bc when franco was alive you couldn't even breath wrong his name if you wanted to live, but also it's a quote often used by fascists and perjudiced ppl being dickheads; ana says se habrá encollado? which the subs translated to a fully different thing, it means 'do you think she's collared?'; ambrossi says 'that pearl smells like an oyster' when she takes the pearls from her crotch, as you might guess from juriji's mussel runway in episode one, oysters are an euphemism for vaginas
diamante's second runway is inspired by casa batlló and diamante i mean this with love... no. la casa batlló is a catalan modernist building made by the architect antonio gaudí (who also did parc güell and la sagrada familia in barcelona) and diamante is right for sant jordi's day (also known as day of the rose) the front of the building is covered in roses; it is a lovely inspiration and both the tradition and the building are near and dear to my heart, but it feels more like an homage to revolutionary girl utena; in the story of saint george a kingdom was being terrorized by a dragon that saint george kills and from the carcass of the slayed dragon grew a rose bush, dragona is also a way to refer to a drag queen which is why choriza says she doesn't trust sant jordi, bc he goes around killing drag queens (dragonas)
when sethlas comes in as a non-binary computer; calvo makes a reference to taking the blue pill or the red pill which from the matrix (and to party drugs)
nothing for marina that was pretty straight forward, i did like hers a lot as well
when juriji comes in and ana says she's very swedish, hacerse la sueca (to pretend to be swedish) means to pretend you don't know what's going on; cine de barrio (cinema from the neighborhood) is a tv show that has been in emissions since the 90s, it's currently host by alaska (the spanish singer) and it's the projection of the movie (anything made in spain from the 50s to the 90s) + interviews made to people that performed/filmed them; she also uses a very particular word called el destape for reveal, el cine destape was what the movies made after 1975 were called, immediately after the francoist censorship committee was disolved, bc many of those were basically accused of being porn movies with the flimsiest excuse of a plot; el felpudo de la cantudo is a reference to 'la cantudo's welcome mat' la cantudo was maria jose cantudo, and the welcome mat in question is her crotch which appears in a movie in 1975 for like 9 seconds in a fully useless shot that made everyone lose their shit (the first frontal nudity shoot in a movie after 40 years of censorship would do that... idk if it was the first one ever made in spanish cinema but it probably was); and that reference to fernando estesos sucking on nipples is a reference to another spanish sitcom called la que se avecina (a raunchier sequel to aquí no hay quien viva) in which a character -an elder lady- is always saying that estesos (who is a famous actor) sucked on her nipple when she was younger and worked in cinema (he made a cameo in the series after years of being name dropped on the show) ((i am well aware this is a lot for a simple look of juri in underwear lol but i don't know how to explain any of these in any other way i am sorry))
30th century runway
when sharonne enters ambrossi makes a reference to a popular kid's riddle oro parece plata no es (looks like gold it's not silver, it's a wordplay for platano = 🍌); the judges make references to the scarecrow and the lion from the wizard of oz and when she's leaving calvo says 'es muy cañera' (she's very powerful) it can mean exactly that and it can also reference papel de caña (recycled paper)
when estrella is walking the runway ambrossi says she's cybercelia; cybercelia was the host character from a kids show segment in tv from the early 00s called the cyberclub that had cartoon episodes in-between educative segments; albal flores is a wordplay on papel albal (aluminium paper, albal is a popular brand) and alba flores (family of the flamenco dancer lola flores and actress in the money heist tv series) and alba carrillo is a model and tv host
when venedita is walking the runway choriza says venedita has a flower on her ass, it is an expression that means being lucky; when calvo says she's been seeded, plantada actually means she was stood-up
when diamante enters the runway ana makes a pun on anténa dragbolica (parabolic antenna); I'm sure the robot 3000 is a reference to something but idk what is it rn
when sethlas walks the runway calvo mentions punky brewster which was an actual tv show but also punki is how you call a punk music fan here; chori's comment in the subs is watch out for the edges but in spanish it's more like mírate esas puntas/get a good look at those [hair] ends and that she would go to sethlas' bermuda triangle not that she has been there already
when marina leaves the runway, chori says tiene el corazón contento which is from a song by marisol
juriji won me when she said she was inspired by barbarella even if i don't think the look was anything special; calvo says 'what a cone' not 'how can i say no?'; chori makes a reference to jordi hurtado who is a game tv show host that seems like he doesn't age at all (him being immortal or time traveling are memes); barbarella rey is a reference to barbara rey (a performer) not lana lol
judges critiques
un ole para sharonne for saving herself and this being literally the lowest she's landed in 6 episodes
there's a typo when estrella is getting critiqued by the judges bc it looks like she says she thinks she did a lot with the looks, but she says she is very aware she does not look her best even if she tried
the winner of this week challenge for me is dovima nurmi who, for someone that got to top 5 doing nothing, has been name dropped in almost every episode so far
the 'hey babes' from sethlas is a reference to alex gibaja (the person sethlas didn't play in snatch game)
waiting for deliveration
juriji says valen más dos tetas que dos carretas which is a rhyme that basically means two tits are worth more than two wagons (not quite 'i have to believe in myself' but i mean that's a valid way to interpret that saying sgsksh)
ofc choriza enters saying gibraltar español hdsdhj señora
venedita says they can keep horchata and paella but valencia has the best drag; i am not even bothering with paella, you all know what that is (and it is very valencian and does not have seafood or chorizo, do not listen to what jamie oliver says) but horchata is a drink, google says it's tiger nut milk in english but i've never heard of that my life... whatever is a tiger nut supposed to be, we call them chufas in spanish (or xufas in valencian)
and back to the main stage
ambrossi says marina's last look was like a maqui which specifically the name of the antifranco dictatorship guerilla active till the 60s
congratulations to sethlas 🥰 (when she says she's used to winning, for those of you that don't keep up with canarian drag, she's won the most important pageant they have more than a couple of times and it's a big deal)
the way carmen or jota would have been amazing for this lipsync... so much drama (not my thing if I'm honest) and we're going five for five for cadiz queens having wardrobe malfunctions, not a wig this time but estrella's bra
aaand we are done! what did you all think of this episode?
