#puberty is so uncomfortable for everybody tho
aspiratinganxiety · 5 years
Best Friends (bonus childhood best friends) and Damian? if this is the kinda of ask you’re looking for lmao
It totally is the kind of ask I’m looking for! Thank you for this!!!
 Tag List: @nxxttime , @possiblyelven , @thepuckishrogue , @jinkies-its-a-writer, @queeniepearls, and @sesquipedalian-aficionado (If you want to be tagged, let me know! For more fics, check out my masterlist.)
“Well, don’t be upset!” you laugh at him; a blustery, dismissive sound. “I’m only curious.” 
Damian stares at you, unsure and inexplicably unable to react. 
He knows that his face is stretched into a cartoonish expression of disbelief. His eyes have gone so wide that the cool morning air in the sunroom stings them, and he can feel a disgusted curl lifting his left nostril. He’s not sure what his mouth is doing. 
Safe to assume it’s not a flattering articulation...  
You’ve never asked him something like that before. 
The two of you don’t ask each other things like that! 
Rather, he never expected that one or the other of you would engage such a baser form of conversation. Certainly not before 7 am.  
What-ifs and body preferences are not safely discussed by teenagers who respectively portray the genders that most attract the other. Regardless of the plutonic connection, more often than not it leads to misunderstandings and uncomfortable confusion for all parties.
This much about interacting with female companions his age, he knows. 
You tut at him, a show of superior composure while he continues to flounder. “I just wondered, Damian, that’s all. You don’t have to answer if you don’t wan-”
“Why were you wondering about that?” he interjects. “And what possessed you to ask me about it over breakfast?” 
Taking a graceful sip of your coffee, which always contains a blasphemous amount of milk, in Damian’s opinion, you shrug. “We’ve been friends since middle school, Damian. I didn’t think that there was a question I couldn’t ask you.” Your point is emphasized with a little shake of your head. “I mean, think about it: I sleep without a bra on at your house. Your mother’s kidnapped me. We’ve changed our clothes in front of each other.”
“Oh, one time!” Damian rolls his eyes. “We had very little say in the matter, as I recall.”
 “The kidnapping or the being naked?” you ask with a wry quirk of your brow.  
“Both!” he answers, squinting and pointing his finger at you with deep accusation. “Either. It works for both.” 
“Look,” you chuckle, raising your palms in surrender. “You held up a blanket to hide me while I peed off of a road in some godforsaken stretch of Kansas. I didn’t realize that asking you if you liked bigger boobs was off-limits.” 
Damian internally cringes so profoundly that he is, again, struck silent. You manage to contentedly eat half of your blueberry muffin before he asks once more, “But why? Why would you do this?”
It’s your turn to squint. “I dunno’ if I should say. You’re being weird, and I don’t want to upset you anymore.”
“I'm not upset!” he crows, only sparing a panicked, sidelong glance to be sure that his raised voice didn’t pique the interest of anyone a few yards away in the kitchen. 
“Oh-key.” Your voice is mocking, low and croaky in an obvious jab to the credibility of his statement. 
He hisses across the table, “Tell me why you want to know, and I’ll tell you.” 
“Promise?” you press, not lowering your tone to match his whisper. “Give me your word that you won’t get all awkward and huffy?” 
He debates this request, soothed to see the blurred figure of Pennyworth leave the kitchen from your side of the glass dividing wall. He settles his full attention on you once more, a stern expression having taken hold of his face. 
“You have my word,” he pouts. 
It is your turn to shift uncomfortably. You break eye contact and flick some lingering crumbs from your fingertips. You sniff and take another drink of your coffee. 
A larger drink. 
One might even call it a gulp... 
“I ser-woo-lucking,” you mumble into your mug, still not meeting his eye. 
Damian leans toward you with enough violence to lift him out of his chair and balance his weight on the heels of his hands while he stoops over the table. It is an unintentionally imposing posture, but his frustration has well gotten the better of him at this point. 
“What did you just say to me?” he demands.
You wince, setting your cup back in place and straightening your spine. You clear your throat, actively ignoring the heat that rises in your face and the sweat you feel prickling your palms in spite of the hot mug’s absence. 
“I saw you looking,” you repeat conversationally, staring him dead in the eye. “I saw you looking at me last night after I changed into my pajamas. You were staring.” 
You cannot tell if Damian heard you. His facial expression stagnated somewhere between horror and disassociative vacancy. His eyes are open, but it’s pretty clear that he’s no longer home.
Regardless, the words continue to tumble out of your mouth. All you can do is try to keep them from sounding accusatory or, God forbid, insecure. 
“I mean, it’s fine. I’m not upset. It didn’t weird me out or anything. Sometimes I stare too.” Your hands fall over your chest. “These haven’t always been there. We both know this. Like, not even last summer. You had bigger boobs than I did, then mine got weirdly big, which is normal for women in my family, by the way. You’ve seen my mother and my aunts and...” 
You catch yourself rambling parts of the conversations you’d been having with said mother and aunts about growing pains and the like. 
You pump the brake on that, deciding that now is not the time to attempt that particular brand of communication. Redirecting your initial statement and finishing out your train of thought, you declare, “Listen, you were staring, which is fine, and it made me wonder, and so I asked.” 
