#platonic kazuha x reader
reilliane · 17 days
I lobe her ☹️🙏
ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I SAW A VIGIL ASK IN MY INBOX- no actually i think it's been long because i haven't been around to look 💀 as compensation [and lowkey art practice], here is a v!mc :DD
bonus short scenario utc, but we're setting it up in modern au now ;l)
[PS. i still have so many ideas for vigil and it's branching out to so many different aus help- let's bring back our charming mc and our protective kazu]
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Kazuha had no qualms with the recurring trials in his life. Sudden facers and inexplicable misfortune were particulars that accompanied him in life's currents.
Even when his family's long-standing business met a sharp decline that left them almost destitute, he learned to adapt—and even when he had to leave private school to enroll as a scholar, he learned to adjust.
But if there's anything he's quite stalwart in grounding himself in with such stubbornness, it's the lovely presence of his older sister; Kaedehara [Name]. Transferring schools with her came with a new set of familiar faces, a new batch of people to admire her natural charisma, and—well...
“Hwaaa—oh my, this is a lot! My locker's full again- hm, I have to thank those kind enough to give me tons of chocolates... Kazuha, do you want some?”
An endless bout of admirers that chase after her day and night, no kidding!
“It's alright, I... have my fair share.” he mused as he opened his locker, letting a few—an understatement—boxes of roses and perfumed love letters tumble out to the floor. “This one's your favorite though, nee-san, here, take this.”
“Thanks, Kazu!”
His eye twitched as he saw more than a couple of students hiding behind the lockers and shoe shelves, waiting on their chances to declare that they were the ones who put the stuff in [Name]'s locker. It wasn't that he was entirely adverse to anyone courting his sibling, of course, she's the best! Rather, it took up so much of her time trying her best to let them down gently and even going so far as to comfort them that she rarely ever got the time for herself.
With their parents gone, and even if he was the younger sibling, he still had the responsibility of looking after her as his father told him.
So what was the buzz now?
Surely, it's because of the Spring Festival. It encouraged students to wear clothes other than their school uniform, it didn't matter what, as it was a time of cordial events, programs, games, and a fireworks show.
He and [Name] weren't keen on dressing up. As they were raised in a traditional household, they decided to take out their usual apparel from when their family was still wealthy.
He didn't expect the attention on [Name] to be this ridiculously big, though.
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Was letting his sister visit his classroom a bad idea? He didn't think so, since she looked very happy fitting in the theme of their traditional cafe, serving visitors with a charming grin that had some falling to the floor with a lovestruck gaze.
He wished he was kidding, but he knew [Name] had that effect.
So what was his role? Well, he took to 'guarding' and 'welcoming' guests at the threshold of the classroom, a faux sword strapped to his obi.
“Thank you for your time,” he dipped his head in gratitude after waving off a pair of giggling girls that fussed over how the Kaedeharas fit the theme so well, one of them going as far as to blow him a kiss.
He smiled, half awkward and half flustered, waving as he fumbled with the guard of his sword.
“That's [Name], right? She's so pretty.”
His ears perked, but he didn't give them the time of day, playing oblivious as a group of boys passed his way, walking suspiciously slow, ducking their heads and peering through the windows.
“Hey, hey, I didn't know she looked this pretty. Hah, what about we...”
His brows furrowed.
Now, it wasn't as if he hadn't heard one or too many compliments about his older sister, he respected that. But when those whispers became a tad.. unprincipled, for a lack of a better word, he had to step in.
The group of boys was snickering, pushing each other around, and stalking closer to the entrance to the classroom. He leaned off the wall just as they were about to open the door.
“Heh, yeah, let's go and-”
“I'm afraid our tables are full, good sirs,” he quipped, cutting them off. “You may have to return a little while later.”
“Eh, no it's alright, we'll wait inside.”
He smiled. “That'd disrupt our servers, please leave and return at a later time.”
“Nah, we insist! We'd even help serve-” vermillion eyes snapped towards the hand that reached the sliding door, and he grasped the student's wrist with prompt attention, his smile tight.
“Leave.” his thumb pushed the guard of his sword from its scabbard, faux metal catching a bright scintilla from the sun, making them yelp. “Please.”
“Okay, okay! Geez..” with frowns and disappointed looks on their faces, they pull themselves away from the door and leave, hands in their pockets, nudging each other by the elbows.
Kazuha's shoulders sagged, breathing in relief. He heard a lot of things, not many were good good, but he managed. Filtering through them was a breeze, but not if it was against any of his friends or family.
The door opened behind him and [Name] popped out, looking bewildered. “I thought I heard some voices, did potential customers leave? We have a free table at the corner..”
Kazuha turned to her. He wouldn't interfere with his sister's social life throughout—he knew her classmate Ayato was interested—, but he wasn't going to have anyone with remotely dastardly intentions come close.
“Nee-san,” he smiled, “it's fine. They'll come back later. Is your shift done? You want to play, right? I think the games at the booths are open now.”
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✧ commissions open
a/n: i said it before and i'll say it again, i miss vigil so much FHASDJFH also, i personally think kazuha's going to be a bit more protective around mc in modern settings. not a helicopter brother, but someone who probably just second-guesses everyone's intentions about mc.
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
if i am the wind, fleeting and transient, you are the steady and constant earth upon which i stand.
summary. kaedehara kazuha's older sibling is a geo-aligned mirror of himself.
trigger & content warnings. references to tomo's death and mentions of sensory overload.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, hurt/comfort. kazuha & older sibling!reader, slight beidou x reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. reader has a geo vision.
author's thoughts. this was an old draft that i decided to finish bc tbh? kazuha >>> lately i'm finishing and posting old drafts? i think it's because i'm realizing that they aren't even half as bad as i originally thought.
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imagine being kazuha's geo bearing older sibling.
kaedehara kazuha is, for the most part, a gentle gale. fleeting, transient, evanescent.
kaedehara [name] is his polar opposite—they are the firm earth. lasting, enduring, permanent.
they were easily one of the raiden shogun's most vocal opposers during the vision hunt decree. how dare she treat her people with such lack of care? the people she should have loved? the people that she had once promised a dream to? where was all that love when she decided to cruelly rip her citizens' visions from them in spite of all the terrible effects such force had? where was all that love?
(even after the decree gets repealed, they would still be a little bitter. they're expected to forgive her, just like that? no. their forgiveness is a thing to be earned; hell, they may simply choose to never forgive her, and after all the pain she caused them and their brother? it would be justified. they do not care if she is an archon.)
