#probably not for this platform but whatever
wraether · 6 hours
re: adobe's new terms of service
Dont take this as me being pro-adobe (i think they're an evil company with shitty software that i hate so much i dont even pirate) but the whole "you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sublicensable, license to use, reproduce, display, distribute (etc.)" part of the TOS is like... bog standard. Completely normal. I hate to break it to you, but basically every social media, file sharing service, cloud storage site, or whatever else includes it in their TOS. Otherwise, for example, a site could not show your post to other users - or a file sharing service could not allow you to share files with other users. Because they'd lack the license to do so.
Even straight from the tumblr TOS:
"When you provide User Content to Tumblr (...) you grant Tumblr a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable right and license to use, host, store, cache, reproduce, publish, display (publicly or otherwise), perform (publicly or otherwise), distribute, transmit, modify, adapt (including, without limitation, in order to conform it to the requirements of any networks, devices, services, or media through which the Services are available), and create derivative works of, such User Content (...) The reference in this license to "creat[ing] derivative works" is not intended to give Tumblr a right to make substantive editorial changes or derivations, but does, for example, enable reblogging, which allows Tumblr Users to redistribute User Content from one Tumblr blog to another in a manner that allows them to add their own text or other Content before or after your User Content."
Or, if you rightfully think Tumblr is evil, here's the VGen TOS, a decidedly anti-AI, pro-artist platform:
"By posting Content to the Service, You grant us a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, view, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view, and otherwise exploit such user Content on, through, or by means of the Service."
I hate adobe as much as the next guy, but this is normal. Without a license to redistribute your work, basically any site/program that "shares" what you make in ANY capacity could not function - or you could sue them for, like, showing your public posts to other users in search. The reason it sounds scary and alarming is because a TOS is a dense legal document that sounds as scary as any other dense legal document. on account of using legally specific language & not every TOS taking the time to clarify for the layman like Tumblr's does
Similarly, adobe has ALWAYS had access to your entire creative cloud and every file in it. I dont want to sound like a smartass, but when you upload a file to The Adobe Creative Cloud, you are, in fact, uploading the file. straight to adobe. this has always been the case. You're putting your file on adobe servers, of course they have access to the file you gave them, why in the world does anyone think otherwise
This is not a defense of adobe, im not even discounting the fact that they could & probably are cooking some evil AI shit or w/e, and i just think theyre a generally evil company even if theyre not... BUT i am pro-literacy and pro-understanding how things work. lmfao. and i find it both a little silly & a little stupid to be way too alarmist about things that are in basically every TOS/that are incredibly obvious if you sit and think for five minutes so tl;dr dont be stupid
(& full disclosure this is specifically in response to a very alarmist tiktok ive seen making the rounds)
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zoyetweek · 4 months
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hey upper east siders, gossip girl here… and I have the biggest news ever #ZOYET WEEK is coming soon ! 💋💋 xoxo, gossip girl
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carouselunique · 2 months
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Cinch had three charges in her care once, Celestia entrusted her with the day-to-day care of Prince Blueblood, the new Princess Cadence and her student Sunset Shimmer - running a kingdom is difficult enough alone without three young ponies to look after - so when Celestia is absent (often) that means Cinch was in charge of these three ponies. And while the matron of the castle was always rigid about rules and wanted her three charges to uphold her reputation and to build their own budding reputations high, she cared about them very much. You'd have to, spending your time with the same three young ponies for so long, guiding and teaching them to be their best...
By the time Ditzy came into the picture, Cinch was down to two charges. She refused to fail them the way she failed...
Well, with one down, there were two left and she cared so much she wouldn't let anyone ruin them, especially not themselves. Surely they would come to realize Cinch was only helping.
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stonerzelda · 6 months
oh, also i have a sad update...we lost our little Peaches on the 15th. I came home from work and went to go check on her and found her lying very still in her castle and cold to the touch. Ben and I stayed up with her the entire night thinking she might've gone into torpor. We put a heater on close by, bundled her with her little plush pouch + towels and a blanket and then I spent the next day doing the same thing while also trying to feed her homemade electrolytes, petting her and basically holding on to her from night to night. We called a vet and ended up finally looking up natural causes, and we think she may have been older than we thought as apparently the stripe on her back being as dark as it was indicated she may have even already been a year old. Her species only really lives to 2, so for the last 9ish months we had her she was probably already approaching the end of her life.
