#playing with hue jitter brushes as well
dirt-and-scrivles · 8 months
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Q!tubbos as I work out his design
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freckledoriya · 4 years
“pass the stapler” (midoriya x reader)
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PAIRING: izuku midoriya x reader  WARNINGS: none, just fluff!  WORD COUNT: 1.6k
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | requests are OPEN!
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this is my first fic for @bnhabookclub​​‘s hero camp bingo event! my bingo masterlist will be posted soon and updated as I make my way through the spaces. thank you to @shoutosplaything​ and @crack-head-lia​ for last minute beta reading this! and as always, special thanks goes to @gallickingun​​ for being my rock and helping me with everything I do ♡
Your first day working at the hero agency was an eventful one-- work orientation, desk assignment, figuring out the coffee machine. The day would forever be known as the one where you started your dream job, but on top of that, it supplied another memory, one that will forever be ingrained in your mind: the moment when you laid eyes on Izuku Midoriya. None of the romantic comedies or cheesy romance novels could have prepared you for what you felt in that instance: the air being knocked out of you, the way everyone else in the room seemingly disappeared, and the undeniable feeling of a magnetic pull, urging you closer and closer to this stranger.
You felt like a teenager again, hopelessly in love with a person who barely knew you existed. The extent of your interactions with Midoriya was polite nods when you passed each other in the hallways, your heart had no business skipping a beat like it did every time those green eyes met yours. Still, you couldn’t help but swoon every time he’d sit at the table next to yours during lunch break. His presence was intoxicating. 
When he first spoke to you, you felt a high like never before. It was a Friday afternoon, another day that you’ll never be able to forget, when Midoriya asked you to pass the stapler. You kicked yourself for how unbelievably cheesy you felt about it, seeing it as a truly magical moment. It became a routine, you watching the news in your apartment late at night, looking to see if the number one hero, Deku, had beaten down another criminal. If he did, that meant he had paperwork to turn in the next day, and that meant that you’d get to hear those five beautiful words pass through his lips: “can you pass the stapler?”
You found him positively perfect. Even attributes that one could see as faults, like his incessant muttering, his stubbornness to put himself before others, his scarred skin that resulted from that very stubbornness- no matter which way you look at him, you adore Izuku. You often found yourself dreaming the day away, simply yearning to touch his freckled skin and feel his lips on yours. The way his knuckles brush against your finger tips when you pass the stapler to him was addicting. Even though he wasn’t using his quirk, you swore you could feel electricity jolt from him to you.
This routine went on for a few months, and you had begun to accept that passing office supplies to one another would be the extent of your relationship with Midoriya. However, today, he came up to your desk, looking as dashing, yet nervous, as ever.
“H-hey, there, I have something to ask you…”
You reflexively reach towards the stapler on your desk, but he quickly interrupts you.
“Ah, no, I don’t need the stapler right now. But thank you.”
“Oh,” you reply. “Then… what can I help you with?” 
You swear you can feel your heart beating out your chest. Because if he doesn’t want the stapler, what else could he possibly want?
Midoriya clears his throat and swallows, looking down at his scarred, calloused hands as he twiddles his thumbs. “W-would you wanna go out? W-with me? On a, um.. date?”
“Yes!” you reply, the word almost exploding from inside you. 
Realizing how loud and slightly desperate you must have just sounded, your eyes widen with embarrassment as you begin to wheel yourself back from your desk, as if cowering away from the situation at hand.
 “I mean, sure, if that’s what you want…” you say, trying to sound as casual as possible. “Did you have anywhere in mind?” 
Midoriya bites his lip and looks to the side. “I honestly didn’t think I’d get this far.”
You let out a giggle at his adorable bashfulness, releasing some of the pent of nerves inside of you. How he hasn’t realized that he’s the whole package is beyond you. In your eyes, he’s everything a person could ever want: kind, compassionate, selfless, and attractive as hell. 
“We could go to the park nearby?” you suggest. “Hang out, walk around, and talk?”
He stops his muttering of possible date ideas to smile, definitely relieved that the responsibility of choosing was lifted off of his shoulders. 
“That sounds great! Let’s do it.”
“It’s a date,” you confirm, really just wanting to make sure you weren’t making this whole scenario up in your mind. “Saturday afternoon work?”
“Yeah! Looking forward to it.”
A beat passes between the two of you before Izuku shifts uncomfortably, clearing his throat. “I, uh, actually do need to borrow the stapler as well.”
You’ve been on plenty of first dates before. You’ve gotten used to the slight jitters, the twisting of your stomach. But this was different. Your insides felt as if you were full of bubbles, bursting in anticipation and making you lightheaded. You attempt to regulate your breathing as you arrive at the park for your date. The air is cool as it blows against your flushed cheeks, already burning as you think about spending time with Izuku.
You’ve played out every possible scenario in your mind, creating an extensive list of conversation starters just in case there’s a lull in dialogue. As you’re going over your do-not-talk-about-topics in your head, you spot the green-haired hero sitting on a blanket at the top of a grassy hill. A classic wicker basket sits next to him, and your heart soars once you realize what Izuku has in store for you: a picnic.
As you walk up to him, he quickly stands up, greeting you with his signature bright smile. You can’t help but admire him in his more casual wear: jeans, a simple, loose-fitting t-shirt, and his classic red high-tops. 
“H-hey!” he greets you. “Hope this is okay, but I thought we could have a small picnic? I know it’s a little random but-”
“It’s wonderful,” you interrupt, looking at the setup. 
You have to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming-- in what universe would you be presented with a perfect, park picnic date from the biggest crush you’ve ever had? 
“Crunchy peanut butter with strawberry jam,” Izuku blurts out, snapping you out of your trance. 
You look at him with confusion as he begins to open the basket and gestures toward the two sandwiches in plastic bags. 
He begins to blush as he hands you your sandwich. “Um, I noticed that you always bring a PB&J to lunch at work. And I overheard you one day talking about why crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam make the perfect sandwich…”
“They do!” you laugh as you begin to unwrap the sandwich. “It’s just science”
He laughs along with you, and the sound of his laughter gives you the same warm feeling as listening to your favorite song or drinking hot cocoa on a cold, winter’s day. It feels like coming home after a long trip. It feels right.
You spend the next couple hours eating and discussing each other’s passions: you learn about Midoriya’s unwavering adoration for All Might (which you had already known about, from studying your crush’s socials) and the unbelievable amount of pressure he puts on himself to be what others expect him to be.
“I just have to keep being better,” he says to you before taking a sip of water. “It’s what I owe to everyone who’s helped me get this far.” 
You tilt your head to the side, hoping it’ll somehow let you see things from his perspective. “That seems like a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Maybe those people didn’t help with an expectation for something in return… Maybe they helped because it’s what you deserve.” 
He looks to the side and bites his lip, shying away from opening up to you. You take a breath before reaching over and putting your hand on his. This skin contact feels somehow different than the hand-brushes from the past when you would pass the stapler. There is no shock of electricity, no jolt of energy. Instead, you feel more at peace than you ever did before. The world feels more at peace. You feel like as long as your hand is holding his, nothing could ever throw you off balance. 
This gesture causes Midoriya to stiffen before meeting your gaze. When he sees your gentle and understanding smile, his shoulders relax and he lets out a breath that he was inadvertently holding. 
“You know, I-I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now,” Izuku blushes as he rubs the back of his neck nervously.
“R-really?” you stutter, taken aback by this confession. Could it really be that he’s been admiring you as much as you’ve been admiring him?
“Yeah…”  he looks down and swallows. Sensing that he’s building up the courage to tell you something important, you try to give him a reassuring squeeze of his hand. 
