#puppy.mail šŸ¾
hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Hey sweetheart. I know no one asked, but I'm so happy that you exist. You do matter. Don't ever think otherwise. You add so much more to this world with just a smile. The flowers bloom at your presence. The wind dances around you. The sun shines brighter because you boost it's serotonin. So can you do a small thing and smile for me? šŸ„ŗ
pasi, my darling, my dear!
i will smile today! i am smiling today!
thank you for the cute message. i always appreciate you taking the time to drop these!
i sure hope you have a good day ā™”
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
it's your birthday? happy birthday :33
vey, itā€™s not, BUT it was, so i still accept the birthday wishes. birthday was a couple weeks back with shinsouā€™s.
thank you for still sending this. i honestly have felt so disconnected from everyone & i think these messages actually make me feel like iā€™m still a part of fandom tumblr. (āœæā— ā€æā— )
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Happy Birthday šŸ’– I hope you have an amazing day šŸ¤—
(my birthday was the 1st šŸ˜… iā€™m sorry for barely responding to my inbox! iā€™ve confused people now & i feel bad)
but still, thank you for the birthday wishes cutie! iā€™m getting birthday month vibes now & i kinda like it! haha
UoxoU ā™”
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Honestly I still think Shinsou and Izuku would be into you. Shinsou would love your aesthetic and think youā€™re really cool and would be super fond of you while Izuku would also be fond of you. Both of them would see you as somebody theyā€™d want to protect. They would both care a lot about you.
From jjk I believe Megumi would be into you. You have such a kind heart and I believe he would be drawn to that. You seem like somebody who has been through hell and back and Megumi would admire that about you because you still chose to love. He would love you in quiet moments like reading books beside each other. If the two of you are out shopping or doing something and you get excited he would look at you super fondly. I donā€™t think heā€™s the type to actively say I love you a lot, but he would tap your hand three times to show you that he does.
I hope this was okay and that you feel better love!!
stari ā™” you actual sweetheart!
i hope youā€™re not saying this just to butter me up. because you know how much i love these boys. shinsou & izuku make my heart so happy. i donā€™t know how i could be me if it werenā€™t for them. protection is my number one thing i seek in a relationship. if i donā€™t feel safe with you, i donā€™t want it. if shit goes down or the world is ending i need to know i can survive with the love of my life.
megumi is the soft pick always. i love boys like him, that show a side to their closest friends or loved ones that other donā€™t get to see. i love being a designated person to someone. like no matter what theyā€™re always going to have me, talk to me, & rely on me. iā€™d like to think i could make megumi smile or laugh even if itā€™s at me & not with me. ā™”
itā€™s always okay for you to talk to me! iā€™m just sorry i havenā€™t been quick to reply .
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Puppy, your Corey Cunningham playlist is amazing. Ever since you shared the first three songs Iā€™ve been obsessed with them and added them to my own Corey playlist. Evil Side and Dark Angel are both gonna end up in my Spotify wrapped now lol. Thank you for introducing me to new favorites!
what a great message to wake up to! thank you so much. i know i go on hiatus quite a lot here, so this really means something! iā€™m happy that my break from work gave me time to really truly work on this playlist. at lot of songs came & went on this one!
i canā€™t lie, those songs you mentioned will probably end up being my most listened to as well! theyā€™re just so good & the vibe feels so right for corey.
itā€™s also nice to know that my sudden switch to slashers & such has only connected with more people rather than less!
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Hi puppy how have you been? I'm sorry I haven't checked in for so long Mod & I have been so busy. Always wishing the best for you, love & miss you so much my precious little butterfly - Tamaki šŸ¦‹ (&Mod)
Itā€™s okay! Iā€™m sorry for not being as active. Itā€™s really strange but I feel like time is flying & Iā€™ve been incredibly busy!
Iā€™m wishing you well! I always appreciate when you drop by. I havenā€™t forgotten about you! Even these little pop-ins make me feel special.
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Baby, fluffy, honey, kisses, soft
I hope it's fine that I'm sending multiple ones ā¤ļø
itā€™s more than okay! ā™”
baby; favorite color?
grey. a light grey preferably! but i also really love lavender. i also tend to gravitate toward fall colors like terracotta, olive green, & maroon.
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
mountain mountain mountain. i donā€™t really like beaches.
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
i love trying teas, but will choose coffee every time. my normal way i have it at home is with a powdered creamer & 1 equal. if i have vanilla oat milk then i use that instead of powder. i really love my earl grey with vanilla oat milk too!
kisses; what romantic clichƩ do you wish for most?
this is hard. but iā€™m a chubby girl & i constantly fantasize about being bridal carried often. like just being picked up. i donā€™t know if thatā€™s romantic, but i think about it a lot.
