#That no good creep (Roshi)
ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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gokustits · 10 months
Until you said that Kami’s influence is what probably made Piccolo confront Goku about forcing Gohan to fight Cell when he didn’t like fighting, it hadn’t clicked for me that this was indeed it. It does make a lot of sense because he didn’t seem to have a problem “training” a 4 year old kid and then forcing him to fight much more powerful aliens at just 5. It was out of necessity, of course, but so was having him fight Cell. If Goku had been strong enough, he would have never risked his son nor everyone else’s safety (as surprising as this sounds, there are people who think Goku was holding back against Cell because he wanted Gohan to have his moment or something). Somehow, people hold this against Goku and is one of the arguments they use to prove he is a bad parent, but rarely apply the same logic to Piccolo when he is referred as Gohan’s real dad.
Come to think of it, Gohan probably doesn’t like fighting because he was always forced to do it and it was usually under duress and life or death situations. His first training was painful unlike Goku’s because as much as Roshi is a creep, his training was actually really good and full of learning experiences and even wholesome moments albeit difficult and extenuating. Gohan, on the other hand, didn’t have the chance to pick it up naturally by sparring /training with his dad in a healthy way as he got older or to do it just for fun like Goku did when he was a kid on the Martial Arts Tournament and other instances.
You made me want to rewatch the OG Dragon Ball and it has been a blast. Seeing little Goku have adventures does bring happiness.
Exactly and piccolo did it again in super hero making gohan fight making his statement in the cell saga basically useless
og dragon ball is fun you just gotta ignore roshi and the racism
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flannelepicurean · 8 months
Okay, sometimes when I have a Rough Night and then have to take a day nap because... I literally can't keep functioning, I have bonkers-ass dreams.
In the latest entry, Goku had, like, broken his arm or something, and he was being a real Vegeta about asking for help, and Chi-Chi and Bulma finally got fed up and sent Dolly Parton after his ass.
And because he is also a rural workin' gal, and a world-class himbo, he was all, "Aw, shucks, Miss Dolly," when she was like, "Goku, sweetie, there's a great big ol' buncha people who care about you back there, wonderin' why you're actin' so daggone foolish. Now straighten up and fly right."
And like...yes. YES. I am 100000% here for it. Furthermore:
No one mistakes her for Launch.
The first time Roshi tries to Roshi up to her, she's like, "Try any of that monkey business with me, sunshine, and you'll be eatin' that turtle shell for dinner. And it looks about bite-sized to me." Because she does like to flirt, but Roshi is a CREEP, and I just don't see her abiding that from someone who is clearly not gonna be a gentleman.
Dolly is 0.95 Vegetas tall, but her typical footwear probably puts her around 1.0 Bulmas, or 1.03 Vegetas in height. (Bulma is canonically taller than Vegeta. It's just a fact.)
This is crucial, because Dolly is looking Ge dead in the eye when she asks him if he can dance. Because he ain't gonna win that girl's heart with his charming attitude. And Geets tries to blow her off, of course, but she's like, "Lord, Vegeta, honey, what're you scared of?" And he's like, "I'M NOT SCARED OF--" and she's like, "Shouldn't be any trouble then, come on."
And of course, once they spend some time together, Dolly's like, "Listen, sweetie, I know what it's like to have big dreams and big, fabulous hair. You gotta show her that big heart, too." And Vegeta's like, "grumble grumble, pout," but she's just like, "Baby, it don't matter if it's broken. Find you a good stable and somebody with a gentle hand. It'll gallop." And he's like, "...I LOVE YOU, MISS DOLLY!!!😭😭😭" And she's like, "I love you too, precious. Now come on, pick up the pace, let's get to swingin'!"
...I just think Dolly Parton could fix what's wrong with every single person in the DBZ Universe.
And she'd take Piccolo on the World Series Poker circuit or something, and he'd destroy everyone.
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
Cartoon Rap Battles: Goku vs Superman
Disclaimer: yes, I know ERB already did this battle, but... come on, it could’ve been better. While I did take some punchlines from ERB, I did write some more original stuff.
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Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane It's a three day long fight scene with people screaming like they're insane
It's the man of steel, the original Super hero Prima Dropping bombs on this fighter like you're in Hiroshima
In a time of chimpanzees you're just a monkey Flying headlong into battle like an adrenaline junkie
You change when you go Super Saiyan, you got a hair stylist there? Your like every kid in Gen-Z now with your shiny blue hair
When will the horrid treatment of your wife and child end? You were replaced as father of the year by the alien that killed your friends
When Toriyama made you, he stole from the best And sprinkled in a little bit of Journey to the West
You're no Monkey King, just a Monkey fool You know that I'm the true winner of this duel
I've seen better animation from Ray Harryhausen The chances of you losing this battle is over Nine Thousand
You look pretty strong, this should be a good fight A great way to get my training in tonight
Which Superman am I facing? There have been at least a ton Every single one of them I could spar with for fun
The all American hero made by two people they hate today Two Jewish guys, one of them an immigrant dreamt you up in 1938
I've got my Gi on ready for any kind of fight Especially against losers who wear underwear over their tights
Gonna drop a spirit bomb on this Kryptonian creep All your movies after two kept putting me to sleep
My opponents are always stronger pushing me to my limits Your arch-nemesis is a business man with a permanent grimace
Defying death every fight, always training round the clock While you're biggest weakness is a little green space rock
You can't stand to me, because I've got the Ki The ability to overcome any difficulty
When I became super my star flew higher While yours sank lower thanks to Zack Snyder
You want to beat me and bring up movies as your solution? I'll knock your ass down with Dragonball Evolution
I'm in an iconic suit, you wear hammer pants and a sweatshirt A pupil of Roshi, it's just like anime to be trained by a pervert
Watching your slow battles leaves me ungodly bored One hit from me and I leave my foes floored
You've got no Kryptonite, your blows lack any impact The martial arts champion with no original attacks
Yelling your attacks until you're out of breath Maybe you should learn silence when you're training in death
I'm the unbeatable savior of Earth, in all media I broke new norms While you got one of the worst games on multiple platforms
When it comes to adversaries I overcome them all So why don't you teach a dinosaur to ride a ball?
Talking about Sagas? Please tell me more After I bring up your garbage on Nintendo 64
You want to take this fight alone, have a one on one spar? You know I got my buddies with me, we're a team. Four Stars!
It’s the all powerful savior that can hold multiple infinities Yet fights for two hours with a furry with no special abilities
Our battle's gonna end in a bang, no matter what anyone claims It's a death battle Superman, enough of these silly games
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
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We learn in the last chapter that the Cerealian Dragon's name is Toronbo when Granolah speaks Namekian. Toronbo grants Granolah's wish but can't make Granolah stronger than the gods.
Here's the confusion I have... Goku is a mortal beyond GoDs so making Granolah the strongest mortal is making him stronger than gods. If you wanna say Beerus has been training and is now stronger than Goku, there's still a problem. It was said that Goku and Vegeta were stronger than some GoDs right before the ToP (but that might be anime only, so maybe it doesn't apply here). So Granolah is stronger than GoDs no matter what. If the gods that Toronbo is speaking of are the Angels, then that means Granolah is Ultra Instinct level of power since Goku is the lowest in Angel tier. But whatever. Bottom line is Granolah is temporarily stronger than Goku who may or may not be stronger than Beerus.
Granolah gets his wish granted and the cost is shortening his life... cool. Not much to say except let's see how its executed.
(I recently read that in DBXV2, during the Infinite History Saga, Videl is enchanted with Towa's Dark Magic spell by Dabura shaving off her life but granting her greater power. So granting power at the cost of lifespan has been done in DB before. Not in canon but in the games.)
Also, Granolah's life being shortened to 3 yrs got me thinking... Currently it's almost AGE 781 in the DBS manga timeline. Goku leaves to train Uub in AGE 784. We got 3 yrs left. The original manga shows Bulma said she hadn't seen Goku in 5 yrs. How I see DBS is that it is an alternate timeline that just happens to have a similar outcome to the EoZ.
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So... why is Vegeta learing from Beerus again if Beerus isn't that strong now? Is Vegeta being like Krillin and continuing his learning from a master weaker than him, but gaining wisdom & knowledge? I-is Vegeta becoming Krillin 2.0?! (More like dollar-store Krillin)
I do think beerus got stronger tho. He seems very confident that Vegeta can get stronger from learning from him. Beerus probably saw Goku get UI then decide to train aftet the ToP
Anyways, Beerus is teaching us about hakai/destruction energy. Its erasing something from existence, not just destroying it (we already knew that). But, Vegeta quickly figures out how to do it anyways. By destroying a tiny pebble...
A tangent again but I personally think Piccolo is capable of easily learning Hakai energy. Think about it. Piccolo can create clothing out of nothing, why could he not do the reverse?
Goku is uninterested in what Beerus & Vegeta are doing. I dont know about you, but it sounds like Goku thinks that he's above Beerus in strength. Beerus & Vegeta aren't considered a challenge to him in any way. Goku sees UI as more important & better than anything Beerus has to teach, and Goku is right. Plus Goku learned Hakai on his own while Vegeta needs Beerus to teach him. It's a waste of Goku's time to learn it again.
(God Comics is funny. I imagine Toribot writes them)
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Goku says "Let's see which one of us can be the strongest in the universe!" Really, Goku...? At present time, Goku is the strongest mortal in the universe already. He should know that. Then Vegeta for some reason thinks he will become the strongest in the universe. The last time manga Vegeta was the strongest mortal in the universe was... never. He's always behind Goku or whatever new opponent arises. This scene is meant to be comedic that they're arguing over who will be the greatest but it's not funny to me. And yet Vegeta fans still hold on for hope.
But why is Goku concerned about being the strongest between him & Vegeta? Goku is far above Vegeta. They're not rivals at this point. Also, Goku was the strongest in the universe until just a few moments ago. Goku should be saying "I knew bein' the strongest wouldn't last for too long. Roshi did tell me there will always be somebody stronger out there. Hehe! This is gettin' me excited! I can't wait to meet 'em!" (This would alsp parallel Monaito giving Granolah the same advice Goku already knows.)
Also, I guess Broly isn't that strong after all. Bye Broly, you served your purpose. And to think that Goku had said that he thinks Broly is stronger than Beerus...
Oh yeah. So Vegeta destroys a pebble. Impressive? Goku kinda gives a compliment or he is practically saying "Good job Vegeta! You're doing great following in my footsteps!" Seriously, this would be so much better and cooler if this seperate paths of training began right after the Universe 6 vs Universe 7 tournament. That would be the perfect spot to have them train under Beerus & Whis. [Vegeta using Hakai against Merged Zamasu, Goku able to fight Merged Zamasu temporarily because he is getting better at letting his body move on its own, Toppo & Vegeta using Hakai against each other as Goku & Jiren use power above GoDs. That would work so much better.]