I can sincerely say we tried every single little thing that we could think of, we were both researching any and everything we could find but we just really really hoped we could bring her back. I could feel she still had treats in her cheek and her eyes were closed, so at the very least it's comforting to know she most likely died in her sleep with something tasty with her. She wasn't with us for long but losing her has been harder than I anticipated, and I just wanted to also say I really appreciate how you all always asked about her and left so many sweet little comments every time I brought her up. I miss her a lot and can't even look at her cage right now (it's been covered up) but thank you for loving her just as much as I did. Rest in peace Paesh💙 miss u babygirl.
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rongzhi · 1 year
What are some censorship rules that you feel you could most comfortably poke fun at without feeling like you could get in some kind of trouble or ending up on some watchlist for doing?
I guess the FOSTA/SESTA censorship law is a pretty miserable piece of legislation that has had a net negative impact on society since day 1. If I could find something funny about it, I'd definitely go for that one.
Although, you can make fun of it directly without being put on some watchlist, though keep in mind this is the law that laid groundwork for online surveillance/suppression of sex workers, and is basically the blueprint for some anti-abortion legislation proposals that would make it illegal to discuss obtaining abortions online. so if some people have their way, someday you COULD get put on a list for giving tips and info online to those seeking abortions. but i digress.
#yes i know anon was prob asking about china but i don't have an answer to that as i'm not at risk of ending up on any chinese watchlists#and i don't have a direct line to the NRTA to find out what gets you on any watchlists anyway,surprise surprise#You probably wouldn't get put on a list anyway#you'd probably just get perma banned from whatever platform you were posting on if you kept breaking their rules about what you can mention#the most basic of censorship rules for most sites i don't think anyone would have a problem with anyway bc most ppl in china agree w them#[these rules usually include no nazi flags or imperial japanese (rising sun) flag depictions, adhering to 1 china policy in discussions#not spreading superstition#or promoting belief in the superstitious]#I see netizens openly complain about topics being suppressed from search trends all the time it's probably (i'm guessing) not as sensitive#as you think#like you'd have to really be causing a scene to get taken note of#anyway sometimes i get what are essentially like. idk. essay prompts. in my inbox#and i just need you all to know i'm dumb as bricks and i don't keep up with international politics in any significant way#answered ask#text#...I guess to actually answer the question I think you could probably make fun of censorship of ghosts and witches a lot#the film censor bureau really shoots itself in the foot with the censorship laws. the chinese film horror genre is a fucking joke#and i see chinese netizens complaining that the domestic movie censorship has gone too far all the time#It's really a shame bc it's stifling some great story telling and everyone knows it
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
its so sad that theres so much team dark fanart that makes rouge the shortest when shadow is canonically the shortest and him being the shortest is also really funny
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syrupyyyart · 8 months
Oooo just realized this blog is fanart-less at this point. Anyone have any show/fandom recommendations lol
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jennycalendar · 4 months
had a cup of coffee last night — i do not usually drink coffee, not for any big reason, just because deviations from my routine have to be planned and when other drinks are on offer i default to the one i am most familiar with, and because i don’t usually drink coffee i didn’t realize that the caffeine would actually make my brain function the way that i am now certain my brain should be functioning. like i usually take an entire day to shower or cook or whatever it is but i cleaned the entire apartment and made my salad as well, and there was none of the “lying down for 3 hours for no reason doing nothing” in between? and now i am feeling very tangled and sad because i honestly did not realize my brain full on does work different on a lot of levels, and will need accommodations for things
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wellfine · 2 years
I had a small question for you: I've noticed your body types and details when it comes to characters feel very human. Little traits in body refs come together very well in your designs. Because of how well you can convey these things, I was wondering if there are any OP characters that are more difficult for you to draw? Be it design wise or translating the OP style to your own? Hope this isn't an odd thing to ask haha
Not odd at all, this is a really interesting ask! I always love an opportunity to talk about why I draw things the way I do haha... Also I'm so flattered you feel that way, body variations are something I find really interesting and gratifying to draw so I'm glad people pick up on them and like them too!