"eternity is not complacency in a stasis-like state," they once told kazuha, "but rather, it is the endurance of a legacy for centuries to come. that is eternity."
they stayed back in inazuma, holding off the shogunate while kazuha ran away after tomo's death.
he cried when he had to part from them, but at their command, he ultimately did obey. as much as it hurt him to abandon them, not knowing if they'd somehow manage to escape on their own, he knew they would hate it if he refused to leave. so he did.
thankfully, the resistance took them in. they stayed with kokomi and gorou the majority of the time, helping them push back against the electro archon's tyranny.
kazuha definitely adores his older sibling!! he will literally never say a single bad thing about them to anyone. never. no slander will come from his lips.
when beidou first got to meet them, she was absolutely overjoyed; she can see where kazuha gets his attitude from! they also thanked her profusely for taking such good care of him when they could not. the two got on very well! kazuha was so happy to see some of his favorite people getting along <3
beidou loves them. genuinely.
she always encourages them to come on the alcor. there is always a place for them with her crew! sometimes they do take her up on her offer and they travel teyvat for a while. once their family affairs are settled, they'll start traveling full-time, occassionally returning to inazuma to visit their friends.
she also gets so excited when she knows they'll be on board—beidou likes exchanging stories with them and just... talking. she loves that.
someone had to teach kazuha how to play music on leaves, you know. it was definitely [name].
kazu and his sibling would compliment one another really well in battle. they'd be able to predict one another's next moves based on muscle twitches, changes in stance... it's like they can read each other's minds! they can't. they just know one another inside and out.
sometimes they'll cup their hands over his ears to protect him in situations where he cannot avoid a storm or similar thing that might hurt his ears. this gesture is greatly appreciated. kazuha does what he can to reciprocate that—if they're overwhelmed or overstimulated? his first priority is to get them somewhere calmer. they protect him in his moments of sensitivity, so it's only fair for him to do the same.
i like to think kazuha and his sibling sit and admire scenery together. maybe they point out shapes in the clouds. maybe they take note of interesting sounds they hear in the bushes. however the two spend their time admiring the world, it is always an enjoyable time.
i also think the two would play in the rain, as long as it isn't too heavy <3 dancing in the rain together, taking walks in the rain together... it'a comforting.
sometimes kazuha will lay his head on their lap as if he were some kind of cat, and he'll just fall asleep. a mid-afternoon nap on his older sibling.
on top of all of that, kazuha speaks his mind to his sibling, and he hopes they'll do the same. he wants them to always be honest about what they're thinking and how they're feeling.
he knows that, as the eldest, they may have had to carry heavy burdens all throughout his childhood, while he got the privilege of existing without a care in the world.
the heavy burdens will be no more.
he is old enough to help shoulder the weight, and help shoulder the weight he will.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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stellar-skyy · 7 months
ADORNED NIGHT — Platonic Kazuha, Tomo & reader.
i. SUMMARY: You had two childhood friends; Kazuha and Tomo. Now, it's just you. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Inazuma Archon quest spoilers, character death, grief. iii. NOTES: Platonic, angst, childhood friends!Kazuha and Tomo, gn!reader, 1.5k words. iv. A/N: This is one of the first things I've written and has been sitting completed in my drafts for SO LONG because I didn't like how it turned out, but I can't keep re-editing it. Enjoy!
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It’s easy making friends when you’re a kid. Your parents are close to other parents, and you eventually get shoved towards their kids to give you something to do. For you, that came in the form of Kaedehara Kazuha.
He was a quiet child. The kind who would cry when flowers got trampled, or bugs skittered away from his hands. But he was an easy, comfortable presence, and one that found its place by your side.
It was inevitable that you made friends with Tomo after that, with him and Kazuha practically attached at the hip, and it didn’t take long for him to declare you both his best friends.
Whether it be playing adventures in the forest, hide-and-seek around Kazuha’s estate, or just wandering the city of Inazuma, the three of you were scarcely seen without one or both others by your sides.
And you couldn’t be happier.
“Kazu, come on!” You called out after the boy trailing behind.
“Just give me… a minute,” Kazuha murmured. He continued to crouch on the edge of the river, poking at the ground with a stick.
“Are you still frog-hunting?” Tomo asked with amusement in his voice. Kazuha shook his head.
“No, I found something better,” Kazuha suddenly dove forward, scooping something up in his hands. He looked up triumphantly, holding up the animal in his hands, a large purple beetle that wriggled and crawled over his palms.
“An onikabuto!”
“Let me see!” Tomo demanded, leaning over his shoulder. The creature turned around, settling neatly in Kazuha’s hands. “That’s so cool! I wonder if I can catch one too.”
“It is cool,” You admit. “But we should hurry. We don’t have many hours of daylight left.”
Tomo gasps, looking up at the sky. “You are absolutely right. Hurry up, Kazuha! Adventure awaits us!”
“Okay, okay.” Kazuha chuckled, before letting the little onikabuto go. You held your hand forward to help him up, and he grasped it gratefully.
“Onwards!” Tomo announced, marching ahead through to the forest. His voice grew quieter as he strode further through the trees, almost out of your sight.
“We’d better go on before he gets himself lost.” Kazuha said, brushing the dirt off his clothes.
You held out your hand, and Kazuha took it in his.  
You were always told that friends don’t last forever, that these innocent childhood memories would make way for new ones. But the three of you didn’t grow apart; you grew together, like flowers that bloomed within the same patch of dirt. It was hard to imagine a life without them—the two constants in your life.
Tomo began to get bolder in his words. What started as child prone to disobedience quickly turned into a fiercely loyal man who was willing to die for his ideals. He spoke openly in criticism against whatever he found fault in (which just so happened to be the Shogunate), picking apart the frayed edges of their society until it was little more than lose thread in his hands.
But while Tomo grew louder, Kazuha grew quieter. He didn’t cry anymore; his emotions began to smooth themselves out into a perfect balance of calmness. He leaned into his love of poetry, and his already flowery vocabulary became nothing short of lyrical.
Things were changing. You didn’t mind though, because you knew that you would change together.
“Have you heard?” The whispers say. They seem to come from every direction, from the Shogun’s guards stationed around Inazuma, to the lips of shopkeepers hidden behind their hands. “They say he challenged the Shogun herself to a duel!”
“Can you imagine?” The whispers answer. Their voices grate on your ears and send shivers down your spine. Something was wrong, that much you knew for certain.
“It’s such a shame. He was such a lovely boy, too.”
You feel a spike of sympathy for whoever they were talking about. Everyone in Inazuma knew that the moment someone challenges the Shogun, their fate is already bound. It was no wonder they were speaking of him as though he was already gone.
“I feel bad for those friends of his. What will they do without him?”
Did he have friends he was close to, as well?
“Is that… them?”
Something was… most definitely wrong. As you walk across the street, you feel eyes piercing the back of your skull, like the entire city was looking at you. Your steps grow faster, trying to outrun the sounds of their voices. If only Tomo hadn’t left his house early this morning, then there would be no need to go searching for him.
“Do you see…”
“I wonder…”
“Has anyone told…”
“(Name)?” You look up at the sound of your name, to see the shopkeeper from Tsukumomono Groceries staring at you with unhidden shock. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you going to the Tenshukaku?”
“The Tenshukaku? Why?”
“Um… the duel?”
“Why would I want to watch that?” You say with disgust in your tone. “I don’t want to watch some random person’s execution.”
“I—I figured the circumstances were different.” She looked deeply uncomfortable, eyes darting between the crowds of people. “I mean… considering who it is.”
“Who it is? Do I know them?”
“You don’t know,” The shopkeeper reels back, like she had been slapped. Her nervous expression fell away to look horrified at the implication. “No one told you—you don’t know.”
Something was wrong.
A sick, twisted feeling appears in your stomach. “Who is it?”
“Tell me!” Your voice cracks in the middle of your words, until there were tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You couldn’t imagine why; it wasn’t as if it’s—
“Tomo,” She whispers. “It’s Tomo.”
In one night, you lost both of the people you loved.
One was dead. The other vanished without a trace.
You tried to get on as normal—or as normal as you could—but everywhere was a reminder of what you had lost. The memories were scattered across Inazuma, waiting for the moment they slipped your mind to bring you reeling back into the past.
Autumn leaves fell, surrounding your head like a halo. A white cat lingered around the Tenshukaku, waiting for its owner. Signs were pinned on the noticeboards, conversations penned from hands that were unable to continue them.
There were so many relics of the past that you could almost pretend it wasn’t true; that if you waited in your old meeting spot, the two of them would appear and greet you with open arms.
You could imagine Tomo, with his wide grins and bold words, loudly explaining the true meaning of eternity while strangers gave him odd looks.
