#stari ♡
hisgoodpuppy · 2 years
Honestly I still think Shinsou and Izuku would be into you. Shinsou would love your aesthetic and think you’re really cool and would be super fond of you while Izuku would also be fond of you. Both of them would see you as somebody they’d want to protect. They would both care a lot about you.
From jjk I believe Megumi would be into you. You have such a kind heart and I believe he would be drawn to that. You seem like somebody who has been through hell and back and Megumi would admire that about you because you still chose to love. He would love you in quiet moments like reading books beside each other. If the two of you are out shopping or doing something and you get excited he would look at you super fondly. I don’t think he’s the type to actively say I love you a lot, but he would tap your hand three times to show you that he does.
I hope this was okay and that you feel better love!!
stari ♡ you actual sweetheart!
i hope you’re not saying this just to butter me up. because you know how much i love these boys. shinsou & izuku make my heart so happy. i don’t know how i could be me if it weren’t for them. protection is my number one thing i seek in a relationship. if i don’t feel safe with you, i don’t want it. if shit goes down or the world is ending i need to know i can survive with the love of my life.
megumi is the soft pick always. i love boys like him, that show a side to their closest friends or loved ones that other don’t get to see. i love being a designated person to someone. like no matter what they’re always going to have me, talk to me, & rely on me. i’d like to think i could make megumi smile or laugh even if it’s at me & not with me. ♡
it’s always okay for you to talk to me! i’m just sorry i haven’t been quick to reply .
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ruvigapo · 2 days
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Run boy run!! The sex monsters eat salmon!!
In which i arrive Fashionably Late to the fishssek party
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bloogers-boogers · 11 months
Could u draw starry? (garyxstan) it's an old favorite of mine
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Ofcourse love, they're one of my favorites 💕
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nkogneatho · 7 months
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Toji got this as a joke gift and wears it everybody (much to Megumi’s sadness)
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excellencyxvinx · 3 months
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Moi kochani tutaj znów Vin.
Kurcze... to już mój piąty ban i w dodatku drugi w przeciągu kilku dni :/ Mam wrażenie że ktoś musi mnie zgłaszać. Przez to wszytko ciężko jest mieć taką samą chęć prowadzenia tego konta, od razu mówię że nie odchodzę. Kocham to miejsce i nie wyobrażam sobie nie być tu obecną jednak nie wiem czy będę robić to jak dotychczas. Przykro mi jest po prostu gdy codziennie staram się nad postami i wszystkim dookoła nich, a to zaraz znika bez śladu. Mam nadzieję że rozumiecie.
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(z tego wszytkiego nawet zapomniałam zrobić ss poprzedniego konta więc dla uwagi wrzucam jeszcze popszedniego)
Więc jak to teraz będzie? Nie wiem, jeszcze nie zdecydowałam bo to wszystko świeże ale myślę że raz w tygodniu będę robić większe podsumowanie zamiast codziennych bilansów. Normalnie na dniach będę wrzucać pewnie jakieś krótsze nie wymagające posty z przemyśleniami typu shitpost lub dalej odpowiadać na wasze pytania. Co do przepisów to raczej niezmiennie, co jakiś czas będą.
Zobaczymy jednak co wyjdzie w praniu tak naprawdę. Myślę że tymczasowo będzie tak jak opisałam powyżej, a z czasem może wróci stary format bo naprawdę go lubię ale irytuję mnie to już.
Proszę was bardzo o reblogi po raz kolejny T_T Byłabym niezmiernie wdzięczna!
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hii i have a request: aku dating s/o who's atsushi's sister (he's unaware of it) and then someday he sees both together and is like "the fuck are you doing with him??" and reader is like "he's my brother, honey 😃" and atsushi's like ">>HE<< IS YOUR BOYFRIEND???" anyways, chaos
Oh damn this would indeed be chaos. A little bit of context: the reader works at an antique store so she's not really involved with the Pm or the Ada. Anyway hope you enjoy♡
Blood bonds
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life/ silly◇
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The musty, old room scent of the anitque store; tiny flakes of dust illuminated by the brilliant evening light and the endless piles of books that formed a maze inside the crammed shop were all too familiar to him. It was the nth time this month when Akutagawa came to pick you up after work, a cup of your favourite coffee in his hand.
