Hey 🥱
I'm here with a random ask of the week 💨
/It's kinda early, sorry;;;/
What would Spamano wedding vows be (if you were to write them;))? (Canonverse/nationverse)
I'm sorry I first get around to answering now, it's those assignments. They're kicking me while I'm already down. 🥲
That's such a big question, it kinda requires a whole fanfiction to itself. And even in canonverse, there's still variants, you know?
For one, I think they would, in most canon timelines, not be allowed to marry each other, because they're still nations, and that would likely influence the politics of the state, no matter how much they insist they're only getting married as humans, not as nations. And then there's also the problem of Italy still not allowing gay marriages...
Now, there's two ways for them to go from there. Either we make up a canon compliant verse where they're allowed to marry and it won't influence anything. They'll have a huge happy wedding, and I promise you, there's several fanfictions of that out there. The other option is that they... Just get secretly married anyway. Which I don't think I've seen a lot of, but I'd like to see it. They'd only invite a couple of the nations they're sure won't tattle, and it would be in the tiniest little church. Kinda giving the same vibes as One Hand, One Heart in West Side Story (2021). Spain would be super cheesy and romantic, but at the end, he'd say something really funny. Romano would try to be tough, and start all like "lemme tell you about this idiot I love," except his voice starts cracking and he starts crying. He's crying through the entirety of his vows from pure joy. Spain feels a little bad about seeing him cry like that, but he knows it's fine.
I think both Romano and Spain would be very mindful of using words like forever and eternal. They know they'll love each other forever, but they're also nations, so when they speak of forever, it's actually forever, not like humans who has no concept of living for hundreds and hundreds of years, to see the change of times, and know that nothing lasts. I also think they both have been through so much that they wouldn't entrap each other in a promise of forever – if Spain or South Italy gets dissolved down the line, both would want the remaining one of them to keep them in their heart, but also move on and find happiness elsewhere. Instead of promises of forever, they would speak of past, how the ages have only strengthened their bond and love for each other, of the normalcy of every day, how they make each other feel at ease, happy, and human. Because to Spain, Romano is the anchor that pulled him down to reality when he was at his height of cruelty and inhumanity, and to Romano, Spain is the one who helped him get over his insecurities and fears left by his family by loving him unconditionally – and nothing in the world of politics is ever unconditional, so for Romano that is the most humanising feat a nation could ever do.
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derridoid · 10 months
Hey hey hello!!
I hope you're doing good today 💓
ahh thank you! i hope you're having a good day today as well :3
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sigdom · 9 months
Nine people tag!
Thank you @starsmadeinheaven for tagging me!
Last song: Tutte le parole by Fabrizio Moro.
Last Movie: LOTR: The two towers, it was aired on TV last Sunday.
Currently Watching: Young Sheldon, I'm waiting for the next season.
Currently Reading: 1984 by George Orwell
Currently Craving: My trip to Germany next week!
Last thing you researched for writing purposes: Villa Borghese and the museum.
The nominated are... @irimaru, @crispyliza, @prussianbluevanilla, @loveless1039, @lydia-denise-la-rue, @someone-you-do-not-know, @spamanao, @lovilcve and @nir-mel. No pressure!
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devotedbear · 10 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes! (Mostly @prussianbluevanilla, thank you so much.)
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Hi 👋
I'm here with a random ask of the week💫
What color would Romano paint his nails?
I love random asks of the week! :D
Maybe I am tomatobrain, but I think a clear red like a tomato would fit him best. Sometimes, when he is feeling a little silly, he paints them to imitate flags – the Italian ofc, but also some of the older ones he's had, like the Kingdom of Sicily or the Kingdom of Sicily (Naples). Sometimes he even goes with regional flags. Even though he's pretty good at painting tiny things, he still can't paint the flag for Kingdom of Two Sicilies on his fingers. All this being said, red still appears the most.
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Hey 👋
I'm here with a random ask of the week 🌷
If dennor were on a vacation together, where would they go? Would they take someone with them? Like Iceland, bc you know, it's their kid-
Okay, it depends a little on how much time they have off and the season – so have waaaaay too many headcanons about this!
