#r: the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts | {finnegan x victor trevor}
walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
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♫♩ ♫ Here you are in my arms / But I think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe / For me to fall ♫♩ ♫
A commission of Finnegan and Victor ( @tinfoiltemplar ) dancing after a gala in a kitchen, sharing looks they’ve been giving each other since hotel kitchenettes to penthouse kitchens, through decades of marriage, after three kids, and even once those girls are grown. 
Art by: @doodledraw 
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
A combination of the cross universe ships
Incorrect Quotes | Accepting!
Let's just get a baseline first...
Canon Finnegan, pointing: May I sit there? Canon Victor: That's my lap Canon Finnegan: That doesn't answer my question, Victor.
Okay, great! What's it like when Victor is Victoria?
Canon Finnegan: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Victoria: You and me!!! Canon Finnegan, tearing up: Okay.
That's so sweet! ... if you squint. How are Canon Victor and Michelle doing?
Canon Victor: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Michelle: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Canon Victor: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Hmm. I don't think she LOVES that. How are things with her hubby (RIP)
Michelle's Victor: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Michelle, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Michelle's Victor: Michelle's Victor: fsh
He seems funny. Too bad Clare killed him. How are things going with Michelle and the Victor she kidnapped to replace her dead husband?
Replacement Victor: Do you take constructive criticism? Michelle: I only take cash or credit.
Wellll... I don't know how that marriage is working out. Maybe we should check in on that other Finnegan who loves to kidnap Victors. Faennigan, how's it going with Canon Victor?
Faennigan: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Canon Victor: Canon Victor: Faennigan, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Faennigan: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Wow! What a very Fae thing to do! I feel like Canon Finnegan might come out and murder him with iron. Uh oh! Maybe he should try again on his own Victor?
Faennigan: I’m going to take you out "Darling Victor": great, it’s a date! Faennigan: I meant that as a threat. "Darling Victor": See you at five!
That went better than I expected. Hmm. How on earth would Canon Finnegan handle that ridiculous knight?
Canon Finnegan: How many kids do you have? "Darling Victor": Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
This sounds like a conversation I wanna step away from... fast. You know what? I'm curious how Michelle and Victoria would get along...
Michelle: Welcome, fellow idiots Victoria: Hello, Michelle Michelle: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot Victoria: You underestimate me
Ah, yes, a Victor by any other name is still a winner, am I right? *ba dum tss* Anywho. We haven't poked at Dover Victor and his ex-husband.
Dover Victor: Violence isn't the answer. Dover Victor's Finnegan: You’re right. Dover Victor: *sighs in relief* Dover Victor's Finnegan: Violence is the question. Dover Victor: What? Dover Victor's Finnegan, bolting away: And the answer is yes. Dover Victor, running after him: NO-
You know, I genuinely believe that if this Finnegan took this attitude, there wouldn't be a Dover Victor at all. Canon Finnegan kind of adores Dover Victor, though, not gonna lie. What do you think they talk about?
Dover Victor: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Canon Finnegan: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Dover Victor: Absolutely not.
Funny. Canon Finnegan takes this stance with his Victor, too. It's probably why they're still married and they have three kids. The only ones who have more are Victoria and her Finnegan. How are they?
Victoria: I actually have a black belt. Victoria's Finnegan: In what, karate? Victoria: No, from Gucci.
Weirdly, our canon boys have had this conversation, too. I kinda wanna check in on them...
Time Travel Canon Finnegan: I can explain. Canon Victor: Can you? Time Travel Canon Finnegan: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
You know... some things never change. I didn't mean to check in on the twenty-something Finnegan who wandered into their universe, though. Woops. Actually, there's a set of youngins I wanna take a looksie at...
*"Childhood Sweetheart" Victor and "Childhood Sweetheart" Finnegan skipping stones on lake* "Childhood Sweetheart" Victor: It’s such a beautiful evening. "Childhood Sweetheart" Finnegan, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
I gotta say: I'm impressed. It seems they took Canon Victor's advice to try and do some bonding activities. You know who don't get to spend enough time together?
Space Emperor Finnegan: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. "Favorite" Victor: It’s not a joke. "Favorite" Victor: *sniffles* "Favorite" Victor: I’m a legit snack.
Yee-owch. Maybe if you spent less time collecting princes and princesses for your political harem, your Favorite wouldn't be crying. Maybe he would actually be glad to see you when you returned, Space Emperor Finnegan. Christ. Let's see if Canon Finnegan can offer some comforting words to his space hubby.
Canon Finnegan: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise Harem Victor: I beg to differ Canon Finnegan: Then Beg
Honestly, Finnegan, you're not helping the poor man. Maybe your Victor has some words of advice for the outer space version of you?