Then Vegeta says he's gonna destroy bigger things soon... is that supposed to be more impressive? Its not. But this it to build up Vegeta even though there is nothing amazing about anything he is doing at the moment. Maybe later tho.
So Cerealians can't grow beards. Also I guess Granolah's race don't age? His hair grew when his lifespan was shortened but he has no wrinkles. It seems that they age more gracefully than Saiyans. If he has some wrinkles he would have looked cooler imo. Or those lines under the eyes at the very least. If the wish shortened his life & made his hair grow, it should have also showed that he aged. (Here's an edit I made of "Grampa Granolah." You're welcome)
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And remember Vegeta destroying a pebble? Granolah can suddenly destroy big rocks! Cool right?! No? Its not cool? Showing Granolah destroy a much larger object right afterwards kinda belittles Vegeta's accomplishment.
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Oatmil is surprised by a boulder exploding. This means one of 2 things. Oatmil is stupid & never saw an Granolah explode a boulder. Or it's implying that the boulder exploding is some technique Oatmil doesn't know of. Idk how he can tell its any different from just blowing up a rock with ki. I think it's supposed to be destruction energy. If it is then, ok. If getting his wish was so easy, then why can't he suddenly learn destruction as well?
Yay! Monaito! (This really should be a Namekian focused arc)
Granolah reminds me of Zamasu with his attitude a bit. Monaito tells him somebody stronger will definetly appear. Granolah has become like Vegeta and is over confident, so he is destined to get humbled. And think about this. Goku can probably train a bit and surpass Granolah within a week.
Granolah can now sense ki. Meaning he can have the destruction technique or UI, because why not?
Monaito blames himself for Granolah's actions. Its not your fault Monaito! You did nothing wrong! Dont be so hard on yourself.
Whis being a creep and peeping on people lol.
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Granolah's hair growing was pointless because he cuts it off soon after. Nothing changed visually. This kinda reminds me of how Moro lost his arm. Goku gave him a senzu, Moro grew it back, & then Moro broke his arm when attacking Goku. Then Moro tore his arm off & reattached his old one. There was no need for Moro to grow his arm back then tear it off. Similarly, there is no need for Granolah to have grown long hair then cut it off.
Maki still brings a smile to my face. She & Gas stand out the most out of the Heeters. Maki's personality is kinda like Zangya combined with a teasing Bulma. Gas reminds me of a Krillin/Piccolo fusion with dreadlocks. I also ship Maki x Gas cause they're short and look cute together. (please don't be siblings so I can draw them together🤞)
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Granolah fights Oil & Maki. I'm not impressed. They seem like they could be defeated by Chaoitzu (he's stronger than Raditz and probably Nappa now too). Granolah's movements could be seen as UI. If it is or isn't UI, it doesn't matter. Showing off that kind of power is like Goku using Ultra Instinct during a rematch with Nam or King Chappa. Its not effective storytelling. There had to be a better way of showing Granolah's new strength than making him fight opponents that give him zero challenge.
The art is good as usual and the panel flow is nice. Toyotaro is improving at creating the illusion of motion. The environment being used in the fight was smart and a good visual. Toyo still uses a ton of panels almost every page tho. But he's still a better artist than I am.
Granolah appears to have used Hakai again. Not the explosive variant but the sand variant (yes I think there are 2 ways of using Hakai).
The "Sand Variant" that Beerus & Goku (& maybe Granolah) have used.
The "Explosive Variant" Beerus & Vegeta (& maybe Granolah) have used.
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Maki thinks the "Hakai" is magic so that's interesting. I would say I'd like for the next enemy to be a magic user but, we know how Moro turned out... 😓
Maki has "ki claws" & I like the idea but it would be better if she had used it against an enemy she can defeat. It doesn't make her look useful in this fight. Gas seems confident when he is about to fight Granolah, but Elec stops him. Gas would've gotten beaten but it make ya wonder what Gas can do.
Granolah appears to be a person that is easily manipulated and persuaded. He even gave information they weren't even asking for. He'll probably be easily convinced and manipulated by Freeza/the Hedters or quickly have a truce with Goku.
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The Heeters plan to go to Planet Cereal to get the Dragon Balls. As I suspected, the Cerealian Dragon Balls were created so that it would be easy for wishes to be granted. Gathering 2 Dragon Balls on a nearby planet instead of gathering 7 on New Namek or Earth. Plus these new Dragon Balls ensures no interaction between Earthlings & Granolah/the Heeters. A perfect way to write Gohan & company out of the story... *sigh* 😔😒
We learn Cerealians live for 2 centuries. How's that compare to other races in Universe 7? Freeza & King Cold apparently can live more than 200 yrs, But that may be because they are mutants. Namekians can live for like 500 yrs & its possible for them to reincarnate themselves too. So in a way, Namekians can live forever. Saiyans stay youthful & live to be in their 80's, but rapidly age when they reach their 60's or 70's. Average Earthlings appear live to be in their 80's or 90's but some are over 100 yrs old (Dr. Briefs, Panchy, & Ox King are in their 90's in GT) and others can increase their lifespan through elixers or the Paradise Herb. Just some thoughts of mine.
Maki says "If he ices Freeza..." Ha, an ice pun. Elec wants to defeat Freeza so he can control his army. Its revealed they wanna kill Granolah & that they worked with Freeza to destroy his planet & race. Well... that more than likely means they're gonna die by Granolah's hand or Freeza's. This info is also an attempt to make the reader more sympathetic for Granolah. Granolah is too bland (pun intended) so I don't feel any more sympathy than I already had for him. Elec plans to make Goku & Vegeta fight Granolah since Granolah hates Saiyans. Smart but we all kinda expected it. Not bad writing tho.
The final panel talks about fate bringing the 3 (Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah) together. Sounds like a repeat of the Broly movie.
We've had 4 chapters in this arc & not 1 panel of Freeza... If Freeza doesnt appear & do something in the next chapter then I will be disappointed in the writing. Showing Freeza here and there would give tension and build up until we get the encounter with him. We also have no idea who Oatmil is. Is he an A.I. or a person? Not that big of a deal yet, but I would like to find out soon. Either show Freeza or tell us more about Oatmil next chapter pleaae
This chapter was like oatmeal (the food not the character) without butter, brown sugar, milk, & honey or raisins. Not bad, but not very good either. 
So here's my thoughts on the things that could or could not happen in this arc.
Goku vs Granolah. I don't care for the fight because the power is at a point that it doesnt make sense for enemies to get to without cheating somehow. The fight will look cool but I have no interest in it.
Vegeta vs Granolah will have Vegeta being stomped as always and Vegeta fans will make excuses & complain how it's not fair. A lot of Vegeta fans often make fun of Yamcha & Krillin for getting beat up even though those 2 bravely fight opponents leagues stronger than they are. Vegeta has gotten stomped by opponents more times than Krillin & Yamcha combined but the fans gotta deflect somehow. I don't care to hear or see the complaining again.
The interaction and dialogue between Granolah & Vegeta is going to be more interesting than their fight. But I worry because Toyo isn't the best at writing dialogue.
I have no reason to care about power growth, certain interactions, or Goku & Vegeta's training.
What I am curious about/want to see?
Monaito's well being. I want him to reunite with other Namekians. But I think he's been set up to die.
Lore about the dragon gods & Namekian lore we probably wont get.
I want Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, & others will be involved. Piccolo because of the Namekian & wosh granting dragon lore. Gohan because his interaction with Granolah eould be interesting since Gohan is half Saiyan & views himself as an Earthling. Krillin & other Earthlings because they can bring tensions where characters like Goku & Vegeta can't. Those 2 are too strong for there to be any real tension. However Earthlings aren't all powerful so them using wits to survive is more exciting. But I doubt any of their involvement.
How long a Cerealian year is? Is it shorter than a Namekian year? How much time will pass for the Cerealian Dragon Balls to be active? How much stronger than Granolah will Goku get? Hopefully the answers aren't lazy...
Will Beerus finally fight somebody? There are 6 mortals that are near or above his power (Goku, Granolah, Vegeta, Broly, Freeza, Gohan).
Who's the villian of the next arc & what explanation is going to be given for them having power on the level of Angels? Angel tier fights don't sound interesting to me anymore. After those kinds of battles, Goku will have no challengers left.
Will Goku disappear to train or something so the story can TRY to match up with the EoZ?
Will Goten, Trunks, & Marron hit their growth spurts within 3 yrs?
Will we get spin-off manga about other characters? PLEASE!? 🙏
Also DBS moved too quickly when it comes to power. Now we're at the point that Goku & Vegeta need to stop being involved in fights for there to be any actual threat or tension. The Buu saga took place in AGE  774. After training for 4 years of peace, Goku thought SS3 & fusion was his limits as a Saiyan and he was right. Well, kinda... Goku was introduced to god ki near the end of AGE 778. Then in AGE 781, Goku masters Ultra Instinct... He mastered an Angel technique in 2 year or 2.5 yrs. That was waaaay too fast. As a result the storytelling & writing are suffering from this rushed progress. Now we're gonna have an Angel tier opponent? According to the pattern of DBS, Goku's gonna end up surpassing the Angels within 2 or 3 yrs after learning god ki. Thats not impressive for Goku, that's terrible writing. And no, Goku getting this strong so fast is not a benefit to Saiyans either. It just shows us that without god ki, Saiyans ain't all that powerful unless they're the legendary Saiyan like Broly. Saiyans didn't even have a concept of training until Goku was trained by Earthlings. Gohan, Freeza, 17, & I'm pretty sure Piccolo as well have all surpassed SS3 without the help of god ki. God ki makes Saiyans look like they have limits. With god ki, the writing is broken....
I got off topic again... Anyways that's the end of my review.
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Jiraiya gets too much hate, he was a noble man and did more good than harm
I am fully aware that Jiraiya was a good man with good intentions, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that he was a creep and that people are completly valid in hating the ‘pervy old man’ trope
I also hate master roshi and it’s the same damn thing. He’s a good dude in morals but an absolute creep with women
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lazyyogi · 3 years
Hey lazy yogi! Hope you’re having a sweet time.
I have a question I’ve been contemplating. I noticed lately that some days I just really get into the flow of things. A day comes when I feel great, my mind feels clear and untethered, my heart filled with good intentions, my communication free and kind, everything just works and feels aligned.
Then some little fear creeps in that maybe I forgot how I got to this good place where I am, that maybe I lost the rhythm and flow and wouldn’t be able to recreate this same awesome mindset tomorrow. Suddenly, this clear mind seems precious, vulnerable and precarious, like I have to save it from crumbling.
I realize this is a form of attachment to this clear and beautiful state of mind and this attachment breeds grasping and identification with elements that are non-self (like the day that has passed).
How do I channel this understanding in order to produce better days, better intentions, clearer mind, and freedom in this life? Thank you! You’re awesome.
Hey friend! 