Damian found his seat again during your lecture. While nothing in this world could offer him comfort after having been so thoroughly called out, he figured he could at least have the decency to refrain from denouncing his less than savory attention to the changes your physicality had seen recently. 
The quiet stretches between you for a moment. Damian does not want to let this arduous conversation draw out a second more, but it takes him some time to compose his answer. Even still, it is a woeful assault on his usually unabashed demeanor.  
“I like your- I mean that I find myself preferring...rather.... you have-” He swallows thickly, and does not look toward your person whatsoever. “You have pleasing proportions. I did not mean to stare. It hadn’t occurred to me before, and then I saw... and I kept looking.” 
You snort. He expects backlash or a reprimand of some kind. Perhaps even mockery. He feels like he ought to be mocked. 
Instead, you reach out and pat his shoulder. 
“Dude,” you say, huffing a relieved breath. “I already told you I wasn’t mad. You were curious, and then I got curious. Again... not grossed out. I don’t feel like you were creeping on me.”
“I wasn’t!” he involuntarily insists.
“Right,” you agree with wholehearted reassurance. 
Damian nods, realizing that he will never, ever manage to look toward you without this twist in his stomach ever again. 
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paperplvto · 4 years
So.. no head?
Coming out as asexual
- Denki Kaminari Headcanons
listen to Outside by Crush, Beenzino
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as we all know, our little sunshine boy is known for being a little *ahem* ✨flirty✨ but despite what everybody else seems to believe, I feel like he's mostly just joking around
flirting is a lot of fun, after all
Also, he's like 15 at the time the canon story takes place and honestly boys that age just are Like That
heh puberty, amirite kids
in this scenario, he's a little bit older tho, just because there's gonna be talk about sex and all that and since I'm a legal adult, doing so with an underage character would be... a little questionable
BUT at this point I'd just like to say that there is no age limit to your sexuality. Your sexuality is valid, no matter how much experience you may or may not have. Age does not play a part in this.
anyways, back to the topic,,,
while he may have gotten more mature over time, I don't think he ever really grows out of his flirtatious attitude
so if you're dating this doofus, you better be prepared for a lot of bad pick-up lines and sexual innuendos bc man's got a lOt of them
but he really is all bark and no bite
so for the most time you don't mind his little comments since you know he's not being serious
but every once in a while, this little voice inside your head did get the best of you
you couldn't help but feel like you weren't completely honest with him by not telling him about your sexuality, and the weight of the secret you were holding increased every time your boyfriend hinted at taking this particular step in your relationship
like,, you know how it feels to watch a sex scene with your parents next to you? well, you kind of felt the same way when it was just Denki and you.
so one night, when the two of you were all cuddled together, watching a movie, you couldn't hold it in anymore
the light coming from the screen in front of you dimmed, as the tention grew more sensual and suddenly, you were all too aware of Denkis body next to yours
you didn't even notice how heavy your sigh sounded, as you held your breath
and Denki might not be the smartest guy in town but he was nothing but perceptive when it came to you
"What's wrong?"
"Could we... maybe skip this scene, please?"
He didn't push for an explanation as he complied immediately, but you figured this is as good a time as any to bring up the topic of your sexuality.
if you could only figure out how, that is
"I just get really uncomfortable watching... sex scenes."
"Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, I had no idea! We can watch a different movie, if you want?"
he's so sweet im gonna cry :'(
"No, no, it's okay, I probably should've told you sooner anyways. To be honest, I... never really liked the idea of sex in general, I guess."
"Really, why? Did something happen?"
"No, no, it's nothing like that. I'm- uhm... I'm asexual? So I'm not really into all that stuff and watching other people like that is just.. weird, I guess"
You were too nervous to look your boyfriend in the eye after your confession, but you could practically feel the gears in his head turning, as he processed this new information.
he stayed silent for quite a while tho, and after a minute or two you were just about to lose your damn mind, when he finally talked
"So, do you want to break up with me?"
You almost gave yourself whiplash from how fast your head snapped in this direction
"What? No! What?"
A dark fear creeped into your bones when you saw the utter sadness in his eyes
"Do- do you want to break up with me?" you choked out
"What, no! Never! No no no no no, don't even think that for a second, I would be an absolute wreck without you! God, no."
he took a second to collect his thoughts, combing a hand through his hair
"I just thought... you know, because I'm always making these jokes, and the entire time, you were-- I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must've felt, I am so sorry."
of course this poor baby would immediately overthink everything please I just wanna hug him T_T
and obviously, so did you
he trusts that you'd tell him honestly if he ever went too for with his jokes
ultimately, nothing would change between you two
at least once he fully realized what being asexual means to you and you guys had multiple conversations about boundaries and all that
in the beginning he'd probably try to stop making any form of sexual innuendo altogether, but by watching your reactions closely, he learned pretty quickly how far he could still go without making you uncomfortable
I don't wanna get into too much detail about your sex life bc that heavily depends on each individual person and like, partner dynamics and all that jazz
but I'd generally say he'd be pretty okay with not having sex
he'd definitely whine about it
but he'll always make sure you know it's all a joke and he would never pressure you into anything
again, he's counting on you to tell him what's okay and what isn't
it's all up to you
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