If they only have a few days off, like one or two, they drive or take the train, either to someplace fun in their own countries, Sweden, or Germany. Denmark really loves amusement parks, if they have a day off during a World Meeting, he will go to the nearest amusement park. His favourite amusement park is also the world's oldest – Bakken in Kalundborg, Denmark, but he loves all the ones in Denmark, of course. His favourite rollercoaster ride is really embarrassing though. It's this one called Wildfire, and it's been named the best in Europe and thirdbest in the world in 2018 – BUT IT'S IN KOLMÅRDEN, SWEDEN (I've tried it though, it really is great). If Norway gets to pick, they usually go out into nature, either hiking in the mountains, fishing, visit the beaches or forests, go kayaking, etc. That is, unless it's winter – then it's skiing every single time. Norway is great at skiing, obviously, especially cross-country skiing. They're very unlikely to visit any historical sites, since they already lived through it, and for these shorter trips, they're more likely to just be the two of them.
Now, if it's a week or more, the world IS THEIR OYSTER. So we need to divide these into seasons:
Spring: In spring, they both have a few days off for Easter, but this is family time, so usually they celebrate with a Easter Lunch together with the other Nordics and just hang out together at one of their homes all five of them. They also go visit other European countries (mostly their fellow protestants, because they think the catholics can get a little prickly around Easter – Denmark claims it's because of the whole Lent thing). If they have a bit more time off, they might also visit Iceland, The Faroe Islands, and Greenland (both should have their own representations, because their history and culture is very different from Denmark and they actually have self rule nowadays).
Summer: Now, you gotta understand. Europe has a lot of time off during summer and of course the nations would too. So there's a lot of options presenting themselves. A week in one of Denmark's many vacation houses near the beaches, going on a train trip through Europe, getting a house boat and sail the nearby seas, taking a plane to the south of Europe and becoming as red as a shrimp in 0.5 second ... The possibilities are endless. Iceland occasionally go with them, and if they're in a vacation house, they get a lot of visitors – especially Germany, Sweden and Finland (Iceland just moves in with them without asking). But they do as much as they can during summer
Autumn: In fall, there's only three options. Either, they go to South Europe or they go to either Thailand or the USA. But 7 out of 10 times, they go to Spain, and they often bring the other Nordics along. Spain is the tourist destination. If it's not mainland Spain, it's Gran Canaria or Mallorca. Spain is definitely their favourite vacation place. Spain isn't entirely sure how much he likes that they visit him year after year after year. Sure, he likes the money the tourism generates, but he's never really sure how much he should be around them and he needs vacation too! How else is he going to visit his favourite half of a nation?
Winter: Christmas and New Year's Eve are some more holidays all the nordics celebrate together, and here, they usually decide to stay near the mountains (meaning not in Denmark) – so they can go skiing! I mentioned skiing earlier, and it is an activity all Nordics enjoy – alpine, cross country, snowboard, you name it, they do it. Finland and Iceland especially like snowboarding, whereas Sweden and Norway are more likely to do cross country. Denmark really likes alpine, and is probably the weakest skier among them – which makes the others tease him endlessly, but he's still pretty good. Just wasn't born on skis like the rest of them. Norway is really good at off-piste – Sweden is too tall to do it as well as Norway, and Denmark is afraid he'll fall (and also tall), so that's one thing Norway, Finland, and Iceland does together.
As you can see, there really is a lot of different vacation types they like to do!
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🌷 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going! 🌷
(P.s.: your new pfp is super adorable 💞💞💞, Moon is very talented 👌)
Awwwww, thank you! More importantly! YOU'RE BACK! I was really worried for you while you were gone. 😭😭😭
(Thank you so much, tai is very talented indeed! ❤️❤️❤️❤️)
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Howdy, partner 🐴
How about we play a little ask game, hm?
(Hetalia fanfics writer ask game)
26, 13 aaaand 5, please 💜
Hi, hi, hiiiii! I love playing games! :D
5. What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character? Since there's no character specified, I'll just go with the general things I keep in mind for all characters. The most important thing for me is that their dialogue fits them – like, it has to be their voice. Rereading, rewording, and rewriting dialogue is so important to me, so the whole thing doesn't sound like the same character speaking. I also have certain things I write on the first draft that end up sounding unnatural later. Such as Romano swearing too much (yes, it's possible), Spain starting his sentences with "Ah" and ending with a "haha," and the list goes on. A funny thing is that I actively avoid Prussia using awesome. He'll say sweet, cool, great etc., but his awesome counter is very low. Because I hate when a fanfic has him saying it all the time. It needs to have impact. It needs to actually be awesome.
