#physical nonhumans
redacted-coiner · 26 days
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ALT Holotheres Flags
[PT: ALT Holotheres Flags]
This is a alternative flag being I saw this one(link) by @henryisabigfatbitch and found it really saturated. I made a version using similar colors just adjusted as well as my own interpretation!
Symbol Seen(link) by @defrostedvertebrae
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[Based off original ID: in Alt text]
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[My Version ID: in Alt text]
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[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @kin-flags
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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thecouncilofcreatures · 2 months
Oh? What's this...
Hello! Welcome friends...
This blog is for our nonhuman alters to have a space to learn about and interact with the world and fellow creatures.
To note, we prefer the term nonhuman over alterhuman/otherkin/ect. When referring to our identity, we prefer [identity] alter over [identity] kin. No disrespect to those who use those terms; this is just a personal preference in referring to ourselves.
For example : demon alter/demonic alter > demon kin/demonkin
We do have a DNI in our carrd (pinned message of @thecouncilofidiots ), but it can be summed up to "don't be a bigoted asshole"... other than that, we totally welcome fellow nonhumans (therians, alterhumans, otherkin, ect) to interact or check out our other blogs! (We recommend our coining/request blog @thecouncilmakes)
Because of our being a system, we identify as physically nonhuman/nonhuman in every way (not solely spiritually/psychologically/ect), and are experimenting with the term holothere . If this makes you uncomfortable, just don't interact; no need to spread hate or judgement (^ w ^)
☆ We are mentally ill and nonhuman, not mentally ill because we're nonhuman ☆
Ace's Fox Server Project
Link(s) to alter introductions -
Baz :
Ace :
Sin :
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lycantooth · 1 month
something I’ve rarely but have unfortunately seen in the community is people complaining and even annoyed about the ‘inaccuracies’ of some people’s kintypes? I understand that often an interest or special interest in a specific animal will accompany therianthropy, but it wasn’t something I expected to see from this community
so let me say this: you are NOT less valid if your kintype is not ‘scientifically accurate’.
if you are a bird or a bat, so what if your wings are on your back?
if you are an unnatural colour, so what if your animal isn’t typically bright pink or green or blue with yellow stripes?
so what if you crave meat in your shifts as a herbivore kintype?
so what if you have markings or patterns than wouldn’t appear in nature?
you are the coolest guy around !! 🦇
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fuckbeinghuman · 3 months
"you're not a dog! you're delusional, you're human!!" erhmm says who? do you have access to my camera? what says i'm not just a mutt typing with his paws? hmmm???
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scolopendra-404 · 2 months
Alterhumans of any kind please interact, I’d like to meet more people. Especially space/alien/monsterous aligned folks.
Other than that, looking for general people to follow.
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copperrust · 3 months
genuinely every single expression of nonhumanity is so beautiful
i love therians and otherkin spiritual psychological or otherwise
i love otherhearteds and copinglinks
i love physical nonhumans of all kinds including zooanthropes endels and holotheres
i love alterhumans
i love real-life and fictional theriotypes
i love animal-related xenogenders and neopronouns
i love connecting to nonhumanity or being nonhuman due to neurodivergence
i love nonhumans due to delusions or trauma
i love furries and i love people who feel like their true selves wearing a fursuit
i love pups and horseplayers and queer people whose sexuality is connected to their nonhumanity
i love people who are fully 100% nonhuman and i love people whose nonhumanity is wearing cat ears and a tail
i love puppygirls and catboys and werewolves
i love people who connect nonhumanity with them being outside traditional gender norms
i love how making a human-lion was one of the first product of artistry ever made by humans (and the oldest statue that we discovered)
(this is mostly animal-focused but i love people connected to flora and still life and machines too and everything related to that)
we see ourselves in everything around us as if it were our reflection
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flintawakened · 1 month
Uhm, for my 100th post.. I wanted to do that one trend with the likes. I only have, like, 35 followers so I doubt this'll gain traction, butttt, worth a shot. 'X)
15 interactions I'll make a YouTube video tonight
25 interactions I'll work more on my mask
40 interactions I'll start eating healthier
80 interactions I'll clean my room (which is a depression nest rn)
100 interactions I'll wear a tail to school
150 interactions I'll do public quads and post it on my YouTube
200 interactions and I'll start working out every night
250 interactions and I'll get my chronic pain checked by a doctor for athritis
300 interactions and I'll start an Etsy for gear
400 interactions and I'll tell my friends about my therianthropy and explain to them that I'm physically a wolf
500 interactions and I'll start seeking out therian friends and start guitar lessons
I'm only gonna go until five hundred because I doubt this will get past 40- but hopefully I'll get there someday ^^'
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redacted-coiner · 25 days
All the flags are Holotheres!
