yourbestpalpercy · 7 months
(Tw: Mild gore)
Sarah sighed the next day, stirring awake. Wires were tightly around her arms and torso. Heh..Pal’s own way of hugging her. She didn’t mind in the slightest. “Sarah, I heard some voices. They sounded like they were talking about you. I heard your name..” Sarah couldn’t tell if Pal was talking louder than usual or if..
It sounded like Pal was in her head..!
Sarah shook her head and instead, murmured, “Repeat what they said, please,” Sarah couldn’t hide the fact that she was angry with her so-called friends. “Erm. Alright.”
“Do you think she’s still here?”
“Her corpse maybe. We were gone for a long time.”
“Sarah was tough. Maybe she did survive?”
“Tough? She could barely speak for herself when we first found her out in her rat cave in the library.”
“Yeah. Is it even worth trying to find her? Either the crew found her or she’s long dead.”
“And that’s all I heard. ..Your “friends” don’t seem to have a lot of faith in you…” Pal sounded rather annoyed by this fact. The wires slowly poked at the roof of the rubble. A large piece fell down and just a lick more of sunlight could be seen. The wires quickly drew back from the piece and disappeared into the wall.
Sarah looked up at the small hole and hummed. “..Well, they’re about to see how tough I can be!” Sarah hissed and suddenly dug one of her hands out of the hole. The rubble was rougher than expected and dug deep cuts into her hands.
Sarah shoved her other hand into the hole and pulled as roughly as she could. Rapidly, dust from the rubble powdered her cuts from the initial digging. More of the rubble collapsed and filled the hole. Sarah could already smell the fresh air.
With each shove…
With each pull…
Her hands scratched and burned from the digging. The feeling of sunlight filtering through the cracks and cravases. Sarah couldn’t care less about being buried..she NEEDED out of here.
With a final pull, the rubble collapsed around her and sunlight flooded her eyes. The warmth and brightness made her flinch away for a moment.
Sarah slowly looked around, her eyes adjusting to the light when she heard Pal’s panic, “S-Sarah?! Sarah, are you there?! Please respond!! I felt the rubble collapse!! Please tell me you’re okay!”
“Please…don’t leave me alone again…” Pal sounded like he was about to start sobbing.
Sarah slowly stood up and climbed out of the rubble. Her hands stung..but she was free..! She was finally free from the rubble! Sarah took a moment to breathe fresh air and stood up. “I’m..I’m out of the rubble, Pal. I’m okay,” Sarah said, looking over to where Pal rested in the rubble.
Pal didn’t seem to have heard her, judging by the tears running down his screen. Sarah sighed and carefully picked up the toy. An exclamation mark appeared on Pal’s screen before he stared at Sarah. The tears quickly changed to joyous ones as he tightly hugged Sarah.
Sarah sighed and sank into the wiry hug. Sarah chuckled softly; a proper hug felt nice. Even if it was from a Pal Percy toy turned sentient. “You’re out! You’re out of the rubble!! We can play! We can have fun at last!” Cheered Pal as he pulled away from the hug. “And wow! You look ragged! But I mean, what was I expecting? I don’t look too good myself!” Pal excitedly chuckled and looked at some of his own scraps and scratches.
Sarah snickered before hearing a small gasp. Turning around revealed one of her friends. Abbigale. She was dressed in an overall skirt sort of outfit. She, admittedly, looked a little faint when she saw Sarah. Pal attached himself to Sarah’s shoulder and whispered to Sarah what Abbigale said about her. Pal even managed to mimic her voice, “Do you think she’s still here? Sarah was tough. Maybe she did survive?” Abbigale stared at Sarah and then Pal. She could clearly see the burning malice shining in Sarah’s eyes. “Sarah..! You-..you’re still alive!” Abbigale feigned cheer. She smiled at Sarah and stepped forward. Sarah did not share this smile..
“Where were you..?”
“E-Excuse me?”
“Where. Were. You?” Sarah asked coldly. Her glare shot through Abbigale.
“ANSWER ME!” Sarah stomped her foot down and if looks could kill, Abbigale would lay dead on the ground.
“W-We were removed from the area. I-It took forever..! I-I kept trying to come back and find you..! I finally convinced the others to come today but we couldn’t find you!”
Pal rolled his eyes and made a throwaway comment, “Liar much..?” Judging by his surprised face, he didn’t expect Sarah to not only repeat this, but also yell it!