Canon Victor: Finnegan and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Space Emperor Finnegan: Sentences. Canon Victor: Don't interrupt me.
Yeah! Put him in his place! That man is made of hubris and- uh-oh! Who's that?
Canon Victor: This is a mistake Supervillain Finnegan, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Canon Victor: But not today Supervillain Finnegan, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Ugh. Fuck that guy. Let's get him back to his Victor-
Mob Wife Victor: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars. Supervillain Finnegan: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
You know... I believe him. YIKES. Good luck to that Victor. *whispering* You know... there's another Supervillain Finnegan who raises Victor from the dead. I'm a little scared but let's... take a peek.
Necromancer Finnegan: So what’s for dinner? Experiment Victor, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
I'm impressed he used the stove and used a two syllable word, actually. Maybe those two stand a chance. Who can say? Love is strange. You wanna hear about some STRANGE Victors and Finnegans? Let's look at how they're doing in Faerun!
Sorcerer Finnegan: I made tea. Paladin Victor: I don’t want tea. Sorcerer Finnegan: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Paladin Victor: Then why are you telling me? Sorcerer Finnegan: It is a conversation starter. Paladin Victor: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Sorcerer Finnegan: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Given Paladin Victor's recent bender, I'm surprised they are conversing. Then again, I wouldn't be shocked if they started fucking in the tap room of the tavern they're staying at. These two are a mess. Speaking of messes, since I'm controlling time and space, I kinda wanna take a gander at them during the affair. Just a nice blast from the past...
Affair Finnegan: So what do you do? Affair Victor: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers. Affair Finnegan: Wow, impressive. Affair Victor: Then I'll move on to Leos.
YIKES. I feel like this roleplay ended with a "Get out of my office" and only comes up again in ten years or so. Yikes, yikes, yikes! I'm going back to canon.
Canon Finnegan, pointing: May I sit there? Canon Victor: That's my lap Canon Finnegan: That doesn't answer my question, Victor.
Well, it looks like I got back to exactly where I started. @tinfoiltemplar, if you want to pick any of these up, you just let me know. That was fun!
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Mostly stuff he pines to in his car alone. It's probably titled "Private Playlist 46" or something. No one needs to know he's pining or that he's listening to nothing but pop music.
I had a dream I was your hero / If Eve ain’t in your garden, you can let me in / loving me is like chewing on pearls / pull me closer into you and watch our bodies intertwine / let’s give ‘em something to talk about / I want your love and I want your revenge / my friends tell me to find a man of my own / I’ve been holding hands with bad decisions / don’t be such a holy fool / a guy like you should wear a warning / I just can’t get you off my mind / sweetheart, I’m the boss / my religion is you / can you picture it, babe? the life we could have lived? / I drove all night to get to you / all you have to do is stay a minute / I can’t get you out of my head / you’re the only thing I wanna touch / we’re choosing the path between the stars / I didn’t know that I was starving ‘til I tasted you / nothing’s perfect but it’s worth it / don’t quit loving me; just start loving me / I thought I was love impaired / I think you’ll stay / I’m gonna love you like it’s all I have /  I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love / I can’t stand these nights alone / the vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold / there’s the man I chose; there’s my territory / lay all your love on me
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
THE Brot4 but in PAIRS
Incorrect Quotes | Accepting!
Frankenstein: Someone will die. Trevor: Of fun!
Frankenstein: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Finnegan: Three words. Frankenstein:
Frankenstein: This is bothering me. Jane: Well, you are digging up a corpse. Frankenstein: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
Trevor: Change is inedible. Jane: Don't you mean inevitable? Trevor, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Finnegan: Jane... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Jane: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Finnegan: Finnegan: I wrote sanitize, Jane.
Finnegan: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works. Trevor, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Soft Things: Finnegan/Victor Trevor
((I did the headcanons, but not the drabble because @tinfoiltemplar is a BEAST and I cannot live up to her prowess)).
12 soft things your muse would have learned about mine by now
Finnegan has a lengthy skin care routine and up close, his skin smells slightly sweet and is very soft. His bathroom counter is lined with bottles of creams and sprays and he keeps them organized but will not put them in a drawer. He has an extensive collection of soaps, lotions, and bath products as well.
Finnegan knows Too Many ways to tie a tie. He has a modest collection of ties, which is to say he has quite a few but not nearly as many as you would expect. He likes to do Victor’s tie and he likes to swap ties with Victor.
Finnegan reads a lot of science articles for fun. He’s not a scientist and not all of the articles are medical in nature, but he is quietly very curious. He gets hard copies of magazines like Smithsonian and WIRED at the airport every time he goes. If he’s reading a “real book”, he’s reading it on his tablet or his phone from his digital library. 