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flowersofvalencia · 5 years
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Día d San José. Felicidades a tod@s. Hoy nosotros hemos disfrutado un poco de las Fallas. Último día de "La Mascleta" . . . . #valenciaciudad #valencia #fallas2019 #mascleta #petardos #sanjose (en En La Mascletà, plaça de L'Ajuntament de València) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvMZrfeFq1-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1phrckx13taji
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fallasweb · 11 months
Petardos Valencia
Somos una tienda con 30 años de experiencia en venta directa al cliente en productos pirotécnicos intentando mejorar todos los días. Pensando en la pólvora como nuestra raíz cultural identificándonos como valencianos.
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gnomo · 7 years
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Senyora pirotècnica, pot comerçar la mascletà! 💥💥💥 • • • #Fallas #Valencia #Falles #València #ValenciaenFallas #ValènciaenFalles #mascletà #peim #petardos #senyorapirotècnica #senyorpirotècnic #senyorapirotècnicapotcomençarlamascletà #senyorpirotècnicpotcomençarlamascletà #potcomençarlamascletà (en Plaça de l'Ajuntament)
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La Mocaorà
Esta es una Tradición de mi Región que se celebra hoy 9 de Octubre.
La mocaorà (traducido sería la pañolada) tiene sus orígenes en el siglo XVIII. Se regala entre los enamorados el día de Sant Donís (Dionisio), el 9 de octubre.
La tradición de la “mocaorà” consiste en que el hombre regale a la mujer dulces hechos con mazapán que representan las distintas frutas y hortalizas de la huerta de Valencia, envueltos en un pañuelo (“mocador” en valenciano) que da nombre a esta costumbre. Una tradición muy relacionada con la gastronomía de Valencia.
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La “mocaorà” se regala el día de Sant Donís, patrón de los enamorados valencianos, que coincide con el 9 de octubre, el Día de la Comunidad Valenciana. Esta tradición se practica sobre todo en la ciudad de Valencia y alrededores.
La historia de la “mocaorà” se remonta al siglo XVIII, y está muy relacionada con la historia de la fiesta del 9 de octubre. Cuando los Decretos de Nueva Planta prohibieron festejar la entrada de Jaume I a Valencia el 9 de octubre, los confiteros de Valencia crearon dulces con la forma de los petardos prohibidos, los llamados “piulets i tronadors“. 
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Junto a ellos se fabricaron también frutas y hortalizas de mazapán, en referencia a la fertilidad de la huerta valenciana y también a las hortalizas que los moros regalaron a la esposa de Jaume I, la reina Doña Violante de Hungría. Estos mazapanes se envolvían en un pañuelo y se regalaban a la mujer amada, y esta costumbre ha permanecido hasta hoy.
En la actualidad, los pasteleros valencianos se preparan a fondo para este día y cocinan miles de figuritas de mazapán; se calcula que se emplean más de 70.000 kilos de mazapán para elaborar unas 200.000 “mocadoràs”. Además, el Gremio de Panaderos y Pasteleros de Valencia convoca el Concurso de Sant Donís, para elegir la mejor “mocadorà” y el mejor escaparate de entre los hornos y pastelerías en Valencia.
También se conmemora la fecha en la que Jaume I el Conquistador entró oficialmente en la ciudad de Valencia en el año 1238. Finalizó el dominio del rey árabe Abul Djumayl Zayyan. Era el día de Sant Donís.
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Rosa ❤️
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Valencia está que arde y no por el fuego… ¡Sino porque Mankini ha llegado a la ciudad! Pero tranquilos, que ha prometido no tirar petardos, solo comer paella y desearos unas felices fallas a todos. #SherlockGnomes ¡11 de mayo en cines!
