#polyship friendly event
polyshipweek · 1 year
Hello there! Since you're promoting other events, so I thought I'd say that I'm running a week long event dedicated to the series Roleslaying with Roman over at @roleslayingweek2023
Polyships are most definitely allowed - I'm expecting there to be a lot of polyship focused works, as the most popular ship in the fandom is an ot3! I know there were a few works created for polyship week in April that featured it
The event runs 24th to 30th July (so just under a month from now!), and encourages any and all forms of creation and participation! Here's a link to the prompt lists https://www.tumblr.com/roleslayingweek2023/714585695040225280/prompt-lists
And I also want to say thank you so much to you. First you ran an event that my friends and I had a lot of fun with, and now you're promoting other polyship friendly and focused events! That's awesome! Thank you!!
Oh, that's so lovely of you to say, thank you!
Happy to spread the word, and good luck with the event! Here's the prompt link again, since tumblr makes them unclicky in asks, and we'll reblog it separately too. :)
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
For the polyshipping day of the event, I used the below prompt for a polyship for Draluc and Ronaldo from The Vampire Dies in No Time! A new fandom to this blog, I hope any fans will enjoy these small headcanons!
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Send me a pairing and I’ll tell you who:
Falls asleep on the couch?
It’s definitely Ronaldo. Draluc really does need his coffin to sleep comfortably and it’s rare to see him nap on the couch. Like, once in a blue moon, something is terribly wrong rare. Ronaldo, on the other hand, kind of just crashes wherever he needs to.
Makes friends with the neighbours?
I feel like  all three of you would make some sort of friendly acquaintances out of your neighbours but none of you would make fast friends with any of them. Draluc is popular because of the food he’ll cook and share with the neighbours and his lack of hesitation in inviting them over to play games with him, but he’s a bit of a gadfly who kind of finds it amusing to learn gossip and to play pranks on the neighbours, making them upset fairly regularly. Ronaldo is very charismatic and quite a few neighbours thought he was really cool, until the shouting matches between Ronaldo and Draluc, where Ronaldo’s absolute filthy mouth was show-cased were heard by one or more of the neighbours. You, meanwhile, are the one the neighbours all like the best but you hang around with those two weirdos and date both of them, so they think there must be something wrong with you.
Is the adventurous eater?
Both of the boys have foods they will absolutely never go near. For Draluc, it’s garlic and as garlic is used in a lot of dishes, it does severely limit the number of things he’s willing to try. Ronaldo, meanwhile, hates celery more than anything and though it doesn’t make it as difficult to find new dishes to try, he’s the pickier eater of the two. So, I’m going to have to say you would have to be the adventurous eater or nobody is.
Hogs the cover at night?
Honestly, nobody. I really don’t feel like this is a polyship where you share beds. That doesn’t mean you never share a bed for fun things, but when it comes to sleep, because Draluc sleeps in a coffin that doesn’t exactly allow you space in it, you can’t really sleep with him. He feels really bad about this and thinks it’s really unfair that Ronaldo gets to sleep beside you and there is a rather large fight about it that leads to the rule that you all have separate beds to sleep in, that way nobody gets an unfair advantage in cuddle times and getting to be more ‘coupley’ than the other.
Forgets to do the dishes?
Ronaldo just doesn’t do the dishes. Honest to God, because Draluc is so good at the house chores and Ronaldo knows that Draluc will do them, he’s really lazy when it comes to little things like that. He leaves his dishes just laying wherever too, since he knows the ‘cleaning maid’ will take them to where they need to go.
Tries to surprise their partner more often?
I do feel like both men go through periods where they get really into doing sweet things for you, their shared lover. Draluc goes with cooking your favourite meals as a surprise, buying you a new game so that the two of you can play together, buying you merch from a show or game he knows you’re a huge fan of and things like that. Ronaldo, meanwhile, will spoil you with big date ideas, with lots of little individual trips with just him where you get all of his attention, and things along those lines.
Leaves dirty laundry on the floor?
That is, again, Ronaldo. He’s not a neat and tidy person naturally and he’s been spoiled in how willing Draluc is to do the cleaning up around the place. While you probably try to be a bit more considerate, you might also sometimes do the same thing, especially since it will be cleaned for you and with much less complaints than Ronaldo’s.
Stays up until 2 AM reading?
It can be all three of you, if you’re someone with a tendency to do that. Draluc really likes manga and certain novels and when a series really sucks him in, he’s totally engrossed in it. Ronaldo is not only a talented writer, but like most writers, he’s very much a reader and if he’s close enough to finishing a book, he’s pushing through no matter how late the hour gets to finish it all in one go.
Sings in the shower?
The answer to this one is mostly nobody. Ronaldo isn’t a sing in the shower kind of guy, though he’ll hold conversations with himself while he’s in the shower. Draluc sings in the shower but it’s only every now and then and it sounds less like singing and more like the most discordant squawking you’ve ever heard. So, it would have to be you or nobody 😊
Takes the selfies?
Ronaldo takes the most couples selfies, but Draluc takes the best selfies, even if it’s not super easy for him to show up on the camera film.
Plans date night?
Draluc tends to be spontaneous and just lets the evening with you take the two of you wherever, while Ronaldo is the one who puts more effort into taking you on actual dates instead of just having the two of you hang out spending time together!
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layclaireweek · 1 year
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Hello and thank you for bearing with me! Here are the prompts. They're listed under the cut, alongside the rules.
In case you weren't already aware, the official dates are January 23-29 of 2023.
1. This is an SFW only week. Keep it family-friendly!
2. Any and all creations will be accepted -- art, edits, fanfiction, playlists, or wherever your heart guides you!
3. This week is about Layclaire -- while the mod is a fan of polyships, this event isn't the place for it. Side ships are okay, but the focus should be on them.
4. Have fun! There is absolutely no pressure to do all seven days.
Day 1: Firsts
Day 2: Time
Day 3: Gifts
Day 4: Hurt/Comfort
Day 5: AU
Day 6: Flowers
Day 7: Free Day
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sewn-in-sin · 1 year
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[A HEADCANON event where limited guests purchase a time slot for the February 11th & 12th showing of Sana'dal's Love Is In The Air fashion line! Perfect for friends, couples, and polyships! It is both cross-faction and cross-server friendly! ALL information beneath the cut!]
[NSFW content below - human bodies in lingerie ]
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March Madness Prompts
Here are the official prompts for this event! Friendly reminder to please wait to post a response to a prompt until the corresponding day, that any of these prompts can be applied to polyships, and that you are welcome to use multiple prompts for one response.
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You’ll notice that only Day 1 has two prompts; that’s because the prompts tied so we accepted both.