“LIAR! You had multiple chances to come back and save me! The crew didn’t stay for that long..! You’re a damn LIAR!” Pal wiped the few tears away from Sarah’s face as they came. “I was starving in there..! The only reason I’m still alive is because of the rain! 4 days..4 weeks..I’m almost dead actually!” Sarah began to giggle softly. “And it’s all because of you..my so-called “Friends”..! Leaving me for dead! You pressured me into entering that stupid playhouse and NOW look at me! I had no one else to talk to besides this-! …” Sarah looked down at Pal who looked a little excited admittedly. “..Besides Pal Percy..he kept me sane and I can’t thank him enough..” Sarah gently petted his head, causing clear surprise again. Abbigale opened her mouth to talk.
“Sarah, that’s a tamagot-”
Everything became red. Everything was static and screams of pain.
Sarah hadn’t known what had even happened until the rubble dropped from her hand, stained in blood. Pal was laughing; wires were wrapping around her arms slowly. “Sarah..! Look at what you’ve done! Look at it! Isn’t it beautiful..?” Sarah slowly looked up and stared at the scene before her.
Blood was splattered all over her hands, traveling onto her chest, all over her face..! Sarah covered her mouth and gasped, stumbling back from the scene. Pal kept laughing and the wires spread to Sarah’s fingertips. It was like Pal was claiming her like some kind of toy of his.
Abbigale rested eternally in the rubble. Her face was brutalized. Sarah resisted the urge to puke at the smell. The sight of it all, splattered on the rubble and all over her..!
“Oh god..what have I done..?”
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yourbestpalpercy · 7 months
“You killed her, Sarah~! Isn’t this exciting?! We’re getting revenge!!” Sarah shook her head and drew back. “Admit it..you loved it..you loved killing her!” Sarah grabbed her head and let out a choked sob. “St-Stop it Pal..! I..! No..! I..!!” Pal chuckled softly and grabbed Abbigale with a wire. “Does it matter? She had it coming! Let’s bury her and move on!” Sarah whimpered. “D-Do you not understand-?! I could be killed myself for murder!” Sarah kept staring at Abbigale’s body, feeling weak in the knees. “Only if you’re caught, Sarah..~ let’s bury her and no one will ever know!” Pal chuckled softly and wrapped some wires around Sarah’s neck and legs. He didn’t seem to be in control of these wires..
Sarah stared at the corpse and looked scared. “I’m not sure, Pal. I-..I don’t want to touch her..” Sarah whispered. This defiance got a huff from Pal. “I have to do everything..” Pal used the wires to control Sarah’s arms.
Despite Sarah’s panicked and trying pulls, Pal was able to easily sweep Abbigale corpse under some rubble and then bury her. Pal looked back over at Sarah who looked sick. “Sh-She was so limp. So still..” Pal brushed off these whimpers without a second response, “Now then, I bet you’re starving!” Pal snatched up Abbigale’s wallet left behind. “What’s this thingy?” Sarah sniffled and slowly hugged Pal. “I-It’s a wallet, Pal. It stores money..” Pal opened it. “Is that what the weird paper is?” Sarah slowly nodded.
“It’s a trade of sorts, I give the store people the money they want, and we get what we want. Things have different prices though and..” Sarah fell to her knees with a whine. “Ouughh..I can’t explain this stuff when I just killed someoneee…” Sarah covered her eyes and frowned big time.
Pal hummed and tucked the wallet away. “Well, then let’s find someplace to eat and then sleep, I bet you’re seconds away from dying, Sarah,” Pal forced Sarah to stand up and started coaxing her along to walk by herself. Sarah frowned before softly sighing. “Fine..I’m sorry, I’m just..” Sarah glanced back at the rubble before Pal suddenly stopped her by grabbing her head and forcing her to look straight. “WE don’t NEED to worry about that, Sarah! We don’t ever! Ever again! Just take it the fresh air, the feeling of freedom! And-…how old are you? Shouldn’t your parents have come to find you?” Pal asks, suddenly pausing and his expression changing to 2 tiny dots and a flat line. Probably his most simplistic expression Sarah had seen yet.
Sarah stared at the ground, frowning before opening her hand in the air, “Up in the flames…” Pal stayed silent before matching Sarah’s tone. “Mhm…got a home to stay at?” Sarah shook her head. “I’ve been staying at the school in a small crawlspace I found. Any place is better than the system.”
