#preliminary draft
legogradstudent · 1 year
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Throwing a paper together just days before a conference, the grad student rides a turbulent wave of shame and exhilaration.
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Henk Cornelissen, Werktekening voor Decemberpostzegels Nederland 1987, 1987 [Nationaal Archief, Den Haag]
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galercin · 7 months
mercy and compassion
She recalls the first encounter she had with death. 
It was not during the war between the two countries, nor the game strung in her courting partner’s hands, but a bird on its back with its feeble legs curled up. She had been no more than seven or eight years of age where the weight of death’s curl could not reach her. Rinea had knelt down and scooped the lifeless thing into her hands. Digits brushed over its feathers, beak, and talons. When it did not stir, suddenly its stillness and absence of heat settled in her palms. She frowned. She had been summoned back to her parents and the bird back to an embrace of weeds and loose dirt. 
“Hm,” her father sighed deeply, the same sound he made when something went wrong. 
Eyes stared into her own then seemed to glaze past her into their yard when she told him of her encounter. His arms uncrossed and foolish as she was, she thought for a moment he might place it on her shoulder. They occupied themselves with a scroll left on the table instead. 
“That’s just the way things are. It was too weak for this world, so it died. Leave it there, other creatures will make use of it.” 
Then, a few years later, when she thought herself wiser and smarter, another bird had been found. She had been with her father this time. An eagle lain on the dirt still writhing and twitching. A hunter’s arrow lodged in it and carried its plume and flesh with it to the other side. Fear struck in its still, glistening eyes as if it had been pulled from a cruel painting.
“Are you certain we cannot save it?” she asked.
“Save it? Execution is the mercy we grant it.” A light ring of metal unsheathing scraped against her untrained ear. Its handle is pressed into her palms and the weight of his hand is on her shoulder now. “Go on.”
She must have made a face for his only response was, “This is for your own understanding of how the world is supposed to work.”
No harvest supplied from the earth, thus weaker prey must be caught. That was all they were, prey. 
Death was inescapable, but she vowed at the time that it would never be met by her hands.
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Mega Man 10 features a triad of playable characters— Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass. Unlike the former two, Mega Man 10 was Bass's first 8-Bit outing (Not counting his very minor cameo in Mega Man 9), and his faux NES sprite is... off. It's not a bad sprite by any means, but his color palette and posture being much too close to Rock's never quite sat right with me.
But what would Bass look like in my spriting style? Well... here's your answer! ✨
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
i got a comment on my fic yesterday that inspired me to stay up until 4am and write 1.5k words despite my cold and my clogged sinuses which are both kicking my ass rn.
like i mean, before this, i was definitely still working on the fic, but focusing more on the outline and plot beats of the overall story. so yeah i def still haven't abandoned it, but that one comment made me remember like, OH SHIT i have to actually write a proper chapter and put it into prose instead of just vague bullet points sitting in my docs folder LMAO
anyway i love you everyone who is following my fic, everyone who has left kudos and comments, and everyone who has supported my writing in general. I LOVE YALL
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
insta seems to be confused as where i actually live, which is both a blessing and a curse, bc it'll give me targeted ads for things that i would definitely go check out if they weren't states away.
the major reason why i say it's a curse is bc it just served me an ad for a frog & toad art exhibit that's not even remotely close to where i live and i'm just supposed to keep living my life knowing i can't go to it.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Update 🍄
I’ve decided to add a little wiggle room to the “2 characters per media” rule, to allow for more mushies to compete. For example, there will be 2 characters from EarthBound, but also 1 character from Mother 3, 2 from Plants VS Zombies, 1 from PvZ: Battle for Neighborville, and some others.
The reason for the update post is I’ve been wondering how to handle Pokémon in this situation. Since Pokémon had so many characters with votes all over the board, it would overshadow other mushies to allow them all to compete, but also I don’t want to cut them out while other shrooms get an exception.
I currently have an idea for something in the works to possibly handle this, but I wanted to get feedback from y’all on how to handle this.
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plant-trannie-12 · 3 months
I'm not getting drafted!!!! WOOOOOOOO
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Little P.Eng. Engineering: Leading the Way in CRN Registration Engineering Services
In the vast realm of engineering, specialization is key. Engineers with niche specializations can offer unique services that meet specific demands within the industry. One such niche is CRN (Canadian Registration Number) registration engineering services, and at the forefront of this field is Little P.Eng. Engineering. This article will dive deep into understanding CRN registration, the crucial role it plays in Canadian industries, and how Little P.Eng. Engineering has established itself as a go-to service provider in this domain.
1. Understanding CRN Registration
Before delving into the specifics of Little P.Eng. Engineering's services, it's essential to understand what CRN registration is and its significance in Canada.
1.1 What is CRN?
The Canadian Registration Number (CRN) is a number given to designs for pressure vessels, fittings, and boilers in Canada. Each province or territory in Canada has its safety authority responsible for giving out these numbers. The CRN ensures that the design meets the specified Canadian standards, which vary from province to province.