13. What character took the most research? This is hard, because I don't... I don't do character research? Not really, at least? I do historical research for plot and idea purposes and sometimes check out fanart or other fanfiction for a ship I'm not as familiar with if I plan to write it (such as when I introduced nyo Russia in Birdbrains), but I don't do a lot of dedicated character research. I might look up canon heights, eye colours, and other stuff, but I'm not sure that counts. Spamano just lives rentfree in my head, I don't do research for their personalities. I do research for the plots I want to do, or history I'm interested in. Like, I've read a lot about history, but it was because I wanted to learn the history of something, not because I wanted to use it for Hetalia fanfiction. I just also end up using it for Hetalia fanfiction.
26. Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head? Every Hetalia AU I write or plan to write is living there, of course. Not a lot of canon ones though. I stole these characters, they are my dolls to play with now!
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Hello 💙 How have you been?
Please, give your honest opinion on a prompt that's popped up in my head like yesterday, it's spamano
Italy Romano is invited to a press conference (as a part-nation representative) where he meets Antonio, a young promising journalist, who despite not having much experience managed to get to said conference with his persistence. He asks Mr Romano questions, but he doesn't get enough time (in his opinion) so he waits for Romano to finish the whole meeting to ask more. Romano wouldn't be so happy about basically working on his free time but something about Antonio's passion and interest in him makes him stay. They end up talking for hours. Then they meet again. They can't stop now, it escalates so quickly. There's only one thing, one problem Romano can't ignore. He is a nation. Antonio is a human. Antonio is mortal.
Doesn't have to be too angsty tho
Side note: representative of Spain here is nyo Spain (Her and Roma have mamá-son relationship). Also genders are interchangeable, but it somehow doesn't work for me if both countries are dudes. I start shipping them immediately.
What do you think? 🤔
To answer your question like a normal person, I love that idea! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want to write it so badly, and also read it, and alsoalso eat it.
If it helps in any way, there's this (angsty) fanfic where Lovino is a human and Spain is a nation, and they're together, and it breaks my heart through how bittersweet it is.
If it's okay with you, I'll just add it to my list of ideas really quickly. 😅
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Hello 💛
Hetalia writer ask game for 38 (more about that :D!), 42-43 (you can do them separately or smash them together, it's up to you), 47 and 68, if you're feeling generous ;))
38. How do you feel about using accents in fics Accents is such a big part of Hetalia fanfiction and has always been a big thing, but I really don't like the old version, where you could barely read the text because France would speak like "zis" and Sweden like "th't". Any of my fellow ancient hetalians know what I'm talking about. 🥲 I don't miss it. Now for what you actually probably wanted to know about, which is me being very insistent that Romano has a Southern Italian accent and make him speak in dialects. I love it. Dialects and accents are so interesting to me, especially Italian ones, because some can be pinpointed down to a single town. I also love when people actually consider how the actual sound of dialects work, more than just making the text unintelligible. I always try to think about the sound of spoken words when I write out an accent or dialect – it's a less is more kind of thing. If you're going to write something with an accent, it has to be intentional (examples are everytime Alfred in Birdbrains say anything and it's misspelled or weirdly abbreviated in any way).
42 was already answered here.
43. What appeals to you about the ships you like A lot of them is kinda... I've shipped them since I was 14? It's hard to remember how it started at this point. Sometimes it feels more like it's my ocs that closely resemble Hetalia characters. xD It feels like an underexplanation, but the chemistry between the characters.
47. Where do you write? Usually, I write anywhere I can sit down and whip out my computer. That has now expanded into just. Anywhere. Everywhere. In class. Commute. Walking. Waiting for food. I'm pressed for time, so writing is any moment I don't do anything else.
68. Show us a bit of a wip I am feeling generous (when I publish it, it might look completely different).
“No! Feli likes them. And Mamma says I have to be nice to Feli or else.” 
Romulus noticed Feliciano was stirring in his sleep and rocked him a little, before taking Lovino and leaving the room. “I know you mean well, but no rocks, at least not until Feli is a little older.” Romulus said, and Lovino just pouted in response. “Imagine if Feli puts it in his mouth and chokes, Lovino, that wouldn’t be nice.”
Lovino did not want his brother to choke, but now he was getting stubborn. “I’m not nice. Says Mr. Valentin.” That was the director of the sitcom Lovino acted on, and it made sense as an instruction, since Lovino played a bully kid, but it was not good if Lovino thought that was part of who he was.
“Lovino, caramellino, Mr. Valentin tells you how to pretend, but pretending isn’t the real you. The real you is really nice, since you like giving presents to your brother, and you listen to the adults.”
