#que've got to be kidding me (queue)
ofspaceandearth · 3 months
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Despite thinking Roshi is a bastard and a creep, she's willing to go to his island and stay there for a few weeks at a time. One part of it is that the cops would never think to look for her on a legendary hermit's island, so she can take it easy. The second part is that she knows the gang likes to reconvene at his place every so often, so there's a chance she might catch them.
She manages Roshi by her usual way of weaponry, and booby trapping her own room. Of course, her other self is just as liable to fall for those traps as he is out of clumsiness rather than perversion, but it's deemed as a necessary move so she can get some peace and quiet during that time.
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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He knows he's technically set for life, and doesn't really have to try to be pretty strong and pretty rich, but he's got no intention on taking things easy. He craves a thrilling life where he can go out and do something exhilarating, he thinks he'd die if he was to take over the company as a CEO. As such, anyone who thinks that just sucking up to him or trying to be a trophy spouse is gonna not even remotely cause him to have any fondness for them.
Unfortunately, it also means that he's no good at holding down a job that doesn't engage him enough, and he's liable to just quit in the blink of an eye.
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
@age733 continued from here!
There's a bit of silent contemplation on how forthright she wishes to be on the matters of her sudden departure, and what exactly was going through her head at the time. As soon as the possibility of opening up internally comes up, she's quick to shut it down.
"Had to go my own way for a bit. I could only stand stayin' at that old pervert's place for so long, seein' how shootin' him never seemed to work." She says with a shrug as if she hadn't simply disappeared for literal years without any warning, or that she did end up ditching the convenience of an island home for just hitting the road. But the latter was surely much more reasonable than the former. Either way, if they were going to have this unexpected reunion, Launch figured that she might as well ask something that she had just remembered. A rumor she had heard around, but one she never did too much digging for. Until now, that is.
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"Anyway, I heard ya got a kid now, that true? Ya never know with that media stuff, always a bunch of garbage bein' spouted about famous people like yerself."
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
❛ Whatever you’re goin' to ask, the answer is no. ❜ Puck to (your choice of Muse)
200 prompts! - Accepting!
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"You gotta be kidding me, I haven't even gotten to asking the question yet, it could've been anything!"
When he says anything, he's simply exaggerating, as his question really was coming down to wanting to know if she wanted to join him in finding any criminals and beating them up. Of course, it was easy to ki sense people, but her senses were definitely a bit better in being able to sniff out danger both literally and figuratively. So what if it was an hour or two before her work shift was over? He'd help her get another one.
"Besides, are you gonna just stand there and say this is what you wanna be doing? I got an idea for something way more fun than work."
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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"Huh..I must have added the wrong coordinates..excuse me. I'm looking for someone extremely huge..dark black hair with a possible tail. Have you seen anyone like that?" (for Lemo)
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While the stranger seemed polite enough, Lemo couldn't say he was feeling particularly inclined to give up Broly's location so freely. It didn't really matter what purpose he had for seeking him out either for the sake of conversation or attempting to recruit him to a cause, or even to report his whereabouts to someone else, the old soldier was determined to remain tight lipped on the matter.
"Can't say I've heard of someone like that around these parts. Why, what possible reason could you have for trying to find someone like that? You planning on using him like a weapon?"
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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"You're Jaco..THE Jaco. The supreme Kai of time's told me all about you and the other galactic patrolmen."
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While he didn't exactly expect a human to recognize him, he was going to enjoy the astonishment on his face. This must've been one of the many time patrollers that he's heard of protecting the time stream, something that made his job just a bit easier. It was appreciated, but knowing that someone with as high a standing as a Supreme Kai was boasting about his skill was definitely making his day. There was no way he wasn't going to brag about it as soon as he got back to base.
"That's right! You're looking THE elite member of the patrol himself! Jaco! There's no need to thank me for my service, as a fellow patroller yourself, I'm sure you understand how much work it takes into keeping people safe!"
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
❛ you're about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜/@ jaco if you’re still taking thesee!
200 prompts! - No Longer Accepting!
He'd openly scoff at that, folding his arms as his expression soured a bit. He knew he was small and charming, but being compared to a fragile insect... It was just insulting!
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"A elite patrolman such as myself has to put up a certain air. We have to be approachable, as to not freak out the citizens of the planets we come to assist, we also have to be willing to be somewhat cooperative should the need arise..."
A beat.
"But that doesn't mean I lack any intimidation factor whatsoever! I'm plenty intimidating! Criminals and scumbags alike all shudder when they hear the name Jaco! Even that so-called "Great" Saiyaman, he knows better than to mess with me!"
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