#pk anxietychild rambles
scamperin-shroom · 6 months
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I don't know why but I want to eat these rocks so bad
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scamperin-shroom · 10 months
I'm going against every headcanon in the Mother 3 fandom and saying Claus would act more like a kid in Post Game to make up for losing part of his childhood and helps remind Lucas to act more like a kid too whenever he acts too mature. The plot for it would be that Claus would get himself into silly troubles because he's reckless as hell and why fear death if you overcame it yourself? He'd say it in a joking way of course
I always felt like Lucas would have a bad habit of acting older than his actual age without realizing it. Trying to take more responsibilities than he has to until Claus makes him laugh over a stupid joke or something
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
Happy Claus is best Claus. I find it odd how many people make him flat out miserable all the time considering that Claus and Masked Man are two totally different people (in the sense that Masked Man is Claus being brainwashed so he's not acting like himself at all)
Can we talk about that actually? Depression is not the same for every single person. We all have different personalities and ways of carrying ourselves. I genuinely believe Claus would have a different experience with it compared to what the fandom does. I don't think Claus genuinely wanted to die the way he did but did it because he knew it was the only way to stop himself from fighting Lucas (Masked Man keeps attacking Lucas at the end even when he regains his memory). I find this part of the story quite interesting and often overlooked. Hinawa knew he was tired too. I just think there's more to that than "haha, death." Claus is way more complex than what people give him credit for. Plus, not to mention how traumatizing it is that he did do that in front of Lucas. He must've known the pressure and emotional impact it would've given his brother considering he apologized for all he did. Lucas's emotions are just as important too. I really wish Hinawa spoke to Lucas more at that part. He also deserved words of reassurance that's unless I don't remember right which if I don't I apologize
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
BM Lucas's birthday is on August 5th. My AU will be 3 years old soon
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scamperin-shroom · 6 months
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Respectfully, no one asked
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scamperin-shroom · 6 months
One of these damn days
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scamperin-shroom · 7 months
I'll never get over this foreshadowing
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The cliff she was on in her first dream during the pilot episode even matches when her arm broke on the Donut Planet
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I love finding parallels like this
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scamperin-shroom · 11 months
Kind of a vent, but sometimes, I regret joining the Mother fandom. I don't regret playing the games, but I regret joining the fandom
Like, I love making art for it and have a deep passion for this AU of mine... But the trauma I dealt with in this fandom is real and insane. I also can't enjoy a majority of it and it's weird because it's only this fandom
This doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking about it with friends, but with people in general, it is scary or even disheartening. You all have no idea how much I had to hold back screaming or even wanting to cry when I'd mention my headcanon of Lucas being aroace only for Nesscas shippers to throw Ness at me at every possible turn. It sounds silly but it reminded me of how I would feel when someone couldn't understand that a friend is a only a friend to me and I don't want people to touch me not even platonically. I feel like being aroace is an experience only we aroaces can understand you know? I don't know. My ramble is going into different directions
I've even gotten close to leaving, but I'm stubborn so I stay. Not to hurt myself but because I refuse to let anyone take something I enjoy away from me. I fight to keep what I can
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scamperin-shroom · 8 months
Man, I never want to be deeply involved with fandoms anymore which makes me wonder what artists I can even find... A new journey I guess?
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scamperin-shroom · 8 months
Pick a poison: stay with the Mother 3 fandom or go with the Demon Slayer fandom /j
When I say stuff mocking fandoms, I'm more talking about the group of people who are toxic. The Mother series sadly has a bigger demographic considering how small the fandom is. As for Demon Slayer, it's because they're anime fans and we all know the horrors of that. I just want to rant about it a bit because it can get exhausting. People poison these characters and the story so much so that it almost becomes unenjoyable? Thankfully, I've avoided it with Demon Slayer since it's more obvious but with Mother? It's impossible. I've technically left the fandom with my AUs being something I consider separate. I just... I'm not sure anymore. I can't with hearing how people twist stuff or the drama or the off-putting headcanons everyone somehow agrees on (like the really bad headcanons that make you go wtf?). I think this was just trouble from the start. I truly regret knowing this fandom
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
Flint from Mother 3 deserves more recognition. He's literally a dad who went through so much pain and loss. He's an adult who was broken and mentally ill. Him and Lucas were so broken
Also, I believe strongly that Flint never hurt Lucas. That Tanetane Island hallucination was based on Lucas's trauma of seeing his dad lose it when he found out Hinawa died. He didn't want to let his dad down and feared that he would do the worst to him when he never would. That line "I'll beat you" says so much about Lucas. He genuinely thought so lowly of himself that he believed his own dad, who never hit him, would if he failed which hurts me. Flint wouldn't have apologized to him or sacrificed himself for him if he didn't care for him. He did
Hinawa would never let anyone hurt her kids. I know she wouldn't. Those two loved Claus and Lucas. They may not be perfect, but they did love them
I am against anyone who cruely hates Flint without understanding him. Adults can be mentally ill
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scamperin-shroom · 9 months
To the 2 or 3 people who like my posts no matter what it is, y'all are the real ones. Thank you
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
A Sweet Dream
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A continuation of "I'm sorry"
This post:
The young Commander doesn't remember who Claus is
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scamperin-shroom · 9 months
Oh, I saw the promotions for the live action One Piece and almost started crying because Luffy is played by a Mexican actor. It's a big deal and a huge step forward for us Latino/Hispanics. Never has anime had a character who looks like us. God, I love him and love the fact that they see Luffy being Latino/Hispanic because they're so right
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scamperin-shroom · 9 months
I genuinely want to believe people like my work or just appreciate me being me. It's a hope I guess
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scamperin-shroom · 11 months
I love people who draw Lucas being flat out chaotic because he's a sweet kid but he'll kick your ass if he has to. He's a lot like Tanjiro but maybe with a bit more attitude 💀
He also has WAY more aggression than Ness does for every reason
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