#please watch the show it is FREE on tubi
videodrme · 2 years
I would give my left kidney if it meant the 80s sitcom My Two Dads has a resurgence on tumblr cause not only do Michael Taylor and Joey Harris fit the mold of several beloved ship archetypes (enemies-to-lovers in that mild sitcom way, childhood best friends, straightlaced vs free spirit), but My Two Dads canonically is full of the sort of fluffy domestic shit that people fucking wish was canon for their gay pairings and there should be so much content for them that it’s streaming out my ears but because the show has fallen into obscurity there’s almost nothi—
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nic-is-the-worst · 6 months
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Every one should watch this movie because it’s crazy and bad. Leonard Nimoy is a psychic race car driver who gets Into a physical altercation with an elderly lady and also a child. Please watch it I’m begging you.
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hotvintagepoll · 16 days
getting ads for Tubi on tumblr now. Do they not know they can pay me to advertise for them. Tubi I want to talk about your free streaming collection so badly. Tubi let me mention your constantly rotating selection of classics beautifully curated to show off a range of film styles, legacies, and cinematic brilliance. Tubi do they know they can watch The Adventures of Robin Hood on you. Do they know that? Do they love you like I do? Let me advertise send me that sweet influencer money oh my god get me a Tubi hat and I’ll wear it while I unbox my free, instantly accessible easily streamed vintage classic movies (also Columbo). Tubi please return my calls I am so affordable and Criterion hasn’t bought me yet Tubi please—
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palfriendpatine66 · 3 months
Your Pal’s Hayden Review: Higher Ground
What? Yes. I’m going to take a second away from my 24/7 Ewan obsession to throw a little love Hayden’s way and talk about Higher Ground. I had heard a lot about the series before I decided to check out the series and I’m so glad I did. It can be really difficult to track down but right now it’s streaming for free for a limited time on the CW website (and app) as well as tubi.
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TLDR: I highly recommend a watch for a great Hayden performance in an angst ridden, emotional teen drama about kids working through their trauma in a therapeutic wilderness school. Many many content warnings for difficult topics and content warnings after my general review below the cut.
This was seriously the role Hayden was born to play. He plays a broken, sulky teen who lashes out in flashes of anger before he breaks down and cries AKA he is modern AU Anakin. It’s no wonder he was cast as Anakin after his work on this. His performance is emotional and vulnerable and shattered my heart multiple times.
The show is never quite able to make the viewer forget that they’re watching a teen drama with a cast of actual teens playing the teenage characters filmed in the year 2000, but I was able to forgive it for it’s occasionally overacted and/or not quite realistic dialogue and key moments accompanied by in your face soundtrack choices to pump up the drama and I think you will too. A very diverse collection of issues that impact real teens but are rarely talked about were depicted surprisingly realistically and sensitively. I was really impressed that the show consistently emphasized - over and over again - that the traumas the kids went through that were behind the problematic behaviors that landed them in their one stop shop rehab/intensive therapy/social and life skills group/high school program were not their fault, but only they could be responsible for how they coped and chose to go forward with the rest of their lives. The councilors on the show had healthy, caring, supportive relationships with the kids in their program, and the advice they gave was (generally) actually helpful and real life strategies. What I liked the most about this show was that it was realistic in there is no magic cure or happily ever after, but there is hope and there is healing and there are opportunities for a positive future even when everything is awful.
Content warnings below - feel free to dm if you want more details if you’re considering a watch. Also if you have watched please let me know if I missed any. For the most part these weren’t graphic depictions (they were rated TVPG in 2000) but the emotional impacts and aftermath are focused on in detail and can be very heavy.
- depictions of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks with flashbacks - drug addiction - drug use - overdose death - alcoholism - teen runaway - rape - sexual abuse of a minor - sexual abuse of a minor by a parent - sexual abuse of a minor by a step parent - emotional abuse - gaslighting - abuse allegations being dismissed, not believed - eating disorders - discussions of self harm - graphic depiction of cutting - scenes and discussions of suicide and death - death of a parent - gang involvement - domestic violence - physical abuse - infertility - drowning death - teen prostitution -
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cipheramnesia · 3 months
Can I ask you for horror recommendations, please? I'm exhausted from surgery recovery and I need something light for pizza night
Patchwork (2015) is a kind of homage to / unofficial spin off from the Reanimator series and you can watch it for free on Tubi. Very fun, not too deep, gory but not gross. It's a favorite one of mine that I always have fun re-watching.