HMMmmm... Honestly I find it harder to translate faces to my style than bodies HAHA. There are sooo many interesting body silhouettes in One Piece that I find it more of a fun puzzle trying to translate them! Montblanc Cricket is definitely a challenge for example because his body shape is sooo extreme (dat neck. You know Zoro's jealous) but that's part of why I like his design/drawing him.
I mean okay the hardest Straw Hat for me to draw is Brook LMAO but I feel like that's cheating because you have to be so precise with all those bones. Body-wise... maybe Nami? It took me a long time to decide on what kind of body type vibes she was giving me before I decided she was kind of beanstalk-y but with big boob implants. I try and draw her boobs to look fake on purpose contrasted with, say, Robin or Tashigi, and I hope it comes across. I just think it's in-character that if her boobs got notably bigger after the time skip, well, it's because she wanted big old honkers lmao!
Zoro is also difficult sometimes because I imagine his body changes appearance a lot, not just because he gains muscle steadily over the series, but even on a shorter scale he probably fluctuates between bulking and cutting. I find it enjoyable to draw him at various stages but it does mean he looks inconsistent in my art sometimes and occasionally I worry that people won't understand my intent. Sanji can also be difficult to get the right proportions for because his muscle composition is so unbalanced, like some kind of hyper-cyclist, but I don't want to make him look absurd out of context either.
I'm not a furry artist by nature (despite Everything) so the hardest body types for me to translate are definitely animalistic characters, whether they're Zoan types or Minks! Chopper and Pedro are still hard for me to draw, for example, even if Minks mostly just have humanoid body shapes covered in hair. I have a hard time clicking with them. Interestingly fishmen/mermaids are not as difficult - I think because they're more fantastical, you can be less 'accurate'?
I'm trying to think of non-Straw Hat characters... Honestly I have a much harder time drawing faces than bodies. I'm working on it. I think my headcanon for Law's body type is at odds with a lot of other fans' LOL (same as me seeing Sanji without a shred of ass), I just can't see him as being muscular at all - he strikes me as the type who barely eats enough and doesn't really work out so he's all gaunt and gangly. Kid is WIIIDDEE which is fun to draw but sometimes hard to get the proportions of. One Piece women tend to be harder to translate to my style than men because their canon body types are so much less diverse :/ but I do enjoy it too. Vivi was hard for me to settle on but I like the body type headcanon I have for her now - I just haven't had time to draw it LMAO. Oh, and Yamato can be hard, but for kind of different reasons. His body is so politicised I know I'm going to get weird comments no matter how I draw him. Giving him top surgery makes me personally feel more comfortable in some ways (visibly denouncing transphobes etc) but less comfortable in others (implying that top surgery is necessary to be transmasc etc). But that's a different kind of difficulty. I still enjoy drawing him.
Inorganic shapes are much harder for me to draw so I would say the hardest OP characters for me are characters like Franky or Brook who have bone/cyborg parts! I love Franky's post-timeskip silhouette (sir your A-frame) but I always struggle with his shoulders and forearms because they're not organic shapes so inconsistencies/scale inaccuracies are way more obvious. Sometimes Fishmen designs fit into this category a bit too.
I hope there was something useful or interesting in that answer somewhere! For me personally I would say - based on bodies only - the Straw Hats scale from easiest -> hardest to draw is: Usopp -> Luffy -> Zoro -> Sanji -> Robin -> Nami -> Jinbe -> Franky -> Chopper -> Brook. Usopp is hands-down easiest for me because I take a lot of inspo for him from my boyfriend so it comes surprisingly naturally. (Love u baby)
Thank you again for such an interesting ask and for letting me indulge in talking about myself for so long, I always enjoy asks like this!
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furby-organist · 3 months
// Alright, throwing this out there before I sleep: now that I've done with my exam and I may have access to my laptop soon, I'd like to get back into the swing of things and write with more people! Like this post (or reply) if you want me to make a mental note to check out your blog / reach out to you about RPing!
Also, for reference, since this seems to be a Hot Fandom Topic: I consider myself neither proship nor anti. My rules page is pretty up-to-date with who I will/won't interact with.