Finnegan likes to take pictures on vacation, far more than he likes to buy souvenirs. He sends his own vacation photos to his publicist and social media manager, but saves the best ones for rotation in his digital picture frame or for proper framing. He’s pretty good at photography, but he spends chunks of time deleting ones that he finds “unsuitable” with a very, very critical eye. 
Finnegan tips generously and is the cryptid customer people at the local diner talk about having left a three hundred dollar tip on a cup of coffee. He will not tell anyone he’s doing this because it really is nothing to him and he’s not trying to get attention for it. In fact, when confronted, he gets a little indignant that you would think it was unusual enough to point out. 
Finnegan talks very softly to his horses and always brings them snacks as an apology for being gone so long. He has favorites and will gladly introduce you. In fact, one of his favorite things about being at the stables is talking to people about his horses - especially spectators and small children. It’s one of the few places he doesn’t have to be himself. 
Finnegan rolls his own cigarettes en masse once a month as a mind-numbing, relaxation activity. He’s attempted to substitute crafts for this activity when he’s quit smoking. He hated doing them. He washes his hands very thoroughly afterward and bathes them in lotion to keep them from getting raw from washing or smelling like an ashtray. 
Finnegan wears slightly heeled shoes. Nothing gauche or dramatic, but just enough to raise him up to 6’ until he’s barefoot again.  
Finnegan likes to play solitaire when he’s bored. He prefers to play it with cards to playing it on an app because he also likes to shuffle cards, perhaps more than he actually likes to play the game. 
Finnegan keeps a charging station for his tablet in every room of the house. They’re usually very intentionally discreet. 
Finnegan enjoys riding shotgun and is surprisingly Not Bossy when in the passenger seat. He will be particular about the AC or the music, but is otherwise content to let the driver do the driving while he stares out the windows or takes a nap. Actually, he really loves to take naps in the passenger seat of Victor’s car. At ease, he will press his cheek against the sun-warmed window and drift off. 
Finnegan calls his Aunt Edie once a week just to catch up. When he talks to her, he smiles so much that his dimples actually show and he would be flustered if Victor pointed them out.
6 soft things my muse loves about yours
His hair! Finnegan loves Victor’s curls. He loves to touch his hair, stroke it, pull it… it’s so curly and messy in the mornings and I don’t know if he wants to use the word “cute” or “hot” to describe Victor in those moments, but he loves it. 
That Victor likes to be held. Finnegan has never thought of himself as a physically affectionate person until Victor was in his life. Maybe he just never had someone in his life who was as sweet and cute (and sometimes sloppy, but he’s alllll heart eyes about it right now) about wanting affection from him. Finnegan loves holding Victor at night but the thing I’m LIVING for is how much he likes Victor climbing into his lap because he thinks it’s not only cute and sexy, but hilarious with Victor being taller and more muscular than him that he just… does that. He wants to hold Victor all the time because Victor is so pleased to be held. 
Victor’s eye for art and ear for poetry. Two things, one quality. Finnegan loves that his boyfriend is artistic and creative and a little dreamy. He could listen to Victor talk all day and if Victor steadily redecorated Finnegan’s apartment “without him noticing”, Finnegan would appreciate it. He also likes that they can joke and tease and talk and argue about the humanities without either of them having a real stake in it. It’s fun and nice. 
Victor’s affection for Evan. Finnegan likes looking at pictures of him when Victor shows him them, likes hearing Victor excited and happy about something good in his life. Finnegan actually would much rather see VIctor’s pictures of Evan than other people’s photos of their children. He won’t say this because he knows how it sounds, but it’s true. 
Victor’s workaholic tendencies. Finnegan also values a strong work ethic and a drive for perfection, however what he loves best about Victor’s workaholic nature is finding Victor asleep in odd places and tucking him in or cajoling him to come to bed. He loves that Victor “needs” him to take care of him. He loves that Victor tries his best in everything. He just really loves Victor, ok? Even (or perhaps especially) when he’s being a disaster. 
Victor’s stupid, scratchy old man socks. They’re emblematic of how old fashioned Victor is and they’re also really warm. Finnegan teases him mercilessly about them and about all of his other “old man” habits, but if he woke up one morning to Victor’s bare feet pressed to his shins, I think he’d be confused and a little concerned. He loves that Victor is a little stuffy and traditional and rationalizing why he loves it is silly. He just does.
3 soft things they should do together
Dance together. I cannot stress enough how much Finnegan wants to hold Victor in his arms on a dance floor. I also can't stress enough that Finnegan is shorter than Victor. I want to know if this means he lets Victor lead (for a change) or if he still leads even dancing or if there’s a power struggle and fumbling as they try to figure out what they’re doing. Love it!