“The system?”
“It’s like punishment for those without parents or guardians. It’s awful. Demented,” Sarah hissed, glaring at the ground.
“That sounds stupid…”
“Exactly, I never want to go back. I’ll live in the school as long as I have to before I legally can get my own place. My plan was to move in with one of my friends, Wally, but clearly, he never cared about me!”
“Maybe I’ll murder him too!” Sarah’s nose crinkled. Pal let out a chuckle. “I knew it, Sarah. You’re twisted~… You love a good bloodshed,” Sarah stayed silent and simply continued walking until the two found a small diner. “We can eat here, my friends took me here sometimes, they wouldn’t care if you’re a unicorn,” Sarah glanced at Pal, “Or a sentient Pal Percy,” Pal giggled and covered his screen a little with his wires.
He then gently wiped off all visible blood. “There, just in case.” Sarah wiped some of the blood off of Pal too using her shirt, “And there, for you too.”
Sarah entered the diner and anxiously sat down at the table, nodding a ‘Hello’ to some folk at the counter. Sarah attempted to pull Pal off of her shoulder..collarbone..chest(???) area but Pal clung on. “H-Hey! I-I don’t want to get off..! You understand, right? I-I got make sure y-you don’t leave me behind!” Pal was visibly shaking and clearly scared.
Sarah nodded and instead waited until the menu came around. “…What’s..a mailkshayke?” Pal pointed to it with one of his wires. “Can you even eat, Pal? O-Or drink?” This question got a rather sassy wire that pointed at his Feed and Water button. “You know what I mean, Pal.” “Yeah I did but I love been a smartass,” Pal laughed. “Anyways, it’s blended, frozen milk. I’ve never had one though. You think it could double as both food and drink..?” “No idea! Oo, can we could get the Stairwbeerry one? That one sounds super good!” Pal excitedly pointed to the flavor. “Then we can answer both questions!” Pal used two wires to work as hands to clasp together. “Alright then, guess we’re getting the Strawberry Milkshake,” Sarah sighed and patted Pal’s head, getting more cheerful giggles from him.
The waiter soon came by and got their order, yada yada..and the two left the diner with both questions answered
Does a milkshake provide both food and water? Yes!
Can Pal even eat or drink? Apparently so. Somehow. Sarah just watch him stick a few wires into the glass and start..drinking it like it was through a straw or something. Alright then..
Sarah yawned and stretched. “Alright Pal, to the school now! I liked the school quite a bit even if I had to leave during actual hours. It was sweet, y’know?” Pal’s screen flashed to an exclamation mark and he suddenly asked, “Oh that reminds me! Uhm, what’s school?”
“Oh gosh, I never told you?” Pal shook his ‘head’ “Nope! Never once, Sarah!” Sarah sighed, “Alright then, well, school is…”
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yourbestpalpercy · 8 months
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Oh! I almost forgot! I have a PwP oc! Tiny Sarah and Pal doodle
Basically, Sarah snuck in on Friday morning (when Nick was repairing Percy), curiosity and all/Meh friends. She starts to explore the office curiously when she sees Nick run through the halls and the lights go out. She hides under the desk. When she comes out, wires have filled the office and touching them results in her getting thrown against the wall. When she tries to open the door, it gets blocked with more wires. Then the demolition begins. In a panic she hides in the little trashcan thingy that Rowan comes out of. This is about when the place is demolished. I don’t think they’re actually side by side but I did this to simplify it. Her friends “left her behind” and she ends up talking to Pal (casual shouting) and learning about him and Nick.
Sarah is a villain oc and goes nuts in the rubble after just a month. Afterwards, she digs herself out despite any injuries. She takes Pal Percy with her. She also accidentally kills her friends who she was convinced abandoned her..
This is Day 1 btw
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yourbestpalpercy · 6 months
In the Night
Sarah and Pal approached the school doors. Naturally, the doors were locked, kinda ticking off Sarah before she patted herself down and quickly found a paper clip and a hair pin. “Sarah, what are you doing?” Pal tilted his head, a little concerned. Sarah tried to brush off any concern with, “I’m getting into the school, why are you unsure about this?” Sarah asked. “Well I’m not too sure. Aren’t schools really big? How about you gonna find your fort?”
The door clicked open, allowing Sarah to push it open and close it behind her. It was uncomfortably dark in the gym, it always had been.