1.2 Why is CRN Important?
Having a CRN means a design has undergone rigorous scrutiny and adheres to Canadian safety standards. Manufacturers and industries looking to operate in Canada need to ensure their pressure equipment conforms to these standards, thus safeguarding both the equipment's end-users and the environment.
2. The Little P.Eng. Engineering Advantage
Established with a vision to bridge the gap between complex pressure equipment design standards and their implementation, Little P.Eng. Engineering has become synonymous with CRN registration services. Here's what makes them stand out:
2.1 Expertise and Knowledge
Having catered to a multitude of industries – from oil and gas to renewable energy – the team at Little P.Eng. Engineering is adept at understanding specific requirements and tailoring solutions accordingly. Their deep-rooted knowledge of Canadian standards, combined with a practical approach to design and verification, ensures optimal results.
2.2 Comprehensive Services
Beyond just CRN registration, Little P.Eng. Engineering provides a suite of services that cover the entire lifecycle of a pressure equipment design project. These include:
Preliminary design consultations
Detailed design drafting
CRN submission and documentation
Post-approval support
2.3 Client-Centric Approach
The focus is always on delivering value. Little P.Eng. Engineering’s client-centric approach ensures that every project is handled with utmost dedication, keeping the client's objectives and constraints in mind.
3. The CRN Registration Process with Little P.Eng. Engineering Embarking on a journey with Little P.Eng. Engineering means simplifying the otherwise convoluted CRN registration process. Here's a step-by-step guide: 3.1 Initial Consultation
The process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand the client’s needs, project scope, and specific requirements.
3.2 Design and Documentation
Based on the initial discussion, the team undertakes the design drafting phase, ensuring it aligns with the respective Canadian standards.
3.3 CRN Application Submission
Once the design is ready, it's time to submit it for CRN registration. The team at Little P.Eng. Engineering ensures all documentation is accurate and complete, eliminating any chances of rejection.
3.4 Post-Approval Support
After obtaining the CRN, Little P.Eng. Engineering continues its support, assisting clients in implementing the design and ensuring its long-term viability.
4. Case Studies: Little P.Eng. Engineering in Action
Over the years, Little P.Eng. Engineering has successfully undertaken numerous CRN registration projects. A few noteworthy ones include:
4.1 Renewable Energy Sector
For a client in the renewable energy sector, Little P.Eng. Engineering developed a unique pressure vessel design to be used in wind energy conversion. The design not only secured CRN registration but also set a precedent in the industry for its innovation.
4.2 Oil and Gas Industry
A leading oil and gas company approached Little P.Eng. Engineering with a complex requirement. The team, with its extensive expertise, managed to design a fitting that not only met the industry's stringent standards but also optimized the client's operational efficiency.
5. Conclusion: The Future of CRN Registration with Little P.Eng. Engineering
The world of pressure equipment design and its associated standards is ever-evolving. As industries advance, the demand for specialized engineering services, particularly in domains like CRN registration, will only increase. Little P.Eng. Engineering, with its proven track record, expertise, and commitment to excellence, is perfectly poised to lead this change. For industries operating or looking to set foot in Canada, partnering with Little P.Eng. Engineering means ensuring their designs not only meet but exceed the stringent Canadian standards, paving the way for a safer, more efficient future.
Little P.Eng. Engineering
operational efficiency
industry standards
Canadian Registration Number
CRN application
pressure vessels
boiler design
CRN Registration
Canadian standards
renewable energy
fitting design
design lifecycle
detailed design drafting
client-centric approach
safety authority
pressure equipment
design approval
preliminary design consultation
CRN submission
environmental standards
post-approval support
design verification
optimal results
initial consultation
comprehensive services
equipment lifecycle
industrial safety
province-specific standards
oil and gas
Engineering Services
Pressure Vessels Design Services
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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tieflingkisser · 6 months
Israeli Parliament Set to Discuss Legalising ‘Death Penalty Law for Palestinian Prisoners’
look up the conviction rates for Palestinians
look up how many and for how long Palestinians are held without charges, without bail, without visitation or access to lawyers
this is absolutely a prelude to formalized mass execution of political prisoners
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Henk Cornelissen, Schetsontwerp voor Decemberpostzegels Nederland 1987, 1987 [Nationaal Archief, Den Haag]
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tsukasageorge · 1 year
Fighting for my fucking life trying to design Mari magical girl outfit
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hey-hey-j · 3 months
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and now: drafting some preliminary designs for the Bruce prequel fic I want to write. Featuring River, a Vacay Island resident who owned the resort before Bruce took over (name and design subject to change).
(★my Ko-fi)
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da-shrimping-station · 4 months
Mammon helps out with the House's budgeting as well as managing finances.