If you don't want to get all surgery themed and don't want anything too bloody, Suburban Gothic is one of my go-to choices for horror comedy that everyone can watch. Also consider Housebound. They're both very clever, very well made and will make you want more.
Lastly, back to Tubi for a real oddball, the low budget fun on a bun Evil Dead if it was made in the 1940s as a cheap ghost scare film indie movie Here Comes Hell. The budget really shows at times, but the ideas are so fun and the movie itself is so silly that it's another long time favorite. Prime example of how to take no money and make it work in your favor.
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
your posts are making me really want to watch dark shadows now
Kind friend, having been Cask of Amontillado'd into D.ark Shadows in the best way possible, I'm too happy to pass along the favor. I'm not sure what I can tell you about the show, one way or another, to make up your mind, though I will note:
There's 1225 episodes (I have seen 87. I haven't even gotten to the literal vampire or werewolf or other nonstandard monsters yet.) Each episode is ~20min.
Because of budget constraints, most scenes got one take and line-flubbing, people dropping things off-camera, bad blocking, visible mics, etc. all end up in the show. This is my favorite blooper - Louis Edmonds, the man, the myth, the legend, etc. - haven't gotten there yet, but I look forward to seeing it in realtime. It's neat, seeing how the sausage gets made.
It's a soap opera. You don't need to pay attention to every scene, because it will get rehashed a minimum of twice. Want to put something on while you're cooking/cleaning/otherwise hobbying? Excellent choice. I've been sewing myself another 18th century men' shirt so I can live out my dreams/fit in with the characters when they time travel back to the 1790s.
It's on Tubi. It's free.
Is it good? Wrong question. Is there a fictional town in Maine in which one family has for centuries controlled political, social, and economic life - in which that family's legacy of cruelty and exploitation has warped the town and themselves - in which each successive generation is never free from the accumulated weight of the past? YES. Is this town also subject to some of the most bullshit plot twists ever? ALSO YES. There's a kid who wants to kill his dad, a governess who has correctly understood she walked onto a starring role in Jane Eyre, a woman who hasn't left the house in almost twenty years, a guy who's simultaneously Jay Gatsby and Edmond Dantes and Captain Ahab and the big bad wolf (but not, actually, a werewolf), and now, I am pleased to say, at least three ghosts. One of whom even sings sea shanties before imparting dire warnings.
There's. you know. the famous plots about the vampires and the werewolves (and the werewolf ghost?) and frankenstein's monster in all but name and time travel and alternate universe and other monsters. I haven't gotten there yet. You know me, I like ghosts and people being trapped in the past, or their own regrets, which is frequently the same.
I've read at least one review which recommends jumping in around the point that the family vampire, Barnabas, emerges from his tomb to bedevil his descendants & the narrative, around episode 200. But I will make the case for starting from the beginning because there's monstrousness afoot even without fangs.
Go forth, and happy watching!
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biomic · 1 month
rob / '96 / white / bi / gender buffering / minors dni❗️❗️
she/her or he/him, no they/them please
im here to post tokusatsu and yap
toku watchlist / posts about my cat
i have NOT seen kamen rider geats yet.
who is kendrix morgan? - the pink ranger from power rangers lost galaxy. she died but she got better.
what does "for ts" mean? - tumblr savior, which was an old blacklist extension for tumblr. i add it so it doesn't clog up the main tags
will you watch—? - i will watch every toku i can get my hands on, eventually. trust the process.
when will you watch—? - when i get to it.
where did you watch—? - i torrent/download pretty much every tokusatsu series i watch. most of it can be found on nyaa (dot) si, though tubi has some shows available to stream for free. tokusubs (dot) fandom (dot) wiki has a big list of which groups have subbed what which should make googling easier 👍
what toku should i start with? - whichever looks the coolest or most fun to you! but these are my go-to recommendations. if you were interested in something not on here or had any other questions, feel free to ask ^_^
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ambeauty · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thank You @bioloyg for tagging me! I haven't talked about me in a minute!