Pal’s screen glowed bright in the dark though, allowing Pal to look around the gym while Sarah couldn’t see at all. “Hm…well there’s nothing nor anyone in here in case you’re scared of the dark,” Pal said happily. Sarah looked over; realized that Pal must’ve felt her fear, being connected and all.
“E-Erm…thank you, Pal. The lights should turn on soon,” Sarah mumbled just as the lights turned on. Sarah sighed, she felt much better with the lights on, even with Pal’s words.
Sarah pushed out into the hallway. Much brighter here..good good. Sarah used the elevator up to the second floor and lock picked her way through a side door into the library too. Pal looked around the library, stretching the wires far and wide to grab books, read the titles and place them back. “W-Wow…! Strangely, this is quite amazing. S-So many things to learn about- Sarah I am gonna be keeping you up all night with questions!!” Pal squealed excited, eyes fixated on a book about mythology.
As Pal did that, Sarah noticed an annoying scratching on her back every time she moved or shuffled wrong. What was causing that? Sarah shuffled, feeling it again.
When she reached back, the scratching moved up her back and away from her hand, not unlike a spider and a roach mixed together. Sarah felt spines of chills creep down her back as she tried to grab it again.
As her fingers brushed against it, she felt the smooth shell of a Pal Percy. Was there another in that rubble with her? Maybe one that wasn’t as talkative. Sarah was never really the talkative type. A Pal Percy that didn’t talk as much sounded like a dream come true right about now!
…Until she managed to actually catch the squirmy thing and got a good look at it.
It was a 6” big, tamagotchi like creature with gnashing legs that at one point as trying to kick her and then the next second, flipping it’s legs about, trying to claw her hand. It looked just like a Pal Percy but the eyes of the toy were shrinking and growing like a camera shutter. The toy screeched and hissed in Sarah’s grasp. A sound that made Pal stop in his movements and flip back around.
Sarah watched as light finally entered his eyes. Seems like Pal Percy really cared for this little…thing. Pal scooped the bug up in his wires and let out some buzzes and excited clicks as he snuggled the bug. The bug was calming down with each of these strange sounds.
Sarah just stood there as Pal talked to the bug and played with it a little bit. She was admittedly horrified. H-How long has that bug been on her back-?! Pal seemed to read her mind as he responded with, “Also, TamaRoachi here has probably been on your back since the building collapsed. They can be very quiet,” Pa set TamaRoachi down.
Sarah froze as it speedily climbed up onto her and fell asleep on her head. “I think that one likes you! You can name it if you wish!” Pal smiled as he grabbed a book labeled ‘Encyclopedia on Bugs’. Pal’s eyes lit up again at the title. “…Man! I wish I had a body, reading would be so much easier! Also, is there blankets and pillows in here?” Sarah glanced about a little before grabbing a few pillows from the reading chairs. “There’s these. Unsure about blankets. I’ll check the other rooms for blankets. This is a high school after all. ..W-With a theater room!” Sarah quickly says.
After a few seconds, Sarah sits down, staring at the TamaRoachi in her hands. ‘You can name it if you wish!’ Echoed her mind. A small name couldn’t hurt, right? Maybe something like Skitters?
No…maybe Skiiiittles?
Skittles…like the candy. Why not?
“Pal…?” Sarah looked around for Pal, only to see him farther away..reading a book about Japanese folklore. He looked ready to fall asleep, yawning from time to time (he knows what yawning is and can do it?). He stretched his wires a little bit as he let himself come to a rest. Sarah sighed and stretched herself.
“H-Hey Sarah…? D-Did you know there’s an evil cloth in Japan c-..called the Ittan-momen..?” Pal weakly murmured. “I-It kills the last kid in a line when they pass i-in front of a shrine. Creepy right?” Pal was mostly mumbling by now and…fell asleep rather quickly, bookmarking the page.
Sarah chuckled softly to herself and looked at the name of the book before she, too, fell asleep in the library. Sarah snuggled Skittles and Pal in her arms.
The next morning, Sarah awoke to Pal talking to someone about the folklore of Japan (and various other places). Not only that, but also the sound of bulldog like grunts and drips of something that fell on her face from time to time. The drool in question made her face go slightly numb.
Opening her eyes finally, she saw a large, hulking creature standing above her. The supposed “drool” was black slime that fell from the creature’s face.
