criticfilm · 1 year
Enter the Void (2009) Review: Transcendent Cinematic Experience! ⚡
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enchantedquill-40 · 4 months
"Ecliptic" Lost fanfic #Survival #Hallucination #IslandMysteries #Friendship #Challenges #CommunityBond #PsychedelicAdventure
In the heart of the mysterious island, Sawyer found himself wandering through the dense jungle, stomach growling loudly. The crash of Oceanic Flight 815 had brought together an unlikely group of survivors, and as the days passed, the struggle for survival intensified. Sawyer, always resourceful but now driven by an empty stomach, stumbled upon a cluster of mushrooms, their vibrant colors beckoning him
Unfamiliar with the nuances of foraging, Sawyer gathered the mushrooms without a second thought. Hunger blinded him to the potential dangers that lurked in the untouched wilderness. Little did he know that the island held secrets beyond its enigmatic surface – secrets that even the cunning conman was unaware of.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Sawyer decided to cook his newfound delicacies. Unbeknownst to him, these mushrooms possessed properties that were more potent than any substance he had encountered before. The island's unique ecosystem had infused them with a potency that went beyond mere sustenance.
Meanwhile, Jack, the pragmatic doctor and leader of the survivors, noticed Sawyer's unusual behavior. His keen instincts picked up on the erratic movements and glazed look in Sawyer's eyes. Concerned for the well-being of a fellow survivor, Jack decided to approach Sawyer, finding him by the flickering light of a makeshift fire.
"Sawyer, what have you been eating?" Jack questioned, his tone a mix of worry and curiosity.
Sawyer, in his altered state, grinned widely, holding up a handful of mushrooms. "Found these beauties in the jungle. Figured they'd make a fine meal."
Jack's eyes widened in realization. He recognized the mushrooms, a species with hallucinogenic properties that could alter one's perception of reality. Panic crept into Jack's voice as he tried to communicate the gravity of the situation to the blissfully unaware Sawyer.
"Sawyer, those mushrooms can mess with your mind. We need to get you back to camp, now."
But Sawyer, deep in the throes of the hallucinogenic experience, dismissed Jack's concerns with a nonchalant wave of his hand. The jungle seemed to come alive with vibrant colors and surreal shapes as he continued to indulge in the mushrooms' effects.
Jack, torn between frustration and genuine worry, realized he needed to act swiftly. With the help of a few other survivors, he managed to guide the disoriented Sawyer back to the camp. The hallucinations continued, leaving Sawyer in a state of euphoria that made reasoning nearly impossible.
The ordeal became a challenging test for the survivors, highlighting the delicate balance between survival and the unknown dangers of the island. Jack, now faced with the responsibility of caring for a fellow survivor caught in the grip of hallucinogenic mushrooms, couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries the island held, waiting to be discovered. As Sawyer continued to revel in the hallucinogenic trance induced by the mysterious mushrooms, the campfire's flickering light played upon his ecstatic dance moves. His uninhibited gyrations drew the attention of the other survivors, who watched in a mix of amusement and concern. Jack, however, maintained a stern expression, his worry intensifying as he observed Sawyer's erratic behavior.
The situation took an unexpected turn when Sawyer, caught in the whims of his hallucinations, began to strip off his clothes with reckless abandon. The other survivors exchanged uneasy glances, their concern deepening. The atmosphere shifted from amusement to a sense of urgency as Jack realized the gravity of the situation.
"Sawyer, what the hell are you doing?" Jack exclaimed, rushing to intervene and prevent further disrobing.
Sawyer, blissfully unaware of the conventional norms he was violating, continued his impromptu striptease with a mischievous grin. Jack, grappling with the surreal nature of the moment, struggled to maintain a semblance of control.
Kate, always perceptive and quick to react, approached Jack with a furrowed brow. "Is he okay? What's going on?"
Jack, a mix of frustration and concern etched on his face, explained, "Those mushrooms he ate – they're playing tricks on his mind. We need to keep him from doing anything reckless."
As Sawyer twirled around the campfire, Jack and Kate worked together to guide him away from the group, attempting to minimize the spectacle. Sawyer's laughter echoed through the jungle as he reveled in the liberating effects of the hallucinogens.
Meanwhile, Kate couldn't help but chuckle nervously. "Well, this is a side of Sawyer I never expected to see."
Jack shot her a disapproving look. "This is not a joke, Kate. We need to make sure he doesn't harm himself or anyone else."
The challenge became more complex as Sawyer's behavior escalated. He climbed onto a makeshift stage, fashioned from plane wreckage, and continued his uninhibited dance, drawing a growing crowd of curious and bewildered survivors. The situation bordered on absurdity, but the underlying concern for Sawyer's well-being remained.
Hurley, always the voice of reason amidst chaos, chimed in, "Dude, should we, like, try to calm him down or something?"