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Flags 1 & 3, Flag 2
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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dogs-have-fallen · 2 months
i am so tired of seeing people calling therianthropy spiritual. sure, for some people it is, but this is not a spiritual exclusive experience. it is psychological, it is physical, and it is spiritual. not everyone has a past life they’re connected with. people need to stop being exclusive in their terminology
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lycantooth · 2 months
I love therians who are physically nonhuman due to delusions
I love therians who are physically nonhuman due to autism
I love therians who are physically nonhuman due to a personality disorder
I love therians who are physically nonhuman due to a physical disability
I love therians who are physically nonhuman due to trauma
I love all therians who are physically nonhuman for any reason whatsoever
Just because your experience of nonhumanity is less widely discussed or considered harmful or considered ‘problematic’ does not make your therianthropy less valid 🖤
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batsbolts-andfangs · 18 days
I think we need to stop defining therianthropy to others as "identifying involuntarily as an animal in any way except physical" because the last part simply isn't true. By defining it as such you are excluding physical nonhumans whether intentionally or not. It doesn't matter what way someone identifies as a therian. Physical nonhumans are valid. Physical therians are valid. Every therian, regardless of how they experience it, is valid.
This is not about validity wars, OP does not think anyone is better than anyone else, do not derail.
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delphientropy · 6 days
psst... physical nonhumans.... youre valid. i love you
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dalhund · 30 days
I've been slowly incorporating more animalistic language into my vocabulary and it feels so good.
calling my face my muzzle, my hands are paws, my room is my den, my partner is my mate.
it's euphoric and makes me feel.. I guess more secure in my identity? it's small things like this that really keep my holothere beliefs going.
and I want more of this; if anyone has more words like this to start using then please share them
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1nt3rn3t4ng3l · 2 months
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Hi, hello! if you didn't know my names Luka and ive been awakened for a year.
EDIT: I would specifically like help with creating the wiki cuz im kinda dumb
I believe i would have figured myself out sooner if there was a comprehensive wiki or dictionary for nonhumans. Ive seen alot of confusion and misinformation and its upset me.
I had to do so much reaserch to figure myself out and i pride myself in trying to educate or explain nonhuman terms and identoties to others, but its hard to do when there is not a solid place to find all of thsi information.
So thats all to say..I have had this idea for a while and would like to start trying to make a Functional wiki for nonhumans. One thats neatly organized and where the explanations are easier to understand. But im just one creature and i dont even know how to start a wiki by myself.. sooooo
I was wondering if any other nonhumans would be interested in helping me with this project! if any of you are please DM me or message me on discord (im 1nt3rn3t4ng3l on discord btw) anyways um yeah! thats my idea! reblogs are HIGHLY appreciated/nf/gen
(im also debating on starting a sideblog just dedicated to this)
(i would love to hear others opinions on my idea <3)
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dogs-have-fallen · 2 months
how it feels to be with the pack
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lycantooth · 2 months
I don’t know who needs to hear this today but if you love having lots of kintypes you are valid. if hoarding alterhuman flags and terms is fun and euphoric for you then you are valid. if you don’t know why you identify with every kintype you are valid. if you have a long hoard of kintypes that just feel right you are valid.
you do not owe anyone an explanation of your alterhumanity. you are not inferior to those who are deeply introspective about their types just because you label hoard, or don’t have a complex reason as to why you id this way
I appreciate you 🫶🐾
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