What could he be gathering up the bravery to say? Was he about to confess his feelings for you? Maybe he really does like you just as much as you like him. Or maybe it’s something much more unfortunate. Maybe he’s changed his mind after spending the afternoon with you. Maybe he-
“It’s just that I wasted so many blank pieces of paper by stapling them together so I could talk to you...”  
The two of you break into laughter as the sun begins to set, the purple and pink hues matching the blush across both of your faces as you both realize that yes, you adore the other just as much as they adore you. 
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dhabitahpunk-art · 5 years
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Hey guys! I’ve decided to make a “how I paint skin” tutorial. It is quite a detailed step by step tutorial so strap yourselves in for this one! Also, it’s step by step because I want to teach you how to pick your own skin color palettes and shading, and take no shortcuts!! This will go a long way, guys!
Just a disclaimer: I am no expert in painting skin realistically but these are just different things I’ve picked up from my fav artists and tweaked them to suit my style.
1. First step is to make your sketch. I suggest that you also use a reference of a real person for this practice. References help a lot! Don’t be afraid to also use the eyedropper tool as this will teach you a lot about skin color palettes!
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(I know my ref image is not a real person, shush. XD He still looks realistic enough. Haha.)
2. Now, usually, I will duplicate the sketch layer and paint it dark red. I will turn off the original sketch layer and use it for back up later just in case we need it.
Okay! Let’s get started with picking your color palette! I pretty much don’t have a standard skin palette as I’m someone who likes to do things from scratch and then just go with the flow. I’ll go through more on that later on in this tutorial.
I usually start with this kinda desaturated orange. This will be our base for now.
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3. Now, this next color will be, I would say the slightly lighter parts of the skin (but not quite the highlights). This color will slightly be even less saturated compared to the previous color.
Also, it will be more towards yellow.
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4. Next color is the highlight. This is pretty much close to white and ever so slightly to yellow.
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5. For the dark shadows of the skin, there’s two types: The more reddish tones and the more ‘bluish’ tones.
For the red ones, I would put my color wheel closer to red and darker than the base color.
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6. For the dark cold shadows, I will move the color wheel even more closer to magenta and then make it very desaturated, almost like a gray.
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Quick Summary:
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Here’s a simple annotation of what my color picking looks like most of the time for a normal portrait with normal lighting.
As a rule of thumb, the dark shadows and highlights will be almost desaturated, and the base color is the most saturated.
7. Alright. Now, let’s make a new layer below the sketch layer. Paint in the base color.
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8. Now, personally, since I want my character to have a fairer skin, I think my base color is a bit too ‘tanned’. This is why I say, I tend to just go with the flow and not always use a fixed skin palette.
But anyways, I will just desaturate it a bit (remember, the lighter the skin color, the more desaturated it will be).
Then, I just increase the brightness a bit.
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9. Let’s start with painting the dark red parts. These are the parts where you can see the blood underneath the skin more visibly. So, around the eyes, below the cheeks and at the tip of the nose. Not the cast shadow of the nose, though!!
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10. Now, let’s paint the cast shadows. Cast shadows tend to have that cold bluish shadow we picked out just now. So like below the neck, below the nose (or any cast shadow from the nose).
Over here, I feel like the tone is a bit too bluish and almost too light (since we did increase the brightness just now).
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After adjusting the tone:
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So, I will just adjust is a bit to be darker and maybe slightly a bit more red. Isn’t it weird how it looks cold but if you use the color picker, it’s actually in the reds? Skin colors be crazy, y’all. Our eyes like to play tricks with us. -.-
11. Now, that I’ve adjusted the cast shadow color, let’s start painting over the shadows.
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12. Now, paint in the lighter color from the base color over the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, chin, and above the eyebrows. Please refer to your reference for this!
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13. Let’s start blending. Now, I have made my own blending brush here. It kinda creates a textured skin look. You can play around with ‘jitter’ or ‘spacing’ in your program to get this kinda texture.
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As I go along, I will add in more shadows where I see fit. For example, my character is a male, so he has more cast shadows below his eyebrow (around his eye socket). I also use a gray to paint in the eyes.
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14. This next step is gonna be a bit scary for some of you especially if you’re a beginner! And that is merging your sketch layer with the colored skin.
But don’t be afraid and just try! Remember, we still have the original sketch layer that we kept. So in case you want to revert, you have that layer to copy again.
Anyways, here, I will use a softer round blending brush (not one with jitter) and just blend in the sketch layer softly.
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Again, adding more shadows and form as I go along. Like over here, I’ve used a darker red for the bottom of the tip of the nose (remember, the tip of the nose is red!)
I’ve also used the highlight color to add in the very bright highlights (sorry it’s a bit hard to see in the pic cuz it’s almost white like the canvas!) but at this point, we still want to keep it very soft and blended. We will add in the details later. There’s highlights at the tip of the nose and the side of the nostrils, for eg.
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QUICK TIP: Make a new layer with a medium gray color and put the layer mode on “Color” or “Hue”. This will allow you to check the values quickly.
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As you can see, I still have a lot more dark parts missing.
When I’m going to add darker tones, I tend to put them on a new layer and change it to “Multiply”. Making these type of changes on a new layer will allow more flexibility without you ruining the base painting.
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This is what my drawing looks like now after all the touching up. I’ve colored the iris and brows too (on a new layer).
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15. This is where I will add in the shadow. Do it on a new layer and use a clipping mask so it won’t go outside your base. I’m also using the base color but put the layer mode to “Multiply” to really darken it.
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16. Remember to do it for the iris as well, if need be!
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17. Now, time to put in the sharper highlights! These highlights are usually around the eye lids and eye corners (near the tear ducts), nose tip, cupid’s bow, lips, chin.
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18. Next, let’s add some details. Do this on a new layer and put the layer mode to “Multiply”. You can also use this as a clipping mask onto your base layer.
The brush I use has a spotted tip. And then just use jitter or huge spacing to really spread out these dots. I mainly paint these over the cheeks and the forehead.
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19. Make another layer and using the same brush, just make it bigger so the spots look bigger. Use a soft eraser to erase some of the freckles/blemishes.
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20. Lastly, go back to your highlight layer and using that same brush, just brush over the cheeks and chin where the light hits.
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21. Do some final adjustments. Like, again, I feel like my character needs to be a tad bit more pale. So what should I do?
(Correct answer: Desaturate the color and brighten it overall.)
Remember, the lighter you go, the less saturated the color should look! Also, remember that shadows are also desaturated!
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And that’s it! I hope you learn something new today in terms of coloring and shading. :)
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winetae · 6 years
⇁ peek-a-bitch
vampire!au taehyung
↳ When the hunger hits, Taehyung calls his local pizzeria to sate his late night cravings.
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inspired by the halloween bop, peek a boo, that was released in nov. drabble.
✘ spoopy masterlist
(pls i’ve always wanted to name smth peek a bitch forgive me)
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Your pulse jumped in your throat.
Taehyung’s eyes zeroed in on the spot where he could see the the hummingbird-flutter. His mouth went dry. The seam of your mouth parted open in surprise, but words failed you, almost as if his unearthly beauty had robbed you of voice. 
It wouldn’t be the first time his godly looks had made a woman lose her breath — and you were no exception. 
His lifespan had stretched over a century, and his decades worth of experience left him immune to the way his victims reacted to his appearance. He was accustomed to the way his looks induced awe, how his mere presence was enough for mortals to stop in their tracks and stare up at him in wide-eyed wonder.
He was used to it and yet—
He would never tire of it. Shadows hid the glint in his eyes as he observed your slow unraveling. His chest burned with anticipation; he couldn’t wait to see you fall deeper in a haze of submission, until you were ready to offer yourself to him like a tribute to a god.
