mydollypop · 11 months
People call me a bitch, they say "She thinks she's better than everyone else." And I'm just so happy they understand me so well <3
Nothing motivates me like being the best there is. The best in my class, the best looking, the most talented, the most accomplished. Mediocrity is a crime and I'm a law abiding citizen.
In this life I will be anything but ordinary.
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pakunod-a · 4 months
Open my heart, read the signs. || Yandere!Vil Schoenheit x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Yandere kidnaps victim, finds out victim is over the moon for them. What to do in a situation wherein my love interest likes me back, without the use of my carefully thought-out plan?
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Warnings: Realistically, this should be titled as Whiny!Fem!Reader (totally not a self insert of what I am like irl, no...) Yandere themes, if being dependent on others was a person, it would be the MC in this fic. Reader is 100% on board with Vil's plan. Who wouldn't want to be kidnapped by an insanely handsome guy, AND is in love with you? Honestly, he kinda mean tho. Potentially OOC Vil, this is somewhat fluffy to an extent.. I am not fluent in English, it is not my native language.
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Note: am I writing this to satisfy my severe need to taken care of in a concerning way? Maybe. Is this unnerving to see, considering I am a minor? Definitely. But it's all fiction, right? Yeah, totally. Might be long af because I've been brain rotting since forever.
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It was horribly dark in here.
No source of light, not even a window or a lamp.
You try to move, but your movements have been restrained by chains.
You try to wiggle a bit farther, but it's no use. You're stuck here. You begin to sob softly, sniffling as you realize you are stuck in a secluded area, alone.
You hated being left alone, be it in class, projects, friend groups.. you didn't like being left somewhere to wander alone.
...That's right, you hated being alone.
..but you were never truly lonely, weren't you?
After all, Vil Schoenheit always vowed to make time for you.
He swore on the statue of The Fairest Queen, that he would not neglect your need of human affection.
..even if that meant you clinging to his side forever.
You remember walking alongside Vil on Main Street, looking up at the statues of the Seven.
You've always admired them, a lot, actually.
So when you unconsciously walk over to the Fairest Queen's statue, and blurt out your thoughts..
"...Hey Vil, do you think the Fairest Queen would be proud of you for being a spitting image of her?"
Vil paused for a moment, looking down at you to confirm. You were interlinked by the arms, as you stared up to the statue, focusing on the sculpted apple she held by the stem.
"I suppose she would. Why.. why a spitting image of her though? I look nothing like the Fairest Queen herself."
"I think.. because.. I find you very pretty. And you're like.. really reaaally smart at making potions. And you're like, perfect. Real perfect."
You beamed at him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. You felt.. dizzy. A little dizzy, as you lean onto Vil for support.
"Mmm.. feelin' a bit sleepy, Vil. Catch me."
You went limp in his arms, and the world around you fades to black. From fatigue, maybe? Or from something else..
There are a flurry of footsteps making their way towards you. The door creaks open, and you can make out a tall, beautiful shadow from the emitting light.
"You're up, dear? That was quick. I'd have expected you to sleep for a while longer."
You know that voice. You've heard that voice many times, in your dreams, in your nightmares, the voice that sets you to sleep and causes you to wake. The voice that makes your heart yearn for more, if not all of the praises it sings for you.
"That's right dear. Vil Schoenheit, if you've forgotten. Now, let's get something through that thick skull of yours, alright? I will not let you go. No matter how much you plea—"
"..'s cold Vil. Hug me please."
That caused Vil to pause for a moment. What do you mean, "hug me please", do you not understand what type of situation you're in? Or maybe, it's a trick! You're trying to deceive him!
"Enough. I'm not here to play your silly games, [Name]. If you try so much as to fool me, then I swear on the Great Seven, you are not leaving this room, nor will you see the light of day again."
Vil.. was raising his voice at you. That was weird. It always felt weird when he yelled at you, or got mad at you for whatever reason. He always dotes on you or compliments you, and on the off-chance that he DOES yell at you, he always apologizes profusely, stroking your hair in an attempt to console you.
"But.. you never yell at me.. Vil—"
"SILENCE! I will not fall for your made up stories and lies! Just for that, you will stay in this room for days on end without human interaction until I say otherwise!"
He storms out the door, slamming it shut. You begin to sob quietly, patiently awaiting the hands that once held you to hold you once more, the voice that used to comfort you until you peacefully slept in his arms..
But alas, he was gone. Gone was the kind, loving Schoenheit you knew, now just a cold and unnerving replacement. Why.. why would he do this to you? After you've trusted him to stay by your side.. to not leave you like the others do.
You thought he was special. You thought you were special to him, too. But you're starting to wonder if everything that he said was only lies for his convenience.
True to his word, you spent the next few days alone in his dark room. As those days pass by, you began sobbing yourself to sleep as the hours trickled through the hourglass of time.
You called out to Vil unconsciously, of course. In your sleep, you would yearn for the presence of another. It just so happens that you call out the name of your captor, Vil Schoenheit, whether you were aware or not.
This breaks Vil's heart, and it almost breaks his resolve too. He wants nothing more than to hold you close, coddle you like a mother, as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. You would sleep in his bed, as the both of you wrap your arms around each other for warmth.
He hears your calls in the dead of night, echoing through the empty Pomefiore halls. His sleep would be disturbed by a call of distress, his beloved calling out his name.
Alas, he believes this is all a trick, an illusion to simply lower his guard.
And so he spends the next few nights, tossing and turning, guilt eating at him constantly, without fail.
Until one night, your calls stop. You yearn for him no more. He cannot hear the gut-wrenching melody that once rang in his ears, the call of his beloved to come find her, to save her from the predicament he had put her in.
He gives in to his thoughts, and visits his captive at the peak of dawn.