Star Sign(s): Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Rising, Taurus Moon
Favorite Holidays: Halloween, it's a week before my birthday! And it's fun af!
Last Meal: Lasagna 👩🏾‍🍳
Current Favorite Musician: ¿Téo? Is my current favorite. My all time are Hayley Williams, Justin Nozuka, Beyoncé
Last Music Listened To: GUTS
Last Movie Watched: Renaissance a Film by Beyoncé! But also I watched 3 movies in 1 day and they were all good. Killers of the Flower Moon devastating and rage inducing! But such a good movie. Cinnamon, a tubi original but the romance and violent crime drama was top tier not gonna hold you!
Last TV Show Watched: My Life with the Walter Boys and Real Housewives of Potomac… I never promised to be more than what I am which is a trash tv watcher 🤭
Last Book/Fic Finished: Novella: Snow Place like LA, Novel: Salt Kiss, Fic: I’ve read too many!!! Ok wait this fic destroyed me recently: Epicure Sydcarmy Army IT’S FIRE!
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The Vampire Queen 😩 I will be coming back to it! Just trying to be festive 😭
Currently Reading: Merry Little Meet Cute and just started Manacled today (👀 never read HP fic before)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Cape Verde so I could detail it accurately as the non-outer space location of Tamaran for my Bonnie and Clyde Non-Powered DickKory AU. I wanna go there so bad now!!
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Breaking down over Brenton’s Birthday post that he dedicated to Anna. That was a WILD day in titans fandom! On here and on Twitter 😭
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Bonnie Bennett, I was so late but the content was still flowing! Haven’t checked her tag in a minute! Bamon/Klonnie were my faves. And Spideychelle I miss them because there’s some good fucking writers in that fandom but idk I fell off for some reason.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Upload and Citadel! Those shows are soooo good! If I hadn’t become obsessed with The Bear this summer I would probably be writing shit for Citadel. Upload is just so fun!!!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: Any of my Sydcarmy ideas! And I have a lot 🤭 but I must finish my DickKory AU before year end!
Besties please feel free: @escapism-through-imagination @jonskory @lyanaalvarado @graysonfamfan2021 @not-so-mundane-after-all @selinascatnip @songbee @meetmeunderthestarrynight
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So, I asked this on Twitter recently... but is there ANYTHING, any scene like this from a magical girl anime? All of it is just so dramatic, even for a yuri anime. I exclude anything from shows like Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura, as those shows are much easier to find scenes with lesbian/other lgbt characters. You can name scenes, it's just that I'm already aware those shows have them... but even then, I can't say any are exactly like this.
If you're wondering what the show is, it's called Oniisama e, known as Dear Brother in America. It's on Tubi for free, so please watch it. It's about the shy Nanako Misonoo being selected to join a sorority in highschool and the emotional trials she faces doing so. It's a yuri anime from 1991, and is the anime adaptation of Riyoko Ikeda's manga from 1974. Wikipedia explains it a lot better than I can, so here you go.
At most in magical girl anime (from scenes I can recall, I've seen over 150+ of these shows so bare with me here) I can recall scenes with the shoujo-esque roses, or a girl falling for another girl she assumes to be a guy ( a la Precure), but I don't recall much of the same vibe? I wanted to ask as there's definitely a connection between magical girl and yuri series, along with their fandoms. I just can't think of any other show atm with a similar musical score, animation, or framing between two characters first meeting each other like this. Osamu Dezaki, the director, has done great work, but I'm loving all of the techniques used to heighten drama on my rewatch of this show. I originally finished it back in 2015? 2016?
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blackaquokat · 11 months
For anyone worried about being starved for content during the writer's and actor's strike, have a list of some of my favorite older completed comfort shows and classic movies that might help kill time.
