Charsheet Sunday 8!
Question of the day
(inspired by this chart for Limbus Company characters)
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Today's example character: Aaron Bastardwing the Staraptor!
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A straightforward brawler who uses speed to blitz through opponents before they can even react. In his younger years, he ran away from a catastrophe that took his family from him. He's dedicated himself to ensuring that neither he nor anyone else will ever need to run away again.
Aaron scores highly on Wrath, as directly attacking enemies is his modus operandi. Next are Sloth (representing his past inaction), Pride (represent his willingness to sacrifice himself for his cause), and Gloom (representing his regrets for his past). Notably low scores in Lust, Gluttony, and Greed - he's asexual, leads an ascetic lifestyle, and while he won't shy away from using available resources, he's not motivated by luxuries.
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Buildwise, Aaron's pretty straightforward - he enhances his party's speed with Tailwind and hits things hard with STAB Reckless Double-Edge/Brave Bird.
There's been some notable buffs to the Charsheet, though - integrated access to the customization rules for players, including tutor moves, learnsets, and Dojo Effects. You can see them in action here, with Warp to further play up Aaron's ability to outmaneuver anything he wants to hit.
Also integrated in the charsheet: Current status, movement abilities, travel/action points per turn, items, and more.
Playtest 2 is coming up soon, and I for one cannot wait to see this project come to fruition.
Mod Nines
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One Shot Time!
I am nearly ready to run the One Shot and I am in need of players!
This will be a single session. I'm not sure how long it will take to complete but I would say to expect at least an hour+.
The session will include:
A single Dungeon that is 10 floors and a Boss fight at the end
Very little RPing
Discussion over the system/mechanics
If you are interested, please join the Discord and look in the #Announcements channel for the sign up form!
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Progress Update!
I know it’s been a while since I posted an update on here so here’s just a big update dump!
Last time I really talked on here, I was about to run a few beta test sessions. Which did happen but too much happened during the two sessions and I ultimately had to cancel the rest. Which was a bummer but its ok! I got a lot of good data on what did and did not work. So I took a few weeks as a break and got back to work. Most of said work has been reworking the Move dex to be clearer and more consistent. Which brings me to…
The Move Dex is now at version 6!
@bdigfreakingwooper and I, as well as a few others from the discord server, have gone through the entire move dex (again) and its hopefully in the last stages of development! Combat still needs overhauled somewhat so the move dex might need to be updated again afterwards but other than that, I don’t foresee any other big issues so I’m happy with where its at.
It now includes all moves (excluding z-moves & dynamax/ gigantamax moves), a few custom moves (still being added to), Key words, and move range descriptions/examples. I will be posting it here in the near future, once combat has been reworked and a few more custom moves have been added. Here’s a few notable moves that I just want to show off:
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I’m sure parts of this won’t make much sense yet so if there’s anything you’re curious about, let me know!
Current Focus
What we’re currently working on is creating an Ability dex, with every ability being adapted to this system. We’ve started work on it and it hopefully won’t take nearly as long as the Move dex to finish (or finished enough). Other than a few annoying ones (looking at Transform) its not too bad! My personal favorite so far is Ball Fetch, the signature ability of Yamper, which in this system has a D6 Chance to regain an Orb after a party member uses it, if User has free pouch slot. Just the thought of little Yamper running to retrieve Orbs is so cute I couldn’t help myself lol.
As for what comes after the Ability dex, I have an ever growing To-Do list that’s slowly being worked through, starting with overhauling the combat system. Then there’s going through all the status effects, weather, terrain, items, Dojo effects, and a bunch of other stuff. Once that’s done I’ll be going back to working on the Player’s Guide, which will be a simple introductory guide to the system, character creation, and a few other important things. After that? No clue. We’ll see what happens!
Other Stuff
The server has reached over 30 members! Its been an absolute blast to hang out in with everyone. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten as much work as I have without those in the server, most notably Nines (@bdigfreakingwooper) who is now the Co-Creator of PDM! She has done a lot work independently as well, like creating a version of the character sheet that automatically fills in stuff like move information and a treasure bag sheet that does the same with items! Its absolutely insane, biggest thanks to her for being here through so much of the development.
