#sabertooth guild
squareksks · 20 days
‼️‼️Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest SPOILERS ‼️‼️
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I just love how much attention Lucy is getting and I’m so happy that someone was finally there to witness just how strong she is. The rest are just extra designs because I love altering their appearances because I like the idea of their magic altering the way they look 💪
Also I love Laxus sm 🙌🫶🫶
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erzasimpbitch · 1 month
Minerva: How many times have I told you NOT to list me as your emergency contact, Sting!?
Sting: *stuck on a roof* YOU'RE NOT! It's Yukino... who is also stuck up here.
Yukino: *excitedly waves*
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realclever · 6 months
Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Coloring
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fttwts · 10 months
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hell yeah
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Sabertooth Headcanons:
Sting purposefully tells stories wrong just to piss off Rufus. When Rufus corrects him, he doubles down and it drives Rufus absolutely nuts
Minerva fully convinced Yukino that holy water can kill her as a joke. Yukino won't even let Minerva walk past a church now
Whenever anyone needs Rogue's help with something, they send Frosch to ask him knowing it will increase the odds of him agreeing
Orga and Laxus don't know each other well, but if you ask Orga he will tell you they are best friends
"Hey remember when you slapped me, Yukino?" is said at least once a week, quickly followed by "Don't make me do it again" and then the sound of Sting running
Sorano and Rufus started a book club. They didn't think many people would be interested, but almost half of Sabertooth is in it
If a shadow looks suspicious, Sabertooth assumes it's Rogue. He can't tell you how many times he's walked in on guild members talking to their own shadows like lunatics
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dragongodryss · 12 days
Sting, doing paperwork: "If Orga wrecks one more town, I fucking swear..."
Yukino, handing him more papers: "...is this a bad time?"
Sting, reading: "...you flattened a mountain?"
Yukino: "I'm sorry!"
Sting, proud as all hell: "Rogue, get over here, come see what Yukino did!"
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ace-of-fairytail · 9 months
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Stingue gender swap 🔄
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gildsharts · 3 months
Sting Eucliffe is sabertooths resident glow stick muncher. Look at him and tell me he wouldn’t eat one at least once to see if it works as a power source, which it probably does. I can see him breaking one open mid battle and his opponents just like
“Uhhhh whatcha got there…”
And he’s like
“just a light snack! KACHOW” and sucking it all down like a capri sun or something idk.
Cracking open glow sticks like he’s chad throwing back the claws at the block party 🤙 speaking of, white claw is so fucking obviously a sabertooth drink of choice too, out of all the guilds that one reminds me the most of a frat bc of that.
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miyavanderboom · 10 months
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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest
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corvi-dae · 1 year
I think I’m gonna write some Sabertooth headcannons b/c why the hell not
Also small rant
I hate when people say that Mashima basically made Sabertooth’s team a copy of Fairy Tail b/c in my opinion, I think they were made to reflect Fairy Tail. What would’ve happened if Fairy Tail went down a more power hungry path?
Not to mention, after they redeemed themselves, the most thing that they have most in common with those Fairy Tail members is maybe their appearance and magic. That’s all. In my opinion, their personalities are nothing alike, really.
Like Sting is much more clever and responsible then Natsu (not bashing on Natsu, he has his good qualities, obviously).
Rogue is much more brooding and less emotional than Gajeel.
Orga is much more… how do I say… dense… than Laxus is. I also feel like he’d he much more outgoing as well. And more goofy.
Yukino is much more softspoken than Lucy is.
And finally, I think Rufus is nothing like Freed except maybe appearance wise. Other than that, Rufus is much more snarky, cocky, and honestly more outgoing. I mean sure, they’re both quite perceptive, and elegant in their demeanor. But I think that’s as far as it goes.
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starsshit · 24 days
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this may be the hardest spot the difference game i’ve ever seen
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erzasimpbitch · 2 months
Minerva: why do people believe i’m incapable of doing anything nice ever?
sting: experience
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missdeepend · 16 days
Lector the Forgotten Exceed
The Fairy Tail Exceeds have been around since episode one and chapter one with plenty of details being added along the way and more of them being introduced. You have Happy the playful fish eating blue cat, Carla the more serious big sister white cat, Pantherlily the more mature and strong black cat (panther), Frosch the little frog suit wearing and often lost green cat, and Lector... the buddy of Sting.
Maybe I don't give Lector enough credit. I mean, he does have one of the best dynamics with Sting and their bond really showing through during the Grand Magic Games arc. He always talks about Sting and basically is a free ego booster and cheerleader. Also the scenes when he tries to protect Frosch are so precious.