You could imagine Kazuha quietly beside you, shoulders barely touching, silence only broken by the occasional haiku he had composed in his mind.
You could imagine them both, walking in step with you as you did your daily errands, warding away the crushing loneliness that threatened to destroy you.
Everyone met you with pity, even those who would get annoyed with your antics as children. They offered nothing but condolences for Tomo, and well-wishes for Kazuha. Some offered an ear to listen to your troubles, but you politely decline.
(It wasn’t as if they would ever understand how it felt to lose two thirds of your life.)
The constant eyes were tiring, so the beach became your safe haven. It was free from people, aside from the occasional couple looking to sneak off, or soldier patrolling the perimeter.
Kazuha always loved this spot. It was, in his words, a paradise of solitude, where nature could sit down and breathe.
Tomo wasn’t too fond of it, complaining about the uneven rocks and sand getting all in his clothes. Still, he would linger there with you both, watching the sky until the sun slipped out of your vision.
When the moonlight hits the water, you can lean back with closed eyes and almost hear Kazuha musing various verses about the way the light reflects the sky, while Tomo chuckles beside you, and it almost feels like nothing changed.
That's the funny thing about loss; it isn't made up of absence. You can still feel their presence as lucidly as you used to, it has just shifted from something tangible into something limited in the confines of your mind, and the fleeting moments of joy before you realize they're not there.
And as long as the sound of their laughter still lingers in the back of your mind, maybe you can forget that they're gone.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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www-songbird · 5 months
— big brother kazuha hcs
༄ cw: mentions of arguments, overworking, healthy protectiveness, kazuha being the best brother in existence &lt;3
༄ genre: fluff. angst. hurt/comfort.
༄ summary: what’s kaedehara kazuha like as a big brother?
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i. kazuha is the kind of older sibling anyone would feel lucky to have. he’s understanding, patient, and open-minded; always wanting to make sure that you and your feelings are both seen, and heard.
ii. he doesn’t want to make you feel excluded, so if you’re a bit more on the shier side, kazuha developed a tendency to have you join the conversation — but only if he’s absolutely sure you’re comfortable with it.
iii. whenever he’s stuck on a haiku, he'll turn to you for inspiration or direct assistance -- one of the two, there's really no in-between. if poetry isn't your strong suit, that's okay, too! he won't mind.
iv. matching outfits? matching outfits. need i say more? haha, i'm kidding. the designs and details of your attire will differ from kazuha's depending on your chosen elemental vision, but you and he's themes are still noticeably similar to be considered matching nonetheless.
v. kazuha is literally so sweet and supportive towards you. he's normally like that with his companions, but you're not companions, you're family!! it's a different kind of sweet and supportive when it comes to his little sibling.
vi. he'll always be there to support you in whatever career you want to pursue. you want to be an actor? he and beidou would come to each and every one of your performances, even if your role is just a minor background character. you'd like to try your hand at becoming a writer? kazuha will be more than happy to help you, especially with his wide vocabulary! you name it, and he'll support you in the best way he can.
vii. although... if you wanted to join him in the crux, he'd be a bit hesitant, but if you're that willing, he won't exactly say no. only a small warning telling you of what's to come if you came with him, making sure you knew what you were gonna be getting yourself into.
viii. or if you just chose to pursue your academics until the finish line, that's completely understandable and valid, kazuha thinks, and it's okay by him; he can still send a letter or two every week!
ix. don't try to overwork yourself. kazuha will know, no matter what. (its become a sixth sense at this point.) he wouldn't be mad at you per se, but he'll get upset at the fact you disregarded your health in favor of excellence, authoritative validation and approval. he wants you to be happy and healthy, so how can you be that if you ignore your body's necessities?
x. this might lead to a bit of a disagreement between you and kazuha if your physical and mental health start to deteriorate because you wouldn't take a much-needed break.
xi. you keep trying to insist to him that you're okay, and that you can handle it, but kazuha won't be believing your empty reassurances. he can see it on your face, after all -- it's hardly subtle or discreet.
xii. he refutes your claims, and retorts gently. how long this disagreement'll end up becoming depends not only on your level of stubbornness, but also your energy. so if you end up fainting, uhm… you’ll have a doting kazuha on your hands now. <3
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© www-brontide — do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto another platform without my explicit permission.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Sitting in their lap - part 3
I'm really enjoying writing this series, so here's another part! :D
Content: Gender neutral reader (referred to as 'you'), described/implied to be physically smaller than most of the characters (simply because I am and that's how I project, but if you'd like an alternate version, send me an ask and I'll whip it up!), pre-established platonic relationships (though this may border into romantic if you consider physical affection to be that way, so be warned)
Part 1 - (Ft. Albedo, Al Haitham, Ayato, Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe)
Part 2 - (Ft. Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya)
Characters in this one: Kaveh, Kazuha, Lisa, Morax, Pantalone, Pierro
Kaveh is a bit of a squirmer - he loves being kept company though and will do anything he can to make sure you're comfortable. If he's particularly absorbed in a project, he may barely acknowledge you, but you'll find that he just absently starts to fidget and toy with you, stroking your hair and touching your face, tugging at your clothes, as if he's just making sure you're still here. Sometimes he may even ask for your opinions on what he's working on and will just absently chatter away to you. You don't have to listen super intently, he doesn't mind either way, it's just like he enjoys hearing the sound of his own voice.
Kazuha tends to get up and move around a lot, even when he seems to be settled. He finds that moving around can help get the creative juices flowing - but he'll still himself for a while if it seems like you're in need of some attention. He mutters to himself a lot and may even be working on more than one thing at once (sometimes even holding pencils in both hands), catching little snippets of inspiration before they're gone with the wind. Sometimes it seems like he's looking for your input on a quote or idea, but he always seems a little shocked/startled when you provide a response - but not at all displeased, he really likes having someone to share his ideas with. You notice that his writing tends to border into softer/fluffier sorts of stuff when you're sitting with him - perhaps the physical touch affects him more than he lets on.
Lisa thinks it's super cute and sweet of you to seek her out this way - she certainly doesn't mind having an excuse not to do her work (though it's not like she was going to do it in the first place). She'll chuckle and tease you a little, then settle in for the long haul. She may disturb every now and then to ask you if you need anything or if you can shift your position just a little, but other than that you're pretty much left alone - except for the odd occasion when she's particularly bored and might prod or poke you to make you squirm or giggle. She really does enjoy the company - it gets rather lonely in the library sometimes, especially when people are just dropping in and out for books.
Morax, despite his spiky, horned exterior, really enjoys some snuggles, regardless of his current temperament. The clashing of cold blooded dragon and warm blooded human can mean he has difficulty regulating his own temperature, so having something warm curled up in his lap is often just what he needs to even himself out. He'll curl his big tail around you and rest his chin atop your head - you swear you can feel some kind of purr resonating from somewhere deep in his chest. It's almost possessive, the way he curls his unnaturally tall form around you, puffing out a little sigh into your hair. If he happens to be in a talkative mood, you cuddling up to him may also prompt him into telling you a story or reciting a poem he heard long ago - his voice sounds different from behind those wickedly sharp fangs inside his mouth, but it's still unmistakably him. He'll always make a point to thank you for keeping him company once you get up to go (or if he has to go for whatever reason).