You were there, sitting as if you had been weakened to an extreme extent. He wanted nothing more to hold you, to caress you again. But he has thought of every possibility, every problem, every solution.. but his conscience gets the better of him. He unbinds your hands from the chains restraining them, and carries you back to his bed. Thankfully, you were asleep at this moment, so he had little to no struggle in moving you to an accessible spot.
He sets you down gently, and for the first time since he's held you captive, as he drapes a blanket over your sleeping figure, you unconsciously grab hold of his hand, reaching, feeling the warmth you so dearly missed.
"..—il.. Vil.."
"[Name].. my dearest [Name], did I go too far? Did I break the promise I swore to honor in your name? Tell me [Name], I'll set it right, you don't deserve to suffer like this. You deserve to be—"
He notices that you've shifted, instead of being at a reasonable distance, your first instinct was to cuddle up to whatever warm living thing you find. As a result, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to your sleeping form.
"Nnh.. Vil.."
"Yes dear.. Vil is right here, with you. There is no need to call out, this is where I will stay; beside you. You would appreciate that truly, wouldn't you?"
You did not respond, but something about the relaxed look on your face tells Vil that maybe you weren't planning anything meticulously drastic at all.
"I won't ever leave you again my dear, I promise. I mean it this time."
...You wake up to the feeling of an arm draped over you, your head elevated on someone's chest. You glance up to see Vil Schoenheit embracing you, burying his face into your hair. He mumbles in his sleep, holding you tight as humanly possible.
"Stay.. stay with me.."
You poke his cheeks. It's adorable whenever he's vulnerable like this. You peck his forehead, and drift off to sleep.
You hear a soft melody that causes you to stir awake, the familiar comfort of two hands caressing your hair as a lullaby graces your ears. You felt all too familiar, until the melody was broken by a question—
"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?"
This time, Vil was the one looking down at you, your head in his lap, as he gazes at you with the most woeful of looks one could give.
"I am sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I shouldn't have done this to you. I understand if you want to leave, and I'll understand if you hate me so much to the extent that—"
He was cut off by a kiss to his nose, which both surprised him and caused a blush to his face.
"..ah. You.. um.. seem to react.. not in the way I was hoping you would."
He muses, as he hears you giggle softly.
"I'm fine with being like this with you any day. But please, promise to not lock me up in a dark room for days next time?"
He chuckles, kissing your forehead in adoration.
"Never. Not again. Say, once winter break is over, how about I spend the next spring break with you? Ah.. given that I'll have to clear my schedule, of course."
"You'd do that? Like.. seriously? I thought you had gotten an offer to star in another famous movie as the antagonist?"
He grumbles, pinching your cheeks suddenly.
"And why would I willingly accept the offer if all they would do to my poor image is to villainize me?"
"Ha ha. Funny. It's because of Neige playing the protagonist, isn't it?"
"Partially, yes. But also.. I promised I'd take you to see the first flowers bloom in spring. I can't jeopardize special moments like those for some silly movie."
That remark stuck with you. Your arms only opted to wrap around him tighter.
"..okay then. As long as you promise not to lock me up again."
"Silly little spudling, of course I wouldn't. You've taken quite well to being captured though. I can't help but wonder if maybe you love me or something."
"It's taken you this long to figure out?"
You look in mock horror, teasing him.
"Don't tell me you thought that all the things we do are platonic. Holding hands, interlinking arms, overly affectionate hugs and kisses—does that not seem romantic?"
"..I feel silly."
You giggle at that, kissing the tip of his nose as a response.
"For such a smart person and a great actor, you sure are a dummy."
"Very funny. I'm going to make you sing at the well on the campus in the midst of this cold weather if you don't stop teasing me."
"Like actually?"
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Note (2): lol i wrote this at 11pm and finished at 1am cause i kept on dozing off now that ive proofread the entire thing it just seems like an original character rather than Vil himself 🏃
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posycore · 2 years
anna in frozen 2 really found out her grandfather was actually racist and violent and did not defend him for a second and when olaf says "but that goes against what arendelle stands for" about him she goes "it sure fucking does" and then she goes and gets a giant to destroy a dam thats existence is both the reason arendelle exists but was also the embodiment of hostility toward the northuldra people (arendelle as it stands now could not exist without violence towards the northuldra) and when the arendelle guards are like "stop we need this dam for arendelle" she says "we have no future if we are not making things right" and she does this even though she loves arendelle so much she does it BECAUSE she loves arendelle so much and she becomes queen after for doing it like. anna would be considered radical af or even a traitor irl but in a disney movie detached from reality shes the clear hero. I Just Think It’s Interesting...
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pr1nce0fsunl1ght · 2 months
Hey guys I'm Oak former heir to the throne of elfame!:
@winterqueensuren ~ my beautiful queen of night
@judeduartehighqueen ~ my sister and the mortal high queen of elfame (careful, she usually has a few knives up her sleeves)
@highking-cardan ~ my brother in law (my family tree is complicated af)
@thebombofficial ~ a spy from the court of shadows
@thetarynduarte ~ my other sister (half brother's murderer, like I said my family is complicated af)
@theghostoftheshadows ~ aka garret, a super duper good friend of mine and another member of the court of shadows
@vividuarte-irl ~ my other sister who half raised me (I have too many sisters)
@knightofthereckless ~ my old bodyguard and a very good friend of mine
@lost-in-elfhame-heather ~ my oldest sisters gf and again practically raised me
@the-roach-is-taken ~ a great friend, a part of the court of shadows
Main blog: @thejudeduarte
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madstronaut · 2 months
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The gif system in this post, regarding the feudal alignments within fandom?
Every member of a given fandom identifies with at least 1 of the 10 gifs listed.
The meaning of each gif is subject to interpretation to some degree.