Also about the server, I’ve been streaming a playthrough of Explorers of Sky, following the adventures of Team Soy Bois, and it’s been a huge blast. A few of us have even been doing voices for all the characters and some others enjoy just joining muted and chiming in using the text chat. We also have been doing movie nights, going through all the Pokémon movies, which has been on hiatus but will be starting back up next week! Its overall a very chill place and I would encourage anyone following the blog to consider checking it out!
As always, I appreciate the support and interactions from everyone and I will try my best to update more regularly! If you have any questions or comments or anything, my asks and DMs are open!
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Charsheet Sunday!
Mod Nines here, calling all Pokedungeon fans, DMs, players! It's Charsheet Sunday, and you know what that means? ...wait, you don't? Well, Tumblr needs to get in on this then! You know how any player for any TTRPG inevitably ends up with a backlog of characters they'll never get to play? Well, we here at Pokedungeon have decided to institute Charsheet Sunday, an opportunity for everyone to show off their little characters and answer a question to better get to know them! Post your characters and their thoughts on the following question. This Sunday's character question:
Of course, it wouldn't be fair to put all the pressure on everyone else to contribute, so here's a character of our own to serve as an example!
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This is Kent the Torchic (she/her). She's a well-oiled chicken, ready to fry anything in the way of her and the end of a dungeon!
Character Sheet and details below the cut - this is already getting lengthy as it is.
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Little squished because of Tumblr. But the Dynamic Character sheet is integrated with the Movedex and Abilitydex, automatically filling in the details of your chosen Pokemon, Moves, and Abilities with the click of a button. Convenient, isn't it?
Kent, of course, would take the last donut for herself. Can you blame her, though? She's tearing through dungeons at maximum speed - of course she's going to take any chance to boost up her sugar.
She also took the first chance she got to break the game with Speed Boost and Flame Charge feeding into each other for incredible amounts of damage every turn. Which may or may not have caused us to go back and look through every move and ability again.
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Character Sheet Sunday 4
... Honestly, the character sheet isn't actually necessary, but I wanted to show off how the character sheet worked and the alliteration is catchy.
I guess could have called it Showcase Sunday?
Well. Too late for regrets.
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[Mareanie illustration by match, Pokemon TCG Sun/Moon]
Sometimes pokemon's moves and abilities just don't quite line up. For instance, Memeri here is a Mareanie with Corrosion, turning attacks against Poisoned targets into Critical Hits.
(Yes, it's intentional that her name can either be read as "memory" or "meme-ery." Going so all-in on a single strategy is a recipe for disaster as soon as you meet an enemy poison or steel type.)
In the mainline games, Corrosion isn't used much as the Toxapex line has minimal offensive stats, but that's not a factor in this system - all pokemon are capable of distributing their stats in the same way. Combined with Venoshock, and she can hit for incredible damage numbers. Only one problem: Of all the moves that can inflict poison Mareanie only starts with Poison Sting by level up. That's it's only way of poisoning targets until level 30 (Toxic Spikes) which itself isn't reliable, followed by Poison Jab at 45 and Toxic at level 50.
Mareanie evolves at level 38. Which, incidentally, also gives it access to Baneful Bunker, a Protect variant that also poisons attackers.
It's a very fitting signature move, but a little late for a build to come online. Our system will have ways around that - primarily the Dojo, though other methods might also be available.
Question of the day. If you could make a signature move for a pokemon, what would it be?
If Memeri were designing a signature move for herself... Baneful Bunker is okay, but it's more reflective of a defensive pokemon, and she's investing into an all-out offense. A move like Nuzzle but for poison would be much more up her alley.
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Introducing Pokémon Dungeon Masters!
After 2 years and a lot of work, the game is nearly ready! One thing I’ve been stuck on is a name and after some discussion with the discord server, I’ve settled on one. Pokémon Dungeon Masters (Pokédungeon for short!). I wanted to distance this game from DnD as much as I could while still getting across that it’s a mystery dungeon ttrpg and thanks to a discord member, Zoru, I’ve picked Pokédungeon! I hope you guys like the new name!
