I'm curious if u have any sting headcanons?😳😳 I'm currently back on my fairy tail bs and may or may not be writing a ridiculously long fic abt the grand magic games... btw I adore your headcanons they're so fun to read!!
Can I read it?? Also I have done a couple Sting/Sabertooth ones in the past if you want to check those out. But I def have more :)
Sting does everything in his power to avoid going to guild masters meetings. He's the youngest and they all treat him like a child. It drives him nuts
Everyone thinks him and Natsu are brothers. Most people know Natsu has a brother, but not many know who it actually is so they just assume its Sting. Sting does not deny these rumors and even calls Natsu his brother all the time
Sting's bio father wasn't kind to him and he actually got his scar from a particularly bad 'punishment' (he didn't really do anything wrong but his dad decided Sting needed to be taught a lesson)
His mother died during childbirth and Sting knows literally nothing about her
Mans has a massive ego. He's working on it, but his cocky side always flares up during fights
He also is a major shit talker before a challenge. This is more lighthearted tho so he can get his opponent all fired up. Sting does it mostly during friendly guild competitions (the eating comp for example)
He has the heart of a theater kid. He wasn't one, but only because he was fighting to survive instead
Sting believes every story people tell him? He's only gullible with friends tho. His guard drops and they could literally tell him anything and he'd trust it 100%
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