My reblog was meant to be funny, but the more I look at the thread the more surprised I am at the amount of truth I see in it. Tumblr is a strange and beautiful place.
for you @deadbranch my chrome queen
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I have prepared to flex my worthless and expensive af haha jk or am i dual anthropology and [redacted] degrees to conduct a completely subjective, PhD-level ethnographic study of branchy's gifset curation, please observe:
Exhibit A: writers and their sixth sense when they intuit me, refreshing and revisiting their blog daily to check for updates to that one-shot/fic/novel/12-part-apocalypse-opera (not even joking about that last one).
alternately, those weird fuckers who send in creepy boundary-crossing anon asks. i love to hate them but they're kind of an essential part of tumblr
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Exhibit B: im convinced some blogs out there have excel spreadsheet JIRA queuebot steampunkesque contraptions running their shit because i have no idea how they make (and KEEP TO) regularly scheduled high quality posts??? a schedule??? on this HELLSITE? tumblr i love you i dont mean that on mondays
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Exhibit C: antis. no further comments.
i freely block antiblogs and and any that are brimming with negativity/hate
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Exhibit D: me, fanfic, and ao3, most days. no further comments
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Exhibit E: me, my imagination, and my fictional harem of blorbos, most nights. no further comments as well.
Also basically 98% of tumblr as is widely known
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Exhibit F: the caption speaks for itself. on tumblr exist still many bubbles of thought, ideology, poiesis, and praxis that go on as if impenetrable and untouched by a well-known phenomenon called Reality (also known as IRL, going outside, touching grass, etc.)
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Exhibit G: hot people who post random face reveals. STOP TITILLATING ME (yes, I had to google how to properly spell titillating)
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Exhibit H: the elder blogs. they post softly but carry big stick. they are the unspoken glue of their fandom communities. their fic/art/headcanon/etc. posts spawn a thousand more. thou shalt not speak a bad word against them. and yes, many of them are POC, so this gif pulls double duty, well chosen branchy my queen. and fuck i wish i could pull off hoops that big, anyway i digress
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Exhibit I: smut writers. they are brazen. they are shameless. they are worshipped and adored. this is the aftermath of their posting after causing tens of thousands of simultaneous la petite morts as the french say (is it la or le idfk and im too lazy/sleepy to google it rn). absolute fucking bloodbath
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Exhibit J: people who post their personal/professional/something-nal drama and air it out by tagging the larger fandom tags they're in, drawing in completely uninvolved (and often uninformed) people and getting these randos to do their dirty work for them
alternately, people who have zero interest or affiliation with said fandoms and their drama but gleefully follow along using the tags (nooooo i havent done that stop looking at me)
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I would like add one more if you don't mind:
Exhibit K: cozy, safe, well-curated, moderated, well-established boundaried corners of fandom and generally lovely spaces like yours <3 and many of my other moots' blogs as well
also, catblogs
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mynameismckenziemae · 5 months
^Thats how many words I’ve written since 11/9/2023 when I started writing for the TGM fandom— the first work I posted was ‘Outlet’.
‘She’s a Fire’ (first chapter here) is currently at 50,797 words…which could be a full length book 😳 and it’s still in progress.
I work a full-time (stressful AF) job in healthcare, managing a specialty with a very difficult patient population. Just last week I was called a ‘fucking cunt’ 🥰
I’m a mom (to an almost 8 year old and senior dog) and married. Most of the parental duties/housework/mental load falls on me as my husband is gone a lot since he started his own business a little over a year ago.
I also struggle with my mental health obviously lol. I am the queen of internalizing things and don’t talk about what bothers me IRL until it eventually bubbles over and I lose my shit, have a good cry and then start the cycle over 🫠🥴. So if I’m sorry if I’m negative or crabby, I find it’s easier to type my frustrations than talking about them.
Kind of lost track of where I was going with this lol. I guess I’m just patting myself on the back.
I do want to thank everyone who’s taken the time to read my work and an extra special thank you 😉 to those who comment/reblog with their thoughts. It seriously makes me so happy to hear what you think.
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khihi · 7 months
Sappy thank you post to the people who made my London experience even more enjoyable 🫶
Firstly, thank you @t4tpaidatonriehuja for meeting up the day before the gig, it was wonderful to finally rant about Käärijä with someone irl – I was much less nervous after meeting with you – you're a lovely person, and your crochet top was cool af 💚
Big thank you to the girlies @wednesdayday and @follivora for basically taking me under your wings before my first proper gig, so happy we finally got to meet – it was great hanging with you for coffee/breakfast-o-lunch too 🥹 can't wait to see you next month!! 💞
Any other mutuals I only met briefly or didn't get the chance to meet properly!! Hopefully at whatever gig we're all at next we can have proper convos – even if we just said hi, thank you for that ❤
And the people I'm not sure are actually on here but I still want to mention;
The woman who was there since 5am
Girl who organized the big birthday card (sucks it got nicked by security, I hope it still gets to him somehow)
Girl I was beside and chatted with in the crowd before the show began <3
Woman stood behind me who I also chatted with (thank you for making sure I could see CCC properly)
The lass in front of me who gave me a big smile and belted out Happy Birthday with me
Everyone wearing fun costumes (the drag queen, two girls in all-pink for Frank, and three (at least) Häärijä cosplayers I spotted spring to mind immediately)
Everyone who made bracelets and photocards (and gave out sweets) – you're all legends, thank you so much for the momentos
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Oh, and Jere Pöyhönen and his crew. Still not entirely convinced any of you are real and not just a beautiful hallucination, but on the off chance you do in fact exist in real life, kiitos 😌💚
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Cas babe, I'm royally fucked. The drama that is surrounding me rn is so fucking unreal.
So let me start from the very beginning, so I m a 16 yr old girl and i hv this really close guy friend let's call him J, so J and I have been friends since forever, like I don't even remember when I first met him. I have known him since I was born , like I have never known a life without J. And i love him like a brother.