I'm mentioning the streaming services just because but, as always, if you wish to find alternative means that might include singing sea shanties in the process, go for it.
I'm putting an asterisk next to shows that I have watched to completion and can guarantee a happy/satisfying ending.
In no particular order:
--Burn Notice (Hulu)
--Persuasion 1995 (Free on Roku)
--Leverage* (Free on Tubi & Freevee; Amazon Prime)
--Avatar: the Last Airbender* (Netflix)
--The Mentalist* (Max)
--The Nanny* (Max)
--the Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended (Max)
--Elementary* (Hulu)
--The Old Guard (Netflix)
--Critical Role: Campaign 1* & Campaign 2 (Youtube) (This one will definitely kill a lot of time, took me two Covid years to finished Campaign 1)
--While You Were Sleeping (Disney+, and I think Max?)
--Coraline (Max)
--Howl's Moving Castle (Max)
--Spirited Away (Max)
--North & South BBC* (Not sure; I have it on DVD; Maybe Britbox?)
--The Good Place* (Netflix)
--Castle in the Sky (Max)
--Parks & Recreation* (Peacock; skip S1)
--Whisper of the Heart (Max)
--The Mummy 1999 and The Mummy Returns (Max)
--Pride & Prejudice 1995 (Hulu; Britbox)
--Undercover Brother (Cannot find streaming options, but please watch this movie, it's amazing)
And you know what? Let's turn this into a chain! What are some of your go-to comfort shows and movies that you would like to recommend to others during this time of supporting striking creators?
@sweetiepie08 , @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels , @ragingstinkingrottengay , @shrinkthisviolet , @princessamericachavez
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24, 57 & 67 for the ask game?
Hello friend!! We never talk but I see you and recognize you in my notifs all the time :3 Ty for the asks!!
24: what would you consider part of your personal aesthetic?
I’m doing the thing where I’m overthinking the exact meaning here but. In terms of like actual physical appearance aesthetic, probably my glasses and my button ups :3 Like overall vibes you’d see on a mood board aesthetic, uuuuuuh probably like just a lot of colors and overall warmth? With nerdy shit tried to be made aesthetic? :3
57: favorite movie?
Oh gosh, so many it’s hard to choose. Princess Bride and 10 Things I Hate About You are classics, and Brother Bear is my favorite by Disney. The Half Of It, But I’m a Cheerleader, and Fried Green Tomatoes all make the list as well. And artistically/musically I am OBSESSED with Into the Spider-verse (and the sequel). It’s really hard to pick One favorite.
67: what’s your favorite obscure piece of media?
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OKAY. LESBIANS LISTEN UP PLEASE. There was a show that ran for one season on SyFy. It’s really bad /pos. It’s jokey, it has goofy effects, it’s silly and serious at the same time, and it has LESBIANS in SPACE. The practical effects are so fun and I love that it doesn’t take itself seriously. I feel like fans of Star Trek would enjoy it. It’s also based on a comic but I don’t know anything about the comic. It’s called Vagrant Queen and it’s free on Tubi. The downside is that it was cancelled after one or two seasons, but I found it very enjoyable. Also the lesbians are like, There the whole time, I love watching their relationship develop. Please guys someone watch this show, I cannot be the only one.
Oh I guess actual plot also, it’s a sci fi show about a runaway queen who left royalty after watching her mother be killed by a rising rebellion, with the help of a himbo man trying to get back to his wife on earth, and a goofy sweetheart of a mechanic who is hopelessly in love with her. She finds out there are people still loyal to the crown who tell her that her mom is alive and they want to reinstate the royalty, so she has to decide whether or not to do that. There’s a political intrigue (loosely said) aspect between the current dictatorship type thing vs the royalty not actually being the greatest in the first place if I remember correctly. Imma be honest, I watched it for the lesbians LMAO
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campoverlook-if · 1 month
The Horror Corner #1: Bad Ben
Hey all, welcome to the first post of The Horror Corner, a special type of post where I talk about horror media that has either inspried me to write Camp Overlook, or is just something I really like and want to highlight.