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Charsheet Sunday 7!
Post your character sheets below!
Question of the week:
Many of the PMD games allow you to choose one mission or another each day. Some people like easy ones to boost their explorer rank, some people prioritize missions that will let them reap a profit.
Today in "Characters I'd enjoy playing but will probably never get to": Beepcheep the Rookidee.
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Yes, his name is a reference to that one comic.
Beepcheep is an ardent believer in the power of emotions, and is willing to take a hit on the chin to prove a point. His pattern of speech is described as "like a Kingdom Hearts villain," and if playing the antagonist is what it takes to make someone reveal their true strength then he'll gladly play the part. Riling up enemies just to see his philosophy proven correct is par for the course for him.
Given the choice, he'd go for the most challenging mission - much to the consternation of his teammates.
Mechanically, he's a strength-based bulky attacker, with the Hone Claws + Power Trip combo to deal damage as well as Taunt, Leer, and later Scary Face to challenge enemies to get serious.
"Anger and hatred are supreme!" - Beepcheep, an 8-inch-tall birb
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Charsheet Sunday...6!
Show off any of your characters below!
Question of the day:
In this week's newletter: a sneak peek at the Character Customization update! Featuring official learnset and Universal Movepool integration!
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The Universal Movepool is a curated selection of moves designed to ensure that all pokemon have options for decent attacks of their typing. Rejoice, Magikarp fans!
You gain a new move of one of your types at level 1, as well as each 10th level. More powerful options become available as you level up, to their maximum at level 50 - by then you should have all the options you need.
Physical, special, and even status moves are available in the Universal Movepool - though discerning viewers will note that many of these moves had to be created for this system, as most types simply lack options for one or both attack types.
It's a simple system, but definitely helps give some love to pokemon that Game Freak seemingly... underappreciated.
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The Character Sheet's also sporting a new look. The customization and the character page have been separated, allowing for greater granularity and actual guidance for customization while keeping all the compactness of the previous character sheet.
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Here's Mawilyn, one of the many (many) blorbos that are bouncing around in my head. Borne to rich parents, she resisted any sort of training in manners and culture, and quickly was shipped off to the guild to teach her a lesson or two. The lessons she ended up learning were mostly about how to bite people.
Mechanically, getting STAB options enhances her gameplay greatly, letting her actually have offensive presence in addition to the defensive merits of steel/fairy typing and natural access to Stockpile+Swallow for durability and healing. Sure, she could do that without fancy new moves, but when your best offensive option is Bite enemies might as well just walk right past you. This way, she can be both a defensive and offensive threat, punishing enemies that try to stay out of reach with Bullet Punch, and laying waste to anyone foolish enough to get close with Fairy Fang.
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As an aside, I love the old Dream World art, and it's pretty easy to give them small adjustments in paint.net - a lot easier than modifying the TCG art, at any rate! Too bad the newer generations usually don't have such clean art.
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Charsheet Sunday!
No actual sheet this week - character sheet system is undergoing overhauls. Expect a more major update next week.
As for Dusk the Umbreon, she's going to be blunt; she thinks the outfit looks awful. She's blunt about most things - she knows what she thinks, and sugarcoating things is for fairies.
Blunt also describes her demeanor in combat as well, with Curse to boost both her durability and offenses before blowing through everything in her path.
Part of the strength of this system is how a lot of pokemon become much more flexible. Pokemon that are tanks in the mainline games can become powerful attackers or fragile speedsters in this system. This goes doubly so with the addition of the Universal Movepool, a system of curated moves for each type designed to ensure that every pokemon has viable options. But that's something you'll have to wait until next week for.
- Mod Nines
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Quick update!
The Discord server has been so helpful and has grown a bit!
The Move Dec is nearly done, it just needs polishing and balancing but it’s all written at least!
The system itself is coming along very well and hopefully will be playable soon
I’m nearly ready to run the One-Shot test. The dungeon for it has been made, the boss created, the short story to go with it as well is nearly done.
I’m very excited to see where this project is going to go (because truthfully I didn’t expect to get this far) and I’m just super grateful for everyone who has been following this blog and helping out and all the encouragement you guys have been giving.