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But when you compare him to the other exceeds, its no wonder he isn't talked about more or even has a fanbase. Happy and Frosch are usually liked for their comedic personalities or just being downright adorable. Pantherlily has his bond with Gajeel and his willingness to do what is right and using his strength to push that ideal forward. Carla I'm sure probably doesn't have that many fans... but she at least has screentime to make up for it with an amazing moment between her and Wendy.
Lector's characterization mainly comes from Sting, but apart from that he is just a cat. He has the mixed personalities like some of the characters I suppose you could say. He tries to be a leader like Carla, brave like Pantherlily, boost Sting up similar to Happy, and well he is buddies with Frosch so I guess thats as close to Frosch's personality as you can get.
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All that aside it would be nice to get a sweet character moment out of him once again like during the Grand Magic Games. With the way 100 yq is going honestly al things are possible as we do keep getting random tangents here and there such as the Cobra and Ichiya chapters. Maybe someday him and Frosch will go on a little adventure and we can see more about him. Even a scene with Happy would be nice since we haven't gotten anything other than his little crush on Carla. What do you all think of Lector though? Maybe he is one of your favorite cats? I just don't see enough attention on him I feel.
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Anywaysssss, I'll see you all later in the Deep End!!
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meatloafzzz · 1 year
Welcome to: What random white things can Sting eat?
First item: an entire stick of light butter…
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nabateaprodigy · 11 months
hey! I was wondering if you could write a rogue x male! reader about him comforting you whilst you are crying - or atleast really upset.
If you want, you can be specific about what the reader is upset about but I have no idea of what that should be.
thank you so much! sorry if it isn't specific enough <3
I'm here for you
Series: Fairy Tail.
Character: Rogue and Frosch.
Genre: A little bit of angst with comfort.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: Apologies this took way longer than it should have.
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Everything had just been going badly for you the entire day ever since you had woken up. From little things to major things in your day all of it had just been going wrong and it was stressing you out. No matter what you did it seemed today that anything just resulted in a bad outcome.
All you want to do was see your beloved Rogue however you weren't sure where he was. "He is most likely out with Sting on a job." You thought aloud. "Frosch thinks so too!" Spoke with Frosch they had not been with Rogue wherever he was but instead with you.
You appreciated them being with you despite Rogue not being there having Frosch. With you was begging to make you feel better already. Still, you couldn't help but admit you still wanted to see Rogue.
You had been with Frosch in your room for a while just trying to forget about your eventful day. But although you wanted to what had happened to you just kept playing in your mind over and over again. All you wanted to was forget about it yet you just couldn't.
Remembering what happened to you today was beginning to be too much for you. You couldn't stop the tears that fell from your face as you hugged Frosch closely.
Just then as it was beginning to be all too much for you a pair of arms wrapped around you. It was him it was Rogue you didn't even hear him come into your room at all. Rogue wasn't one for words and you knew this however he showed his love and appreciation with his actions.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here for earlier but I'm here for you now M/N." He spoke as you relaxed into his arms. "Tell me what's troubling you M/N? Or if you wish just stay like this that's fine too." Rouge spoke again as he held you close.
"I'd rather not talk about but now that you're here I feel as if I could forget it all." You told him from your day you were tired just so tired. You closed your eyes as you began to drift to sleep in Rogue arms. "I'm sorry for not being here before but I'm here for you now. I'll always love and protect you M/N."
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I'm curious if u have any sting headcanons?😳😳 I'm currently back on my fairy tail bs and may or may not be writing a ridiculously long fic abt the grand magic games... btw I adore your headcanons they're so fun to read!!
Can I read it?? Also I have done a couple Sting/Sabertooth ones in the past if you want to check those out. But I def have more :)
Sting does everything in his power to avoid going to guild masters meetings. He's the youngest and they all treat him like a child. It drives him nuts
Everyone thinks him and Natsu are brothers. Most people know Natsu has a brother, but not many know who it actually is so they just assume its Sting. Sting does not deny these rumors and even calls Natsu his brother all the time
Sting's bio father wasn't kind to him and he actually got his scar from a particularly bad 'punishment' (he didn't really do anything wrong but his dad decided Sting needed to be taught a lesson)
His mother died during childbirth and Sting knows literally nothing about her
Mans has a massive ego. He's working on it, but his cocky side always flares up during fights
He also is a major shit talker before a challenge. This is more lighthearted tho so he can get his opponent all fired up. Sting does it mostly during friendly guild competitions (the eating comp for example)
He has the heart of a theater kid. He wasn't one, but only because he was fighting to survive instead
Sting believes every story people tell him? He's only gullible with friends tho. His guard drops and they could literally tell him anything and he'd trust it 100%
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