funsizedtrauma · 4 years
Cluck, Rise, and Shine | Popuri & Neil
Every morning, Neil arose to begin his day on the ranch with a list of chores in mind. He would have his breakfast as the sun rose and lit up the interior of his house through the windows, then he would get dressed and begin the necessities required for taking proper care of the animals on the ranch. He’d start by heading over to the horse’s stable to brush the fine stallion and replace all of the hay. Once the water was refilled in the trough, Neil would move on to the chicken coop. 
Normally, he’d start by greeting all of the hens and avoiding the unruly rooster that controlled the place. However, he was not expecting to be greeted by the sight of a mound of sleeping hens and fluffy pink hair near the edge of the chicken coop. Of course, Neil knew exactly who it was: an annoying, chicken-obsessed girl who wouldn’t leave him alone. 
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“Oi, wake the hell up. You can’t keep sneaking in here and hanging out with the chickens! You’re disturbing them!” Neil spoke loudly enough to hopefully wake up the girl as he stepped closer to the sleeping pile. Some of the hens clucked irritably at being awoken, but saw that the door was open and began to head outside to roam like usual. 
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cowgirlkathy · 4 years
Pink Like Wild Flowers [Shea & Popuri]
There are many colors. Such ought to be a simple fact of life, and perhaps it was something clear even to Shea. Yet there were colors he saw far more than others. Browns and greens were the most common. Yellows, blacks, and tans could be found on hide used to make clothing. Red was common for the hunt. 
But this color... It wasn’t one Shea had seen to often. It reminded him of wild flowers. It reminded him of spring.
He approached the color, spear in hand in case it belonged to the plumage or fur of a dangerous beast. Once he got close enough, he lowered his spear. That wasn’t an animal at all! It was another human, just like Shea!
“Your hair... It’s a pretty color.”
Who needs subtlety when you’re a shirtless wild man, right?
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dragon-twin · 4 years
like...y’know :3c
Seeing as he might end up staying in Arcadia longer than he anticipated, Bismark figured he ought to check the local businesses out. He had mostly been eating at home because he was used to cooking for himself. There was really only one place to eat in Fenith so it was inevitable that he learned. Now, however, he had more options to explore.
While walking down the street lined by stores and restaurants, a rather cute looking cafe caught his eye. He was exactly keen on cutesy stuff, but his growling stomach told him it was time to stop being picky and decide where to eat. So he did. 
Bismark entered the cafe called Euphoria and was immediately taken aback by...everything. Cats and girls in maid uniforms...! A woman with voluminous curls of pink hair (also in a maid uniform) greeted him at the door. Bismark found himself wanting to look anywhere else, but at the same time, unable to look away. 
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“Oh..uh...Pardon me...I was just...” Bismark mumbled as he backed away slowly, a blush spreading across his face.
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thepelagoislands · 4 years
I must release Lanna into the wild. And I'd like to reserve rf Sierra
Goodbye, sweet popstar. And hello Sierra ;)
Everyone, please unfollow Lanna.
Sierra is now reserved until March 6th
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bornwanderer · 4 years
Nobody Here but Us Chickens
Vaughn stood in the front doorway of the farmhouse, his exit unexpectedly obstructed by a short, pink roadblock.
“He’s not here,” he said flatly of his housemate, whom she knew... somehow. Not that it was any of his business. Vaughn knew her only as an annoyance who came and went as she pleased, often getting underfoot while he worked, especially with the chickens.
As if struck across the face with the sudden realization, he started, quickly tucking the container filled with kitchen scraps that he held behind his back-- hoping against hope she hadn’t noticed it, and could still be persuaded to leave.
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“Come back... tomorrow.” Or not, preferably. Neil was too busy to babysit her, and so was he.
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pretty-needy · 4 years
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@pinkpoppyflower​ sent: 💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope?
Muffy is unfortunately, not a stranger to break-ups. She pretty much got a set routine to help take the pain away! Buy a tub of chocolate ice cream, the one with nuts and mallows. Snag some really cute clothes. Eat said ice cream and watch latest romance films. Give a good cry. Do some shopping again. Maybe talk it out with friends who wouldn’t give her the annoying “Oh, Muffy” drawl...
Muffy just tries her best.
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lest-i-forget · 4 years
📩 - Does your muse prefer to physically write letters or send them online? What is their reasoning?
Lest currently did not own a computer. Nor had he any recollection of ever using one. 
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So it would seem that his preference was hand-written letters.
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clocks-and-docks · 4 years
💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules?
Andrea doesn’t think too much about gender roles. To her it one’s own business whether they wear a dress or suit. Personally, she thinks she looks good in both.