Just. Thank you.
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Charsheet Sunday!
As usual, post your character sheets in the replies.
There's nothing particularly pressing I want to bring up at the moment, so I'm going to go a bit more in depth into the details of the character sheet under the cut today.
Question of the Day:
"Guildmaster's getting drinks for everyone from the Cafe today! Do you want anything?"
What does your character ask to get from the Cafe?
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As for Yew the Misdreavus here...
"Get me something as cold and black as the depths of my heart!"
"One hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, then?"
Didn't really have any witty commentary today, so instead I wanted to go through the character sheet.
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At the top left are the basics of a Pokemon character. Name, pokemon species, pronouns, ability, etc. Nature in this system doesn't actually do anything mechanically - as with the Mystery Dungeon series, it's purely for flavor. I like to line my pokemon's personality with the stats that would result from it, but nobody's stopping you from having an Adamant special attacker or a Calm physical attacker.
Below that are your Level, Current/Max HP, Status, and Heal Pool. All translate directly from the mainline games aside from Heal Pool, which is our stand-in for PMD's regeneration - rather than slowly regenerating every few steps, our system has players regenerate their entire Heal Pool's worth of d6s every time they enter a new floor. No need to stall next to the stairs to make sure you're in top shape for the next floor.
Below that are the victories required to level up as well as the current number of victories your character has - our stand-in for experience points. Defeat a number of pokemon equal to your level to level up; Bosses might be worth more, while weak minions might not be worth anything at all - up to DM discretion.
At the bottom left, there's your personal type matchup chart. Mod Nines has it programmed to automatically factor in type interactions as well as Abilities, making effectiveness easy to figure at a glance. (Notably, super effectiveness actually only deals 1.5x damage in this system, so a Bisharp player doesn't instantly die from a random Low Kick; 2x and 4x are just useful shorthands. Resistance is unchanged, but super effectiveness and resistance still cancel out.)
Stats are self explanatory, with each one corresponding to a stat in the mainline games. You gain two stat points every 5 levels, but are required to put them into different stats, and can't go past 10. Most attack rolls will add a relevant stat and subtract the defender's defending stat from a 2d6 roll. Boosts cap out at +3, which is enough to almost guarantee a full/partial hit for an attacking stat or prevent incoming full hits for a defensive stat. Boosts also wear off after a few turns, so don't expect to Swords Dance at the start of a floor and then go on a rampage. Such effects are tracked in the bottom-middle area.
Both Items and Relationships are further developed in Dungeons - the former as the DM makes them available, and Relationships as your party members grow and interact with each other. Notably, most items only work within Dungeons - don't expect to demolish the guild with a One-Room Orb.
Finally, moves. Each character has Basic Attack which deals 1 damage, and can equip 4 moves available to them by level up (according to whatever generation last featured them). There are ways to gain access to moves outside your natural learnset, from TMs to Dojo training to Tutors - the more Keen Eye'd viewers might even notice Dirge, a move that doesn't actually exist in the mainline games.
There will be ways to gain access to homebrew moves, particularly for pokemon with poor levelup learnsets - after all, it'd be rather disappointing to have a Mawile character you're excited about only to realize that her only STAB move is Fairy Wind until she hits level 36 for Iron Head... that's over 600 Victories away. Even with how streamlined our system is, that's a long time!
As with the mainline games, moves have Power, effects, relevant attacking and defending stats, and PP. Most are equivalent to whatever counterparts the mainline games have for them, but a few get a bit more creative - for instance, many Dance moves like Fiery Dance can use Charisma instead of Insight, since. You dance. That's a charisma thing.
There's also Dojo Enhancements, ways to further customize moves. Enhancements are unlocked with your party's Rank, and can greatly change how a move is used. Earthquake, for instance, becomes a much more appealing option when you can ensure it doesn't damage your teammates!
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The character sheet also has pages for players to manage their Bag, write up their backstory, gauge their personality, view how moves work in our system, and show off pictures of their characters. Here's Yew's!
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Charsheet Sunday... 2!