The corners of his lips curled into a smirk with all the feline grace of a cat that had succeeded in cornering its prey.
Well aware of his affect on you, he tilted his head so that the porch light could illuminate his chiseled features for added dramatic effect. He knew how to work his angles. 
“H-hi?” You clutched the pizza boxes tightly between your fingers. “I’m looking for one Kim Taehyung.”
It had been years since humans had used his name and Taehyung paused, caught off guard. How sloppy of him. No matter. Although it was undoubtedly reckless to use his real name, you wouldn’t live to tell the tale, so there was no cause for concern. 
Taehyung smiled, no teeth, his eyes gleaming with thinly veiled hunger. “You’re looking right at him.”
You gulped, the sound louder than a roaring current in his ears, and his eyes were once more drawn to the fragile and unblemished column of your neck. It was a canvas ready to be bruised and splattered red. Taehyung was almost tempted to sink his teeth in the juncture of your neck without preamble. He stared, unblinking, only realizing he had made you uncomfortable when you started to shift your weight from one foot to another. “Two large triple cheese pizzas?”
Confirming the order he had placed over the phone with a nod, he allowed the corners of his mouth to stretch into a pleased smile. The reality was that he couldn’t care less if the pizza was sprinkled with artichokes or pineapples — those details were insignificant. It wasn’t as if he would eat the greasy food anyway, not when a much more appetizing meal had presented itself to him on a silver platter.
For once, there was no lie to his flattery, “Had I known such a pretty girl would be delivering my meal, I would have ordered sooner.” His voice was smooth like silk and rich like aged wine. As he watched you fall under its spell, he had no one else to thank but his creator. 
Taehyung’s very existence was a ruse. He had been conceived to entice his targets; everything from his statuesque beauty to his honeyed tenor were designed to facilitate his hunts for food. He waited patiently for its effect to take hold on you like he knew it would.
And ah — there it was.
He eyed the way your blood flushed to your cheeks, painting them in a tantalizing shade of pink. The greasy stench of melted cheddar and Emmental was overbearing, but his heighten sense of smell was able to detect your floral fragrance beneath it. All of his senses honed in on the fresh and exquisite aroma that emanated from you.
Taehyung licked his lips, wishing he could sample your taste before the fatal bite for your blood smelled divine, untainted by the pollution of alcohol and cigarettes. You were ripe and sweet, young and virginal, your delicate skin a pretty gift wrapping paper for his pointed teeth to bite into.
His mouth watered and only practiced control kept him from draining you dry. It had been such a long time since he had come across blood as uncontaminated as yours and he wanted to take pleasure in the chase while he could.
If Seokjin had been home to witness, he would have scolded the younger vampire, reminding him that it was bad table manners to play with his food before dinner. But there was no fun in a quick, clean kill. Taehyung enjoyed the careful seduction almost as much as the feeding itself, especially when his meal was as pretty and delicious as you.
“Here you go,” you handed him the brown boxes which he took, careful to avoid the oily film that stained the cardboard. His cold fingers brushed against yours deliberately, lingering long enough for you to wonder if the physical contact was accidental or not.
You jolted, quickly retracting your hands to hide the tremors he had caused. It was cute how you tried hard to appear unaffected. But how could you have ever hoped to resist him? You were only human, naive and weak to the temptation he incarnated. He had seen humans with stronger wills than you crumble at his feet. You never stood a chance.
“That’ll be 20.” You averted your gaze, staring at his polished shoes. 
“Ah... Let me go in and get it, then. Do you want to come in while you wait? It’s chilly out and I would feel bad if you caught a cold because of me.” He opened the door in silent invitation, granting you a glimpse of the antique furniture and marble flooring. 
Stunned into silence, your eyes widened at the grandiose display of wealth. His affluence — one of the many layers to this lure — never failed to impress his victims. He let you admire the high ceiling flecked with gold and the baroque ornamentation, knowing that it would be your first and last time to behold such luxury. He noticed your eyes flit over to the cardboard boxes in his pale hands, the ordered pizzas vulgar and out of place amidst the ornate decor. 
“Um... No, it’s okay. I’ll just wait here,” your lips twitched, heartbeat erratic. You gestured to the fleece-lined coat that covered the standard work uniform with a wave of your hand. “My jacket is really warm, I’ll be fine.”
Taehyung blinked in surprise, his face otherwise blank. A pause ticked by before he finally remembered to plaster on a courteous smile.
“Don’t worry about intruding. I’ll only be a minute,” he promised, trying to appear hospitable. He almost tacked on a friendly ‘I don’t bite’ for good measure, but the joke had gotten old after the sixth bite and Taehyung wasn’t one to recycle old puns. 
You politely declined his offer with a shake of your head. His jaw clenched, not expecting your resistance. Taehyung was about to call your bluff when you spoke out. “Really, I’m fine,” you assured, forcing a smile onto your face. Oddly, he noticed that your voice was stable, firm, free of jitters. 
He purposefully let the seconds stretch on, eyeing your face for the slightest hint of hesitation. He waited for the shift in expression, convinced you would fall into his trap, and readied himself to pounce when he saw an opening.
But rather than let yourself be swayed, discomfort wrapped itself around you like a shield. Frustration started to seep down his spine, but he ignored the pesky sensation and carefully schooled his expression, not wanting to scare you off.
“If you’re sure...” 
Once out of sight, a frown wormed its way onto his features. He discarded the pizzas on the coffee table, eager to separate himself from the stench of melted cheese. He reached for the snakeskin wallet he had left on the mantle, taking out a crisp note and pinching it between his fingers, contemplative. 
There were several ways this could go. 
Unlike the rest of his coven, Taehyung was still relatively young — easily riled up and angered over trivial affairs that most dismissed with a shrug. No matter how many years he had under his belt, this divergence would always exist. Taehyung knew that had the older vampires been in his shoes, they would have put the delivery girl out of her misery the moment she rang the doorbell.
The point was that he and his brethren weren’t alike. Taehyung prided himself on this division, despising the thought of turning stony and predictable like the rest of them. Even in his mortal life, Taehyung had never liked to play by the rules and immortality hadn’t been able to change these habits. The rest of the vampires blamed his age for his impetuous and volatile behavior; Namjoon had even attempted to supply some Freudian explanation. 
The memory made him scowl. God, Taehyung hated when that dusty old bitch psychoanalyzed his every movement. 
Unwittingly, he had creased the twenty dollar bill in his hold. Breathing deep, he took a moment to calm himself down, thumb running over the wrinkle. He was letting himself be distracted with irrelevant matters when his priority should be you.
His dinner deserved to be savored. Taehyung didn’t want his anger to make him act rashly. He wanted to take his time with you — enjoy his succulent meal to the full until his stomach burst. There was no need to rush or be unnecessarily aggressive. It was evident that he affected you in some way, and even if you didn’t trip over your feet and bend over backwards to please him like all the others that had paraded in front of the house before, it would only be a matter of time before you caved. 
There were enough blood bags in the freezer to keep him satisfied for the next several days... He could afford to let you go this once because he knew without a doubt that you would be coming back. There was no harm in prolonging this game for a while longer. After all, time limits ceased to exist when one had all the time in the world to play as they wished. 
Flames and shadows danced across his skin, his expression all the more wicked. The amber glow of the crackling fire colored his face in a hellish hue, and for a fleeting second, his eyes flared crimson.
Had he a heart, it would have raced. 