Pantalone acts aggrieved at first - don't take it as a personal slight, he's just dramatic. He'll quickly figure out how to continue his work around you (though you may get booted off if someone walks into his study) and you'll find that he starts to absently use you as a fidget toy, twirling your hair around gloved fingers and pressing his cheek lightly against you as he lets out a content hum from the back of his throat, so quiet that you almost feel like you imagined it. If it becomes a regular thing between you two, he may eventually organise for his workers to bring up extra snacks, and maybe a book or something to keep you occupied. His work is mind-numbingly boring and he doesn't really have any way to entertain you personally. He may get a little strict (or even downright mean) if you fidget and squirm too much, and will remind you "You're only in here because I'm gracious enough to allow you to occupy both my time and space. That opportunity can be taken back at any time." Meanie :(
Pierro has a bout of initial confusion and shock, but doesn't really let it show. He'll just let you climb into his lap, giving you this stern and vaguely-disapproving look as you do so, but he won't say anything or make any move to discipline or redirect you - that's pretty much him giving you the go-ahead. He'll hardly even acknowledge you, just working around you as he does what he needs to do. If anyone happens to walk in, he'll act like you're not even there, just go about his business as usual. His resting temperature is a little cool, but not to an unpleasant degree. You may find him setting a hand on your hip or back every nod and then so that you don't tumble off as he shifts his weight around or reaches for something on his desk, but other than that it's like you don't exist at all - unless you get too wriggly or start asking questions, in which case he just lifts you off of him and sets you on your feet somewhere off to the side of the chair like a mother cat repositioning a kitten.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Yandere genshin ideas:
Yandere traveller and abyss twin x fallen god reader, the reader tried to help them escape teyvat and was punished for it, getting striped of their god status and going through an unimaginable amount of pain. Both lumine and aether feel heavily indebted to the reader and strive to protect them. The traveller wanting to stay by their side all the time and the abyss twin wanting to imprison the reader in the abyss.
Yandere fatui harbingers x eternal reincarnating reader, reader was a resident of kheanri'ah and was cursed with eternal reincarnation. Reader has lived enough lives that they have met all of the fatui harbingers and they become obsessed with the reader but the reader kills themselves consistently to escape them.
Yandere Columbina who breaks out of you phone by using your dreams to drive you insane enough to make a ritual to the real world so she could keep you eternally.
Yandere cyno, al haithem, tighnari, collei, dehya, collei, and kaveh, and platonic nahida x reader from mondstadt who came to study and secretly has the power to see the future in their dreams and does everything in their power to prevent bad things from happening. Cyno being the first to find out about readers powers and telling them he'll keep your secret if you tell him where future crimes will take place, reader accidentally confessing it to tighnari and collei when they were very sick, al haithem spying on reader and finding out with kaveh overhearing it. Dehya finding out by default, and nahida half decided that your powers are too valuable and half wanting to keep you in sumeru traps you in the akademia.
Yandere inazuman characters + platonic Ayaka and ayato x ayato cousin reader. Readers father was the younger child of the kamisato clan and did not getting chosen to be the head, when ayato's father died your father tried to take over but was stopped, so he sent you to mess with ayato. But instead of that you saw this as a great situation to gain a powerful ally, so you gave him good advice and taught him how to run the kamisato clan. Later in the future you and ayato do not get along personality wise but he is very platonic yandere for you and stops all you attempts to move out of inazuma and start business in liyue. kazuha becoming yandere when you help him escape inazuma, gorou and kokomi turning when you trick some tenryou soldiers, itto falling when you smack him with a fan for being an idiot, heizou becoming yandere when he sees how smart you are, yae Miko falling when you turn one of her tricks against her and ei turning simply because your good at making Dango.
Yandere yakshas x isekaid bird reader. The reader is from another world where genshin doesn't exist and gets isekaid and wakes up as a bird. The reader trains and eventually gets blessed by morax who gives the reader a human form and invites them to the yaksha. You quickly become close to them and trust them alot, when they fall victim to the gods curses they all fight each other to get you eventually wiping each other out, in the future Xiao is extremely overprotective of you because your the only one he was left.
Yandere venti x childhood friend bird reader(sorry about the double birds I just really like them) when venti was just a wind spirit travelling with the nameless bard they found an injured bird and nursed it back to health, little did the nameless bard know the bird he saved was actually an extinct but very powerful breed of bird, reader and venti both being wind based beings are able to communicate with each other and agreed to become friends. Later when the nameless bard died and venti became on archon he granted reader a human form and you protected mondstadt. When durin came into the picture you got pierced with dragon claws nine times and fell into the ice of dragonspine, spending 500 years under ice until you wake up again. When you wake you notice how much mondstadt has changed, meanwhile venti is getting news about you from the wind and freaking out. Before you know it your trapped in stormterrors lare where venti refuses to let you leave.
This is all I've got for now, I hope you enjoyed these ideas and feel free to add too or use any of these ideas.
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fictoculus · 10 months
౨ৎ their voicelines for you; part 4...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
part I┊part II┊part III┊part IIIII
featuring... cyno, kazuha, kaeya, beidou, klee (platonic)
A/N... i cannot write poetry to save my life, so kazuha's haiku came from google... unfortunately, i'm unable to find out who actually wrote it, please let me know if you have any idea!
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✧ cyno.
"... so, as i was saying, i do believe it is quite necessary for your companion here to under-go judgement, traveller. you see-" "general mahamatra! there's someone here to see you" "alright, just give me one moment to finish talk-" "[name]'s here" "well, i believe i must take my leave, it was nice talking with you, traveller, paimon. remind me to tell you my joke next time, i'm sure you don't want to miss it"
("paimon's struggling to tell if cyno was actually joking or not... we don't really have to come back next time... do we?")
✧ kazuha.
"ah, traveller, good timing. i was wondering... would you perhaps be able to listen to this haiku i wrote for [name]? yes, for [name], would that hinder your skills of perception? good, then i shall read it out for you: 'i want to feel it, the breathtaking certainty, that comes with our love.' you think they'll like it? i'm glad. well, then, traveller, it was nice seeing you, i must go find [name] and share my haiku..."
✧ kaeya.
"archons, the things i do for them... *he grumbles, forcing himself inside the angel's share* diluc... look, i want to be here just as much as you want me to be here, i just want to know if you've seen- [name]! you've been here this whole time?! archons, i've been looking everywhere for you! you're drinking with traveller, but not me? unbelievable! ... yes, yes, of course i love you i- oh, shut up diluc!"
✧ beidou.
"[name]? yeah, of course i know 'em! we go out for drinks time to time, they sometimes even come onboard the crux with me 'n the crew! uhuh, i've gotta admit, they do have some tricks up their sleeve... i mean, of course they do! how do you think they won me over otherwise, hm? *she laughs heartily* i guess you're right, they are pretty good lookin' aren't they..."
✧ klee.
"hey, hey! traveller! paimon! have you seen [name]? we're playing hide 'n seek but i can't find them anywhereee... no, it's not cheating! i- i just need a hint, that's all! oh, you're right- we should be quiet so that they don't hear us... wait, is that them over there? quick, let's go! *proceeds to yell* WE'RE COMING FOR YOU [NAME]!!!"
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part I┊part II┊part III┊part IIIII
thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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mishambles · 10 months
☆Being KAEDEHARA KAZUHA’s big sibling
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Summary: Having Kazuha as your lil bro <3 Character/s: Kazuha, Beidou, Kamisato siblings, Traveler Warning: the timeline can possibly be incorrect T0T, slight angst, rushed ending lol Note: spoilers to his character quest and the first act of GAA. Reader is around 5 years older than Kazuha and has a vision (not specified).
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•As a child, to put it simply, kazuha was clingy. extremely so.
•He isn’t very vocal about wanting attention but he would follow you EVERYWHERE. He understands you have a lot of responsibilities as the future head of the kaedehara clan why can't he help? so he quietly hangs onto your sleeve until you're done.