Some players have taken to adding images to their character sheet, which I think is a wonderful idea! Helps fill out the blank area in the Personality page of the sheet as well.
One advantage of the tabletop format is the increased flexibility characters can have for their appearance. It's also in line with spinoff games like Pokemon Stadium and Magikarp Jump, which often feature unusually colored pokemon that nevertheless aren't shiny.
Question of the Day: How does your character look? Do they have any unusual traits for their species?
For Cleric the Clefairy, probably the most notable feature is Shriek the Haunter, who he's almost never seen without. They're almost literally attached at the hip - they're based on the old fan theory of Gengar actually being the shadow of a Clefable.
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[Image ID: Pokemon Trading Card Game art of Clefairy by Mina Nakai and Haunter by DOM. The two card arts are edited into a single picture such that Haunter is looming behind Clefairy, extending its hand to the viewer.]
Charsheet under the cut.
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Cleric met an odd Gastly when he was just a Cleffa and decided it needed a friend. He considers Shriek his bestie now, not to mention a great help with Guild work. Will try to smooth things over when Shriek's antics start getting to be a little too much for others to handle… which is often.
Naturally, Cleric is designed to support his team, healing and debuffing everyone he can. Even Splash has a use here, giving mobility that other pokemon can't keep up with.
This character is actually a collaboration between another player, who made Shriek's character sheet.
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Shriek was spawned in a unique way, as a Ghastly when Cleric was a Cleffa long ago. Bound to Cleric, Shriek was originally spiteful at his lot in life, and tried to torment Cleric as best he could, only to have little to no effect on Cleric. After offering dark pacts and ghastly bargains, only to be refused outright, Shriek eventually decided to work with Cleric rather than hinder him. Using his ghostly powers to get into places Cleric cant, Shriek is most often lurking in Cleric's shadow, waiting for opportunities to mess with people.
Between Cleric and Shriek debuffing enemies into oblivion, enemies are probably not going to have a good time.
While talking about mechanics is fun and all, this is what the game is all about - relationships between characters and how they shape each other. Would love to actually play them, though. When the guidebook is finally released... that's when the real fun can begin.
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Little update! I’m preparing for the one shot and it’s nearly time to run it. My goal is to run it sometime this month (although I’ve been sick a lot lately and I’m not 100% sure I’ll be able to).
I’m also working on a Player’s Guide for the game to make learning the system easier on anyone new who wants to jump in.
The server is slowly but steadily growing and has become really fun to hang out in! It’s pretty chill usually and everyone has been very kind and supportive. If anyone that follows this blog hasn’t yet joined, I would highly recommend it!
A few things that are nearly done that will hopefully be uploaded here are:
The Move Dex- it’d on version 4.3 right now and is mostly just going through revisions. As of now, it’s basically playable (just not as balanced as I want it to be)
The Character sheet- about the same as the move dex; it’s gone through a lot of revisions but I think it’s nearly done. Will probably post soon
Key- all the keywords used in the move dex and various other places
Dojo- various effects that you can attach to moves (like increasing the range or changing the typing of a move) at the dojo
And probably a lot more that I can’t think of right now. I recently realized it’s been just over 2 years since I started this project and I’m so happy with how far it’s come (big shoutout to @bdigfreakingwooper for being a massive help with nearly everything, but especially the move dex. You rock!). I know I don’t post here as often but I’m going to try to post more updates soon!
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Hey! Your PMD rpg looks pretty cool. Looks like a lot of work for just a few months. I hope you're able to be successful with the project :)
Thank you, this means a lot! This project has actually been going on for about 2 years, I’ve just been bad at updating the blog. Truthfully, the game is nearly playable, we’re going through all the mechanics again and fixing up some issues as well as adding new features. We’ve done one test run of it and hopefully we’ll be doing another round of tests soon! We wouldn’t be able to do this without everyone’s support on here and in the discord server. Thank you again!
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After getting sick and having to reschedule, it’s almost time (again) for the first ever One Shot! I’m really excited to see how this will work out and once it’s over and I can edit the audio, I plan to upload it here!
It’ll be this Wednesday and I couldn’t be more excited (and nervous lol)
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