He made his way through the bookshelves and stacks of paperbacks and leather bound tomes to the back of the shop where the cash register was and just as he took the last turn, he saw you; leaning over the wooden desk and talking with... Atsushi?
Your silvery hair caught the late autumn light, gleaming like a jewel as you tucked a stary strand behind your ear. Completely absorbed in conversation with the young man, you didn't even notice your boyfriend until he spoke up.
"Hi Y/N sorry I'm late I stopped to get you a coffee."
Your head suddenly snapped in his direction, a warm smile creeping on your lips.
"Hi there Ryu. How was your day?" you asked as you tip toed around the counter to embrace him; but before you had the chance Atsushi spoke.
"What are you doing here Akutagawa?"
The stern tone of his voice was the last drop. How dared he ask such a question? Akutagawa's brows frowned as his lips pressed into a tight line.
"What the hell are you doing here, weretiger?"
"Wait, you know each other?" you chimed in, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I shouldn't bother with the introductions then"
"What introductions are you talking about? How do you know him?" asked Akutagawa as his nails dug deeper into the calloused skin of his palm.
"Oh love Sushi is my brother"
Akutagawa's heart sank; he felt as if he were underwater, your words a jumble of muffled sounds. For a moment he stood there between you and Atsushi, completely disarmed, his gaze moving from one to another.
And then it finally clicked. The resemblace between the two of you was undeniable. You had the same eyes: your irises a hue of violet and yellow, spotted with little flakes of gold around the pupil; and almost the same lean built except you were a few centimeters shorter than him. If you weren't wearing that sharp black eyeliner, your face would be an identical replica of his.
"I- uh..." he stammered, eyes darting from one to another. "I didn't know that."
Regardless of how shocking this new discovery was he was happy that there was nothing more going on between the two of you. His tense shoulders slightly slouched, a smile creeping on his lips.
"Well love that's quite a strange coincidence." he added in a more relaxed tone.
"Love? What do you mean by love? Nee chan are you... wait are you dating him?" screamed Atsushi.
His eyes bore a shadow of betrayal as he held your gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it was important for you to know who I'm seeing." you said nonchalantly, taking a sip from your coffee.
"Like hell of course it matters. Do you even know what he's done? Who he is? You should've-"
"I should've what, Atsushi? Gave you a phone call whenever I sleep with someone? I'm old enough to take care of myself and I don't know what the two of you have to share but please, try to get along for my sake ok? At least while we're together."
The two men blushed furiously at your words: Akutagawa was shocked by the sudden mention of your love life while Atsushi was simply embarassed.
With his gaze held down he uttered an apology.
"Sorry I just... want you to be safe"
"Trust me weretiger, that's my number one priority too" added Akutagawa as he gently slid a hand around your waist to pull you closer.
The warm smile that rose to your lips when your boyfriend embraced you was enough for Atsushi to drop the matter.
"Okay then" you said in a cheerful voice. "How about we all dine somewhere? I just need a minute to close the shop. Be right back"
With that you made your way to the backroom where you kept your keys and jacket, leaving the two men behind. Both of them were equally reluctant to accept your invitation but what could they say? If it made you happy they could pretend to get along for a night.
"Hey Akutagawa. Take care of her okay?" stated the silver haired man with a concerned look on his face.
Akutagawa only nodded. "Of course I will. I wouldn't do anything to harm her."
A smile made its way to Atsushi's lips. "I really didn't take you for a romantic, Akuatagwa"
A wave of anger took over the raven haired man upon hearing his rival's remark but before he could say anything back you emerged from the room.
"Ready to go?"
You approached your boyfriend and leaned in to place a tender kiss to his lips.
"We'll go to that place you like Ryu. Remember? We went there on our first date."
"Of course love." he chuckled, barely able to hide the blush that tinted his pale face.
Before the three of you walked out of the shop and into the busy street, Akutagawa turned to Atsushi and spoke in a hushed voice.