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theintelligentfool · 1 year
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this was super fun!!! :D template by @ink-ghoul
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tenrose · 4 months
Want to try listening to audiobooks but I also don't want it to be Audible because fuck Amazon
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
wait why is dmc1 good
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Need a windrunner who's scared of heights and is bitter that on this planet a drive to protect is apparently magically linked to flying instead of like, getting to summon shields or blast lightning because yeah they'll keep their oaths! but can they just do that from the ground, thanks, please?
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
I am begging you and every other MHA fan to raise your standards cause Kohei gave everyone a yuri couple only to immediately kill one off.
…how many times has horikoshi faked deaths in this series. Because it’s A LOT. Afo, allmight, izuku losing his arm, bakugou, touya, Ochako literally last chapter, like… the story isn’t done yet my dude.
So how do I think horikoshi has seriously failed mha… hmm…
1: her
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Her entire character. Well, not entire character. She GOT a lot of screen time and development don’t get me wrong, especially later in the series, and yes I love the fact that bakugou and dekus relationship was more prioritized than Izuku and Ochakos, but does that mean he prioritized her character? No! Nope! NADDA! Ochako is repeatedly sidelined throughout the story, and is also somehow excluded from a lot of arcs that SERIOUSLY RELATE TO HER CHARACTER.
Imagine if ochako was a part of the stain arc at all. She joined for selfish reasons like iida, he has a blood quirk like toga (which could’ve EASILY been foreshadowing to her not being freaked out by blood like most people), could’ve been a great way to show some nuance to her character….
And yet… AND YET…
That brings me to mistake number 2: Shoto Todoroki
Do I think shoto’s character is written badly or wrong? No! Of course I don’t! The entirety of the todoroki storyline, especially with its connection to hawks and the dirty parts of heroics, is really really good! I think it’s one of the most well handled abusive families in all of fiction. It understands EVERYONE in the family, and horikoshi is still able to show so much character and development in just a few scenes, like Natsuo or Rei.
So what IS my problem?
The fact that Ochako, her story, her CHARACTER AS A WHOLE… becomes sidelined due to horikoshi’s choice to prioritize his character over her’s. Again, it’s a great story and I wish he could balance both of them in mha, but he COULDNT, and he made the choice to sacrifice a woman’s character over a man’s.
Though I will say, a note on how ochako could’ve been in the stain arc: toga as a concept was created later and for ochako specifically, so it does kind of make sense as to why she wasn’t involved. Plans change and writers change, their ideas for their characters and what direction they go will ALWAYS change, and sadly you can’t predict that you won’t change a character or it’s direction at any point. It sucks! But that’s how a lot of these really long manga’s go. They have to write and then draw it pretty fucking fast.
And tbh I don’t really know what id do in horikoshi’s shoes with ochako and shoto! But it is definitely a critique we can acknowledge. It would take some seriously extraordinary writing skills to be able to balance, what, 3 deuteragonists? Katsuki, Ochako, AND Todoroki? Especially since one of those characters has a very complex trauma storyline that involves like five other characters? I honestly wouldn’t know what to do in his shoes!
I just wish he had picked the woman out of the two of them, but I think everyone knows that his manga wouldn’t be half as popular were he to have made it focus on two guys and a girl, instead of three guys, one of which is conventionally attractive and has major main character energy.
Anyway number 3: the overhaul arc
Ugh I have such mixed opinions on this arc. On one hand it has some really interesting storylines… when they’re on their own.
From what I understand, horikoshi did this arc because he wanted to try his hands at a longer arc and he had never really done that before. And while it’s great and very obvious he learned things from this arc, it just… takes up so much god damn space and gives us absolutely nothing long term.
Like yeah it makes a few points, like how high schoolers shouldn’t be involved in all of this and kinda sets up the ending rn where the actual adult heroes are sacrificing themselves for the next generation (ex: the guy that I forget the name of who’s now bakugous heart, allmight for deku, midnight for Mina/all the other kids, Mount lady, Aizawa for deku and all the other kids, Mirko for bakugou, etc etc), where as villains sacrifice the next generation for THEMSELVES (ex: afo and shigaraki, overhaul and eri, the gun arm girl for deku, also afo for dabi, etc etc) which is really good to do!
It’s just. Yk. Done by basically every other arc.