•When he's feeling extra needy, he asks you for a piggy back ride or just wants you to carry him. He does that thing where he stands in front of you and lifts up his arms and opens and closes his hands. this is a rare occurrence though so make the most of it <3
•He has a habit to (not so) sneakily steal your clothes and act like you when he thinks you're not looking!
•"I am Kaedehawa [name], futuwe head of the Kaedehawa clan." As he poses in clothing that are almost three times his size.
•Did I ever mention he has a slight lisp? He gets suuuuuuper embarrassed about it wishing he could speak the "adult" way and whenever he notices he mispronounced something he covers his mouth and pouts. You're gonna have to comfort him <3
•has a habit of collecting pretty rocks and shells and gives them to you when he sees you're tired. Almost had a fit when he realized he couldn't collect maple leaves cause they wilt very quickly but we have a solution
•Flower pressing! After you introduce it to him to preserve maple leaves he's been randomly bringing you flowers to press so he can keep them for much much longer.
•He wishes he could grow up so he can help you.
•As a teen, he focused more on his sword art so he doesn't have much more freedom to follow you around as he used to.
•He asks you to spar with him whenever you have the time (it's the only time you get to bond anymore– you need to take care of the household after all)
•He picked up his flowery language from you! He naturally started speaking like you after watching you converse with others throughout his childhood (please never mention the lisp he still gets embarrassed)
•This is also around the time he was a bit of a troublemaker! Only some little petty pranks like drawing on your face when you're sleeping but nothing that could actually cause any real harm
•He also introduced you to his friend (you're glad he has someone with him, especially since you haven't been able to be with him that much anymore)
•To be honest, you allow him too much freedom all the while chaining yourself down with the issues of the household. It makes him so..frustrated. He can’t do anything to help you but he wants to, he really does, but when all you do is insist you’re fine, then what can he do?
•Am I so incompetent that I’m a dissapointment to you?
•As an adult.. mhm well.. It’s a bit complicated
•After the vision hunt decree, a huge chunk of time in your relationship was spent wondering if the other is safe.
•Considering the fact that both of you have visions, the vision hunt affected you both very differently. While Kazuha went after his friend, you were taken under the Kamisato’s protection and hidden for a long time
•Both of you were separated but you two were able to communicate through letters (though very limited). He’d tell you elaborate stories about his adventures with a woman named Captain Beidou and his recent interest in an outlander. (perhaps.. You could be free like he is?)
•You send him letters about your wellbeing and the current situation in Inazuma. Though, the letters between you two are scarce considering you’re busy helping the Kamisato’s and he’s constantly traveling
•He not-so-subtly suggests you to come with him and explore the world (like you’ve always wanted to). He knows that Beidou wouldn’t mind another person on board and he’d love for you to be more free 
•Perhaps you’ll be able to see each other again once the vision hunt decree is abolished?
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june-again · 11 months
INAZUMA: # when you tell them you see them as a “main character.” (3/4)
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content: voiceline style responses. crack & flattery fic
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__arataki itto ㅤ“that’s me! the undefeated numero uno itto, the man himself! you know, you’re one of the first to acknowledge it—but i’ve known all my life i’m the main character, haha! bet you didn’t know i knew that! but… hey, why are you looking at me like that? is there something on my face?”
__gorou ㅤ“you really mean that? well i… such flattery is… what i mean to say is that i am no main character, but only a servant of our land. did some of the troops tell you to say that to me? those rascals, i’ll—”
__kazuha kaedehara ㅤ“each is the main character of their own story. i am just as important in my story as you are in your own. is it not delightful that our stories have intertwined so that we may be important to each other as well?”
__kamisato ayaka ㅤ“is it usually the fate of a main character to be lonesome? well, even then, i have you, and i cannot be so.”
__kamisato ayato ㅤ“.... thank you. that was an… unusual, but not altogether invalid, compliment.”
__kujou sara ㅤ“such an ignorant thing to say. we are all but subjects in the raiden shogun’s eternal march.”
__kuki shinobu ㅤ“in whose story? certainly not in the gang’s story. i may be the reason their stories are still continuing, though. they can be quite reckless. maybe they all think they have script immunity.”
__raiden shogun ㅤ“i do not understand.”
__sanganomiya kokomi ㅤ“why, thank you. i wonder; do i really work hard enough to deserve such praise?”
__sayu ㅤ“if i’m a main character cursed to never get taller, i’d believe it…”
__shikanoin heizou ㅤ“heh. i appreciate the sentiment. i do think my own story may be intriguing to not all, but defintely some, and it comes not as a surprise that you are one of the latter. hm, then do you have any inquiries for me, as you see me as a main character? any tales you wish to hear?”
__thoma ㅤ“a lot of people work hard at what they love, so... i don’t think that makes me stand out at all. i do often end up being a peacekeeper in the city, though… i suppose i’m important in one way or another. well, i’ll take the compliment! thank you for saying that.”
__yae miko ㅤ“hehe. you speak of my story as if it is plain to you. i like your confidence.”
__yoimiya ㅤ“a dazzling hero with a backdrop of red fireworks! i get exactly what you’re saying. hey, you’re a bit of a main character to me, too, you know that? hehe!”
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author’s note: thanks for reading :) reblogs mean a lot!
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offbrandkyoya · 10 months
60 scara the widower
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Scaramouche is very lonely. He’s never felt so empty before. He misses you so much, like he’ll ever admit that. Practices were okay. It made him want to gauge his eyes out but anything for his fans.
Scaramouche turns off the music and sits on the floor while taking a sip of water. He’s sweating like crazy and he feels his head spiral. The boys trained separately for 3 hours and the rest is practicing together. Currently, Scaramouche is separated from the others. He kind of missed the loud noises.
He closes his water bottle before staring at the ceiling. He wanted to call you, see how you were doing but his phone got taken away. He wouldn’t get it back till the end of the day which was at night. He didn’t like the idea calling you at night since he cares about your health. Kind of hypocritical since he didn’t care much about his own.
Scaramouche pulls his knees up and rests his chin. “I miss yn…” He mumbled. He’s all alone so he didn’t care about speaking out loud. It’s just him and his thoughts. “Why did I sign up for this if it meant id be away from them?” He sighs before standing up. “I hope they’re okay.” He knows that people at your campus don’t like you at all and he can’t help but worry. You have Thoma and now…
“Fuck.” He says, remembering he’s keeping a secret from you. Scaramouche runs his fingers through his hair. He doesn’t like the idea of not telling you about Albedo and Kaeya. Obviously, it was none of your business to know their relationship but he fears something will happen to your friendship. You get along well with Albedo that he can’t help but think, if Kaeya spills the truth, Albedo would no longer want to be associated with you.
Not only him but Thoma as well. The blonde has some kind of relationship with Diluc and that can also ruin everything. Scaramouche just wants to make sure that you don’t only have him or 5WIRL. He growls, “I’m not their mom.” His face softens, “Still, I love-“ The door opens and enters his manager.
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting?” He hated her guts. Getting special treatment is kind of annoying. Yet, he doesn’t want to cause any problems so he acts oblivious. “No, I was just relaxing.” “I see but don’t relax too much.” Scaramouche nods and his manager closes the door, walking closer to him. “Listen, Scaramouche.” She rubs her hands.
“About that concert where you…had a reaction…” Scaramouche raises a brow but says nothing. “I need you to be focused. It’s not that I’m angry at you. I’m just concerned. You need to learn how to control your emotions. We don’t want you to look bad in front of everyone.” Scaramouche felt his insides boil. How was he supposed to know his mom was gonna show up that night? He hasn’t seen that woman in years.