This is not an unusual experience, especially with meditators. During a meditation session, we may enter a period of no-mind in which the headspace is clear of thoughts and the bodyspace is peaceful and serene. But then a thought pops up, something like: “I’m doing it!” and then “Oh no!” and then “Now I’m thinking about it!” and it all falls apart. 
Such an experience is not too different from what you are asking about. These thoughts creates small tensions and fears that appear to tangle up our naturalness in contrivance and seemingly disrupt our flow. 
I have two points I would like to discuss on this matter. The first is on the View and the second is on the Development.
The View
An important thing to have is a clear understanding of what this flow state you are describing actually is and from where it comes. It is actually mindfulness; that is what you are describing--correct mindfulness practice. Right now it seems fragile and precarious. That is because you understand it as something caused. It is different from your typical daily state and so when you get into that groove, you recognize its preciousness and try to hold onto it. 
You have an excellent insight regarding how that kind of grasping (attachment) actually disrupts the mindfulness. However, there is more to it than that. And this is where a bit of philosophy actually becomes practical and useful. 
When you are trying to solve a problem, the best way to approach it is by assuming there is an answer to the problem already and then trying to find the answer as if it is just there waiting to be found. This frames the whole situation in your favor. You don’t need to invent the answer, you just need to recognize it.
Similarly, it is helpful to view the mindful state as your basic nature. That state of flow, clarity, and calm is who you are and how you are when you are not deformed by egoic identities and the fears/desires/motives of those identities. 
Suzuki Roshi once described Zen as “a strong confidence in our original nature.” Suzuki’s style of Soto Zen was all about gradually developing such confidence through Zen practices. That original nature is already there but the confidence in it is what grows. 
Right now you are learning how to develop that confidence. You have had glimpses of that original nature through these flow states, these mindfulness practices you have been knowingly or unknowingly doing. 
So all of this is not about how to create and maintain a special state. That would be a fragile understanding. Instead, it’s about learning how to get out of your own way to allow yourself to be as you actually are when free from contrivance. Then there is nothing to maintain, no effort needed. The effort is for noticing and overcoming egoic patterns and momentum, but there is no effort needed for the flow itself.
How to develop this?
The Development
Imagine you are learning how to juggle. 
1. At first, you will be clumsy. Maybe you’ll be able to execute a move or two but overall you will spend more of your time picking balls up from the floor than actually juggling them. Many people who try new things get stuck at this point already and give up.
2. With some practice, however, you’ll learn to juggle a few balls in succession before dropping them. You’ve started to get a feel for the rhythm but you’re still sorting out your technique. The possibility of actually mastering this becomes real and enthusiasm grows.
3. In time, you start to actually juggle. You can feel the rhythm and you have the technique down so you are starting to get the “knack” for it. Yet once you start juggling in that flow, the slightest thought or excitement will disrupt your rhythm and cause you to drop the balls. You’re juggling but the mind can still get in the way. This is where a lot of frustration and confusion can arise. There isn’t much of a difference between this stage and the next in terms of technique. But whereas the other stages could be powered through by hammering away at technique, this stage requires a shift in the state of mind.
4. After continuing to develop and play with your juggling flow, soon it gets to the point where it is just natural. Like walking. Thoughts may come and go but they aren’t able to effect your flow. You don’t care about dropping the balls and so you don’t fear it. Without that fear, there is significantly less reactivity and tension, and as a result your flow improves.
While there is some skill and eye-hand coordination developed through these stages, between steps 3 and 4 is the most significant shift and it involves your consciousness, not your technique. There is an element of surrender as well. You’re willing to allow the balls to drop, for the flow to be disrupted, because you have the confidence in your natural state. You know you cannot lose what you are and regardless of whether the balls are being juggled or falling, you are That.
This understanding can be applied to learning almost anything new. I use it to develop my surgical skills all the time. Having an idea of where you are in your development helps to guide your expectations and your approach. 
Now to finally address your question: “How do I channel this understanding in order to produce better days, better intentions, clearer mind, and freedom in this life?”
As you might have guessed by now, this is something developed gradually. Daily meditation, daily mindfulness, physical integration such as yoga, and other spiritual practices are essential in helping this to occur. 
Cultivating good intentions is the realm of Bodhicitta, for which extensive buddhist techniques can be found. I am particularly fond of Lojong, a set of slogans for training the mind in compassion. I would recommend the book Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chogyam Trungpa.
Cultivating a clear mind is achievable through meditation and mindfulness practice. I like to recommend The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle as well as The Enlightenment Process by Judith Blackstone, however there are plenty of resources out there to help you with this. 
And lastly, freedom itself is the result of Awakening. A person walking at night sees a large snake laying in the path, ready to strike. That person can try to fight the snake or learn snake-charming or whatever, but their attention will be on the snake. Turning on a flashlight, the person sees the snake is actually just a pile of rope. All of the fears and concerns regarding the snake vanish--they were never real to begin with no matter how real they felt in that moment. 
That is the freedom that comes with Awakening. 
Namaste my friend :) I hope this was helpful.
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ultraericthered · 3 years
Anime Update 80
[No Charlotte replacement yet. That starts next time.]
Dragon Ball - We've entered another anime-exclusive "training arc" before the next Budokai, but this one isn't even on the same caliber as the previous one. It's just exactly what the set-up promises you - Goku training under Mr. Popo and Kami at the Lookout while his friends do training on Earth, connected by various filler escapades - with not enough that's interesting added to it. Not helping is that while Mr. Popo is offputting enough, Kami is total creep who is secretly raising up this child to be the ideal murder weapon to kill Piccolo Jr., thus also killing himself, all out of his selfish regret over the shit job he's done as God of the Earth. Definitely not a fan. The only real standout episode would be the one with the Time Room, where Goku travels back to the days of young Muten Roshi and gets involved with a dispute with young Shen. That shit was pretty fun!
Your Lie In April - So not only did Kaori record Kosei playing as practice for the upcoming piano competition, but she went and submitted his participation entry, both without him knowing! It's getting harder to take how much of a selfish asshole this girl can get away with being, but at the same time it's actually pretty funny and she's got such a cheery, pleasant disposition through it all that I can't really be mad. However, most of the episode was focused on Tsubaki, who is really giving off those Ichigo (from Darling in the Franxx) vibes with how she struggles with the unrequited crush on her childhood friend that not even she can quite understand and admit to herself. She wants Kosei to keep practicing with Kaori 'cause it's best for him, yet also can't stand how he and her have drifted apart to the point where he plays much better with another girl than he does with her, which goes against a large part of her self image that she'd established. I felt terrible for her when these feelings fucked up her concentration and her team ended up losing the big softball game, but I'm glad that Kosei could be there for her on the walk back home afterwards, just like in the good old days. 
And then suddenly, the show has antagonists in it! Both of whom seem disturbingly interested in the notion of challenging Kosei...
Date A Live - So I got to the finale and it was honestly a really, really solid wrap-up to the first season. Origami being a total savage and unleashing Hell upon the water park in her effort to kill Kotori was thrilling to watch, as was the battle between Kotori and Origami that followed, especially when Tohka stepped in to help her boyfriend's sister, who's become a dear friend to her by this point. Kotori once again almost crossed a moral line in how drunk on her fiery powers she got and her cruel enjoyment of beating Origami down, but Origami's accusation of her being the Spirit who killed her parents shook her out of it, showing the innate self doubt, regret, and compassionate side of Kotori still coming through. Origami, I don't think really learned anything, or at the very least was desperate to cling to her hatred and ignore any epiphany that might have been breaking through, and I like that Shido managed to beat her just by taking a stand and talking until she over-exerted herself, afterwards sealing Kotori's power with a kiss while letting her know that he loves her and sees her, and no one else, as his one true sister. Awwww.
The ending, set to the insanely catchy “Save The World” ED Credits song, was also a tremendous cocktease, making all the spectators in-universe and out-of-universe anticipate the Big Damn Kiss between Shido and Tohka....and then freaking Yoshinon pops up between them just to tell the viewer that there’ll be a Season 2! 
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Watched the two part Battle of Narita, which was certainly something to see. The highlights as I can recall them: Lelouch admitting straight-up at the start that the Black Knights heroic image is a sham that he's using to gain support, Zero setting the Japan Liberation Front up as patsies while the Black Knights got shit done, Kallen gaining ownership of the Guren Mark-II so that now the Black Knights have a Knightmare that’s on an even level with Suzaku's Lancelot, Jeremiah acting like a crazed, vengeance obsessed fool by charging right after Zero and almost getting himself obliterated by Kallen as result, Euphemia observing the battle and giving the OK for Suzaku to enter the fray, the Kallen VS Suzaku fight, C.C coming in and pulling this horrific Geass Mind Rape that ends up forcing Suzaku to confront his memories and secret fears and also exposing Lelouch to C.C's own, Lelouch and C.C establishing more trust with each other and C.C even telling Lelouch her real name (which we don't get to hear), all the intricate battle tactics that weren't complicated enough to not follow, and Cornelia being an absolute BEAST in combat but so cool-headed (most of the time), charismatic and fabulous with such a steel-clad resolve that you can't fully hate her in the same way you hate jerks like Jeremiah, Viletta, and the Emperor. The series has fully hit its stride at this point and the ride just gets wilder from here.
When They Cry: Umineko - Reached the end of the third arc and it ended on the same problem as the previous arcs - it was way too rushed. It started off on a good course with Battler still making his venomous, hateful feelings towards Beato known but giving her a chance to prove she can change her wicked sadist ways, which she surprisingly does by going onto the board and reviving Shannon so that she and George can be together, learning the true power and value of love in the process and expressing remorse for how horrible she'd been when she was the Golden Witch. But then Eva Beatrice and her cheap ass Bunny Girl lackeys start axing off more characters in too short a time - George, Shannon, Klauss, Natsuhi, and even Dr. Nanjo all die! It reaches the point where Beato and Battler have to bring Eva Beatrice to the Meta World in order to essentially put her on trial and resolve things by proving that she isn't real, that she was never really on Rokkenjima, and that someone else was the true culprit behind the murders, that someone being the actual adult Eva rather than a kiddified witch variation of her. Thankfully the pace slowed considerably at this point, and I was actually kept guessing as to how they were going to beat Eva Beatrice, especially when Battler seemed utterly unable to prove how Eva could have killed Nanjo. When Beato made her self sacrificial move to flat out denounce the existence of witches in red text, that plot turn and the whole sequence just blew me away, though Battler's reaction was notably muted compared to how emotional he should've been.