“AAAAHA-!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT-?!” Sarah screamed, shoving the creature off of her and slamming her body against the bookshelf, glaring down at the creature that was, horrifically, almost her height!!
This creature’s dilated eyes widened, causing more to show up across its whole body. It grumbled in fear and stepped back a lot. Pal reeled back quickly and stared at the panicked brute. “Oh Sarah~!” Pal giggled, putting up a wire to hide his giggles a little, “That’s one of my friends, TamaBruti! Nothing to fear for him. He’s a gentle giant!” Pal drew a wire, gently starting to pet TamaBruti’s head. Within moments, TamaBruti went from a shaking, whimpering giant, to a calm, quiet creature that cooed from Pal’s touch.
“You never met my TamaTerrorz in that rubble, did you? Well Sarah, these are my TamaTerrorz,” Pal gestured to the whole room. There was a tall one by the book that Pal was showing them earlier. His claws looked sharp and his eyes looked like they were on springs. There was another hiding in the corner of the room, looking rather annoyed with everything right now.
“TamaBruti and some of the TamaRoachis are the only friendly ones…” Pal continued. “I’ll introduce you to them in a moment, I have books to clean up from yesterday…”
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yourbestpalpercy · 8 months
Sarah sighed, curling up against the backwall of the small tunnel she was stuck in. Brr..even during the summer, the nights weren’t very warm..
“Sarah? Are you still there? Please..please say you are..!” Her small pal piped up, he still hadn’t moved from his initial spot. “…I’m still here, Pal..I can’t leave..” Sarah responded back approaching the small hole in the rubble. “Just making sure. Then again, you wouldn’t leave me behind, right?” Pal asked with a soft fear in his bit crushed voice. “…I’m not lowering myself down to my friends’ level. When I get out of here, I cannot stress this part enough, Pal..I will take you with me..”
The sound of a distant explosion snap the two to attention. Pal let out a buzzy hiss and wires tightly wrapped around Sarah. “B-Bloody hell-!! What was that?? Did Nick’s house finally blow up?! Please tell me it did!” Pal hissed.
Sarah started to tug free from the wires. Sarah slowly looked through the peep hole and tried her best to look at the sky. While she couldn’t see a lot, she could see the slightest touches of colors in the sky. “…Unfortunately not but look Pal..” Sarah slipped an arm through the hole and pointed to the sky. “Look where-?! I can’t see where you’re-!” Another explosion alerted Pal to the colors dancing in the sky.
“….What are those?” Pal softly asked, almost drowned out by another one. His eyes were sparkling. “They’re fireworks, Pal.” Pal looked over at where he heard Sarah’s voice. For once, he sounded innocent, “They look like a fire hazard.”
Evident by Sarah’s surprised snort, she wasn’t expecting that. “N-Not much of..o-one if you’re careful.” Pal looked back up into the sky. The colors of each one a blend of colors Pal didn’t even know existed..!
“Why are they firing them?” Pal asked, entranced by the colors. When he didn’t get a response from Sarah, he panickingly poked her side with a wire. “S-Sarah?” Pal poked her a second time. “I’m still here, Pal. I’m just trying to remember why we fire out fireworks..it’s the 4th of July..gaah..!! We were taught this a million times in school..!! Uhm..” Sarah rubbed her head. “…I…think it’s to erm..celebrate America winning some war..Freedom or something like that.”
“What’s-.” “And before you ask what war is. It’s a huge, deadly fight usually between two places.” “Thank you.” Sarah leaned against one of the walls before slowly sitting down. “…Wait. Do you not know what holidays are?” Sarah asked, peeking over to try to see him. No avail.
“Well. I didn’t know that cats weren’t 10 feet tall, meowed, didn’t stand on 2 feet, or dress up as clowns,” Pal quickly fired back. Sarah nodded her head. “Alright..alright, I had that one coming.” Pal laughed in response. Hearing Pal’s laugh from a distance made Sarah laugh in response.
“Hm..alright. First one. New Years Eve..” Sarah stood back up to look out of the hole. Make her voice easier to hear for Pal. “It’s a day of celebration at the beginning of a new year. That’s..well that’s it. It’s to celebrate a new year.” Pal went completely silent. “…How can be sure you didn’t mess it up one year?” Pal asked, tilting his face a little. Sarah sighed. “No idea. We just assume at this point,” Sarah chuckled.