Of course, people's opinons of what type of stuff I post for the page matters to me. Personally I believe this series will really highlight the fact that CO is a horror game, and the blog should be open to discussing horror related things that may not fully relate to the game.
I can post whatever I want on a blog, but it isn't fun if people think it's clogging up their feed. Especially if it's something they aren't into. So while this may be the first THC post, it could also be the last, depending on how people feel about it.
With that little disclaimer out the way, let's start the post.
(I forgot I had this queued up, please enjoy it anyways haha...)
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Above is the image of the man, the myth, the legend himself; Nigel Bach AKA, Tom Riley. The main lead of the Bad Ben franchise.
It all starts when Tom Riley decides to buy a house out on Steelmanville Road during a sheriff's sale. Thinking a house for that price is a steal, he takes it in the hopes of flipping the place and selling it for a massive profit. But he soon learns that things aren't quite as what they seem in this house in the woods. The previous owners disappeared with a word to no one. All their funiture and personal belongings filling the rooms like they never left at all. And strangest of all? The house is completely covered in cameras, watching Tom's every move.
Contrary to what my intro might tell you, this film is a straight horror comedy found footage film (my favorite genre of horror film). Not because they try to be funny, but Nigel Bach is just not an actor and he's never claimed to be. The original actors he had hired never showed up to the filming, so he decided to act it all out by himself, how hard can it be?
Nigel really is the star of this film series, his plots are all over the place and yet they can still be pretty easy to understand. His future films deal with the likes of multiverses, forced loops, colorful casts of characters, and even better(yet worse?) special effects. But its this first film that really started it all for Nigel and I'm very happy for him. I discovered the series back when it was just a trilogy and never thought it would lead into having a 12th film.
Bad Ben isn't one of my inspirations for Camp Overlook, but it has always given me thoughts of 'expect the unexpected.' Just when you think you know what's going on in the story it just drags you right back, throwing stuff at you, you just wouldn't expect. It also showcases what can be achieved when you fight for your dream no matter what setbacks you may be given.
Currently, the series is no longer available for free on any platforms. Previously, Nigel had worked with a company to get his films put on Tubi, however they ended up tricking him where he recieved no residuals for films of his creation. For now, they can only be rented or bought from his Roku channel or on Prime.
I believe it's worth it to at least rent the first film for the 2.99 it's currently offered under. Everyone deserves to get at least one little taste of this man and his imaginative world of Bad Ben.
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Also check out the game, it's really funny (and free)!
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supernaturalkickparty · 6 months
Oh my god they're showing The Iron Claw trailer.
If you're not familiar with the Von Erichs please watch the episode on them on darkside of the ring. It's up on Tubi for free.
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fat-fem-and-asian · 10 months
Dagmara Dominczyk Filmography Review w/ Links Dag has had a great career! I think you can see her shift towards more interesting and prestige projects as she gets older, especially in the past 5-ish years, which is really interesting. Movies w/ her Polish accent have a ★ in the title, ♡ denote my favorites. If a movie isn't included, then I didn't want to watch it or couldn't find it lol. Additionally, I watched most of these projects on soap2day or flixxer!
Keeping the Faith - I could not find her in this? I think she might be improperly labeled on IMDb. Please send reinforcements and watch this Ben Stiller/Edward Norton/Jenna Elfman religious romcom.