Day 1: Sparring/Just This Once
Day 2: Secret Relationship
Day 3: Inappropriate Use of Bending
Day 4: Unconventional Places
Day 5: First Time
Day 6: Lingerie
Day 7: Caught in the Act
Day 8: Spanking
Day 9: Bratty
Day 10: Soulmates
Day 11: Cockwarming
Day 12: Friends with Benefits
Day 13: Threesome
Day 14: Harder
Day 15: Body Worship
Day 16: Shower Sex
Day 17: Bondage/Shibari
Day 18: Dirty Talk
Day 19: Masturbation
Day 20: Edging
Day 21: Insatiable
Day 22: Exhibitionism/Public Sex
Day 23: Accidental Confession
Day 24: Sensory Play/Deprivation
Day 25: Cuddling for Warmth
Day 26: Only One Bed
Day 27: Spitroasting
Day 28: Drunk Sex
Day 29: Enemies with Benefits
Day 30: Pegging
Day 31: Trapped Together
JoyDragon has blessed us with beautiful art to go along with each prompt that we’ve placed on the calendar, but due to the explicit nature of a few, we are placing that under the cut. Stay tuned for the fic rec and stat posts, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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avatarversecarnaval · 2 years
Avatarverse Carnaval!!!
What is it? A two-week (15 days) event for bringing the Carnaval to the Avatarverse. All types of content are allowed: fic, art, edits, moodboards, etc. Shipping or General, whatever you want, it's Carnaval!
When is it? The event will run from February 20th, 2022 to March 6th, 2022. 
This is a NSFW-friendly event, but the content must be tagged as such, with aged-up characters to 18+ if needed. The submitters of this type of content must also be 18+. 
All ATLA and TLOK ships are allowed, excluding incest and pedophilia. Polyships are welcome too. Rare-pairs are appreciated.
No non-con, dub-con, or rape. 
Given that it is an all-inclusive event, there will be many ships and all participants must be respectful of all submissions. No ship wars, no anti-comments, no hate. 
For publishing in AO3, rate and tag your fics properly. For publishing on Tumblr, be sure the post is properly tagged as well and if you are submitting NSFW, put it under a cut and with a warning. If your work isn't properly tagged/rated, we will not reblog it. 
When you post your creations, tag this blog and use the tag #avatarversecarnaval so we can find and reblog it. If you don't see us reblog and your work follows all the rules, please let us know so we can reblog. 
Please don't be afraid to ask questions about the rules of prompts, ask box is open. 
We will be accepting late submissions till March 26th, so don't worry and take your time. 
For fics, be sure to submit them to our collection on AO3 (avatarverse_carnaval_2022)
The event will consist in a list of prompts with two options: one thematic prompt for you to feature in your work and a song by Latine singers, you can feature the song, the singer, or make content inspired by the music video of each song. We will not be accepting prompt submissions for this event. 
You don't have to do all prompts or you can include various prompts in one work. 
More important than anything:
Have fun!!
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spideypoolbigbang · 4 years
SPBB 2020 F.A.Q.
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For those over 18, feel free to join the Spideypool server through this link. Please make sure to introduce yourself and state that you are a participant in the SPBB, as well as what type (writer, artist, beta) so that we may assign you the correct roles. This will grant you access to the SPBB rooms, where you can discuss your creations freely. 
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a type of challenge wherein writers have a set amount of time to write a story that fulfills a minimum word length requirement. This story is then claimed by an artist, who will create art for the story. 
Writers and artists work together as a team. They share a posting date and create a masterpost of both the story and art that is promoted by the challenge blog. This is a collaborative effort, NOT a commission. Though writers can suggest scenes they wish to have drawn, ultimately it is the artists who choose an aspect of the story they would like to draw. The artist should also respect what the writer suggests and take their notes into consideration. Communication is key to a fun and friendly experience.
Artists can claim up to two stories and can work with multiple writers. However, writers will be matched with only one artist. If an artist drops out after claims, we will arrange for a pinch-hitter (someone who will create art for the story at the last minute). 
This is a fun event and a collaborative effort that will hopefully create more Spideypool content for the fandom and foster closer fandom friendships. 
How do I sign up as a writer/artist?
Sign-up forms are linked on the blog during the sign-up period. If you have trouble finding the post or have issues/questions about sign-ups, let the mods know either through an ask or by emailing us at [email protected]
I missed sign-ups. Can I still register?
Unfortunately, only writers and artists signed up within the given timeframe can participate in the event. If you missed it, please follow the blog for updates, as this is a yearly event, and you will have an opportunity to join the event the following year.
Can I sign up as an Artist, a Writer, and a Beta Reader?
Firstly, we applaud anyone willing to undertake such a heavy workload! We do not recommend this route because editing can be just as time-consuming as writing and drawing. However, we do allow those registering as only a Writer or only an Artist to register as a Beta as well. You must fill out both the writer form and the beta form. 
Will you email me reminders? What if I need more time? 
We will send out email reminders several days before official deadlines. Reminders will be emailed for all check-ins, claims, and posting dates. Please consider adding the dates posted on the schedule into your calendar to keep track. We will grant extensions on a case-by-case basis. This is a low-stress event, and we understand that life gets hectic. If you feel like you need more time, let the mods know as soon as possible before the deadline.
I’ve never participated in an event before. Can I sign up?
Yes! Everyone is welcome to participate as long as you are above the age of 14. However, we do ask that you are fully aware of the responsibilities that come with signing up. So make sure you read the rules carefully!
Will we be assigned a prompt? 
We do not assign prompts. You can write what you want, as long as the main pairing is Spideypool. You may work from a prompt, but you cannot reveal what prompt you’re writing from until after claims and it cannot be a prompt you have discussed writing publicly in the past. This is to keep the anonymity of your fic during the claims process. 
When can I start writing?
You can start writing as soon as you sign up (or even use a previously unpublished WIP for this event). 
I want to talk about my fic, but I’m afraid of revealing too much. What is considered information I can reveal?
The most important thing is that no identifiable details of your fic are made public before claims have been completed. This is to prevent the possibility of an artist seeing it and connecting that detail to you. We want to make sure the claims are absolutely anonymous so there is no bias while picking the stories. All stories will be chosen by artists based on summaries and visual components only. 
If you need group feedback and are 18 or older, the Isn’t It Bromantic Spideypool Discord has a designated section for the SPBB event, where there will be rooms for participants of the event. Event announcements are also posted within the SPBB-specific rooms, as well as on the tumblr blog and via email. Event rules apply to the server, as it is a public forum. However, there is a writers-only room named #spbb-writers-cafe, where writers may discuss their works freely and receive feedback/brainstorm ideas. This means that writers may not share details of their story in any other chat. 
If you are under 18, or otherwise cannot/are not interested in joining the server, discussing details with your beta or another individual (who is not participating in the event as an artist) in a private one-on-one chat is allowed. 