“Valentines is a sappy and boring holiday about love. It’s useless unless you’re dating or married to someone.” Pal groaned and rolled his eyes. “Yuck…! Romance..I can never even imagine kissing someone..! The idea disgusts me!” And he went back to watching the fireworks.
“Erm..St. Patricks..no idea what that’s all about but you pinch people if they’re not wearing green,” Sarah sighed. Pal was no longer paying attention to Sarah, focusing purely on the fireworks.
“….ooo!! That one made a picture!! It’s-! …Wait what is that?”
“…” Sarah tried to look at what it was.
“…It was..stupid looking! With stalk eyes like TamaLanki! It also had this spiral thingy on it’s back!”
“Oh! A snail! Y’know, I’ve never seen a snail before. I’ve seen slugs though! Only once though..”
“Snail without the shell.”
“Thank you.” Pal stared back into the sky. “…So what is the Firework Holiday called?”
“Ah, it’s called the 4th Of July,” Sarah smiled, wishing to watch the fireworks. At least get an idea of the colors.. “Celebrating Freedom or something.” Sarah carefully stood up and pushed at the rubble above her. A few bits of pebbles fell through. Sarah tensed up and covered her head. ….nothing.
“…How many Holidays do you dummies have?!” Pal’s voice caused Sarah to shout in surprise. Sarah slowly brushed her hair out of the way. “Erm…well, there’s many reasons to celebrate…”
“Erm..Halloween’s my favorite..there’s candy, spooky decorations, costumes..! It’s a day of pranks and pure fun!” Sarah grew excited and cheerful at the thought. Sarah sighed and smiled. “I think with all the wires you strewed about the Playhouse, that you’d be perfect at decorating for Halloween..!”
“…My wires can look unsettling?”
“You didn’t notice?”
“…No, admittedly not at all..” Pal stared at the ground before looking back at Sarah.
“…C-Could you tell me more about Halloween?” Pal asked softly. He tucked in any wires he had out. No distractions. He wanted to know everything about this ‘Hollow Eeen’.
“Erm…sure, why not?”
The rest of that night was spent explaining to Pal what Halloween was..up until the very moment Sarah fell asleep on the cold rubble. She was getting used to sleeping in the rubble…
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yourbestpalpercy · 8 months
What happened…? Sarah was in the office one second and then in a dark place the next. Sarah slowly felt around and felt the inside of the trash..tube?? Thingy she hid in when she saw wires start to swarm the office more and more.
…Where were her friends? Was that the light of the sun?
Sarah slowly look out the hole. It was small.. pushing out some of the rubble just barely revealed no sounds anywhere. No sound of anyone around. Not the construction crew, not that night guard…not even her friends…
Everything was quiet…the only sound was birds and-…was that a voice?
“This. Is. Just. GREAT!! My one chance to be someone’s best pal just had to have been THAT guy!” The voice dropped to clear sadness. “Now look at me!! Just right back where I started…” The voice didn’t sound natural in the slightest..! Sounded robotic or..bit-crushed like it was coming out of a dusty speaker on a kids toy. “No matter…! I’m sure someone DUMB enough will snoop around and then they’ll see..” The voice sounded excited at the thought. “THEY’LL SEE I CAN BE A GOOD PAL-!!” A laugh erupted from the voice. A laugh that sent sharp shudders down Sarah’s spine.
Oh god…
If this thing was here to help, should she just save herself? This person not only didn’t sound human but also sounded obsessive. She’d be in debt to this person forever if she let them save her.
So, she started pushing at the roof of the rubble as hard as she could. She could hear some tumble above her with a soft crash. The voice stopped, going completely silent. “…TamaTerrorz? You dummies still alive-?? How’d you get all the way over there?” Sarah stopped immediately.
Some rubble fell down causing a sharp squeak as she pulled away. The voice let out a soft growl. “You’re not the TamaTerrorz…” Wires suddenly seized her wrists. “…You’re warm..! Are you human?” The voice seemingly demanded. Sarah stayed quiet, trying her best to wiggle loose. “There’s no use in pretending you’re not there..just tell me who you are. I promise I won’t hurt you. You’re a new chance at friendship after all!” The voice became excited. Sarah gulped and struggled a little more. More wires wrapped around her. “…F-Fine..!” Sarah hissed.
“…The name’s Sarah.” The voice immediately paused. “…You sound young..! You’re not one of the guys who stopped me…who in the world are you? How did you even up buried??”