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
well, iā€™m currently living with my boyfriend in his momā€™s house. & the house doesnā€™t feel like mine. so honestly my desk is my favorite spot. itā€™s the part of our room with all my anime stuff. i stream there. i have halloween stuff there. i just feel like itā€™s the only spot in the house the feels like a reflection of me. (i was tempted to say bed, because i love being cozy)
click here to ask more ā€
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Hey pretty puppy just dropping by to let you know I'm so proud of you. Mod & I are so sorry we've been so busy. Take care of yourself okay and remember I love you so much - Tamaki šŸ¦‹ & Mod
howwww! the love & support from you is so stupid. thank you for these messages! thank you! i donā€™t know how i ever became worthy of such generosity & attention!
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Hii my cute little puppy I'm so grateful that you let me be your anon & mod. I'm still new to this but I wanted to let you know I'm so proud of you and how far you've come. I love & appreciate you so much. Can't wait to see what the new year brings. I love you and you deserve nothing but the best - Tamaki šŸ¦‹ & Mod
tamaki & mod, i am going through all the absolutely thoughtful messages you have sent me. most old, so iā€™m sorry for barely getting around to them. but thank you thank you!
you have been consistent & so very kind. thank you for always thinking of me. iā€™m sorry i could devote the same amount of attention in return.
iā€™m wishing you the best ā™”
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
ā¤ļøā£ļøā¤ļø send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome šŸ’–āœØšŸ’–
iā€™m sorry! but iā€™m so lucky for real to have received this at some point! thank you so very much (āœæā— ā€æā— )
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
His eyes widen at your thanks, lips frozen for a second before they move against yours in return.
You break the kiss after a few moments, but he follows after you, no, please. Kiss me moreā€“
He eagerly reattaches his lips to yours, hips still rocking into you at a steady pace. He moans into your mouth when you clench around him, feeling like he could cum any second if you kept doing that.
I MISS YOU SHINSOU ANON & I THINK ABOUT YOU OFTEN! wishing you the best! i hope you have been the most excellent! thank you for being so good to me. words canā€™t express the wonders you did for my brain!
sorry for this reply many months later. if you decide to return iā€™d be happy to begin a new rp with you! i yam finally off hiatus (ā€˜:
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Have some more!! 10 and 11
well arenā€™t you generous? hehe :3
would you slaughter the rich?
hm, honestly i can feel unreasonably violent. if i could justify the slaughter, then yes, yes i would. i would need a good reason other than ā€œoh theyā€™re richā€. i need to know theyā€™ve treated someone cruelly or are evil some how.
favorite extracurricular activity?
iā€™m a hobby collector & i donā€™t have the space/money for it. but my favorite extra curricular activity at the moment is just music discovery. i spend so much time just listening to more & more music. i like it obscure. i like it unique. i like anything that can surprise me.
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
46 and 38 ya cutie!!! šŸ˜˜šŸ’œ
hello beautiful elle! ā™”
favorite holiday movie?
now, this is a vague because i donā€™t know if this mean holiday as in christmas or just any holiday? because i really love halloween. so halloween is my favorite holiday movie. itā€™s one of my all time favorite horror/scary movies :3
a soap bar that smells good?
dove because i love love love this one & will buy whenever i can. the honey shampoo bar i fell in love with years ago, that iā€™ve only ever used once. but i love the smell of bergamot & honey !
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
<3333 (this might not be a cute emoji but its my favorite one so yeah. welcome back bud!!)
yess! i love that too! sometimes emojis are overrated. thanks for the welcome back (ā€˜:
hereā€™s a bit from the mini shinsou comfort piece i wanna post next! itā€™s 3/4 done :
so you remained like this, locked in the shelter of his large body. heā€™d squeeze you tighter if he could. wring out every single drop of your negative thoughts, every little bit of pain. but this would have to suffice.
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Happy birthday sweetheart. I wish you so much happiness and lovešŸ„°ā¤
oh my gosh, pasi? you remember me??
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this is the ultimate. thank you for the birthday love, it means a lot! ā™”
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hisgoodpuppy Ā· 2 years
Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™m late but for the ask the blogger, do you have a favorite song or playlist currently and if so what is it?
never late & never early, always right on time. iā€™m really sorry for just getting to these!
i guess it HAS been quite a while since i did a music dump! iā€™ll make a post right now with a few jams iā€™ve been obsessing over. old & new ā™”
i rely heavily on my spotify ā€œrelease radarā€ playlist, but i always dive into weird stuff by doing specific song radios on there as well!
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