Here are a few examples of what information is allowed and what is not:
“I’m almost done with writing my SPBB fic!” ← This is okay because it reveals no specific details about your story that an artist could recognize. 
“I’m almost done with my Princess Bride AU fic for the SPBB!” ← This is not okay because it is a specific detail. 
“I’m writing a story involving an alien invasion, but I kind of want to write this royal au as well. Which one should I pick?” ← This is not okay. Even if you didn’t mention the SPBB, you’re using one of these stories for the SPBB, and it might be recognized based on these descriptions. 
“Is there anyone not drawing for the SPBB who could help me bounce plot details (In private chat) for this idea I have?” ← This is okay because you will be taking discussion to a one-on-one private chat. 
Can I use any version of Spider-Man and Deadpool for my fic/art?
Yes. We understand that there are many versions of these characters, whether it be the actors or the comics. We ask that teams respect each other’s preferences. As long as appropriate warnings are given in the story and the art, teams are free to create what they please, and that includes underage Peter or Tom Holland!Spidey/Ryan Reynolds!Deadpool. Or Spider-Man Noir/Sumo!Wade Wilson, if that’s your thing. Go wild! Please note that we do not tolerate shaming or harassment of any kind. Leaving negative comments or complaints or otherwise being disrespectful to or about another participant’s creative choices because a piece depicts an iteration of Spider-Man or Deadpool that you do not approve of will result in disqualification from this round and a possible ban for the next round, as well. Be respectful and mature when communicating. If you have a problem with the iteration of the characters your partner is using, please contact the mods for mediation.
Can I write other pairings, such as Spider-Man/Mary Jane or Deadpool/Cable?
You can, but keep in mind that the fic has to be majority Spideypool and endgame Spider-Man/Deadpool. Poly ships such as Peter/Wade/Vanessa or Spider-Man/Deadpool/Daredevil are also permitted, as long as they are not the main focus of the story and are not the final pairing.
If your preference is to write polyships, we encourage you to seek out a polyship big bang event. 
When am I assigned an artist/writer?
You will be assigned a partner during Art Claims. It will be an anonymous claiming process, wherein the artist chooses a story they would like to create art for. Instructions will be sent out by email before claims. You cannot pick your own partner. 
Are we assigned beta-readers? What is a beta-reader? Do I have to use one?
A beta-reader is an editor who will go over your work. They mostly look for grammatical and structural errors. We require all participants to have at least one beta-reader look over their work. It is good etiquette to thank your beta-reader and also credit them for their help in the author’s note of your story once it is posted. 
You will not be assigned a beta-reader. However, we will have a list of volunteer beta-readers prepared, and a list of their contact information and preferences will be sent out through email to all the writers. You don’t have to work with the SPBB betas if you already have a beta to work with, but if you cannot find a beta, you will be able to contact any beta on the list we send out. 
Be aware that they will have refusal rights if your story goes against their stated preferences (i.e. If they state that they aren’t comfortable with Tom!Spidey fics and your fic is set during Infinity War, they can refuse to beta for you, etc.). It is your job to read up on what they offer and to contact them. Make sure to do so as soon as possible to ensure a beta is available to work with you. You will be asked to name your beta on the final check-in form, so it’s a good idea to secure one earlier rather than later. They will  need time to beta your work, and you’ll need time to edit before posting day, which is why we want to make sure you have found a beta ahead of time. 
Artists are also encouraged to work with an art beta, which can be found in the Discord SPBB artists chat. Basically, the best people who can give you feedback are your fellow artists participating in the SPBB. 
What is a Check-In? How do I check in/submit rough drafts/summary/visual components for claims? What are visual components?
When we say “check-in”, it is usually done through a form sent out via email a week before the check-in is due. Check-ins let the mods know that you’re on track and show us any progress you have made. 
Summaries sent in during the initial Writer Check-In will be used to give Artists an idea of what each story will be about prior to Art Claims. They are not an official summary. The Claims summary can be as detailed and spoilery as you want. More information and examples will be sent out with the first Writer Check-In email.
Visual components will be a simple list of what color palette/aesthetics/mood the story might provoke and/or maybe places/scenes that stand out in the story. Example: Fic has lots of cloudy days, grey colors, sometimes in forests. Hectic blood rituals. Moonlit nights. Wade fights a lot of ninjas. Peter likes to cosplay Steampunk. They are used to help artists better narrow down what they would like to draw. 
I prefer to wait to read the finished draft before starting my art; is that okay?
It’s important to remember that the event is a collaborative process, and both writer and artist participants are expected to be working on their projects throughout the event in order to meet their required check-ins. This means that you should begin working on your artwork as soon as you have received and read the draft of your writer’s story after Claims. If you feel inspired to make art for parts of the story which haven’t yet been written—bearing in mind the draft you receive will be 50% complete with an outline of the remaining plot—you should still begin work on this: you can have detailed discussions with your writer in order to form your ideas, or base it off the parts of the story written so far and the outline. Your writer has their own deadlines to work towards, and should not feel pressured to write particular scenes for you to illustrate or finish the work ahead of final check-in if they feel unable to do so. Remember, “WIP” exists for a reason!
What is Preview Day?
Preview day is a few days before the actual Claims, and is the day summaries and visual components are sent out to artists  Artists then have a few days to read over all the summaries and pick their top 3. In consideration of the Writers participating, Artists should not share their top choices on public forums.
If I sign up as an Artist, how can I be sure that I don’t accidentally claim a story that contains content I’m uncomfortable reading?
When the Writers submit their summaries and visual components for preview day, we ask them to include as spoilery a summary as possible so that there aren’t any surprises for their potential Artist later. We require tagging for all major AO3 warnings (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, and Underage), and encourage including any other potentially triggering or squicky tags as well. We will be asking Artists for any particular tags or story elements they want tagged during claims on the Artist sign-up form so that the Writers will know to include those tags in their previews during Claims. Our main goal in hosting this event is to make sure that everyone is having fun and enjoying what they do, and making sure that all participants are comfortable with their partners and the work they are creating together is a top priority.
What is Claim Day, and how do I claim the fic I want to draw for?
Claim Day is the official day when Artists will be sent a form to submit their top choices for stories to draw for. The email will be sent out at a specific time and date detailed in the Previews email. Because claims are assigned on a first come, first serve basis, it is important for artists to fill out the form as soon as possible to best assure that they receive one of their top choices. We have done our best to pick a time that will work for a wide variety of time zones, but as the Mods are based in the UK and the USA, we had to choose a release time that best fits our own schedules as well. Be aware that this might mean that you have to set an alarm for the middle of the night depending on where you live to make sure you have the best chance at getting your top pick.
I haven’t heard from my partner in a while; what do I do?
When you sign up for this challenge, you are agreeing to communicate with your partner through emails or other methods determined by you and your partner(s). Some teams might communicate only a few times, and some might communicate regularly. It is up to the team members to check in with each other. It is critical that you respond promptly to your partners and check your messages, even if it’s just to say you’re busy and will respond later. 