Jack nodded, appreciating Hurley's grounded perspective. "We need to bring him back to reality. Maybe we can find something to counteract the effects of those mushrooms."
As Jack and Kate attempted to corral the dancing Sawyer, Sun and Jin emerged from their shelter, both puzzled and intrigued by the commotion. Sun turned to Jin, her expression questioning. In their limited English, she asked, "Is he okay?"
Jin shrugged, equally uncertain. "I don't know. This island, it has strange things."
The survivors collectively grappled with the surreal turn of events, highlighting the island's enigmatic nature. Jack's determination to safeguard Sawyer clashed with the chaotic unpredictability of their surroundings, creating a delicate balance between survival and the mysteries that continued to unfold. The tropical heat bore down on the survivors as Sawyer's exclamation echoed through the jungle. Sweating profusely and convinced that his skin was ablaze, Sawyer's hallucinogenic journey had reached a fever pitch. He stumbled through the camp, speaking at an incomprehensible pace, his thoughts racing faster than his words.
"Hot, damn hot," Sawyer muttered, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead as he frantically fanned himself with his hands.
Charlie, having experienced the effects of similar mushrooms during his time on the island, recognized the signs. With a knowing expression, he approached Sawyer, gently guiding him to sit in the shade. "Easy there, mate. Take a seat. You'll feel better."
Sawyer complied, dropping onto the makeshift seating, his eyes wide and dilated. Charlie sat down beside him, offering a comforting presence amid the disorienting chaos of Sawyer's hallucinations.
"You're not on fire, mate. It's just the mushrooms messing with your head," Charlie reassured, his voice a calm contrast to Sawyer's frenzied state.
Sawyer nodded, his breathing gradually slowing as Charlie's words began to anchor him in reality. The other survivors, watching the scene unfold, exchanged concerned glances. Jack, still focused on managing the situation, approached Charlie and Sawyer.
"How's he doing?" Jack inquired, eyeing Sawyer critically.
Charlie leaned in, speaking in hushed tones. "He's convinced he's on fire, but I think he's starting to come down a bit. We just need to ride it out."
Jack nodded, acknowledging Charlie's experience with the hallucinogenic effects. "Keep an eye on him. We need to make sure he doesn't do anything that could put himself or others in danger."
As the minutes passed, Sawyer's hyperactive state began to mellow. The relentless heat still lingered, but his perception of it gradually shifted. Charlie engaged him in a conversation, providing a steady anchor for Sawyer's mind to latch onto.
"Remember, mate, we're all in this together. The island's got its quirks, but we've got each other's backs," Charlie said, his words carrying a soothing cadence.
Sawyer's gaze wandered, his eyes scanning the vibrant foliage around them. He began to feel a sense of camaraderie with Charlie, a connection formed through the shared experience of the island's mysteries. The once frenetic energy dissipated, replaced by a more contemplative demeanor.
Meanwhile, Kate observed the interaction from a distance, concern etched on her face. She approached Jack, whispering, "Is he going to be okay?"
Jack sighed, a mix of exhaustion and determination in his eyes. "I hope so. We just need to be vigilant and supportive. These hallucinations can be unpredictable."
The survivors maintained a watchful eye on Sawyer, the atmosphere tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the camp. Sawyer's journey through the hallucinogenic haze continued, but with Charlie's guidance, the chaotic dance of his mind started to find a more harmonious rhythm.
As the night approached, the campfire flickered, casting a warm glow on the survivors gathered around. The island, with its mysteries and challenges, held them in its grasp. Through the highs and lows, they forged bonds, navigating the uncharted territory together, unsure of what revelations the next day on the enigmatic island would bring. The evening pressed on, and the effects of the hallucinogenic mushrooms continued to weave their unpredictable dance through Sawyer's mind. Charlie, the one survivor with personal experience in navigating the maze of altered reality induced by the island's flora, observed Sawyer's trance-like state with a keen understanding.
As Sawyer's eyes struggled to focus on the shifting shadows around him, Charlie gently placed a hand on his shoulder, his touch a steadying force amidst the swirling chaos. "Easy, mate. Just relax. Let the island do its thing."
Sawyer, still entranced by the vivid kaleidoscope of colors playing tricks on his vision, nodded slowly. Charlie, with a knowing smile, began to softly hum a tune – a subtle melody that seemed to resonate with the rhythms of the island. The hypnotic quality of Charlie's song acted as a bridge between the disorienting hallucinations and a more serene mental landscape.
Jack, observing from a distance, couldn't help but be intrigued. "How the heck do you do that?" he asked Charlie, his skepticism mixed with genuine curiosity.
Charlie, his eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and wisdom gained from personal struggles, replied, "I did drugs back home, Jack. I know how scary it can be when your mind takes you to places you didn't expect. Sometimes, all you need is a bit of familiarity to ground you."