Lovino looked at him with those big eyes, doubting his words. “Feli is good and nice. Mamma says so. Giovanni too.”
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Hi 👋 💞
I have a little question for you
How do you say "pink" in Danish? I know it may sound silly or weird, but I just need to know if you have a distinct name for it (that means just "pink", not "red-something"). And does Danish pink have synonyms?
This is about LEGO and their brick naming
Thank you for answering, you sweet cookie 🍪 Have a great evening!
Pink actually has two different words in Danish, depending in the colour. Lighter pinks are called lyserød (light red), while we use pink for darker pinks. Even though lyserød sounds like it's just red-something, we'd never use it for red. It is colours like this:
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That's lyserød. Whereas this:
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That's pink. There's also some people who uses rosa (rose) and variants like sartrosa (delicate rose), støvetrosa (dusty rose), gammelrosa (old rose), blegrosa (pale rose), but that's older, and each of them are used for more specific colours, like salmon (laksefarvet in Danish) or peach (ferskenfarvet in Danish). Occasionally, there's also rosenrød (rosered) and rosenfarvet (rosecoloured), but all of these last ones are not used in daily conversation. The rosa ones you'll generally only encounter if shopping for makeup, paint, or fabrics (or the topic falls on these), whereas the last two, rosenrød and rosenfarvet, are mostly used in literature or as an idiom. Rosenrød especially evokes the same ideas as "rosetinted glasses" in English. We also see both used to describe kids' cheeks in literature.
Technically, there's even more, but then we're moving into words that are never used in conversation, and aren't really that pink either. Anyway, the most normal ones are lyserød and pink.
I went to the lego site to figure out what you meant, and it's actually pretty weird that pinks are under purple. Not to mention that lilac (syrenfarvet) is just a subset of purple (lilla), so I don't get why that has it's own category. What I mean is that the naming conventions of colours on lego's website are super weird. No one calls them that in Denmark.
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This is lyserød, not lyslilla (light purple). If I want help finding that colour, I say lyslyserød (light lightpink).
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And this is pink, not klar lilla (bright purple). That's what I'd ask for.
I hope this has been interesting, because I'm now very confused as to why they named them like that.
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Now, all this duck talking makes me wonder.... what kind of birds are we, yikes? And by we, I mean, you, me and prussianbluevanilla (because I have include them, for reasons). You, as a birdbrain, should know.
I can't be entirely sure yet, since it needs careful consideration and extra research. If I am to take a gander, though...
Stars: you are an italian sparrow. Sparrows can be a bit all over the place, and are often surrounded by friends. They're very energetic and productive. They don't look like much on the outside, but they're such a joy to look at. Feli is also a sparrow.
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Vanilla (may I call you that?): A red-flanked bluetail (this is tentative). They are part of a family called chats, and you're always lovely to speak with, and makes the rest of us more chatty too! I feel it's a bit too small in size for you, but it'll have to do for now.
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Me: Why am I the hardest to assign a bird? I want to say magpie, but it feels a little like bragging? For now, I'll say magpie.
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Hi 🌺🌺🌺
I've been re-reading ch11 of "A Job Interview" over and over and I just can't get enough 😩
If it's fine, can I request a cute interaction scene between them in that setting (ch11), just a little drabble, an appetizer if you will, for my mind to chew on before ch12 drops
I also saw you talking about agriculture facts, so if you wanted to share,
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And even if you can't do that you're still an amazing cookie 🍪🍪🍪 don't feel obligated
The thing is.... I'm editing chapter 12 in this very moment, and it should be done today or tomorrow (depending on how fast this monster will let itself be edited). So instead of a drabble, how about the two first paragraphs of that?
“You do know I sell tens of thousands of tomatoes every single day, don’t you?” Lovino asked, slight amusement in his voice, when Antonio presented a basket containing five tomatoes. “This is an agriculture company in Italy, we have tons of tomatoes.”
“I suppose that’s true, sir,” Antonio was a little embarrassed. He had not considered anything like that when he plucked the tomatoes and presented them to Lovino as the first thing in the morning. “I meant it as a thank-you for yesterday, but I guess I can give you something different…”
And that's the teaser. I'm so glad you like the story. :D
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First of all 🎃 ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S A LINK TO AO3 💞💕💞💞💕
Then, rouge, but like x 100 times
Mossy moss (replace 'crime' with
'masterpiece' ✨)
And rose~~~~~
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! AAaaaaaaaaa! AAAAAAaaaaAaAAA!