Team members are required to make contact with each other within 48hrs of the Team Intro emails being sent out so that drafts can be exchanged and you can begin working together as soon as possible. 
At all other times, if you send a message to your partner(s) and do not receive a response within 2-3 days, please contact a mod so that we can attempt to reach out separately. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO LET US KNOW YOU HAVEN’T HEARD FROM YOUR TEAMMATE. If a participant does not respond to their partner(s) and/or a mod within 7 days, they will be added to a probation list. If this happens repeatedly, that participant will be disqualified from next year’s event. Ghosting your teammate will also lead to disqualification. We take communication between teammates seriously, and we hope our participants do as well.
What if I need to drop out?
There is no penalty for dropping out before claims. However, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible so we can remove you from the mailing list. 
If you have gone through claims and need to drop, contact us immediately at [email protected], so we can arrange for a pinch-hitter for your teammate. You must also let your partner know you will be dropping out. Please note that dropping out after claims (for anything less than an emergency) will disqualify you for the next round of SPBB.
In the event that an artist drops out of the challenge before posting, we will arrange for a pinch-hitter for the writer. If a writer drops, artists can still post their art on their assigned posting date. Do not announce that you are dropping out through social media before telling your partner. We do not want your partner finding out that way. Instead, let the necessary people know through private chats or emails. 
If there is an emergency, get in touch with us as soon as possible, and we will work with you the best we can. 
What’s a pinch-hitter and how can I become one?
In the case of an artist dropping out of the event, leaving a writer without an artist, a pinch-hitter is asked to sweep in, often with only a few weeks notice, to create art for that writer’s story. Artists will also be asked during sign-ups if they’d like to register as a pinch hitter. If a pinch-hitter should be necessary, we will contact the artists who agreed to be pinch-hitters first. Should none of them be available to assist with the story in need, we will then post an open request for an artist.
Am I allowed to write timestamps, epilogues, or sequels for this fic? What about additional art?
You may write as many timestamps, epilogues, or sequels to your fic as you like, however these can only be posted after the event is complete and the final Masterlist has been posted by the mods. 
Additional art can be posted after the Masterlist of Writers and Artists has been posted by the mods and the current round is over. If someone creates fanart for your story as a gift, you may include it in the notes of your story, but the original fanart created by your partner must remain in your masterpost and linked or embedded in the AO3 story as well. 
Commissioning art for a story or asking a friend to create additional art for you because you dislike the art you received is not allowed. This is a collaborative event and to do so is disrespectful to your artist’s efforts. If you wish to commission art or have someone else create art for your story, you may not include that art within the story itself until one year after the posting date. The original art created by your partner must remain linked directly in the story.
What if I’m co-writing? Do we sign up together or separately? Do we get two Artists?
If you plan to co-write, both of you must register separately. There will be a place in the sign-up form for you to name a co-writer, but each co-writer must submit their own form with contact information, etc. during the sign-up period. You cannot add a co-writer after writer registration closes. Co-writing is essentially working together to create one story. As per the rules, each story, even if you’re co-writing, will only receive one Artist. This also does not mean you can demand more art from your artist. They only need to fulfill the minimum requirement and can choose to create more art if they have the time to do so. 
Can I have multiple writing partners? 
Yes. While we prefer that teams stick to one or two Writers and an Artist for schedule coordination and easier communication, we have no problem with a team of three or more Writers submitting a story together. As with co-writers, you will still only be paired with one Artist, and all writers in your group must sign up for the event separately. 
To make communication and scheduling easier for everyone, we would also ask that your team choose a point person to respond to communication, coordinate schedules, and submit check-ins and posts when applicable. While we have no problem with large writing groups working together, trying to chase down three or more individuals for one story is a bit more challenging than we, as mods, are equipped to deal with. All participants will still receive relevant emails and reminders, but if we only have to look for one email instead of three or more, that will make our jobs significantly less challenging. 
What is the Promo Period? Do I need anything special for it?
The Promo Period will be a month where (depending on how many teams we have), each team will be creating what is essentially a teaser for your team’s story and art. These posts may be used by the teams to promote their upcoming work on whichever social media platforms they wish, but as the original post will be submitted to the SPBB blog, you may reblog it from the SPBB blog, but do not repost on your own tumblr. We will post a promo for a new team every day during the Promo Period, in posting schedule order. This is why we ask that each Artist create a banner for the story they are creating art for. More details on what is needed from both artists and writers will be sent out a week or two before the actual promotional period. 
How do I post, and when do I post? What if I’ve never posted on AO3/Tumblr/etc before? 
We will be sending out emails to the teams with details walking you through the process of posting and will be on hand to offer support and answer any questions. Make sure to contact the Mod Team at least a few days prior to posting for a walkthrough. If you do not have an AO3 account currently and are in need of an invite code, please contact the mod team immediately (AO3 invites can take anywhere from a few hours to a few months to go through AO3’s approval system, so please make sure to let us know you will be needing one ASAP), and we will try to accommodate you.
One team will post per day during the posting period until we run out of teams. Both Writer and Artist must post your works within your given day. We will send out emails asking which days your team can and cannot post, and will be creating a posting schedule from that information. Make sure to discuss availability with your partner. 
If I don’t want to be associated with my story after the first year, can I delete it from AO3? 
Yes, but we encourage you to orphan the work, rather than deleting it if you choose to remove your affiliation with the story past the one-year date.
Why are we posting during February? Why not sooner or later?
Because, my beautiful chimichangas, that was when Deadpool the movie was released. And we all know a Spideypool Bang is what Deadpool would have wanted. To honor his glorious movie debut, we are going to release a bunch of Deadpool romancing Spidey (and vice versa) creations into the world. 
[Credit to the kind mods of DCBB (DeanCas Big Bang) who gave us permission to use their FAQ as reference.]
[Banner edits courtesy of jdragon122, who kindly took the time to make these awesome high-quality banners.]
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gunsandpuppies · 5 years
/puts in 4, 6, 7, 9 and 12 for ships.
𝑀𝑢𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝘩𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠! // @moralhymn
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
Yes! But I haven’t roleplayed with many OCs to develop a ship with them. I encourage whoever wanna ship and they’re an oc it’s totally fine. I value ocxcanon as much as canonxcanon
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping?
I don’t have an OT3. I am neutral about polyshipping. As in, I might get curious bUT then again to be honest when I ship something I reaaally am into it happens that the other chara’s mun and I probs get attached to each other and would prefer a closed relationship. But ofc this is closer to exclusives more than the idea of polyshipping. I guess it explains why it doesn’t happen with me. 
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
Not as long as the other character understands that Prompto might be full of positivity but he is also a walking nervous system. And probs might need reassurance at times.