But then once again, the anime screws the pooch on how the ending is executed. Battler and Beato end up in the Golden Land with everyone else, including Virgilia...but instead of letting this sit more and lingering on the festivities as they're welcomed there, Battler is rushed towards having to sign his name on a contract that will make Beato the Golden Witch again...until he glances and notices that what the document actually says is that by signing his name, Battler is giving acceptance to the existence of witches! Everything that had transpired following Battler's outburst at Beato, everything we saw playing out was all an elaborate scheme cooked up by Virgilia and Beato to deceive Battler into acknowledging Beato into existence. All of that tender emotion from Beato, all of her vulnerability and humility towards Battler, all of her character development and redemptive deeds? None of it was genuine! SHE FAKED THE WHOLE THING JUST TO CHECKMATE BATTLER WITH AN ELABORATE RUSE. Just...WOW, that was a mindfuck. What an evil, EVIL bitch of a witch she is! But appreciating this twist is ruined by the suddenness of how Battler's kid sister Ange is introduced, especially since she's been set up as a new co-player with her brother! The arc stumbles to a finish with another short scene that sets Lambdadelta up as Beato's superior and then a look at how Bernkastel roped Ange into the game 12 years in the future from when the Rokkenjima massacre actually occurred. For reals: what viewer of this anime would actually give a shit about Lambda and Bern? This adaptation cuts their characters down to virtual nonentities so that they leave nothing close to the strong impression they leave in the source material, making the eventual impact of their role in the story feel unearned.
Magic Knight Rayearth - Seeing the Fahron trio at the start was a bit worrying, though admittedly Aska's dumbass haughty laugh that's even made the center of a joke here is starting to grow on me, but the focal point ended up not being them, but the THIRD nation to invading Cephiro; Chizeta, an Arabian styled land whose rulers are two twin dark-skinned, exotically dressed beauties who for some reason speak in Southern accents. Immediately I made the connection to Caldina, who sure enough went onto confirm that she's originally from Chizeta. But before that part, there was a fairly lengthy sequence of the Magic Knights, Caldina, and Presea talking with each other while taking a nice steamy bath, with thankfully no one but the viewer looking in on them. Tarta and Tatra, the twins who rule Chizeta, aren't quite as bizarre as the Fahron trio but they're still pretty out there with their wacky sister shenanigans. They also happen to be pretty dang badass in how they can pull their magic together to summon two lanky, oily, creepy looking djinns out to do battle with the Magic Knights on their behest. Hikaru’s still recharging from her fight with Nova, so it seems this is Umi and Fuu’s fight. 
AMC: Kill La Kill - Watched the third episode, the one with the first true Ryuko VS Satsuki battle. Satsuki turns out to have been actually super salty about how Ryuko ended up with Senketsu because it derailed her ambition to be the first to don such a kamui uniform. So she raids wherever her mother’s company was keeping the similarly named Junketsu and masters it for herself in the iconic “ASK NOT THE SPARROW HOW THE EAGLE SOARS!” scene. Satsuki really is the strangest character, one I feel in my heart that I honesty should loathe yet never can I ever seem to bring myself to, she is just so fucking absurd yet also so legitimately charismatic and awe-inspiring that you kind of want to root for her. But that’s not to say that I can’t also root for Ryuko, since she’s still even more lovable to me. The battle between her and Satsuki had some legit intense, high tension epic animation to it and somehow it being intercut with jokes or just plain stupid plot devices worked in its favor, like Mako’s “Hallelujah” moment of getting in between Satsuki and Ryuko while telling Ryuko to “GET NAKED!”, and Ryuko finding out what it’s like to TRULY wear Senketsu (basically getting stripped down and letting him latch onto her skin to become like a part of her), which is all so ridiculous but so shameless about it that it gets me with it every single time.
The Promised Neverland - Finished the first season. Wonderfully done horror/suspense thriller anime from start to finish, so I can certainly see why this season was such a tough act for the next one to follow, though even then the anime would not have had to been given such a sharp decline had they only made the order for two more seasons instead of just one. What were they thinking there?
Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro - Have been watching this on and off because something about the characters of Nagatoro and Senpai, and their silly and awkward yet wholesome bond they share and the ways they bounce off each other just keeps me watching, as do Nagatoro’s equally trollish friends whenever they pop up. It really reminds me of WataMote in that the premise, antics, and main female character are inherently kind of deranged yet the show not actually manages to make it funny and endearing but even squeezes out some genuinely touching moments of sincerity every now and then. Definitely nothing outstanding, but just entertaining enough. 
Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation - Watched all 12 episodes of this tragically short lived series due to @themattress recommending it. A good, if underachieving, mystery series with a likable cast of characters that got cut short just as it was getting its overarching storyline established. Much like Nagatoro above, it’s nothing outstanding but was entertaining enough to make me glad to watch it and make me wish it could get a continuation some day.
Also continued with rewatching some CLANNAD, which I think (maybe especially after having finished Charlotte) just gets better and better with each visitation I give it. It’s got such a sincerity and passion to its slice-of-life mundane/sometimes spiritual happenings that it can be downright mesmeric. (And I’m referring to the pre-After Story series here. I may revisit After Story some day, but that was already on a whole extra level from what this one was to start with!)
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cozymochi · 5 years
How did Yamcha and Marzi reunite?
Short answer: Yamcha runs into her in a remote jungle thanks to rampaging dinosaurs.
Long answer: 
Okay okay, honestly I never told this story before because I couldn’t think of anything that worked properly ever, and yknow after a good 2ish years of having avoided really getting into that, I suppose now is as good a time as any to tie up this gaping loose end. And I’ll start by copying and pasting an icloud note I found that was written back in 2018 that detailed at least half of it, because at this point- I may as well go with this absurd thing instead of having nothing. Past me went into an outline about some kind of story setup but didn’t get to finish the “payoff” per se, because I suppose I thought I would come back to it and add more details later. BUT GUESS WHO DIDN’T BECAUSE I FORGOT??? SO, bear with me under this read more cut. 
Once upon a time fortuneteller baba held a day where she was telling peoples fortunes (amongst other shit) for free because she lost some kind of vague bet with Master Roshi. Thousands of people show up, and Yamcha is one of those people (along with pu’ar and yantan whom he dragged along). This occurs nearly 8 years after Yantan was spawned into existence.
Yamcha wants to ask Baba about love shit. Cuz oh boy. That love life still ain’t working out. But hell if he knows where to look maybe he’d have better luck. 
Yantan hates her life cuz waiting in line for like 10 hours is actual hell. But so long as she’s fucking there she might as well ask Baba something. Pu’ar is just along for the ride to make concerned quips. (He has nothing to ask he’s just there for moral support) 
MANY HOURS PASS THEY FINALLY REACH BABA and Baba is rightfully pissed. She could’ve been making a lot of money that day, like, the fuck man. Yamcha asks Baba if he’s destined to meet the girl he’d ultimately end up with. 
Baba just says “looks like you already met her.” And Yamcha is just like WAT And Baba is just like “Yeah. You already did. Don’t think u noticed tho. That’s ur own fault.” 
So at this point yamcha is pretty fuckin shook and asKS WHERE SHE’S AT NOW AND WHERE HE CAN MEET HER. And Baba jus denies answering that question and if he wants to ask more shit he better pay up a hundred million zeni. “NEXT.” 
Out of desperation, Yamcha now begs his cynical child to ask Baba about his own bs. Yantan doesn’t want to. They make some kind of deal that i do not know the details of as of yet that ultimately makes Yantan agree to waste her free question about her future on her wacky father. 
So SHE asks where tf Yamcha can meet this lady and Baba reveals her location. THEN THEY IMMEDIATELY FUCKIN LEAVE TO DO JUST THAT. And by “they” i mean Yamcha leaves and Yantan and Pu’ar have to follow behind. #Comedy
So Yamcha ends up in the general area of where this “person” is. It’s off putting a bit - and by a bit I mean A LOT because it’s a frickin’ jungle full of mega-flora and wild animals everywhere- totally the last place any person would be at all. Yamcha ultimately lets that slide. 
Yamcha suddenly freaks out at the realization that hE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE’S GONNA SAY and that he really didn’t think any of this through. What SHOULD even say? That he came all the way here to date this woman and come across some kind of weirdo or creep?? And if he already met this person WHEN DID HE MEET THEM? It could literally be any girl he’s ever met in his life. He doesn’t even know her name so how would he know who the right person is?? Amongst a fuckton of other million miles a minute thoughts. 
When it comes to that specific set up prior to the jungle, idk if I still wanna follow it. But It’s something. 
Here comes my end of 2019 “I haven’t thought about this in eons” amendment: 
Leaving off of Yamcha’s panic attack I’m pretty sure he and Marzi run into each other via some kind of dinosaur hijinks. I’m pretty sure if memory serves Marzi was TRYING to feed dinosaurs as she usually does (she’s living her life after all), but for some reason on this day she had a technical failure. THIS would also have to serve as Marzi’s first proper introduction ever, so this event would also have to function as a way of establishing who she is as a character as well. God knows what that would entail.
Which, in this situation, she’d mostly come across as a person whose “eyes emoji” appearance doesn’t line up with being in an untamed jungle decking around with a carnivorous and predatory animal. 
The only reason Yams wouldn’t remember meeting her was because their actual first meeting was more of a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it encounter 30 years ago that wasn’t really relevant to his own memory. (Not even worth getting into here tbh, it’s so brief) So, y’know. Fuck you Baba.
It’s hard to say if Marzi herself would recognize Yamcha right away considering the last time she saw him, Yamcha was soft-faced with short hair and all cutesy 21st tournament looking, which THAT to NOW is quite the jump— but rest assured she does. It’s hard to say what her initial reaction would’ve been in response to suddenly running back into your one-sided high school infatuation after 3 decades of absolute radio silence. My mind always pictured some kind of comical reaction. 
Either way, this shit should happen only after the wacky hijinks, because!!! THAT’S THE KIND OF WORLD THIS IS! I wanted a bizarre action set piece that ends comedically quickly because Yamcha essentially has god powers. (WHICH, YEAH. HE DOES. Especially in comparison to how he was in early DB. By this point this guy went from above-average martial arts protégée to full on superhero) If I still had the energy for DB I would have scribbled a possible visual demonstration but, I really doooon’t jgvhgbkhjj
A wise man made this summarizing prediction really and I think this is the best thing to follow: 
“I sort of figured Marzi ran into him one day after everything kind of settled down and he wasn’t dead or in space or something, and there was an awkward period where she wasn’t sure what to do about him being so accessible. And Yamcha didn’t know her well to begin with, so to him she’s just an eligible bachelorette, and he fusses over how to impress her, because he has no idea that she’s been fascinated with him for decades.” - a wise man, 2019.
So yeah. That. 
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 146
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“As you know, I’m a man of blues and I never believed in love...”
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“I was fine, just by myself and I had no desire to be in love.”
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“In the moonless night... I saw a ray of light...”
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“You appeared with charm... I can’t resist, I’m falling in love with you...”
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“You’re the one, you’re my woman, from the minute I laid my eyes--”
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“On you.  You’re the woman...”
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“Till the last day of my whole life.”
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Anyway, this guy at an airport is hearing live coverage of the attack on Nickytown, but he doesn’t need it because he’s living it.   
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Yeah, turns out bullets don’t work on Cell.    You want another reason Cell is better than Frieza?    Frieza isn’t bullet proof.    Think about it, when has anyone shot a gun at Frieza?    You’d think he could take it, but he can’t.   They’re his one weakness.    Bulma could have shot him on Namek and he would have curled up and died like a little bitch.    Not Cell.   