Ok so fast forward a few years and now we're both 16, and we met this girl, Lottie she was a transfer student and we ( J , Lottie and I) had a few classes together. And slowly we develop a friendship.
Now the thing is that J has a crush on Lottie and he told me as soon as he realised it and me being the great friend that I am have subtly been wingwomaning him .
So, last week after English class (only Lottie and I have this class) , Lottie asked me out. Yeah, and I'm straight af but I'm an ally. So I was like what? But she was like i thought u were queer coz u give very strong queer vibes which is kinda true because I have a MAJOR crush on lily Rose depp and i hv always said that she could run me over with her car and I'd thank her and beg her to fuck me, (yeah I have issues.) And I also have bi friend who i jokingly call my wife bcoz when she came out ppl were being very homophobic and i thought that was the only way to support her. (i was 14 ok i don't judge me)
So back to Lottie I wa obviously s so very awkward I was like ohhh. And i told her in the politest way i could manage that I m straight af (bcoz i am) and I'm kinda flustered that she has a crush on me bcoz she is really pretty. And she got very embarassed and started apologising and I was like no no it's fine , it's totally fine. Yeah but she also kinda requested me not to tell anyone else that she's a lesbian bcoz she's not out to everyone, and I was like Of course .And now she has been trying to avoid me for the few days which anyone in her position would do tbh, so I don't blame her for that.
Ok so now bcoz Lottie is avoiding me she's also avoiding J by extension coz we both r usually hanging out together. So i already told u that J has a crush on Lottie so he was obviously not happy that she was avoiding us and i couldn't tell him why bcoz OBVIOUSLY.
And a little note abt my best friend he is extremely fucking extra , he is the biggest drama queen in the world like Sirius Black level of drama. So now his dumbass decided that he will ask Lottie out, and bcoz he is so fucking extra abt everything he is thinking of using the help of his teammates ( he's on the football team) to ask her out after the football match next Friday.
And in trying to convince him that he should not do it, but when he asks why i don't have any solid reason because it's not my place to tell him abt Lottie. So he's really planning everything to make the proposal perfect, and I'm stressing tf out.
I love J and i don't want to see him get hurt bcoz obviously Lottie is gonna say no, and on top of that it would be kinda humiliating bcoz the entire school and another school would be there. And I'm also worried that Lottie will think that I did this in purpose to embarrass her so now I'm stuck in a huge fucking dilemma.
pls help me bcoz I don't know what tf I'm going to do and i hv to do something before Friday or 😭😭😭.
omg I have to say- the way I was literally gasping throughout this story because...wow
So first, I want to say I think you were really sweet with Lottie. It sounds like you're a super kind person, and a wonderful ally <3
Honestly, I would probably talk to Lottie (if possible) and tell her that J is about to ask her out in front of the entire school, and ask her if it's okay for you to tell him that she's simply not interested. The reason I think this is the best option is because, either way Lottie will find out about J's feelings, so you can't really prevent that. This way, you're preventing embarrassment for both Lottie and J. Also, you're possibly protecting Lottie from attention by telling J you just "heard Lottie is not interested" because that doesn't out Lottie. AND even if J doesn't listen to you, you've helped by both preparing Lottie for what will happen and by sort of...introducing J to the idea that she's not interested.
So yeah. I think this is your best bet.
Keep me updated, I'm dying to know what happens!
(Also I am naming all the anons who write to me in case they want to write in the future, and I am using a random positive affirmation generator to do so. So I dub thee: caring anon. Enjoy your free tag!)
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imhereformr · 1 year
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Saw this. Thought it seemed fun to share the opinions I have that none of you asked for. I'd credit the original creator of it, but I found like 5 people claiming it's theirs 🤷🏻‍♀️
Favourite character: Musa
I feel like this one needs little explaining.
She's been my favourite since I was 9/10 (which, yes, was in 2004 when the show first came out). I'm pretty sure Musa had a major influence on my current taste in women (that is, dark haired tomboys)
Least favourite character: Faragonda
I've got issues with this shady bitch. She acts like she's all for helping her students and then turns around and keeps major secrets from them. Not to mention she sends teenagers on death missions (Saladin gets a pass on this cause that's literally what his students are at Red Fountain to do and Griffin doesn't do it cause she's a queen).
All in all, fuck this woman and her fake-ass grandma attitude.
Favourite villain: Darcy
Yes, specifically Darcy. Stormy is close behind, but I just don't like Icy enough for the trix as a whole to be my favourite.
Darcy not only has, by far, the coolest powers on this show but she's also the most interesting villain. Whereas all the other villains are obviously in it for power or for fun (looking at you, Stormy), it seems like Darcy isn't quite as set on power. She's putting in the effort, but I feel like, if it weren't for Icy (mostly) and Stormy, she would never have seeked out that power.
But also her character design is beautiful. I mean, the 70s aesthetic… amazing.
Least favourite villain: Tritannus
I just really don’t like looking at him.
Also I feel like his story is weak af. Just give him some land (water?) to be duke of or something.
Also also that Tritannus/Icy thing 🤢
Most overrated: Flora
I just don’t understand why people love her so much. I just don't think she’s interesting enough. Canon Flora is boring. She has no spice. All of her flavour comes from what the fans have made of her.
Fanon Flora, love her dearly. Canon Flora, equivalent to flour (heh, get it? Flour, Flower).
Most underrated: Timmy
A king.
This man does not get the love and appreciation he deserves. Not only is he brilliant, he is also adorably nerdy, he is kind, he is loyal, he is patient, he is a god-tier boyfriend, he is a lovable and honest friend. 
TLDR: He is too good and pure for this world.
If you dislike this man, kindly remove yourself from my page. That shit will not be tolerated. This is a no Timmy slander area.
Favourite season: Season 2
This season holds both some of my least favourite episodes as well as my most favourites. We’ve got an interesting relationship, me and season 2.