9. Are you multiship?
Yes. I like exploring new ships with Prompto. Though I am exclusives with @bladesandkittens and they are the only Noctis I ship with. 
12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
goSH, YES! Like you discover a whole different side of your character. And they learn to love and accept love. This could also influence their life and like the butterfly effect it can make changes to some events in it. The character’s perspective might change, so does their lifestyle, and the choices they make. It’s magical how much a ship can alter the whole purpose in their overall existence.
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oftwitz-saved · 5 years
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( WORK FRIEND ) anita alessi ( 21 / she/her ): cis-female & mallory’s coworker at the bookstore. ( amanda arcuri ) ( B / 21 / SHE/HER )
*Hello my loves! I’m B, aka your neighborhood est bean, here with my mighty munchkin child Anita. I’m super excited to plot and rp with y’all so please head under the cut if you’d like to read her (messy) intro.* ➘
❥ 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤:
Full Name: Anita Noemi Alessi
Nicknames: An, Ana, Nita, munchkin, etc.
Birthday: August 3
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Age: 21
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her)
Place Of Birth: New York City 
Sexuality: Bicurious
Occupation: Bookstore Clerk/Freelance Illustrator 
Hobbies: Reading, drawing/painting, partying, & listening to music.
Positive Traits: Easygoing, empathetic, adaptable, creative, independent, & dedicated.
Negative Traits: Rebellious, naive, lonely, self conscious, fickle, & candid.
Tv Trope: The BlackSheep (?)
Archetype: The Paradox (?)
❥ ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕝𝕖:
Mallory: They were coworkers at the bookstore that did not get along by any means. Anita couldn’t stand Mallory’s demanding nature and steered clear of her every chance she got. Apart from working together, the two were practically strangers.
Grant: They met once at her workplace when he showed up looking for Mallory. The two shared a short conversation and his seemingly kind and polite nature left a good impression on Anita. It left her wondering why such a nice guy would want to date someone as apparently difficult as Mallory.
❥ ℍ𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨:
She was born in NYC to renowned judge, Carina Alessi, and an unrevealed lover. Carina raised her daughter on her own and Anita never knew her father, whom her mother refuses to speak of. 
Anita’s uptight mother was always very strict and tried to instill "traditional" values on her. She always implored that Yael do well in school, avoid trouble, stay away from bad influences, and eventually get a reputable/practical job (doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.). Anita was essentially encouraged to be obedient and "perfect" by her mother, a task she completed for the most part. She kept her grades up, tried to stay out of trouble, developed very few friendships, and essentially did as she was told. 
That is, until she crossed paths with her troubled classmate in her last year of high school (ex WC). Having always strived to be a "good girl" he was outer-worldly to Anita. He was everything her mother told her to avoid in a guy, yet Anita couldn't help but be smitten. Although she wouldn't admit it, everything from his rebellious nature to his seemingly easygoing personality intrigued her. After some time of him persistently attempting to pursue her, Anita finally admitted her mutual attraction, initiating their relationship. Through him, Anita learned to embrace her individuality and be more open minded. He also introduced her to things like partying, art, which she developed a passion for, and music, that she she was encouraged to ignore by her mother. 
Anita began to change significantly as a person after entering this relationship. She took up an edgier sense of style, started to pay less attention to school, focused more on spending time with her boyfriend, took up art, and became much more outspoken. This drastic change in her overall self caused her to constantly be at odds with her mother, who was unhappy with the person her daughter had become. After almost an entire year of continual fighting, Anita’s mother ultimately made her choose between her or boyfriend, who she blamed for her daughter's changes. While she put off the decision for a while, Anita ended up choosing her boyfriend over her mother after entering a nasty verbal fight with the latter. Emotionally devastated, Anita packed up her things that night and ran off her boyfriend. The pair used Anita’s saved up college fund to move into a quaint apartment on the other side of town. 
Things went smoothly for them for about a year, the two worked hard to make money to support themselves, with Anita taking a part time job at the bookstore while also working as an illustrator on the side. That is, until she caught him cheating on her and their entire relationship fell apart.
Since they’ve gone their separate ways, Anita has been working harder than ever to support herself. She’s also taken to partying and the occasional random hookups in order to fill the void of loneliness she now feels.
❥ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕤 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕡:
Anita is the spunky artist 
She’s is an independent individualist, who has built herself off of her originality and "artistic integrity.” She takes pride in the things that make her unique and doesn't mind standing out from the crowd. 
Her dislike of conformity tends to make her an outsider amongst others. 
While not particularly outgoing, she is quite opinionated and is never afraid to speak her mind. This gets her into trouble from time to time.
Notes creativity as her greatest strength 
She has an impressive attention to detail, especially when it comes to her work
A free spirit, Anita isn't one to be weighed down by the troubles of life. She always remains true to herself regardless of the situation or the opinions of others. In this way, she strives to live her life to the fullest, but can be quite stubborn. 
Tiny but mighty with an attitude to boot
Her hair color changes more often than anyone can recall
Very open minded to the point where it might be problematic
Is secretly a hopeless romantic but has terrible luck when it comes to love
Acts confident but is very self conscious 
Looks sweet but would probably fight you
❥ 𝔽𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤:
Favorite Color: Baby Pink 
Favorite Drink: Hard Lemonade 
Favorite Film: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Story: The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
Favorite Fictional Character: Nell Crain
Favorite Poem: Alone by Edgar Allan Poe
Favorite Food: Beef Empanadas 
Favorite Dessert: Fudge Ice Cream
Favorite Flower: Peony
❥ 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤:
*Ex Boyfriend: They met in high school. She was the quirky good girl, he was the troubled bad boy and just like magnets they clicked. He brought out the real her and helped her realize her dreams. As easily as they clicked they also clashed, mainly over money and commitment (he was lazy, didn’t want to work, and expected her to be faithful when he wasn’t). They were together for roughly two years until the relationship finally fell apart due to his cheating. Even after everything Anita never really got over him completely. (For inspo think of Cook if he ended up with Pandora??) *He’d likely be either 21 or 22 by now. : OPEN
Best Friends (1/3 spots taken): Anita isn’t the kind of girl to have a large group of friends. She mainly just keeps a small tight knit circle of people she considers her true friends. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Other Acquaintances (Unlimited): People she’s friendly with but not close enough to officially consider a friend. *No prerequisites : OPEN
F. R. I. E. N. D. Zone (Unlimited): People Anita put in the friend zone or vice versa. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Rebound (0/1 spot taken): Only get together when they break up with someone, or get their heart broken. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Toxic Friend (0/1 spot taken): A bad influence that encourages her to do bad things, potentially self destructive. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Cat & Mouse (0/1 spot taken): They basically chase after each other, back and forth, but it’s never really gone anywhere. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Party Friend (0/1 spot taken): They really only hang out when there’s a party or event to attend. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Past Hookups (Unlimited): Let’s just say she gets around from time to time. *No prerequisites : OPEN
Rival (0/1 spot taken): More TBA *No prerequisites : OPEN
Polyship(?): More TBA *No prerequisites : OPEN
*Slow Burn: Let it be slow and sweet. More TBA *No prerequisites : OPEN
Congrats and kisses if you’ve made it this far! Feel free to hmu if you’d like to plot or just give this a like and I’ll slide into your dms instead!