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heartsfxryou · 5 years
[ Lyla and Popuri had entered the fight! ]
Battle Theme: [x]
Battle Intro: “Oh! Nice to see you Popuri~ How do you do? ♡ ”
Victory: “Tee hee, I did it~ ♡ Don’t be sad now, alright?~”
Defeat: “ Oof...”
Taunt: “Come and get it~ ♡”
Reacting to Taunt: “ Oh my.”
Tie: -Happily claps!!- “Let’s try that again~”
Perfect Victory: “Wow! I did it! “
Final Finisher: “Let me show you how it’s done, alright?~ ♡“
Assist: “ Flowers bloom better when they are together, right? ♡ ”
Popuri down during assist: “Poppy! Please be careful~”
Using Item on Popuri: “ Heehehe~ I hope you like it~ ♡“
Healing/Buffing Popuri: “All better now~ tee hee!”
Tag-Team Special: "Flower power!” - idk they kill their opponent by being super fucking cute
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bravenvixen · 5 years
Zinnia: Who do you miss right now?
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“Hmmm~ Do I miss anybody?♥” Eve mused to herself, hand resting on her chin in thought.  Well, of course she did, she missed her parents. It had been many years since she had last seen their faces. They passed away as she was young, during a dance recital- A shame really- to finally have them attend to her one and only performance, only to find that their car had crashed while they were on their way. Do you know how that nearly crushed the blondes hopes and dreams of being a dancer like her sister one day? She was always the queen of dance, and Eve wanted to be just the same.Of course, she also missed her grandfather Terry, despite the many hardships the woman had to face while taking care of him. Many years of wasted youth only to be spent in aiding others. When was the last time Eve ever had done something for herself? Well, she hoped to find happiness in helping her cousin Neil live his dreams, at the very least. If Eve could manage to do that, she could be content with her life. “A woman doesn’t disclose such secrets, tee hee ♥~ But yes, I do miss someone, very, very much.” 
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embroideredsmile · 4 years
petal potpourri ; popuri and candace
Candace couldn’t call herself a gardener.
Like most, that didn’t mean she couldn’t admire the array of colors brought by blooming flowers. She appreciated flowers for their delicate petals and endless variety. The quiet girl always found herself more at peace around nature, and noticing a new bud that had finally bloomed on her commute truly brightened her day. However, she knew nothing of how to actually care for plants.
Today, she sought to change that...!
Slight fingers pressed gently against the door of the flower shop, and when it opened, she stepped tentatively inside, taking in the mingling rainbow of the store’s leafy residents. Her eyes landed on a familiar young woman who very much resembled the flowers that surrounded her.
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Popuri. Her hair was long and pink and looked as soft as petals; her eyes were a pair of carnations in her bouquet. She fit right in among the blossoms--though she was brighter too, somehow. Like they were her own personal backdrop.
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She had known the girl was pretty, but Goddess... She bloomed here.
The seamstress took a few timid steps forward and fiddled shyly with the fabric of her skirt. “... Excuse me,” she finally spoke up, managing a little smile. “Hello... Popuri.”
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lettuce-swim · 4 years
💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope?
After losing her family already, losing someone else could potentially break her. Not to say she wouldn’t recover, but it would be a long and difficult recovery.
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lutistlily · 4 years
💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules?
Gender roles? Lillie never really thought about them. Sure, she was your typical girly girl. She preferred dresses and skirts to pants, loved styling her hair, even wore a little bit of makeup if she was forced to. She would stutter and flirt and be cute.
But that was just how she felt most comfortable.
If someone felt more comfortable in pants, so be it. If they wanted a buzz cut, let them. Let people be happy the way they want to. Let them be comfortable. Let them be themselves.
Because that’s all Lillie wanted to be.
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thepelagoislands · 4 years
Popuri the plant mage is here!!! She will be living in mire apartment (ew) b102. She's working at fantastic flowers and part time at euphoria. Come visit Arcadia's cutest new girl!!!
Welcome, cutie~!
Everyone, please follow Popuri!
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funsizedtrauma · 4 years
👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated?
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“Can you have a relationship with a guy who was never there?” Neil knew nothing about his father besides the fact that he high-tailed it out of town when Neil was a kid. “I guess you would say it’s complicated. Hard not to hate the guy.”
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cliffbarboy · 4 years
🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these?
"A meaningful relationship, huh? That’s a funny way of looking at it...”
His voice trailed off as he turned his gaze to the sky. He frowned for just a moment, before catching himself. He tried to smile but it just didn’t meet his eyes.
“Any relationship can have meaning, you know? Not just the good ones. The bad ones too. They all work together and shape you to be who you really are. Even something small, something that doesn’t matter to someone else, can really make a difference to you... Or to me...”
He turned his gaze back to the other with a small, gentle smile.
“I’m... not really good at relationships like that. They kind of intimidate me, you know? So I don’t have too many. At least, I think I don’t... Hard to really say...”
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