“Better question, who’re you? You tell me first and then I’ll talk,” Sarah crossed her arms despite the wires. Judging by the forced chuckle, the voice wasn’t happy about the sass. Regardless, he talked. “I’m a Pal Percy…^^!” The voice talked with forced cheer.
Sarah stopped. ‘Weren’t Pal Percys recalled-?? I-Is this why they were recalled-?! I-I can definitely see the dangers of wires but this is A LIVING TAMAGOTCHI—!!’ Sarah gulped and forced a nervous smile. “Y-You— are a Pal Percy?? L-Like the little tamagotchi..toys..?” Sarah said, the wires slowly let her go and reeled back, “Do not call me a ‘tamagotchi’, I feel insulted! I am more than a simple tamagotchi..!” The Pal Percy laughed. “..I-I can tell..” Sarah shook the last wire off.
“So!” The toy seemed excited to have someone to talk to, “What’re you doing in the rubble?” Sarah quickly spun the question onto Pal. “What’re you doing in the rubble? You’re a Pal Percy..! People adore tama- erm- Pal Percys..! I remember multiple kids having one. The bedroom was awful to sleep in to the point where the staff had to lock them up at night.” Pal sounded annoyed with his next sentence, “I thought that too-! But CLEARLY!! Some JERKS hate FUN!” Sarah could hear a thump from where the toy must’ve been. The toy sounded really frustrated. “He abandoned me because of one measly little game!” Oh boy here comes the rambling, “I-I was just trying to PLAY and HAVE FUN but he didn’t understand..! He just kept electrocuting me with my own creation—! Then by the 3rd charge- he gets angry AT ME FOR TRYING TO KILL HIM!!” Pal sounded like he was throwing a tantrum.
“Calm down, you belligerent dummy!!” Sarah hissed suddenly at him. Pal seemed impressed by this judging by his sudden silence. “My point was, someone oughta want you..!” Sarah wiped away a small tear with her next comment. “..people love pal percys…even if you were recalled. I’m sure someone will want you….” Sarah whispered softer, “they’d at least want you more than one of their own kind..”
“What was that final part?” Pal asked. “..Oh, nothing, nothing Pal.” The toy stopped before gently smiling. “Say, I saw some teens leaving earlier..those weren’t your friends..right~? Leaving you behind…?” Sarah stopped and held her chest. “N…No…” Sarah cracked.
“That struck a nerve! Have you been abandoned before this? Personally, it’s my first time! The rubble is very cold!” Pal said with a twisted laugh of sorts. “…For someone named ‘Pal’, you’re not very good at this friend thing.” Sarah soon heard a sharp growl come from Pal. Sarah let out a laugh. “‘That struck a nerve!’” Sarah mocked Pal Percy. “You’re smart for a kid,” Pal grumbled. “Kids are a lot smarter than one would expect.”
Sarah heard a car suddenly speed past the remains with a clear, sharp ‘VRRROOM!’. The sound clearly startled Pal judging by his yell of panic. “Wh-What in the world was that-?! Why was it so loud- so fast-?? N-None of my tamaterrorz could even DREAM of being that fast!!”
It took Sarah a moment to move away from his previous, mocking comment and response. “…Have you really never seen a car?” “..What’s a car..?” Pal sounded concerned. “Guess that confirms it. How have you never seen a car?” Pal sounded offended by the inquiry. “Sorry that I was inside that playhouse for my entire ‘life’!!” Pal hissed in response to Sarah.
“…Then again..! I haven’t seen a LOT of this stuff! Heh~! You’re gonna have to explain a lot to me!!”
“Oh joyous day…”
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yourbestpalpercy · 9 months
I figured out a Playtime with Percy oc. Okay, so we take Eric Elephant and Pal that motherfucker. I’m putting the toy in his hand because why not? The lore? Eric was walking around the playhouse during the bossfight, completely oblivious to the chaos, finds a Pal Percy, and picked it up. The thing quickly took over Eric’s body. His mechanic is that he’s really hecking loud. So loud in fact that he can break your screens (the screens that tell you that Pal wants something/that Tot appears on). When he starts trumpeting, you need to find where he is and shock him. I might have it so he’s in the storage closet instead of on the cameras (would make more since) but then again, Viola and Truman already rely on the storage closet. Regardless, I finally have a PwP oc repurposed from a group of old fnaf ocs I’ll draw him once I feel better.
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