It started when he found Lucifer's notes on the expenses when they moved to HoL. Diavolo was generous enough to give them a monthly stipend but it was the brothers' first time having to deal with something like this. In the Celestial Realm, they really didn't have to spend much or ask for much. In the castle, everything was provided for after a simple request. But now they're on their own. Still with Diavolo's support of course but far more independent now.
So Mammon sits down on Lucifer's chair and starts poring over the papers. Lucifer's already got a preliminary budget drafted but it's not that thorough. His brother doesn't go out much with needing to juggle caring for everyone as well as fulfilling duties for the Demon Prince so some of the estimates are way off especially in terms of cost. He doubts his brother knows market prices for things like toiletries and groceries.
Time passed (that Mammon wasn't aware of) and he was waist deep in the process of fixing the budget. Lucifer eventually comes home and sees him at his desk and making a mess (in his opinion) of things.
"We're gonna need a bigger allowance." Mammon looks him dead in the eye, ink stains on his hands and papers filled with scribbles and calculations.
Lucifer makes the smart choice of shutting up and listening to him.
Over the next few days they manage to come up with a more feasible and more detailed budget plan for the family. The only thing left to do is to send a formal request to Diavolo to request a more flexible amount for the stipend.
Does this mean they all (Mammon especially) become more responsible with their finances? Of course not! It's just that Lucifer now has a more detailed report and estimate of everyone's spending! Mammon's transaction history and his maxed out Goldie. Levi and his online shopping for games and merch. Satan buying a cart full of books as well as random ingredients he may or may not use for curses. Asmo and the long bill for clothing, makeup, shoes, accessories. Beel being the reason the allocated budget for food is more than half of the stipend. Belphie and a purchase list of questionable but exorbitant items.
And of course Lucifer splurges here and there. Do you think this man buys anything cheap? NOPE. It has to be of good if not the highest quality possible. He justifies that it's a one time purchase (but the price tag is still hefty and how long do you think that item will last given you live in a house full of gremlins???)
"Here ya go, Lu. This month's summary."
"What do you mean we had to pay 40,000 grimm for damages to property?!"
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barbatusart · 5 months
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@meanbossart & i have actually been longtime comic collaborators for about 6 years now (sheesh!); i typically do story + preliminary page drafts, then he does inks + colors/tones, & then i come back in for spot cleanup + speech bubble lettering. theres obviously wiggle room & we've bled over into each other's "roles" tons of times lol but thats usually how task delegation shakes out when we do our thing
heres a snippet of a violent action sequence from SORTIE 1: BETHANY (sept2021, we're 3 books in out of 6 or 7 on this project), & as you can see we clearly have a one / yuusuke murata dynamic going on LOL. RJ's the stronger illustrator while i adore working with the sloppiness & energy of The Sketch, and i really love comparing the starts to the finishes & seeing whats been improved upon vs what bonkers sketch aspects have been preserved lol
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Some handy tips from the War Department’s “You’re Going to Employ Women” pamphlet, April 1, 1943. 
Unfortunately, this is not a joke. 
Record Group 407: Records of the Adjutant General's Office
Series: Central Decimal Correspondence Files
File Unit: 291.9 Status of Women 1-1-42 THRU 12-31-45
(a pamphlet with single staple on left side, off-white paper)
You're Going to Employ Women
(In pencil along right side)  WGCS  17, 291.9,  (4-1-43)
[page 2]
(left page black and white photo)  woman filing a piece of metal
(right facing page)  
(title)  When Training Women
ORIENT her more thoroughly than a man on health and safety rules, plant layout and production, company policies, job techniques.
Give her a preliminary training course to get the feel of work.
Relate her job training to past experience, usually domestic--interpret machinery operation in terms of household and kitchen appliances.
Arrange for continuous upgrading and train her for higher grade jobs.
Use community training facilities when necessary--trade schools, vocational classes in colleges and universities.
[page 3]
(Left side same woman)
_____________and conscientious...
(Right side)
(title)  When Working Woman
LIMIT her hours to 8 a day and 48 a week.
Schedule short morning and afternoon rest intervals on arduous jobs.
Have diet-balanced luncheons available--and  extra food on exhausting jobs.
Provide ample clean toilets and rest rooms--good plant ventilation free of dust, fumes and drafts--work seats and benches at proper height--clean orderly surroundings--safety devices on machinery.
Insist on proper work clothing, safe shoes.
Promote adequate local housing and transportation.
[page 4]
(Left side of page)
Use a Trained Personnel Woman
She can counsel with management on training, job simplification and all general employment policies.
She understands women-worker needs.
She can give sympathetic attention to home problems.
She can be told personal difficulties that would not be confided to a man.
She can arrange for child care.
(right facing page)
-Women are pliant--adaptable.
-Women are dexterous--finger nimble.
-Women are accurate--precision workers.
-Women are good at repetitive tasks.
-Women are fine color and material observants.
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