#props to the game for really surprising me with how invested i'd be
riverin-stories · 1 year
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if temenos’ job is to doubt, and i doubted him, do 2 negatives cancel out?
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unknown-lifeform · 2 years
1, 4, 9, 24, for ff7?
Thank you for the ask! I do love to rant about things lmao. I'm putting everything under a read more because I'm opinionated and I'll let people skip the post if they don't want to see salt
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Mm. I would say for the majority of popular ships I can get where people come from. Which doesn't mean I share the ship, there's definitely ships I don't like, but I also see which interactions made the ship popular.
I think the only ones I don't get are the popular Vincent ones. Vincent had interactions with Yuffie in DoC, sure, but I just can't read them as romantic. And... big controversial here, I don't get Valenwind. Which I'm sorry about, because I have friends who are very big into it, but I just don't understand how it became so popular. It's ok in fics, I've read some fics that had it and were good, just... how did so many people pick it?
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Cloti and Clerith Cloti and Clerith oh my god I can't stand either one of them anymore. And I get why people ship them! I do! But the shippers are so toxic I can't look at these things anymore.
Like yes I guess they have some chemistry but also it's extremely lukewarm for both ships. It's like this by design. You have the option of going on a date with either Aerith or Tifa (or Yuffie or Barret, if you manage to get the secret combination of dialogues right), the game does give you hints of possible romance between Cloud and either of them to get you invested. But it's ambiguous hints, because the game lets you choose, and so they can't make either pairing too canon. And like at first I was neutral on both these ships, I wasn't into them but I could see the appeal.
But no, people have been arguing about which one is the One True Canon Ship of ff7 for 25 fucking years now, bringing "proof" that one ship is more canon than the other, they've carried on this ship war longer than I've been fucking alive, and when they get bored of bullying each other they go bitch at people who ship Cloud with other characters. And tbh neither side even cares about Tifa or Aerith as a character - it's all arguing about which one is the better prop for Cloud and shitting on the other, but then they go and make the girls the blandest versions of themselves imaginable.
I'm so sorry for the Cloti and Clerith shippers who aren't like that, it must suck finding good people to follow, but also seeing either ship makes me want to start biting.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
I would say the Shinra Board - President Shinra, Hojo, Heidegger, those people. But also 90% of the fandom hates them because they are horrible people so it's not really controversial.
The saltier take I have is that Lucretia was a horrible person too. And half the fandom agrees with me, while the other half is up in harms about how she was a victim. Like, sure, at the end she was. But also this is a woman who willingly got into unethical human experimentation, fell in love with Hojo of all people because she admired his scientific dedication (to put alien DNA in babies), and let Hojo put alien DNA in her unborn fetus to see what happened. And then Hojo took the baby away from her and she was surprised by this! Like girl I'm sorry about the alien powered mental illness but you only have yourself to blame here. And DoC had the gall to try to convince us that she and Vincent had some tragic story going on when she what? Lied to him for months and then put a demon inside of him? God, how romantic.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
Yeah, I'd totally recommend FF7 to people. The lore is very extensive, the plot may not necessarily be the most original by today's standards but it still holds up damn well, the music is to die for, and there's also open criticizing of capitalism, military propaganda, and unethical scientific approaches. Personally I also love the various sequels and prequels that make up the Compilation (although DoC is on thin fucking ice), but if one is only interested in the original game that's also a fully completed story. Which is more than I can say about a whole lot of games that ask you to have played other 364 things to understand them.
Gameplay wise, I've only played the OG so... if you like old jrpg with infinite grinding, you'll love that one. The graphics haven't aged well, although the polygon people are charming in their own way. Unfortunately idk how CC, DoC, or the Remake are when it comes to the gameplay (cries in not having any hardware that can run Remake).
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text || Brobastian (Week 3)
Bas: Sure, but it sends the wrong message. It sends the "I want to stay here and be your boyfriend" message. Call me overcautious, but I'd prefer to just sneak out and avoid the awkwardness.
Bas: [unsent] Besides, if it's such a good way to wake up, then why did you leave? I didn't sneak out on /you/.
Bas: See, you say that, but I still don't believe you. The whole denial thing used to be cute, but one day you're going to just have to admit it. I'm told repressing things is unhealthy, Brodes. As your friend, I'm concerned.
Bas: I mean let's be real here - I doubt the other guy would really be able to hold out anyway. Excuse me, better endurance? Come on, Brodes, you don't really believe that, do you? You've got to stop kidding yourself. We've talked about this - I'm willing to pretend that I wasn't far behind you, but I guess I've still got the whole youth thing going for me. But you still did good - there's no need to try to play it up. There's no shame in coming second. There's no 'in theory' about it - I'm going out on Friday night and I'm getting laid. This hell needs to end. I wouldn't be /lying down/, idiot - I /can/ sit up. And, hey, the nature of it is all up to you. No - as much as I know you'd like to see me shake my ass like that on stage - I was never that tacky.
