#poke & chill
pokemonranch · 9 months
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his arrival was foretold in the ancient murals
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darkforze · 8 days
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ickypuppi3 · 3 months
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# hint: don’t lie to a guy about the whereabouts of his kid stepsister
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SG-1: a team made up of very serious adults
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braisedhoney · 1 year
holy shit animating is hard. here’s my first attempt at animating a character in my normal style ;; a little messy but shhh.
audio from this post by @/stanleyparableaudio
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wander-over-the-words · 6 months
Sinclair, realising he genuinely likes Delta and doesn’t consider him just a means to an end and he’s totally making a real friend for once:
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Harry wandered back from Dumbledore’s office in a daze. He continued to question what he could possibly learn about how to defeat Voldemort by taking a trip down memory lane, as he had since these meetings had started, but now he felt added stirrings of discomfort. Like his skin was a size too small or he’d walked through an invisible spiderweb.
Voldemort, back when he’d been Tom Riddle, was… very much like Harry. Dumbledore could say that their choices defined them and made them different or whatever, and maybe he was right. But seeing how Riddle was talked about by the matron, how Dumbledore treated him in that first meeting – it made Harry realise how very easily he could have been the evil outcast, if anyone had listened to the Dursleys’ lies, or found out about his parseltongue abilities, or if he hadn’t already been lauded as some hero since he’d been a baby. As much as he didn’t like the fame and the wild mood swings of the magical population’s attitude towards him, Harry knew those expectations had guided his path and moulded who he was becoming.
Dumbledore’s actions were… well, unkind was possibly the nicest way to put it. He had instantly judged an eleven-year old as irredeemable, pretended to light all his worldly possessions on fire, and didn’t seem to find anything wrong with how he’d acted even sixty years later. Yes, Riddle hadn’t exactly helped his case with that talk of hurting things, but Harry had seen that desperation for connection, for belonging, that he’d once felt.
And then there was the added fact that he was being shown private moments from Riddle’s history. Harry knew how he’d feel if someone was shown his memories of life at the Dursleys. He still hadn’t told anyone about the cupboard under the stairs, and the rest his friends only guessed at.
Maybe he was reading too far into things, or projecting his own situation. Maybe Ron and Hermione were right and his saving-people-thing was showing. After all, hadn’t Riddle grown up to be a megalomaniac who led a hate group that murdered and tortured muggles and muggleborns? Maybe there should be limits to Harry’s empathy.
But Harry’s secret power was love, according to Dumbledore. If caring was what differentiated him from Voldemort – and especially since he couldn’t seem to stop it even when it left him gutted, cold and alone – then dammit, Harry was going to care.
So, Harry did what he did best (?) and leapt headfirst without looking.
Ducking into a dusty, moonlit classroom, he leaned against a desk, pulled out a bit of parchment and quill, and started to write.
So, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed would you be
Hope you haven’t murdered anyone lately oh wait it’s you
Hey. I wanted you to know that Dumbledore showed me the memory of you receiving your Hogwarts letter. At the orphanage. With the whole fire wardrobe thing. 
I feel like I should apologise. It definitely seems like an invasion of privacy and I didn’t want to know, but now I do, and I’m sorry?
Is this weird? This is weird.
Anyway, I also saw the matron talking about you, but I know that sometimes people lie for stupid reasons, so here’s a one-time opportunity of me asking for your side of the story. If you want.
You probably don’t care.
– Harry (Potter)
Before Ron or Hermione found out or he could think better of it, Harry snuck up to the owlery and tied the letter to a nondescript school owl. (Hedwig was incensed that he would use another bird and pecked at his head a few times before flying off to the rafters to give him the cold shoulder, but there was no way he’d send his beloved owl off to Voldemort. Sorry, school bird.)
He returned to the Gryffindor common room as soon as the owl flew off, putting the letter as far from his mind as possible. After all, it wasn’t like he’d receive a response.
(thus, friends absent speak)
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tempperi · 2 months
rip jeremy heere yoi would have loved the tumblr april fools booping feature. you woulf have annoyinglu booped all your friends over and over.