Jack, aware of Charlie's troubled past, nodded thoughtfully. The island had a way of bringing together people with diverse backgrounds, each carrying their own burdens and experiences. In this moment, Charlie's insight proved invaluable in navigating the uncharted territory of Sawyer's psychedelic journey.
As Charlie continued his soothing song, Sawyer's frenetic movements began to slow. His gaze, once darting in every direction, settled on the patterns of the flickering campfire. The other survivors, huddled around, watched the scene unfold with a mix of relief and curiosity.
Kate, always attuned to the emotions of those around her, approached Jack quietly. "Seems like Charlie knows what he's doing."
Jack nodded, acknowledging the unexpected ally they found in Charlie. "Yeah, it looks like he's been through something similar. We need all the help we can get."
Sawyer, now seated on the ground, stared at his hands as if discovering them anew. Charlie, sensing a moment of connection, spoke softly to him. "You doing okay, mate? It can be a wild ride, but you're not alone."
Sawyer, his speech slowing to a more coherent pace, muttered, "Charlie, you're a lifesaver. What the hell did I eat?"
Charlie chuckled. "Just some mushrooms from the island. They like to play tricks on your mind, but it'll wear off. Trust me, been there, done that."
The camaraderie between Sawyer and Charlie became a symbol of the resilience forged through shared challenges. As the night unfolded, the survivors found themselves drawn closer, bound by the peculiar experiences the island presented.
The campfire's glow painted a surreal tableau – Sawyer, now more grounded, engaged in a conversation with Charlie and the others around him. Jack, despite his initial skepticism, recognized the importance of unity in the face of the island's mysteries. The night continued, marked by a collective understanding that each survivor brought a unique strength to the group, whether through practical skills, medical expertise, or, in Charlie's case, a familiarity with navigating the twists and turns of altered states.
As the fire crackled and the night air embraced the camp, the survivors shared stories, laughter, and a newfound sense of camaraderie. The island, with its mysteries and challenges, had shaped them into a resilient community, ready to face whatever enigmatic twists lay ahead.
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elementalgrowth · 4 years
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I am a single mom, certified master coach, student of life, author and work on nature conservation projects. It would make sense from the mental health statistics today that I would be “busy”, “stressed out”, “burnt out” - but instead I am blissful, bountiful and see more beauty than ever before.  Here are 13 ways you too can beat the odds too:  1. Take 5-10 deep breaths 2. Go for a walk in nature 3. Listen to uplifting music 4. Journal your thoughts / feelings 5. Talk it out with someone (or a psychedelic) 6. Smudge or use essential oils 7. Sip on herbal tea 8. Go for a drive 9. Read a book 10. Do something creative 11. Dance it out   12. Use healing Crystals 13. Get active - yoga, run, HIIT Comment below which # means the most to you! . . . #ElementalGrowth #anxietyanddepressionawareness #recoveryaftercare #mentalhealthadvocates #integration #beattheodds #psychonaut #psychedelicadventure #lifecoaches #mentalhealthadvocacy #healthcoachbusiness #healthcoachesmakeadifference #mentalhealthactivist #anxietyaid #depressionandanxiety #burntout #mompreneurcoach #depressionandothermagictricks #psychedelic_nomad #lifecoachadvice #mompreneurjourney #anxietyanddepression #healthcoaches #mompreneurlifestyle #mentalhealthadvocate #lifecoach101 #mompreneurlife #limitlessbeauty #mentalhealthadvice #depressionanxiety (at Limitless) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBsuY39HekJ/?igshid=j7rw5jy6rn3w
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ayahuascahungary · 4 years
Köszi Szilvi <3 
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agb69 · 2 years
ᵃᵍᵇ ⁶⁹ - "ᵘʳᵇᵃᶰ ᵉᶰᵉʳᵍʸ ʳᵉᶠˡᵉᶜᵗᶤᶰᵍ ᵃʳᵗᶜʳᵒˢˢᶤᶰᵍ" 🔥❤️☯🔮☮⚛🌀 sound inspired by: Night Club - "Die in the Disco" lyrics/ image gefunden auf INSTA: psychedelicadventure 💓✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/CaEliTkqSnL/... #agb #agb69 #ausgebrannt #urbanart #urbanreflexion #atcrossing #inspiration #imperfection #psychedalic #intuition #loveyourselffirst #unconditionallove #healing #vibehigh #nightclub #spirituality #musicvideoart #videoart
18 Sek.
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gwlarson2002 · 4 years
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jayah2 · 5 years
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@psychedelicadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbGiVOC7W2/?igshid=12qcw9i1uu2vt
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gwlarson2002 · 4 years
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gwlarson2002 · 6 years
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