“Okay.” Was all he said and she smiles. “Good. Gosh, you’re a much better listener than the rest. Out of all of them you have the most potential considering-“ She paused. “Considering?” He repeats. Her smile falters but continues, “Nothing. You’re just better. So much better that, you can be the new leader.” His eyes widen and she laughs. “Just a suggestion.” “What about Venti?”
Suddenly, she frowns. “He’ll leave. He’s been here long enough and Zhongli isn’t easy to beat. I guess his time has run out. He’s pretty much a nuisance and does nothing but mistakes. Honestly, he should’ve given up long ago.” Scaramouche doesn’t say anything and she smiles again. “Well enough of that. Continue doing what you’re doing.”
She walks to the door but turns back around. “Oh right, I’ve been meaning to tell you; take off that ring. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.” Then she left. Scaramouche brings his hand up to look at the ring. “Like hell I’m taking this off.”
Scaramouche felt sour after hearing all that. Him? The new leader? He scoffs at the thought. “As if.” He’s pretty unstable, mentally and emotionally, so he wouldn’t be right for the job. Plus, Ventis a good leader. He’s confused on his relationship with Zhongli so he can’t really say much on that. Scaramouche heads to the boombox and turns the music back on to continue practicing.
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- I watched Barbie
- I also started watching legend of korra after avoiding it for so long
- I love mako
- 🩷
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu @ynverse @anastaxiah
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reilliane · 2 years
Oh,, I just thinking about Vigil!MC's childhood moment when she was sick. Like... she just stayed in her room, can't go anywhere. And little boy Kazuha acted precisely like the "LET ME INNNN" meme.
" I want to play with sister uwaaaaaaaa" o(TヘTo) (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
And MC in the room, smiled when she imagined her brother's face
sososo terribly late but delivered! q(≧▽≦q)
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
big brother kazuha and big sister beidou.... im so soft
i see kazuha as the gentle, calm, comforting big brother while beidou is more of the badass, fun sister
kazuha can and will sing you to sleep. and beidou will hold you up while on the crux so you can see the sea clearly (and if you get seasick kazuha takes care of you while beidou pops up every so often to make you laugh a lil)
i love them
big brother kazuha and big sister beidou.
summary. what are kazuha and beidou like as big siblings?
trigger & content warnings. insomnia, seasickness/motion sickness, brief mentions of medication.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. kazuha & reader, beidou & reader. 0.5k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. you literally have the best brainrots omg <33 you're so right though aly! they would be the best big siblings fr. this was my first time writing beidou and it made me VERY nervous but honestly? i love her. i dont talk about her enough. learning to write her is simply a thing that takes practice and patience c:
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kazuha is the calm and somewhat responsible big brother (he was technically running from the law at one point, so...), whereas beidou is the excitable and fun big sister.
big brother kazuha, who either sings you to sleep or reads to you until you fall asleep on difficult nights. his voice is so gentle and soothing; it's hard not to fall asleep when listening to him. his voice alone is thoroughly comparable to a lullaby. he doesn't even have to be singing. the soft tones of his voice are enough of a melody on their own. he's just so... indescribably gentle, like the calmest breeze grazing your skin on a hot day, so it's hardly any surprise that he's such a master at resolving insomnia.
big sister beidou, who tells you exciting tales of her adventures like one would to a young child, regardless of your age. she illustrates her stories with skill that many bards could only ever dream of—the way she so seamlessly manages to make her adventures come alive in anyone's mind is a talent so many could only hope to attain. it's hard to know where she got such a skill, but then again... maybe that's just because of her vibrant personality? the stories may or may not aid you in falling asleep, but she can almost always call upon kazuha if she happens to fail, so there's nothing to worry about.
big brother kazuha, who perches himself on a good vantage point on the alcor with you and points out fun shapes in the clouds or in the foamy water. maybe he'll write poetry while you sit beside him in calm silence. maybe he'll end up taking a nap with you curled at his side as the wind from the open ocean glides gently, soothingly, over your peaceful faces. who knows? regardless of how that time is spent, it becomes a sort of bonding ritual.
big sister beidou, who will effortlessly hoist you up onto her shoulders regardless of your weight because lets be honest—beidou should be beyond muscular. she's impossibly strong, so don't worry about it. she wants you to be able to clearly witness the might of the vast ocean! that's one of the best parts of travelling by sea! you've got to both admire its beauty and respect its danger. the sea is a wild beast worthy of awe. though, if you get seasick... she'd definitely feel a little guilty.
big brother kazuha, who tends to your needs while you're seasick. he helps administer whatever medication works best for you—which beidou likely picked up from baizhu one of the times she was in liyue—and makes such you stay hydrated. he'll make a mental note of your tendency towards motion sickness and will remember to give you medication before future trips begin. he's very attentive.
big sister beidou, who pops in every now and then to either apologize for getting you seasick or to make you laugh because laughter is so impossibly cherished by her. she treasures all the smiles and laughs she can get from her crew, you included. <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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stellar-skyy · 7 months
PRECIOUS THINGS - Kazuha, Itto, Heizou, Kokomi & reader
i. SUMMARY: What kind of things would they give as a gift? ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: None! iii. NOTES: Can be read as platonic or romantic, fluff, gn!reader, 0.7k words. iv. A/N: it's actually my birthday soon! this was a little early present for myself hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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Kazuha doesn’t care much for material things. He’s a vagrant, there’s no room for too many unnecessary belongings when one is travelling with the wind. Sentimentality only slows him down.
Because of that, he keeps his gifts limited to something intangible. He’ll take you out for the day, show you the most peaceful places of Inazuma and bring you down to the beach to watch the sunset.  
As the sun dips low in the sky, he'll let you rest your head against his shoulder or in his lap if you're tired. But make sure you don’t fall asleep too quickly, or you’ll miss the beautiful view.
If Beidou allows it, you might even be treated to a stay on the Alcor, where Kazuha will help you up into the crow’s nest so you can observe the sea from the sky.
Perhaps the most precious thing he gives you is a haiku, written just for you. He’ll recite it while you’re relaxing on the ship, spinning words as elegantly as the waves flowing below you.
“Did you enjoy it? Well, perhaps we’ll have to spend some more time together when the winds lead us to each other again.”
Ah, Itto.
Itto is the king of making your birthday a big deal.
The Arataki Gang will make sure to wake you up at the crack of dawn to start the celebrations early. First comes a homemade (and… debatably edible) cake, followed by an off-key singing of Happy Birthday with some beatboxing from Itto to accompany the song.
Then, once Itto has shooed the rest of the gang away to ‘let you have some peace and quiet’ he’ll present you with the gifts he’s picked out.
It’s all things he is interested in—onikabutos, trading cards. There’s nothing Itto loves more than sharing the things he’s fond of with the people he’s fond of, so he worked hard to find the finest of those things. You deserve the best, so that’s exactly what he’ll give you.
“Heh, good birthday, huh? Well of course it is, I couldn’t just leave my favourite honorary gang member without a proper celebration, could I?”
Heizou! Heizou loves to share his interests with you, one of which being riddles and brainteasers.
On your birthday, he’ll present you with a locked box, covered in various puzzles. Once solved, the inside reveals a riddle that leads to a mysterious location tucked away in one of the chilly corners of Inazuma.
He’ll be waiting for you there, sitting cross-legged on the corner of a picnic blanket. Draped across is an arrangement of foods, a mix of both your favourites. Fried radish balls, Sakura tempura, and Taiyaki are some of his selections, but there is of course a variety of food picked out for you too.