AIZAWA REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS, ALLMIGHT REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS, ENDEAVOR REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS. Like it’s the entirety of Mount ladies arc, learning to be a hero and sacrifice for the next generation. Sacrifice and the fact that we forget 1-A are high schoolers is constantly shoved down our fucking throats; we don’t need this arc that takes so god damn long, only adds more characters that aren’t that important, TAKES AWAY FROM YOUR MAIN CAST OTHER THAN DEKU AND ALLMIGHT, JUST for it to tell you explicitly that “kids shouldn’t be fighting the battles of the previous generation, but they have to”. It just. Ugh.
There’s so much time in that arc fucking WASTED on nighteye or mirio’s character. Do I think the big three are really interesting? Of course! The contrast between mirio to deku is fascinating! It really shows how much deku can’t become allmight.
But you know. We talked about that a season ago mha. Yk. When he learns to use kicks instead of punches. Or yk. Gran Torino’s entire arc surrounds that. Everything about deku is nothing like allmight. That’s the entirety of their characters together. It’s repeatedly shown to be dekus biggest insecurity. He’s not allmight. YOU DIDNY NEED THIS ARC TO TELL YOU THAT AGAIN.
It’s like, everything that matters in this arc has already been shouting at you throughout the entire show, and everything else is never really used again outside of a mention here or there. It’s REALLY CLEAR Horikoshi was just doing this arc to try doing a long arc, not thinking about the long term of said arc.
Hmmm what else is there to complain about…
Eh, I guess the fan service? Which is, yk, in every other shonen anime/manga out there. Sometimes with people far younger than anyone in mha.
Ugh it’s like people like you just want me to be screaming “horikoshi did this! Horikoshi did that!” Every five seconds. I read the manga, I’ve talked about these flaws before on my account. Sorry if I… enjoy the manga???? Wait… omg!
It’s almost like I’m an mha account and it says RIGHT HERE IN MY BIO! Crazy!
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Like seriously, what was your point? You were mad at drawings on a screen and someone enjoying that story and just… wanted to make someone’s day worse?
Did you expect me to heave over and be like “yes master anon! Toga is the worst written character in mha and horikoshi is a bad writer!” He’s a capable writer who understands his audience more than people give him credit for.
EVERY story has flaws. Every. Single. One. And because mha is literally everywhere and the fandom can get annoying because, it’s literally everywhere, I can understand getting annoyed sometimes. But you can’t sit here and expect me to solely focus on how bad horikoshi’s writing is because you’re mad at one thing. Toga SHOULD be selfless for ochako, sorry that it means thinking that she’s going to die???? What do you want from me?
I don’t have to “raise my standards” because horikoshi uses a lot of subtext and symbolism. I have other gay media I watch or read.
But like every single lgbtq movement that’s ever happened, it takes BABY STEPS. There aren’t many, if any, gay shonens out there, and if mha wants to be the first one it has to play by the rules. It has to make you think this is every other heterosexual shonen ever.
Shojo didn’t just become gay, it had to have shows like sailor moon censor a lesbian couple to be “cousins” so that other shows could exist. Madoka had to be at least semi subtle about its queer coding.
That whole meme where it shows one show saying “x show walked so that y show could run”, yeah that’s how every gay genre was made. Horror didn’t just become gay, it had to have community and relatability build up over the years, along with those new gay writers remembering where they came from, who paved the way.
My point being: I don’t give a shit if you think horikoshi is an awful writer who you think I can’t criticize. However I DO KNOW that if toga and ochako fully get together you’ll NEVER be able to avoid mha. And that thought makes me smile so much more than just the fact that they’re canon.
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motoroil-recs · 4 months
(Kinfession) (I hope I’m not getting annoying 🙏! Getting a little self conscious I can’t lie </3)
Realising that there were signs I kinned Caitlin even before I knew of the Flash series is insane. I was thinking about when I was a kid and my mom would mention like, scientific facts but in a dumbed down version, and I already knew them somehow. I don’t remember where I learned that information from, because I remember not reading biology/science books about those things until later. DAMN,,
And another related thing - I dropped Biology for two years until switching schools and needing to take it again, and all the information is just so easy to absorb it feels so natural??
I guess I forgot that I actually kin a genius with 2 PhD’s and a doctorate, after all 😂😂
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