"Don't you dare say a word about this to anyone weretiger. Or I'll hunt you down"
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shmolish · 2 months
Okay, After reading your Longan x Reader Oneshot
I wanna see part 2 where Reader boldly just kissed them on the lips as a way to confess to then and leaves just to wait for the end results tomorrow
AN: Longan my beloved ♡
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Longan Dragon x Reader
Oneshot (1/2)
Warnings: None
Stars in a night sky will always shine beautifully, glowing with radiance, and harboring a strength that will guide people through the darkness. Despite this, you couldn't help but think about how they were akin to that of a simple lamp during the day when compared to Longan Dragon.
No matter how much light the brightest star gives off, Longan will always shine ten times brighter.
"How much longer are you planning to stare?" Longan Dragon asks you. You simply admired their features, studying how light from the stary sky would bounce off of it so gently.
"Sorry, I zoned out.." Yet you couldn't rip your eyes away from them. Something about them was so captivating, and you just couldn't bear the thought of looking away for even a second.
And as you'd continue to gaze at Longan, they'd avert their own gaze from you.
They let out a sigh. "It is getting quite late. I'll escourt you to your room," they said while taking hold of you hand.
And with that, they began to lead you off of the balcony.
Both of your footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise silent hallway. It was full of the most extravagant pieces of treasure on display.
But the real treasure, you thought, was right here in your grasp.
Maybe that should have been embarrassing to admit, but you solemnly stood by it.
Before much time had passed, you both had arrived to your room.
"I suggest you get some rest," Longan said.
You nodded your head and opened the door when an idea popped in your head.
"Oh Longan, one more thing before I go to bed!"
They stared at you curiously for a while before you cupped their face with your hands.
You leaned closer to them before leaving them with a soft kiss. It was sweet, though full of a longing that was hard to put into words.
When you pulled away, Longan only stood there, not saying anything. Despite thier normally emotionless stature, you could tell this action had stirred some emotions in them. A sharp breath would escape from their lips before you spoke up.
"Goodnight, Longan."
And then you'd enter your room and close the door.
Maybe you did it out of fear for the result. Thought, seeing exactly what the result was would have to wait until next morning.
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deathbxnny · 11 months
Friendo! Hello! How have you been? I come to place another request that's basically just the same HoHE!Elysia!Reader prompt from last time that was with Jing Yuan+Blade (because I still am a sucker for that idea and it's been in my head rent free).
May I request the characters this time be Welt Yang, Dan Heng and Kafka?
A/N: Hey there! I absolutely loved this request, so I hope you'll like this one too! Also forgive me for taking so long... work sucks haha... (Og post here.)
Content: Fluff, established relationships, mentions of battle, something cute and wholesome for once, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng was always so quiet and reserved with his love for your Herrscher form. He'd stand there in silence, as he took in everything about you, watching you deal with enemies so gratefully it made his heart ache with love. And it didn't help, that he could get lost in the starry domain you created for centuries, if you let him. He was in love with you in every way and found you to be perfect, even if he never voiced it.
So he showed his fascination with you, by agreeing to a duel. He trusted you, just as much as you trusted him. He'd never hurt you, even if you asked him to give it his all. He just wanted to see your divine form again as you fought him, the endless starry skies stretching out above you as you fought.
Eventually, you ended up in his warm embrace, his forehead pressed against yours, eyes closed as he softly panted. The silence was filled by a melody created by your hearts and souls becoming one, as you absently swayed under the stars together for what seemed to be eternity to him.
》Welt Yang
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Welt knew all about your Herrscher form and yet still found himself watching you in silent awe. How could he not, when you were so divine? He could watch you endlessly and still not have enough of the sight of you. It often left you bashful, especially when you noticed the spark in his eye after a battle. He'd apologise for his stares with a smile, not meaning a word of it.
He was therefore hesitant to agreeing to a duel. It wasn't that he was afraid of hurting you, he would never. No, he just wanted you to rest in his arms and stare up at the stary skies of your domain forever. But alas, he is unable to deny you a thing and eventually agreed to a small fight. Even during it, you could feel his adoring gazes and lingering glances.
He spins you after an attack with ease, before pulling you into his arms with a chuckle. Seems like he has won, but that didn't matter to him, as he gently swayed with you through your domain, uncaring of the stars and galaxies that surrounded you. Why would he care anyways, when his whole world was in his arms?