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mendezjt33t-blog · 5 years
Las mejores historias de esta semana sobre Valencia
En esta zona de Alicante, que también cuenta con ciertos locales de referencia en la ciudad, además de esto se dan cita los sábados los apasionados del fenómeno del "Tardeo". En homenaje a la playas de Alicante, playa de la Albufereta y San Juan y naturalmente a los alicantinos de los, años 70,80 y noventa, finales, que disfrutabamos de los veranos playeros y de la marcha día y noche. Otra de la zonas con más ambiente se halla en Laseda Village junto al Golf de Alicante una de las zonas más exclusivas de la urbe. Alicante cuenta con una enorme ventaja, su cercanía a la capital española y las distintas opciones que tenemos de llegar, ya que podemos emplear diferentes medios de transporte,siendo el AVE y el avión los más utilizados, ten presente que el aeropuerto de Alicante se halla a escasos diez minutos del centro. Finalizado el juego nos desplazaremos al puerto de Alicante donde empezara la verdadera fiesta.
La verbena de San Juan es una de las fiestas que se viven con más intensidad en España. De norte a sur del país pueblos y ciudades se acicalan y preparan para dar la bienvenida oficial al verano con un baño de fuego, agua y mucha pirotecnia. No te pierdas la Noche de San Juan en España, una de las noches más mágicas del año.
Regalo de 1 bono de 1 noche de hotel para todas y cada una de las novias y novios. Regalo de 1 bono de una noche de hotel para 2 personas a todas las novias y novios. Regalo para las novias y novios de un Bono ,de una noche de hotel para dos persona. Consiste en un recorrido por las calles del centro de Alicante, resolviendo pruebas en grupo al estilo "escape room". * Pulsera descuento en copas tarde y noche, en Carabassa, Carabassa 2, Forever, La Plata, Baccus, Teatre, Santa Barbase, Lio, Nº3, La Historia San Cristobal, Discoteca Ten10 Rambla.
Agenda de eventos durante la tarde-noche
Un plan perfecto, cuando salimos por la noche, es ir a cenar a algún restorán y, entonces, danzar y tomar algo en la disco del momento.
El restaurante se halla situado en pleno centro, en la calle Castaños y muy cerca de Rambla, a tres o 4 minutos andando.
Cae la noche en Alicante y la urbe se llena de celebración.
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Empezamos el tardeo en la zona barrio, junto a la Rambla Mendez Nuñez y a 2 calles, de la zona Castaños.
- A la llegada al barco, restaurante, disco, etc el cliente del servicio acepta los servicios, excluyendo de responsabilidad alguna a la empresa, por accidentes producidos por embriaguez, caídas, golpes ,quemaduras, cortes, rotura de vestuario, zapatos, gafas, complementos etc, a lo largo del acontecimiento.
En Rayma nos hemos puesto la pilas y os ofrecemos las mejores opciones para vuestra despedida de soltero o soltera en la ciudad de Alicante, prueba de ello es esta alternativa que de seguro os encantará.
En Rayma nos hemos puesto la pilas y os ofrecemos las mejores opciones para vuestra despedida de soltero o bien soltera en la ciudad de Alicante, prueba de ello es esta alternativa que d,e seguro os encantará.
La noche más corta del año se vive con especial intensidad y, además de los fuegos de artificio, la tradición manda asar espetos de sardinas en la playa, saborear brevas y, por supuesto, quemar los "júas", una suerte de muñecos de trapo que se lanzan a la fogata. El día de San Juan es una de las celebraciones preferidas de los malagueños y la prueba es que la urbe entera se vuelca en la celebración del solsticio estival. Tarragona festeja la mágica Noche de San Juan por lo alto con fiestas en cada distrito, cenas populares bajo las estrellas y petardos hasta entrada la madrugada.
ocho. San Juan de la Canal, Cantabria
Allí vemos la pasmante terraza con piscina del entonces único hotel de 5 estrellas de la urbe, el S,idi San Juan, al que asistían las grandes personalidades cuando venían a gozar de nuestro sol y la infinita playa. Pero Alicante no se acaba en el centro, así que tomamos una corriente de aire de poniente que nos lleva rápidamente cara la Playa de San Juan.
¿Te gustaría conocer uno de los mejores restaurants con disco en Alicante? Life Beach Club te ofrece, además de mañanas llenas de vida, noches que siempre y en toda circunstancia recordarás y que vas a poder estrenar degustando una exquisita cena para, entonces, disfrutar bailando con las sesiones dance de los DJ's que te van a traer a la playa un trocito de las mejores discos del mundo. En Life Beach Club gozarás, desde primera hora, de un entorno privilegiado y natural en la playa de San Juan. Uno de los restoranes con disco en Alicante más simbólicos y con una larga trayectoria en el mundo del ocio y la hostelería es Marmarela.
Descarga la aplicación Moovit para encontrar las direcciones más rápidas y ver los últimos Autobús o Tren programados en Discoteca Limousine Alicante. Estas líneas de Tren se detienen cerca de Disco Limousine Alicante: C-1, C-tres. G racias a tu confianza hemos crecido y añadido más productos y actividades a nuestras servicios, como los alquileres de limusinas , entradas con consumiciones y descuento en copas a las mejores discos y zonas de ocio.
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