Third Watch - Accessible on Tubi Procedural about first responders - Dag plays a morally dubious counselor that one of the EMTs gets the hots for. I actually beg everyone to watch this for a gorgeous shot of Dag over a voiceover "this chick is hot. if liz hurley and that other european chick who was in that one bond movie had a love child, this chick would be it" fair description! Rock Star ★ - Musical drama where Dag plays Tania, PR for a rock band and their resident hot girl. She's not in it a ton, but she's got a great scene where she gets to make out with Jennifer Aniston. Spoilers + transphobia CW - it's revealed midway that Tania is a trans woman, and while not really played for laughs, Mark Wahlberg's character is uncomfortable around her afterwards and she's effectively removed from the plot. The Count of Monte Cristo ♡ - Free on Youtube hell yeah! Dag plays Mercedes, the primarily love interest. She appears in the beginning scenes and after the 2/3 mark, but is pivotal to the plot. she's in some really gorgeous dresses and i assume the crew loved her because she looks fantastic the entire time. also, super great deleted scene here @ the 7 minute mark. They - On youtube! Unfortunately dull horror movie. Dag plays Terry, one of the adults experiencing night terrors based on childhood events. She only appears in a handful of scenes, but has a solo scene around the halfway point. It's alright? SVU ★ - On Hulu and Peacock. TW for CSA and graphic depictions of murder (its SVU). we all know SVU. if you don't im sorry you've missed out on the epic highs and lows of watching people get the shit knocked out of them and for a detective to connect it back to some random man they knew in high school. Dag has a prominent guest episode role as Kate, appearing at the halfway mark as a Europol agent who helps one of the characters track down a child trafficker. A lot of her walking around gorgeously and what's frankly, a great performance! She plays sensitive but firm detective very well. On Hulu and Peacock. CSA tw- suggestive images are shown of an actress who was 19 at the time, but portrayed at 14.
Tough Luck ★ - On Tubi. Please watch it. Honestly, I think worth the watch just for how weird it is. Dag plays Divana, the female lead and wife of a circus. owner. you read that right! there's a plot twist and i won't tell you what it is, but just know. i did not see it coming. On Tubi. Please watch it.
Bad Apple - I'm not even sure what to say about this movie? Dag plays Gina in a crime (?) thriller. She's sprinkled throughout the movie and is the main love interest for some guy. I genuinely enjoyed this movie but I'd suggest watching it under the influence of something to maximize the viewing experience. The Five People You Meet in Heaven - on vimeo Religious made for TV movie set in the 1940s/50s. Dag plays Marguerite, the main character's wife and oh my god she is so pretty. she's so gorgeous and talented. what was i saying? its set in a boardwalk? okay. i'll even ignore the weird racist subplot with like. a genie. sometimes we have to pay the fucking bills okay. 24 - on Hulu. Who the hell made this show up? 24 is a drama series where every season takes place in 24 hours and every episode is one hour of the day. Insane concept. Dag appears briefly as an evil lady - she's got a gun and looks great and wears some gorgeous earrings. Trust the Man - 2000s romcom! Dag has a brief role as Pamela and goes on a date with one of the male leads, there's a follow up scene where they talk briefly. Not a lot of screen time, but you know. If you're in a bad romcom mood. Mentor - on youtube Dag has the lead female role as Julia, a graduate assistant who's romantically involved with an older writing professor. She is great in this, injecting a bunch of charisma into a fairly bland film. Lonely Hearts - Warning for Jared Leto and moderate violence. Drama based on the real life murderers Martha Beck and Ray Fernandez - Dag plays Delphine, one of their victims. Dag is once again, a real talent and can truly transform what's on the page. She's got a brutal scene where she confesses her pregnancy to Salma Hayek that she executes perfectly. Also, she looks absolutely stellar in the 1940s styling. She appears around the 2/3 mark, which I recommend skipping to to minimize your Leto exposure. Helena from the Wedding - On Pluto Tangent time! My friends on discord and I made this horrific little fake movie universe called Going Down with all of our favorite middle aged actresses (including Dag and Melanie Lynskey). and who is in this? Melanie and Dag! They're paired together and have nice chemistry in this indie drama. It's pretty slow and they're scattered throughout the film, but I still recommend watching for Dag's microbangs.