But we are committing crimes toooooooooo, don't you know how I like hurting them? :D
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Hey is this yours? 😂😂😂
I'm calling you out heheh
*Rifles through notes and papers in a panic, then hides behind a desk, looking warily at you.*
... How ever in the world did you get that idea? I need to get this place locked up for the night, this cannot keep happening.
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Howdy 📯 You got a minute to talk about nonsense with me? (it's fun, I promise :D)
For some reason, I got a feeling that you've already been asked this, but I shall ask you nonetheless
/You can imagine us both on a talk show, if you want/
Do you have a favorite birb? (Or any favorite animal for the matter?)
What inspired you ✨ to create Birdbrains? Specifically, Gilbert's au character. Because I know that that guy has always been associated with birds, but in the same time he only has Gilbird in canon. And you need to do a lot of research for every chapter to be able to portray a believable ornithologist. You captured his persona perfectly ✨ 👌, I had a friend who liked ornithology and they're always spraying people with random bird facts, it's so funny 😂
Speaking of which, is it hard to do research? There's so many details you put into these, it's so impressive
Was there any moment when you for a reason decided to just come up with your own fact? Were there many? 😈 or not?
Your bits are hilarious, how much time does it take to come up with a joke?
And lastly, what is your favorite bird fact? 🐦
Thank you for answering, here's some sweets 🍭🍬🍫 :)
I think you're severely overestimating my popularity, no one's asked me these questions before.
I do have a favourite bird! And a favourite animal too! My favourite bird is a raven! And my favourite animal is a bat – not any specific kind of bat, but the very concept of them! I also really like snakes. I am perfectly aware those are all... edgier animals, but when I was in third grade, we had to do a project on our favourite animal, and I didn't want to do a cat or a dog (or a horse), so I settled on a bat. Maybe I was always a little edgy?
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Look at the pretty raven, it's so clever and pretty.
Just as I wrote in the tags for the first part of Birdbrains, I really did look at a duck for a little too long. Then I thought about the Bad Friends Trio and how they're always portrayed as these cool guys who everyone likes... And Gilbird... And then it clicked. I was struck by the insane thought "wouldn't it be funny if the BFT were bird watchers?" Then I of course had to have spamano, and I always liked prucan – how to make them connected? platonic romerica and North American bros, of course. Why they would meet? Well, hunting and birdwatching take place in the same areas... And in some odd 20 minutes after looking at a duck, the outline for Anatinae was formed in my brain. The Gilbird – Gilbert connection is what carries this entirely, that and the fact that Gilbert is actually not awesome, he's a losernerd who's not afraid to show it, and that makes him awesome. I'm SO glad you say I captured the ornithology spirit, because I don't actually know any bird watchers or ornithologists. 🥲
The research is part of why I haven't managed to write the next part (fruk being idiots who are hard to write is the other reason). For every single main part of birdbrains, I read through the wikipedia page for the chosen bird, spend time to figure out the subfamily for the bird, research symbolism and actual bird behaviour of the bird in question... It's a lot. For most, I've had 4-5 dedicated pages open for research purposes. While writing Cyanocoracinae, Youtube even began recommending me videos of blue jays, because I had watched a few videos to learn what their calls sounded like. It's a stupidly large amount of research – and bald eagles have no excuse for how hard it was to find their subfamily. Subfamilies are apparently a little bit of a strange label in the first place, but at this point all main parts has to end with -nae, because I think it has a nice ring to it.
So far, I don't think I've come up with my own facts. Misunderstood things, grossly simplified the difference between ravens and crows, and taken symbolism, jokes, and metaphors way too seriously – sure. Pheasant bashing is purely based on how fucking dumb all the pheasants I've ever seen are. Those birds want to die. But I try to stay true to reality, in case there's an ornithologist Hetalian out there. I don't want them to get mad at me for not knowing my stuff. XD
The jokes though. I'm glad you think they're funny! The jokes aren't that hard to come up with. Most are puns, after all, and some of them I think of while researching. Generally, I just go with whatever would be sillier. I live off of the silly.
My favourite bird fact is a bit hard, because there's so many in my head at this point. But last year when I went to Jungfraujoch in Switzerland, I learned about the alpine chough (there's just something about black corvids), and how it nests at a higher altitude than any other bird. Their eggs have adapted to this low oxygen atmosphere, and has a smaller loss of water too. Not to sound like Gilbert, but they're really cool.
Thank you for the candy! <3
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