Heizou has a gift as well, something that is exactly what you wanted. You never needed to tell him what it was—as Inazuma’s finest detective, he already figured it out.
“So, partner? Would you say your birthday lived up to your expectations?
Kokomi wants your present to be perfect. You’re special to her, and special people deserve the best gifts.
Giving gifts is one of her favourite ways to show the people in her life that she loves them, so it must be something personal and related to you specifically; she doesn’t allow for half-thought out presents!
If you’re a fan of books, she’ll gift you a copy of The Legend of The Sword—her favourite book—and shyly ask for your opinion on it.
She will also make time in her schedule to spend time together, which is a gift in itself. She puts her work over everything, so for something else to become a priority is a rare sight.
During the day she’ll take you everywhere: across the scenic beaches of Watatsumi, diving in the depths of the ocean, before finally retreating back to her home to give you a homemade cake. The entire day is planned out (as expected of a grand strategist) and rest assured, she’ll make sure not a moment is wasted.
“So, did you have a good day? I hope so—happy birthday, (Name)!”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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cureobsession · 2 years
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𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 ?
summary: your best friend finds the scars. how they feelin?
cw: various stages of cleanliness, self harm, modest levels of angst, toxic relationships, modern au.
note: self harm comfort fanfic is a shriveled and dying medium. i will do my best to revive it. also platonic comfort hell yeah.
wc: 1.8k
includes: Childe, Lisa, Kazuha
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mother fucker. the warning signs had been there as long as he could remember. you, his good friend (understatement, best friend in the entire world), had been struggling with the forbidden jutsu: self harm.
what was he to do in this situation really? how could he approach you about the issue when his method of finding out was so unethical. all he had wanted was to do some snooping. figure out what silly crushes you were having on classmates that he'd never consider good enough and tease the absolute fuck out of you over it.
instead? childe felt nothing but pain. he went through the three stages of grief (laughing, crying, AND throwing up) in a matter of 5 seconds.
he had seen your diary tucked away with the rest of your notebooks a while ago, and when you invited him over to hang out, well you can guess what happened.
or rather you didnt HAVE to guess anything. Coming back from the kitchen with snacks in hand, you almost couldn't believe the sight before you.
a bundle of ruffled orange hair leaning in to a scribbler so deeply it would surprise you if the words were even legible. problem being, it was your personal scribbler. you know, the one that contained ALL of your screwed up secrets and detailed many relapses you didn't even want to think about.
"you can not be fucking SERIOUS right now. invasion of privacy!" you screeched, running over to him and snatching it right out of his hands. well he was serious. absolutely, 100%, without a doubt serious.
the man wasn't even phased by your panic. he just looked at you in complete shock and asked whether or not you were doing all right.
with the face he was making, all you could do was grumble out something along the line of "yeah you dumb idiot if you had just checked the god damn dates-" but your complaints were quickly muffled when the red head tackled you in a hug.
well shit, there go the chips and popcorn you'd been holding during this small ordeal. still, his arms were warm, so you decided to ignore the mess at your feet and enjoy his tight embrace.
"im sorry" childe said after pulling away, internally cursing himself for going overboard. he cleaned the floor, payed you back the approximate 4$ of food he had ruined (though you had insisted to him it was alright), then he scooped you up and carried you down to the kitchen. it was time for fine dining.
the planned movie night had devolved into childe going ham in the kitchen and you sitting on the counter controlling the music.
he had said a few things about being there for you whenever you needed, that he was worried, that he cared about you, all the usual shit you'd heard a million times from movies, ted talks, fanfiction, and even google when you searched something a bit too concerning for them to let you see the results.
as much as you had trouble expressing it, you appreciated childes actions, speeches on your importance and other random shit he did in attempts to cheer you up.
after the meal, the two of you headed up stairs. you taking the bed for yourself while childe slept on a sleeping bag on the floor. he was weirdly insistent about you being comfortable, hell you even slept on the bed at his house. seriously, it wouldn't be a hassle for you to brave the floor for a night, but whatever. he cares about you too damn much.
just when two were finally calming down, he rolled over towards you with a knowing smirk and whispered "really though? scaramouche? that guy is such a tool."
all you could do was sputter. he was on thin ice right now. thin fucking ice.
people overlooked lisa for the sole reason that she was a librarian. they thought she was a boring lady obsessed with books and nothing more, spending all her time getting pissed at people who never returned their things on time.
in reality, only one of those statements were true, and lisa was so much more than you could ever describe. it all started one night when you were studying for your exams.
you and lisa had been the only ones at the library at such an hour, thus leading to an unforgettable meeting. you because you never lived down the embarrassment, and her because you were such an incredible friend and she was happy to have you in her life she loved to joke about it.
studying mental break downs, hot coffee spills and utter idiocy aside, the two of you had become inseperable ever since. lisa would tell you every individual detail about the jean girl she was pining over and eventually you started doing the same. you would experience every movie, concert or documentary with her, even if she never stopped talking during them.
things were going incredible. until a man came into your life and fucked everything up. you thought he would be good for you, god knows your self confidence was lower than a giant isopod in the sea, so the idea of anybody showing interest in you was, in your mind, unheard of.
the relationship was short, but call this fucker a dps because he ruined everything as quickly as he could. he was never polite on your dates, routinely showing up late, eyeing other people and never once offering to pay the bill. it was when he tried to have sex with you though, that things really fell apart.
sure people had seen your scars before, but no one had ever reacted like him. he stared at your naked body in absolute disgust, told you to get dressed, and kicked you out of his apartment.
that's how you ended up on lisa's sofa, a warm fire dancing in the fireplace, a blanket tucking you in, and a hot chocolate she had forced you to drink instead of the copious amounts of alcohol you had planned.
when you finally managed to tell her what happened, lisa was straight up furious. you could SEE her face getting redder and redder, smoke coming out of her ears like an actual cartoon character.
taking a deep breath, she focused on what was more important here: you
"babe" she said quietly. "can i see them". this was your chance at finally being able to wear shorts and t shirts around her. ever the opportunist, you agreed.
pulling back the cloth that hid them, lisa couldn't help but wince at the scars decorating your skin, most white and pink, but some red, brown or purple.
"all colors shapes and sizes" you joked weakly. an A for effort i suppose.
all the girl could do was pull you into a hug, tearing up for a few minutes and whispering how much you meant to her directly into your ear.
WILL read you a bed time story and WILL smooth her hand over your healed scars comfortingly.
believe me when i say she dialed the human scumbag, asked him out on a date the next day, and beat the fuck out of him in the back alley of whatever cafe they were meant to be eating at. lisa takes no shit, she knows your worth and so should you.
you came to know him from kindergarten, and like children do, fought a lot. good thing is, it only brought the two of you closer. you knew each other like the back of your own hands. thing was, kazuha lost sight of parts of you during highschool.
you, in all your infinite wisdom, were experiencing severe mental pain, and took it out on your body whenever things got out of control.
your family forced you into therapy, and for much of the summer, you attended diligently. it was unfortunate, but you never saw him once.
then university happened. a time of great stress and upheaval. after a bit too much time online, you had developed a sense of humor about your mental issues, even if your "I can be trusted with sharp objects shit" got you weird looks at time.
it was just another day in the life of someone with self harm scars. with it being summer, you wore shorts, t shirts, and whatever else it took to keep you from burning to death. people stared at you as you walked down the halls. you genuinely could not care less. what were they going to do? heal them? reverse your years of teenage suffering? find the cure to depression? i think not.
yeah you were still miserable at times. you felt like you were going to relapse when things got tough, but you were better now. you could handle it.
you saw kazuha again, both of you enrolled in similar medical classes. even after months apart, you two clicked back together right away. it was kind of awkward though with the amount of uh. texture on your legs and arms. it was obvious he wanted to talk about it but wasn't quite sure how to do so.
people you didn't know seeing your scars was no big deal. you didn't care what they thought, for all you could tell, they were NPCs, but kazuha? this was a whole separate issue.
he had been close with you for so long and had done so much for you. you felt like your scars were telling him he wasn't enough. time to lighten the mood a bit. no use in such a depressing conversation on the first day of school.