That being said, it holds a special place in my heart. Mainly because of the Musa/Riven development, but also the addition of Aisha.
Least Favourite season: Season 5
I only picked season 5 because i don’t think ive ever seen season 6 or 7 fully. I’ve seen parts of season 6 (the ones that pertained to Musa and Riven), but I don’t think that’s enough for me to judge it properly.
Season 5 is just bad all around: mediocre villain, juvenile, probably some bad Bloom/Sky drama that I blocked from memory, that infuriating episode where they forced Tecna and Timmy to go on a irl date, that stupid ass plot where Musa thought Riven was cheating on her, the fucking ridiculous Helia/Flora/Krystal drama.
Favourite fairy form: Enchantix
Beautiful. Classic. Ethereal.
Least favourite fairy form: Sirenix
The Sirenix song, an absolute bop. Sirenix itself, hard no. It’s just… 🤮🤮
Now, again, I am not considering season 6 and 7 as I haven’t seen them properly. Butterflix is a strong contender for least favourite, though.
Favourite episode: Season 2 Episode 15 – The Show Must Go On (Magic in My Heart in 4kids)
Musa performing for the first time in the show. Musa and her dad starting to work on their relationship. Riven putting himself out of his comfort zone for Musa. It’s beautiful 🥲🥲🥲
Least favourite episode: Season2 Episode 9 – Professor Avalon’s Secret (The Angel of Doom in 4kids)
The one where Tecna trades in her base fairy form's hat for a tinfoil hat.
This episode gives me so much secondhand embarrassment.
Favourite couple: Musa and Riven
I mean…. Yeah, obviously.
Least favourite couple: Aisha and Roy
Nabu should never have died
But he did and I have begrudgingly accepted that
BUT FFS LET AISHA MOURN. You made Nabu her soulmate, made them literally perfect together, killed him, made her rage for A SINGLE episode, be sorta sad for the rest of season 4 and the BOOM! Season 5 happens and she’s basically forgotten Nabu ever existed
Also Roy’s hair looks like a highlighter. Like, y’all make fun of onion boy's hair (as do I because seriously why the fuck is with Riven's hair design), but this man looks like an office supply that has a single use. Onions are not only good to cook with in almost every single recipe in existence (barring desserts) (I am a very bad cook, so do not question me on this) (I am a great baker though, so I know for a fact that onions and dessert is a no no). but they’re also great for throwing at people!
Favourite sidekicks: The Specialists
Look me in the eyes and tell me you believe these idiots are anything more than sidekicks to their girlfriends.
If you said yes, ask yourself if you can remember them going on a single mission without it being to assist the winx since season 1? No. That’s right. You can’t.
These pretty boys exist solely to assist their girlfriends on missions and be eye candy. That’s it. That’s their purpose in life and they are excelling at it.
Least favourite sidekick: The pets
I hate the pixies, but they had their funny moments. These things on the other hand are abso-fucking-lutely useless.
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dtupdates-archive · 7 months
♡—DREAM was active on DreamFanartAcc (pt. 1)! He liked:
I'm mushroom and my friend Dream is a bee
we need more mirror pics 😭 ‼️
to infinity and beyond!!
I finished this in 30 minutes you’re welcome😌
Almost time for spook!
holy muffin
u look lonely i can fix that
Great Outfit!!!!
The cats are fighting >.<
this fit went hard
boo 👻
do you ?
I didn't post it yesterday because I didn't like it but ig it's not THAT bad
Name Your Price!✨
#GNFWEEK Day 3 cooking together 🔪
experimenting smile
Happy Halloween!!
IRL MCC george >
(untitled: 'stop making me look gay on main' s&c meme)
…no words. Just ✨slayed✨
I'm rusty af
gatos :3 🐈‍⬛🐈
Look in your eyes like woahh, they always shine bright✨
dance with a kitchen knife🔪 ! !
fill the blank : THEY ARE SO . . .
Sylvee, Hannah, and Gia as the Powerpuff girls 💙❤💚
Gamers 😌
one year later and still would do anything for you. 💚
twitchcon droodle 💯
powerpuff girlies!! for hannah 🫶
Twitchcon Dranel sketches 🌟
Sylvee and Hannah play Stardew Valley
i had a vision [quick doodle]
The Girls !
spooky outfit :0
ladies and gentlemen will you please stand!
(untitled dream edit)
queen hannah
halloween costumes doodle! 🦇
dream at twitchcon>>>
player 189 was lactose intolerant L
the dream team but marine life 🐙🐠🐢
the girlies <3
So I accidentally drew day 1 and 2 together
happy birthday hannah!!🧚‍♀️💗
Just a fun little Halloween-y thing while I take a break from gnf bday art 🍬
Pizza patches
#GNFWEEK Day 3 - Cooking Together 🍳🔥
Happy international women's day!!:D
Testing out brushes/colors with Hannah 🌹
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weirdcat1213 · 9 months
volume 13 oh fuck oh shit oh fuck lets go
chap 1:
-that panel with vash yelling and shooting at the sky its just...hes so done man, hes so tired
-legato dont
-fucking hell what did i just say
-damn, kinda feel bad for legato. cant he really have something knives? really?
-im sorry, like what legato is saying is really interesting but...is he mopping the floor with vash while thinking of his journey?
-"it would be shameful to not risk your life" PROJECTING MUCH???
-omg the 1st time i saw that one panel where hes white i fucking gasped so hard. i thought my baby was dead CUZ LOOK AT HIM
-like yo nightow that shit gives me nightmares to this day
-the fact that legato ISNT WRONG about vash just ruins my fucking day. my week. my life
-yknow ik we have said legato has never been his own person but in this moment (when he explains to vash the box) hes taking a decision for himself for once. he didnt have to give vash that advantage but he wants to prove his loyalty to knives, even when knives clearly said "i could not give less if a fuck." messed up choice, but his choice nonetheless
-im just gonna point out that vash doesnt think of wolfwood when he thinks of the gun ho guns and move on :)
chap 2:
-nightow honey IDK WHOS SAYING THAT
-oh ok thanks
-oh honey
-legato is being a dick but putting the gun in your mouth? metal
-idk whats happening rn
-VASH NO HES GETTING HIS russian doll?