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
Play Your Cards Right [Oikawa Tooru] [Reader-Insert]
Presently, [Name] and Oikawa were resting in a cafe, indulging in a break from all the walking that they had done. They were sitting opposite each other on couches, with a table in between them, that was placed in one of the furthest corners of the cafe. The [h/c] female lazily leaned against the couch, and mindlessly sipped on her cold [favourite flavour] iced tea. Simultaneously, she stared down Oikawa, with a harsh glare, and an angry expression formed on her face.
Oikawa, who knew that [Name] was raging in anger and was trying to glare him to death, merely smiled sweetly. He wore an angelic and innocent expression. His elbows were on top of the table, and he held his phone in mid-air. His cold drink was sitting idly beside him, and he hummed joyfully. Oikawa was pretending to text on his phone, while in reality, he was recording [Name].
His lips threatened to twitch up in a smirk, but he forced it away, and continued feigning his happy-go-lucky facade.
His plan was building up perfectly.
When they had initially entered the cafe, the waiters at the cafe ended up gawking at Oikawa due to his unjust godly beauty. However, once realizing that he was taken, they experienced an intense heartbreak for ten seconds. Subsequently, they stayed at the sidelines to admire his beauty, and while admiring his beauty, they realized the juxtaposition of his and [Name]’s moods; [Name] had dark aura radiating off her, and she wore a very terrifying look on her face. Meanwhile, Oikawa was nothing but sunshine, flowers, and bubbles.
They wondered, was it an ‘opposites attract’ sort of situation?
“[Name]-chan,” Oikawa began chirpily, as he continued to stare at her through the camera of his phone. “Anger makes you look hideous,” He remarked nonchalantly, and his smile almost turned into a smirk.
[Name], who was already a volcano on the edge of eruption, growled, and subconsciously, she nearly crushed her drink in her hand due to her anger.
She pulled away her drink from her lips, and swallowed the remains of her beverage down her throat. She narrowed her eyes at Oikawa, and gritted her teeth.
“Why are being so awful?!”  She snapped, and furrowed her eyebrows in anger. And as if to rile her up even more, in response, Oikawa tilted his head cutely, and blinked ‘innocently.’
“What do you mean?” He asked, and pouted. He knew exactly what she meant.
At his inquiry, [Name]’s eyes widened in disbelief. Her eyebrow twitched, and she scoffed.
“You seriously don’t know?!” She hissed, scowling at him.
Oikawa grinned.
“Nope,” He responded, popping the ‘p.’
[Name] huffed in anger, before she started listing off the things that Oikawa did to get her in the mood that she was in.
“Well, let’s see, you ate all of my fries when I gave them to you to hold while I tried on some clothes. And then, after having the NERVE to do that, you proceeded to rudely point out that not few! But, ALL the clothes I tried on, I ‘looked absolutely hideous’ in them. This was the same thing you said to me in every single shop we went to. I know I’m not that attractive, and you’re out of league, but you didn’t have to be such an ass about it. If I’m really that unappealing, I would appreciate it if you didn’t resort to such petty tactics to put me down, and just get this done and over with,” [Name] snapped, as she turned her head away from Oikawa, and her bottom lip began to quiver.  
Oikawa’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to reply. However, he was not able to form a sentence. He had noticed when [Name]’s anger morphed into sorrow, and the moment her insecurities began plaguing her. She hugged herself with one arm, in an attempt to put up a shield which would protect her from Oikawa’s harsh words. The said male felt guilt enveloping him, after he realized that he had may have gone too far to have his fun.
He bit his lip in thought, and decided on just one more push, and that would be it.
He settled his phone on the table at a specific angle, before he gently grabbed [Name]’s hand that was still on the table, and intertwined their fingers together. He brushed his thumb on [Name]’s hand soothingly, which made her avert her eyes at him meekly.
“Personally, I think all clothes look ugly on you,” He began, and a look of hurt flashed in [Name]’s eyes. On an instinct response, she tried to pull away from Oikawa, but he gripped her hand firmly.
Momentarily, his  eyes flickered to the screen of his phone to assure that everything was being recorded in order to capture the right moment. He smirked slyly, and then, he pulled on [Name]’s arm, causing her to yelp in surprise, as she toppled awkwardly on the table.
He leaned down, right beside her ear. His breath fanned it, which caused jitters of excitement to run through her.
“I think all clothes look ugly on you because I think you look the best when you’re wearing nothing,” He whispered smoothly, and the biggest shit-eating grin appeared on his face.
In response, [Name] froze. This is because it took her a  few seconds to realize the implication behind Oikawa’s words. And when she did, her face exploded in a dark hue of red. The shock from the unexpected turn of events caused [Name] to fall back on the couch, and she mindlessly stared into space, as steam came out of her ears.
Feeling more than satisfied with her reaction, Oikawa grabbed his phone, and stopped his recording. He began replaying the moment when [Name]’s shock began, and with his shit-eating grin still in place, he knew he was never going to let [Name] forget this moment.
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itssiennatheasian · 4 years
How to Create a Sakura Petals Brush in Photoshop
What You'll Be Creating
In today's tutorial, we will be learning how to create a sakura petals brush in Photoshop. With this brush, you'll be able to create a quick and easy falling sakura petals photo effect with just one image and a few clicks!
Need rose petals instead of cherry blossoms? No problem! You can use this same technique to create any flower petal brush in Photoshop.
What You Will Learn in This Adobe Photoshop Brush Tutorial
How to create a sakura petals brush in Photoshop
How to change brush settings in Photoshop
How to paint sakura petals falling in Photoshop
How to save brush settings in Photoshop 
How to create depth of field in Photoshop
Follow along with us over on the Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:
What You'll Need
To complete this project, you will need the following resources:
Sakura Petals
Woman Next to Sakura Tree
Find more resources on Envato Elements!
1. How to Create a Sakura Petal Brush in Photoshop
Step 1
First, open up a photo containing a cherry blossom petal, and extract the petal using your preferred method.  
The Object Selection Tool worked great for me!
Step 2
Next, Control-Click the cherry blossom, or its layer mask if you have one, to make an exact selection.
Hit the Crop tool to crop the canvas down to size.
Step 3
Create a white Color Fill layer below the petal. 
Turn the petal grayscale with a black and white Gradient Map adjustment layer, checking the Reverse box in the Gradient Map's Properties panel. 
Right-click > Flatten Image and then go to Edit > Define Brush Preset. 
Don't worry about naming your brush just yet!
2. How to Set Brush Settings in Photoshop 
Step 1
Now, let's fiddle with our brush's settings, starting with setting the Spacing to 1000%.
Next, let's tweak our Shape Dynamics with a Size Jitter of 50%, Angle Jitter of 100%, and a Roundness Jitter of 100%.
Step 2
Then for our Scattering, let's do a Scatter of 1000%.
The Scattering will change as you paint, so feel free to lower it as needed! 
You can also increase the Count to 2 or 3 to paint more than one petal at a time.  
Step 3
Now, let's set our Color Dynamics to Foreground/Background Jitter: 40%, Hue Jitter: 2%, Saturation Jitter: 2%, and Brightness Jitter: 4%.
You can also turn Color Dynamics and off as needed while you paint!
Save these settings and name your new brush by clicking the square icon in the bottom-right corner of the Brush Settings panel. 
3. How to Create Sakura Petals Falling in Photoshop 
Step 1
Finally, let's put our new petal brush to good use and place our sakura petals falling! Open up your image, like this Woman Next to Sakura Tree that I'll be playing with, and create a new layer, calling it "Medium Petals"! 
Let's select a color from the lightest point of the flower for our foreground color, and then from a darker point for our background color, using the Eye Dropper tool. 
Set the Size of your brush so that the largest petal you paint will only be as big as the largest petal that's in focus in your photo. 
