#please don't use me as an example of a wunderkind
genericpuff · 10 months
an epitaph
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docholligay · 1 month
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It IS, isn't it? I can't even pinpoint it exactly, I mean yes he is many things that I find annoying, but plenty of characters have been that. He's the golden boy wunderkind, he's an arrogant ass, he's mean and dismissive to someone who's trying to be kind to him, he gets ridiculously shirty about people noticing that he isn't tall, but I actually think what does it is the story insists that he is WORTH his shit personality because he is SUCH a golden boy. It's the House, MD problem.
Now, we may find that
A) the narrative turns on him, a little bit, and i am being lulled into complacency. I would Love this. It's really early days in the show, and this is why I try to tell people "REMEMBER YOU HAVE SEEN ALL OF THIS AND I HAVE NOT." It's ENTIRELY possible that Ed DOES sort of come around and we (the royal we) find something about him that is winning.
B) He never improves but I like the story anyhow. This is not impossible, either. I hate every single human being in Wuthering Heights and love that fuckin book. Now, some of that will be determined by how much the story allows us emotional latitude with Ed. Am I allowed, as a viewer, to think, 'He's a condescending prick and I hope bad things happen to him?" or will the narrative put me in the position of having to go contra-narrative to do that (example: The Iron Man movies don't leave you narrative space to dislike Tony Stark)
But yeah, I do really really hate him in a way that surprises even me. This is not my first time meeting an anime boy who thinks he's god and would probably call me slurs over the Call of Duty server. But I do! I think it's hilarious, I'm not even mad.
Please read me before commenting or sending an ask!
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