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flve-hargreeves · 6 years
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MERLIN’S BEARD! Did you see DAVOS, also known as DAV / WHITBY rocking the SLYTHERIN colors in class today? How they manage to look so fit, while studying their arse off during their SEVENTH YEAR of schooling, is beyond me. The SEVENTEEN year old student is certainly making the WHITBY family proud, aren’t they? One time, I heard someone say they look a lot like some muggle, REECE KING – whoever that is. (c, she/her, 20+, ast.) ++ transfer from ilvermorny! ++ 1/2 siren!
 here we go again !  unfortunately due to muse issues, i decided to drop soleil and rework the parts of her history that i liked and create a new character.  so here is my sweet, summer child, davos mare whitby!   PSA IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE SIREN MYTHOLOGY I GOT YOU COVERED, Y’ALL. CLICK HERE TO GO!
                                           AESTHETIC PROSE.
rocks skipped across the black lake, the smell of citrus, dark chocolates, the scratch of a record ending, circle-rimmed glasses teetering precariously, and the lingering scent of smoke.
davos grew up in a single parent household. his father, arturo, fell in love with a siren. or rather, fell victim to her song. he had no idea that davos even existed until he was dropped on their doorstep with nothing but a note to explain his presence. he didn’t even know she was a siren when they met. not at first.  arturo was never married so news of davos’ birth was kept quiet.  in fact, no one even knew he existed until his sixth birthday.  he was raised by a nanny by the name of constance, the woman a maternal figure in his life.  she was mid-thirties, a squib from a reputable wizarding family whose patriarch worked with arturo at the m.a.c.u.s.a.  both were secrets the family didn’t talk about, which bonded them instantly. 
speaking of his father, his father is arturo ronan whitby.  or better known as the current president of the m.a.c.u.s.a.  he was elected into office in 1982 and has been serving ever since.  to the public, he spun a ridiculous story about davos’ mother dying during childbirth, leaving him a heartbroken single father who only had his son’s best interests at heart. they’d wanted privacy, which was why he’d kept him hidden away for most of his life. given that he’d lived most of his young life hidden from the world, it had been a shock to the system for davos when his father had suddenly given him free reign.  while he didn’t always see eye to eye with the man, he enjoyed the newfound freedom.  
the relationship between davos and his father is ... strained, to say the least. arturo wasn’t the kind of person who ever wanted kids, and suffice to say he wasn’t exactly expecting to be a father until davos kind of just showed up,  he’d smiled through the early years as davos’ doting grandmother had spoiled him rotten, his affections waning shortly after she passed.  arturo’s resignement to life as a parent didn’t go unnoticed by davos, but the boy doesn’t bring it up.  they’ve never been a very care-y and share-y family. 
while davos never really missed out on not having a mother, he has always wondered where he comes from. where he inherited his looks, and a cursed song that he often didn’t know what to do with.  it took years for him to figure out what he was, or what he thought he was, because artruro sure didn’t want to talk about it.  constance helped him research as best she could but with limited resources, they could only find so much. 
in school, davos was someone that people gravitated towards instinctively.  he was charismatic and his father was in a position of power.  it also didn’t help that, while he didn’t adopt the traditional siren characteristics from his mother like the need to live and breathe underwater, his voice was capable of eliciting reactions from those around him. people were more inclined to do what he said, hanging on to his every word in the courtyard.  he was always lousy with friends, no shortage of people clamoring to spend time with him.  it led him to question whether those friendships were real, especially given what he deduced about his parentage. a few passive aggressive comments from his father over the years, coupled with the reactions he drew, had led him to dig into his past as much as he could.  while he’d originally thought he might be part veela given his looks and influence, there was something that drew him to the sea and had him searching elsewhere. he’d known without knowing that veela wasn’t right.  another clue was that davos was was constantly being told NOT to sing by his father for threat of what would happen if he did. When he did, he was often punished for it.  
at the end of his fifth year at ilvermorny, davos was expelled.  after finding out that his boyfriend had only been seeing him to snag a coveted internship at the MACUSA, the wizard had tried to blow him up on school grounds. it had been an uncharacteristically aggressive move for the wizard who was usually quite calm, driven to rage almost instantly as the betrayal cut deep.  maybe it was because he’d thought the relationship was real, or because he’d been in love for the first time ever, but  thankfully a professor had grabbed his hand in time and the curse ended up tearing apart the courtyard, not his boyfriend’s limbs.  with his father’s influence at play, the expulsion was the worst of his troubles.  were he not careful, he could have found himself shipped off to azkaban for attempted murder.  in the moment, davos hadn’t cared.  all he’d seen was red, anger too potent.  while it took a lot to anger him, he’d really thought that this relationship was the one true, legitimate, relationship in his life.  jokes on him! 
arturo shipped davos off to live with his aunt helena for his last two years of school. he was forced to leave his friends, constance, and his life behind.  TBH he’s not very happy about it. he attended hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and was sorted into slytherin. that he loved.  the fact that his bedroom overlooks the sea has actually calmed him down in terms of his resentment. it’s not uncommon to see him out by the lake, talking to the giant squid or doing his homework.  additionally, he joined the hogwarts house team as a chaser in the ‘88-’89 school year.  there was something about flying at top speed and throwing yourself about to catch the quaffle that brought a rush of adrenaline and a feeling that he’d never been able to capture on the ground.  he aspires to one day live up in the sky; his windows overlooking the clouds. 
he’s very sarcastic and kind of glib.  you’re definitely not going to get a lot of smiles from him unless he gets to know you.  he constantly looks sullen, or unimpressed, but that’s just his face.  he smiles when he wants to.  sometimes it’s even genuine.
he laughs. a lot.  sure, it’s usually at the expense of someone else, but still. his laugh is very deep, very difficult to mask, and could brighten up even the stormiest of moods. 
honestly he’s a pretty chill guy unless you piss him off.  when he’s mad, it’s really bad, but it takes a lot to get him there.  he’s also more likely to hit you with something than to throw a curse.  he really likes throwing rocks with his wand and seeing how much distance he can cover. it’s become a bit of a hobby.  bonus points if it hits a first year.  
someone who gave him the tour of the castle. 
potions partner.
quidditch rival (friendly)
unrequited crush
family friends
summer friends
summer fling
if you are up for filling any of these connections or want to plot pls hmu !!!  also if we have previous connections it’ll be easier to do starters for the event so yeeeet.