Take a cooking class together. They need it but I also need them getting distracted while doing "homework" in the kitchen. Please enjoy the mental image of them having a food fight and ruining expensive suits.
Kiss and hold hands in public. Please.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Victor: -kisses Finnegan's neck-
Finnegan: What is this?
Victor: Affection.
Finnegan: Disgusting.
Finnegan: ...
Finnegan: Do it again.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Finnegan: We both look very handsome tonight.
Victor: You know, if you'd just said that I look handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Finnegan: I couldn't take that chance.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Finnegan: No one calls me by my first name. If they do, I simply don't answer to it.
Victor: ... Michael?
Finnegan: Yes, darling? 😍😍😍
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
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Merry Christmas, Darling | Finnegan/Victor [link]
Casual Affair by Panic! At The Disco | Anybody by Dead Sara | Coming Down by Halsey | What Kind of Man? by Florence + the Machine | Power & Control by MARINA | Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco | Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier | Boys Don’t Cry by Natalia Kills | Stay With Me by Sam Smith | Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet by Fall Out Boy | Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey | In Another’s Eyes by Trisha Yearwood & Garth Brooks | Bedroom Hymns by Florence + the Machine | I’m a Ruin by MARINA | No Promises by Cheat Codes & Demi Lovato | Hardest of Hearts by Florence + the Machine |  Here With Me by The Killers | Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by Amy Winehouse | Good Enough by Evanescence | Save You by Emilie Autumn | Like Real People Do by Hozier | Hunger by Florence + the Machine |  Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey | Possession by Sarah McLachlan | I Walk the Line by Halsey | You Must Love Me by Lana Del Rey
Merry Christmas, @tinfoiltemplar!
Do you know that I adore you? Do you know that you are a ray of sunshine in my life? I hope you do. I hope you know just how much I love you and treasure our friendship. You are such a creative spark of life and I am grateful for your warmth, humor, and friendship every single day. Thank you for being a part of my life, a part of my heart. Merry, merry Christmas! May the new year bring you blessings and joy! 
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Famous Last Words With Finnegan:
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@tinfoiltemplar I know I told you but I'm loving this arc for them.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Not even pretending to be an anon: Incorrect Quotes for the BROT4.
Incorrect Quotes | Accepting
Jane: *Screams* Frankenstein: *Screams louder to establish dominance* Finnegan: Should we do something? Trevor: No, I want to see who wins.
Jane: Frankenstein isn’t answering his phone Finnegan: I’ll call Jane: Trevor and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Frankenstein: Hello?
Jane: *Gently taps table* Frankenstein: *Taps back* Finnegan: What are they doing? Trevor: Morse code. Jane: *Aggressively taps table* Frankenstein: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Jane: How did none of you hear what I just said? Frankenstein: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Trevor: I got distracted about halfway through. Finnegan: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Jane: Why is Frankenstein so sad? Finnegan: He took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes Jane: And...? Frankenstein: I got Trevor.
Jane: You know those things will kill you, right? Frankenstein, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. Finnegan, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. Trevor: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
@professor-of-predators & @tinfoiltemplar
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Putting this here so we can SLAM THAT DOOR SHUT
Victor squeezed his hand gently, pulling it onto his chest with some small effort. He was exhausted and over-thin, corpse pale and fragile. He was breathing through a tube in his nose and he was still out of breath constantly as his body ached. There wasn’t anymore they could do for him. Treatment hadn’t worked, they’d bought all the time they had to buy, and it seemed they were fresh out of miracles these days. They’d offered him morphine, but in the end it would only make his husband uncomfortable and leave him unconscious in this state, and he was quite sure that he wanted the last few moments that he could squeeze from his life to be with the man he loved.
The man he’d hoped to make a life with.
The man who he was going to leave all alone.
He wanted to ask to go home, to go back to their house and their bed, to curl up together and just go to sleep. But then it wouldn’t be the place they’d lived and made love, the place they’d dreamed and kissed and hoped for the future- it’d just be the place that he died and he couldn’t bring himself to rob Finnegan of that small, useless comfort.
He hoped it would be a comfort.
He was so tired.
“Do you think... do you think you could hold me for a little while?” Victor raised Finnegan’s hand to his lips, his own shaking the way it did far too often these days. “I just need a little rest, I think. Just an hour, maybe...”
He curled up on Finnegan’s chest, eyes fluttering closed and arms wrapping around him. This was still the best place in the world to be. Maybe he would feel better after his nap.
“I love you, Michael.”
And he’d love him when he woke up just as much, even if he wasn’t there,
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