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So that guy’s dead, but there’s two more people hiding nearby.  
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Don’t worry, Cell knows they’re there.    See, if Frieza had attacked Nickytown, those two people would be safe right now.   But Cell’s bulletproof, so they’re SOL.
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So he chases them out to the tarmac and... huh?  
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He’s all flustered because he saved a cute girl.    That’s adorable, but it might just cost him his life.
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Let’s be real here.   Krillin’s no match for Cell and they both know it.   Let’s be even more real: Krillin doesn’t care.    He’s got big brass balls and he listened when Master Roshi told him to use his power to help other people.    He just faces Cell and says “square up, thot.”
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First he uses the Solar Flare, which works really well, and it’s kind of ironic that Cell would fall for this, since he just used this trick himself.
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The Indiana Jones theme plays as Krillin escapes with the two people he rescued on a plane!   Hot damn!
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But wait!   There’s another passenger on this plane, and he hasn’t turned off his portable electronic devices.
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So Krillin’s like “boom!” and slams right into the big goof.    
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You want another reason why Cell is better than Frieza?   Cell is way stronger than Frieza, and much more bulletproof, and yet he still makes Krillin look like a million bucks here.   If this were Frieza and that airport guard hadn’t already shot him, he’d be giving some long speech about how he’s the greatest in the universe, daddy monkey terror worse than hell oh ho ho.   Cell can talk a good game, but he’s more of a do-er.   
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He punches Krillin clear through the fuselage of the plane, and then hops over to the other side to finish him off.    Krillin remains defiant to the end.    You better take him out now, Cell, because this could be the only chance you ever get.  
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But then Cell runs away like a chickenshit because KRILLIN HAS A POSSE.  
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Look at this creep hiding from everyone.    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.    The referee is counting him out and he doesn’t even care.    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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Meanwhile, Trunks is on his way to find Vegeta, and he’s busy trying to make sense of all the changes in history.    Cell came from even further in the future, having murdered Trunks’ future self to steal the time machine.    He isn’t sure how that could have affected things.
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Then he thinks back to his father, who boldly declared that he would surpass the Super Saiyan and clobber all of these problems.   I think that’s something important to Trunks’ relationship with Vegeta.   He found the man detestable at first, but now he’s starting to see some appeal with how he brute forces his way through complex problems like this one.   Let’s face it, Piccolo’s plan to stop Cell just isn’t working, and Trunks original idea of finding a way to shut the androids down depends entirely on Bulma.   At least Vegeta’s strategy lets Trunks take the bull by the horns.   
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Meanwhile, the android are getting closer to Goku’s house.   17 insists on driving the whole way, though not necessarily on roads, because he considers this more “fun”.  
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So 18 makes her own road.   18′s pretty cool.
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At Kame House, the gang watches the news for Cell’s latest movements.   Now he’s in the “southern zone”, whatever that is.
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So Yamcha has the bright idea to pursue him in an aircraft.   This way, Cell won’t sense their ki as they approach.   The only trouble is that it’ll take a lot longer for them to get there.
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Back at the house, Chi-Chi thinks there’s been an earthquake.  
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Master Roshi tries to get fresh with her, so she slams him into the wall.    Master Roshi belongs in jail.
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Yeah, take out the trash, Chi-Chi.  
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So then she goes upstairs to check on Goku, only he’s not in his bed!   Then she looks outside to find...
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GOKU’S OKAY, FOLKS.   See, this is what I’m talking about.   Gohan was doing this exact same thing with the ocean a couple of episodes ago, and Chi-Chi acted like she had no idea.    Yeah, right.
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Chi-Chi is so excited she jumps out of the window to go to him.   Roshi does too, but he slips and lands on his head.    Good.
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Goku hugs her and then he throws her up in the air to prove he’s well again, but he tosses her a little too high, because he’s so damn strong.   But it’s okay.
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Goku says he already knows what’s been happening, because he “heard what everyone has been saying in [his] dreams.”  See?  He really does have psychic powers.  
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Chi-Chi doesn’t like the idea of Goku going back out to fight so soon.   So much in fact, that she changes into a different color outfit.  
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But Goku doesn’t plan to fight right away, because he knows he’d just get his arm broken like a jerk, and you’d have to be a real egomaniacal fool to let that happen to you.   No, he’s going to train first, and reach a level higher than Super Saiyan.    And then he’ll fight.  
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Then he starts thinking about Kool-Aid.   Nice little post-battle refreshment to reward himself.   
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years
Tell me more about this conspiracy theory about dragonball as a retelling of journey to the west please
okay, some of this is pretty surface level to the point its just face value but also just more ignored then denied firstly, i must establish ‘journey to the west’ to those not familliar with it- its a 2000+ page long chinese novel from the ming dynasty, like 1600 if i recall, but odd because it focuses on a buddist mindset in a time when china still considered buddism to be a foreign influence. the author uses fairly large sections to critisize the other contemporary options to buddism such as daoism (for being largely unconcerned with helping people or betterment) and confucianism (for being rigid to the point it cant adapt and promote extremely bloated beaurocracies incapable of doing much) as well as to extoll the upsides of budism (namely magic powers) and how badass demons are journey to the west is notable for being the origin of about 80% of all anime tropes and over a dozen anime and videogames are directly based on it son goku, unsurprisingly, is pretty much a dirrect anlouge for son wukong, the magical stone monkey king that was born with laser eyes spends the first 7 chapters becoming about (i lost count) 8+ kinds of immortal, learning how to shapeshift and fly from an old hermit monk, and pissing off most gods of any note and the entire bureaucracies of both heaven AND hell. as i said, this is face value to the point its pretty open
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son wukong’s identifying features including a size-changing 8 ton iron staff, being pretty much indestructible even to major gods, being extremely impulsive and moderately arrogant, flight, and pretty much openly admits he has probably eaten some people. this should sound familiar however he is not the main character, Buddha himself buries him under a mountain (which has a magic seal on top because a regular mountain wouldnt be heavy enough to hold him) to try and teach him some humility (which fails) saying he needs to wait untill someone frees him in which case he will be endebted to and be the servant of said free-er. while we progress to the ACTUAL protagonist of the story a bald monk named Tang Sanzang is in fact the central charachter, although his name has been interpereted several ways including Tripiṭaka (also the name of the baskets of scrolls hes supposed to carry). the big B entasks he of the shiny head with the task of journeying from china to india to pick up said sacred scriptures so holy they can redeem anyone and then bring them back to filthy filthy china thats badly in need of these ‘morals’ things people keep talking about. but this is where you start to get a lot of ‘wait, that sounds familiar’ when i describe things like ‘bald monk’ and the adventures cueball the magical is going to go on with his companions of anime
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because almost immediately after freeing son wukong from the magic mountain of sityerassdown and putting a magic circlet on his head that causes him great pain when baldy says a prayer to keep him in line (yes this is where inuyasha gets the ‘sit’ necklace) they come across a SHAPESHIFTING PIG DEMON who turns out inst all that bad a guy its just that his new wife is very upset because she thought she was marrying a handsome bishounen despite admitting hes a dilligent worker and treats her well because hes seeking attonement for having eaten people after being kicked out of heaven (where he used to actually be a bishounen in the celestial army) for hitting on women. yet another case of DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR
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and i just now realize why he was wearing the chinese military officers uniform or at least would sound familiar to people who watched the original ‘dragonball’ and not just DBZ where oolong and the 50 other characters who were all established to be quite powerful when used cleverly were all relegated soely to be sideline cheer squad and ‘hey, remember these guys, from back when this wasnt the kiss goku’s butt show’- which is the point here following the original journey to the west story you started with the magical monkey shenanigans (check) then he learns from hermit (check) how to fly (check) and shapeshift (i guess they thought he was powerful enough without it despite it being one of his major go-to solutions in the story but i get that they already established thats a power someone else had so i understand leaving it out narratively) battling demons, gods, and pissing off the kings of hell and the emperor of heaven (check) and then gets humiliated by Buddha (absent, again i understand leaving this out for narrative tone and to avoid being overly religious in a kids cartoon despite actively leaving king Yema in the story) teams up with the bald monk who they initially clash but becomes his friend over time (check) who then becomes the main protagonist (major not-check) magical monkey jerk is repeatedly scolded for wantonly killing people and given a magical crown of headaches ( fail) teams up with shapeshifting pig who also becomes close ally with useful powers but has deep character flaws (check) and then team up with a dragon who ate their horse who then apologizes by transforming into a horse and then everyone forgets its a dragon (wait, what) and then team up with a river god named sandy (by this time the dragonball plot has already passed mars and is orbiting Jupiter because i think this is when frankenstein appeared and then king piccolo with his sons drum, tamborine, piano, and cymbal, i think goku kills one eats another and asked a samurai if he could eat the third but this is before they retcon piccolo to be a namek {eg- from the planet ‘slug’} instead of a demon because they keep waffling if demons are real) and is then followed by a long list of falling into traps laid by demons because the monk is naive, the pig is cowardly, the monkey is foolhardy, the dragon is too busy staying in his ponysona, and the river deity is carrying the bags narratively this is confusing for several reasons but i could literally teach a college level class on what DBZ does that no writer should ever, EVER, do and every friday to prevent unkind amounts of homework point at how original dragonball at least had narrative cohesion of purpose when it went off in left field but that's part of the journey- in original dragonball everything is a journey of the human spirit for self improvement, in original journey to the west everything is a journey of the human spirit for a shot at redemption, but in DBZ everything is goku is awesome and nobody else is worth his time unless they go ‘ha-ha, i am the most powerful fight punch guy in universe, we must fight’ because fuck anyone who isnt the most powerful being in the universe and even fuck them because they almost never have a reason for being the most powerful and its irritating how shit they are like some of them are mentally five years old who gave you the power to be this dangerous. whats odd is they specifically set it up several times that goku is supposed to narratively step aside and his son(s) step up to carry on the legacy in a return to the earlier more sensable formula, even presenting them as being less powerful as him as an attempt to move away form the absurd escalation issues the series had where goku can destroy a planet by farting yet every thursday they mysteriously find someone five times stronger then the last strongest person in the universe as that wasnt the point in either original dragonball or journey to the west where being clever was always far more important then being powerful, especially as son wukong was mostly more powerful then goku anyways but still got in monster of the week shenannegans not solvable by impulsive brutality. they knew this was a problem, they understood that the endless escalation had gone to the realm where the audience had lost any investment and nobody other then goku could be useful to the story to the point that they even had a WHOLE SERIES where to try and counteract the power creep they had some weird explanation goku is actually time traveled or cursed or some shit so hes only a kid and roughly as strong as he was in later episodes of the original dragonball..... close, so close to actually addressing the problem but also keeping so many other problems krillin moving into being the protagonist would have alleviated the majority of the problems DBZ had- the power escalation bullshittery and the complete lack of stakes as you know goku is going to punch the thing untill it explodes after six episodes of yelling and anything without ‘planet gonna go boom’ no longer seems like a problem worth caring about. goku being downgraded to being the impulsive muscle on a team that included others that were less overtly powerful but still narratively useful to the adventure would have also alleviated almost all the ‘everybody who isnt goku is a fragile useless  porcelain figurine of a child’ problems that are very counter-intuitive and kind of insulting: in original dragonball, for example, master roshi was the only known human capable of doing the kamehameha which took 50 years to learn (goku learns it by watching it once and that should have been the cap for him being overpowered{a rival teacher had a more powerful version that nobody else learns}), climbed the sacred tower which took 7 years (it took goku about a week, which is well within the realm of where escalation should be), and blew up the fucking moon but in dbz his ‘power level’ is lower then his pet turtle..... despite all of that and being the one who trained goku and krillin allowing them to be absurdly strong in the first place so they apparently forgot their own history.  so taking the actual good story points they aready had and throwing them in the trash is a running problem
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they even had the setup for krillin being in peril continually, all the ‘krillin dies’ memes are about on par with how often every demon on the road (which they pass like gas stations) are kidnapping and trying to eat Tripitaka, whcih is framed as despite Tripitaka being powerful he isnt as powerful as his allies but never framed as useless, especially as even goku has to seek help frequently, often from non-martial sources instead of the ‘kung fu solves everything’ mindset im unsure if anyone will want to start a fight about my statements regarding daballz but im okay with an intelectual argument about its writing .... how do i tag this? i forgot replies dont let me do that but i need to learn how to tag my rants one of theese days in hopes they actually get feedback
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perversefanworks · 6 years
I was writing out a small story concerning the Gohan x Vegeta teaser I did considering the requests I got for it. So I wrote this in hopes to draw more. Unfortunately I can’t very well seem to turn this into any kind of comic style anything without it being narrative heavy.