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My Rules
//please like if you read my rules
Hello! You can name me Meetra or Shina ( Yup. Not my real name ). I’m 26 and I’m web designer. Important thing, I’m French, I live in France, so English isn’t my native language. My grammar isn’t perfect and it’s hard for me to write answers quickly, especially long one. I’m also an artist, digital painting mostly and my art blog/ personal is @chazz-duelist-kaiba. Background and avatar art is mine. If you have questions or if want to talk with me by IM don’t hesitate :D
Basic Rules
It’s a Multi-verse blog, mostly Post-canon. My muses will be in your verse, except if you want to rp in one of mine.
I’m ok with OOC talk by IM, but please don’t come only to talk about your problems. It makes me feel bad, I can’t deal with others’ problems on top of mines.
Really important one: Please tag your image posts that show ships. Especially Prideshipping and Rivalshipping. If I see too much of untagged post, I’ll unfollow you, sorry.
No godmod of course.
Please, trim your rp threads.
Don’t reblog any rp posts if you’re not the one that rp with me and don’t reblog personal or headcanon posts.
Every thread is tracked here. But I can be slow at answering. For my own good, I don’t pressure myself with it, so sorry If I take long to answer you.
I’ll only do NSFW/Smut with 18+ muns and muses
I’m of course OC friendly but they need to have an about page.
Muse isn’t the mun
And Mun isn’t the Muse. What they think it’s not what I think. Don’t blame me for something they said or did. Plus, Don’t call me Kat and don’t say things like it was me that did it. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
If you’re one of my mains and you send me an ask, I’ll move to another post if we do a thread.
As I said, English isn’t my native language, so don’t expect too long answers. But I try to improve :)
Oh boy, I don’t really plan or plot, sorry.  I let Kat act like she wants.
Tags and triggers
I’ll tag all nsfw posts. Ask me if you want me to tag gore or specific things. But I can refuse for some reason. I’m comfortable with a lot of things but I’ll not do explicit or romanticised incest.
How to interact
Read the about page
It’s an important first step. Even if your muse doesn’t know my muses past or way of thinking, you need to know how they look like. I don’t ask for a password but if you use some details of this page in your starter/answer it’ll definitively show that you read it and you’ll make a happy bean!
Like the forever starter post
It’s my way to know who really want to interact with me, to organize myself and to calm my anxiety. Please, like or reblog if you want to interact with one of my muses. Don’t like it with your personal if you have a sideblog but reblog it instead :)
For my own mental sanity, I have mains, that have priority for the answers/asks. You can find the list here.
Special rules
As I said, I’m quite anxious sometimes and it’s hard for me to start threads with new persons or to answer random starters. In fact, I’ll mostly answer to starters that were planned or discussed before.
I will not always answer to asks, more because I have sometimes limited time here, or don’t have the muse of it. But asks is always welcome, from everybody.
Please, precise for who is the ask, if you don’t, Kat will answer by default. You can send anon hate if it’s for a rp propose, but I’ll not answer if it’s for the mun. In general, precise if the ask is for the mun.
Don’t make it a thread, I’ll not continue it unless we discussed about it. If you want to continue the interaction, send another ask.
The memes that I reblog are for everybody! Don’t hesitate but don’t forget my rules about Asks in general.
The number of thread are limited to 3 for each muse that is in my mains, 2 regular one, and 1 AU. If our muses are just meeting, please don’t begin another thread until we finish this thread. Each new thread must not interfere with the one that already exists, and must be in a different setup/ not make evolve the relationship. (My brain can’t deal with two developments at the same time). If you are not one of my mains, I’ll only make one thread with you, sorry :(
Also, if you forget about one of our thread more than two times, I’ll suppose that you are not interested or that you want to drop. It’s just that with my anxiety, I don’t like to be the one that always reminds you of the thread. If you usually forget a lot and want me to remind you about the thread regularly, tell me by IMs
Special events/holidays
Those threads are independent of the regular threads list if it doesn’t contain important event, and can be dropped if I don’t have the time to answer it.
This is a multiship blog but I only ship on chemistry. We can talk about it on IM and we will see if it works or not. One-night stands are accepted and encouraged, especially for Kat. Open to Polyship too.
If muse and mun are 18+ I’ll rp any nsfw themes. Just ask me first if you want to hurt my muse.
There is the list of my AUs. I’ll only rp Aus with my mains or if we planed it by IM.
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ygotplusweek · 6 years
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a little head’s up that you should consider signing up for the YGOME this Fall. From ariasune:
We are excited to begin our fifth year, and continue to get the fandom's fic numbers up, up up! It seems hard to believe this event has been going on for half a decade, and over 140 works -- but none of this could be possible without you, the phenomenal writers, and creators in this fandom, thank you.
This gift exchange is all series (and polyship) friendly! Check out their AO3 page and consider signing up in September. I hope to see a lot of you then!!
2018 Collection Page Master Collection Page Last Year’s Collection Page
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gladnoctweek · 7 years
Updated FAQ!
We’ve had a few great questions come in over the last few days, so we went ahead and updated the FAQ so all this info is in one place! 
Click here to check out the FAQ! It’s also in the top navigation bar if you’re looking at the blog on desktop. 
If you’re on mobile, check out the read more for out mobile friendly version!
Please read this before messaging us or sending in asks!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit content to Gladnoct Week?
Please post it on YOUR tumblr and tag #gladnoctweek and @gladnoctweek blog so we see it. We’d much prefer to reblog your original posts then having all the art/fics submitted to us. If we don’t reblog your entry after a day or two just message us the link and we’ll reblog it. Just have patience with us please!
Background ships...
Yes, background couples are fine. As long as Gladnoct is the main focus!
What about polyshipping?
Poly- and multishipping are fine but the relationship should only be implied. Example: If it’s an OT4 fic, Prompto and Ignis can be implied to be in a relationship but only Gladnoct should be romantic/sexually active in the fic.
Can I interpret ‘prompt’ like…
You can interpret the prompts however you like. Let your creativity run wild!
Can I enter the prize drawing with two entries(family, roommates, SO etc.) but with the same address?
Two different people living at the same address can submit entries but we’ll be very careful about making sure that people aren’t submitting under multiple accounts to increase their odds. If we find out someone has, they’ll be out of the running!
How should I post fanfics to tumblr?
The best submission method for fanfic is to post the story on Ao3/FFnet and then post a link to YOUR tumblr. We'd rather have the official blog reblog your post, rather than you submitting it to us! You can post the fic on tumblr if you like, but I wouldnt recommend this if your fic is over, say, 1000 words. This is because sometimes tumblr mobile screws up "read more"s, meaning that if you post a long fic on tumblr then a mobile user might have to spend a lot of time scrolling through it if they’re trying to browse the Gladnoctweek blog.