Now, click and drag your brush across the image!
Add a very slight Gaussian Blur if the petals are too sharp compared to the rest of the image. 
Step 2
Next, let's create some background petals by lowering the size of our brush slightly, creating a new layer named "background" and then painting all over.
Don't be afraid to create and paint on multiple different layers!
Erase any smaller petals that overlap on top of your model. 
If your subject's background is heavily out of focus like mine, then add a Gaussian Blur, so that the petals appear out of focus as well!
Finally, I like to lower the background petals' Opacity down to 70%.
Step 3
Finish things up by creating two new layers over all your other petal layers and the subject. Name these layers "Large" and "Extra Large."
And, you guessed it, paint large and extra-large petals on both of these layers! These petals will be our foreground petals and will help give any image a quick dose of depth. 
Blur both layers using Filter > Blur Gallery > Field Blur.
Don't be shy with the blur! The exact number will depend on the size of your image. 
That's It!
And that's all there is to creating a sakura brush in Photoshop and creating a quick and easy effect of sakura petals falling! The best part is that this will work for creating any kind of flower petal brush in Photoshop, including leaves and rose petals. Or you can just create multiple different petal brushes using different petals from the same image for an even more realistic and varied effect! The possibilities are endless. 
Need Even More?
50 Sakura Light Lightroom Presets
Spring your photos into life with these light and airy Lightroom presets! Instantly transform your photos with beautiful bright looks inspired by sakura and cherry blossoms. A perfect match for your newly created sakura petal Photoshop brushes.
Blooming Sakura Cherry Blossom Background
One of the countless other sakura and cherry blossom tree images that can be found on Envato Elements, this Blooming Sakura Cherry Blossom Background can be used to create dozens of different sakura petal Photoshop brushes, as well as creating the perfect backdrop for a cherry blossom inspired photo composite! 
10 Watercolor Sakura Flower Illustration Graphics
These ten watercolor sakura flower illustration graphics combine the sweet nature of sakura petals with the soft colors of watercolor, and they fit together perfectly! Mix these with your new sakura petal Photoshop brushes to truly make these blossoms your own.  
Cherry Blossom Font
Cherry Blossom is a clean, bouncy font that makes a perfect pair with the light and airy colors of sakura flowers. It's ideal for wedding limitations, baby shower announcements, or any design you want to have a cheerful and fun feel, while still appearing natural and organic! 
Pink Floral - Sakura Watercolor Set
This Pink Floral Sakura Watercolor set offers you more than just light peaks, as it incorporates tons of greens and whites for a more realistic look—all without losing any of the fun character that watercolor illustrations always have. The best part? They are all repeatable patterns!
Looking to learn more? Why not check out the following tutorials:
Photo Manipulation
How to Create a Dramatic Mermaid Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Abbey Esparza
Photo Effects
50+ Best Glow and Light Effect Tutorials and Resources!
Abbey Esparza
Adobe Photoshop
How to Create a Japanese Brush Font Text Effect in Photoshop
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How to Create a Leaf Brush in Photoshop
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How to Create a Wrapped Ribbon Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
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Album Cover
How to Make a Cool Photo Effect Album Cover Design in Photoshop
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from Envato Tuts+ Design & Illustration https://ift.tt/31RjNaK via http://www.webmasterforum.ws/rankwyz-discount-code-2015-coupons/
0 notes
missymephistopheles · 7 years
Blood Tastes Like Copper
I’m really proud of this, so I’m posting it here as well.  Warning for adult themes and descriptions of injuries (not gore).
               Dark couldn’t even recall what had started this particular fight.  All he knew was that it had gone on long enough for the fresh bruises to begin blossoming into a deep purple hue, and that he was beginning to allow a few of Meta’s blows to land.  Fortunately Meta seemed just as drained, his hair plastered back with sweat and his attacks significantly weaker.  He was breathing heavily, mouth gaping open and fangs bared.  The two had thrown aside their armor and weapons to settle things personally, and Dark was somewhat appreciative of the view that ended up providing.  
               Meta looked positively vicious, eyes alight with fury and wings flared out.  He’d discarded his outer jacket and the armored vest beneath after insisting Dark do the same, in the interest of an honorable fight.  The black shirt beneath stuck to his skin with sweat, showing tantalizing hints of the muscle underneath.  Meta dashed at him again, throwing another precise punch that Dark managed to intercept.  Meta was faster, but Dark was stronger.  Dark grabbed Meta’s wrist and flung the other man away.  Meta managed to roll into a handspring, flipping elegantly back onto his feet.  Without even a moment’s hesitation he took another run at Dark, landing a brutal kick into the other’s side.  Dark fell onto his side, curling in on himself and wheezing.
               “Alright, ok!  You win, quit kicking me!” Dark squealed, holding a hand out to intercept any errant attacks.  Meta stepped back, folding his arms and glaring down at Dark with a mixture of irritation and contempt.  He certainly hadn’t escaped unscathed, however.  His right eye was blackened and swollen, and his lip was split, dripping blood down his chin.  Dark himself was already thinking of what cosmetics he was going to use to cover up his bruised cheek, and was sincerely hoping that the warm blood streaming from his nose wasn’t an indication of any broken bones.  
               “Finally you have the sense to stay down,” Meta growled, wiping at the blood on his chin.  He only managed to smear it across one side of his face, though he didn’t seem to really care.  Dark watched the rapid rise and fall of the other’s chest for a few moments, before trailing his gaze up to Meta’s battered face.
               “I have to say, I like this look on you,” Dark purred. Meta’s lip curled in disgust, and he turned on his heel to gather his things and leave.  A hand around his ankle stopped him.  “I’m joking, you giant prude.  Sit for a while; you look like you might pass out.”  Meta paused, and sighed, backing up a few steps and sitting beside where Dark lay, keeping a good foot of space between them.  
               “Let me make this painfully clear: I do not find you fit to even clean my boots with that filthy tongue.  So if there is any shred of sincerity in your consistent lecherous comments be assured that it will remain purely within your depraved imagination,” Meta snarled.  Dark blanked out slightly after the first sentence.  He cursed himself for even entertaining the thought of allowing such an inferior reflection dominate him in any capacity.  No, he was going to corrupt him, make him discard his ridiculous morals and become the tyrant they both knew he was.  And then what?  Dark had never thought past that simple plan, nor did he ever stop to wonder why he even cared.  An uncomfortable tightness rose in his chest, unrelated to the bruise forming on his side.
               “You have a real fear of sexuality, don’t you?” Dark quipped, hoping Meta would attribute the strain in his voice to their fight.  Meta gave him a look of pure confusion that quickly morphed to outrage.
               “I have no such thing,” he hissed, clenching his fists. “I am simply tired of your entirely unwelcome advances” he continued, evening his tone.  Dark narrowed his eyes and sat up.
               “Unwelcome, huh?”  Dark shrugged, and pulled the hem of his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face.  He spent a distinctly unnecessary amount of time rubbing at his face, exposing as much of his torso as possible.  “Sure, I’ll stop then.  I know when a joke has gone too far” he said, pulling his shirt away from his face and very nearly cackling when he saw Meta’s eyes snap back up to meet his.
               “Excellent,” Meta responded curtly, looking straight ahead. Dark silently scooted closer, ignoring the jittering feeling in his limbs.  He leaned towards Meta, stopping an inch away from his face.
               “I got your eye pretty good,” he laughed.  Meta only looked at him, close enough to catch the others scent over the smell of the disturbed grass around them.  He smelled of copper, sweat and cologne.
               “I am only going to ask you once to back off,” he said lowly.  