Higher Ground ★ ♡ - on Roku. Do not. ask me about this film. don't even bring it in my vicinity. Dag plays Annika, the best friend to Vera Farmiga's religious main character. Dag is fantastic, she's witty and charming to Vera's more demure character and they are super homoerotic. Like Tough Luck, I actually beg you to watch this. The Good Wife ♡- On Amazon for free. Lawyer procedural - Dag has a prominent guest role as a lawyer(?) for a South American company. Honestly she's not given much, but I love her suit. I mean, its the good wife, it's like pretty good. Suits - On Netflix and Peacock Dude this is the show Megan Markle is in? Huh? Anyways - Dag has a brief role as a woman who faced sexual discrimination in her workplace. She's only got 2 scenes, but she's like...there! Felix the Painter -On Vimeo A short film about a struggling artist, but more importantly, Dagmara looking stunning and speaking french. Go girls! On Vimeo Person of Interest - Free on Amazon - TW for domestic violence Dag plays a woman helped by the main characters in escaping her abusive husband. Not the most creative role ever, but Dag does well with the stuff she's given, especially in a really short timeframe. The Immigrant ★ - On Pluto - TW for domestic violence and nudity. Dag has a minor role as Belva, one of the burlesque performers working for Joaquin Pheonix's character. She's only got three scenes, two in the beginning and one closer to the 2/3 mark, so not much to say, but a good film overall. Jack Strong - On Tubi A Polish drama featuring her husband Patrick Wilson, Dag plays a FBI agent going undercover in Poland during the Cold War. While Dag's role is fairly minor, her real life history as a Polish immigrant who fled to the US due to her father's political ties makes it worth the watch. It is, however, NUTS that she didn't actually get to play a pole. what the hell guys.
Boardwalk Empire - On HBO Dag has a guest role as a drunk bar patron. She's engaging to watch and I mean, it's Boardwalk Empire. Worth the watch. Let's Kill Ward's Wife - On Youtube A dark comedy film made with some of her friends and husband, Dag plays Ward's wife and does. guess what. get murdered! She's insufferable (but ngl I was on her character's side), which means she did her job well, but jesus. I could not stand this film.
The Deuce - On HBO Dag's got a brief role as a. adult film consultant? and wears a pretty turtleneck and has curly hair in this 70s drama. This is where she met Maggie Gyllenhaal, who would go on to cast her in The Lost Daughter! Also, apparently Dag's scenes were heavily cut down in this episode :(
Abe - On Youtube Dag plays ARIAN MOAYED's wife. It's a drama about a half Israeli, half Palestinian family. Unfortunatley, in light of Noah Schnapp's actions surrounding the genocide occuring in Palestine, I would suggest you not watch.
Prodigal Son ★- Free on the CW Drama series! Dag has a small guest spot as an assassin called the Nightingale. She looks great and gets a fun fight sequence! The Assistant - On HBO Maybe this film was good? I don't know. I was hunting for Dag and she got ONE LINE at the VERY END. Mattmac jumpscare halfway in and his big sad horse eyes.
The Lost Daughter ♡ - On Netflix Drama featuring the Olivia Colman! Dag plays Callie, pregnant sister in law to Dakota Johnson's character. I watched this movie when it came out and did not recognize Dag at all! She's scattered throughout and I barely understood this film, but, oh Dag. Her Jersey(?) accent was a beacon of light to my confusion.
We Own this City ♡ - On HBO- Warning for graphic violence and police brutality. Biopic about the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force and the horrific corruption that took place. Dag has a supporting role as Erika, a FBI agent investigating the Task Force. Not a super prominent role since the show balances between flash backs and the investigation, but a well made show that's very worth the watch. She gets to play a flute. The Accidental Wolf ★- I did not see this but Arian Moayed wrote and directed this? Succ supporting cast I love you! You can find Dag presenting Arian an AAM award here. My Love Affair with Marriage ♡ ★ Dag plays the lead in this funky animated film about womanhood and marriage. Honestly on first watch it wasn't my favorite, but I've really come to love it's weird musical numbers and plot. Dag has a great vocal performance as Zelma, she really has some magnetic quality to her voice. Succession ♡ ★- On HBO Dag plays Karolina Novotney, head of Communications in this drama series. The show is a little slow and honestly not for me-- can you imagine. No, Succession is the series of all time and she plays THE Karolina Novotney, hot lesbian and resident man hater. Give me a scene where she isn't glaring Tom down. Go shivlina, go girls, I'm a fan. She delivers a fantastic and subtle performance, particularly in the fourth season. I love you Karolina Novotney. Bottoms ♡♡♡♡♡- BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dag plays a milf Priscilla ♡ - On HBO. Dag plays Ann Beaulieu, Priscilla's mom. She's pretty wonderful in this as well and gets to show off such a wide range of emotions. I love anything period piecey and Priscilla is a greattt film that actually engages with the crazy power dynamic between Elvis and Priscilla. Love Miller's Girl - On Netflix This movie was nottt for me, BUT. I loveee Dag's character in this. She's a mean horny lady named Beatrice and I swear to god my mind was REWIRED hearing Dag say "Or are some cunts....remarkable?" Honestly blows everyone else out of the water since they're doing these godawful Tennessee accents.
