#pro nymphadora tonks
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Are bubbly women not allowed to be sad or?
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tyashj · 1 month
Meme made by remus lupin
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
How can I explain to Remadora haters that Remus didn’t leave Tonks “because he didn’t truly love her,” but because he loved her so much that the thought of ruining her life by impregnating her terrified him to the point of running away for her own good?
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because I don't like Remadora.
well basically they are summarized in the following: age difference and the fact that Remus almost abandoned Tonks when she was pregnant, here I am not saying that Remus is gay and was forced to be with Tonks, I am not doing it because Remus is a character shitty.
I also hate the couple because Rowling thinks they are a healthy couple, which they are not, that is to say: "did a boy around 17 have to physically fight him to stay with his family?"
I don't know Tonks, you should have chosen a better husband.
And this without mentioning other couples from the canon that I don't like, I will probably have problems with other Tumblr creators like yes, Since I'm a coward, I'm sure I'll delete it because the majority of Snapedom like Remadora.
You can take this as an article against Remus Lupin
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i don't like it when tonks or her relationship with remus gets bashed just to make wolfstar seem better :(
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lemongrass77777 · 1 month
me when i see remadora/tonks hate on my dashboard
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How close was Tonks with Mad-Eye? And how did the rest of the order (Remus and Sirius probably) react when they found out Mad-Eye actually has a soft spot?
another really good question!!
I think Mad-Eye and Tonks were very close. It's a bit of a classic trope, these two - grumpy old man is soft for the sunshine girl. But let me get into why Mad-Eye and Tonks were close.
On Mad-Eye's end: we know he was close to retirement. He was a grizzled old Auror who was strange but really good at his job. He was intimidating and a little paranoid. He was loyal as hell though and when he fought for what he believed in, he put his whole heart into it. This is why I think Mad-Eye was a Hufflepuff, though he wouldn't share that information with anyone who asked. Tonks was one of the last, if not the last trainee he ever had. Though we know there were female Aurors before Tonks, we don't hear about many of them. We hear more male names in canon, so it's safe to assume that Mad-Eye likely trained very few witches. I HC that he also trained Alice Longbottom, and it was one of the hardest things to visit her when she had been tortured into insanity. Tonks was a bit like Alice, in a way. Bright eyed, ready to learn, but a Hufflepuff and fiercely loyal and hardworking. Mad-Eye was annoyed with her at first, but upon realizing how determined she was, agreed to take her under his wing. Since Mad-Eye also had no family, I HC that Tonks, for him, was similar to the daughter or granddaughter he never had. She wasn't afraid to tell him what was on her mind. She wasn't afraid to yell at him, as we saw in OoTP. She could hold her own, and for that, Mad-Eye respected her. I HC that he liked that Tonks did things her own way, but still worked hard to get to where she was. He sees a little of himself in her, too, and took a big shine to her. Though he wouldn't admit it, either, she was one of his favorite trainees.
On Tonks' end: at first, Tonks was a little intimidated by Mad-Eye. He put her aunt in Azkaban and was one of the biggest warriors of the Ministry. Tonks is stubborn, a bit hardheaded, and crazy determined. She wanted to prove herself, and I think it was made more evident by the fact that she was one of the youngest people in her department until after the war. She was also one of the only witches in the department. As a young witch, she probably had to deal with a lot of discrimination or condescension from others. She worked twice as hard as anyone else and Mad-Eye noticed, so he chose her to train. In the beginning of their training, Tonks was flabbergasted that of all the other Aurors, THE Mad-Eye Moody had chosen her, but she didn't want to disappoint him. What began as a trainer putting his trainee through hell and back became a really good friendship and co-working relationship. Tonks picked up on Mad-Eye's moods better than anyone else, so she could tell when he was really amused, annoyed, or furious. Being able to read him like that made her like him more, because few in the department really knew him, but she did. It was a little like having a grandfather or uncle that she didn't have before, having met so little of her extended family.
As for the Order: I don't think many of them realized Mad-Eye had a soft spot for Tonks. Only those who knew Tonks or Mad-Eye really well had any idea. I think most of the Order assumed that Mad-Eye and Tonks were close because he was her trainer, but it was Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, and Kingsley who really saw the bond there. Dumbledore thought it was charming that his old, paranoid friend had taken a shine to Tonks. Kingsley didn't get it at all - Mad-Eye was gruff with everyone, but somehow, the pink haired witch with the funny noses made him "smile." Sirius was stunned, too, because Mad-Eye was so tough. Remus was impressed with Tonks, and that feeling only grew as he realized how close Tonks was with Mad-Eye. Being impressed turned to being "seriously smitten" but also panicked, because Mad-Eye was NOT the kind of person to mess with. If Remus messed up with Tonks, what would be left of him would go to Mad-Eye.
In short, everyone's reaction to Mad-Eye and Tonks was visible confusion, with the exception of Dumbledore (amused) and Remus (impressed and alarmed).
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darklinaforever · 6 months
When people try to make it seem like the Marauders and Severus relationship was a shared rivalry instead of outright harassment. They were 4 to 1 ! That's not à rivality !
Also, I'm tired of people saying things like :
"Yes, James and his friends harassed Severus, that's not good. But it says in the text that Severus had a disproportionate hatred for James, and cast spells on him too."
Yes. So what ? It's basically victim blaming. As if the fact that Severus defends himself wasn't normal ?! As if hating James who bullied him from the moment he met him, just for his simple existence wasn't normal ?!
I would like to understand what is going on in people's heads when they say sentences like that.
Severus scorning James is justified. Severus attacking James back is fucking justified, especially when the harassment is daily !
What is this ridiculous logic ? "Yes, James bullied Severus, but Severus wasn't any better because he hated him and retaliated."
