#project reaper
project-reaper · 5 months
Moving forward into 2024!
I haven’t really had a proper chance to say Happy New Years, so this will have to suffice, with a little breakdown of what’s been going on and what’s to come!
I’ve been spending the better part of the last year working on new projects and endeavors. Both with Time Gate and outside of it. From vendoring at markets and working expo’s for the first time to working on art pieces completely outside of Time Gate, 2023 was a hell of a year and it makes me all the more hyped for 2024. That said, I’ve been carrying a weight with me through 2023 that’s made it difficult to enjoy it to the fullest - the weight of knowing that [AFTERBIRTH] is still on hiatus.
This isn’t the longest hiatus that I’ve been on, but it’s certainly starting to approach the record and I wanna get it back on track. Like getting back in shape after spending an entire winter hibernating and eating nothing but junk food, getting back into drawing [AFTERBIRTH] on a schedule is gonna be a process of rebuilding good habits and learning what I can do better to keep those habits alive and well.
The fortunate side to taking hiatuses is that it always does give me a new sense of perspective. In this case, I learned that I put myself through a lot at the start of [AFTERBIRTH]’s production. Like, way more than I realized. At the time I thought I was super capable - and I am! - but now in hindsight I can recognize it wasn’t healthy or sustainable for me to manage that sort of output all on my own. I’m still grinding away at comics like I always do with those other projects I’ve mentioned, but it’s still nothing near the amount of work I put myself through just to meet my own deadlines with [AFTERBIRTH]. I also have this thing called help now in the form of a background artist who’s been working with me on those other projects, which has been an amazing and enriching experience.
Having that time away from [AFTERBIRTH] not only gave me the breathing room I needed to recuperate from the burnout I got myself into, but also got me out of the routines I had stuck myself into, which has given me some new tricks and skills that I’m really hyped to bring back into Time Gate with me.
This does, in a way, mean that I’ve had to really reflect on Time Gate, a lot. It’s a project I’ve been writing since I was a kid, and drawing as a webcomic since I was around 18-19. It’s changed a lot in that time, but I’m finding while a lot of those changes have been reflected in the comic as it is, there are still so many more I want to make - because like the comic, I’ve changed a lot, too, both as an artist and as a person, and considering Time Gate’s always been a sort of personal extension of myself, I no longer resonate with a lot of parts of it that I’ve since outgrown. It’s not so much that I want to hide or take for granted those parts of it that are ‘uglier’, but I want the writing and art to be expressed in the best way it can be because at the end of the day, I’m trying to tell a coherent story that’s enjoyable to read and experience. I’m also the sort of person who learns best by just getting their hands dirty and learning what not to do, and boy, have I spent a lot of years doing just that through Time Gate.
So, going forward, I’ve adjusted my schedule with my other projects to accommodate the time I need to both get back into Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH] as well as prepare for the upcoming convention season. I’ve got a bunch of plans for this year’s markets with new ideas for prints and stickers and other goodies that I’m really excited to make! And I just, overall, want to pull myself out of the burnout funk. You can’t force recovery to happen on your own time but there does come a point where you gotta start taking steps otherwise you get stagnant, and I feel like that’s where I’ve been the last few months.
[AFTERBIRTH]’s format will be changing back to page format in its second season. Vertical format works for some projects and stories, but not for Time Gate. It’s been fun, but part of learning what I’m best at is learning what I’m not best at and the vertical format is too limiting for what I want to do with Time Gate in the future. Color will still be remaining!
I will also be working on the Recompiled editions of Reaper. These will predominantly be the first few volumes redrawn and rewritten to accommodate a tighter story down the road. I know, I know, “don’t get trapped redrawing/rewriting stuff”, but I feel the changes that I wanna make are so necessary that they’re part of what’s holding me back from continuing with [AFTERBIRTH] into Thread of Fate and beyond. There are a lot of really silly and otherwise unnecessary writing decisions I made back during Reaper that I currently feel aren’t working for what I’m trying to accomplish in its sequels, and let’s face it, I wrote it almost ten years ago when I was still very much learning, so it’s due for an upgrade. It'll be the last time too, because it'll be putting us on Loop 9999 and remember what Matty said about surpassing 9999-
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This will be something I’ll be picking at slowly but surely. When it’s ready I’ll basically be replacing the old pages and updating any new mirror sites with only the new version (I’m currently planning on trying out NamiComi and Lemoon and of course I'll be continuing to post on ComicFury and GlobalComix).