Bas: I highly doubt it, considering that putting your emotional health in the hands of another person just sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Bas: [unsent] It was for me, anyway.
Bas: Sex makes me happy. I don't need to watch Twilight to get that. What? I told you I liked musicals. I don't get why you're surprised about The Sound of Music.
Bas: [unsent] As for Anne Rice... shut up. When you grow up in a house where your only company is maids and books, you read some weird shit, alright? Still better than Twilight.
Bas: Right, but the quality sucks. I'd rather have the real deal. So, therefore, I'd rather forgo Sweeny Todd in favour of some good movie musicals - or official Broadway recordings, at least. Hey - I didn't realise that sleepovers were your thing, but I'm glad you have someone who can cater to your needs. When you need the company of a real adult, let me know. Huh, do I detect a note of jealousy? I sleep with strangers for orgasms, not validation, but please, Brodes, by all means, enjoy slut-shaming me from your not-so-high horse. Sure - the only issue is that she's fictional, but I'm sure you and your right hand can take care of that pesky minor problem. No, don't worry - there's no need to cover up with your false confidence now. I mean I know that confidence is sexy and all, but it only matters when it's /real/. Hey, I didn't criticise. I keep telling you - just because I outlasted you doesn't mean that I had any complaints.
Brody: Ah the joys of //friendship//– where you and other person are familiar enough with each other and already know what you’re getting into, and therefore don’t have that weird assumption that you’re something you’re not.
Brody: [unsent] or at least usually that works– sometimes it becomes a feelings thing and then she also falls in love with her best friend and then you all end up together except you’re all miserable so you really shouldn’t be and so you try to avoid each other but one of you decides to try to kill yourself with frostbite and so here we are. God why am I handing you your argument? Shutting up now.
Brody: Yeah, moron-- //I'm// the one that keeps telling you that. Because this projection thing? Come on Bas-- you're better than that. Not a //lot// better, but there's something resembling dignity in that stick figure somewhere.
Brody: Really? You don't think someone could manage to keep that up? I mean, I'm not saying it wouldn't be a marathon-- you've got to be really invested in the game to pull off something like that. But there are people that feel like that sort of accomplishment is a goal in and of itself. I mean, you listen to someone finally cumming after that sort of tension-- there's a whole new high involved, I'd think. I mean, the muscle tension, the sweat-slicked skin, and then //finally/ opening a guy up? I mean, I get that you're an instant-gratification kind of a guy, but you can at least //hypothetically// follow the appeal, right? As for me, personally-- I'm sorry. I forgot that I let you have that one. You're right Bas-- you were totally just sparing me humiliation and so on and so forth. That dead fish routine was totally just for show, I'm sure. I'm sure you will, Bas-- I mean, Scandals is known for it's ridiculously low standards: I'm sure you could still hook a fish or two the way you look now. You're on bedrest-- in a bed. That's pretty much horizontal-- I don't dance on beds (literally). I mean, I have, but that was a stage prop-- not for sleeping. Although yes-- I did find more than just dancing to do on it. So, what? Now is just making up for lost time then?
Brody: Eh, sometimes it doesn't suck.
Brody: [unsent] sometimes it absolutely destroys you because they see things that you don't and make you hate yourself for it, but sometimes it doesn't suck.
Brody: Yes, I imagine anyone that's met you is aware of that fact. I imagine when you finally get married, it will be to a pharm rep who can get you an endless supply of little blue pills so you can //keep// being happy XD. So were you running around your little Dalton Dorm singing "I am 16 going on 17"?
Brody: Well, I mean, if you're looking to borrow quality, I still have my DVD of Into The Woods-- with Bernadette, obviously, not Meryl, no offense. It's a got a cutesy dark vibe, and it's New York
Brody: As for catering, unlike you, I have no problems with that, so if I //did// decide Saint Kurt was my style, at least it wouldn't be because I couldn't leave my surroundings. And regardless- how did you not not notice sleepovers were my thing? I cycle, peacock, and therefore sleeping over is kind of implied-- you of all people know that others sort of think you're an asshole when you creep out on them. And if I needed an adult, Bas-- you'd hardly be my top 10 pick. Uh huh, sure-- that's why you berate Spencer for not being a giver-- because you're only in it for the orgasms. Hey-- there are real life princesses. Are you telling me they don't sing to birds? I refuse to believe it. Well, I suppose you'd know more about real and fake confidence than me, so I believe you. So then, if my old ass got no complaints, and I was your best-- holy hell what does that make your norms? Sounds like hard times even without being sick, Bas XD
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