People speaking like that should never have been harassed. It's like those hating Severus / finding it unforgivable that Severus called Lily a mudblood after being publicly humiliated by James.
Translation ; suspended in the air upside down, underwear revealed and soap in his mouth...
I think your mood, your temperament, and your control over yourself and your words would take a hit too !
I was the victim of harassment almost throughout my schooling. From my first year of kindergarten until my second year of high school ! Do you think I loved my harassers ? Do you think that after a while I didn't fight back ? Do you think that after being publicly humiliated / harassed I didn't insult even innocent people ? (And again, Lily smiled seeing her so-called friend go through this, so for me the insult was deserved, I have no regrets in saying that...) But wake up the fuc ! Go live in the real world !
There is no excuse for what James put Severus through and there never will be ! Damn, he was doing it for fun ! Pure and simple !
Also, I'm tired of seeing this bullshit like if Harry had been a girl, Severus would have had inappropriate attitudes towards him... That it would even have gone completely like in the film Swenney Todd ! But what ?! And again, I saw a very intelligent film-loving woman, or so I thought, spouting this bullshit ! FOR WHAT ?! Where does this shit come from ?! Ginny is described as looking a lot like Lily from what I remember and Severus never went after her ?!
I've seen people like Snape say this types of shit and argue that it apparently made him complex !
Why is a man grieving his former best friend trying to be better in honor of her memory considered an obsession ? Why do people say Snape was obsessed with Lily, rather than James who literally pursued her throughout school and even blackmailed her into trying to date her, and never taking no for an answer ?! Why ?!
And why is Severus' patronus taking the same form as Lily's seen as proof of obsession ?! Didn't Thnks do the same thing for Lupin ?! I don't remember anyone seeing this as obsession on his part !
In fact, when a patronus changes depending on the author, for the person we love, it is specifically to match them, and is proof of eternal love.
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the-autistic-jedi · 9 months
something about having the love of your life confess their undying love for you in a crowded room full of your friends and colleagues after you spent years believing that you were unworthy of love because of a disability that makes you dangerous just HITS DIFFERENT
and yes I’m talking about the hospital wing scene from half blood prince
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controversialhpmemes · 3 months
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Via https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeyBJdkH/
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simping-4-voldemort · 11 months
Onion Headlines and Harry Potter Characters part 5/?
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superfallingstars · 3 months
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taking the last secret day of february to post my extremely belated valentine's ship art. featuring flonks for @remus-poopin, sapphic trans snily for @midnight1404, and sningsley (?) for @titconao3
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picklesonjupiter · 1 year
Can we all forget about mauraders era for a second and think about Bill's era?
Everything we could get from that time period:
Severus teaching in his 20s.
Bill Weasley (love him)
Charlie Weasley (best dragon boy)
Nymphadora Tonks
Teen generation dealing with the aftermath of the first war.
We could explore more about how Severus became more confident in his teaching job.
Headcanon: Bill Weasley loves DADA and tells Professor Snape and he becomes his favorite student and the only likable Gryffindor.
Tonks causing trouble when she transforms into her classmates and professors.
There is just so much we could play with.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Things in the HP fandom that ✨just don’t make sense✨
Ship wars
Loving Draco but hating on Ron
Calling Snape abusive while glossing over the fact that the series takes place in an old-fashioned magic school 30 years ago.
Thinking it’s valid that just because you hate a character you can disregard their trauma
Wolfstar shippers who bash Tonks for no good reason (you can obviously not ship Remadora and ship Wolfstar, but why hate on her when she genuinely did nothing bad?)
Insisting that George should’ve died instead of Fred (that’s so disturbing??? wtf is wrong with y’all?)
Excusing literally everything the Marauders did by saying “they’re just kids” and not acknowledging that Snape was the same age
Hating on Cho, Fleur, Tonks, and Lavender (hm I wonder what they all have in common)
Hating Percy when he has an extremely realistic and understandable story and felt genuinely overlooked by his family (which he was).
Calling 9 year old Snape a creepy stalker
Acting like Hagrid was a perfect angel just because he was kind to Harry
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Hello! Just curious, what is your fav HP canon/fanon ship?
Related question but who do you picture Snape & Tonks with? Or do you prefer them to be single?? I always like to picture Snape finding a wonderful woman and marrying her. Not sure if I prefer Snape having a baby girl or a baby boy but either would be so heartwarming 😍.
People seem to like Severitus a lot (Snape being Harry adopted or bio dad I think). I have read a few fics I liked where Snape becomes Harry's guardian and they grow to care for each other. But I don't know...I prefer Snape having his own kid vs raising the kid who symbolizes everything that went wrong with his life.
Hello, I hope you are well, I like that you ask me questions.
My favorite couples in the canon? mmmm the truth is that I almost don't like canon couples, now fanon couples? mmm maybe Snirius and Snily but I don't usually read a lot of them in fanfics but I really like the drawings, except for occasional tastes I don't focus much on those 2 couples.
Regarding Tonks and Severus, the truth is that I adapt to both of them, whether they are single or find someone better, I am versatile in that aspect.
There are good Severitus fanfics, I admit it, but I also don't like the idea of Severus raising a child from the worst friend I've ever read in books (Lily Evans), I agree with you, I prefer Severus to have his own children and not take care of other people's children.
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The concept of Remus and Tonks surviving the war and ending up having a second child delights me to no end, I’d love to hear your opinion on it
I've said it thousands of times - they were taking a nap at the middle of the great Hall...they were new parents at that point, what else do u expect...!?!
They had a daughter and named her Hope, she looks like Tonks and she's a daddy's girl.
Nobody can change my mind 😤😤😤
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