               “Oh my, I’m positively shaking in my boots,” Dark drawled.  “What are you going to do about this?”  Dark slipped a finger under Meta’s chin, turning his head to face him and grinning wildly.  Meta’s pupils turned into pinpoints and he tackled Dark with a snarl.  The two grappled for a moment before Meta rolled back to his feet and managed to pin Dark’s neck with his boot.
               “You disgusting little…” Meta trailed off, too riled up to properly articulate his rage.  Dark grasped Meta’s ankle and yanked, pulling him off balance and onto the ground.  He scrambled over to pin Meta down by the shoulders, steeling himself to the flurry of blows and kicks to his stomach.  Meta was practically frothing at the mouth at this point, wings fluttering about wildly as he resorted to sinking his clawed fingers into Dark’s shoulder.  
               “What is your damage?!” Dark screeched.  Meta’s thrashing slowed, and eventually ceased. He released his grip from Dark’s shoulder, fingers tipped in speckles of blood.
               “You,” he said, seemingly too tired to even inject anger into his tone.  He lay there catching his breath for a moment, giving Dark a steely glare. “What do you even stand to gain from tormenting me?”
               “Because it’s amusing,” Dark lied, meeting the other’s stare with his single eye.  Meta snorted, scowling deeply.  
               “You pathetic wretch.  You truly need attention this badly?” he jeered.  Dark only continued to stare.  Meta looked truly malevolent, his fangs grit and bared, his face smeared with blood and marred by bruises.  His eyes were like fire-polished glass, bright white and blazing with fury.  A terrifying thing of beauty.
               “Why do you keep giving me so much of it then?” Dark spat, letting genuine anger creep into his tone.  Meta blinked, his rigid expression relaxing into one of blank confusion.  
               “Pardon?” he said, narrowing his eyes to slits.  
               “You’re always jumping at any chance to fight with me. Do you want to beat the snot out of me that badly?  Or do you want me to kick your shit in?” Dark hissed, grabbing Meta’s collar and forcing him to keep eye contact.  Meta grimaced at their proximity but resisted the urge to head-butt him.
               “You go out of your way to infuriate me.  And your constant inappropriate behavior is exceedingly unsettling,” he muttered.
               “It isn’t anywhere near constant.  Or are you reading a little too far into things?”
               “It would be impossible to interpret your disgusting displays as anything else,” Meta snarled, once again baring his admittedly impressive set of canines.  His breath smelled of stale blood and metal.
               “Hey, I’m only messing with you on occasion. Anything else is wishful thinking.”
               “You are participating in such a display at this very moment!” Meta snarled, darting forward until their foreheads ground together.
               “And you’re acting like an aggressive idiot,” Dark shot back, wincing at the slight head-butt.
               “You are driving me mad!” Meta shouted, gripping Dark’s neck with one hand.  Dark refused to release his hold on Meta’s shoulders, instead giving him a harsh stare. Meta visibly faltered.
               “Same here,” Dark growled, levity gone from his tone. He could feel Meta’s claws leave shallow cuts as they slipped away.  
               “Are we at an impasse here?” he muttered, allowing his hand to rest onto the grass.  Dark swiftly moved to pin Meta’s hand down.
               “We could be.  Or we could tip the scales,” Dark spoke in a dangerous tone.  Meta glanced at his hand and then looked back to Dark, alarmed.  
               “What are you-?”
               “Quit playing dumb, it doesn’t suit you,” Dark snapped, leaning slightly forward until the tip of his nose brushed against Meta’s.
               “Unhand me before I-!”
               “Before you what?  Manhandle me and run away?”
               “I flee before you can violate my personal space!”
               “So why are you still here!?”
               “I don’t have a fucking clue!” Meta screamed.  Dark’s eye widened at the uncharacteristic outburst, and the two stayed silent and stock still for a moment.  They could each feel the other’s breath on their lips.  Suddenly Meta shrugged Dark’s arm off of his shoulder, pushing the man off of him and onto his side.  Meta was quick to dart after, forcing Dark to abandon hope of recovery by straddling him and pinning his arms down at his sides.  Dark’s mouth gaped in shock.
               “What on earth is your problem-?”
               “Shut.  Up.” Meta snapped, pressing his lips against Dark’s.  Dark very nearly jerked away in shock, but he quickly relaxed, obliging the chaste kiss.  He slipped a hand out from Meta’s grip and curled it around the back of his neck, pressing them closer.  He felt the smooth enamel of Meta’s teeth brush against his lower lip, and he pulled back for a moment.
               “Put those fangs to use,” he whispered.  Meta’s only response was to gently worry at Dark’s lower lip with his incisors, opening his eyes to gauge his response. His look of mild boredom spurred Meta to bite down lightly, scraping the inside of the lip enough to draw a pinprick of blood.  Dark quietly gasped, opening his mouth just enough to allow Meta to slip his tongue through.  He lacked any sort of finesse, but his raw passion left Dark gasping for air with bruised lips.  The blood still oozing from their respective injuries mingled and smeared over their mouths, the overpowering taste of copper both mildly nauseating and intoxicating.
               “What a mess,” Meta muttered, causing Dark’s lips to move along with his in an involuntary silent mimicry.  He brought a hand up to Dark’s chin, gripping it and tilting his head upward.  Meta took care to use only the pads of his fingers, keeping just enough space between skin and claws to prevent drawing blood.  He lapped the blood away from Dark’s face, sweat and blood burning his taste buds as he trailed down to the other’s neck.  
               “Shit,” Dark breathed, resisting the urge to press his body against Meta.  Meta smirked against the cool skin of Dark’s throat, parting his lips to lightly scrape at the delicate flesh with his fangs.  He moved his hand from Dark’s chin to rest on the grass, giving him full access to continue gently biting and sucking at the other’s neck.  Meta slightly sunk one of his razor-like canines into the skin, causing Dark to gasp loudly and arch his head back, showing off the unblemished alabaster tapestry of his neck.   The submissive display was rewarded with another harsher bite, though Meta carefully gauged the strength as to not inflict an actual wound.  The beads of blood gathering in the shallow punctures were greedily lapped up, and Dark shivered at the warmth of the tongue on his naturally cool skin.  
               “You kinky bastard,” he laughed, voice awash in giddy energy.  He felt a short burst of warm air as Meta quietly snorted.
               “Hush,” Meta commanded, his tone soft and sultry. He shifted so that his lips hovered over the crook of the man’s neck, and hesitated.  “Let me know if it becomes too much to bear.”
               “Hm?”  Meta’s only form of clarification was once again sinking his fangs into Dark’s neck, only this time it was with a measured and agonizing slowness.  Dark bit his lip and reached a hand up to grab a fistful of Meta’s wild indigo hair, pressing him forward and urging him to bite down ever harder.  The pain was sharp and electric, darting up the side of his neck from the deepening wound, but it wasn’t quite enough yet.  It was just pushing to the precipice of Dark’s outer limits of tolerance, but he wanted desperately to teeter at the very edge.  He shoved Meta’s head forward, forcing his teeth slightly deeper and hitting his limit.  He cried out in a mixture of pain and satisfaction as Meta quickly pulled his fangs out with a sickening wet pop.  
               “You are utterly deranged,” Meta grumbled, licking gently at the wound before blood could begin streaming out.  Two cold hands grasped either side of his face and pulled him up to face Dark.
               “Let me get a look at you,” Dark purred.  The tips of Meta’s canines were stained rust-red, and his lips were slick with blood and saliva.  He panted slightly, skin burning under Dark’s hands.  His usually crystal-clear eyes were hazy and slightly unfocused, clouded with a number of emotions Dark didn’t recognize, though he hoped at least one was something along the lines of desire. Dark gave a wide, manic grin, showing off his smaller, pure white fangs.  “Gorgeous…” he whispered, drooling slightly.  He reached a hand to the hem of Meta’s shirt, slipping a few fingers beneath the fabric.  Meta leaned back slightly, looking from the hand to Dark.  