-ok im gonna be honest...i dont remember if livio gets out of this one so when elendira says hell end up crucified....hmmm...pls no
-shes so sarcastic lmao
-also i kinda like livio having a lil bit of pride on his abilities, maybe cuz hes not like elendira being like "im powerful as fuck and you cant stop me."
chap 3:
-oh shit no warning? damn that IS gonna be rough
-legato dont-
-ah fuck, i cant believe youve done this
-yeah be paranoid bitch >:3
-"which one of us is best" personally i think vash but thats my bad, im a vash girlie <3
-oh legato...i sadly would say no. youre human therefore you cant live, according to him...anyway...
-"omg elendira youre so rude >:[" "BITCH WE'RE IN A FIGHT TO THE DEATH" xd
-"it just lifts my spirits ya see" :cccc livioooooooooo
-its not like i hated him before but im definitely enjoying his character way more now
chap 4:
-lets fucking go livio
-oh right.....oh no
-me: nightow what exactly is elendira-
nightow: shhh dont worry about it
-oh...oh thats hot actually
-legato pls leave my man aloneeeeeeeee
-omg theyre hereeeeeeeeeeeee
-"hes a very special person" he sure is <3
-something about vash hiding in the fog...hmmm idk it makes me sad
-oh, there he is
-fuck team humanity is getting their asses kicked
-and...there he comes
-ah shittttttttt
chap 5:
-oh damn
-well damn there he goes
-razlo gets it >:3
-oh damn those eyes
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit (shes right tho)
-me: ok nightow now i really want to know what elendira is-
nightow with a gun: i said dont worry about it :)
-oh yes queen you fucking go ily sm
-oh shit oh ok so he still has his head, right
-damn you could say thats was the...final nail...to the coffin....*ba dum tsss*
chap 6:
-good to see razlo experiencing the human emotion called fear, get humbled
-interesting that skill ISNT enough. like razlo was cocky cuz yeah hes powerful af not because he had won many fights before. so if skill isnt enough then what is
-something something my man refuses to be crucified, something something the power of change
-oh i love these kinds of combos sm (im not saying i think thats how happens irl, im just saying i enjoy it in fiction)
-aw :c
-you say that but youre bleeding queen
-razlo i kinda hate you cuz you killed him but no you cant leave now
-oh shit oh fuck no
chap 7:
-razlo and his methods were fucked, yes but its true that in the end it was to defend livio. in a world like that only razlo had his back
-..... :c
-geesus nightow, like thats junji ito kind of shit (imo)
-did it?????
-geesus christ thats a weapon
-.....im not really sure what just happened
-so is livio dead????
-oh shit i didnt...notice that....
-"and to him" STOP IT STOP IT
-my queen no :c rip :c you were gorgeous
chap 8:
-oh god livio
-oh shit he knowssss
-bro pls leave my man alone, hes so tired
-pls dont mention his powers can act as a shield cuz that reminds me of the last time he did that :c
-omg its livio the teenager
-hes ok its fine
-"psst...pssst....can you stfu" XDDD
-the chaos :c the destruction :c the russian doll :c
-stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
chap 9:
-damn legato, dont look cool while youre trying to kill my son
-legato stoooooooooooop
-funny enough until this point legato hasnt said anything about "breaking his spirit" so vash is just really feeling the choice coming at him, quickly, maybe too quickly
-wait whats happening?
-"he might be the key for communication" yeah...wouldnt that be nice
-"and you knives, i will never forgive you" get in line
-you just cant ask "what kind of person vash is" cuz you either get a 5 hour lecture or 2 hours of ugly crying
-"i believe in how he chose to live his life" while vash is in the same shape as wet paper
trimax meryl "i believe in how he chose to live his life"
🤝 98 wolfwood "i see, so thats how you live. thats how you choose to live"
the sadddest and maybe kinda stupid decision ever, but in the end imagine being able to choose that after so much trauma. imagine not giving yourself to hate and fear
-oh shit :0 he shot the little box
-go go go GO GO GO
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ca-suffit · 7 days
*They’re not as deep as THEY think they are.
You are deep and that was a typo, I’m sorry.
But in other news I was pondering what you said about Lestat being a self insert for most white women in this fandom. It’s quite clear and the denial of it means to submit to ignorance. There are several accounts within this fandom in which white women had behind and use Lestat in fics to live out their racist ass fantasies. A03 has a plethora of fanfiction that has Louis being this rough and tough individual while Lestat is some blushing(and slutty) bride. This characterization is obviously incorrect and deny it’s incorrectness is to loudly claim to the public that the process of understanding the content in front of them has failed(embarrassing). Obviously I won’t explain the characters and all that because you’re well aware which is good but I think it needs to be common knowledge that in this fandom Lestat is a self insert for some of these lestupids Lestans to work out their racist ass fantasies. They don’t care for Louis, Claudia, or Armand and it’s unfortunate that those great characters have to be in a fandom where people like moron ass lestans exist and purposely misunderstand them.
It's ok, I knew what u meant! that response was a real laugh, not laughing AT u or anything. I rly thought the lil "lmao" at the end was funny af.
For the rest. well......I mean Lestat originally was Anne Rice's self insert so lol. They are carrying on the legacy ig!! It's just funny how they do these things and end up acting like Lestat IRL but lack self awareness about it. "I solved racism bcuz now I'm fucking this black guy and have a black kid with him, hdu call me racist." Girlll oooooookkk LOL.
