#physically incapable os short-form hades content
Hi I saw your request were open so can I have headcannon of what it like Dating disney Hades he one of my main f/o ( also I love your blog)
Hey yes absolutely, gotta love more Hades!
...honestly something about Hades asks makes me get my story on it seems, I hope you don't mind something longer!
Dating Disney!Hades Headcannons:
I'm going to assume the relationship is secret, at least at first, mostly becuase you have no idea how it happened.
It begins at a festival, one of many, celebrating the big three gods of ancient greece: Zeus, Posidon, and Hades. It's relatively new but nobody is going to complain about another excuse to party - and most of Athens has turned out in force.
To especially mark the occasion, the God's themselves are attending and mingling on Earth. While everyone you know is flocking to prepare offerings and fawn over their favoured god of choice, you...you're not that into it, ok?
It's nothing Personal, but to you the whole event looks like a disaster waiting to happen and the fact nobody else is realising this is baffling. You would rather not attend at all but there's literally nowhere to hide, so you're resolutely at the back and attempting to blend in with the shrubbery.
Zeus is in his element, laughing and receiving his mountain of offerings and praise beafictically enough that his lecherous looks at the women at the base of his plinth go mostly unseen. Posidon is chatting and miming...something with his trident even as Athena's expression looks like she's smiling through a lemon behind him. Lesser gods are mingling with the city folk and setting new records in alcohol consumption.
You're so focused on seeing and avoiding the various godly glows that you don't notice a gaunt, grey, glow-less hand offer you a goblet until it's under your nose.
Hades yellow eyes smirk at you from the darkness four or five feet above your head, the god tucked into the shade of an awning away from the rest of the revelers. "Yeesh, you look like you need this as much as I do, babe. Not enjoying the party?"
Ahahahaha Shit.
You take the goblet and down it in one. Might as well get this over with quickly. "Gods no, I'm only here becuase my family threatened to kick me out if I didn't come and be sociable. Uh, you?"
Probably not the best way to address a god but from the way his eyebrows raise and his lips curl up he doesn't seem to mind. Why are you looking at his lips?? "Really~?" He drags out the sound and takes a gulp from his own goblet, and you struggle to not notice how long his fingers are as he shifts his grip. "Well, seeing as we're in a very similar situation, whadda'ya say we help eachother out here, eh?"
All of a sudden he's impossibly close and you are just now realising that you are Very Small in comparison and is smoke supposed to have a texture? Smoke is not supposed to have a texture and yet something is wrapping lazily around your ankles and you can't say you dislike it-
"The way I see it neither of us can be antisocial if we're off together somewhere, party's gonna drag on for while so whadda'ya say we blow this joint and go walkabout for a little while? See some sights, grab some chow, avoid our relatives...?" He's talking a mile a minute and somehow, somehow this idiotic decision sounds like the most fun you've had in ages. You glance over - your family is stuck in the line for Zeus and they'll be there for hours yet...
"...Sure, I'm game."
His grin - wide toothy and near demonic - should not make your stomach swoop like it does. "It's a date then, babe~" He says and snaps you both away in a blast of smoke.
It takes months before any sort of attention is paid you the fact that you two became an item (one date became two became five became ten became 'babe, move in with me'), but if you're honest? You're curled up on his lap on his throne and you two have smugly never been better.
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