               “Go ahead,” he muttered, looking away with reddened cheeks.  Dark slid his hand up further, savoring the ridges and bumps of the man’s hard abdominals. Dark himself was rather toned, but Meta trained himself ruthlessly day in and day out.  And now Dark had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of that labor. Dark suddenly yanked the material upwards, leaving the shirt resting just below the pectorals and making Meta let out an undignified squeak as cold air hit the exposed skin.  The muscle was lithe and lean, seemingly tensed and ready for attack at any moment.  Though that could describe the man himself as well.  Meta had a raw ferocity and power about him, allowing him to be commanding and intimidating despite his slim figure and small size.  He was more like a cat than a bat in that aspect; able to be calm and fluid while retaining the impression that he could be ripping at your throat in an instant.  His volatile temper only added to that feeling.  
               Dark lightly pressed a hand to the skin just under where the fabric stopped before slowly trailing downwards, allowing his fingers to follow the contours of Meta’s torso.  He stopped just above the hem of his pants.  Dark looked again at Meta, and was met with a steely gaze that seemed to be daring him to try something.  He got one finger hooked under Meta’s belt before a hand closed around his wrist with an iron grip.
               “I am not one for exhibitionism,” Meta said evenly, though he seemed slightly thrown off by Dark’s boldness.  Meta extricated himself from Dark’s grip and stood, pulling his shirt back into place and straightening it.  
               “Don’t leave now!” Dark groaned, already missing the other’s heat.  Meta said nothing as he walked over to where his armor laid, wings melding back into his cape.  He slid his helm back on and slipped his jacket over his shoulders, not bothering to close the front.  The remaining armor was unceremoniously dumped into the void of his cape, and he strode back over to loom over Dark.
               “I am going to go get myself cleaned up,” he said. He paused for a moment, before adding, “And if you are inclined to help me clean up your mess…” he folded his arms, “…the door will be unlocked.”
               “We wouldn’t be getting very clean then,” Dark tittered, smirking.  Meta gave him a distinctly unperturbed look, and gave an obvious glance to a lower bit of Dark’s anatomy.
               “Indeed.  Then I would suggest you wait before following me.  And consult a physician if four hours pass without change.”
               It was Dark’s turn to flush red.                              
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superflash-crypt · 7 years
Feelsy(maybe smutty?) mess of Cisco vibing you two getting married and not wanting to admit it to you until you guilt him into it??
I really enjoyed writing this! Thanks for the request!
Title: Wedding Bells
Tags: Smut be here! Also this is like my second time writing smut literally please be gentle with me. Also reader and Cisco live together. Also Cisco is rather demanding and dominant in this, enjoy! ;0
Word Count: 1905
Big Belly Burger in one hand, two coffee cups from Jitters in a coaster in the other, you walked happily into your shared apartment with a wide smile planted on your lips.“Yo, Cisco! I got food!” You called out, placing the cups of coffee on the dinning table along with the food you’d gotten. It wasn’t long when Cisco came into the kitchen, his hands together like he was praying.“Bless your soul Y/N, I was starving.” You rolled your eyes as you took one of the cups of coffee and handing it to the caramel skinned male. Your fingers brushed together nonchalantly, however the way Cisco paused for a good minute only to look at you with shock confused you.“You good Cisco?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows as the dark-haired male quickly nodded with a “Uh-huh”, grabbing the cup and walking away to sit on the couch. Of course, you followed him, confusion clearly written all on your face.
However, after you thought about it for a while it finally clicked.“Cisco did you just vibe me?” He tensed at the question, which gave you your answer. Placing your hands on your hips, you stood in front of him, blocking his view from the television.“What did you see?” He averted his eyes rather quickly, shrugging his shoulders.“I didn’t see anything, don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stated with a blank expression, making you squint with frustration at him. This little game the two of you played lasted all day. You would catch him off guard with your constant questioning, the two of you clearing getting frustrated that neither of you were budging. So, here you two were. Sitting on the couch eating Chinese takeout for dinner. It was quite late and clear the two of you were going to end up staying late, again, while watching the Star Wars marathon that was airing.
Shoving your chopsticks into your container of noodles, you let out an exasperated sigh and turned to the man sitting next to you.“Cisco why won’t you tell me what you vibed about me? I thought we were friends man, shouldn’t I be the one to know if you vibed about me?” You asked, pulling on the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. The feeling of guilt felt like a punch to the stomach for him, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Letting out an equally exasperated sigh, Cisco set down his food and turned to you with a rather nervous expression, which only made you nervous.“Y/N when you were giving me my cup of coffee and our fingers touch I vibed about you and me.” Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, you pushed him to continue. His cheeks turned a pink hue, looking anywhere but at you. He ran a hand through his hair, something that definitely attracted you to him.“I vibed us getting married Y/N.”
For a moment you though you didn’t hear him correctly, so you waited for him to fix his mistake. But it was no mistake. He was being completely serious. Your cheeks turned redder than a strawberry.“You saw us…getting married.” You stated more than asked, those words running through your kind like a mantra.“I’m sorry Y/N, I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re probably uncomfortable with that information or something.” You were quick to cut him off though.“Did you, uh, like that you saw us getting married.” You asked, scooting closer to him than you were before. You could visibly see him gulp down the nervousness.“Yeah, I did. Do you like the idea of us getting married?” He asked you, biting you bottom lip in response.“Yeah.” It came out a lot breathier than you had intended it to be, the two of you were so close now you were sure he could feel your breathing as you could feel his.
After you answered, he was quick to press his lips against yours, not giving you time to respond. The kiss was quick and chaste, but god was it warm. When he pulled back, afraid that you might not have liked that kiss, you brought your hand up to the back of his neck and pulled him back into a kiss, to which he eagerly kisses back with just as much fervor. Grazing his tongue along your bottom lip you allowed his to explore the inner curves of your mouth. In doing so you found yourself moving into his lap, his hands wandering up and down your sides as his tongue claimed yours. You pulled back from the kiss, gently pulling his bottom lip between your teeth causing a groan to emit from him. It wasn’t long before his lips were back, however they had moved to your neck. The feeling of his lips and tongue causing you to let out breathy sighs of pleasure.
Cisco rested his hands on your hips, only to have them slide to your rear and give a tight squeeze. You hummed in response and ground your waist into his, earning yourself a guttural groan to come from him. You pulled yourself away from him only to discard your shirt, leaving you in your shorts and your white lace bra.“Wow..” He murmured to himself, taking in your form as his eyes raked down your body.“You’re so beautiful Y/N, I can’t believe you would ever agree to marrying me.” He chuckled as he started at your neck again, biting and nipping as he made his way down towards your breast, his hands moving up your body only grope your breast. You arched your back towards him with a soft sigh of pleasure.“Cisco..” The touching was great, but you craved more.
Grinding your hips again, Cisco hissed in pleasure, making you smirk at the hardness in his pants.“You’re pushing your luck, babygirl.” You let a devious smile come to your lips as you ground yourself against him once more, letting a needy moan out into his ear.“Just fuck me already.” With that, Cisco had you over his shoulder in a matter of seconds as he quickly made his way back to his bedroom, a string of giggles escaping you. Placed on your back in soft sheets, he towered over you with hungry eyes. It was only a matter of minutes when the both you were naked, Cisco’s lips trying his hardest to place hickeys on your entire body, eliciting moans and sighs from your throat.“So. Fucking. Beautiful.” Cisco stated in between kisses as he made his way lower and lower, until his lips were just hovering above your clit. He didn’t move though, eyes plastered on you as he just breathed. You bit your bottom lip and let out a small whine.“Cisco, please..” You tried to buck your hips towards his lips, however he was one step ahead of you and forced your hips down with his hands.“Beg.”