All of that will basically be working towards my biggest step - getting the flying fuck off Webtoons. Because let me tell you, I've basically spent the last two years like this:
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Y’all know that I’m not really one to roll over and take shit from massive platforms, and Webtoons is no exception. I’ve been posting to it since 2016 and I’m very very much done with it; just like with Tapas it’s no longer the site it used to be and there’s fresh competition entering the market that I’d rather put my focus on. At the very least, I want my independence back, if I’m gonna be stuck having to market and network my own work anyways I’d much rather be doing it for my own site or platforms that aren’t constantly undercutting its creators by removing core features and not implementing necessary ones. I as well as many others have been doing our own investigating into Webtoons and we’re basically feeling like canaries in the mineshaft right now, picking up on some massive warning signs that we want to get ahead of. The worst that can happen is that I pull the same stats I pull on Webtoons somewhere else, what a tragedy that would be LMAO
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And then of course there are my livestreams. Like learning the hard way that I shouldn’t have been drawing [AFTERBIRTH] on such a strict schedule, I’ve learned that streaming on the schedule I used to be streaming on just ain’t for me. Call it the ADHD but I’d much rather stream when I have something to legitimately talk about or showcase rather than force myself to stream even on days when I’m really not feeling up to talking. And I’d like to get back into doing actual video editing content, whether it’s speedpaints or gaming videos or commentary stuff, whatever have you. Now that I have a proper PC rig that’s actually built to do heavy duty stuff, the possibilities of what I can create are a LOT more vast and I wanna take full advantage of them!
That said, if you wanna see an example of what the streams will look like when we return, check out this lil’ time lapse demo:
Definitely couldn't do that on my old setup! It might not be regular streaming like before, but it’ll damn well be higher quality and more fun to watch haha
So yeah! That was a lot of words but I hope it clears up everything that's been happening on my end. Thanks for following along with my work all these years, whether it’s Time Gate or my lil’ secret projects or my streams, through all the ups and the downs. Long-term projects like these may take their toll but there’s so much joy in seeing them change and grow over time, and I want to fully embrace and reflect that growth as best as I can through what I bring you guys.
Thank you all so much, let’s make 2024 a good year <3
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genericpuff · 9 months
an epitaph
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pratchettquotes · 4 months
People get exactly the wrong idea about belief. They think it works back to front. They think the sequence is, first object, then belief. In fact, it works the other way.
Belief sloshes around in the firmament like lumps of clay spiraling in a potter's wheel. That's how gods get created, for example. They clearly must be created by their own believers, because a brief resume of the lives of most gods suggests that their origins certainly couldn't be divine. They tend to do exactly the things people would do if only they could, especially when it comes to nymphs, golden showers, and the smiting of your enemies.
Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man
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reds-skull · 20 days
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Reaper concepts from my Revenant AU! The first one is Reaper of the Pull (Gaz and Konchar's Reaper), second is Lumity as it looked by the end of part 1, and the third...
Is one I'll leave unnamed for now (:<
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storfulsten · 7 months
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my silly viera wol alt bc reasons uwu
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space-lamplighter · 10 months
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adrinennn · 3 months
ruinene real
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nene is reaper and rui is junkrat btw but you could probably guess that if you know them
this is a redraw btw im not gonna show the original bc ermmmmm i dont wanna!!
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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The Grim Reaper Waiting with Cluster Amaryllises and Fog
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aeliem · 3 months
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entry for @moccasins's dtiys
thank you for giving me an excuse to draw a really funky night sky
timelapse under the cut
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Which of these pieces of media that I like do you think would fix Mafuyu Asahina?
— Mod Reaper 🪽
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unsafescapewolf · 2 years
Colored sketch commission for @leoalvarez-clowncarcommittee!
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project-reaper · 4 months
just some concept doodles <3
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genericpuff · 1 year
oh no i'm starting to put my blorbo's together-
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they weren't meant to co-exist and yet here we are
let's face it, these two would be thick as thieves LMAO
(persephone from LORE | REKINDLED x uzuki from time gate)
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ave661 · 1 year
I haven't been very active lately, sorry for that!
I got a new pc and for the last few days I've been installing programs, transferring data and on top of that preparing for a big trip on friday, but get your juicy asses ready for new renders, because I'm switching to blender
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I will catch up with all the notifications now, if I miss anyone, I apologize ;-;
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Talk about Nightmare! Everything and anything you want to talk or say about him! Do it!
ACK!! Omg thank you!!! uauuaua!!!!!
He's autistic
He's transmasc
He's pan
He has CFS, CWP, POTS, and arthritis
He's afraid of cats!! Not super afraid but decently!
He can only drink coffee if it is 90% milk and sugar!
His favorite season is summer!
He's afraid of water!
He never figured out how to talk to people so he stands in the corner and makes bad puns at them until they go away!!!
He and Ink would date in secret for a month or two before a peace treaty would be signed and allow them to be seen in public. They'd meet up in a Fluffytale variant or somewhere similar, never a main universe. Nightmare would use his shapeshifting abilities to disguise himself!!
I just love this ship it's so soft!! So soft and fluffy!!! Auauuugh!! All I know is they're cute!
All of this strays so far from canon but oh well, ehhe. Nightmare definitely has cat ear gaming headphones. He probably has a Minecraft server with the rest of the gang and all he does is build manual farms and sort storage systems.
I like the idea of him collecting little trinkets!! And having them all on a shelf in his room! And he'll call meetings just to be like "This. Is a cool rock from the courtyard. I will show it around. You are not allowed to touch it."
Okay I think that's all! ^^ thank you!!!!!
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space-lamplighter · 10 months
pajama party 💤
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