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shibusawaz · 10 months
am i the only one who finds tiktok hate on tumblr a little like. excessive.
let's be real here. tiktok is, by majority i'd say, teenagers. yes, those teenagers sometimes do and say stupid things. but a lot of you guys here are in your twenties, or older. and like, as a teenager who also does and says stupid things, not cool! it's not cool to be an adult making fun of teenagers doing things you know DAMN WELL you'd be doing too if you were our age.
you guys wanna preach and preach your live and let live lifestyle until oh! people on tiktok do something that copies you, and do it differently. oh no! oh my god! it's the end of the world!!! shut up
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squidkidcelebi · 1 month
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Yeah I'd take the cryptid over the Abandoned Mineshaft Cave Spider Spawner Area any day.
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fanghur · 6 months
Pokemon trainer: yeah, I caught Pokemon-God... and then I lost her in my PC boxes
Trainer's friend:
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ruby-static · 5 months
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salad-storm · 2 months
The idea of regular people not having actual encounters but just being marked by entities is so fun to me.
The postman touched by the eye who randomly knows the contents of the letters and packages he delivers and feels bad about it. The night guard that doesn't really think she's doing her job all that well because all her torched keep going out. The guy that has to leave for work several hours early because they keep getting lost on their way over the field for some reason because the grass and sky look kind of endless. The makeup artist that keeps accidentally making their clients look somewhat unreal. The gardener whose plants start rotting too early, but their insects homes are always full and lively.
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thinking abt. poke slayer again. for no real reason except i like to annoy my followers with nonsense posts i guess.
ANYWAY i still really really love the idea that ingo is not only the guy rei/akari meet immediately after the attack, but he is ALSO periodically meeting up with them afterwards seemingly randomly. he's always very vague about what business, exactly, has him in the area to coincidentally run into them again. actually he's vague about a Lot of things. boy he sure seems to keep up pretty well with slayer techniques and their general locations, and he knew where to find cyllene (their first proper mentor), is he a demon slayer himself? hmm. well. hm. he is. not exactly affiliated with them no.
so akari comes to the conclusion pretty quickly that he's a demon. this is not a hard logical leap to make. especially since he always has to reach up to his mask when he's talking, which she's fairly sure is bc the mask is also a gag that he can't talk through, like it's held in his teeth or something, which is why he knew to give one to rei before he bit anyone. and he tries to keep his face and as much skin as possible covered at all times, like he doesn't want anyone to get a proper look at him. and he's weirdly up-to-date on the locations and plans of various demons wherever he is. again. not a hard conclusion to come to if you're looking for long enough.
anyway eventually this gets brought up with a more experienced slayer at some point, like akari casually mentions oh yeah, inu, friend of ours, helped me and rei out, tall guy, absolutely shit posture, black wolf mask, etc. and the hashira or whoever slams the brakes so hard like YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS?
and akari's like what, oh, yeah, i mean, i figure he's a demon. it's just like, it feels like it would be rude to ask at this point, and he's not hostile, so i've just been kind of hoping it never came up-
hashira (ignoring her) is like EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP, the newbie recruit has apparently been hanging out with the FIRST FUCKING KIZUKI??
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I absolutely love your Fake Cryptic Real Ghost AU! It's hilarious! Genius!
The Batfam are just congratulating each other to fooling people into thinking they're cryptic. Then came a literal Ghost child who politely, with all manner and attitude that can be compared to asking a local Deity, ask them to allow him a place!
Do they put camera and listening device in those shrine? Because it would lean more into local Deity belief that they listen to people prayers plus information gathering.
Also a good way to know about Danny.
what an AMAZING idea!! I'm so glad people find it hysterical because every time I imagine the sheer shenanigans that could happen, I laugh.
I like to imagine the Batfamily likes to compare notes on how to unsettle criminals. Dick is The Go To for if you want to make people think you don't have any bones. The man is Flexible and makes gravity look like a suggestion on any given day.
But oh my god, Batman bugging the shrines because I can't see him being comfortable with the worship, there's been times where people have come to say things, and only be chance have they have been able to help them. (And sometimes it's nice that people show their appreciation after a hard day where he wasn't able to save everyone who needed to be saved. The days where even when he tries, when all of them try so hard they can't do everything.) So that has been accepted into my head canons 100 percent!!
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