So you guys can just read it here instead.
Slight NSFW, set just before the Buu Saga.
Full red lips quivered in anticipation as they parted, a darting pink tongue glided over pristine white teeth and rolled forward to show off the talent within the muscle alone. The lips curved into an inviting smile then circles around the glans of a darkened and enormous cock.
The camera pulls back to show off the smudged eyeliner and weeping eye-shadow ruined by various body fluids, but the girl smiles, absolutely delighted in the image she portrays. Her pleasure comes in turning any watching man into mush.
A fly landed on the pixeled closeup of her cum slick tongue, crawling in jerks across her face. Gohan's half interest drifted more toward the curious fly than the images on the screen beneath.
The day was his. School wouldn't start for another week, mom was out shopping with Bulma and had taken Goten with her after his consistent pleading to see Trunks again. Gohan was left under the firm understanding that he was to finish his paper on the effects of wind turbines versus solar energy and to clean up the hedges around the house.
Despite the fact that he, of course, had finished with both within the first hour, allowed himself the rest of the day to blow off some 'steam'.
In his dad's absence most of the original Z fighters have found it within themselves to contribute some aspect of father figure through his teenage years. Piccolo being the most prominent, but each had their own lessons to teach: discipline, honor, respect, hard work, etc.
Roshi contributed in his own underhanded way, 'knowing a growing boy' or something Gohan couldn't understand at the time. At the tender age of twelve Gohan didn't need much in the way of 'fap material' though. Two smooth rocks shoved together already sent a hormone fed brain into overdrive.
But Gohan wasn't a pervert either. Years after Gohan's hormones had evened out enough to understand the rewards in stamina and the joys in pleasing the partner as well as himself. The urges came and went as a natural part of life and they in of themselves rarely, if ever, made decisions for him. His mother smoothing the lines of lust with tales of love and explaining the balance of both had Gohan understanding the rewarding side of romance.
That's how he always imagined himself; a romantic. He liked girls, the young bright eyed humans never failed to draw his own smile and he delighted in being around them. That won't ever change. That hasn't changed.
So why was it becoming more difficult to scratch that itch?
Gohan jerked out of his thoughts, absently trying to calculate the number of a fly's wings beating within it's lifetime if it lived 24 hours and they could flap ~2 beats per nanosecon-- He shook his head clear and leaned forward on his elbows to stare with purpose at the tv screen.
Even now he sat on his own bed, pants and drawers shoved to his knees, lotion and tissues untouched beside him. This was always his favorite video, he liked the way the girl enjoyed herself as much as the guys watching on.
The harder he stared the more frustrating it became. The urge itself wasn't lacking, he had a healthy libido. Often he woke in the morning with a fever and soiled sheets. Although, now, he'll be spilled halfway off his bed and charging a ki blast that often found it's way through the ceiling.
At first he worried with his mother. She wondered about his nightmares and how often she woke up to his sleeping shouts. He thought the long stretch of peace was drudging up old memories, the horrors of his past returning to haunt him even now.
He couldn't remember the dreams, though. Just the lingering effects. The intensity, the heat of his blood, the strain of overworked muscles, the fear in their eyes. The satisfaction.
Gohan wouldn't tell his mother, but also couldn't explain just why it felt
Gohan stretched with a yawn, turning off the video and flopping back onto his bed, deciding best to allow his mind to come up with something staged videos could not.
Kicking off his pants he drew his fingers over hairless thighs, trying desperately to pretend his hands belonged to someone else. Soft fingertips, painted nails, drawing circles, tickling the thin skin of his inner thighs. A frown creased Gohan's brow and without a second thought the fingers curled and the scrape of blunt fingernails dug into the soft flesh and pulled.
He arched into the touch, nearly swallowing his tongue in the gasp. The hands of his fantasy shifted dramatically. Larger, thicker, callused. He paused a moment for his conscious thought to catch up to his unconscious want.
Pain was a factor, but it wasn't a predominant feeling. More of a result than sought specifically after. He had already experimented through that territory, but ended up ultimately ruling out masochism. Not a primary sense. No, it was something else.
He let his mind wander, imagining a form hovering between his parted legs, raking blunt fingers down his legs, commenting on the swell and slide of muscles twitching beneath his skin. Gohan would have blushed if he needed the positive reinforcement.
An innocent and inexperienced partner was rarely what came to him in these fantasies. The simple act of reaching out to the imaginary form only to have his hand slapped away instead always made Gohan chuckle aloud and redouble his efforts.
On the right track Gohan pushed his imagination further. Light hair? Dark? Large bust, smaller? Coy smile or knowing smirk? He sucked his lower lip between his teeth as he focused more on the physical aspect. Several girls faces floated before him, shuffling through like the overheard songs on a playlist.
With the threat of losing what little chub he did manage to garner he switched tactics and grabbed himself suddenly, squeezing the base of his cock to the point of pain, until he couldn’t swallow his own whimper. There, right there. The full red lips faded to pale ones, pulled down into a tight scowl.
Gohan released himself, the image fading as he gasped for breath. Both from how hard he had suddenly gotten, and the shock of what he glimpsed. He stared down at himself, the darkened glans just peaking out from the foreskin as it begged to press against those tight lips.
He shook his head furiously, slapping a hand over his eyes. Trunks! Think of Trunks from the future! Handsome and young, with lovely pale hair and tragically sad eyes. How would that hair feel brushing over his chest? He could reach out to trunks and caress his cheek, smooth his tears, show him it was alright.
His hand was knocked away and pinned beside him.
“What do you think you're doing?”
That wasn't Trunks. Oh Kami. It was never Trunks.
Gohan arched with a groan, heat shooting up his arms and curled in the pit of his stomach as he suppressed the instant desire to push against the imagined gravely deep voice. He wanted to hear it crack, to burst, to gasp and groan and quiver-
A deep chuckle rumbled between his legs. He could almost imagine the broad shoulders crawling between his parted thighs and gloved hands gripping tightly at Gohans hips, keeping him stilled. “Is that what you want?” The voice chided as the smirking mouth descended and ran up the underside of Gohan's dick, the hot tongue slipping beneath the crown to peel the foreskin further aside.
Gohan slapped his hand over his eyes as if closing them would erase the mental image itself instead of spiraling out of his very control. “No...” he pleaded with himself even as he swirled his thumb through the beading pre pearling upon the slit.
“You know I don't quiver.” Hot breath coated his sensitive head, making him throb within his own hand.
“It's not supposed to be you.” Gohan panted thinly, speaking aloud to try and convince himself further.
The darker part of him, the one that refused to let the image go, answered by having the most powerful living man in the known universe crawl up his body and trap Gohan's head between thick arms. “And yet here I am.” Blackened eyes bore down at Gohan, the typical scowl tugged into a smug smirk instead.
Gohan no longer touched himself, fingers twitching before him, imagining running his hands over the thin spandex hardly able to contain the pulsing power beneath. To slide down his rippling sides and grip at narrowed hips, tugging down and grinding against the hardness found there.
“So. This is what you want.” Vegeta cocked his head, peering down at the younger man with faint amusement as Gohan fell further and further away from rational thought and down onto something more basic.
Gohan could not pinpoint the exact moment in time when he started viewing the man as something more than just Trunks father or his dad's rival. He hardly had seen the man since Cell's defeat, even when visiting Trunks or Bulma in their own house. And when he did see the Prince hardly two words passed between them, and they were usually terse. So why Vegeta, of all people, creep into his thoughts, and even more confusing: his fantasizes, was beyond him. He just didn't know.
Yes you do.
The darker side of Gohan voiced with Vegeta's lips spoke. Strong fingers curled around Gohan's throat and squeezed slowly until his breath rasped. Vegeta leaned in closer until his breath puffed across Gohan's pink cheek and teeth scraped over plush lips. Gohan's nostral's flared, trying to suck in breath and instead grasping a heavy whiff of the pure Saiyan's scent. “I am nothing what you should desire. Not like this. A man like me-”
“A man like you.” Gohan gritted out through the tightened windpipe, interrupting his very own thoughts. He gripped at the wrists holding him down and shoved a knee up between Vegeta's legs, instantly causing the older man to growl, baring sharp canines.
Gohan's blood burned at the sight.
The snarl was replaced with a full roar of protest the moment Gohan threw the smaller man onto his own back, grasping handfuls of course hair to snap the Prince's head backwards and expose the vulnerable length of his corded neck. “...always did look better on his back.” Gohan finished, running his own tongue over the sharpened jut of his own canines.
Instinct took over.
Instinct from a race long dead and nearly forgotten as he sank teeth into the toughened flesh.
Instinct had him ravage the man beneath him. Lust had him explore the depths of his mouth and the tightness of his body. Something else had him claim the form as his own for reasons he was too terrified to understand. Gohan's own imagination had him hold the quivering Saiyan through the scream of his own release and the sea of white in the afterburn.
Instinct left Gohan sated.
He collapsed within his own mess until he willed his heart to slow and his breathing to even. His body ached from the excursion, but it was a pleasant burn that left him grinning toothily. Eventually he drifted, riding the tail end of the pleasant waves.