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Kafka fell in love with you at first sight. How could she not, when you were so fascinating and divine to her? You were a light that shone in the darkness she considered her life. Without you, she'd be lost, something she often tells you in hushed whispers and teasing words. Anyone that dared disagree with how perfect you were, was shut down by her. No one would dare question you and your abilities she loved so much, with her around, that's for sure.
And since she can't deny you a single thing, she didn't think twice to agree to duel you. You had to however tell her to not hold back, as she can't get herself to be hard on you. The fight was elegant and graceful, the stars and galaxies reflecting in your eyes, when all you could see was eachother. Lingering touches, longing stares, dreamy exhales. It was all too much.
Eventually, she just pulled you into a waltz, humming a tune for you to dance to, as she rested her head on your shoulder with a satisfied smile. It was never a duel for her in the end, in fact, it was all just a performance. A performance that proved her love and devotion to you in ways only you could ever understand. And she'd be damned, if anyone dared take you away from her.
A/N: Alright! I hope this was alright! I've been starting to slowly feel better and less tired lately, so I'm actually quite satisfied with my work now. I hope you liked it Anon and thank you for the request and your patience!<33
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. . ★ Happy 21st birthday to me! 🥰 ! [19. 03.2003 ♡]
idol: jake - enhypen
Song : No Problem by Nayeon (TWICE) ft. Felix (STARY KIDS)
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hisgoodpuppy · 2 years
I’m so sorry I’m late but for the ask the blogger, do you have a favorite song or playlist currently and if so what is it?
never late & never early, always right on time. i’m really sorry for just getting to these!
i guess it HAS been quite a while since i did a music dump! i’ll make a post right now with a few jams i’ve been obsessing over. old & new ♡
i rely heavily on my spotify “release radar” playlist, but i always dive into weird stuff by doing specific song radios on there as well!
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mountainscouts · 6 months
The second I opened your account I got really excited and then I ended up accidentally drawing stary (it wasn't an accident)
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oh my god i never saw this?? this is absolutely ADORABLE!! i'm so sorry for the late response. i would've posted these drawings sooner! i'm so glad that my blog inspires people to draw gary/stary!! we need more art of them in the world,and these drawings are so superb♡♡ thank you again
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nkogneatho · 8 months
Pasi, genuinely I would ship you with Yuuji. The two of you would be so sweet to each other and I feel like you would mesh perfectly together and have so much fun. It would legit be dating your best friend. You two would have so much fun together it wouldn't even matter if you were just hanging out. Plus if you wanted to gossip or tell Yuuji what's going on he would listen with so much focus and if you ever said "I have tea" he would instantly be like "👀 tell me everything" idk I just think you guys would be cute.
ship me (except toji and toru)
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theduskgrove · 9 days
Co jakiś czas przychodzą chwile, kiedy patrzę przez ramię na moją przeszłość i w sposób niezrozumiały dla normalnych jednostek tęsknię za autodestrukcyjnym trybem życia, jaki prowadziłam większość mojej egzystencji. Nadal okazjonalnie łapię się na uciekaniu się do komfortu jaki daje mi głód - - - zwłaszcza, kiedy dopadają mnie pochmurne dni - - - niemniej odrzucam od siebie myśl powrotu. Moja aktualna dieta przyprawiłaby wielu tu zgromadzonych o palpitacje serca, gdyż dzienne spożycie kalorii wystrzeliło niemiłosiernie w górę - - - wynika to z uczęszczania na siłownię pięć razy w tygodniu, na której spędzam 1,20h wykonując intensywne ćwiczenia siłowe - - - z treningów wytrzymałościowych zrezygnowałam wiele tygodniu temu.
Śmiało można założyć, że zakrywam swoją obsesję do niejedzenia obsesją, jaką wypracowałam w sobie przez miesiące regularnego przerzucania żelastwa. Niemniej uważam, że to dobra wymiana. Patrząc w lustro jestem połowicznie zadowolona - - - zawsze może być przecież lepiej - - - jednak patrząc w dół na coraz to pełniejsze, jędrne uda, odczuwam szczere przerażenie. Wydają się być gigantyczne. Brzuch z kolei przybrał kształtów - - - wyraźnie zarysowane na nim mięśnie niekiedy przyprawiają mnie o ciepłe ukłucie dumy, gdy przechadzając się po siłowni widzę spojrzenia pełne zachwytu lub zazdrości. Ramię w ramię, niezmiennie, od lat kroczy ze mn�� bødy chëck - - - mój stary przyjaciel, który zostanie ze mną już chyba na zawsze. .♡.