My fav thing is how they say he's the most reliable of narrators bcuz he admits to doing shitty things so he's telling the truth (and Anne Rice said he was too.....like she was reliable herself lol what). Ok but u can say things are bad but did u learn from it?? We see Lestat do this in the show and that's why 1.6 is one of my fav episodes. It's the pattern they follow too. They surface level can say things but don't have any deeper understanding or desire for change. I rly hope the show fixes this with Lestat in a way that Anne Rice never could and it's gonna fuck them up so hard bcuz they don't have any concept of what real growth looks like. That's why they can't understand how the DV could be real and how ppl could ever move past it. Anne Rice never wrote like that, they want a retcon cuz she was ALL retcons. No development, no critical thinking. Having Lestat be a metaphor for white ignorance, european ignorance, patriarchy, slave owner, white privilege etc. is SO GOOD. but ppl just shove all that aside to make him some one dimensional slutty white gay drag queen or whatever and it's like.................?? this is grown adults doing this too. like can u at least keep it to the books or smthing if u do this. but no bcuz they have to include Louis being black so they don't feel racist while writing their racist shit 🙄
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rogue-durin-16 · 1 year
💚cast your mutuals as band of brothers characters💚
In no particular order:
@cielie-voss as Don Malarkey (the biggest Hufflepuff vibe. A dork. The trauma. Right up my alley. Deadpan funny. Functional despite everything (how?). Underestimated but could kill you and wouldn't get caught. Kinda reckless. The sweetest soul. Deserves better.)
@itswormtrain as Joe Liebgott (scrappy little bastard. Literally where were you raised (affectionate). Trouble but in an endearing way. Sardonically funny. A tease. Actually hot.)
@gaypiratesandangels as David Webster (I wanna wrap you up in a blanket and mother you. Introvert. Artsy. Film lover. Writer. Well-spoken. Versatile. Kinda 💅🏻.)
@lordndsaviorwinters as Alex Penkala (Token introvert in a trio of extroverts. Actually trouble but no one would believe me. A gentleman. Awkward. Unintentionally funny. Tied to the hip to the following mutual.)
@addiesfairytalebs as Skip Muck (you and Lana come in pack or what. Little shit but actually smooth. Will make everyone feel included. Prettiest smile. Tone the mischief down. Lucky af.)
@iambasilgnome as Joe Toye (Irish queen if I remember correctly. Witty. Cool but in a simple way. High-key badass. Gryffindor but softie.)
@liebgotts-lovergirl as Floyd Talbert (Super easy o talk to. Cheeky. Flirty. A true sweetheart. Loyal to a fault. Probably fit be put in charge but idk if you'd like it.)
@bandofbrothersandsisters as Eugene Roe (Caretaker. Goes unnoticed for absolutely no reason. Self-critical. Mom friend but also let me mother you. Little anxious queen. Cat person.)
@onlyyouexisthere as Richard Winters (glueing this fandom together everyday. Flawless content. Inspiring. Introvert. Idk if you know what's socializing (affectionate).)
@tvserie-s-world as C. Carwood Lipton (down-to-earth. Underrated af. Nourishing this fandom low-key silently. I feel like everyone of us appreciate you endlessly but don't say it a lot. Queen of encouragement.)
@rossmccallsqueen as Harry Welsh (funny. Kind of unhinged. Easy to talk to. Would hang out with you anytime. ENFP vibes even though you might not be.)
@victoryrollsandredlips as Lewis Nixon (so classy. Cultured. Good taste. Probably prone to addiction (yes, media consumption counts). You need to sleep. Very supportive.)
@wwhatev3r as Shifty Powers (Introvert. A joy to have around. Very polite. The few times we interacted I wanted to invite you into my home and give you hot chocolate and cookies. Giving old soul vibes.)
@nandoalonsos as Ronald Speirs (cryptic creature. I like you but you also throw me off. What's your real identity bc I feel like I'll never pin you down. Giving off a super cool vibe tho.)
@iwasathomeintonawanda as Donald Hoobler (sweet and simple in the best way. Giving a "I'm a little awkward irl" vibe. Legally I can and will adopt you. Probably hardworking but also messy. Has the best intentions.)
If we're indeed mutuals and I forgot about you let me know and I'll add you real quick<3.
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tawus · 3 months
Oh my f**king god. I just had the most INSANE dream of absurdity that you could think of and it was so weird and bonkers.
I was with the JJK gang (Gojo, Yuuji, Nobara, & Megumi). We all went to a “haunted house” . I don't think it was for exorcism, we were just there because … idk dream. I don’t know what my position was, all I knew is that we were all buddies. Long story short, everyone got some coochie except me. :D
Gojo was having like …. A threesome with the staff members of the “haunted house” in one corner. Having blow-jobs and taking them from behind and all, while they were in their costumes.
Yuuji had a few kiss in’s but I think I saw Sukuna pop out from the corner of my eye and just went ham on lust.
Nobara definitely got some bitches.
And Megumi …………….. I didn’t see, but I do remember hearing some grunts and halted moans, very faintly, from down the hall.
Meanwhile, little o’ me was just prancing around and saying “Hi~! Hey pretty ladies~!”, “YAS~! Slay Queen!”, & “OH MY GOSH! LOVE THE COSTUME JENNIFER~ WHERE CHA GET IT~?”.
one of the handsome/beautiful staff members looks at me —> me go “Ehe~ ehe he he~ hheeyyyy~”. Eh wink wink, nudge nudge.
Basically I was laughing all funny and acting like a dumbass the entire night. Outside of the “haunted house”, I was taking shots of tequila, underneath the streetlamp, then the dream ended abruptly and that’s when I woke up. In the end, I didn’t get some nor bitches. ✊😔
(I don’t have the rizz.)