Something soft caught in his teeth when he inhaled and Gohan spit out a feather. He grumbled when another sucked into his mouth on the next breath. Sitting up with a grumble he pushed the damp hair from his eyes, only to balk at the sight around him.
Apparently instinct also shredded his pillows, broke his bed, and set his bookshelves on fire.
“Oh shit..” He gaped, jumping as a roof tile shattered to the floor somewhere to his left.
This will be tougher to explain to mom.
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sanctum-of-fantasy · 6 years
Storm Swept, Ch.1
It’s take a bit longer (School is coming to end and my energy has been all of the place) but I’m still making good progress in my various fics! And as a step forward to posting the whole thing, here’s Chapter 1 of my Shunrei Fic!~
Title: Storm Swept, Ch.1 Series: Saint Seiya Character(s): Shunrei, Mentions of others Word Count: 1514 Warnings: Mentions of character death and injury
The sound of rain blended with the rumble of the storm and distant waterfalls. It was a sound she had known her whole life, most of the time she had found it peaceful, yet now it seemed oppressive. As Shunrei sat on the porch overlooking the falls, a steaming cup of tea in hand as she thought and took in the current state of reality. Once again, she glanced towards a letter, sitting on a small table that she had received in the morning when she took a trip to a nearby village.
Master Roshi was dead, he died fighting in the Underworld along with the other Gold Saints. Shiryu was lying in a hospital in Greece, his condition unstable.
The letter was from one 'Saori Kido' and at first Shunrei wondered why Athena would use her mortal name, but she figured, it probably didn't matter, not with the letter's contents. Along with the information regarding Roshi and Shiryu, Saori- Athena – asked her to come to Greece, so that they could speak in person, all travel expenses would be covered, all she would need would contact someone with the number listed (Would have to be one of the more far away villages, there was no phone lines around Rozan) and schedule the time she would be leaving if she decided to go.
Which was a lingering, heavy thought in her mind. Would she go? What did the Goddess want to speak about? Would she be able to see Shiryu? And what of the other Bronze Saints, how were they?
The sky lit up at lightning raced across the dark sky and sent a shiver up her back. Under the safety of the porch she could watch the sky without worry, while her heart felt heavy and numb. There was a lingering feeling in her chest, of wanting to curl up and hide away from something that was not there, an old and childish feeling but she didn't deny it.
It would have gone against her adoptive father's lessons and wise words.
Shunrei sighed and rubbed her forehead, all the doubts in her mind were ridiculous really. She would go to Greece, because the last remnant of her family was there and so were his brothers in arms. How he was dealing with the recent events, she could only imagine. How any of them were handling things...? She would have find out in person, she decided.
When the storm passed, and the sky held some light she would go the nearest village that had electricity and make the call, then head to a land that she had only ever known through second hand descriptions. She would speak to Athena and find Shiryu.
The dragon had always put himself in the position of being a protector, even when they were kids, it made her puff out her cheeks and take him down during training. Even now she could remember Roshi's laugh and guidance to the more inexperience trainee. Shiryu would rub his neck and look away, back then she wondered how he'd make it as a Saint.
Sometimes, even now she wondered how he did it. But clothes were strange in their picking, as she had been taught. But Shiryu had survived, by luck or skill, though she never doubted her adoptive parent's teaching.
The trip down from the falls and the town she had in mind was quite the hike and could be dangerous after storms. But she had made this trip many times and after rougher conditions, even when she was young because Roshi's knees and back weren't always the best, especially if they needed groceries. This time there was no grocery packs to hurry, just a simple light backpack on her shoulders after she laced up her sturdier boots for the long walk.
Now with Cosmo, the trip could be split down in time, from over an hour or so to maybe half or even less. And while she could have done it, she decided to enjoy the walk. Soaking in the light and sounds around her.
The green rice patties and people, the now cloudless sky and soaring birds, a scene of peace.
That was what they had now, wasn't it? The Holy War was over, Hades was defeated and now they could move on, somehow. The Saints, the warriors who trained and fought for this war, she wondered how they would all fair now.
Her mind went back to Shiryu, he had always put reason into the here and now, rather than the future. But what now when the future was stable? How would Athena manage things in the Sanctuary and her Saints?
Every time she thought about it, more questions entered her mind, and the more she wanted answers.
The village grew closer in the distance; the buildings, telephone lines and villagers became more clear. A plan was slowly coming together in her mind, she'd go to the grocery store, pay to use the phone from the kind old woman who had always added something sweet to her grocery bags when she was young. A note with the number she was supposed to call was in her pocket, she just hoped someone would answer it.
She remembered Roshi having to do a similar thing when she was young. She'd stood beside him many times as he spoke to someone on the other end while standing a barrel. The whole thing was awkward when she was young but now the memory was just bittersweet.
In all honesty she wasn't sure how well the call would be, given the distance and more details she wasn't quite sure of. The old lady didn't ask any questions about the call and she was left thinking over the details as she waited to be connected to whomever would pick up the other line.
She straightened up when she heard the phone lifting and a deep, masculine voice spoke “You have reached the office of Saori Kido, how may I assist you?”
 She took a breath and steadied herself, “Yes, this is Shunrei, I received a letter from Ms. Kido and was told to call this number-”
“Ah yes we've been expecting you, this is about traveling to Greece correct? How soon would you be willing to leave?” The voice on the other end cut in, quick to the point. But Shunrei had to hold her tongue against saying something.
“Yes, that is why I'm calling, I'll be able to leave as quickly as transportation can arrive. Which brings me to my question, how quickly can you provide it?”
There was silence for several moments before the voice spoke up, “It would take a day for things to be rearranged and a vehicle to reach your location, I take it you are calling from a town?”
“That is correct, it's just below Rozan and the nearest village, it shouldn't be difficult to find.” If the person they would be sending had some idea of navigation that was, but if they were sent by Athena she'd be willing to have faith in them.
After a moment she paused and added “I'd be willing to be in town to await the vehicle if that would be have some help?”
“Yes ma'am that would be considerably helpful.”
The rest of the conversation was discussing and informing her of flights and any finer details of her trip to Greece. After saying goodbye to the nameless man on the phone she was only left with a few things to do.
Go home, cook a dinner for herself, pack what she would need and try and sleep through the night. In the morning she would wait in the village for someone to pick her up.
It was a start but as she made the trek home a hollowness still weighed in her chest. Grief, plain and simple, no matter how productive she tried to be, it would follow. It was just the natural course of things, no matter how terrible it was, or she tried to reason it.
When she returned to her small home by the falls night had begun to creep in, so she lit several lanterns and prepared a simple dinner for herself. She would have used more of the food up but Shunrei doubted she could handle such a heavy meal. She did manage to use up the rest of the meat, tomorrow she'd have to toss out what remained of the fruits and vegetable, which wasn't much.
With Shiryu and Roshi away, there wasn't any reason to buy more than what she needed.
After dinner she packed one of the luggage bags they kept in storage. While unsure how long she'd be away she figured she'd be somewhere where there was a laundry shop, and that her more traditional clothes would be out of place in Athens.
In the end she had only packed 3 sets of clothes and a few other mundane items before turning in for the night. The next day would be busy and anxious, but a deep, dreamless sleep somehow covered her.
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questions abt 3 fandoms
Tagged by @rupertpsmith
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people.
Tagging: @phantomtype​ uhhhh a,,anyone else who wants to do this rfhtde
Danny Phantom
Dragon Ball
the first character you loved:
Undertaker I would not’ve stuck with the series for as long as i have if he hadn’t come around. (and honestly he’s the Only reason i still follow it to this day.)
Clockwork IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR TIme characters & he has a nice voice so hnFFNFNFR ( /)//v//(\)
Supreme Kai/Shin uu,,, I would die for him he’s so precious and good??? and i was rly kinda bored up until he showed up so FHFDHD;;;
the character you never expected to love so much:
William between the lack of appearances & the fact that at first glance he’s not my Type, I never rly paid attention to him for a while. But honestly it’s such a shame he gets overlooked because he’s actually pretty cute & endearing in his own way.
uuuu,,, thats so hard??? my opinions for characters really haven’t changed since i first watched the series, weirdly enough. I guess the best i can say is Dan Phantom for really obvious reasons LOL;;; and also actually Valerie Gray too tbh!!
hyuu,,, i dunno!! i guess Beerus cause he was Kinda A Dickweed when he first came around
the character you relate to the most:
         [points at first characters i loved section] there’s a reason i loved them first
the character you’d slap (currently):
gggggggg.. actually no Sebastian. I’ve never liked him & dont ever plan to.
Roh cause he’s an obnoxious jerk and a creep even if he’s such a minor character lmao (or roshi and old kai L B R )
three favorite characters (in order of preference): this doesnt include characters already mentioned!
Bravat, Othello and either Lau or Nina
Nocturne, Pandora and either Lydia or Kitty
Whis, Caulifla and Android 18 (goku black/zamasu & android 21 are honourable mentions)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Videl only because she was so AWESOme in dbz but toriyama took away like everything abt her cause he’s a fuCKIN COWARD
three otps (amongst others):
UTWill thats it. that’s the only one that matters
i dont rly actively ship things for dp but!!! Dark Gray and Ember & Kitty kiinda
same as above but caulikale i think is what it’s called?
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
Top 15 worst things about GT?
Sigh. Okay, quick thing I want to ask people. Please don’t send me any more asks about GT.
I like talking about Dragon Ball, but I’ve made my feelings clear on GT, I’d rather just move on, and i don’t want to get into any discourse over it. God knows i get enough flak just for acknowledging ANY positive qualities about Super from this trigger happy, people with other opinions must die fandom. I don’t care about GT, I answered that last ask about it to mostly express a sense of closure over it.
I’m probably not even going to watch the show again, except whenever I decide to watch the full subbed version aswell so I can say someday that I’ve watched every Dragon Ball series completely both dubbed and subbed. But I’ve still got quite a bit of OG Dragon Ball and DBZ to go first, so lucky me. Otherwise I’d rather just forget about it and focus on the things in this franchise I like. There’s a reason I’ve avoided watching Dragon Ball Evolution, you know.
I’ll answer this for you anon because I like my followers and people who are just casually interested in hearing my thoughts on stuff. But I’d like to ask people to please keep the discussions to other things, if that’s alright with you. 
But anyway, here you go then:
15: The Black Star Dragon Balls. Just see the entry about Piccolo’s death and my Baby Saga review, but needless to say i hate these things on a conceptual level for how they were used in the story, and the implications they leave for Kami’s character.
14: Master Roshi’s outfit in the last episode. Sweet mother of God, what where they thinking!? Come to think of it, half the new designs were terrible.
13: On that note: MY GOD, BABY VEGETA LOOKED UGLY! And to justify this being another slot, while I like Baby in general, he lost all his charm after taking over the world and just became boring and generic for the second half of the saga onwards. Basically just a bargain-store Frieza minus his charms, and his reasoning for wanting to take over the universe seemed clunky and not well enough explored.