"i was practing last year" you explain the next time you catch your platinum blonde (how he got it that color was a mystery to you) friend glancing at your forearms. "always wanted to be a surgeon" he looks stunned for a second before laughing lightly and responding "you are ridiculous" with a shake of his head.
good enough. it was almost a relief kazuha didn't make a big deal out of things. the rest of the day continued as usual, walk to class, take notes, read etc. all that boring school stuff, until finally it was time to go back to your dorm.
little did you know, your fellow med school attendee had an evil suprise for you. don't doubt the fact that he would write some "your skin isn't paper, so don't cut it" type poem and slide it under your door.
lucky for you, one of his dude bros told him that, according to his intuition, the note was not the move.
instead he showed up to your dorm around supper time with a basket full of baked goods, tea, flowers and a cute stuffed animal. "damn you went all out. the fuck is the occasion?" you laughed when he entered the room. who kazuha was trying to woo this time was unknown to you, but his over the top gestures never failed to make you giggle.
he shook his head with a smile and shoved the basket into your arms. "look i know you're strong enough to take care of yourself but its hard sometimes. this university shit isn't going to be easy." he pauses to swing a few punches at an invisible target, and hop from foot to foot quickly. "so you better talk to me the second you start feeling sad. I'll get rid of those emotions as soon as they appear".
you almost started sobbing at the doorway. get you a man like kazuha. I know he'd treat you right.
still, you hoped he hadn't spent time watching boxing matches for this breif charade. his impressions were a bit too realistic for comfort.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Reactions to Being Ignored for Video Games (part 3)
Modern AU Genshin characters react to the reader not paying attention to them in favour of a video game! No content warnings apply. Enjoy!
Characters: Heizou, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lisa, Pantalone, Pierro
Part 1 (Ayato, Arlecchino, Baizhu, Capitano, Childe, Cyno)
Part 2 (Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Foul Legacy, Gorou, Itto)
Heizou doesn't take it super personally, he understands being super invested in something and not wanting to pull your attention away. It doesn't stop him from getting bored, though. He'll sit near you and comment on your game, your technique, everything. If you're playing something that's story-heavy, he'll be trying to guess every little twist and turn, what will happen next, which characters will die, everything. The worst part about it is that he's usually right, this guy can pick up on patterns with incredible efficiency, so no foreshadowing slips by him. Because of this, you'd be better off just giving him attention if you don't want your game spoiled for you.
Kaveh simply cannot handle being ignored. He picks up on the fact that you're not paying attention immediately, and he will whine about it. He'll stand in front of the console, or wave his hands in your face, and pout adorably at you. He has no shame, he's like a needy dog, all up in your space and chattering away. He gets very pouty very quickly if you continue to ignore him, and may even storm off, only to come back within less than a minute. It doesn't take long for him to start getting genuinely upset though, and you know you'll have to go into damage control mode when he finally sits down and just mopes like a pathetic little clump of dirt. He doesn't mean for it to come off as guilt trippy, he's just extraordinarily sensitive and needs some form of acknowledgement when he's seeking it or else he starts to get freaked out.
Kazuha doesn't mind - he understands that sometimes people need some time alone with their thoughts and something simple and easy to do so that they can unwind. Sometimes he doesn't quite understand that alone time really does mean alone time. He'll take a seat nearby and look over your shoulder, making quiet observations about the game, maybe even pulling inspiration from it for his poetry. It's not like he's actively expecting you to respond (more just talking away to himself), but it can be a little offputting either way to have him just hovering there and counting out syllables for a haiku or something. If you ask him nicely, he's fine if you'd like him to leave or be quiet (though he struggles a bit with being entirely silent or still), but it won't take long for him to start suffering from your lack of acknowledgement, and he may get up and leave to go find something more stimulating for him to do.
Lisa pulls the classic mom-type reaction, standing in your peripheral with her hands on her hips or crossed over her chest after she's said your name. Her presence is pretty hard to ignore, and she'll get pretty grumpy if you manage to do so. She understands the concept of online games, and games you can't pause, so you'll get a small grace period, but she gets antsy quickly, and may start to lecture you on your manners or other such things. If you don't want a stern scolding, you'd probably want to turn whatever device you're playing off and start paying attention, or else she'll find some chores or something to assign you - even if she has no right whatsoever to do so.
Pantalone will have absolutely none of it. You don't get a grace period, if he's in the room and talking to you, he expects your complete and utter unwavering attention, he doesn't care whether or not you're in the middle of a super important multiplayer match, or if you just need ten seconds more. He'll snatch the controller from you and turn his nose up as he continues with whatever he's saying as your character slowly dies on screen. He has a certain affinity for efficiency, so doesn't like having to repeat himself when he truly doesn't have to. If you miss an integral part of something he's saying because you're doing something else, he considers that to be your problem, not his, and off he goes.
Pierro doesn't understand any of these 'videos game', or 'television sets', or why you're so enamoured by them. It baffles him entirely, all he knows is how to change the volume and turn the TV on and off when he wants to watch his shows (or 'stories' as he so eloquently dubs them). He just wanders to stand in front of you and talk at you, whether or not you're actually paying attention. The only real reaction he has to being utterly ignored is to speak a little louder and move a little closer, though he has no qualms about confiscating your device if he's trying to have a proper conversation with you and you're snubbing him entirely. He just plucks it from your hands, finishes what he's saying, then walks off with it.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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jaywh · 2 years
dont look down.
kazuha x reader
warnings: implied suicide, angst no comfort
Today, Kazuha decided to go out for a nature walk.
It was going pretty pleasant. Some butterflies landed on his face and hair, a chipmunk offered him a little peanut, and he helped a boar that was stuck on a tree branch.
He thinks with a smile, that when he gets home, he'll have to tell you all about what happened on his little adventure today.
The grass felt fluffy and tall where Kazuha was walking at the moment. All of a sudden, he felt a presence, along with a strange sense of urgency.
Kazuha stopped smiling. He furrowed his eyebrows, and looked up towards a tall mountain not too far from where he was. The mountain was too tall to see what was going on at the top, so Kazuha hesitantly decided to climb the mountain.
The boy was in the middle of climbing the steep stone wall. He slipped– yet he saved himself. Kazuha held onto the side of the mountain in slight shock, before sighing and continuing.
Kazuha froze.
What was that sound?
The presence he felt was gone.
Oh well, he can't find out unless he gets to the top of the mountain, right?
Kazuha pulls himself atop of the mountain with a huff.
He looks around. There was nothing here, he thought, until he spotted a pair of smaller shoes.
The boy walks up to them. They were neatly placed near the edge of the cliff. Someone must've been here.
...Oh. Kazuha smiles, yet still confused. He realizes these were your shoes, but you seem to be no where on the mountain.
He looks around, calling your name a few times, before giving up. Kazuha's still very confused as to why your shoes are up here.
He stands next to your shoes, and looks out at the stars. Wow, it really has gotten late. He spent so much time trying to climb up here.
Then it hits him.
Kazuha's eyes widen and loses it's shine. His shoulders slack, and his breath stutters.
He is too scared to look down.
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