corgitoby1 · 10 months
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When you love what you do for a living.
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finnpaddyco · 1 year
How to effectively reward your dog
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Keeping up the reputation 🥳🥳🤩🤩 #fawndogreviews #dogtrainingkent #positivedogtrainer #fawndog https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuNP72MZUU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mehvesipek · 1 year
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weightloosesblog · 1 year
Puppy Training Classes And Obedience Training For Adult Dogs: Where To Start
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Why Puppy Training Is Important
A great dog trick can entertain even the toughest canine critic. But, puppy training is about more than dazzling a crowd. Training school teaches your dog important behavioral skills and good manners. Additionally, it exposes them to a variety of other dogs and people so that they’re comfortable in diverse social situations.1
Your puppy’s first three months are crucial to their development. Young dogs are highly impressionable and adept at retaining new information. Exposing your puppy to all sorts of sights, sounds, people, and other dogs will help prepare them for a life as an adult.
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dogtrainingfactory · 1 year
Solving Dog Problems
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Have you ever been enjoying a walk with your dog when suddenly you are almost tripped by Fido or Fifi unexpectedly crossing in front of you? Not only is it unpleasant, but crossing in front of you like this is dangerous for both you and your dog. Luckily it is fairly easy to teach your dog to stay on one side of you and not to switch sides.
I feel that it is works best to teach your dog leash manners when using a 6 foot leash (not a Flexi-type) and a no-pull harness if your dog pulls.
The first thing to do is decide which side of you that you would like your dog to walk. Then, as your dog is walking on the leash reward him any time he happens to be on your chosen side by saying "yes" or "good" and feeding him a treat right by your side.
Be very careful to feed the treat by your side and not to feed the treat in front of you as that will encourage crossing in front.
While walking your dog, be careful to watch him, and as soon as he starts to cross in front of you, use your leash to prevent him from crossing, and stomp your feet to make your presence known.
Consistently rewarding your dog for being on your preferred side and preventing him from crossing in front by using the leash and by stomping your feet should help teach your dog to stop crossing in front of you and lead to safer and more pleasant walks. Enjoy!
Click here for more ---Click here tips on training
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dogtoysandmore · 7 months
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furryfriend101 · 1 year
WE WANT THE 3rd VERSION OF THIS DOG 💯 Definitely NOT the first version - aggressive, lunging, barking and total chaos. And we definitely don’t want the second version - Panicked, scared, afraid and insecure. What we WANT is a dog that knows what to expect and can look to his owner for guidance, direction and most of all, CERTAINTY 💯. This is only achieved by implementing rules, boundaries and structure. An example of how that is applied here - Rule: Go to your bed when I say and stay there until I tell you to come off. Boundary: The edges of that bed. Structure: the daily practice of being sent to that bed and following the rule. These things provide the space for the dog to feel secure by knowing what to do and the ability to observe without having to push anyone away or feel intimidated. Do you have a dog like this?? Tell me 👇🏽 
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hafeezbn · 1 year
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narendra74 · 1 year
Five Things Puppy Owners Should Never Do
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New puppy owners hear a ton of advice from their family, their neighbors, and even the overly-talkative owner at the dog park. Some is spot on, and some is ill-advised. Because those early weeks with a new puppy are critical, it’s important to filter that advice and do what’s best for your pup and their relationship with you. Take note of these five things a puppy owner should never do.
Don’t Skip Socialization
The first three months of a puppy’s life have a significant influence on how content and well-adjusted that dog will be as an adult. A puppy who is properly socialized will be comfortable with almost anything the world throws at them, whereas a poorly socialized pup will lack confidence and get overwhelmed or frightened easily. A good breeder will start socializing a puppy right away, but once you get your new pet home, the responsibility falls to you.
Puppy socialization doesn’t just refer to meeting new people and dogs, although that is incredibly important. It also means introducing your pup to as many new experiences as possible in a positive way. That can include new surfaces like the tile floor in the kitchen, new sounds like the vacuum, or other animals like cats or hamsters.
The trick is to make all these new things wonderful and rewarding. Don’t force your puppy into a situation they find frightening. One bad experience can undo all your hard work. Instead, move at your puppy’s pace, stay upbeat, and associate each experience with something your pup loves like praise or treats.
learn more click here
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finnpaddyco · 1 year
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Proud to announce we are now part of the #petprofessionalguild #positivedogtrainer Fawndog121dogtraining.co.uk (at Kent, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmRluXsn17/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mehvesipek · 1 year
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dogstrainers08 · 2 years
Dogs Can’t Help Falling in Love
One researcher argues that a dog’s ability to bond has more to do with forming emotional attachments than being smart about what humans want.
TEMPE, Ariz. — Xephos is not the author of “Dog Is Love: Why and How Your Dog Loves You,” one of the latest books to plumb the nature of dogs, but she helped inspire it. And as I scratched behind her ears, it was easy to see why.
First, she fixed on me with imploring doggy eyes, asking for my attention. Then, every time I stopped scratching she nudged her nose under my hand and flipped it up. I speak a little dog, but the message would have been clear even if I didn’t: Don’t stop.
We were in the home office of Clive Wynne, a psychologist at Arizona State University who specializes in dog behavior. He belongs to Xephos, a mixed breed that the Wynne family found in a shelter in 2012.
Dr. Wynne’s book is an extended argument about what makes dogs special — not how smart they are, but how friendly they are. Xephos’ shameless and undiscriminating affection affected both his heart and his thinking.
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