12: Completely wasting the whole “Villains escape from hell” premise and instead turning all the past villains, especially Cell and Frieza, into complete jokes.
11: Rage Shenron being defeated BECAUSE IT LITERALLY STARTED RAINING. Like, I’m sorry, but that was just the most pathetic villain defeat I’ve seen in quite some time. The Shadow Dragons besides Nuova and Eis Shenron were pretty lame villains in general, but that just took the cake.
10: Gogeta was annoying and his “Fight” if you can even call it that is my least favourite fight in all of Dragon Ball. Really disappointing after his cameo in Fusion Reborn.
Come to think of it, most of the fight with Omega Shenron (Who’s about as boring as Broly by the way) from that point could count, because it just got completely ridiculous and boring, and a big disappointment for what was supposed to be the final battle of all of Dragon Ball. Especially how they lazily redid the spirit bomb ending of the Buu Saga, only did almost everything wrong where in the Buu Saga the execution was perfect.
9: The way most of the cast became pretty much useless and almost no one had any development or relevance. Heck, even after gaining super saiyan 4 (In incredibly cheap fashion that feels unlike Vegeta) Vegeta doesn’t do anything impressive himself. 
8: Majin Buu’s fridgeing. I wouldn’t mind the idea so much if Majuub had happened near the end of a better series, where Majin Buu and Uub had both gotten a lot more screentime and development, and Majuub felt like something that was built up to and earned, and was what saved the day instead of just Goku doing it as usual. But the way things played out, it just felt like the whole point of it was to kill off Buu without doing much of anything interesting with him in this show, so it just felt wasteful and anti-climactic.
7: Everything about how Android 17 was handled. Way to completely screw over a character’s big comeback and destroy all potential for development from them. Thank God for DBS doing him justice now.
6: The handling of Pan’s character, as I described in detail in my Baby Saga review. But then again, what could we have expected when the writers outright admitted that the only reason they had Pan around was so that she could get beaten up by the villains to make Goku look better by comparison.
5: Piccolo’s death. Unnecessary, the reason for it was terribly written and opens up a half a dozen plot holes for how Dragon Balls work, and it’s just all around insulting to one of Dragon Ball’s best and most beloved characters.
Only made worse by how they then have him shoved into hell to become the ogre’s whipping boy, something he clearly isn’t comfortable with in the last episode, and we never know if he gets out of there. WHAT THE HFIL, WRITERS!!!???
4: Goku’s stupid prank waggling a Dragon Ball in front of Pan’s face saying it was Naturon Shenron about to possess her again, after he was ALMOST FORCED TO KILL PAN TO STOP HIM, and Pan was still left horribly battered by the experience.
Goku… the kind of experience Pan went through would give even strong willed people horrific trauma and a bad case of PTSD. She was already in a bad state at the time, you very well could have instigated a fatal panic attack from her… ALL FOR A CHEAP LAUGH!
That might have been the single worst joke in all of Dragon Ball if it wasn’t for General Blue creeping on Obotchaman. It left me nearly as disgusted as someone who’s seen what this kind of “Joke” can do to people with trauma. SCREW. YOU. GOKU. You deplorable excuse for a grandfather!
3: Episode 15 was the single worst episode of any Dragon Ball series. it’s the embodiment of everything wrong with Pan’s handling in the series, has a badly botched and thus VERY toxic moral. You think letting Gohan fight Cell was irresponsible?! Then pal, just go watch this episode and see how bad that could have been were it actually true!
2: The ending. Good God, i hate that ending. It made no sense, was not satisfying, and completely missed the point of what kind of a hero Goku was in favour of turning him into King Arthur/Space Monkey Jesus.
Goku is not a chosen one, Messiah like figure. He’s a guy that just goes about his life doing what he wants, and happens to keep running into situations where he ends up saving the day because he’s a good person, and would probably just live a normal life if trouble didn’t keep finding him. And that’s one of the most important things that makes him interesting and unique as a character to me.
The ending completely misses the point of that and I don’t like how it presented him, especially since it ties into the biggest problem i have with the show, and the execution of the whole thing was sloppy and confusing.
1: Completely shafting Uub and making him more or less irrelevant, and thus completely destroying the point of the ending of the manga and the natural story progression of the series. 
And, that’s pretty much it. If you like how any of these things were handled, then okay, that’s fine. But these are just some of the things that really make it difficult for me to enjoy the show.
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blundergato · 7 years
ebbywaffle replied to your post “i want to complain about super.”
Super sucks, not quite in the same way GT sucks, but it’s Not Good
This is going to be really long because I’m gonna rant about EVERYTHING.
i was talking to friends where i made a claim that super is probably just as bad as GT was.
but it was a really ignorant thing for me to say because i honestly havent seen GT since...late high school, early college, so i dont remember the levels of bad that it hit.
They both have the same issue in having really cool concepts and craptastic execution.  Super Saiyan 4 (way cooler design wise than Super Saiyan Blue or God), the idea of the Tuffles gaining revenge on the Saiyans, the dragon balls actually turning on the heroes for once, etc., but none of it was done well, the show had massive pacing issues despite being only like...64 episodes long and it was just generally boring.
Super has really cool concepts that it usually fails to do in satisfying way, though it has hit the mark at times.  The Zamasu arc was a whole lot of nonsense, but it was so fast paced and fun that it was really easy to look past how ridiculous it was because RULE OF COOL.  
Trunks going into that weird ultra transformation and stomping holes in the ground was one of the hypest moments in the series.  Trunks getting to slice Zamasu in half with the spirit sword while delivering an awesome hero speech was SO SICK.  Super Saiyan Blue Vegito was awesome!  Bulma apparently creating bullets strong enough to bother god level beings is sick.  I loved that Mai, a minor character from freakin Dragon Ball, played a major role.  I adored the expansion of the Kaio/god of destruction lore.
Beerus destroying Zamasu is one of the single coolest scenes in all of Dragon Ball.
Almost everything else that has been story relevant has been...well...bad.
The highlight of Dragon Ball Super are usually the “filler” episodes where there’s no fighting.  Seeing Goku be a grandpa and Piccolo be an uncle.  Watching Gohan be in a movie.  Seeing Krillin and 18′s general home life.  The episode with Arale kicking everyone’s ass because she’s a gag character and therefore not bound by any sort of power was wonderful.  Bulma gathering the dragon balls and everyone crashing her party was really funny.  I love the little moments where we get to see these characters outside of the usual “oh no the earth is doomed” scenarios.
But anything with plot relevance usually falls flat on its face, mostly because EVERYTHING OUTSIDE OF ZAMASU HAS BEEN A TOURNAMENT ARC, or a worse retelling of the movies.  
The tournament arcs feel like the Garlic Junior saga to me.  They have to make it so a bunch of garbage jobbers somehow stand a chance against a god-tier cast and the fights end up being snooze-fests while also making some characters look absolutely terrible (Mr. Boo and Piccolo, I’m looking at you).
And some episodes that had potential to be great ended up being really flat.  There was an episode where Krillin was dealing with self doubt because of the trauma he has from being killed in the past.  I think the idea of this is so freakin’ good and they toyed with it when Freeza attacked Earth at the beginning of Super where Krillin was scared to fight even though he was definitely way stronger than any of Freeza’s grunts.  
The later episode is about him regaining his confidence.  But it’s just so...flat and boring.  I want to see Krillin triumph so much because Krillin is the coolest, but this episode was just so uncreative and it felt rushed, not to mention that the animation was terrible.  There were some cool touches, like having Tambourine, the first villain to kill him, make an appearance, but nothing really came of it.
Of course, that’s not even getting into the absurd power creep in this show.  Dragon Ball has had this problem for a long time, but it’s extra awful in Super.  Krillin holding a beam battle against SSB Goku.  Android 17 somehow fighting evenly with SSB Goku.  Piccolo powering up all the way to a level where he can hurt Ultimate Gohan.  Freeza keeping up with every one else’s power levels because he “mind trains” in hell.  It’s all nonsensical trash garbage that only ends up making every single character look bad.
If SSB Goku is already stronger than Hit and can hurt him, then why doesn’t using Kaioken instantly vaporize Hit the second Goku touches him?  If Goku was holding back in that beam battle against Krillin, why did he even go Blue in the first place?  Why would he go Blue and then drop his power level by like a factor of bazillion to go easy on Krillin?  Just stay in your base form?  Why does Goku say that he’s trying to conserve energy during the universal tournament by not going Super Saiyan, when he showed during the Cell saga that he can stay in Super Saiyan form for literal DAYS without tiring?  Why does Goku say he’s trying to conserve energy but then immediately go Blue to knock some jobbers out of the ring with a giant energy blast?  Why is Tien in this show?  How did Roshi not get insta-murdered the second Goku laid a hand on him?  How did Roshi DEFEAT Tien, a character whose been stronger than him since his freakin’ introduction?  How does Freeza have a henchman that is apparently stronger than first form Cell?  Why couldn’t Piccolo beat Frost easily, when Frost is around the strength of Freeza at his original appearance and Piccolo, by this point, is AT LEAST as strong as first form Cell?  How did Gohan’s power level drop so dramatically that he struggled to reach even regular Super Saiyan?  How did he even lose his Ultimate power in any case as that wasn’t really a transformation in the first place?  How did Krillin and Goku get bruised/hurt by bullets, when Goku was tanking bullets in his first appearance in Dragon Ball issue ONE, and Krillin probably has the power to obliterate the planet a few times over?
And the last thing I’m going to bring up is character design in Super.  Outside of Beerus and Whis, most of the new character designs in Super are not that great.  Hit and Jiren, two new heavy hitters i think have really boring, cookie cutter designs, especially Hit.  He looks like a Frankenstein monster cobbled together with design elements from all of the previous Dragon Ball villains.  Or like a shitty purple Namekian.  His power is cool, but his design is wackadoodle.  I think Jiren is actually not that bad, but I hate his “ears”, the same ears given to every goddamn alien character since Freeza (think about it).  Though I actually kind of dig how he looks like the stereotypical alien. 👽
The new Saiyan characters from Universe 6...I HATE Caulifla’s and the boy’s general design.  They just look badly drawn.  Caulifa’s body proportions look all over the place (her waist looks like it’s imploding in on itself) and her hair is just out of control and the boy’s face looks like it belongs in a “how to draw anime” book.  Kale’s design is good though.  
Frost is a boring design.  The three wolf dudes they fought in the boring pre-Universal tournament arc tournament arc were laughably awful.  All the jobbers in the Universal Tournament look trash. Outside of a couple, the God’s of Destruction are uninspired.   A lot of the Kaio’s designs are really same-y.
It’s like all of their creative juice went into Beerus and Whis, two undeniably amazing character designs and they just had none left for the rest of the new characters.
Whew, okay rant over mostly.
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