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Anyways, GOJO THEE STALLION is trending for me and she’s hot af.
The 'bitches' Nobara was having was me btw 🙋🏻‍♀️
Also you didn't notice, bc it was dreamscape, but you were taking tequila shots in the corner with me.
Tbf not a bad dream, you got to see Gojo fucking, even if it wasn't you he was pretzeling. In fact I'd reckon it's extra hot seeing him from the side, best porno imaginable
Also Gojo Thee Stallion 🔥🔥🔥 If I ever become a bestselling author (under a diff name obviously) and you won't know how to find me, look out for authors spending their wealth on cosplay. You'll find me as irl Mahito somewhere
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a-bucket-of-trash · 1 year
Hey my favourite Kelvin writer 🥰
I really love your analysis (and of course all the stories you write) of Kelvin and I was wondering what type of music do you think Kelvin listens to? And what style of clothes would result from that?
I have this idea (or more like a wish/obsession) in my head that he'd listen to rock and metal 😏 maybe not death metal but at least some metalcore and, probably due to me being a Rockabella irl, I so wish for Kelvin to listen to some nice classic and 50s rock while maybe dressing up slightly into that direction. You know those jeans, converse sneakers (or boots) and maybe a tight white t-shirt combined with a leather jacket or something cuter like a white shirt, suspenders and a bow tie. It would look so cute on him 😍
What are your thoughts on this? I'm so curious 😁
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Hello Raven! The amazing writer Raven uwu a honor! ♥
Do you want me to analize and do THEORIES? AGAIN? I sadly can't do that now... I'm actually too busy to OK HEAR ME OUT
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I fully damn agree with you and is fully my headcannon. With the 0.5% of what we can hear of the music he is listening on the helicopter, it have a rhythm more inclined to the rock side, specially since we can listening what it seems to be the drums. Also, as a metal head myself, we can't literally don't listening some rock in a place so metal as a fucking helicopter, I mean, come on, is like say that you love candies and you don't eat one in a trip. Also there is nothing more metal and rad and punk that just listen rock in a middle of a mission as you give 43 fucks about the orders?
He is like "pfff orders? I will see what the fuck I do on land, let me smash this blast against my ears OMG I'M DEAF NOW, what they said about don't hear metal too high to not break my ears was TRUE!"
He seems like rock- punk rock for me, probably some metal in his hard days, specially glam metal like Motley Crue. He also seems to have a (very obvious) soft side, so I guess, in his softie days, he would be listening soft rock, some Queen and Bowie, and full romantics guitars songs country style to which he would fully want to badly slow dance with his SO.
And I think he would secretly likes 80's Disco. I mean, he have the face of someone who drink a beer more of the usual and end crying af and half bad singing Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler. Kelvin is the kind of dude who play (badly) to be a hardcore but sing "I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world ♫" with the headphones at max, vacumming the living room, dressed in dark colors with the pastel color apron of his wife/partner.
Kelvin is the kind of dude who will say that certain pop song is too mainstream for his taste but will have it hidden in an album in Spotify. He would pretend is too metal punk pure blood but will have a favorite reggaeton, and he will love it, and dance it hidden in the bathroom as try to twerk to the mirror.
He would listen a variety of genders because he loves music, but he would never confess it because he have a hard appearance to maintain (even when he is a softie, but well, mostly of the most metal punk heads are fucking softies).
And clothes? SAME, VERY AGREE. Early rock style, very Travolta style (I think he would be a mega fan of the movies of the young Travolta, like Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction). Specially if is in a "playfull party mood".
I think he would normally wear something cool and chill, but definitely with a leather jacket like:
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In lazy/ too busy to be cool days, he would be pretty basic: hoodie and done, move on. But his wardrobe would be the most basic boring color palette, like, boy would have 25 shades of grey, black, dark blue and brown. A miracle is find something dark green or even red. Boring ass. Jeans, jeans jeans jeans... baby you have only jeans??? (he would say no and pull a pair of the most basic black pants ever)
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He would totally have ONE good fancy jacket like this and will be the most formal clothes he can have (before jump to full wedding/funeral black suit that he would have because being militar he would totally assist to way too many funerals)
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So... YEAH lmao I again get lost in the theories XD Was super fun tho! Thanks for the ask! I love you a tooooooooooon ♥
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By the way, this kind of random crap would be also his style. Funny random unexpected trash that he would send you a Saturday at 2am because is drunk but is thinking about you.
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peachdues · 3 months
I tried to send this once already but I think tumblr ate it SO I MUST KNOW
What was your standard makeup in middle school/early high school and why was it the maybelline purple eyeshadow quad (I specify early hs because if I was there for the 2014 Instagram makeup explosion I know u were too lol) (or early college I guess if catholic school doesn’t allow makeup???)
Opinions on rollercoasters?
Do you prefer to makeup/clothes shop irl or online?
Okay so I went to hs from 2010-2014 which saw a WILD shift in makeup. But my high school didn’t give af about whether we wore makeup — one of my friends did full rainbow eyeshadow frequently
2010-2011: still doing scene makeup (and failing). This included the maybelline purple eyeshadow.
2012-2013: the like indie hipster girl makeup
2014: GRUNGE ERA. One of my college roommates was bougie and had super bougie makeup so I was using mac and lime crime. Did not go out without winged eyeliner and I was GOOD at it. Also would do the whole “sleep in black eyeliner and wake up the next morning and roll with it” a la Effy Stonem. I was a tumblr grunge queen.
I’ve always loved roller coasters, ever since I was a kid!! The faster the better.
I prefer shopping for both irl. Makeup bc im picky and clothes because no matter what size I’ve been (and I’ve ranged from small to large over the years), my sizes have never been consistent across stores. I was anorexic and GAUNT AF but I still had D-cup tiddies. Made my body dysmorphia tick. I have hips and a long torso, too, so I have to try shit on.
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