Does my submission have to be posted on the exact day of the prompt I'm writing/drawing for?
Ideally you'd post your submission on the day of, but we're all in different timezones so that might be a little difficult. If you’re in a US timezone you'll probably be fine, because that's the timezone that the week is operating on. If you live in a timezone that's drastically different you might be a little off according to the official blog but that's okay! The 3 of us mods will be looking through the tags for all the entries, regardless of if they were posted on the correct day or not.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day that’s okay! Just post in whenever you have time during Gladnoct week. However we ask that you DON’T submit content ahead of time. So if it’s day 1 and you have a submission for day 3, please wait unitl day 3 to post it. This will keep down on the clutter of all the different prompts and days!
Is (certain kink) allowed in Gladnoct week?
There are no restrictions on any kinks in Gladnoct Week, we just ask that if you submit nsfw content that anything nsfw is put under a cut. In the case of fanfiction, you can share a link from AO3/FF and include the tags as warnings, just don’t include any of the actual NSFW content on your tumblr post unless it’s under a cut.
As far as more controversial kinks or situations like non-con, underage, gore, etc, you are still fine. We have no problem with you writing any of that, just be aware that other people might not be interested. Gladnoct week is going to be an inclusive event so you can write/draw/create whatever makes you happy, just be aware that you need to tag it appropriately so that anyone who looks at the summary/tags knows exactly what they’re getting in to.
There may be some situations where you’re not sure if something needs to go under a cut. Please just use common sense. As far as blood and gore, for example, a picture of one of Gladio’s scars bleeding a little would be fine to post without a cut. A picture of Noctis being sliced in half by an MT needs to go under a cut.
If you’re in doubt, feel free to ask a friend or one of us for a second opinion. We’d love to help you out and make sure no one gets upset over an event that is supposed to be fun.
What counts as fan content:
You can post fic, art, cosplay, photos, gifsets, anything! The only rule to abide by is that all works must be new for the week, no exceptions. If it’s a new work celebrating Gladnoct and it follows one of the prompts for that day, you’re good to go. We will have a free day as well for any new works that don’t follow any of that week’s prompts.
No ship bashing:
Don’t bash other ships. If you are found bashing other ships/ship weeks or harassing other shippers, you’ll be banned faster than Gladio can whip off his shirt (and that’s fast!). This week is all about sharing the love for this ship, not tearing down others.
Most important rule:
Have fun!
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be shy! Our ask box is open.
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upbeatsunshine · 6 years
//Please like this if you read the rules, thanks! 
Hello! You can name me Meetra or Shina ( Yup. Not my real name ). I’m 26 and I’m web designer. Important thing, I’m French, I live in France, so English isn’t my native language. My grammar isn’t perfect and it’s hard for me to write answers quickly, especially long one. I’m also an artist, digital painting mostly and my art blog/ personal is @chazz-duelist-kaiba. Avatars and icons will be from my art or from the original show.
If you have questions or if want to talk with me by IM don’t hesitate :D
It’s a Multi-verse blog, an AU Post-canon. Joey will be in his verse, except if you want to rp in one of yours. My OC Kat is in his verse and will be a special guest sometimes.
I’m ok with OOC talk by IM, but please don’t come only to talk about your problems. It makes me feel bad, I can’t deal with others’ problems on top of mines.
Really important one: Please tag your image posts that show ships. Especially Prideshipping and Rivalshipping. If I see too much of untagged post, I’ll unfollow you, sorry.
No godmod of course.
Please, trim your rp threads.
Don’t reblog any rp posts if you’re not the one that rp with me and don’t reblog personal or headcanon posts.
Every thread is tracked here. But I can be slow at answering. For my own good, I don’t pressure myself with it, so sorry If I take long to answer you.
I’ll only do NSFW/Smut with 18+ muns and muses
I’m OC friendly but they need to have an about page.
Muse isn’t the mun
And Mun isn’t the Muse. What they think it’s not what I think. Don’t blame me for something they said or did.
If you’re one of my mains and you send me an ask, I’ll move to another post if we do a thread.
As I said, English isn’t my native language, so don’t expect too long answers. But I try to improve :)
Oh boy, I don’t really plan or plot, sorry. But I can do if needed!
Tags and triggers
I’ll tag all nsfw posts. Ask me if you want me to tag gore or specific things. But I can refuse for some reason. I’m comfortable with a lot of things but I’ll not do explicit or romanticized incest.
How to interact
Read the about page
It’s an important first step. My Jou has some differences compared to canon, especially his appearance. I don’t ask for a password but if you use some details of this page in your starter/answer it’ll definitively show that you read it and you’ll make a happy bean!
Like the forever starter post
It’s my way to know who really want to interact with me, to organize myself and to calm my anxiety. Please, like or reblog if you want to interact with one of my muses. Don’t like it with your personal if you have a sideblog but reblog it instead :) SOON
For my own mental sanity, I have mains, that have priority for the answers/asks. You can find the list here. SOON
Special rules
As I said, I’m quite anxious sometimes and it’s hard for me to start threads with new persons or to answer random starters. In fact, I’ll mostly answer to starters that were planned or discussed before.
I will not always answer to asks, more because I have sometimes limited time here, or don’t have the muse of it. But asks is always welcome, from everybody.
You can send anon hate if it’s for a rp propose, but I’ll not answer if it’s for the mun. In general, precise if the ask is for the mun.
Don’t make it a thread, I’ll not continue it unless we discussed about it. If you want to continue the interaction, send another ask.
The memes that I reblog are for everybody! Don’t hesitate but don’t forget my rules about Asks in general.
The number of thread are limited to 3 for each muse that is in my mains, 2 regular one, and 1 AU. If our muses are just meeting, please don’t begin another thread until we finish this thread. Each new thread must not interfere with the one that already exists, and must be in a different setup/ not make evolve the relationship. (If not I will drop the old one, my brain can’t deal with two developments at the same time). If you are not one of my mains, I’ll only make one thread with you, sorry :(
Also, if you forget about one of our thread more than two times, I’ll suppose that you are not interested or that you want to drop. It’s just that with my anxiety, I don’t like to be the one that always reminds you of the thread. If you usually forget a lot and want me to remind you about the thread regularly, tell me by IMs
Special events/holidays
Those threads are independent of the regular threads list if it doesn’t contain important event, and can be dropped if I don’t have the time to answer it.
This is a multiship blog but I only ship on chemistry. We can talk about it on IM and we will see if it works or not. Open to Polyship too.
If muse and mun are 18+ I’ll rp any nsfw themes. Just ask me first if you want to hurt my muse.
There is the list of my AUs, don’t hesitate to contact me if you want that we rp it.  If you’re from another fandom and want to rp with me, ask me first, please. SOON
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