Congrats if you made it to the end of this review! Feel free to message me or send an ask if you watch any of these.
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tuesday again 11/15/22
watched gilda (1946), very no thoughts head empty with regards to rita hayworth. the nice restored version is right on tubi for free??? this slow version of Put The Blame On Mame has been stuck in my head for several days, even though it's not her voice in the movie but Anita Ellis'.
the comment like "this is the only time Gilda isn't vamping!" you fool she's just vamping LESS. she is still performing, it's just not for anyone who controls her livelihood. GOD she's hot.
how'd i find this: wanted to watch a noir, didn't jive with anything on kanopy, saw this on tubi and went "oh right ive been meaning to watch that".
fallow week
you know how i almost exclusively watch one-season cancelled anime? im watching GANGSTA. from 2015.
bodyguard nic and former client worick (who looks very much like geralt thewitcher) rescue a prostitute from a really unpleasant situation and engineer a scenario in which she gets to kill her abuser (good), do not take advantage of her as she crashes on their couch and becomes their receptionist (also good) figures out how to be a person again and goes through some PTSD (surprisingly good treatment bc this could have gone So Bad), but this is a very tits-out, ass-out show (less enjoyable). let her wear something that covers the bottom of her ass please.
more of the below screenshots please and thank you. the tight closeup reminds me of moro, one of the big white wolves in princess mononoke.
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there are not a lot of things this anime does very well. i mostly watched it because i couldn't be bothered to get up and move my cat off my legs. anime news network remarked (on the manga) "a languid execution of a promising story" and i largely agree. fun character designs, stylish action sequences, a fun look at all the other odd jobs these "handymen" get up to in their neighborhood in between their own occasional prostitution and more frequent wet work. a little thin on actual plot or character progression, it's uncomfortably between a slice of life and something with more traditional pacing and doesn't really do either thing well. im perfectly happy to watch things unfold in this city with an unusual ruling structure, but many people do die every other episode and that's really getting in the way of me learning about the no-go zone they live in.
one of the leads, nic, is deaf and the sign language is well done, but the lip reading isn't. even with people i know very well i find lip reading useful about 40% of the time and even then it's not full sentences or full words, but parts of words i didn't catch. many mouth sounds look the same!
how'd i find this: wanted to watch some anime while i did some very tedious personal data entry, it's free on tubi and there are only 13 episodes bc the studio went bankrupt in the middle of making this show.
did you know if you are wearing an underwater suit such as the nuka-girl rocketsuit, the fourth f/allout game will go "oh okay" and let you use totally submerged crafting stations? such as this one in thicket excavations
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less of a making and more of a driving? the evil lair has acquired a new receptionist. she is five and a half pounds, probably not quite a year old, and is on medical leave recovering from surgery but we expect she'll fit right in and take all the admin duties over very soon.
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infinite and forever thanks to @itsybitsydragon who did all the hard work of actually catching the beast and taking her to the shelter. it took her about twenty hours to decide oh okay im never going outside again if i can help it :)
she's a mysterious delight bc she doesn't seem to have a real concept of what a house or furniture is, or what toys are, but DOES just want to be curry combed with the hard bristly side of the pet brush forever and ever and ever amen. i look forward to getting to know her better and im sure she'll have a long and prosperous career here in the evil lair, which has a lot of room for upward growth and rewards initiative, such as biting and biting and biting.
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