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tinytinybumblebee · 10 months
👀 do you have any more headcanons for Astarion? He's currently my comfort character & I'm really excited to see someone else in the agere AND bg3 communities!!
Heck yes I dooo!!
Tiny Astarion
-Likes it when his carer lets him try to do things on his own. Mainly because it allows him to ask for help because he's just a little guy and needs his Mama/Dada to help him buckle his shoes or brush his hair (aka: helping Astarion ease into gentle touches that are safe)
-Something about being bottle feed intrigues Astarion. It seems so infantile, but something he wants. It's a bit trickier since that requires draining blood from someone/thing into a bottle. But, something Tav (or well, my Tav at least xD) is willing to do for their baby bat (especially if it saves them from the nightly bite)♡
-Gets overwhelmed very easily when tiny so, prone to fussing or fits (like the stompy feet and yelling) but, remarkably, very easy to help him calm down. He just needs grounding, gentle shushes that "it's okay to have these big feelings and to express them but, lets use our words so we don't hurt our bodies or others."♡♡
-Elves don't sleep, but sometimes when tiny, he likes to be given a superior sleep potion. To get that sensation, a young child would feel all sleepy while he's rocked and tucked into his bedroll. That safety knowing he's with someone who cares for him and that he can sleep well, like a baby ;w;
-Looooves dress-up or "house" kind of play because he gets to be anyone he wants to be!!
Carer Astarion
-If you are someone who sleeps, he will run his fingers through your hair while he lays with you, soft words and coos over you as he helps you sleep
-Thinks it's adorable when his tiny one can't quite pronounce his name (like, they call him "A-stary!", he'll be dang proud to be their star as they're his whole galaxy ♡)
-Makes sure his tiny one's eat. He doesn't want them hungry and will fuss over them the whole time (wiping their faces, calling them his "messy pup")
-Lets his tiny one's make mistakes. He knows they need to tie their shoes before running around, but he's already asked them to tie them, and they haven't yet. So, when they eventually fall on their face, Astarion is right there to scoop them up and clean their face as he says, "Now do you understand why Dada said to tie your shoes? Laces will trip you up, poor thing."
-Did cry when his tiny one drew him because it was so sweet that he got to see how his tiny one sees him ;w;
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So my theriotype is a white tiger cub, I like stars and paws, can you give me some pronouns, and names? Tysm!!
Don’t forget to hydrate! *sips water*
ahh! thank you!!
I hope these are okay!! if not you can always request again!!
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stary-darlin · 1 month
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— *. ི۪۪۪ 🦢 ྀ۪۪۪ MASTERLIST ༉‧₊˚.
HEYY!! welcome to my masterlist!! Will be updated whenever I can so stay tuned for updates!! :3 ♡.*
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︶𝆹𝅥⏝ ◦ 𑁍 ◦ ︶𝆹𝅥⏝
Ⅰ ➤ house of the dragon/asoiaf
𓍢ִ໋🀦 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 — “behold the gods light” (up-coming)
- Aegon targaryen/martell!reader
Summary: when the fate of the kingdom becomes in the hands of the drunken prince who lies beneath the fogs of his own wasted influence, where he for the first time in decades he sees the sunrising, for who his body and soul arched to have and need.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 — “burning bruises on the crown” (up-coming)
- Jacaerys velaryon/maiden!reader
Summary: when the stress that jacaerys kept on feeling and getting, works it's way to the prince's mind, disturbing his vision of taking what is in law his, for then the help of the greatest loyalists of his mother-queen comes to hand.
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Ⅱ ➤ the last of us
𓍢ִ໋🀦 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 & 𝑫𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 — “don't be shy, go on” (up-coming)
- Nerdy/loser!ellie williams/popular girl!reader
Summary: when the popular girl takes an interest in the nerdy loser who always stays in the corners of the room, staring at her in an uncanny way for the entire semester, looking like a total creep.
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All rights reserved to @stary-darlin , please do not copy, rewrite, translate my works on any other platform.
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