He began to nip and kiss your inner thigh, wrapping both of your legs around his head, listening to you sing for him.“Cisco, please! I want to feel your lips on me again, I want you to make me feel good.” You whimpered out, your body beginning to shudder at his teasing.“Please show me how you’ll make me feel good! I promise I’ll be a good girl, I won’t move my hips or anything please, please, please just touch me!” You whined out, desperate for any sort of contact against your aching bud. When Cisco placed his mouth over your clit and sucked harshly at the bundle of nerves, you let a yelp of pleasure escape you. His tongue worked magically as you ran your fingers through his hair, pulling roughly.“Cisco!” You shrieked his name as he slid a finger in you, curling and thrusting as he brushed against your g-spot multiple times.“God, yes please!” Your thighs began to shake and you knew you were close to your first orgasm. Cisco knew as well, which is why his tongue began to roughly suck and rub your clit with his tongue, shrieks and moans of pleasure making your throat feel raw.“C-Cisco! More! I-I’m..” Before you could finish your sentence he curled his finger once more and that was it for you, toes curling you let out a scream of pleasure as your orgasm rocked over your body, shaking you to the core.
When he pulled away from you, you could see him licking his lips and his fingers clean, making your cheeks turn even redder than they already are.“You’re so gorgeous Y/N, fuck..” He shuddered at the sight of your panting body and flushed face. You smiled bashfully and pulled him down for a kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue.“Please fuck me Cisco, I want you so badly.” You whined to him once the two of you parted, making him bit his bottom lip, giving you a devious look. Cisco reached over to his nightstand and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a condom and putting it on yourself.“Ready to get your brains fucked?” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver.“God, yes please!” With one thrust, he hilted completed, causing you to let out a long moan as you racked your nails down your back.
“Fuck Y/N, you’re going to be so sore tomorrow. Sing for me, babygirl.” Cisco pulled out agonizingly slow, until his tip was barely in only to slam himself back, making you choke out a shriek. Hands pinned above your head by his, Cisco was quick to set a pace. Quick, rough, and precise was his pace, eager to hit your g-spot at different angles as you continue to emit loud moans of pleasure.“Louder babygirl, let the whole world know who you belong to.” Cisco ran a hand down your stomach and to your clit, his thumb rubbing over it.“Cisco!” You gasped out, bucking your hips to meet his every thrust.“Louder.” He demanded, his rubbing only getting quicker and rougher, causing you to scream out your name. You could feel your second orgasm coming as your thighs began to shake and shudder, your toes curling.“Cisco! Mmm, god! Yes!” You were so close, so so close. With one particularly rough thrust, you let go. It felt like water running through your entire body, tightening around him making him let out a moan of his own.
Your orgasm triggered his own and you could feel his warmth in the condom as Cisco let out a choked moan, riding out his own orgasm before collapsing onto you. The two of you were a panting mess, he rolled off of you and discarded the condom, pulling you closer to his body as be engulfed the two of you in blankets. Reaching up, you moved the hair sticking to his forehead behind his head and pressed a kiss on his lips, to which he returned. It was much gentler than the first kiss you shared, passionate and soft.“I love you Y/N.” You were surprised at the sudden confession, but god it made your heart melt in an instant.“I love you too Cisco.” You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder, scooting closer to him. The two of you stayed there, cuddling each other until you both drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
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metamercury · 5 years
Wow the sparkles on your meta Knight art are stunnning
Oh, thank you so much!
I have never made a custom brush in my life, but i did it for meta knight. 
Well to be honest, firealpaca did most of it, the hue jitter to get the multicolour and the random stamping. Their brush system has improved a lot from when I first downloaded the program some.... 7 years ago i think. Definitely worth playing around with if you like to draw! 
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topbeautifulwomens · 5 years
#Seven #Beauty #“I #Dos” #For #Your #Special #Day #instalike #flowers #model #photos #photoshoot #portraitphotography #sexy #singer #universodamaquiagem #youtube
You have the dress. You have employed the caterers. The bouquets are purchased, and your household is traveling in in opposition to all previously mentioned. Nevertheless just before the Wedding ceremony March begins to play, accept some year to strategy your cosmetic routine for your unique working day.
Taking anything you want in your produceup package will make everything go much a lot more easily on the day of the marriage ceremony ceremony. Once all, you do not want to be rooting close to for the best eye shadow although your groom is ready at the altar.
To look flawless on your wedding day, we suggest the adhering to beauty suggestions:
a single. Retailer it free. Presently’s brides are ditching the fussy sculpted updos of weddings earlier for a much looser, organic look. Swirled open up chignons and 50 percent-up hair designs with do-it-your self appeal are also well-known alternatives. But no issue how you put on your hair, don’t foracquire J.F. Lazartigue’s Hair Amount Tonic Styling Spray to increase amount and preserve flyabsents at bay.
two. Banish blemishes. Wedding jitters do above just mess with your brain-they can mess with your pores and skin, also. Basically in situation a pesky pimple seems right away, have a concealer at the well prepared. Attempt Murad’s Zits Process Concealer, that’s formulated with Salicylic acid to deal with the blemishes it disguises.
[Very hot tip! If you might be prone to acne breakouts, keep blemishes at bay with the Murad Acne Intricate Package, produced to minimize the signs of acne in just four months. The kit involves a cleanser, an exfoliating gel, a place-therapy merchandise, and a skin-perfecting lotion.]
three. Polish your look. Conserve the wild, sassy nail hues for your bachelorette get together! On your wedding day, your nails have to be gorgeous, however refined. Decide on a shimmery-not glittery-lacquer in a impartial coloration, this kind of as Essie’s Nude Seashore, for perfect nails that don’t steal the display.
four. Cry, if you want to. Never fret that individuals tears of pleasure will destroy your make-up midway by means of the ceremony. Stila’s Continue to be All Day Waterevidence Liquid Eye Liner presents your eyes the smudge-proof definition you prefer, while Stila’s Lash Visor Water-proof Mascara retains your lashes hunting lovely regardless how a lot of tears you get rid of.
[Hot tip! Even if you’ve a later on ceremony, miss the smoky eyes, which can be vulnerable to smudging. As an alternative, go with a pastel shade such as Ballet Purple or Mint from Smashbox’s new Heartbreaker series for a refreshing and quite look.]
5. Put the tone. Offer your skin a radiant, sunlight-kissed look with CAUDALIE New Complexion Tinted Moisturizer, which is also designed to include your skin. Then refresh and hydrate your skin for the duration of the day a spritz of Dermalogica’s Multi-Hectic Toner.
six. Groom your groom. Help your potential hubby put together for the massive day with The Artwork of Shaving: 4 Substances of the Best Shave Kit, showcasing a pre-shave oil, a shaving product, an after-shave balm, and a badger shaving brush. If he is anxious relating to hair decline, suggest Billy Jealousy Hair Raiser Follicle Revitalizer to assist improve hair and market future development.
seven. Smile for the birdie. Flashing those pearly whites is a complete-time task on your wedding day, so keep a tube of Supersmile Quickie on hand to periodically brighten your smile. This magic whitening polish freshens your breath while whisking away stains from espresso, red wine, and other culprits. You will thank us later once you are paging through your wedding album.
The post Seven Beauty “I Dos” For Your Special Day appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/seven-beauty-i-dos-for-your-special-day/
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